• Published 15th Mar 2016
  • 11,602 Views, 582 Comments

The Black Digi-Knight - jsk244

When you're the wrong man in the wrong place, what can the consequences be? When you hold all the cards but play the wrong game, what will the outcome be? When a world can be torn asunder by your very presence, will it mean war, or peace?

  • ...

Home Away From Home

The next morning I was in better shape than I’d hoped, but still in trouble. As expected, Princess Cadance didn’t take kindly to me running away, especially not with her almost twelve hours of worry, concern and exhaustion. The potent mixture very nearly sent her on a verbal lashing to me until she realized just how bad things were at the moment in the castle. She took me back up to the room, but to show that my luck wasn’t entirely good, we of course had to encounter someone neither of us had wanted to see…

The sudden shout of my name almost caught me off-guard. As it was I still bounce a few more feet before coming to a halt, and turning I could hear hooves beating fast around a side-corridor I’d just passed. Knowing only one pony who had my ‘name’, I sigh and brace myself.

Princess Cadance, sans royal accessories and holding a lit candle aloft in her magic, turns the corner so hard she skids on the carpet and forces it to bundle up under her hooves. A quick flap of her wings stop it from turning into a crash, and I blink a bit at the dazed expression she’s giving me. She looks...not a wreck, but it was certainly comical seeing her right then. Her mane could afford a brushing and without the crown and shoes she appeared more exposed and, shall we say, normal? As the moment passed and she regains her bearings, that look shifts into a deep frown and angry countenance. Uh-oh.

“Koromon! There-” She stops, realizing she was shouting. Her voice lowers to a harsh whisper and a wing juts out to jab down by her side. “Get over here right now missy!”

I silently obey, looking up once directly in front of her.

“Do you have any idea how worried I was? You went missing and the window - my sixth floor window - was wide open! I thought you fell, or worse, was captured by a guard!”

“Kooo…” I wiggle my ears.

A faint blush crosses her cheeks as she realizes what she said. Thankfully it also seems to calm her down some. “Right, reverse what I just said. I was searching for hours, and do you know how many odd looks I got for galloping around like that? I was certain somepony would stop and ask me what I was doing. They didn’t, thankfully, but still.”

“Ko komoron moo roro koromon?” I ask.

Cadance tilts her head, trying to read me. I had only asked since, even with all of her insight to me it wasn’t like she could actually understand my gibberish. But then her eyes narrow, and I am greatly shocked as she says accusingly, “How did you know I was flying? I-” She pauses. “You...the glass...you broke into a room! With no window sill or anything under it! Do you know how dangerous and stupid that was?!”

Well, uh, I’m not sure what to say to that really. The fact she got what I was saying was stunning enough, but she accurately figured out where I had been hiding for most of the day, because of the broken glass I left behind even. Such a tiny detail had been observed and recalled by her all this time. I was honestly impressed; Cadance studied often but I had no idea she has such a strong mind or memory.

“That’s it, you’re grounded.” She declares. Grabbing me in her magic, I can’t even wiggle as she begins trotting purposefully toward the stairs to go back to her room. “Bad enough you left the room - you broke into another, recklessly endangered yourself, and now the entire castle is waking up thanks to the stink the guards are making. You better not be the cause of this because I swear…”

“K-Ko! Koromono! O moroo!” I stutter in denial.

“Good, because it’s going to be hard enough to keep you safe for the next day or two.” She sighs, before a jaw cracking yawn wracks her entire body. Her wings shiver and flap, while her tail flicks against the floor as the tingle travels down her spine. “Oof, I’m exhausted. I didn’t even take a bath like I wanted to…”

The castle did indeed get loud as, over the next two minutes, more guards began to expand the search. Cadance easily ignores all of it, eyes heavy with sleep and not marking it as important since it was in the opposite direction. A small grace for me, since there was less chance with every step that I would be caught. Even in this ‘safe’ form of Koromon I still wasn’t going to let myself grow lax, since any alien creature could become the culprit easily if the guards were paranoid enough. With Shining Armor on the task as well, I bet he would be more than happy to see me inspected and then chucked out at least.

