• Published 15th Mar 2016
  • 11,602 Views, 582 Comments

The Black Digi-Knight - jsk244

When you're the wrong man in the wrong place, what can the consequences be? When you hold all the cards but play the wrong game, what will the outcome be? When a world can be torn asunder by your very presence, will it mean war, or peace?

  • ...

Out on the Town

I wake up to the sounds of rain and conversation through the walls. Around me the castle is waking up, but I’d rather roll over and get a bit more sleep. There’s been a large number of storms scheduled lately from Cloudsdale, meaning that there hasn’t been much reason to go outside without an umbrella. I like the rain really; when it rains, Canterlot becomes a different city and castle. Without ponies filling the streets or nobles all over the grounds you can really step back and appreciate the beauty that was put into the designs. How it all slopes and flows in natural streams down the mountain, how the colorful tiles and masonry shimmers from the reflecting rain, how the various lamps and windows glow like twinkling stars in the gloom. How the moat when full becomes a wonderful playpen for some of the more aquatic animals from the menagerie and gardens, and how those who don’t care for the rain huddle and snuggle under the boughs of the trees in plain view to any observer. The castle halls also undergo a transformation on days like this. They fill with ponies and grow warm with conversation. Long corridors that normally wouldn’t have more than a guard posted along it now suddenly are stuffed with staff, elites and tourists of all walks of life. Laughter and even the fine clink of cups echo, bringing a warmth that usually is reserved for days like Hearth’s Warming.

All of this has been a wonderful change of pace, but again my biggest desire was to roll over and snuggle into the warm bed sheets. It didn’t help that my usual sleeping buddy was gone, as was becoming increasingly common over the past two weeks, making me miss their warmth. They always seem to wake up before me and leave for the rest of the day. Whenever I try to find them, it’s like they’re suddenly a ghost, not even seen by ponies like Shining Armor or Celestia. Occasionally we’d meet up by chance for lunch, or dinner, but it’s not until bedtime that we truly reunite, and even then they’re too tired or silent to hold any conversation. What was wrong? Were they hiding something, or was I just being paranoid? We’re all very busy right now after all with the wedding approaching, so maybe they were just getting into it like everypony else.

Finally giving up I push myself out of bed and stretch. A yawn escapes me as I head to the bathroom and step into the bath to clean up. My thoughts again wander off, this time to the wedding. Despite all the hustle and bustle that the castle was under to prepare for the special day I still don’t have much of it affecting me at all. Not that I wanted it to; there were far more capable and prepared ponies already keeping things going. Twilight Sparkle was especially one, having stepped into her role as the head coordinator with pride. Bless that girl, she’d jumped at the chance to help arrange her BBBFF and old foalsitters wedding the second she learned of it. Already she was sending letters back and forth to Celestia to make sure things were okay or if this or that could be done. Poor Spike must be getting a tummy ache from it all, but there’s nobody better around to help her. He’s Twilight’s Number One Assistant after all, so they should be fine. Right? Right??

Splashing the water some, I blow a bubble off my nose. “Good luck Twilight.” I mumble.

Thinking of today’s schedule, there was some studying to do as usual. Since the rain started it had been several days in a row of it in fact. But I don’t know if I want to this time. It’s already a gloomy day outside, and the topic picked out today is about war. War is a foreign concept to most ponies; in over five-hundred years there has been no major conflict between Equestria and another major power. Yet before the current lasting peace there had been blood, loss, grief, revenge and disharmony on all sides. Other races don’t play as nice and fair as ponies either. Griffons can hold a grudge without even letting it show sometimes, and minotaurs have always preferred smash-and-grab tactics over diplomacy and trade. To·say nothing of wrangling negotiations from a dragon that doesn’t involve their fire breath and claws at least once.

Politics, much like war, are another battlefield they can fight us on, so theoretically knowing their tactics for either can go a long way toward handling the worst and best their cultures can give. Who will act with honor and nobility? Who plays the long game, wielding cunning and smiles with a knife to the back? Ambassadors have a tough job if they have to handle so many diverse beings like there are on Equis alongside ponies, something that should be admired...unless you’re Blueblood. His diplomacy might work, but it was utterly aggravating and snobbish. Too many ponies I think have taken to peace without consideration to the alternative as well. What will happen if their first response in war isn’t a shield and spear, but a pie or harsh words? When a dragon attacks, burning not only houses and fields, but ponies as well? More ponies need to remember that Equestria was not founded on smiles and friendship like the tales often go. It was through sword and magic and love. Whether that love is for country, family or Celestia it doesn’t matter. They can’t keep looking to her in the hope that she’ll step in and save the day.

A sneeze knocks me for a loop suddenly, blowing several bubbles away in an arc. The water has gotten cold during my inner monologuing, so I drain the tub and get out before I start wrinkling up. It seems I’m fired up about studying after all, if my thoughts are anything to go by. Guess I’ll stay in the room after all and order something to be brought up.

After drying off and finishing my bathroom needs I head back into the main bedroom, ready to start my day. I sit at the desk and pull over the pile of books prepped last night in the ‘To Read’ corner while setting out a few sheets of paper. It’s a respectable stack, albeit thinned out to involve only the past thousand years. Ancient warfare would require another day I feel to study it all. Glancing at the clock, I’m surprised that it’s already past ten, but my stomach rumbles a bit to let me know that I’ve indeed missed breakfast. I guess I’ll just take a break early on for a big lunch. Not like it will ruin my figure or anything if I scarf a big meal, which makes me laugh for a second. I bet a lot of ponies would envy my metabolism if they knew about it.

The first book off the top makes me pause for a second; seems I hadn’t removed all of the older books after all, but for a good reason. The title was ‘The Art of War’ by Master Sun, a heralded General of times past. There have not been many Generals in times past for the Equestrian Army. Typically in times of peace there was simply the two Captains of each guard, although the Lunar Guard was in hiatus for the one-thousand years Luna was gone. Even in states of emergency like with the hunt for the Black Knight it didn’t warrant a General or the formal activation of the army. But in every war there had been an Equestrian Army, and leading them was a General of great renown. Master Sun was noteworthy due to simply being the greatest tactician to ever take the role, and before dying he’d written this book and a few others to pass on his knowledge to generations to come. Going by the quality of the book, this must be a first edition, well kept and preserved by the Royal Archives. That also meant that it was likely written in his original language too, which since he was born originally in ancient Hooaxia, now known as Zhonghooa, it was not a dialect I know very well. Many wouldn’t, which is why packaged with it was a handy translation magnifying glass. I don’t know the exact magic of the spellwork and runes on it, but apparently it would translate a pre-selected language to modern Equish while panning it over any writing. A much safer means of reading the book without marring its historic value by using a translation spell directly on the book and paper.

Passing the time in silence, I enjoy the ticking clock nearby and the gentle rainfall outside my window. Sometimes a rumble of thunder would sound, breaking the monotony, but otherwise I was entranced by the words I read. Master Sun was an excellent teacher as well it seems as I have no problem following the flow of his text, his words painting war almost like an artform that he was a master of. But as time goes on, I find one passage that shakes me up a little. I lower the magnifying glass for a second to take a breath, and outside a flash of lightning lights up the clouds. I watch the clouds, a second one coming seconds later that burns into my vision, then I look back down and re-read the last part.

”All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable. When using our forces, we must appear inactive. When we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away. When far away, we must make him believe we are near.”

Images of green fire and large chitinous wings cross my mind. Wicked fangs and echoing laughter come from a single lanky shadows mouth, before another flash of lightning snaps me out of it and thunder rumbles overhead. Closing the book, I lean back in the chair and shake my head to get the last of that awful memory cleared away. A headache begins to form as I rub at the spot. “I wonder...if Master Sun encountered them before he wrote that.” I murmur out loud. “It describes them too perfectly either way.”

I think I should pause here and get that lunch I was planning earlier. Or walk outside; The rain would feel nice right about now against my face. I’ll just slip back in by the kitchen so I can dry off on the stone by one of the fires. No reason to bother with an umbrella I tell myself. Getting out of the chair, I move to the door but before I can turn it the door handle begins to glow and swings open to my surprise. The stallion on the other side, not expecting me there, nickers and hastily bows.

“Oh dear, my apologies Princess Cadance! I wasn’t expecting to see you there.”

Blinking slowly, I recognize him and break out into a wide smile over my muzzle. “That’s alright Pennyworth, I was just about to head out.” I reassure him. “It’s good to see you back in the castle. Did you just arrive today?”

He bows again. “Indeed your majesty. But I’ve dallied enough on my vacation, so I felt going right back to work was in order.” Pennyworth is an older grey stallion, with white all across his formerly black mane and tail. Garbed in his usual butler attire, I’ve known him for about forty years now. Not too long after I first arrived in Canterlot in fact. He was given to me to act as my personal attendant when he was just starting out on the staff and we became quick friends, although unlike Shepard he tries to stay fairly professional in his interactions with me even in private. He has been on paid leave after an unfortunate accident saw his left hind leg in a cast for several months, and after his leg was healed his wife demanded the family take a long overdue vacation. I was glad he’d taken some time off, but was even more-so glad to see him back working. Pennyworth really loves his job, as his tea tray and teapot cutie mark attests to.

“Well I’m glad for that, but is you leg doing well? I bet the rain’s not doing it any favors.” I giggle.

“Haha yes, I’m afraid all this moisture is being a tad bothersome on my old joints. Nothing a spot of tea and warm company can’t fix.” Lighting his horn up, Pennyworth rolls into view a cart he has with him. “Speaking of in fact, I was informed by the maid on duty during breakfast that you were absent downstairs today. I thought I might bring you some brunch and a fresh pot of coffee to help with your studies. Today is a study day, is it not?”

Licking my lips, I lift one of the tray covers off and see that it’s a platter of waffles five high, layered with sugar powder and a nice raspberry sauce with bits of diced fruit. The coffee smells heavenly and I see that he has some vanilla and sugar as well to mix in with it. “Oh Pennyworth, I’ve definitely missed you. Will you join me?”

The old stallion smiles, the wrinkles around his eyes crinkling up. “My dear princess, I was hoping you might favor this humble old servant with your company for a time.”

“Oh hush, you’re still young and spry. Now bring that cart in, and tell me how Copper Coil and little Moneysworth are doing…”

My brunch was the best I’ve had in quite some time. With good company and amusing tales to share between us, Pennyworth really brightened up my afternoon before he inevitably left. It’s a shame I couldn’t introduce him to Koromon, but I at least let him know to keep a lookout for the little blob. Penny really seems happy that I have a pet now too, something about keeping my spirits up. I think he worries too much honestly; It’s not like I don’t have glum days but I’m not wallowing in them like that worrywart seems to think! But now with my meal done I find myself antsy to get out and walk some of it off. Studying will have to wait even longer it seems before I finish.

Putting on my regalia, I take a second to look outside at the rain before heading out. The halls are a bit quieter right now thanks to lunch having taken many people out of the halls into quarters and dining rooms. The only ponies really populating it besides me were in fact the tourists, who despite the poor weather had clearly come from too far away to give up the visit. I could hear Fillydelphia accents from several of them as I walk past, with the occasional Manehatten or Vanhoover thrown in among the smaller groups. Stopping at one of the larger crowds, I stand in the back as the castle guide discusses the history of a painting featuring Aunt Celestia. Something drawn apparently by a famous artist from the country of blah blah blah. I’ve heard the history of most of the displays several times now since I first came here. They don’t change the decorations nearly enough I think, and usually only to remove the more damaged and scuffed ones from inconsiderate hooves and sticky foals. Such a shame too really since there are some good ones now lost in storage somewhere.

