• Published 8th May 2014
  • 1,681 Views, 207 Comments

The Alicorn King's Glare - LightOfTriumph

Equestria could come crashing down when a threat from Equestria's past returns from it's prison. Could the mane six stop the world from being blinded by unholy light?

  • ...

Chapter 1: Summons

So as the light slowly dies
And we move into a peaceful night
Heed the words of the old and wise,
Darkness should not cause you fright.
Fear instead seeing the Mirror rise,
And being blinded by his light

Twilight slowly shut the book. They wanted a scary story with Nightmare Night coming up, and they got one. The single scariest story she knew. The only thing that could make ponies afraid of broad daylight. The Legend of the Alicorn's Glare.

She put the book back on the shelf. "That's my favorite scary story!" Twilight Sparkle said cheerfully. "My brother used to read it to me when we went camping. What did you think of it girls?" Twilight turned around to discover that where there once were three frightened young fillies there was suddenly a quivering mass under a sheet.

"Nice and dark in here!" The voice of Apple Bloom erupted from the sheet.

"Not a ray of light to be found!" Scootaloo chimed in.

"I can't see a thing!" Sweetie Belle said happily.

Twilight gave a weary smile. Maybe she had gone a little overboard.

She calmly pulled the sheet off of them. "Now girls. Don't be silly. The Alicorn's Glare is just an old mare's tale."

"That's what we thought about Discord!" Scootaloo pointed out.

"And Nightmare Moon!" Sweetie Belle added.

Twilight frowned. They were right. Two old legends became two VERY REAL threats. "Old Mare's Tale" wasn't as comforting as it used to be these days.

"And besides, Twilight...." Apple Bloom said "We've seen Alicorns with powers over light... Princess Celestia raises the sun.... even you Twilight...." Apple Bloom's voice shrank. She was ashamed to even THINK what she just thought.

Twilight sat down between Scootaloo and Apple Bloom. She outstretched her wings and brought the fillies closer to her. "Girls, do you know what twilight is?"

"A princess?" guessed Apple Bloom.

"A bookworm?" said Scootaloo.

"A really good teacher?" Sweetie Belle chimed in.

Twilight let out a chuckle. "No, I meant what I'm NAMED after."

The girls pondered it for a moment, then shook their heads.

"Twilight is the last light of the day," Twilight began "it's soft and gentle. Almost calming. FAR from a blinding oppressive light. Just a safe signal that it's almost time to rest. A time to get excited for tomorrow" She turned to Apple Bloom. "And I swear that is the only light I'll ever bring the three of you."

Apple Bloom couldn't help but wrap Twilight in a hug. The other two quickly joined in.

"Aw, that was very sweet." came a soft voice from the corner.

"Wah!" Twilight yelped, jumping back a bit.

The yellow Pegasus revealed her self "Oh.... I'm sorry." Her voice shook as she spoke. "I stopped by because I thought you had something to tell me but I must have misheard you...."

"Fluttershy?" Twilight recovered from her momentary shock. "When did you get here?"

"About ten minutes ago." Fluttershy added softly. "I saw that you were reading to the girls and I didn't want to interrupt, but when you got to the part about-" Fluttershy swallowed hard "The eyes of the Alicorn King lighting people ablaze, I hid under the table."

Twilight put her face in her hoof. "Ugh. Well I did want to speak with you. Girls?"

"Yes ma'am!" The three fillies yelled in unison.

"That's all for today, I'm sure you have plenty of things to do so get to them."

"Thank you Twilight!" Apple Bloom smiled, and then turned to her friends "Alright ladies! Were off early, That means we have plenty of time to try a few things before curfew! So let's get to it!"

"CUTIE MARK CRUSADER STRING TRIO!!!" The three screamed in unison at the top of their lungs.

"Oh girls, just ask Octavia's permission before you-" Twilight tried to ask, but it was too late with a fading "Yay" the Cutie Mark Crusaders were out the door and galloping down the road.

"It's nice that they have such high spirits." Fluttershy said.

Maybe a little TOO high spirited Twilight thought to herself.

"Anyway, Twilight, you wanted to speak with me?" Fluttershy asked.

That's right. She did. The events of Cadence's visit rushed back into her mind. She couldn't contain her excitement any longer. She let out one of the largest grins she's ever let loose.

"Yes I did!" Twilight said, a small squeak in her voice. "Do you know where Spike is right now?"

"Well, I do-"

"At the train station! Dropping off my Sister-in-law!" Twilight interrupted.