We made it to the guest wing and her bedroom without fanfare. Cadance, tired from a long day of stress and already juggling two items, fumbled for a second with the doorknob. I think she didn’t want to let go of me in case I did a runner. “Now, I know it’s rather pointless to say, considering how long you’ve been in here already. But since you so rudely left with not so much as a note, you’re staying inside for at least another two weeks. I-”


We both freeze at the sudden voice to our side. Turning our heads, we both let out a groan of frustration, though mine grows into a small growl. Still wrapped in her regalia and holding a candle of her own, Princess Celestia looks in confusion at our presence in the hall. What was she doing here? Her quarters were nowhere near this section of the castle, and much higher up in one of the larger towers.

“Auntie? What are you doing here?” Cadance asks.

“I was visiting with my sister.” Comes the reply. Her eyes trail to the side until they stop on me. I stare back, unflinching with a small frown, and she reflects my look back. “I thought I heard your voice and...what is that you’re holding?”

“Nothing!” My vision blurs as Cadance whirls to face Celestia, wings extending some as she hides me behind her back. “Just uh...just, a slice of cake from the kitchen. I couldn’t sleep and went to get a snack. Don’t tell Angel Cake please?”

“Cadance…” Celestia’s chiding tone makes us both wince. It wasn’t a scolding so much as a demand that she tell the truth. “What is that thing?”

“It’s uh…” My companion fumbles for words, until I feel the magic around me loosen enough to finally move some. Very slowly I float out from around her back, until I’m staring at the solar alicorn again. “This is my pet, Koromon.” My ‘owner’ says.


“Yeah - I found her a few weeks ago, and I’ve been taking care of her ever since.”

“I’ve never seen anything like her before.” Celestia’s frown deepens. “Just where exactly did you find it?”

“Just outside, on one of the garden paths. We bumped into each other actually.” Cadance goes on a tangent then, spouting the whole sordid tale rapidly to keep herself from stopping or letting Celestia speak up again. It works for a time; throughout the tale the older alicorn looks between her niece and myself, her frown set in stone. I saw the connections being drawn in her eyes and emotions before Cadance did, but since I was on thin ice knew I couldn’t speak up.

“Enough.” Celestia suddenly declares. Cadance’s mouth clicks shut with an audible snap, her next word strangled. “Cadance, this creature was in the garden during Discord’s escape? Did you not consider that it might something dangerous left by him?”

“I’m not stupid auntie.” My companion counters, offended. “I knew it was possible - a little cute blob, to go with cotton candy clouds and rude doorknobs? But she stayed even after Discord was sealed, and she’s been nothing but a polite, friendly companion this whole time.” She looks down at me then, adding, “Until tonight that is.”

“Ko.” I shrug as best I can in her aura.

“Is that why I hear the guards scrambling this late at night? Did it have something to do with that?”

“No, auntie, she just ran away! I’ve been...keeping her in my room this whole time. She finally got tired of waiting to go out that’s all.”

“Somehow I doubt that.” I growl at that remark, even if it’s technically true. That makes Celestia look at me again, and this time I know she’s done talking. “Give it here Cadance.”

“...What?” Cadance takes a few seconds to realize what her aunt said. Eyes growing wide, she stutters, “B-But Auntie, Koromon is-”

“A monster.” She interrupts, making my hackles metaphorically rise. “Even if it isn’t a spawn of Discord it still doesn’t belong here. Who knows what it might do if that…thing wanders the castle again? Will it hurt one of my little ponies, or damage some priceless article in the halls? I dread to even imagine what Day Court would be like if it came in and upset a noble.”

“She’s not a monster, Celestia.” Cadance argues. “Koromon is a complete sweeheart! She’s very intelligent and would never do something like that, right Koromon?” She looks to me.

“Koo.” I roll my eyes.

“If it is intelligent then it may simply be waiting.” This time more than my hackles are raised by that comment. “I won’t let something dangerous wander around my castle without my notice. You’ve already broken my trust by keeping it Cadance, so please, give it here and this won’t have to get worse.”

Like a mother scolding her child, Celestia began trotting closer and her horn began to glow a bit brighter. I could feel the magic around me thicken, tighten, as her own joined her niece’s. She obviously wasn’t waiting for permission, and that did it. Growling, I bared my fangs for the first time in Cadance’s presence, earning a startled gasp from her at their size. I wasn’t going to let Celestia just walk all over her like this! I definitely wasn’t going to let her get her way with me again. Even if I had to Digivolve and claw her pretty little face, I-!