I’m mostly standing here so I can prank the guide. One thing nopony really knows except me about this picture is...oh wait, here it is.

“As you can see, the painting has sadly been damaged in recent years due to an errant fire that was started in this hall.” The guide says, pointing to the lower left corner where a notable black spot is. “Restoration efforts have tried to recover the object Princess Celestia is looking so fondly upon, but unfortunately all that could be done was preserve the rest of the image. The arsonist in question was alas, never found and prosecuted.”

“Mostly because you can’t really accuse auntie of damaging her own picture.” I giggle, getting a gasp of surprise as ponies finally notice me. The tour guide, seeing me there, begins to sputter and blush. I guess I’ve caught him and his groups before with my pranks. “Then again, who would believe she faked being startled one night by a guard and ‘accidentally’ tossed her candle at the painting? Especially over the spot where you could clearly see her eyeing a wonderful slice of cake?”

“P-Princess Mi Amore! That is hardly appropriate!” The guide sputters.

“Oh relax, she likes the picture except for that. I think it’s because that’s where a lot of the cake rumors about her first came from.” I wink conspiratorially with the tourists. “Although, you didn’t hear that from me.”

As they all gossip and chatter I hold back a smirk. My little story was a lie, although nopony could attest to that besides Princess Celestia, who was pretty keen on sticking to the story. In truth that corner of the picture was actually meant to show her working on several documents as a sign of how she lovingly works toward caring for her little ponies. The artist had even requested he be allowed into her room to paint it as she did actual paperwork, something that was ironic considering the papers in question had been for an art gallery. One that she had been planning to name after said artist. Celestia was the pony who caused it to get burnt however, just not for the reason I stated. Newborn dragons don’t care for classical art, especially not the dusty kind that make you sneeze. The look on Celestia’s face was priceless after she put it out.

As I turn to leave them, I tilt an ear to listen in on their words, hoping to hear some amusing gossip. Unfortunately what I mostly hear isn’t talk about my story so much as about me. Things that send my mood down as I walk away.

“Who was that?”

“Did you see, did you see?! She had wings and a horn!”

“An alicorn? But she’s not Princess Celestia.”

“Of course she did you dummy. Don’t you recognize Princess Cadance?”


“Cadance? What’s she the princess of?”

“I bet they’re fake - probably somepony paid to talk with tourists.”

“I wish we could talk to Princess Celestia…”

“Yeah, not some poser like ‘Princess’ Candy Dance.”

“Was that her name?”

I try not to curse but...fucking seriously?

I sigh as I turn the corner and continue on. While I’ll admit that being around for fifty years is nothing next to a thousand, it still stings to hear ponies talk like that. How hard is it to realize there’s another alicorn out there besides my aunt, especially after half the lifetime of the average pony? There was a big announcement in the papers that year and the title I bear isn’t formal like Prince Blueblood is. Princess Celestia officially adopted me as her niece, giving me the right to sit on the throne, that is alongside her of course. While I will admit I don’t have many duties or make public appearances as the Princess of Love often, I still get around and talk with lots of ponies around Canterlot. But it seems even Princess Luna gets more notice than me, and she was gone for a thousand years! Then again, I’ll also admit she is the lost sister of Celestia so I can’t fault the excitement behind that fact.

Speaking of her; Princess Luna’s public image was by no means doing well even if it was larger than my own. All of her actions since returning have had ponies question whether or not she really was cured of being Nightmare Moon. She speaks down to everypony as ‘peasants’ and ‘servants’, uses the archaic Royal We and Royal Canterlot Voice to talk with most ponies, and has flipped many rules and orders upside-down as she forces her changes and desires onto the Night Guard and the castle as a whole. While not many know of this, I also have heard her act incredibly racist toward many of our allies and friends. Calling Griffons barbarians, Diamond Dogs foalnappers, the Yaks neanderthals, even Earth Ponies ‘mud dwelling serfs’. I know several staff members who have protested or even personally objected to her slurs and demeanor, only to find out that she isn’t all bark but equally bite. Her anger issues are legendary alongside her vengeful streak, as whenever somepony tries to correct her they often find their jobs suddenly very shaky. Her demeanor is completely despicable, but not even Shining Armor and myself can convince Celestia to do much about Luna. She always says that Luna is simply having a hard time adjusting to the new millennia and that she just needs ‘space and time’ to take it all in. I think she needs a psychiatrist to talk to about her possession and time locked away on the moon. There’s being aggressive to change, and then there’s being a raging bitch who will likely ruin Equestria’s image the second her actions begin to impact international relations.

Ah, but you can’t just go and do something like that, can you? That would paint a horrible image about the royalty, and the nobles would gossip and chomp at the bits. The public would run rampant with rumors and possibly doubt the government. Luna could very well become feared again, not as a monster but as a tyrant. Celestia could end up being forced to either dethrone her sister or perhaps even banish her just to save face. Bah; I know I’m just ranting in my head like this, but it still has some truth to it all. Aunt Celestia needs to stop coddling her sister, or else nothing will change.

From a side hallway a maid comes running out with a load of towels, nearly bowling me over as I wasn’t looking. As she apologizes in a rush and moves on, I stop walking and paw the ground with a snort. I really got riled up there for a moment huh? Damn...I’ve been stressed lately, more so than I thought. It’s just so hard to put into words; little things at random these days seem to start bugging me. I’ve always had a bit of a temper I’m not afraid to admit it, but usually I’m a lot calmer when letting it out. Like when I bombed Upper Crust and Jet Set’s future chances at being pals with the nobles and elites. But ever since...yes, ever since around the time I saw that creature back at the barracks, I’ve been slowly losing my temper more. I’m glad it’s been mostly in my head, but the fact I can’t seem to calm down like I used to is bothering me. Perhaps the real issue is the wedding coming up. As much I like to think everything is going well, I can’t deny there’s a small bit of worry deep inside of me. Twilight can have panic attacks and overachieve when she has a project. Plus, it’s getting to be much bigger than what I anticipated. My own words about my title and role earlier seem to be flying back into my face with how many dignitaries are trying to reserve a spot at the ceremony. All I want is to marry the stallion of my dreams. Does it really have to be so complicated and political? That day is meant to be perfect, the day I dreamed of since I was small. But instead of having cake with all my friends to celebrate, now I fear I’ll be a figurehead in it all.

...Okay, definitely getting stressed out. I think some tea from the kitchen is a good idea right about now. I check where I am in the castle, and after a quick course correction I hurry to the lower levels for a pot.

“Here you are princess.” Porcelain Kettle says a few minutes later. He’s one of the kitchen staff and was kind enough to brew a pot for me after I walked in. “Some linden tea, as you requested. Shall you need anything else?”

“No thanks, this is plenty.” I lift the cup and blow on it some. “Thank you Porcelain, you can get back to work.” As he bows and leaves I take a whiff of the lovely sweet floral scent and sip. I was sitting at a small table out of the way of the main doors and walkway the staff used to get around. They always keep this here for any off-hour snacking that me, Celestia or any of the in-the-know ponies in residence desire. They were never so busy as to not have a moment, at least when there wasn’t a major event like the Gala or other filling the ballrooms and dining halls. Today especially, since although everypony was inside they were far more focused on staving boredom off than filling their bellies. I could even see a few of the chefs dealing cards across one of the prep counters.

The sight and sounds help with the tea to soothe my mind, and time passes by swiftly. Before I know it I hear a very loud, firm cough from behind my shoulder and I turn to see who it was. A young mare roughly Twilight’s age was standing there with her striking blue eyes boring into me. With her peach fur and blonde mane she was actually quite beautiful, but I know that she’s a serious hardass and tough professional when it comes to her trade. She has to be, in order to keep ahold of the position as the Royal Baker. There were countless ponies after all with cooking and baking talents that try to join the Canterlot Castle kitchen staff every year.

“Angel Cake.” I greet her politely.

“Princess.” She says, voice almost alluring if not for a bit of rasp at the end. Some say she got it from yelling so much at ponies goofing off during their shifts. “I’d appreciate it if you would keep your pet from bringing rain water into my kitchen day in and day out anymore. I’m getting pretty...annoyed, at having to get someone to mop up after it.”

“I’m sorry?”

“Your blob - Koromon? He’s been coming in ever since the storms began to dry off by one of the fires. I’ve allowed it due to him keeping quiet and out of the way, but he also has been leaving water everywhere he...bounces.” Angel’s face sours even more at some thought. “I’m almost certain he’s stealing some of my pastries, but I haven’t caught him in the act.”

Ignoring that last part, I levitate my empty pot and cup over to one of the dishwashers to clean up and stand. “This is the first I’ve heard of this actually. So he’s been wandering around outside…?” I rub my chin as I trail off in thought. What was he doing out there?

“I don’t care about the details, just tell it to stop.” Angel snaps before leaving. Well, she’s never been the most polite pony when on the job, so her attitude I brush aside. I move further into the kitchen, sidestepping several of the staff as they move through, making my way toward the fires. Lined up in a row along one wall, there were five very large fireplaces that were used by most of the bakers and soup makers to make more traditional and wood-fired meals. They were from some of the earlier years of the castle’s lifespan and showed in how the floor dipped down a step to make up a more brick-laid pit around them. Looking over them all, I spy Koromon quickly and take his appearance in as I approach. He was wet and snuggled into a towel a few feet from a fire, staring into the flames with a lost look on his face. Or maybe he was just thinking about something intently? I’ll admit his blob face is sometimes hard to read without a bit of help.

Stretching out my senses, I read over his emotions and get a strong sense of Worry. Something was bothering him and probably the cause of him going outside in the rain. Maybe he went on a walk to let it wash his mind clear of clutter? Or was he going to look at something that was related to it? I can’t imagine what might be out there that’s bothering him however. Not seeing anything else I could do just standing here, I walk over and place a hoof on the crown of his head. He twitches slightly under my hoof, but otherwise doesn’t react to my touch or sudden presence.

“Kor.” He says.

“Hey Koromon, is everything alright?” I ask, settling down beside him. The warm bricks are comfortable despite being so hard.

“Ko’r morokor.”

“Mmm.” I give him a few pets to pass the moment in silence.

“Moroom, ko’r morokor.”




Finally Koromon sighs and slumps slightly against my leg and his towel. “Romo korom.”

“Well yes, especially if stuck inside. But you’re not exactly staying indoors, and it’s starting to upset Angel Cake. Mind telling me what’s got you so worried? I know it’s not the rain.”

Koromon is silent for so long that I start to think he won’t answer me. But before I can speak up again, he replies. “O komo mo okrom.”

My hoof stops petting. “You...want to leave?” I repeat what I’d interpreted. “B-But why?”

He looks back up at me. “Nor kon, Koromonor. O komo mo okrom Koromonor.”

It takes me a few seconds to figure out he was using a capital letter for his last word, which then pieces his sentence together better. “Canterlot, you want to leave Canterlot. Why?”

He takes another moment to answer, tentacles wiggling erratically as he tries to speak his thoughts. “O moro koon ko mor roro. K’or moor koro moo nork, or moork koro.”

I begin petting him again, not sure there was anything else I could do or say. For the second time in a short while I find myself reconsidering how I look at Koromon. When we first met, he was just this little pink blob thing. As weird as I found him, he was also pretty cute, and looked so lost and surprised to be bumping into me. With how Discord was tossing around chaos magic and changing the very laws of the world to his whim I knew that he must have been a victim of the circumstances. So instead of leaving him on his own, I took him inside with me, and together we played games and passed the time. When Discord was locked back up I was surprised that he didn’t change back, but then figured that he must be a misplaced creature of some kind. That he was happy to stay with me was a nice end to that day, and from that point I considered him my new pet.