"Well I knew she was visiting bu-"

"And Cadence had news, BIG news! News she made me promise not to tell ANYONE. But I'm going to burst if I don't tell someone, so you've got to keep it a secret! She hasn't even told Shining Armor yet. So you can't. Tell. Anypony. okay?" Twilight had that manic look in her eye. That wide eyed excitement she got whenever something major was about to happen.

Fluttershy shrunk at the thought of keeping a secret. The prospect terrified her. "Well, I don't know if I-"

"Cadence is going to have a FOAL!" Twilight shrieked. "I'm going to be an Aunt! I wonder what it'll be! What if it's a filly?! Oh, but what if it's a colt? I'm not sure how to properly look after a colt. What am I saying! I'm the aunt, not the mother. All I have to do is spoil the kid rotten! Boy or girl that should be easy to handle!"

"Oh, Twilight!" Fluttershy was still nervous, but delighted all the same. "That's wonderful news!"

"I know!" Twilight's voice was practically a high pitched squeal at this point. "But you can't tell anypony. You need to promise!"

It was too late. Fluttershy knew. there was no way out now. So if she was going to do this, she was going to do it right. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

Twilight relaxed at that. Nopony broke a Pinkie Promise if they knew what was good for them. If Pinkie Pie found out.....

At that point the door swung open and a small purple dragon entered the room.

"I'm back!" Spike said "Oh, hi Fluttershy."

Twilight got right up close to him. Any relaxation she had received from the Pinkie Promise was gone with wind. "Did Cadence make it onto the train?"

Spike rolled his eyes. "No Twilight, as you can, see she's with me right now."

Twilight barely heard the sarcastic remark, "What about the steps, was she careful on the steps?

Spike was confused by the question. "I....... didn't check myself, but I'm sure the two ARMED GUARDS did. Seriously though why don't you have those again? You're royalty too. Is it because things are so quiet in Ponyville? That's a laugh. Remember last month when T-BURRP!" At that point a gout of green flame poured out of the baby Dragon's mouth. The flame formed into a parchment scroll that landed on the floor of the library. "Hey, It's been awhile. I forgot how much I hate it when that happens," Spike muttered

"A letter from Princess Celestia?" Twilight levitated the scroll up to her and unrolled it. "I wonder what's going on."

Twilight began to read the partchment. After a few moments she lowered the paper and blankly stared at the wall.

Oh no. Twilight's mind was racing Oh, no no no no. This can't be happening. The timing is just too perfect. I was just reading the story and- Focus Sparkle. Keep it together. Just calm down.

"Uh.... Twilight?" Fluttershy asked nervously.

"Twilight you've been holding that scroll for a minute and a half now in utter silence. Just how bad is it?" Spike knew twilight too well.

Twilight put her hoof to her chest and took a deep breath. Then, as if she was physically pushing the air outward, extended her hoof toward the middle of the room while exhaling.

"Oh my....." Fluttershy knew Twilight's calming technique too well.

"That bad, huh?" Spike guessed.

Twilight turned to the two in the room. "Spike, Fluttershy. I need you to get the other four and meet me at the train station."

"Where are we going exactly?" Spike asked.

"And..... why?" Fluttershy added shakily.

"The Crystal Empire. There appears to be a strange magical artifact that's risen from the ground in the town square...." Twilight trailed off for a moment. It was like a childhood nightmare became reality. She almost couldn't bear to say the next sentence. Saying it would make it real. Saying it would mean that it would be waiting for her when she arrived. "I-- It's a golden mirror. That seems to be reflecting light that isn't there."

At that point Fluttershy tried to say something, but it came out as more of a hushed squeak.

"Get the others. Meet me at the train station in one hour. I'll explain everything when you get there." With that Twilight quickly ran upstairs.

Spike and Fluttershy gave each other a nervous look. Then turned and ran out the door.

Upstairs, Twilight was packing frantically. She needed to calm down. She had to stay focused. And above all, she had to stay in the dark as long as possible.

"Old Mare's Tale," wasn't as much of a comfort anymore.

Luna was the first to arrive at the Empire. It was difficult for her to make the trip. Everything seemed... harder when she got the news.

She new this would happen eventually. The mage told her it would. He always saw the worst of what was coming. Even the loss of his own son.

Her sister was setting the sun. Soon she would have to raise the moon. She was dreading the task for the first time in a millennium. If he caught her......

No. She was a grown mare now. He couldn't hurt her. Not anymore.

It was different this time. She wasn't alone. She had her sister. Her sister's student and her friends, and she had her subjects. They loved her. No matter what HE might say. They all loved her.

In the approaching flight over the Empire she caught the first sight of the Mirror, and she felt something that she had had no reason to feel ever since she was a foal.
