• Published 8th May 2014
  • 1,683 Views, 207 Comments

The Alicorn King's Glare - LightOfTriumph

Equestria could come crashing down when a threat from Equestria's past returns from it's prison. Could the mane six stop the world from being blinded by unholy light?

  • ...

Chapter 2: Harmony

"Oh my goodness, Oh my goodness," Fluttershy was frantic. She had to locate the others. She had to make sure to meet Twilight at the train station, but she only had an hour! She had a pretty good idea where to find Pinkie Pie, either at Sugarcube corner or at Vinyl's studio. Applejack would probably be at home around this time. It was getting late. And Spike made a beeline for Carousel Boutique when they left the library, so that takes care of Rarity.

But what about Rainbow Dash? Her weather jobs were over and done with by this morning, and she wouldn't be home until after 10:00. She has no favored hangout spot. She could be napping on any tree limb or any cloud right now! If she wasn't constantly moving around the sky somewhere. Where in Equestria could that pony be right now?

A swift answer came in the form of an elongated scream of "HIT THE DEEEEEEEEEEEEECK!!!!!" and a multicolored streak slamming into Fluttershy knocking her at least six feet down Ponyville's main road.

Rainbow Dash took a moment to realize what had just happened. "Oh my gosh! Fluttershy! Are you alright?"

Fluttershy had already gotten up by that point, and was brushing herself off, sore but otherwise alright. "I'm fine Rainbow Dash, I'm Just relieved I ran into you!"

Rainbow Dash shook the dirt off of herself. "Practicing my routine for the next aerial relay. We're going to take gold next year, I swear it. Anyhow, why did you need to see me?"

Fluttershy started to shake. Thinking about what just happened at the library was giving her chills.

"Well, um, you see Twilight- she got this letter." Fluttershy tried to explain.

"I take it that this wasn't exactly a social call?" Dash replied. They had been best friends since childhood. As a result Rainbow dash was the only pony in the world who could speak Fluttershy mumble.

"Something is happening at the Crystal Empire, whatever it was made Twilight.... nervous"

"Twilight freaking out?" Dash laughed, "There's a shock!"

"This seemed serious, Dashie. Something to do with the return of the Alicorn King..."

"Alicorn who what now?

"A really scary guy who can make you go blind by just looking at him... he can also set you on fire with just a glance."

"So to sum up, the world is in danger again, we're all on the edge of Armageddon, saving Equestria falls to the six of us once more, so it's time to pony up and get ready for a fight?"

Fluttershy let out a timid squeak of confirmation.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, "Can we never catch a break? Listen. You head home and tell your animals where you're going. I'll get Pinkie Pie and the others. okay?'

"Okay. I'll go home and get ready. We just have to meet Twilight at the train station by 8 pm, okay?"

"Got it" Dash took off. She knew where Pinkie Pie was. She had told her to stop by and help her out with the preparations, though she didn't say for what exactly.

Next stop: Club PON-3.

Sweetie Belle had been telling her sister the story ever since she got to Carousel Boutique. The Crusader's had decided to skip on the adventure for today. Not on an evening this... bright. She had felt a little calmer about it now that the sun was setting.

Rarity had been hemming a commissioned outfit. She knew she shouldn't be working this late, but she had a deadline. "Honestly darling," Rarity said through the pins in her teeth "I don't know why you asked Twilight to read you such a dreadful story."

"Come on, sis!" Sweetie Belle protested, "Nightmare Night is coming up! I had to get in the right mood or else I won't be able to scare anypony!"

Rarity placed a pin in the hem "So you wanted to get yourself too frightened to move? Yes, I can see the logic behind that."

Sweetie Belle looked defensive, "I wasn't that scared."

Rarity chuckled as she inserted the last pin "You burst in this room like the Alicorn King was directly behind you. I'm fairly sure that this 'impromptu' visit was simply because my house was closer to Twilight's library than Mother and Father's was!"

Sweetie Belle blushed. "Okay," she admitted. "Maybe I was that scared. But at least it gave me a great idea for a costume! I was hoping you could design it for me."

"Oh?" Rarity was genuinely intrigued by the prospect, "And who would you be going as?"

Sweetie Belle leaped up on the counter and wrapped herself in yellow fabric, "Grr. I am Seraphim Glare, the Alicorn King!" She had taken on a deep voice (or... as deep as she could get) "Kneel before me or be smoted by my blinding light!" Sweetie Belle put all of her energy into her horn, but only a few sparks came out.