But was he really a pet? I didn’t just confuse his gender; Koromon from the beginning has always been so articulate and intelligent despite his words being gibberish to my ears. Whenever we talk it’s like I’m talking to a pony, one who simply knows a different language. I’ve never felt completely assured in my actions while treating him like a pet because of it. Even Shining Armor has told me he doesn’t think Koromon is something you could call a pet. Others on the staff treat him more like one, but they’re always praising how smart he is, how well he does what they ask. Some even talk to him like I do, albeit more to vent or speak out loud about their troubles to someone. What if, all along, he was never a pet, but a sentient species?

Oh horsefeathers, I’ve been sleeping with him in the same bed.

Coughing as that thought passes through my head, I ignore how Koromon turns to look at me and try to get my breathing back under control. I should probably never bring this matter up out loud. Shining would be...I’m not even sure what, but unhappy is a good starting point. The rumors would spread like wildfire too, oh Celestia this is really not what I needed right now. What mattered was finding a way to make Koromon happy, and it seems it all stems from his cabin fever. More aptly called city fever, in this case. Perhaps he does have family somewhere and is missing them? No, he told me once he’s alone. Then we need to get some space from Canterlot and the castle. But what could we do? Well, a vacation was obvious, but where?

Unless...there was that idea my friend had...oh boy. If I go through with it, I’ll never hear the end of this.

“Hey, Koromon.” I say slowly, still weighing my options and resigning myself to hours of stress. “How would you like to go on vacation for a few days?”

“So do you remember that thing you were talking about? You know, that trip?” I say the very next day. As it was my day off I was out of the castle even as the rain was still coming down. Luckily the forecast was scheduled to end these rains by tomorrow night, and already the clouds were starting to slacken in downpour, allowing for a lighter shade of grey to fill the sky and ponies to begin moving about. After sending a letter off in the morning, I had made my way to a small cafe that my friends and I frequent when spending time together to meet up with one of them: Lemony Gems. She and Diamond Rose have been my friends since high school, when I went to immerse myself with some of my ‘peers’ after so much time alone in the castle. Technically I was their senior by like, two generations due to being an alicorn, but my body was slow to change and that was why Celestia had suggested I try high school at all. Plus, because of that I got to meet Shining Armor and fall in love with him. Those were arguably the best years of my life.

Lemony likewise thought that, which was why even after growing older she was still very much the partygirl filly I recall from those days wandering the halls of Canterlot High. She has always been a live now, think later kind of pony. Always a smile on her face, mischief in her heart and not enough money in her wallet to pay for it all. Thankfully after having a change of heart and mind her husband Buck Withers turned out to have a pretty sensible head on his shoulders for money management. He also, despite being well played by Lemony after his battle with Shining for my heart, had gained a strong backbone on letting her get away with whatever she wanted. The two made for a good couple, although considering the conversation I was about to have, there were still some things I don’t think Buck would ever get her to calm down over.

Tapping her chin, Lemony thought back and gave me a little happy gasp as she found what she was looking for. “Oh my Celestia, do you mean…?!” She asks. “But I thought you were all for being dull and boring about your wedding?”

I roll my eyes. “Gee, so nice of you to say that Lemony. Yes - I wanted to just enjoy a nice, calm evening with my friends for the bachelorette party. There was no reason to go all crazy and wild like you had in mind.”

“But that’s so boooring.” She whines, leaning over and shifting tones as she grabs my hoof. “So, what’s changed? It definitely wasn’t my arguments for it, and I know Diamond has been too busy to talk with you much. Not to mention she’s just as big a party pooper as you are.”

Instead of rolling my eyes this time I boop her muzzle with my free hoof. She pulls back and scrunches up her muzzle, giving me time to gather my thoughts. “What changed is my need for change.” I explain. “Do you know when it was last that I ever left Canterlot? Probably since shortly after I first arrived, when I was still...still recovering, you know?” She nods, and I accept the sympathetic look. “Things have been fine for me, day in and day out, but now with Koromon I’m starting to feel, I don’t know. Suddenly I can’t help but feel like the castle walls are closing in on me. He’s starting to feel it too - that’s why I’m even thinking about this because he wants to leave Canterlot.”

“And so, because of your pet, you’re willing to go to Los Pegasus with me and Diamond Rose?” She arched an eyebrow, and I sigh. When put like that, it was a little strange I’ll admit. But I still nod. “Well shoot, whatever makes you loosen up Cady!”

“Sure, although let’s make something clear Lemony. I’m not going there to get drunk, or gamble, or spend tons of bits with wild abandon like you were gushing about.”

“Well then what’s the point of going?” She huffs dramatically, crossing her forelegs and pouting. “How can you go the party and gambling capital of Equestria and not party and gamble?!”

“By seeing the sights, catching one of the countless performances, enjoying some nice poolside fun, enjoying the exotic cuisine the city has to offer…”

A scoff. “You can do that all here silly.”

“The point is to go somewhere not Canterlot, not what I do there. I’ve been a Princess for how many years, Lemony? And in all that time, about the biggest thing I’ve done as one to connect and get to know everypony is offer my services for Hearts and Hooves day. That and try to read up and discuss new politics with my Aunt, but I’m never involved with the actual process. I’m not even sure how often she listens to any of it.”

Lemony frowns, her face shifting into one of disapproval. It fades after a few seconds but she still has a frowny face. Sighing, I shake my head and stand up to leave. “Nevermind, it was just the first idea. I’ll still invite you two along, but maybe I’ll pick somewhere else to-”

“No!” Lemony shouts, startling me and a few patrons around us. Laughing nervously, she waves off everypony staring and then stands to push me back down into my seat. “N-No, no Cadance I understand. Sorry I’m just...I mean I just want to let loose, have a wild time like during my own bachelorette party. You’re my friend, and I just want to spoil you before everything goes down.”

I smile. “Thanks Lemony, but I don’t need to be spoiled. I just want to have a good time with a few friends, whether in Los Pegasus or not.”

“Well…” Putting on an air of exasperation, Lemony says, “I guess we’ll just have to settle on the more boooring stuff, you party pooper. I still say Los Pegasus is the best spot, so let’s just go and see what we find! How does that sound?”

“I say that sounds good.” I let out a chuckle, reaching out and patting her hoof. “Thanks for being so understanding Lemony. Now all we have to do is make sure Diamond Rose is all for this too, and we’re set!”

“Oh don’t worry about that, she’s totally for it!”

“Really? I would have thought she was as much against this as me. I mean, she hates to leave her flower shop for more than a few hours it feels like. Much less go to Los Pegasus.”

“Eheh...don’t worry about it Cady. As far as she’s concerned, giving you the best bachelorette party is her job this weekend. I’m sure she’ll help you figure out the best way to go through the town and ‘see the sights’. Preferably with some poolside bars too.” Lemony winks, and I just give her a look back.

“Only if Diamond approves, but okay. We’ll do a little bar hopping or something like that.”

“Yes! Oh don’t you worry Cadance, this will be the Best. Weekend. Ever!”

Somehow hearing you so excited makes me disagree, but I’m willing to give it all a chance I suppose. With a hug and after paying the bill I leave her behind and head over to Diamond’s flower shop next. This visit wasn’t planned, but with Lemony already scheming things I figure it’s best to nip this problem in the rose bud. Unlike Lemony, Diamond Rose began her life after high school by purchasing a foreclosed shop off the beaten path by our school. It used to be run by an elderly mare who Diamond always loved to chat with on the way back and forth from school. When she passed, the shop itself closed and was nearly torn down, but Diamond swooped in once she graduated and reopened it with her as the boss. She’s made a good successful business out of it and treats it like her baby, which made hanging out with her a bit hard since staying out too long often made her unhappy. Sure, there were employees to handle the shop and till, but Diamond wanted to always be the one to tend to the flowers growing in the back herself. She says it fills her with love to see the flowers bloom and grow well from her care.

I walk in and see a young mare, probably still in school even, manning the front desk. She was reading a magazine set on top of the order manuscript with a slightly dull look on her face. My guess is she was working to get some spare bits. “Welcome to the Rosy Dew flower shop, how may I - eep.” She began, but when she looks up and sees me she actually flinches! “A-A-A Princess? Here?!”

“Hello, just stopping by to see an old friend.” I try to reassure her. “Is Diamond in the back?”

The girl just stares at me wide-eyed, before pointing behind herself at the doorway leading to the back. Nodding, I try not to startle her further as I move along, and after stepping through a small cloth curtain I smell a lovely array of flowers and soil hit my nose. My mother used to smell like this, back when she tended to the garden patch she had outside our house. I miss her hugs, and her potato soup. The memory passes by quickly and I move around a prep table for some bouquets to find Diamond in the small greenhouse she runs in the back. Natural light filters down through several sunroofs and a sprinkler system gently sprays the flowers down just as I step onto the small cobblestone flooring she’d installed to help with the draining. Diamond has her back to me as she gently prunes a few stems, not even humming as she was so focused on not harming the flower. I stand there and wait patiently for her to finish.

“Didn’t expect to see you here.” She says half a minute later. Her voice sounds a bit tense, but there’s no hostility or rudeness. Diamond was just so serious these days it was hard to tell.

“I was out having lunch with Lemony. I figured I could drop in and say hello.” I say with a smile.

“Hm. What’s that mare up to this time?”

“Oh the usual, and I’m afraid I might have agreed to at least one thing.”

“Oh? And what’s that?” She lifts a pair of little scissors up to work on her next target.

“Well...I may have...agreed to that whole Los Pegasus Bachelorette Party of hers.”

Diamond snips way too much, beheading the poor rose as her body stiffens to my reply. I look at the rosebud on the floor, a bit of guilt at having caused that, and then gently lift it up in my magic to set on the table. I know she will find a good use for it. It takes a second longer for Diamond to loosen up, and once she sets her scissors down she turns and glowers at me.

“You did what?” She demands. “Do you know hard it was to move-” She stops, closing her eyes as she mulls over things. I’m willing to bet she and I had both been hoping to throw the party here in town, maybe at Diamond or Lemony’s house. Probably the former, given the mention of moving things. Diamond’s house was much more modest than Lemony’s and a lot more cozy. You couldn’t go wild there, unlike our bubbly friend who had a pool and sizeable collection of liquors to party with. “I see. So we’re going with that plan then. Fine - Cadance, I’ll see you at the train station this weekend. Lemony and I will have a few talks about what to do while there, but you can be assured that I’ll keep the rowdy mare in line.” She gives me a soft smile, and I smile back while walking over to hug her.

“Thanks Diamond, I know this was probably sudden for you. You don’t mind if I bring Koromon with us, right?” I ask to be sure.

“Your pet?” She pauses. “No...no that shouldn’t be an issue at all. I know the...a few resorts and hotels allow for pets, and the one I have in mind should have that policy. We should be okay.”

“Great! Love you Diamond, see you later!”

“Bye Cadance.” Waving, I head back up, nodding to the still surprised looking girl at the desk. As I leave, I see Diamond Rose through the glass front march up and begin talking to the mare in a rapid chatter. That’s my friend for you; the minute something needs to be done, she gets it settled quickly and without pause. The shop will be in good hooves while we’re away. With both of my trips done, I head over to the market to browse the stalls for a time, and then head back up to the castle. I need to start packing and figuring out what I’ll bring. Oh, and tell Shining I’ll be gone for the weekend, Celestia too. This will be a great time!