A deep, hungry roar fills the air seconds before I lose all the steam I’d been building up. Like a puppet with its string cut I fall out of the sky, limp, as both alicorns released me at the sound and I couldn’t make the effort to move. Something was wrong with me; I felt as weak and helpless like a newborn baby. A second growl tells me it was from my stomach, and the answer became obvious. It had been an entire day since I last ate, and no matter how odd my anatomy, that was bad. My organic side was low on fuel, but my Digimon half was full on spent. Trying to ramp myself up had done the job of reminding it that it had nothing in the tank to fight with. As I look up weakly, a pitiful noise escaping my lips toward Cadance, I also see a shimmer of black from the corner of my eyes vanish. So, it wasn’t just anger then…

“Koromon!” Cadance cries, over her shock. She kneels down and nuzzles at me, concern filling her. “Oh gosh, it must have been hours since you last ate! I’m so sorry girl - wait a minute, that’s your fault! Oh but that stomach growl was...don’t worry, I’ll get you something and then this whole thing will-”

Celestia clears her throat. The interruption snaps Cadance out of her worry, but then I see her face twist into uncertainty. This close I don’t bother reading her emotions since like this she’s an open book. So I watch as she deals with some internal battle, and then moves.

My vision suddenly becomes filled with alicorn butt as Cadance stands, walks over me, and stands with wings spread to guard me from the older mare’s sight. “I won’t let you take her. I've taken care of Koromon this entire time and she's been so nice! Maybe she wanted to get out of my room often, but who wouldn't after being locked inside for weeks? I know it wasn't fair, and maybe I was a little forceful about trying to make her wear girly things despite clearly not wanting to..." Huh, well thank you for apologizing about that Cadance. "...but still, I've been good and so has she! She is not some monster Auntie, and I'm not going to just give her to you only to throw her out, or worse!"

The passionate speech leaves the hall in silence for a long moment. I can’t make out Celestia’s face from my position, but my senses allow me to tune in to how she’s feeling. Pride and frustration wage war at the forefront, but there’s tinges of anger that she just can’t seem to get rid of. She didn’t like being talked back to like that, even if a part of her understood where her niece was coming from. As her emotions swirl into a new pattern, a fourth party joins our group from up the stairs. Looking that way, I groan as a guard comes galloping up, saluting at the two princesses.

“Your Highness!” He barks, getting both mare’s attention. Instead of speaking aloud, his eyes dart toward Cadance, and then he moves at a more reserved trot to Celestia and whispers in her ear. Surprise, worry and then overwhelming anger fills her.

“I see.” Comes the cool reply. “Continue your duties - I shall inform Princess Luna of this event and then come to the Captain’s Office for an official report. Please pass this on to Captain Armor.”

“Yes, your highness.” He salutes and runs off.

“Cadance-” She pauses, her voice turning firm and harsh. “We will talk about this later.” There was a bright flash of light, and then we’re alone.

“That can’t be good.” Cadance murmurs. “I’ve never seen auntie teleport unless...Koromon, let’s go.” Lifting me up in her magic, we move into her room and she sets me down on the bed. “Stay here - I’ll be back with some food from the kitchen, and then we’re having a talk, is that understood? I’m not angry, but I think you and I have things to discuss.”

Somehow that didn’t fill me with confidence, but I nod.

We didn’t actually talk until an hour ago, because after both of us enjoyed a late-night snack, we passed out. My body needed time to digest and Cadance was still too spent from her day of searching for me. When we awoke, she took a long sniff at the two of us, and we shared a bath that left me feeling the raw kind of pink after her brushes stopped. I think she scrubbed me that hard in revenge, but didn’t protest it as I felt it was worth it to give her payback. Then, we sat down and talked over a bowl of fruit.