"Horrifying," Rarity said dryly."Well I'll see what I can do. I should have time to finish it before Nightmare Night."

"Thanks! I know it'll be perfect.' Sweetie Belle smiled at her sister. "What will you be going as?"

"I'm not sure yet... i was thinking-" Rarity was cut off when the door flew open.

Spike walked in obviously out of breath. "R-Rarity."

"Oh my stars!" Rarity said, obviously concerned. "Spike you look terrible! Why are you so-"

"I ran here." Spike gasped. "You've gotta meet the others at the train station! There's an emergency at the Crystal Empire. Princess Celestia needs you all there as soon as possible."

"What in Equestria is going on?" Rarity asked.

"Twilight will explain when you get there," Spike panted. "Meantime I've got to go get Applejack!"

"Not so fast!" Rarity caught the baby dragon with well timed levitation. "You're obviously exhausted and I won't have you straining yourself any further. I'll speak with Applejack. Come Sweetie Belle, I'm taking you home." Rarity walked toward the door with her sister in tow. She stopped and turned back to Spike "Before I leave however, I think Applejack will want some hint as to what this 'emergency' is."

"I'm not sure myself." Spike said. "All I heard was something about a golden mirror."

Rarity and Sweetie Belle shared a significant look.

Rainbow Dash landed near the outside door of the night club. She walked up to enter but was soon blocked by the bouncer, an over-muscled white Pegasus. "Sorry, club's been rented out for the rest of the week. No entry."

"Come on Bulk!" Rainbow pleaded, "I need to get in there, you know me!"

"This is my job, Dash." Bulk Biceps said defensively. "The place has been rented out for the week. There's only two people in there regardless! Vinyl and-"

"Pinkie Pie, right?" Rainbow guessed. "Listen, I have to talk to her, it's important. Like, 'fate of Equestria' important."

Bulk started to waver. "Alright," he stepped aside, "but if Vi throws you out, as far as she's concerned you snuck in. Got it?"

Rainbow nodded, and stepped inside.

The view was surreal. Usually Club PON-3 was packed wall to wall with ponies. The air was usually filled with thumping music and flashing lights. Now the night club was almost empty, with the exception of two ponies. The DJ Vinyl Scratch, who was sitting at her mixing board, and Pinkie Pie who was sitting in front of the largest sound system that Rainbow Dash had ever seen. There was a banner going across the ceiling that said "WELCOME BACK CHEESE SANDWICH!"

Pinkie Pie pulled a measuring tape out of her mane. "Sound check!" she yelled to Vinyl.

"You got it, boss-mare!" Vinyl flipped a switch on the mixing board.

A deafening synth shriek blared across the night club, launching Pinkie across the room, the measuring tape trailing behind her. She landed halfway to Vinyl.

Rainbow Dash couldn't hear what Vinyl said when she spoke to Pinkie, but her hearing came back to her halfway through Pinkie's response. "-ly thirty five feet!" Pinkie said checking the measuring tape. "I think we need to turn it up!"

"On it!" Vinyl yelled back.

"Hold it!" Rainbow yelled. "Just a minute! I need to talk to Pinkie Pie!"

Vinyl and Pinkie Pie caught sight of her and trotted over. "Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie seemed delighted, "I'm glad you showed up, we have a lot of work to do. First things first is decoration. Vinyl will show you what to put up where. When you're not doing deco, focus on catering, pick your favorite kind of cheese from this menu. When you're not doing deco, or catering learn how to play this accordion. Alright people we've only got six more days to get this party right! Let's go, go, go!"

"Wait a second!" Rainbow was stunned. "You rented this place for a whole week? How much did that cost you? And who's this party for anyway?"

"Oh, right! You don't know!" Pinkie realized. "Cheese Sandwich is coming back to Ponyville for a visit a week from today! So I decided to throw him a welcoming party! It's the least I could do, since I didn't celebrate his birthday last year. And don't worry about the expense, it only cost me two months salary!"

Rainbow Dash was flabbergasted. "Two month- You didn't even know Cheese on his birthday las-" she slapped her forehead with her hoof, reminding herself why she was there. "Listen, Pinkie, Twilight sent me and-"

"Of course she's invited too!" Pinkie went on, "Everypony is! But I need to pull out all the stops. After all, Cheese is the only other true party pony I've met other than me! I've got to make sure that this is like nothing he's ever seen before. I have to admit though, I'm at a loss. What should I do for my good friend's party?"