Before I knew it the weekend arrived, and with it I was now sitting on a bench at the train station, two guards flanking me on either side. As excited as I was for doing this trip now, I can’t help but feel a bit miffed too over a few things, like the guards. Telling my aunt had not been a problem, her reply being to have fun and wishing me a good trip. But Shining Armor had gotten a bug up his butt, suddenly concerned about my safety and the protection I might require. In fact, he had almost ordered me not to go, before I snapped him out of the strange funk he’d gotten into. I’d never seen him react like that before, but then again, if that didn’t say something about how little I traveled, what could? The compromise was that these two would safely see me off at the station here in Canterlot, but I had put my hoof down on letting them follow me around Los Pegasus. I was just as well trained and prepared as they were, thank you very much. Well at least I was close; my time spent training with Shepard and the other guards have given me a fair advantage over the average pony in self-defence. I also know several defensive techniques thanks to Shining Armor, so if I had to fight I could also run.

Sitting on the one bag I was bringing along, Koromon was looking around with curiosity at the crowd and station. Despite getting ready to leave Canterlot like he wished he doesn’t look happier much to my regret. Oh he gives me a smile and thanks me sincerely for the chance to see Los Pegasus, but I can tell he’s still looking for something more. My hope is that seeing the sights of the city and some of the amazing performances will snap him out of this funk. Maybe, if things work well enough, I’ll take more vacations like this the next time either of us are feeling cooped up.

Finally as the clock strikes eight in the morning I see Lemony Gems and Diamond Rose enter. Waving them over, I’m happy to see that they’ve both packed light, although for Lemony that means two full saddlebags and a modest sized trunk being rolled behind her. That could be for clothes she already has, or for the clothes she will have first chance she gets to shop. I hope Buck gave her a decent allowance for the weekend, or else she might start trying to bum bits from us when she inevitably runs out. Getting up, I hug them both and then we move onto the train set to leave in ten minutes time. The two guards try to join me, no doubt a ploy by Shining, but I block them with a stern look and they stare me down until the whistle blows and we leave. I can see them slump a little as the train pulls out of the station, and giggling I give them a wave goodbye before moving toward our compartment.

Lemony is petting Koromon when I walk in, with Diamond across from her reading a book. “So why aren’t we in first class?” Lemony asks. “I mean, you’re a Princess right? Why not just book a whole car?”

“Because that’s pretty silly for a princess trying to keep a low profile and not raise a fuss. I’m on vacation Lemony, not going for a royal visit.”

“I still think it would have been more enjoyable.” Diamond chipped in as she lowered her book. “We booked the express but it will still be a twelve hour ride. I think we will all be wishing for more space and stretching room by the fifth hour.”

“I thought the railway only went toward Los Pegasus on this branch.” Lemony tilts her head. “How is it the express?”

“The rail splits halfway to Los Pegasus for a south and north line actually, and the express means we get there within twelve hours instead of eighteen.”

“How does that work?”


Koromon begins to cough and covers his mouth with both tentacles. As Lemony pats him on the back to try and help, I sit down beside Diamond and look over her shoulder at the book. She helpfully moves it so we can both browse it. “What’s that?” I ask.

“A history book on Los Pegasus. I thought it would be educational to see how such a diverse city was formed.” She replies. “Plus, I knew you would like to read it as well.” Having said that she offers it to me, and I graciously take it with my magic to flip through.

Los Pegasus was definitely a fascinating place, lush with culture and seedier ventures like gambling, as well as the most bustling shipping port on the west coast of Equestria. Like Manehatten, it was a modern symbol of development and expansion from more traditional locations like Canterlot, but unlike its east coast sister this hadn’t been the plan at first. In fact it had three plans; on the same day, three separate ponies approached my Auntie about purchasing the land. Each of them had a vision about what to build the city for, and each of them had won over Celestia to gain the rights to land north of the San Palomino Desert. This wasn’t discovered however until all three of them had arrived and begun construction, only to encounter each other and begin arguing over who had earned it first. Celestia, not having a personal assistant at the time, had not timed or clocked in when each grant had been given until much later the same day, and had marked each with the same time and date. Meaning that all of them were equally valid, and outside of her choosing one, which would have had some major backlash potentially, there wasn’t an easy solution. She got an assistant after that needless to say.

HJ Whinny, a talented unicorn illusionist who later went on to create Applewood after marrying his wife and her fortune, wanted the land for the diverse scenery its location provided for his new cinema business. He was all set to make it a large retreat built around the arts with his, at the time, new form of moving picture media being the headliner. A number of rumors and eyewitnesses also record him as having been the first to step forth, so it could be argued that he had the strongest claim to it all.

Unfortunately for him, it was Heavy Gas who had the bigger claim due to wanting to build a city in the area. At the time Equestria had been lacking in solid centers of industry on the west coast, with most ports unable to handle the larger ships and offloads that were becoming more frequent as the Zebra and Minotaurs bolstered their ocean presence. His plan was to turn the area into Equestria's largest industrial city thanks to the abundant natural resources that could be found there. With wind farms to the south, Boulder Dam to the east, a solar farm in the north, and the Great Bay to the west it’s been a gold mine for trade and industry just like he'd hoped for. To this day it's still the one of largest and most productive cities in all of Equestria.

Yet this dream wouldn't have been realized without the third stallion throwing down his hat in the debate. A stallion, who had played all sides, even while further entangling the matter with his own petition. Bugeye "See-All" Seagull was the most infamous con artist in history thanks to his amassed fortune. Even before settling for legitimate business it had been quite substantial and only grew once he started his plan for Los Pegasus. Rumors say he overheard HJ and Heavy talking and decided to pull a royal con, thus leading him to being the third owner of the land. After winning Celestia over he traveled to the desert and met his two future business partners already arguing hotly over their rights to the land. With a silver tongue he calmed both of them and ironed out an agreement that left all parties satisfied. Not too surprisingly he still managed to come out on top even from a 'fair' deal, but a lot of historians and even myself can’t argue against him earning it both then and later in his career.

HJ settled to the east along the mountains where he would build Applewood. Heavy took to the west, granting him access to the Great Bay and its shipping routes. Meeting in the middle would be the sprawling metropolis itself, which Seagull took as an opportunity to try something unique. The first ever earth-to-sky cityscape, with its foundations in earth pony engineering and topped with pegasus sculpting. Naturally he became the first Mayor, but he took his job seriously and set out to make sure numerous features were mandatory. It was Los Pegasus that’s accredited for first marketing the Hover Boots; enchanted shoes that ponies could wear to traverse the cloudscape that made up the upper tier beyond the skyscrapers. It was also the first city to have skyscrapers of any scale, and the first to ensure their construction could handle natural disasters that not even pegasi could stop.

From their efforts the city flourished. A cultural mixing pot of industry, the arts and entertainment for all ages. Bugeye rode his way through office and retirement atop the largest legal fortune ever made by a ‘former’ criminal. Heavy Gas would spread his work to other cities as well, creating numerous landmarks that remain iconic in Los Pegasus and other coastal cities. HJ Whinny's success needs no real help explaining, as everpony who watches or listens to anything can all accredit the ability to his work and dreams. All the while, the nightlife draws ponies by the hundreds to gamble and live life to the fullest. Parties are held twenty-four seven, the likes of which are a thing of legend and could even tire out the most energetic of ponies. And many have the idea to hold Bachelor and Bachelorette parties here, even their wedding. Nothing quite says 'magical' as much as being married off by an Elvis Prancely impersonator.

No thank you, thank you very much.

An errant bump along the tracks break me out of the haze of reading I’d been in and I look up. The sun has shifted a fair bit, maybe four of five hours since the train set off. Looking back down at the book I could see that I was pretty much done with it, and closing it I set it aside and look at my two friends. Lemony Gems is laying on her back munching on what looks like a piece of candy, Koromon reading his own book on her belly. Diamond Rose is dozing against the window, or maybe she’s just resting her eyes. After looking at her for a few seconds she cracks one eye open enough to stare at me, and then closes it again to enjoy her rest. The energy in the compartment was definitely lethargic now, with little room to move or entertainment to keep us active. Maybe I should have rented a car after all, then I could have brought a few games or at least we could stretch out more. But seeing my friends here, thinking about our trip, I feel a wave of gratitude strike me for the situation.

“You know…” I say, drawing out the ‘o’ to stall for time. “I really want to thank you girls for sticking with me. Over the years, I mean.”

“Hm?” Both of my friends look at me in curiosity.

“You know - princess of Equestria, niece of Celestia, technically your senior?” I point out and see Koromon lower his book to look at me. “It’s just...I don’t always think about it but, I don’t think I’ve made any friends outside of the castle except you two. It’s the whole reason I went to Canterlot Highschool, but like, outside of Shiny you’re the only two ponies that really stuck around. You’re really my best friends.”

“Oh.” Lemony Gems looks for a second like she wants to say something else. But she doesn’t, instead giggling and rolling her eyes. Diamond Rose answers for both of them with, “Of course we did Cadance. You’ve been a great friend to us too you know.”

“Well thanks, but still this isn’t how - sorry.” I apologize quickly, knowing that my words might sound wrong in a moment. That feeling was starting to get a lot more melancholy. “It’s just...I expected more essentially with my life by now. Sure I’m getting married, I have good - great - friends, and I couldn’t be happier with how my studies into being an effective leader of Equestria are going. It’s just that for every time I told Twilight to make more friends, or as much as I try to talk with Princess Celestia about current matters, I’m still falling behind it feels like with both of those.”

“You have plenty of friends, just in the castle like you said.” Diamond argues for me.

“Yeah! And like, ruling an entire country is super hard. Celestia just has a super huge advantage in being super old.” Lemony giggles, which get a snort from Koromon in amused agreement. I smile at them both.

“You’re probably thinking about it too much like a normal pony. You’re special Cadance - the Princess of Love, an alicorn, marrying the Captain of the Day Guard - so your life just doesn’t shape itself like you’d expect a regular ponies life might.” Diamond continues. “And in the end, if you’re happy and love what you have, why worry about what you might not?”

Her words really get to me, washing away the doubt and concern I had a moment ago. “That’s true...thank you girls.” We all smile, which eventually evolves into a giggle fit as Koromon leaps over and knocks me back in a hug. Snuggling him between my forelegs, I look at Lemony Gems and Diamond Rose and indeed feel very content with my life. This is the kind of thing I want after all, even if there’s still a nagging feeling in the back of my head. But that’s what friends are for; they help you through these kind of downer moments. With that little matter settled we relax and chat for the next several hours. The train slowly lumbering on down the tracks as we move closer toward Los Pegasus.

As evening arrives and the sun began to reach the horizon, our destination was at last in sight. With the tracks bending south slightly to follow the rivers’ flow we were able to take in the whole sheer majesty of Los Pegasus. Or as some called it, the City of Golden Skies. The girls and I all clutter around the window to take it in with Koromon atop my head.

Los Pegasus is a tiered city of wonders, ranging from lower buildings all across the river and bay, to the higher peaks in the cloud district. Interconnecting these two segments are the middle tier of skyscrapers, all of them bedazzled with various forms of decoration and glamour to draw the eye and play off of the numerous neon lights that illuminate the city day and night. Even in the waning sunlight the city positively sparkles, with the warm tones making the city appear as if it was an ancient and mysterious forest the way the spaced out skyscrapers appeared. When you focused more on the details, you began to see the generations of artists and engineers shine through. Elaborate motifs and jeweled window frames, glowing neons signs and outrageous geography. Each building beneath the cloudscape either was promoting a casino and resort above, or was an extension of the establishment including entire shopping centers and various restaurants that also shared the limelight and fame. If not looking to explore the entertainment districts, then you could move closer to the waterways and enjoy more calm and exotic goods, since various merchants and companies have taken the locations to sell foreign wares. You could find just about anything here they say, and that included some illegal items that sadly continued to slip in thanks to the cities openness regarding morals. A legacy of Bugeye that rumors say he helped start up.

