• Published 8th May 2014
  • 1,348 Views, 43 Comments

Operation Daybreak - ValdimarGreen

To Octavia, espionage and sabotage are as easy as breathing. Assassination however is a pony of a different color, especially when the target is the newest alicorn princess, Twilight Sparkle.

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Chapter 7: The Best Night Ever

Chapter 7: The Best Night Ever

Octavia and Shack galloped through the moonlit streets of Canterlot, as a thick fog was beginning to form. “Why come to me, anyway?” Octavia asked between breaths, “Why not the royal guards?”

Shack glanced at her, his face full of fear. “And have the brutes attack his Lordship? What if he got hurt... or worse!?”

Octavia rolled her eyes. What had she ever done to deserve this mess, The universe just wasn't fair. Still... she had a plan of sorts, hanging in the center of her tail was a small pipe loaded with a single sleeping dart. She would lure Blueblood to a secluded spot and then put him under. She and Shack would then somehow smuggle him out from the castle and to a hospital… or something. Damn it! This was the worst possible plan ever.

Suddenly there were no more houses, as they came out on the broad walkway that separated the city from the castle walls. They could barely see the gatehouse through the fog. There were two torches mounted on the inside of the arc, illuminating the single guard.

Hearing their approach the guard turned towards them and called out “Who goes there?”

Coming out through the fog, Octavia replied “I don’t have the foggiest, but don't let that dampen your mood.” Her amazing puns had the desired effect as the guard guffawed loudly. He seemed to recover, but when he looked up, she could see that he was only barely holding back a grin.

“Lucky for you, I don’t have to let off any steam tonight” the guard said. Then he couldn't hold himself back anymore, and started laughing uproariously. Octavia joined in, while Shack looked back and forth between them, his expression was the definition of bewilderment.

Octavia gestured towards the gate, “may I?”

Drying a tear from his eye with a hoof, the guard smile at Octavia, “Go right ahead miss”.

Grinning, Octavia trotted through the gate. But when Shack tried to follow, the guard blocked his path, his expression cold. “Who are you? What is your business in Canterlot castle? Do you have an appointment? If so, where are your credentials?” Shack, overwhelmed by the unending tide of questions, backed off, stammering.

Realizing that the butler wouldn't be let through anytime soon, Octavia hurried ahead, time was of the essence after all.

Blueblood paced down the corridor that led to Lunas tower, smiling with the knowledge that, soon the voices would be gone. He could almost imagine them murmuring their goodbyes.

Passing through the double doors at the end, he came out into a large circular room, with balconies on the second and third floors looking down on a center dais. Princess Luna stood, looking out through a massive window, at the moonlit buildings far below.

Luna turned to him as she heard him enter, “Greetings Prince Blueblood,” she said, with an air of formality.

Blueblood paused in his approach to sketch a bow, “Greetings your Majesty. I cannot express my gratitude for you to meet me like this.”

“Rise Blueblood son of Blueblood, I am always happy to aid my subjects in their time of need,” Luna said with a smile.

Blueblood rose to his feet as he slowly levitated out Alduin, silent and unseen, as it floated through the air. It come to rest, pointing at her throat. Then he looked at her, steeling himself for what he might find.

She was under the enthrallment.

Blueblood relaxed, relieved that he would not have to kill her. Now he just had to make his excuses and leave for the Twilight manor. “Your Majesty, my deepest apologies... but I just realized that I have not visited the lavatory in quite some time...”

Lunas smile widened into a grin, “Oh I am sorry as well Prince Blueblood, but you’re not going anywhere.”

Lunas horn burst into light as a blade of darkness formed and swept down with blinding speed towards Bluebloods neck. The only reason he wasn't sliced in two right there, was because Alduin was already hovering in the blades path.

The two blades connected with a massive clang. Luna looked surprised for a moment, then growled and brought the blade around in a vicious arc. Blueblood breathed a silent thanks to Celestia that he had been blessed with such a talent for swordplay. Because it was that talent coupled with Alduins invisibility that kept him from being overwhelmed.

After a minute of attacks, parries and counterattacks, Blueblood managed to spin Alduin around and drive the heavy pommel into the side of Lunas head. Blueblood breathed a sigh of relief as she crumbled to the floor.

His relief was short lived however as he heard somepony gasp behind him.

Octavia rushed into the room, “OH NO no no nonononononono, this is not happening!”

Blueblood turned towards her, standing over Lunas body, an expression of shock on his face. Octavia could see no blood around Luna, but she had to make sure.

“What are you doing here?” Blueblood said, baffled. “Wait…if you are here... does that mean that Twilight Sparkle is in the castle?!” Blueblood had not been expecting that.

A slow clapping filled the room, the sound emanating from one of the balconies above. Octavia and Blueblood both looked up and saw Twilight Sparkle herself leaning on the railing as she applauded slowly.