Rainbow Dash heard a fiddle saw seemingly from nowhere and she knew what was coming. "Pinkie, wait! Don't start singing! We need to-" Too late.

"What should we do for my good friend's party?
What should we do for my good friend's party?
What should we do for my good friend's party?
Late during the evenin'?

Cake! Hay! And lots of ice cream!
Cake! Hay! And lots of ice cream!
Cake! Hay! And lots of ice cream!
Late during the evenin'!"

She went on to the next verse as she pranced around the nightclub.

"What in Celestia's mane is she doing? And where's the music coming from?" Rainbow asked.

"C'mon Dash, you've known Pinkie long enough not to ask those questions," Vinyl laughed. "You know you've got a verse coming up right?"

"So do you."

"Yeah," Vinyl let out a grin. "But I'm looking forward to it."

Rainbow Dash knew that there was no point in interrupting the song. This was going to happen. Usually Rainbow didn't mind, but the train left at 8:00, they were pressed for time.

"What do you need Pinks for?' Vinyl asked.

"Some kind of emergency in the Crystal Empire. The princess wants us to check it out." Rainbow answered.

Vinyl shook her head. "Not a day goes by that I'm not glad I'm not in you're position. Every time Equestria's in mortal danger it's your problem. I don't think I could handle-"

Rainbow noticed Pinkie advancing on Vinyl with a microphone. "I think you're up, Vi."


"Feed him hard cider 'til he ain't sober!
Feed him hard cider 'til he ain't sober!
Feed him hard cider 'til he ain't sober!
Late during the evenin'!"

Pinkie continued to the "Cake! Hay!" and Vinyl and Rainbow continued their conversation. "I don't think I could handle that kind of responsibility," Vinyl finished.

"Yeah, it can get tough." Rainbow admitted "But, hey! My friends are with me, as long as they're around-"

Vinyl caught sight of Pinkie on the ceiling catwalk, about to whip a spotlight on Dash. "Your turn."

"Oh, horse apples-

"At the end whip out the party canon!
At the end whip out the party canon!
At the end whip out the party canon!
Late during the evenin'!"

Pinkie went back to the "Cake! Hay!" and rainbow finished her sentence. "As long as they're around, I know I can handle anything."

Vinyl was distracted. "Lovely sentiment but I think the last verse is an ensemble."

Vinyl and Rainbow took up the harmony as they finished the number.

"That's what we do for a good friend's party!
That's what we do for a good friend's party!
That's what we do for a good friends party!
Late during the evenin'!"

Rainbow paused for a moment to make sure the song was really over, then she put her hoof on Pinkie's shoulder.

"We need to talk."

Apple Bloom had made it home safely, AJ was grateful for that.

Applejack was tucking her little sister into bed. She was obviously worried, but she tried not to let Apple Bloom see it.

"Now get some sleep, Sugarcube," Applejack said softly, "I shouldn't be away more'n a couple days, so don't you worry." Applejack wasn't sure how much she believed that, with what Rarity had just told her. AJ had heard the story from Granny Smith on a few occasions when she was a filly. It was one of the very few things that truly frightened her, and Rarity had just confirmed that it was all the truth. She was waiting downstairs.

"I still don't get why you have to get goin' so fast," Apple Bloom was worried about her sister, although she didn't fully understand what was going on. "Can't this wait 'til tomorrow?"

Applejack shook her head, "I'm sorry, Apple Bloom. It just can't. You heard Rarity, it's an emergency."

Apple Bloom looked down at the foot of her bed, "I'm scared sis." Apple Bloom looked straight into her sisters eyes, "You don't s'pose that this 'Glare' guy could really come back? I mean-" Apple Bloom was starting to tear up.

"C'mon now," Appjecack reassured her, "We don't even know that's what's going on, yet, and even if it was, that varmint would have to go through ten o' me to get to you."

Apple Bloom broke down and hugged her sister, sobbing into her shoulder.

"Shhhh." Applejack said quietly. "There there...." Apple Bloom managed to regain her composure. She let her sister go and leaned back on her pillow, looking at her sheets. "It's gettin' late. Time for all good little foals to get some sleep. Can you do that for me Apple Bloom?"