A few minutes later we arrive, pulling up to the station and heading out onto the main road of the lower city. As I check over our luggage to ensure it was all accounted for, Koromon twists and turns on my back to take in the sights. I could faintly hear him muttering something, but the crowd noise was so loud even with so close it was hard to hear. Diamond pulls us aside because of this, finding a slightly less crowded spot of the large station to talk plans.

“Okay, so I booked us at The Aria.” She said, pointing to one of the skyscrapers with an obelisk shape to it on the map. “Great resort, enormous casino, some of the best all-you-can-eat buffets. The staff cater their guests very well and more importantly, their prices are fair. I even managed to book one of the suites for us on the upper level, above the clouds, even with our budget.”

“Wow Diamond, that’s incredible.” I compliment her, looking over toward some of the windows to see if I could find it. “It’s not far from here though is it?”

“Who cares? We’ve been cooped up in that cabin for hours.” Lemony yawns. “I wanna take a walk, maybe find a cool place to eat.”

“We should head to The Aria immediately and report in.” Diamond countered. “Not to mention we have all of our luggage.”

“Yeah but if, like, I see a bed? I’m claiming it.”

“We probably should eat something…” I say, right before all of our stomachs grumble. Looking down, we all take a moment to laugh and then head off to the front doors. “Alright - definitely some food then, and then we grab our suite.”

“Works for me.”


As luck would have it, there was a wonderful restaurant not far from the station that serves good Brayxican cuisine. We all got tacos and nachos, talking for over an hour while enjoying an enforced light round of drinks. Lemony tried to get shots for us, but I cut her off and use that as an excuse to get us moving to the hotel again, Diamond backing me as she notes the time. Upon seeing The Aria for the first time I feel...oddly nervous. It’s a dark building surrounded by more colorful and illuminated ones, almost looking closed at first glance. The walkway to the front door has very subdued blue and green lights to illuminate the path with and leads to an overhanging archway that felt very gothic until I noticed some of the tiered spires, something I’ve seen more from Neighpon and Zhonghooa architecture. The rest of the building was more plain; a tall stained-glass skyscraper with more of the blue and green lights along the edges and corners of the buildings. The rest of it was cut off by the clouds above, but I could see some odd protrusions further out from the sides coming back down. Maybe some kind of platform? A large veranda or performance space for booked shows?

Walking inside the colors shift to warm red carpeting and golden light from above, giving the lobby a royal demeanor that calms my nerves at such a familiar setting. A few ponies are sitting in little sections talking, staff moving around in black and green suits, and over the PA was some form of muzak that was at least not smooth jazz like it tended to be. Something with flutes and strings, again reminding me of the oriental lands.

“Welcome to The Aria.” The mare at the desk greets me. “Your suite should be ready in a few moments Princess Cadance. Will you and your guests like to ride up, or shall I call a bellhop to deliver your suitcases? We have several locations in the building that you can relax at before retiring for the evening.”

I open my mouth to reply, but Diamond Rose cuts me off. “Take us up straight away please. I think Lemony Gems needs a bed.”

Nodding, the mare floats over three keys in her magic and points down the hall to the elevators. I’m impressed by the machine as it doesn’t seem to use a manual gate but some kind of magical system. Doors that swing shut by themselves, a faint hum coming from the floor below, and several buttons to select floors with. I spend the minute climbing to try and figure it out, and then step out onto our floor with no success. Another shift in the decor leads to wide corridors with small pillars carved into the walls between every two doors. Each of them are double-doors too with little nameplate slots under them, some filled with names and others empty. Diamond leads us along until coming to Room 2551, and with the key unlocks it.

“Alright girls, this is it.” She says, and swings the door open.

“Whoa.” Walking past her, I turn my head slowly and take it in. The first thing I see are the large wall-filling windows that overlook the Upper Strip and clouds. A small balcony is outside of it, empty, but just inside around the windows are a few tables we could probably pull out there. In the center of the room is a large inset lounge area with a crescent couch facing a large fireplace. Behind the couch is a bar area, the shelves lined with various liquors from across Equestria and imported from various countries. A big kitchen area was also in the main room, all of the appliances looking new and spotless, with a platter of fruits set out on the small breakfast nook that Lemony rushes over to and snags a mango from. Diamond moves around and opens a door, revealing a big bathroom with a tub about the size and shape of a jacuzzi, and when she steps inside she calls out that it was indeed a combination bathtub. “Geeze Diamond, how did you manage to get this?” I ask in awe.

“I might have known some...pony.” She says vaguely. “They cut back on the price for me, but even then I splurged a bit.”

“You really didn’t have to do this. I mean, I almost want to just hang out here all weekend.” I chuckle. Even for a princess this was luxurious!

“Oooh~” Lemony walks back over, chewing the mango. “Thash a gewd idea! Diamund-”

“Chew and swallow please, and No. We’re not spending the weekend cooped up inside of our suite.”


“Hey I only said almost, I’m not going to just sit here. There’s shows to see, shopping to do, dancing to enjoy!” I laugh and set off for the final door. Opening it reveals the bedroom, which has a set of queen-sized beds for us to share. Another smaller fireplace is in here as well, along with a few side tables covered with pamphlets and tour guides about Los Pegasus. I take the bed closest to the window and set my bags down. Koromon hops off my back to test out the springs in the bed. Surprisingly he doesn’t bounce much at all, until I move some of the covers to see it was a cloud-top mattress. I let out a small whistle. “But wow, they sure make you want to stay inside.”

“Bed~” Lemony sing-songs tiredly. Trotting in, she tosses her bags to the side and then flops down onto her side of the other bed. “Mmm frrrr hrrrffyy. Mmmm…”

“And she’s down for the count.” Diamond sighs, moving her own luggage around and pulling open a few drawers. “Cadance, why don’t you take the shower first? I want to check with the front desk again about any events happening nearby. Plus, I think we need to get casinos passes from there.”

“There’s a casino here?”

“This is Los Pegasus.”

“...Okay fair enough, but, I don’t really need one myself.”

Diamond Rose is silent for a moment, and then she turns to look at me. “You might as well - Lemony Gems is just going to keep insisting we try out everything here. I might not want you to let loose like she would-”

“Mmrrhrrmmm!” Lemony makes a few noises into her pillow.

“...but I know you, and you’ve already put a few bits to the side in your funds for splurge spending, right? Why not gamble and see about increasing them? You’re in Los Pegasus, Cadance. Even I’m going to be enjoying myself - you don’t get to visit a town like this often, much less for your bachelorette party.”

“I’m pretty sure just about everypony comes here for their bachelor and bachelorette parties.” Still, I get what she’s saying, and I did put bits aside for anything more...chancey. The last night I had been contemplating a run at the casino too, since even if I went broke on bits it’s not like it would matter. “Fine, but let’s save it for the final day here. That way if we lose, we don’t have to worry about staying here for another day without money.”

“Works for me.” Shrugging, Diamond walks out of the bedroom and a moment later I hear the door open and close to the suite. Lemony has already started to mumble sleepily and curl up on her bed, so grabbing my toiletries I head to the bathroom and enjoy myself. As I relax on the bathtub bench and enjoy the massage feature that was built into it, I idly note to tip well the staff here for all of these amazing luxuries. They had even known all of our names without checking in first; maybe when I return to Canterlot I’ll recommend Celestia and Luna visit here sometime.

The plan was for us to arrive Friday night, enjoy Saturday and Sunday, before finally heading home early Monday. I’m sure we all wanted to do more that first night, but after the admitted mistake on my part we were too achy and tired to really explore the hotel or local sights. Poor Lemony slept the whole night and woke up with terrible bedhead, but Diamond and I enjoyed room service as she struggled with tangles in the bathroom. After we all finished eating and were refreshed for the day, Diamond Rose passed the reins to me for our plans, and I decided to use the pamphlets to seek out any nearby shows to enjoy.

In Los Pegasus, there was a performance going on at every street corner. You had griffons doing elaborate tricks, unicorns performing magic, maybe a local theatre group doing an impromptu skit. It didn’t matter as long as you had a permit for it, and then there were the big names that covered the billboards and signs outside all the venues. I took us down a street and slowed at a few of the street performers before coming up to the cinema I had seen hosting one of the latest movies to come out: Star Wars. We all enjoyed it, Koromon especially as he watched and chuckled all throughout. He seemed to enjoy the plot and when I asked him afterwards about it, he conveyed a hope for sequels, including oddly one with the bad guys striking back in victory. I had to admit it had its appeal; it would be very dull after the first if the good guys only won every conflict against the empire. He then got into an amusing faux battle with Lemony using two sticks we found outside, and I cheered him on as a crowd formed to watch the impromptu performance of saber battling. Thankfully Diamond was there to get us moving once some of the local police came to break it up, but they merely smiled and waved goodbye at us as we left.

After the cinema we decided to grab some food and enjoyed some Nagrata cuisine on the recommendation of a local. The curry heavy food was surprisingly revitalizing, if a bit spicy, especially for Koromon who unfortunately ended up with one of the spiciest dishes on the menu. He soldiered through it however, guzzling several glasses of water before even asking for seconds! I guess it was a favorite of his, so I’ll have to remember that. Then we moved on to The Strip, and that’s when Lemony went wild.

The Strip, as it had come to be nicknamed, was the main street that bisected the northern and southern portions of the city. In fact there were two main streets in the city due to the unique layout, and so there was an Upper Strip, and Lower Strip. The Upper Strip was focused on entertainment, much like the rest of the cloud city was. The Lower Strip on the other hoof was geared toward business and storefronts. The train station was placed so that when you first stepped out, you saw the wide expanse the Lower formed as it stretched from the steps of the station to the far horizon. Wide enough to move seven carriages abreast, it was decorated with towering palm trees, lights hanging from every hook and curve, and had gilded windows on every shop with eye-catching colors to draw tourists in.

Tourists, it seemed, like Lemony Gems who has more bits than sense. With a squeal of delight she bolts down the lane before either I or Diamond could stop her. Stopping at one store front, her eyes positively sparkling at the things on display before she’s off to the next one. Darting from spot to spot, often knocking or at least disturbing other pedestrians before we could catch up and calm her down. After the fifth shop I simply lag behind, letting Diamond Rose hunt down our wayward friend as I take in more of the sights and the beings around me. A soft smile comes to my face as I see so many happy and smiling faces, tourists like me standing out badly in their various novelty items and cameras. Many move in packs, likely tour groups or parties bigger than my own. The residents easily move around the large group of ponies and other creatures like water in a river, prompting my gaze to turn and peer at them closer as well. They were far less assuming, often looking more like the ponies of Canterlot or Ponyville going about their business. But as I look at them, keeping one ear tilted to follow my friends, I see something that makes me curious, and delighted.