Twilight gave them both a smile. “I thought it was strange, when Luna received that letter requesting a meeting with Blueblood. Especially when you, Blueblood should have committed suicide a long time ago. You must tell me, how did you manage to break the mindcontrol spell?”

Octavias jaw was hanging open, “Are you saying,” – she pointed a hoof at Blueblood – “that he is not completely fruitbatshit insane?”

Blueblood looked at Octavia, aghast. “Language, miss Octavia! There is no need to descend into barbarism.”

Ignoring him, Octavia stepped forward, “But it makes no bucking sense! If you have a mindcontrol spell why not just use it on everyone?”

Twilight rolled her eyes and grunted, “earth-ponies” under her breath. Talking slowly as if to a simpleton she said “Because, in order for the spell to maintain a grip, the subject needs one of these– ” she lifted a hoof and tapped her horn.

Blueblood stepped forward his chest held high, “It didn't work on me! I resisted it! The spirit of the Blueblood-bloodline should never be underestimated.”

Octavia gaped at him. Was this really happening?

Twilight launched herself of the balcony and flew down, landing in the dais. “I have had a lot of practice with the spell since then, so lets put your spirit to the test.”

And with those words, the voices in Bluebloods head went from silent into fullblown shrieks, their strange language seeming to eat a piece his soul with every word. Within the maelstrom he realized that Twilight Sparkle had been his friend all along, while Octavia had been the true enemy.

Alduin darted out and drove into Octavias side. Screaming, Octavia hurled herself away from the sword she could not see, and rolled to her feet. “BLUEBLOOD! WHAT THE HAY... ” she shouted. The only response she got was his cold gaze. Oh buck me…

Blood was pouring down her side, making it hard to think. She cast a glance towards Twilight, whom had sat down and was clearly enjoying herself.

She started wobbling away from Blueblood and towards the lavender alicorn, “Please, I don’t want to die.” Octavia whimpered.

Twilight raised an eyebrow, “That is something most beings have in common, too bad we can’t always have what we w...” She was interrupted by a small dart driving into her throat. One hoof came up and touched it gently, her expression one of shock. Then she slumped over.

Octavia spat out the small blowpipe, with a satisfied smile on her lips. But it faded quickly as Blueblood let out a roar behind her and charged. Grabbing her bowtie as she spun around, she hurled it towards Blueblood. It exploded with a brilliant white light temporarily blinding the white unicorn.

Octavia struggled up on the dais, her blood was everywhere. The world had begun to go dark around the edges, even an earth-pony had only so much strength. She crawled over to the limp form of Twilight Sparkle and grabbed her head. And with all of her remaining strength, jerked violently, snapping her neck.

Exhausted, Octavia rolled over on her back, staring up into the dark ceiling. “So... does this make me a hero now?” she whispered.

“Yes it does,” Blueblood said softly as he came into view, looking down on her. There were tears in his eyes as he began applying healing magic to her side. “And you have my eternal gratitude as well,” he said, his voice cracking on the last word.

The voices must have been truly awful, for him to act like this, Octavia thought. Then she gave a grin, “You owe me 6 million bits!”

Now it was Bluebloods turn to grin, as he rolled his eyes fondly, earth-ponies.

Author's Note:

And it is done. Hope you enjoyed this, my modest attempt at comedy.

Now I kinda want to write something dark and adventurous. Question is... Fallout or Vikings?

Comments ( 11 )

Sometimes we get what we want, sometimes we don't. :raritywink:

What a PLOT twist!

O.O I was totally not expecting that.:pinkiegasp:

Well...that was a shitty ending.

Sorry but that's my opinion.

You could have gone a much more fun route instead of screwing with Twilight's character to the point where she's no longer Twilight and basically ruining this story for me. If you had kept with the original idea that he was crazy and things just kept puttin him and Octy farther and farther into a crappy mess I would have been enthralled to keep reading and see how they'd get out.

This just feels like a cop out to end a story someone didn't like.

So...yeah. That's the reason for my downvote. Have a good day.

Fallout it is then.
I won't deny that Star Wars would be cool, however, I am not confident enough in the lore to just sit down and write in that setting.

Every story needs a twist... its amazing what you can do with a crowbar and a little willpower. :raritywink:

Sorry that you feel that way. But thanks for commenting anyway, Ill keep it in mind for the future.

That twist! Totally out of character for Twilight and completely unexpected, and I love it. I'm Blueblood-biased though. An arrogant jerk who wants to do good, he's just mostly clueless. Except here, where he's completely right! Awesome.

I have got to admit, i didn't expect the ending. Might want to add the AU tag, though.

4449455 uh I totally vote Star Wars :pinkiegasp: and that plot twist though :moustache:

Huh. I have to say, even though you smacked me in the face with not-so-subtle foreshadowing til my nose was bloody, I didn't see that ending coming... :facehoof:

4446634 I can see this happening someone young going mad with power

Really good story, I enjoyed it.

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