My ‘official’ punishment was to stay with her at all times for two weeks. Since the cat was out of the bag about my presence, she wanted to keep an eye on me and since I’d already been locked up in her room so long, not being able to wander was the best plan in her mind. Since this would include a small leash tied around one of my ears, just in case, she effectively had me chained to her hoof. I took the humiliation that was to come in stride, and told myself that laying low was the best option anyway. We both could see and hear the guards patrolling the castle even at this hour, and the fact that both alicorn sisters were involved in the hunt meant I had to shut up and hide. Harder to do now that Celestia had seen my face, but I wasn’t exactly a towering draconic human now was I?

Speaking of Celestia, she had just arrived looking very harrowed and unpleasant. She had been serious about talking this out with Cadance, and the two were squirreled away in a corner with some kind of silence bubble shimmering over them. Cadance was the one powering it, probably to keep me from hearing whatever Celestia was saying that made her so angry inside. Their faces were quite stoic to any outside observer.

I was using the time to reflect on last night, picking at one moment especially that stuck out like a splinter in my thumb. Acquiring my Chestplate had gone smoothly until the finale, when Tempered Blade caught me and I had to strike him down. With the office in flames and him knocked out, I should have made a quick exit, even if Shining Armor would have still blocked me for a time. Instead, I nearly took his life, ruining a great deal of my image and hopes of a peaceful resolution at the end of this long struggle for my Armor. Why? Because my Negative Energy control was apparently not enough at this level of the game.

I had not considered that the power would even still be active inside of my armor to use now. The same technique that let BlackWarGreymon’s hold the upper edge against their counterpart, freely usable for a Rookie? It was a double-edged sword, and last night I nicked myself horribly on the edge when I let it cloud my mind. When I fought the royal sisters I had lost the mental control needed to handle it even as a Mega, which led to my thousand year nap. Last night was worse however, as I didn’t even see it coming until Shining’s barrier snapped up to stop me. Even as I fell victim to my rage and anger I had still known intellectually that I was giving Negative Energy the reigns for a time. This however...if I didn’t watch myself as BlackAgumon, and likely beyond, I could become a true villain without warning. If I let that occur then I don’t know if I could keep hiding away as an ‘innocent’ victim.

Looking toward Princess Celestia, I also had to thank my alien physiology for keeping me down last night as well. The hunger sapping me stopped the Negative Energy from acting up again even as a Koromon, though thankfully it seems to have simply been the runoff and not something still active. Just in case however, I had the Chestplate pushed very far away from where the Shield was inside of me, trying to curtail any sort of resonance or reaction. I must be on my best behavior for a while now so the heat can die down, and so Cadance can show that her claims about my innocence and safety were true.

Minutes later, Princess Cadance and Celestia come out from under the barrier. The elder alicorn shoots me a very unfriendly look, but still approaches as Cadance moves over to pet me. I lean into the hoof and stare back unflinching. “Auntie, may I formally introduce you to Koromon. Koromon, this is Princess Celestia, my aunt.” Cadance introduces us, voice even.

I nod. “Kooro.”

Celestia doesn’t return the favor. “So, it can understand us? What is it saying?”

She can, and she only seems able to reply back using her name in different ways.” She pets me again. “Way more stimulating than most nobles at least.”

That gets a brief smirk from Celestia, though it dies when she glances at me again. “I saw it’s teeth last night, and you seemed equally surprised. What does it eat? Is it carnivorous?”

“She seems to be okay with most pony cuisine. The only thing she really disliked was some hay fries.” I stick my tongue out some in remembrance. Oddly, it wasn’t the hay that had been so disgusting as it was all the grease in the things. Whoever made that
batch should be fired for trying to clog pony arteries like that. “Then again, since it was from Friar Freddie’s down on Puddinghead Street, can you blame her?”

The attempt at humor falls short of the mark. “That doesn’t answer my second question. Does it eat meat? For all you know it could be biding its time, enjoying snacks and fillers until it can bite you in your sleep!” She jabs a hoof toward me, and I let my, natural, anger take initiative. Teeth bared, I snap at the offending leg and she quickly retracts it with an affronted huff.



No!” Cadance snaps, a book suddenly flying over and swatting both of our noses. “Auntie, I specifically recall asking you not to provoke Koromon like that. I was willing to let you keep calling her an ‘It’, but that crossed the line. And you, Koromon! Just because she is being rude doesn’t mean you have to reply in kind. Don’t let them win by proving them ‘right’ about yourself.”