One stallion passes me by, rather unassuming looking save for the dash of lipstick he has on and some blush around the cheeks. Two mares are chatting, happily laughing away as they stand by a store looking in, and then lean into each other and plant a little kiss on each others cheek. A griffon walks past with a little colt on her back, and although it was clearly a pegasus, I could see a sharpness to the muzzle, a broader width in certain feathers and a tail more like a whip of hair than a mane. I watch the mother and son pass and then turn to look at the zebra on a crosswalk that I was pretty certain was built too much like a mare to be a stallion as their adornments suggested. Sights that nopony would really pay attention to here, and yet stuck out to me like stars in the night sky. Signs that so many unspoken of things in more cultured places like Canterlot were bantered about in plain view, and yet not abnormal at all. It told me of loves and passions that were unbridled and spoke to my nature as the Princess of Love, and looking up into the sky I felt that perhaps coming to Los Pegasus has been a good idea after all. It was...nice, to know these things were around and not being scorned by nobles and aristocrats stuck in tradition and outdated beliefs.Something I hated and always argued with them about, knowing the depth of emotions that often come with these decisions that their stick-in-the-mud minds refuse to understand. After taking it all in for a moment longer, I put this moment of thought behind me and hurry to catch up. My friends were finally sticking to one spot long enough for me to even try thank goodness.

I find Lemony Gems plastered to the front of a dress shop, eyes alight with joy. Diamond Rose is next to her, also looking in but with a far more savvy gleam in hers. The difference of my friends thoughts make me laugh, and they turn to look at me. “Isn’t it amazing Cadence?” Lemony asks, making me move closer to look at the dress on display. It was a bedazzled thing, covered in gems and elaborate stitching. Something only high society really could find use for, but to the average mare it must have looked like something fit for a princess. “I bet it costs a small fortune.”

Diamond lowers her muzzle to a small card under the mannequin. “Yup.” Is her succinct reply.

“Totally worth it~” Seeing where this was going, I grab her tail in my magic and yank on it as she tries to bolt through the door. “Aww, no fair! Spoilsport!”

“You’re seriously going to spend all your bits on the first day in town, on a flashy dress like this?” I question her.

“I have the money for it.”

“How much did Buck even let you take on the trip?”

“...Enough.” Cue the shifty eyes.

Shaking my head, I see Diamond scoff and rub her forehead with a hoof. “I’ll send flowers to his wallet’s funeral.”

That little quip gets Lemony pouting, but she turns and finally slows to walk with us as we continue. We find a number of nice stores after that, all of them far more sensible with their price range and sense of style. Some even hold a large stock of exotic goods; being one of the biggest ports in Equestria, the wares of countless countries stopped here to be sold. Silks of Zhonghooa, magical gems from Zebrica, the perfumes of Saddle Arabia. Nothing I was admittedly unused to seeing in Canterlot, but typically they were adorning nobles and not the average mare and stallion. We all canter around, buying a few things while keeping Lemony on a leash, and then take a break a few hours after noon. We stop in the shade of some palm trees and look on at the sights surrounding us near a small fountain square. Koromon hops into the geysers shooting up through the pavement and even rides a few as they shoot him up through the air.

“Little guy really seems happy.” Lemony giggles. “Guess you got what you wanted, huh Cadance?”

“Yeah...Koromon looks so much more relaxed.” I quirk my lips as he does a front-flip by accident, catching himself on another water spout. He says something that I think means ‘I’m okay!’ and I laugh. “It’s kind of nice seeing nopony freaking out over him too.”

“He is a little weird, but in this city I guess that’s just expected really.” Diamond drawls, looking over at a pony decked in silver paint and holding still as a statue. “He’s quite polite and obedient too for such a strange pet. I would have thought he might cause an incident or two already.”

I frown, some of my thoughts from before the trip coming back. A moment of indecision comes over me, before I look at Lemony Gems and Diamond Rose with a look to match my feelings. “He’s not like other pets - to be honest I’m not sure I should call him one anymore. The way he talks is...like a strange language. I have no trouble understanding him with my sense helping, and we’ve actually ‘talked’ about so many...normal things.”

Both of my friends look at Koromon, then me with a frown. “Like...he’s a real pony?” Lemony asks. “What Lemony means- are you saying he’s as smart as us, or a griffon, or pony?” Diamond clarifies.

I can only shrug. “I think so...come to think of it, I guess there were a lot of signs telling me he wasn’t just some ordinary blob creature. I really wonder where Discord took him from.” The girls look at each other again in worry, so I wave a hoof. “Aw come on girls, he’s not dangerous or anything. He’s been with me for months now so I think it’s safe. Plus, if anything he’s the one who convinced me to even come, so that’s something right?”

The girls share another look, and I get a strange vibe from it that dampens my mood. I get the feeling they were hoping I would have come by my own choice, not someone else’s. But it’s not like I hated the idea; going on a trip before my wedding had sounded wonderful, if only for the fact that I would much prefer someplace low-key like Ponyville instead of Los Pegasus. Before I can ask about their mood Diamond Rose shakes her head and waves a hoof. “Guess so. Come on Cadance, let’s move on and get Koromon dried off.”

I nod, calling him back over to us so I can use a spell to dry him off. We then move on to the next portion of The Strip, where we enter a few shops with less glittery objects. A magic shop (the stage kind) catches my eye and we spend a few minutes having a giggle over some of the tricks. A strange mare with a tick of talking about herself in the third person was actually in there and I have a pleasant conversation about some of her own stunts. She seems a bit arrogant, but she certainly knows her stuff. Koromon actually takes a liking to her, but she doesn’t until he manages to stump her by guessing right on a card trick several times. When we move on, the little experience in the shop made us all want to enjoy a live performance, so we check out the various billboards for something good to watch. A number were now available, the sun setting to mark the start of the cities evening, but given the ache of our hooves we choose to move back closer to The Aria and find one that would be easy to return to the hotel afterwards from.

To my surprise and joy, this turns out to be a circus of all things! I had only been to one once before, back when I first came to Canterlot. Princess Celestia had taken me in order to cheer me up over the traumatic times, and I fell in love with the trapeze artists and incredible acrobatics that I saw that night. There was just something magical about the circus and the performers that worked under the big top. They didn’t just try to entertain you; once you step under the big top, it was like they were trying to open your mind and heart to the wonders of your childhood and imagination no matter the age gap. Certainly all those years ago it helped me rediscover myself, and the idea of seeing one again had my heart fluttering like seeing my first crush might.

We settle in ringside with tofu dogs and massive buckets of popcorn. Koromon takes a seat in my lap, holding the popcorn for us both with his ears, and as my eyes roam over the ring below I can see that already they’re putting on smaller forms of entertainment for the foals and younger ponies. Clowns telling jokes and making balloon animals, a juggler doing amazing feats while atop a unicycle. One of the mares done up in fanciful bodypaint talking while contorted to dazzled fillies, even a tamer letting one excited colt slowly pet over the mane of a big lion. Two acrobatics are gently swaying up in the air over our heads with streamers trailing over their legs, and when the lights began to dim they flip down to the ground and spread their wings. The griffoness holding hands with the hippogryph as they bow and then skip behind the curtain with the others.

The crowd grows hushed as the lights go out completely, a spotlight shining down at the center of the ring where someone stands in ringmaster attire. Their flashy sparkling red suit and tophat radiant to my eyes, especially when they move out of the low ground scraping bow to spread their arms and beam a dazzling smile at us all.

“WELCOME!” The light-blue stallion yells. “Welcome - to all you colts, you fillies, you puppies and cubs! Welcome to our circus, where the magic of life and wonder reigns supreme!” Clapping his hooves, the curtain parts behind him with geysers of smoke and flash powder, as the first few performers come rushing out on unicycles, bicycles, cartwheeling across the ring and zooming up into the air. All of them trailing tubes that emit different colors of smoke, all the while the ringmaster spins in place and throws his hooves out. Magic flying from his horn to fire off small fireworks, before flinging his forelegs out farther to declare, “Let me take on a Journey of Amazement!”

The show was a journey and more. The first number alone was a staggering show of all to come, with countless circus stars and workers dancing around the ring as music began to play. The ringmaster always standing in the center, brushing hoof and horn against those who flowed closer to him, while those high and far away got a smile and laugh from him. Everyone trying to show off, perform as if for his satisfaction, only to receive a jaunty wave and a clap to carry on. Those passed over turning to us, the audience, seeking our attention, our love. And oh how the crowd sang with it. All the children leaping up and out of their seats, parents holding them tight to not let them simply leap down and interfere with the performance. The adults all enraptured too, eyes sparkling with that old childhood joy. When they all slowly disappeared back behind the curtain, Razzle Dazzle, the ringmaster, called to the last performer yet to vanish, calling them back as if they had forgotten to stay. The two doing a fun little dance in the center of the ring, hanging off of each other as he introduced his wife and the star mare of the circus, Glitzy Glam.

The love those two emit was as clear as day to me; they were a duo who love their work as much as each other. He did a magic trick, she acted awed and amazed. She did a wild juggling act with burning torches, he panicked and begged her to put them down. Laughter and cheers were had by all, and with a bow he escorted his wife off the stage to let the next act come on. Then the next, and the next, and the next after that. Soon enough over an hour and a half passed, and we all found ourselves standing to applaud and cheer as everyone took a bow in pride at their jobs well done.

I was sad to realize it was over; I feel like a little filly again, sitting with friends and having watched such a fantastic performance. With the lights up ponies begin to leave, but I wait with the girls for it to thin out some and finish the popcorn. Neither Koromon or I ate much of it, and my friends didn’t look like they had touched anything they snagged either despite looking pretty full. We all meander back out onto the street and idly began walking back to the hotel.

“You know, I’ve never been to a circus before.” Lemony Gems muses. “That was, like, really cool Cadance. I’ve never felt so full.”

“Fulfilled, you mean.” Diamond Rose corrected, rolling her eyes. “But yes - that was amazing Cadance, thank you for picking it for us.

“No problem girls, that was a pretty magical and special thing for me tool.” I sigh happily. “I haven’t been to one in years. Feels kinda...well, just plain good to have done it again.”

“Did you see all those animals? Like, I haven’t seen a lot of those outside of the menagerie, and they were just waltzing right up to ponies in the first row!”

“I liked the production effort they put into everything. Whoever did their costumes really knows their stuff, and the lighting was spot on.”

“Heh, you have a nice eye for detail like always Diamond.” Looking to check the time, I hum but then shake my head. “You know, we’ve done a lot already. What do you say to just turning in back at the hotel girls? I don’t think I wanna stretch myself with one day left still.”


“Sounds good to me!” They reply together.

Our return to The Aria was uneventful, and as we settle into the room Lemony orders us some room service to snack on while Diamond Rose goes to the bar to make some mild drinks for us all. We sit around the fire talking and telling stories for the rest of the evening until we hit the hay. For the first full day in Los Pegasus it was definitely fun. I wonder what the next day will be like?

Sunday starts much the same, although this time I go down to see what sort of buffets they might offer to guests. They actually have a chef making fresh omelets that I eagerly take advantage of, while Koromon takes some of the decidedly non-pony dishes and heap them up on his plate. I’m glad I’m not queasy about meat eaters, because the way he attacks that bacon is definitely a sign of how much he had missed enjoying a more well-rounded omnivore diet in the castle. Even if we try to cater to our allies there are just never enough resources outside of more basic fish dishes. Thankfully he finishes up before Lemony and Diamond come down, but I make a note to ask the chefs back home to bring more meat in for him. I was making a lot of notes it feels like on this vacation, and that’s a bit exciting. There might be some nice changes once I get back to Canterlot.

Things decidedly make a strange turn of events however when I bring up the topic of what to do today.

“Casino!” Both of my friends chorus, and I blink as even Koromon hums in interest at the idea.