The filly sharply sniffed and then silently nodded.

"Alright then," Applejack rose up. "I'd better get myself goin' or I'll be late for the train. I'll send Big McIntosh in with some warm milk if you're thirsty."

"That'd be nice." Apple Bloom said weakly. "I love you, sis. Be careful"

"Aren't I always?" Applejack replied. She leaned over and kissed her sister on the cheek. "I love you too, Sugarcube. Now get some sleep."

Applejack left the room and headed downstairs. "Oh this tea is simply divine!" a voice downstairs exclaimed. "Granny Smith, what is your secret?"

Applejack had found Rarity and her grandmother drinking tea around the coffee table. Her older brother was in the corner chewing on a piece of straw. "Can't tell you that, Missy!" Granny Smith replied. "Apple family secret old as time."

"Powdered Apple seeds in the teabag," Applejack called from the staircase. Granny Smith shot her a look, "Rarity are we gonna leave today or-"

"Yes, yes, yes. You're absolutely right. We simply must be going,' Rarity answered. "Thank you again!"

She and Applejack started to walk to the door. "Big Mac?" Big McIntosh looked at his sister. "Apple Bloom is gonna need some warm milk."

Big Mac slowly nodded his head.

"And," Applejack continued, "You know what to do if I-"

"Eeeyup" Big Mac cut her off. He didn't want to hear the end of that sentence.

Discord was experiencing something he had little familiarity with before his reformation, boredom.

He was lying on the couch in Fluttershy's cottage. They had a dinner engagement and she was almost an hour late. There was part of him that wanted to kill some time by turning the whole place into a massive wheel of cheese, but he was better than that now. Thanks to Fluttershy he had manged to keep some self control. No longer an uncontrolled spirit of chaos. Now a jovial trickster spirit.

"What could be taking her so long?" he shifted uneasily in his chair. Ever since this afternoon he had felt strange. Almost like someone was watching him. Like someone was constantly looking over his shoulder.

Fluutershy's rabbit Angel leaped up and sat on Discord's chest.

"You've known her longer than I have," Discord said to the rabbit. "Has she ever been this late for an appointment before?"

Angel shook his head.

"What do you think may have come up?"

Angel shrugged.

"Perhaps I should go looking for her...."

Angel shook his head and pointed out the window. Fluttershy was coming up to the front door.

"Aha!" Discord sat up straight and picked up Angel by the ears. "Thank you, you've been marvelous conversation."

Discord snapped his fingers and the Draconequus was donned in a tuxedo, top hat, and monocle.

Fluttershy opened the front door. "Oh, Discord. Hello," she said pleasantly.

Discord slowly pulled a pocket watch out of his jacket and checked it before looking up at Fluttershy.

"Yes, I know I'm quite late...." Fluttershy said. "I'm afraid I've got to cancel our dinner tonight."

"Oh foo." Discord quickly dematerialized his outfit. "Well I hope that you have a good excuse for keeping me waiting all this time only to cancel, I have other things I could be doing right now."

"Yes, I know..." Fluttershy smiled, "and I do. Twilight has to report to the Crystal Empire, and Princess Celestia asked for us specifically to accompany her."

"Some sort of festival?" Discord asked. "Not another Tartarus escapee, I hope. things didn't go well last time."

"Everything turned out just fine." Fluttershy reassured him.

"Hmph. No thanks to me." Discord was still ashamed over what had happened last month.

"You made the right choice in the end," Fluttershy gave Discord a soft smile. "Anyway, we're not sure what's going on. Some sort of magic mirror has risen from the ground in the Crystal Empire," Discord's head snapped in Futtershy's direction. "It's giving off a glare that's keeping everypony up."

Discord whipped around and grabbed Fluttershy by the shoulders, "What did you just say?"

"I-" Fluttershy had never seen an expression like this on Discord's face before. "I don't understand what-"

"'Glare,' is what you said...," Discord's eyes darted around the room. "Quite the apt choice of words. I'll drop you off at the train station. Then I must take my leave."

She had never seen Discord like this. His eyes were looking every which way. His breathing was shallow. He couldn't seem to keep still.

She had never seen Discord like this, but she knew what this was.

This was panic.

Discord grabbed her hoof and, with a snap of his fingers, they left the cottage.