I nod, grateful for her intervention. Celestia’s entire demeanor shows she is far from amused, almost angry, but she gathers herself up.

“Nevertheless - such teeth only exist to rip and shred. I won’t risk my little ponies on the off chance it gets hungry, or upset at one and decides to enjoy a sudden meal. It will have to come with me-”

“Speciest.” Cadance interrupts.

The room grows silent in shock. I let out a cross between a snort and cough at the bland, bored tone she said the word once I realize what she was saying. Celestia is so startled she actually whinnies and looks poleaxed, wings fluttering at her side. We look toward the pink princess, her own face bored and very disinterested in our mutual shocks. The silence drags on to the point of being awkward until she deigns to notice our shock. “What? You are Auntie.”

“M-Me? Spe- Cadance what in the name of Equestria?” Celestia sputters.

“What’s next, Celestia, you’re going to kick out every griffon?” Cadance starts off. “After all they eat meat too, and those beaks are incredibly sharp. Or how about dragons? They’re big, scaly, fanged and can even breathe fire! I’m sure Twilight wouldn’t mind having Spike be shipped off to learn more about his culture - shame she’ll have to go visit him instead of the other way around, or would you not let that happen? Better make sure we take care of all the carnivores and omnivores actually - let’s see there’s the wolves of Roamania, the jackals of Eaglypt - actually, make that almost every species of Eaglypt. Gosh, when you really think about it, there’s quite a few of our allies who enjoy a non-herbivore diet unlike yourself, huh?”

“Mi Amore Cadenza!” Celestia yells, getting a wince from us both at the volume. “What has gotten into you? I have never, in my entire life...to think my own niece would say such...such...vile and outlandish slander, and to my own face even! Have you lost your mind?!”

“I’m making a point, Princess Celestia.” She replies, not backing down. “If we went off just what first looks make of any species out there - of any pony or dragon or blob - then we would be far from the open-minded and prosperous kingdom that we are. In fact, I’d dare say we would be the most unliked, unloved and outright vilified species of them all! Koromon might have large fangs, but so do several other species, many of whom are actually omnivores and can subside on completely vegetarian diets. You and I both know all the nutrients and proteins can be found elsewhere, in fact in this very castle.” She looks down at me, adding, “But let’s make this simpler - Koromon, would you ever eat a pony?”

“Blech.” I fake-spit and stuck my tongue out in disgust. I wouldn’t even nibble a little on Celestia, or Princess Luna, to give them a scare. It’s just too close to imagining being a cannibal, especially since they were intelligent, thinking and speaking creatures, Digimon or human or not.

“...Very well.” Celestia says, and that irks me for some reason. Turning away from us, she walks over to the door and opens it some, speaking back into the room around her wide rump. “You may keep Koromon, but think before you take it out in the castle. Anything it does will be reflected back on you Cadance, especially any hostile actions or confrontations with anypony.” Shooting me one last look, she then walks out, closing the door behind her a bit more firmly than needed.

“...” Cadance stares at the door for several seconds afterwards, my own ears tuned to the outside as best I could. I hear maybe two or three hoofsteps before she fades out of range, and we both sigh a little now that she’s gone. “Well, that could have gone way better.” She says bitterly.

“Mon Mon.” I console, tentacles waving.

“Come on, let’s go have some…” She glances out the window. “...brunch. I’m thinking waffles and fruit are what we both need a little of right now.”

Nodding along, I hop onto her back and we set out for the informal dining room. Several guards, maids and even nobles all stop and stare at the two of us, but that far from spoils the mood. In fact, I find myself smiling easier as a result of their reactions, and Cadance looks back with one herself from time to time. It would seem this little act, thumbing our noses so to speak at Celestia, was going to work out well. I was now free of the bedroom and Cadance no longer had to hold in her biggest secret: Me. Maybe we would be harassed a bit by Celestia for a while, and I’m sure Shining Armor would have a few words he’d want to say. But for now we were pet and owner on a walk and sitting down for a meal. Things were set right in the world as far as anyone else was concerned.

