• Published 7th May 2014
  • 1,715 Views, 39 Comments

Shard: The Dark King Returns - Hopeful_Ink_Hoof

A major holiday is threatened by an ancient evil returning to Equestria, and it is up to six mares to try and stop it.

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Rare Musical Talent

"Thatwasgreatthatwasgreatthatwasgreat!" Luna squealed, bouncing in circles around Applejack, Twilight and Fluttershy as they walked through the streets of Ponyville. "Thatcakewasdelicious!Idon'tthinkI'veeverhadsomuchcakebefore. Oh. AndPinkiePie. Pinkie Pie is the coolest pony ever. No. Second coolest after Fluttershy. I...still...had....no....idea..."

She stopped her running, letting out a yawn. One of her hooves reached up to rub at her eyes.

"Uh oh," Fluttershy said, moving up to the tired little filly. "Looks like somepony is getting tired."

"N-n-" Luna yawned again. "No I'm not. I just...Uhm..." She sat down, ears drooping.

"Aww." Fluttershy moved over to the little filly and picked her up.

Despite the protest, Luna found herself on Fluttershy's back. The small pony made no attempt to get up, shifting to get comfortable instead. As the three mares resumed walking, Luna quickly fell asleep, cuddling into the soft yellow coat.

"Well here it is," Applejack announced. "The Diamond's Gleam, the only club in Ponyville."

There before them was a large round building. It almost looked like it had been a tower taken from a castle. The outside was a faint shade of blue with a ring of white diamonds at eye-level, and a series of golden pillars. At the front was a set of double doors that were a faint tinge of purple. The one on the left had a mask with a grin, and the right had one with a frown. In the middle were a pair of handles that looked like microphones.

"Uh...How 'bout I wait out here with Luna?" Applejack suggested. "That way you don't need to worry 'bout her bein' woken up or anything."

"I guess that's okay," Fluttershy agreed. Gently, she lifted Luna up off her back and down onto Applejack's. Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle then moved up to the doors. The two looked at each other for more moment, getting confirmation. As one, they reached out, took a hold of the handles, and pulled.

Only to find the doors were locked. The pair looked at each other again, before letting out an embarrassed laugh. Once the moment passed, Fluttershy knocked.

One of the doors was thrown open, slamming into Twilight and knocking her against the wall. Standing in the open door was a diamond dog. It looked like a dog, but was standing up on its hind legs. This particular Diamond Dog was a head taller than a pony, with a dirty grey coat and green eyes. It was wearing a white dress shirt, black suit jacket, and red bow tie.

"We closed," it shouted. "Very busy. Come back later." With that, he slammed the door shut.

Twilight let out a groan as she pulled herself from the wall, moving to get back up. Her head throbbed with pain and stars danced in front of her eyes. She tried to shake the stars away, and let out a groan of pain as that made the pain worse.

"You may want to move back," Fluttershy suggested.

"No kidding," Twilight grumbled as she moved away from the doors. "Think I might have a concussion or something."

Once again Fluttershy knocked, and once again the door was flung open to slam into the wall.

"I told you already," the Diamond Dog yelled. "Closed. Come back later."


Before Fluttershy could get another word out, the door was slammed shut again. Fluttershy stood there a moment, staring at the door. Her jaw clenched as her lips pursing with determination, and her nose scrunched out. The batpony's eyebrows furrowed as she glared at the door behind her protective goggles. She knocked on the door once again.

"WHAT?!" the Diamond Dog shouted as it flung the door open.

"Excuse me," Fluttershy said in a calm but determined tone. "My name is Fluttershy and I am here as a representative of Canterlot to check on preparations for The Spring Equinox Celebration. I believe that Rarity is expecting us."

The canine's eyes went wide and he moved, stepping out of the doorway and holding it open.

"Please come in," he said.

Fluttershy smiled as she walked past him and into the place. Twilight followed close behind, glaring at the Diamond Dog and resisting the urge to keep rubbing the swollen knot forming on her head.

"Please have seat," the Diamond Dog said as he shut the door. "Me get Ms. Rarity."