Twilight was pacing back an forth in front of the train, constantly looking at the clock. "Where could they be?"

"They've still got ten minutes," Spike replied. "Relax, Twilight. You've been working too hard. With fixing up the Libray, decorating the castle, and your new responsibilities, you're going to give yourself a heart attack."

"How could you expect me to relax about this!" Twilight continued to pace up and down the platform. "In the legend, Seraphim Glare was the most ruthless tyrant anyone had ever come across. He made Discord and Sombra's exploits look like a charity drive. How am I supposed to handle something like that?"

"Okay. One: We still don't know that's what's going on," Spike explained. "And Two: We beat this guy once before right? I'm sure we could beat him again."

"I'm not so sure," Twilight was about to pace a groove into the platform. "The legend is very vague on his defeat. Whatever happened caused him to flee into his mirror. We're still not sure what caused him to run. All the poem said was 'When the palace turned black'"

"I'm sure we'll figure it ou-WOAH!" Spike leaped to the side as something materialized next to him.

"I'm sorry Spike," Discord was standing on the platform next to a dazed Fluttershy. "Did I get your tail?"

"Discord?" Twilight stopped in her tracks. "What are you doing here?"

"Merely dropping off Fluttershy," Discord replied. "Celestia asked the six of you to deal with this yourself, did she?"


"And she awaits you at the Crystal Palace?"

"Well, yes but-"

"All I needed to know, Ta-ta!" With a snap of his fingers, Discord was gone.

There was a pause for a moment. "What was that about?"

"I'm not sure," Fluttershy replied. "But he looked awfully worried when I-"

"We're heeeeere!" came a singsong voice from the end of the platform. Rarity and Applejack walked onto the platform.

"Sorry to cut it so close, y'all," Applejack explained. "You know how far off the beaten path the farm is.."

Twilight was about to answer when she heard two sets of footsteps behind her. "Wait up!"

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie stepped onto the platform. "What took you so long?" Twilight demanded.

"Ask Hinny of the Hills over here," Dash tilted her head to Pinkie.

"Well excuse me for trying to bring a little music into your life!" Pinkie shot back.

"That aside," Rarity stopped the argument before it could start, "I'm still unclear as to what exactly is going on. Spike made it seem so dire. Just how serious could this threat be?"

Twilight felt like she was about to panic. Before she could, she put her hoof to her chest an inhaled deeply.

Rainbow Dash's eyes widened, "That bad?"

Celestia was looking out the window of the Crystal Palace, her eyes fixated at the glow from the town square. She was going to see him again. After 1,100 years. The prospect terrified her.

She was always his favorite. Though she never took that as a compliment, nor did it ever show. His cruelty was legend, and no one was spared from it. Not even....

She quickly put the thought out of her head. That was the past. It was behind her. She needed to focus on now, and now she had to do everything she could to stop him from returning.

All of a sudden there was a flash in the room, "Celestia, what are you thinking?"

"I've made my decision, Discord," Celestia replied.

"There is no way that they're prepared for this!" Discord protested. "This isn't Sombra, or Tirek where you can use a little of the right magic to brute force the problem away. This is Seraphim. He should be no one's responsibility but ours."

"And I am taking responsibility," Celestia said calmly.

"By passing it off on your student?" Discord asked. "Oh, very noble."

Celestia forgot herself for a moment, "After last month you are the last one I would expect to lecture me on nobility."

"Last month is beside the point" Discord yelled. "If you honestly think that-"

"That's enough," came a voice from behind them. Luna was standing in the doorway. "The both of you."

Luna walked up to them, "I understand that we are all on edge, but we were warned this was coming. We should have been preparing for it. The mage had never been wrong before."
"Stubborn old goat..." Discord said indignantly.

"Agreed," Luna replied. "But that doesn't change the fact that he was right. For what it's worth, I agree with my sister. Twilight Sparkle and her friends are our best hope of survival. If anyone can save us, they can."

Discord wanted to protest, but in his heart he knew she was right. The six of them had managed the impossible before. He threw up his hands. "Very well. I still don't like this, but I concede. If you'll excuse me ladies."

"Where are you going?" Celestia demanded.

"To fetch something I might need" Discord replied slyly. "After all, it never hurts to have a backup plan."

With a sharp snap, Discord exited the castle.

Author's Note:

This chapter is LONG, man. I think chapter 4 may end up being even longer. Yeesh

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