But Celestia’s final words still irked me some. It hadn’t felt as if she was admitting defeat so much as changing the subject. She still didn’t trust me and now she was set against Cadance some too. Or maybe it would be more accurate to say: Celestia now had reason to openly protest against my friend. All this time, it has sounded and felt like the pink alicorn was not welcome or respected the same way the other princess was. Age, experience and duties could perhaps explain that all away, at least until Celestia all but treated her like a petulant child. It grated against her image as the kind and beloved mare that watched over Equestria, sort of like how a backward compliment could be nice but still aggravating.

And then of course was the new burden of keeping me safe in the public eye. I would help her all that I could in that regard, but it would burden her anew. The shadow, unknowingly, of BlackWarGreymon now hovered over her, and she was walking down a path that would likely give her great sorrow if both of us didn’t keep our guards up.

Above all else Koromon, I tell myself, you have to protect Cadance’s future. Finding your armor is important but I can’t let her suffer for her unwilling part in my schemes. It could throw everything out of whack for the timeline I know, plus she was my only friend. Friendship, even for a Digimon, was Magic. And friends don’t let friends suffer...

Today, before all the festivities and reveals, Cadance had planned to wander the castle and talk with ponies. She enjoyed socializing and trying to connect with even strangers, despite her status putting her high on the social ladder compared to most. With the guards all aflutter trying to track down a supposed intruder, there were very few ponies filling the corridors that didn’t have armor on, but she was undeterred. In fact, she also took time to introduce me to most of them. Their reactions were varied at the sight of me, and it got many laughs and smiles from the two of us. Only the nobles seemed to try and ruin our moods, huffing and calling me a ‘disgusting beast’ right to our faces. I replied, politely, with a massive tongue lick that drenched their faces. Cadance always scolded me, until they were out of sight and she gave a great belly laugh instead.

As the day grew long however I also began to hear whispers from ponies around us. Rumor and hearsay about me had filled the castle by this point, and I was certain some of it could have only come Celestia. I’d never once flashed my teeth, and yet several ponies talked as if I was a cannibal, and Discord was a popular ‘father’ for me among some of the maids. Celestia was smearing me; Unhappy with her defeat, she was obviously trying to chase me out by sheer weight of popular demand. Cadance taking me out against the solar diarchs’ ‘suggestion’ of isolation was countering most of it though.

It was as we at last retired to the bedroom to wind down and prepare for bed that the final player in today’s drama decided to make an appearance. As Cadance put me on the bed, and moved to the vanity to remove her regalia, there was a knock. It was loud, firm, and before it even finished really the doorknob was turning to open. Turning toward it, I saw a swath of pink magic before suddenly Shining Armor walked in. The Captain of the Day Guard looked worse for wear in his armor compared to my last view of him. Bags were under his eyes, and his mane looked a bit unkempt under the helmet he now had on. I could guess that he’s been up for over twenty-four hours thanks to my break-in of the Armory, perhaps only now coming off-duty enough to do a personal visit. However, instead of looking for Cadance, his eyes rove over to the bed, to me. Hostility and suspicion emanates from his entire demeanor, making me tense in preparation for a fight. He was here looking for me, not the princess. His horn began to glow…

“Shiny?” Cadance’s voice interrupts. The magic withers and the stallion turns to look at her. “What are you doing here? Is everything alright?”

“I…” There’s a pause, perhaps the lack of sleep affecting him some. “I just wanted to check in on you. Her Majesty just told me to get some rest and let the Night Guard take over the search. It’s...been a long day.”

“I saw - there’s guards everywhere and everypony is talking about it. Something broke into the armory?” She asks.

“Not just something - we think it was the Black Knight.” I refrain from flinching. So, they figured it out after all. “He - it - attacked Tempered Blade and burned most of his office before escaping. We’ve been scouring the castle grounds and surrounding area for hours now. What’s worrying though is he didn’t look like he was supposed to.”

“What does that mean?” Shining Armor just shakes his head. “Shiny?”

“Sorry Cadance - strictly need to know until further orders from Princess Celestia and Luna. They’re both very adamant on capturing the monster before he can harm anypony else.”

“Well not knowing what to look out for will hardly make things happen quicker.” She rebukes. “How are we supposed to know it’s the Black Knight if it’s not what it looks like in the pictures?”

