• Published 7th May 2014
  • 1,710 Views, 39 Comments

Shard: The Dark King Returns - Hopeful_Ink_Hoof

A major holiday is threatened by an ancient evil returning to Equestria, and it is up to six mares to try and stop it.

  • ...

Spring Equinox Celebration

"No fair! You're cheating!"

"No I'm not!" Luna called back, stopping and turning around. She looked at the yellow earth filly with a red mane and tail that was running toward her.

"Yes you are," the yellow filly replied. "You're using your wings to run faster."

"So? You never said anything about 'no wings.'"

"Apple Bloom," Applejack said in a firm voice, "Luna, that's enough you two."

The two fillies looked up to see the three mares approaching: Applejack, Fluttershy, and Twilight Sparkle.

"But Applejack-" Apple Bloom started before she was stopped.

"No buts. Now come on." Applejack continued to walk again. "We're almost there."

The five of them made their way toward the center of Ponyville. As they got closer, the crowd of ponies got larger and thicker. The group was slowed down, but continued to work their way through. "Excuse me," and variations of it, were said numerous times by Fluttershy as she and the others moved past ponies in front of them.

In the center of town stood a large wooden stage. There was a large dark purple curtain blocking it from being seen. At each corner stood a pair of guards with Captain Hearstrings standing directly in the front. Off to the right side -- past where Rainbow Dash and another guard stood -- was Rarity and the band from The Diamond's Gleam that the group had heard practicing earlier. Beside the white unicorn stood a massive Diamond Dog. It was taller than Rarity, with massive arms that reached the ground, dressed in a suit with a red bow tie.

As the group stopped, Apple Bloom climbed up onto her sister's back, and Luna onto Fluttershy's. The music subsided, fading softly before coming to a complete end. The mayor walked up onto the stage, standing in front of the curtain as she moved to the front.

"Mares and gentlecolts!" She called out to the crowd. "Thank you all for coming and making this such a wonderful Spring Equinox Celebration."

"Something's wrong," Twilight whispered. "Look."

Fluttershy, Applejack, Luna, and Apple Bloom all looked up at the sky above them.

"What is it?" Fluttershy asked.

"At noon, the moon is supposed to line up with the sun as it passes directly under it," Twilight explained, "but look at it. It's actually going to pass right in front of it and cause an eclipse."

"And now," the mayor continued, "please welcome our kind and benevolent ruler: Princess Temporal!"

A wave of the hoof from Rarity caused the horn section of the band to begin playing a fanfare. There was a culmination to hit the high notes as the curtain were pulled open to reveal...


Up in the sky above Ponyville, noticed only by five ponies, the moon began moving across the face of the sun, casting Equestria into shadows.

"Where's the princess?" the mayor called out. "She's supposed to be right here."

The two celestial bodies stopped their movement, the sun half blocked by the moon.

A deep booming laugh echoed across the crowd, causing the ponies to jump and look around. A black smoke shifted and rolled as it moved onto the stage. It grew thicker and larger.

"Why come out to see a princess," the voice said, "when you can meet.."

There was a puff and the smoke blew away, revealing a new pony on the stage. He had a black mane and the part of his coat that could be seen was a dark gray. Most of him could not be seen however as he was wearing silvery metal armor and a bright red cape.

Below a crown, a horn protruded from the stallion's head. It was different from the normal horn of a unicorn though. The surface of it was smooth and flat, more like a knife, and curved. The base of the horn was black, but ended up turning red at the tip. The pony's eyes glowed green with dark purple energy flowing off the sides of them, and dark red retinas.

"Who are you?!" the mayor shouted at the stallion. "What have you done with the princess?"

"Oh come now," the stallion said as he reached out a hoof and touched the mayor's cheek. "I sincerely doubt I have been completely forgotten." He grabbed her and pulled close, grinning widely to reveal sharp teeth. His horn began to glow with dark purple energy.

"Perhaps I should give you a reminder," he growled.

"I know!" Twilight shouted, causing the stallion to let go of the mayor and turned toward the crowd.

"Oh?" He moved toward the edge, staring at the purple unicorn. "Would you care to elaborate for the others?"

"You're...." Twilight shifted and gulped. "You're The King of Shadows."

"'The King of Shadows,'" he purred out, smiling. "Oh, I do like the sound of that. I may have to keep that. It sounds delightfully wicked.

"My proper name, however, is King Sombra. Although you all may call me.... 'Master.'"

"That's enough!" Captain Heartstrings shouted. "Guards!" Her horn began to glow. "Hold him. He may know where the princess is."

Sombra let out a sigh and rolled his eyes.

"Please don't waste my time with this." His horn glowed again and a bolt of purple energy struck the guard captain. Heartstring collapsed on the ground where she was struck, her eyes glowing with the same green color as Sombra's.

An earth pony guard jumped up onto the stage and ran toward the so-called king. Getting close, the guard threw a hoof out to punch Sombra on the nose.

There was laughter as Sombra turned to smoke, the attack passing right through him without any damage. He took form once more as the earth pony fell to the ground behind him.

"Fool," Sombra growled. "You cannot touch me any more than you can touch the clouds."

"Good to know."

King Sombra turned toward the voice. As soon as he did, a pale blue hoof struck him in the snout, knocking him backwards. Sergeant Rainbow Dash stood there, wings flared and hoof out from where she had punched him.

"Let the captain go and release the princess immediately," she ordered.

"Let her go?" Sombra asked as he straightened up. "Oh no, my dear." His horn began to glow again. "In fact, I think it would be best if you were to join her."

Before he could unleash the blast, there was a massive horn blast, breaking his concentration.

"Oh, I'm sorry darling," Rarity stated as she held a horn in her magic and grinned at Sombra. "Were you trying to concentrate for some reason?"

"My, my, my." Sombra smiled as he moved toward Rarity. "Such a lovely lady. You know, I could use a queen by my side."

"Oh, I'm flattered," Rarity replied, "but I'm not really interested in the bad boy types. Especially bad boys who wish to take over Equestria and enslave all of pony kind."

"How unfortunate." Sombra let out a sigh and shook his head. "I guess I will just have to make you my bride without your consent. Asking was merely a formality, although I had hoped you would say yes. Still, I can enjoy your body even when your mind is under my power." A burst of dark purple energy fired from Sombra's horn.

Pinkie Pie lunged forward, pushing Rarity out of the way of the blast. As the magic struck her, the appearance of the pink pony peeled away, revealing the smooth insect-like shell underneath. Pinkie Pie fell to the ground, her normally blue eyes also glowing the sickly green color.

"What?" Sombra snarled, stepping back. "A changeling? Here? Things are worse than I thought." His eyes narrowed as he bared his teeth. "You, my little parasite, are fortunate that I have other matters to deal with before grinding you beneath my hoof."

With that, he once more turned to smoke and vanished beneath the planks the stage.