• Published 8th May 2014
  • 1,348 Views, 43 Comments

Operation Daybreak - ValdimarGreen

To Octavia, espionage and sabotage are as easy as breathing. Assassination however is a pony of a different color, especially when the target is the newest alicorn princess, Twilight Sparkle.

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Chapter 5: Betrayal

Chapter 5: Betrayal

Octavia sat at her and Vinyls small kitchen table, and stared hard at the piece of paper lying upon it. The bright morning light did, however, nothing to improve the ridiculous requirements for Princess Twilight Sparkles assassination.

1. The deed must be done at a specific time within the next few days. My butler will contact you with the exact time.

2. It should be messy, leave no doubt that this was a ruthless murder.

3. Indicate however possible that a griffin was the perpetrator.

4. Don't get caught, alive.

Octavia snorted. Don't get caught alive, indeed. Who the hay does he think I am? Still that was the easy condition. Number 3 was interesting. Why would you want the griffins to be implicated in this mess? Octavia stroked her chin with a forehoof. She needed to think on that one, but still it would not be that hard to arrange. No, it was number 1 that was the real kicker. In fact, it was well up and beyond ridiculous.

She would not have the ability to choose the location or time. She needed to do a meeting again, which was risky at best, suicidal at worst. Sending your butler would the same thing as going yourself you idiot! And finally, she would have no time to study Sparkles habits or schedule. I will have to wing it...

Octavia smacked her head against the kitchen table a few times. Buck you Blueblood, buck you right to the moon! Finally she stood up, "Well I better get to work." First thing on the agenda: Look into this Silver Sheath character, and hopefully that will yield me some sweet leads on Bluebloods plan.

Octavia headed for the for the front door, only pausing briefly at the hallway mirror to adjust her bow tie. She smirked at herself. Looking good Octavia, looking real good. She turned to the door, she was ready to attack the day.

Blueblood stepped outside the griffin embassy with the long rectangular package floating besides him. He smiled to himself as he saw the first rays of the new dawn great him.

Shack, who had been waiting just outside, trotted up to his master. "Your Majesty, I take it you got what you came for?"

Blueblood transferred his smile to his butler. "Hoho indeed I did, here let me show you." Bluebloods smile turned into a mischievous grin as he put extra emphasis on the word: show. The package began to unwrap in the air before Shack. Revealing... nothing. The package was empty.

Shack frowned, "Your Majesty?"

Blueblood smiled wider "It's a invisible sword, that only the wielder can see! The griffins call it Alduin"

"What does it mean?" Shack asked.

"In the griffin tongue it means, 'Easily misplaced'." Blueblood said chuckle. Who would have thought that griffins could have a sense of humor.

Shack joined in, and soon they were both trotting down the street, laughing.

Their merriment didn't last long however as they ran into a courier pony just around the first bend in the road. The blue pegasus bowed, "Telegram for his lordship Prince Blueblood."

"That is I" Blueblood said pompously, as he grabbed the letter and unfolded it.

My dear boy, I managed to arrange a meeting at midnight today, in her tower. She will be expecting to talk to you about 'nightmares' you have been having. Not the most romantic topic I must say, but I am sure you will be able to sway of topic. Good luck my boy.
Too the moon!
With my best wishes, Lord Silver Sheath.

Blueblood felt his eyebrows rise, his uncle in law was fast, too fast in fact. This would push the schedule out the window. But he could handle it. Question is, can Octavia handle it? He decided she could, earth-ponies natural greed and berserker-rage would push her to succeed . Blueblood nodded again as he thought. Hmmm... I need to visit some of higher aristocrats. But there was no time to return home to groom and change. Blueblood looked down at his jacket that had been smeared with dirt at the train station the day before. "Say, Shack did you pack an extra Tuxedo Jacket in one of my bags?"

Shack beamed, "I did my lord, one can never be too careful."

Then I will change this jacket for that one. Blueblood declared.

"In public Your Majesty?!" Shack gasped.

"It is an emergency" Blueblood snapped. He then proceeded to levitate off his jacket giving it to Shack as the butler handed him the fresh one from the luggage.

Blueblood felt a lot better now, that he had a clean jacket. "Good. Now, Shack we need to part ways. Go home and drop off the luggage and then go inform Octavia that the time is tonight at midnight."

Shack looked really worried now, "Your Majesty, this is all happening so fast..."

"Don't worry Shack, tomorrow when the sun rises, everything will be over and I will be a hero." With those words Blueblood trotted off with his invisible sword still by his side.

Shack sat and looked down the street for a while. He had a very bad feeling about all of this. Then he shook himself and started to pack Bluebloods old jacket. As he folded it, a small brown book fell out. Shack frowned down at it. That's his Majesty journal... Shack was an excellent servant, he would never riffle through his masters personal journal. But he was really worried and hadn't Blueblood already shared with him the secret of the conspiracy? What matter, if he knew a few more details?

None, he decided as he scooped it up and opened it on the first page. He frowned and then turned to the next page....2 hours later he snapped the book closed between his hooves.

His master and life long friend... was completely insane.