“The fact it changed at all makes Her Majesty think it could possibly be a shapeshifter. It probably has multiple disguises, so for right now we’re just on the lookout for...anything wrong or amiss.” His eyes wander over to me again. Ah, so that’s how it is.

Cadance sees where his eyes are wandering, and she connects the dots rather fast. “That’s Koromon, my pet. Don’t worry Shining she’s safe with me. I’ve actually had her for a few weeks now.”

“This is the first time I’ve seen it.”

She, and yes I was keeping her out of sight for a while. Everything’s fine now.”

“That’s not what I heard.” Oh? “They’re saying a spawn of Discord is in the castle, wandering around with you Cadance. That’s what that thing is, isn’t it?”

“Koromon is not some evil monster Shining Armor.” Cadance firmly states, stepping closer and snorting. “Please don’t say such things in front of her, I already had enough of that from the nobles today.”

“It’s still an unknown, potentially dangerous creature Cadance!” Shining argues, voice rising. “And right now the entire castle is searching for things just like it not being where it’s supposed to be. For all we know it could be the Black Knight in fact, just hiding in plain sight!”

That was way too close to home for comfort. I can’t help but squirm a bit in my spot after that accusation, but thankfully neither pony is really paying me any attention. Maybe Cadance sees it, but passes it off as being uncomfortable at his words in general.

She!” Cadance huffs. “Can somepony for once actually address Koromon properly besides me, please?”

...I’m not commenting on that.

“Fine, she. She is dangerous, and the last pony I want to see hurt by i- her, is you Cadance.” Shining Armor concludes. “What if it decides to try and eat you while you’re asleep? You-”

“Hold up.” Cadance interrupts, catching the words used in his latest argument. “Bite? You shouldn’t know about…” Her eyes narrow. “Auntie sent you up here, didn’t she?”


“Don’t you lie to me mister! Koromon never once showed her teeth to anypony, and that was nearly word-for-word what Celestia said to me earlier when she tried to…” Trailing off, I watch as Cadance closes her eyes, take a deep breath, and breathes out while pushing a hoof away from her chest. A breathing trick for stress and anger? “Sorry, it’s just...been a long day. We had a lot of fun together, but Koromon and I dealt with a fair number of snobbish, uptight, rude, butt-kissing prudish sons of-”

“Cadance!” Shining sputters. I stare at my friend with eyebrow up in surprise. She has a mouth on her when wound up it seems.

“Sorry! Just...long day.”

“Yeah, I know.” He sighs, trotting closer. The two share a tender moment of nuzzling each other and in general relaxing in each others presence. It was very heartfelt and I felt happy to see them already putting the argument aside. “I’ve been up for over a day now, and dealing with...with some ponies has not been easy.”

“Auntie Luna?” The way Cadance says that makes me think it’s not a question, not really. Shining Armor nods in answer.

“Yup - ever since she came back and restarted the real Night Guard program, it's been one thing after another. The bat ponies aren't the problem even - she just keeps nagging and nagging about how things were in the old days and...ugh. If some of her ideas weren't so useful I don't know how I'd be able to handle it." He sighs, taking another nuzzle from his girlfriend for strength. “Now this whole thing with the Black Knight…”

“Sounds like we could both use a break.” She says. “How about a nice picnic tomorrow?”

“Honey, I-”

“A-buh-buh! I don’t want to hear any excuses mister. In fact, we can hold it right outside the barracks too, so you can stay close at hoof for any emergencies. How does that sound?”

Shining Armor blushes. "But Cadance, everypony would see us there!"

An eyebrow rises on my friend’s face. "So?"

"I-I'm the Captain honey, and the troops shouldn't be able to see me-"

"What, spend some time with your marefriend? Are you saying you don't want me there? What's wrong with me bringing you some lunch?" Uh-oh, and now the eyebrows dipped along with the other. It would seem Shining Armor is stepping into something if he doesn’t watch himself.

"I-I-I, ah..." He slumps. You have chosen, wisely, young stallion. "That sounds wonderful Cadance. Want me to bring some strawberries?"