The two mares nodded as they walked, looking around at the place. Along one of the walls was a bar, the curve following the circular design of the building. A unicorn stood behind it, cleaning some of the glasses. Numerous tables were scattered throughout, each covered in a white table cloth. Some were small enough for a single or a couple while others were large enough to have six ponies sitting together with room to spare. In the very center of the room was a dance floor which a smaller Diamond Dog was busy working on with a floor buffer.

Opposite the doors and past the dance floor was a large stage. On it were several groups of ponies of different types. Most of them were seated with instruments of one type of another. There were trumpets, trombones, and saxophones. There were violins, cellos, and guitars. There were even a full sized grand piano and a set of drums. Each was in use as music filled the air. It had a light jazz feel to it.

Closer to the front, with her back to the room, sat a single unicorn. She had a snowy white coat with a long, curly, royal purple mane and tail. On her flank was the pair of masks representing comedy and tragedy.

As the two watched, the Diamond Dog from the door moved to the stage and tapped the unicorn on the shoulder. The two talked to each other for a moment, the dog motioning toward the doors and pointing at the pair. The unicorn looked at where he was pointing, gave a nod and wave of her hoof, and turned toward the musicians.

"Alright, now," She called out. "You are doing well, my little musicians. Now take five. I have some guests to tend to."

The musicians set down their instruments. Several got up and stretched their legs. Some stayed where they were, talking among themselves. The unicorn stepped down off the stage and moved across the dance floor. She stopped to talk to the small Diamond Dog that was cleaning, placing a hoof on his shoulder gently. The two traded a smile before she continued to walk toward the two mares.

"Hello, darlings," she called out as she got closer to them. "It is so nice to meet you. I'm Rarity, owner and manager of this lovely place. Have a seat. Care for something to drink?" She turned toward the bar.

"Shaker? Three glasses of sparkling juice please."

Shaker, the unicorn bar tender, gave a nod and started filling the order.

"Now then," Rarity continued as she returned her attention to the two, "what can I do for you?"

"I'm Fluttershy, and this is my friend Twilight Sparkle. We were sent as representatives of Princess Temporal to check on preparations for the celebration."

"And according to our list," Twilight added, "You're in charge of music."

The drinks arrived and were set down before the three.

"Thank you," Rarity said as she took hers.

"Indeed I am." She took a sip. "As you may have heard just now," she motioned toward the stage, "my Jewels of Harmony have been working quite hard to prepare for the celebration. All of the music shall be simply superb."

"Excuse me," Twilight said. "This is a change of subject but... You have Diamond Dogs working for you?"

"Indeed." She gave a grin. "They are not the brightest employees admittedly, but they are tough looking -- which is useful in preventing ponies from causing trouble -- and quite loyal to their employer."

She downed the rest of her drink.

"Now, I apologize for cutting this short, but I do have to prepare for this evening. So if there are no further questions?"

Fluttershy and Twilight both looked at each other then gave a shake of their heads.

"Then I must get back to work," Rarity said as she stood up. "Please, do come back this evening for our show. I'll even have a table reserved for you." She gave them a grin. "And tell Applejack that she is invited as well. I promise not to prank her until after the celebration...." she paused and rubbed and rubbed her chin.

"Well.... perhaps we should simply make that for the evening. I don't want to give up too many opportunities after all."

Rarity let out a small giggle as she walked back toward the stage.

"So," Twilight said as she took a hold of her beverage. "That's everything on the list I believe. What do you want to do now?"

"I was thinking about it," Fluttershy replied, "and...maybe we should go to the library to see if they have any books on The King of Shadows or how to stop him."

"Really?" Twilight asked, nearly jumping out of her seat. "You mean... you actually believe me?"

"Well..." Fluttershy shifted, looking at her glass. "Honestly? I really really hope that you are wrong because I would hate for a monster like him to come back. But... if you're right then we have to find a way to stop him before he takes over Equestria."

Twilight looked down at her own glass, eyes starting to water.

"...Thank you..." she mumbled. "You..." She sniffed. "You have no idea how much it means to me that somepony is actually... actually willing to listen..." She wiped at her face. "I really appreciate it."

"Hey," Fluttershy reached out, placing a hoof on top of Twilight's, "that's what friends are for."