“C-Casino? Really girls?” I ask in surprise. “But..I mean sure we could do some, but for the entire day…?”

“Well, like, Friday was a flop right? So I mean we’re seriously behind the schedule Cadance.” Lemony, trying to sound serious, lectures. “There’s a checklist when you’re in this town you know! The sights, the performances, the shopping~”

“Which we’ve all done, alongside some of the good cuisine and services.” Diamond picks up. “But no gambling or partying at all? I’m afraid we need to get to that or else this entire mission will be a flop.”

“Well, I guess that’s only fair.” I did bring more than a few bits for gambling after all, but I was still surprised by how strongly the girls were going for this. I look to the guiltiest with a quirk of my eyebrows. “I’m surprised you’re supporting it so much though Diamond.”

“Like I said, I have a mission.” She says vaguely, looking away guiltily. I look toward Lemony, but she was nodding with her eyes closed. Did they make some kind of deal? “And besides, who cares if we go a little crazy today? We’ll be heading back to Canterlot tomorrow, so what’s the worst that could happen?”

Koromon mumbles something into the waffle he was chewing on. What did he mean by checking the roof?

“Well...I guess that’s the plan then.” I look one more time to see if the girls want to say otherwise, but both of them are nodding and Koromon is just focused on eating the last of his food. Shaking my head, I get up and they follow as I return to the room to quickly grab a saddlebag and my bits.

When we get to the casino I see two burly looking employee’s manning the set of doors into it as security, and one is kind enough to open a set for us to pass through. On the other side I let out a low whistle as I check out the expansive room. It was big, easily as large as a theatre or auditorium, with a second floor balcony that wraps around it supported by giant carved pillars. The lighting and colors in here are more like the outside of the hotel; all dark blue and black with green or purple coloring set into the floor or under the balcony. A few white lights shine down the walkways, over tables and the bar, but they’re so dim compared to many of the machines or the more colored lighting that it’s almost washed out. Hundreds of ponies are in here, walking around or sitting with drinks and piles of chips at the various offerings the floor has to offer. A game of Poker, 21, Blackjack and Hold’em fill the nearby tables, are there are also several slots down many aisles on the left and right sides of the main walkway. I start to finally move in deeper and see dice or balls roll across tables, or slot wheels spin faster than my eyes can track. The sounds are insane; screams and cheers take up half the air alone besides all the flashing, crying machines trying to make me come over and play, overwhelming the mind. Idle chatter occupies the tables as ponies both rich and nearly poor trade life stories or anecdotes about their experiences gambling. A couple was sitting at two slots and talking to each other, maybe arguing going by how aggressively the mare was tugging the handle. Another pony at a roulette wheel was guffawing and holding onto his ten-gallon hat, while a mare clearly dressed for a night of fun clung to his foreleg. It was just too much to take in, and I start to get a headache quickly as while even inactive my empathy was picking up the ocean of emotions floating in here. Greed, Envy and Desire are certainly prominent but I can also feel a ton of Love. Definitely not the innocent kind, but it’s all enough to make me stumble, which thankfully Lemony saw and helps hold me up.

“Whoa there girl, we haven’t even gotten a drink into you yet!” She giggles, pushing until I can stand up by myself again.

“Y-Yeah, sorry I uh...it’s just really loud and bright in here. Very noisy.” I try to play it off meaningfully. I don’t like talking about my empath power unless in private, and Lemony seemed to catch my drift as her eyes widen before she nods.

“You gonna be okay?”

Before I can answer, a drink appears under my snout. The fizzy water in it makes me snort and rear back, but Diamond pushes forward with it. “Here, drink this. It should help.” She instructs.

“...’kay.” I carefully take it into my magic and sip it. It’s a lemon-lime soda mixed with something stronger, but it doesn’t burn my throat and actually feels a bit refreshing. “Wow, what’s this?”

“Splash of lime with vodka and soda.” She says, and I hum in appreciation. “It’s fairly light, so don’t worry about getting drunk.”

“Thanks Diamond.” A few more sips indeed relieves some of the tension in my mind from the overload of emotions running around in the casino. “I really didn’t expect it to be...uh, energetic in here. Usually I’m a lot better with crowds…”

“People come in here for the luck of winning big. Emotions run high as the tension and odds shift, not to mention they’re all being dunked in enough booze to drown a town.” Diamond states. “Then there’s just the sheer freedom and love they feel from going wild, letting go. Los Pegasus helps ponies enjoy the sins and vices most of society tells them to clamp down on. In here...it’s a feast of emotions for everyone to partake in.”

Lemony nods. “Yup-yup! This city is amazing Cadance. You could be anything, do anything, feel anything! Ponies and other races come from all around the world to be here, to experience the freedom that their rules normally forbid. You can be something different from what you are at home, or open yourself to being more like who you really are. I bet lots of ponies in here are office workers, teachers and custodians. Ponies that work nine to five and go home to eat dinner and sleep. Ponies that never get any excitement outside of a new movie once a month, or maybe a new place to eat. But then they get here, and there’s just so much to do! They love the freedom, they love the choices, they love life! Isn’t it incredible?”

The passion of my two friends is startling. I’ve never seen them on such a similar wavelength, much less with their eyes so bright and glowing as they take in the surroundings. Could this be why they wanted to be here, because of some kind of need for release? Lemony was such a socialite, but she helps Buck with his job a lot so maybe that was taxing for her. Diamond I could understand the most, because although she dearly loves her flowers and business, I know it has dulled a lot of her vibrancy after high school finished. Looking toward my back, I can see Koromon staring at everything with a light in his eyes as well. A different place; an escape from Canterlot...he had asked me for that, and I brought him here. But did that mean I was the only pony not needing that? After all the negative thoughts plaguing me lately?

Looking at the drink floating in my magic, I take another sip, but stop and then chug the entire thing. The fizzy bubbles tickles my nose but I finish it all in one gulp, before exhaling loudly and setting it down on a nearby table to be bused. “Alright girls! Then let’s get wild, rich, or poor as fuck!” I shout, and they all cheer in reply. Together we step forward into the sea of lights and sounds, and the night turns into a haze of joy.

The whole day was spent in the casino...I think. So much drinking and gambling, with all those ponies around me. Music and laughter in my ears even now; is there an echo up here? No, I’m just drunk, because everything’s hazy now. Am I sitting? Yes. Okay then, but...ah, the hotel room, good. I need to focus though.

Gah...not an easy task...room is blurry. Feel good...but odd...limbs are weak and numb...

Maybe an entire day of chugging drinks was a bad idea. Alicorn’s have one heck of a metabolism, but I definitely didn’t hold back on what I got. What did Lemony once tell me about drinks and stirring? No...mixing, that’s the word. I definitely had a few sweet and bitter drinks down there, and I think I fell in love with something...smoky? I can still taste caramel on my tongue and lips, licking them just tells me how parched I am. Did I drink any water? Silly Cadance, you know better to not drink without hydrating.

I see a few bottles of empty water bottles, oh and one’s next to me half drinked. Drunk. Definitely not enough...did I eat anything? I had uh...pretzels. Seriously? You sneaky...jerky-jerks.

My vision wobbles and some clarity comes back. Slumping against a pillow on the big couch; so that’s where I am. Where’s the others? Diamond is...not in view. Lemony is, and heh she’s snuggling a pillow while drooling. That’s so cute. Koromon? Where’s Koromon? I have to get up and find him, make sure he’s okay. But it’s so hard, because my hooves feel like massive weights and I can’t feel my skin. Legs. Same thing. I manage to climb the little step and reach the bedroom door. I peer in…is that lump him, or a pillow? Oh it’s moving, goodie. I squint to see better in the dark and hear a little snore. I remember him drinking some himself, and...hey he ate my food! That’s why I’m so hungry! That sneaky bastard.

I totter out with my wings out to help me balance. Or at least my right wing, the left one is numb from dozing on it. How long was I on the couch like that? We left...when did we leave? We went in just before noon, no was it after breakfast? Maybe around ten o’clock...sounds close. Then we hit the casino, no were already at it. Then I had a drink, and picked a slot machine. Lemony and Diamond vanished, but they were always there with a drink or two to share. We sat at a poker table, geeze did Koromon win a lot. I think he was counting cards, can he do that? We hit the bar for a break and snacks, but there was a cute colt trying to flirt with me. Koromon made him leave, but he’d bought a drink for me and…

I stagger and lean against the back of the couch. How much did I drink?! An alicorn shouldn’t...shouldn’t be this tipsy unless we hit a whole bar. Wait, wasn’t there somepony that called for a round for everyone? Oh Celestia, there was a drinking contest. I remember now. Did I win that? I must have, I feel like I did. Urp…

A gallop to the bathroom helps, but now my mouth is putrid and my mane a mess. I could shower, but I really need something to wash everything out first. Things are still blurry, unresponsive, but I think I can make it to the kitchen. But there’s nothing there; all the water is gone and there’s only more booze, crud. Where’s that phone for room service? There is it...oh, it’s already past midnight? They’re not available...until morning...too long. This hangover is gonna kill me if I don’t get something into me. But wait, I need water, and ice is water. That machine! I know I saw an ice maker down another hall.

I fumble with the ice bucket some, my magic sluggish and uncooperative. I’ve never felt it like this before, but I’ve never been drunk like this either. I remember stories about things and stuff dummies do when drunk. I should be careful, use my hooves. Ugh, but they don’t want to grip the door handle. Come one...come on...there!

The hallway is dark, the lights set on the walls really dim. That’s silly, because what if other ponies need to get to their room? Or me right now, ah right I have a horn. I get a light spell going but it makes me lose my grip on the bucket. Stupid magic. I have to balance it on my back with my wings partially out to hold it in place. One hallway is wrong, another is in the wrong direction going by a sign. I find the right one on the third try and sigh in relief. I’ll suck on a few ice cubes until they melt, maybe put the others in a cup for the microwave to melt.

The chunking of the ice into the bucket is really loud, it’s almost painful to listen to. Must be the hangover already coming…


Couldn’t I have turn on the faucet in the sink? Oh for fuck-

Suddenly there’s a blackout, the hall going completely dark. I whinny in surprise and drop the bucket, ice spilling all over the floor as my heart starts to beat faster. Some more clarity comes from that, and now I’m definitely freaked out a bit by everything I saw coming here. Turning around, I try to turn up my spell but it flickers instead. My magic is barely functioning, moving like water through my feathers. It doesn’t feel right; it’s almost as if oil is coating it somehow. I still manage to keep my horn lit, but I can’t see more than a few feet away from me and the machine. Worse, there’s two directions to look for anything since I’m in the middle of the hall. I’m not cornered...but then why do I feel like eyes are on me?

“W-Who’s there?” I rasp out, coughing as the acid from my earlier bile digs into my throat. A leg shakes but I stay upright. “I know somepony’s there, show yourself!”

Nothing answered me, but I hear something start to lightly thump on the carpeted floor. Hoofsteps, just one set I think, but who was it? “Hello?” I call out.

I see a leg appear on the edge of my light, and after a pause it moves and brings...Diamond Rose! She’s okay, thank Celestia. Relaxing and moving closer, I look my friend over and she appears to be fine, if a bit serious looking. “Diamond! You wouldn’t know how happy I am to see you. Where were you - I didn’t see you back in the room. I went to get some ice, silly drunk me forgot I could get some water from the faucet.” I chuckle, but it peters out when Diamond doesn’t react as expected.

“You did drink a lot.” She comments, voice oddly even. “More than we expected honestly, but that’s hardly a problem. It will just make things easier.”