“That would be wonderful sweetie.” I snicker as Cadance’s entire demeanor shifts back to happy. She played his poor heart like a fiddle, and the little pet on the head she gave him was just icing on the cake. Shining turns and glowers at me, though it holds none of the hostility as before. I think he’s warming up to me. “Now go and get some rest. I’ll take care of everything with the chefs for tomorrow - I’ll even bring some of that soda you like. Be sure to tell Bulwark that he’s in control until you return. I’m sure your second-in-command can handle both of my Auntie’s, even with Luna being such a sourpuss.”

“Yes dear, love you.”

“Love you too.” They share a kiss and one more nuzzle before he leaves. Looking at the door as it closes, I wonder if perhaps Cadance had done some of that to completely throw him off my trail. He barely paid me any attention even to pout, so caught up in the plans and embarrassing situation Cadance had outlined for the captain.

But as I look over to Cadance, I see a brief flash of sorrow before she turns back to the vanity and brushes her mane. Perhaps it was all for her own good too that they were going on that picnic. The blast of drama and dislike that today had brought was unpleasant. Celestia being hostile, nobles being nobles, and to wrap it all up Shining Armor even tried to accost me. Perhaps I will stay inside instead of going with them; the couple needed the time together to gather strength and reaffirm the love they have. I had studying anyway to do, even if nothing was likely to be done for at least a month or more.

Finally, the lights were doused and I could see Cadance climb into the bed in the pale moonlight. Shuffling under her covers, she sighs and rolls onto her side, gently patting the covers next to her. “Come here girl.” She whispers softly. I hop over, snuggling into her chest as her forelimb curls around and hugs me tight. We sit in silence for a moment, lost in thought. “I’m sorry everypony’s been so mean today. I didn’t want your first meeting with auntie or Shiny to be so…well, that.”

“Kor koro.” I wiggle my ears in a shrug.

“It’s not fine - Celestia was being completely unreasonable. And then all those rumors...when you’ve been nothing but an angel for me. Well, besides yesterday.” Kissing the top of my head, I can’t help the blush that creeps up and silently endure the giggles of my companion. “Even then you’ve made my days a little brighter, a little warmer. So thank you, Koromon.”

“Moro.” I’m touched that she feels that way. It gives me encouragement; perhaps my efforts to keep her happy and safe would turn out well after all. Perhaps, once I was fully restored and needing to flee, she might still see me as a friend despite it all.

“...Koromon?” I hear moments later. Turning slightly in her grip, I cannot see her face but her mouth is curved downward. She sounds pensive as she shuffles around under the covers. “You’re not...really a monster, are you?” I stiffen, forcing her to hasten to explain. “I-It’s not that I’m afraid, or think you’re bad! It’s just...oh hay, it’s such a dumb word. There’s plenty of ‘monsters’ that are nice, just not, you know, ponies. But I mean, they usually get called that because of…” She trails off, fumbling for words.

How do I answer this? Technically, I was a monster. Digimon means Digital Monster when spelled out fully after all. As a BlackWarGreymon I also had rather monstrous power and abilities. To draw upon the negative energy and emotions of creatures and the world as a whole was not something a normal creature of any kind should have access too. The side-effects I was beginning to discover as well were not good. But it’s not like I intend to be the villain for longer than I must. Even my desire for revenge against the royal sisters wasn’t the kind of thing to linger over beyond perhaps a strong prank or two. Already I have an idea in mind or two about future events…

But once it was all said and done I would be gone, far away and safe. Equestria would be okay, and that means I’m a good guy. Right?

Only a few seconds have passed with my thoughts, so I lean up before she can get worried over the silence and give her a lick. She giggles, and dips her head down to nuzzle her nose with mine. “Thank you Koromon, that means more than you know to me.” She cooes. “You’ll never be a monster in my eyes, and one day, we’ll show that to everypony else too.”

“Kor.” I mutter, feeling my stomach drop some after her words. As she drifts off to sleep at last, I turn and stare through the windows at the moon.

After all, it’s likely I’ll show everyone the monster long before I prove I’m not.

Author's Note:

Longer than planned to write this, yet shorter than expected to get it out. I've bee splitting my time with a lot of side writing, commissions, editing of a friends work etc. Plus work, oh so much work. Still! This was a shortie and I'm glad I could get it out. Bit of building more than anything exciting, but still I hope you enjoy!