My senses were starting to warn me about something wrong here. Diamond was acting funny, the lights were all out, my magic was acting up...and there was still a sense of something watching me on the back of my neck. I look around, but nothing shows itself in the light of my horn.

“You know Cadance…” I turn back to listen to my friend. “I was really surprised you decided to come. I mean, it was a gamble from the get-go I know. But They were really insistent on me trying, to make everything easier for us. When you said no, I was told to make it work back in Canterlot instead. By my best estimates I’d say we would have just made it under the wire that way.” She shakes her head.

“What are you…” My magic flickers, and I focus on my horn to try and get it back. The hallway dims, barely illuminating Diamond Rose, and I start to panic when I can’t seem to get it back up. My magic wasn’t just oil and water, it was like trying to hold gas now. My legs were wobbling as my body seemed to gain thirty pounds, locking me in place to just not fall over.

“They were very happy by your sudden change of heart.” Diamond continues; I can barely focus on her words. “All of the old plan was put back into place, and we really did have an easy time of it getting you ready. Even with that strange pet of yours…” She pauses, eyes shifting some to the side and voice growing louder, more confident. “Well, it’s just a pet after all. Nothing to worry about in the grand scheme of things, as They would say.”

“W-Who...are you talking about?” I grunt and strain, trying to pump more magic into the light spell. It’s still slowly dying, and now my wings are drooping. This isn’t the alcohol anymore. I feel more like I’ve been...drugged! Did somepony slip me something at the bar, if so what? I’m an alicorn, I can’t...can’t…

The caramel on my tongue. What did Celestia warn me about caramel flavors? There was a plant...

Diamond Rose doesn’t reply, just bowing her head so I can’t see her expression. I finally manage to work through my panic and disorientation to throw a ton of magic at my problem, and with a huge flash of light the hallway lights up! Revealing…


They line the hallway, walls and ceiling even.


They were exactly as I remember them, all black save for those nearly see-through wings and massive green eyes.


All of them turned toward me, the only one any different among them being Diamond Rose. But even she lifts her head up to look at me, abd her eyes flash green as magic pours off her form like flames. Leaving behind just another copy among dozens.

“No no no no no…!”

Frantically I turn, but slam into something bigger and sturdier than me. I fall back and flail, but they fall on me like a swarm and pin all my limbs. I scream, trying to shout for help, but something viscous and gooey slams over my mouth and chokes off my voice. The world is spinning and my magic dies out as more goo splatters over my horn. I can feel it sealing my magic inside, and although I struggle the swarm is too heavy for me to buck off while drugged like this.


In the total dark, only their eyes and magic give any form of light. I can barely see their fangs, their wings, their hole ridden hooves and limbs. Flashes of fire fill my mind, of screaming ponies and my own crying from long ago. Of two bodies lying on the dirt road as our house goes up in green flames. Of one among them, taller and sinister, cackling and standing while backlit by the chaos she unleashed on my former home. All to acquire me for her sick and twisted plans.

Plans that she finally achieved, as my mind starts to white out in terror as two slit green eyes appear above the mass atop of me.

“Hello there...Princess.” Purrs that echoing voice of my nightmares. “It’s so good to see you again, how have you been? Have you enjoyed your time as my guest? No? Well that’s a shame…” She stops to laugh, my vision fading even as her bent and hooked horn lights up with a sickly green aura. Letting me see her insectoid pony face one last time.

“I guess we’ll just have to upgrade you to the Queen’s Suite then. Pleasant dreams, Mi Amore Cadenza.”

A black hoof reaches for my eyes, and it’s lights out.

As the sun rises over Los Pegasus, a pink little blob stirs atop a bed and looks around groggily at the room. Seeing nopony in sight, he bounces off the bed and moves into the next room. There he sees Lemony Gems, still asleep on the couch but now flopped on her back with her horn through a pillow. He chuckles at the sight and then moves to the bathroom, where he washes up and returns to shake her awake. She groans and weakly tries to bat him with a hoof, but he dodges it and snickers before bouncing to the kitchen. With surprising dexterity he pours a glass of water and brings it back to her to drink, which she happily does before thanking and giving him a kiss atop the head.

The two occupants of the room get to tidying up a bit while they wait for their other two friends to return. Koromon doesn’t know where they went, but he assumes it must have been for breakfast with some brought up for the two of them. Lemony, after realizing her two friends are gone, is oddly silent and stares out the window a lot. When the door finally opens, the two of them turn to look, and have both very different reactions.

“Is it…?” Lemony starts to ask.

“Yes.” Diamond replies, face stoic and posture rigid. “Mission Complete.”

Koromon, having scrutinized the two ponies in the doorway carefully, swiftly adopts a placid expression. The tall alicorn next to Diamond Rose looked like his friend, cutie mark and all, but that was all she shared in common. A sneer was on her face, very unbecoming of the kindhearted mare. She had her head up in a way that was meant to look down on ponies from, and what’s more she had her regalia adorning her unlike the entire weekend when it had been tucked away carefully into an unused spot in her baggage. In fact Koromon knew it was still there, as the bag was still undisturbed back in the bedroom. This regalia had flaws; the crown was too tall, and curled out along the top with several gems on the tips. Arrogance flowed from her every step as she moved further into the room, and as her gaze swept over Koromon, disgust filled her eyes as they flashed green.

“So that’s the pet?” Cadance asked, her voice his friends but so very not. “What an ugly little creature. Get rid of it.”

“My Queen, if you did somepony is sure to notice.” Lemony quicks speaks up, darting a glance between Koromon and the alicorn. As the latters gaze turned toward her she stiffened. “I-It’s just...everypony in the castle knows how close the two are, a-and how strongly she fought to keep it. She even stared down Princess Celestia!”

“So you expect me to keep that…thing, with me at all times?”

“Of course not My Queen.” Diamond says, stepping forward and turning to stand besides Lemony and Koromon. She too darts a glance to Koromon and then bows. “Simply let it follow us back to Canterlot Castle. From there you can simply lock it in the room, or let it roam about. If it causes any trouble, simply say that it has been acting up lately and will deal with it later. Perhaps lock it away with...her?”

“Hm...very well. It’s important to keep up appearances anyhow.” Cadance nods once, and then turns away to leave. “Pack everything up and meet me at the train station when it is time. I have a few last minute orders to give out before we depart. Do not keep me waiting.”

“Yes, My Queen.” The two mares reply, bowing before the alicorn leaves by slamming the door shut. Trading one last look between each other, they look to Koromon for any sign that he might suspect something amiss. When he looks back without reply, they reluctantly leave to start packing and follow their orders.

With the room now empty, Koromon moves to the large balcony windows and pushes one open to step outside. He hops onto the railing, not mindful of the steep drop, and watches the sun finish its climb into the sky. A strong breeze blows in from the bay, ruffling his ears. “And so it begins…” He says softly.

Author's Note:

... :twilightsheepish:

tl;dr, unless folks want more explained in a blog post. But basically real life became taxing beyond belief, and I even dealt with some loss and extreme stress issues. I won't make any bets or promises, but like this shows, I have never abandoned this. Just put life over it. I'm super glad to have finally put this out however, and now can move on with the story.

Comments ( 115 )


You're alive!

Its been so long!:raritycry:

I knooooow! :pinkiesad2:

I'm beyond happy, it's always good when a old story I like finally updates

Since it's been so long and I don't have time to reread the last chapter can I get a recap of what happened in the last chapter?

I’m just waiting here for Celestia’s face when she realizes that the “Horrible Black Knight” was with Cadence all alomg and kind of protecting her, forcing her to rethink everything she thought. It’s that kind of pay off that makes these stories so good.


And so the switch has happened... Also IT'S ALIVE!

So how many ponies did they have to mind control or replace so that Chrysallis's bad acting did not give them away.

*Reads the last lines*

Did Koromon do This, just to get Chrysalis to grab her chance? Or was it something he expected?

From one cliff hanger to another, the wait continues

I see digis I sitties.

It has returned! I thought the Aria was a changeling front as soon as I heard the color scheme, I started to suspect Diamond at some point before the casino, but Lemon just cruised right under my radar. I can’t can’t wait for more but I know it will probably still take months! Curse you real life! Also is Chrysalis attacking Cadence’s town cannon or just part of the story?


Given Cadence’s reputation? They just have to replace her butler and get to Twilight. Because Celestia has clearly demonstrated with her sister that she is incapable of recognizing that people she is close to aren’t themselves (by any definition) and Luna will either not care or try to get in on the plan.

YESS!!! I HAVE WAITED 2 YEARS AND NOW MY PRAYERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED!! plz update again soon this story is like crack cocane.
Edit: I now understand why and understand. Take your time. Life is more important after all.

This is a bad late april fools joke, making us have hope that it's actually ali-

Wait it's actually here. Holy shit. I missed you.

After two years it resurrected

P.S: Let's see what Koromon do... Maybe get points with Celestia and the others by saving Cadence? Or waiting until Chrysalis reveal herself and defeat her then. Or act as the pet and do nothing, or just help Chrysalis.

Nice update, hopefully life let's you work on this more than the intermission did.

So another 2 years before another update?

I don't care how long it took for you to write and publish this chapter, it was AWESOME !!!:pinkiehappy:

Everytime this updates, my day has been made.

With the room now empty, Koromon moves to the large balcony windows and pushes one open to step outside. He hops onto the railing, not mindful of the steep drop, and watches the sun finish its climb into the sky. A strong breeze blows in from the bay, ruffling his ears. “And so it begins…” He says softly.

"Sweet and Elite but Koromon screws up the timeline."

A lot can happen between now and the wedding still. But yes she's all diva, no acting. :duck:

I'll say that in terms of Cadance's backstory there _is_ a fair bit taken from that one storybook that wrote about it. But otherwise it's entirely different, including any history that might exist between the Princess of Love and Takers of Love.

:pinkiesmile: Man, I wonder if the author will ever update this story.
*jsk244 with Kenshiro's voice* I have already updated it.
:pinkiegasp: NANI?!
Awaken, comment section!

H'oh, an update. Good thing too, this story was in my "mark as dead" zone.

It's been so long, I might just have to re-read this to figure things out. Also, wonder why I never put this in Faves, certainly was/is good.


If it’s a story worth re-reading then I’ve done right!

Well, now to ask the obvious question.....

When's the next chapter coming?

That's a....good question. I've had the next three, four chapters ready in my head every time I wrote and posted a chapter. So strictly speaking? Soon...if I can put it down in a doc. Work atm however has been non-stop with no days off, and little time even while there to sit down and write without needing to relax mentally over the stress instead. Since this next chapter will be relatively short (certainly NOT a 20k beast like this turned into), maybe Soon. As in, under 6 months. :twilightblush:

Six months, as in at the end of the year? Or six months, February 2023?

ITS ALIIIVE~! :pinkiehappy::pinkiecrazy:

gamers, it be here.

*angrily adjusts bowtie*

Now all I need to do is remember literally everything else that's happened up to this point :pinkiecrazy:

Iam glad that this story is still alive :D

*a pinkie has arrived in your mail* :pinkiehappy:

in all seriousness do you need any help? if there is anything I can do to help out and save you some time let me know I can pitch in. in the meantime I am sorry to hear that life has become stressfull for you and that your suffering from loss and everything that seems to be going wrong lately for ya. but hey, welcome back! and were all here for ya if you need a freind

You're back! I've been waiting so much I love this story

At least it’s not Kingdom Hearts!
Awww, thank you so much :twilightsmile:

Oh boi, am excite.

Need more pls

Hope he saves cadence

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