• Published 20th May 2014
  • 1,435 Views, 158 Comments

Ask a changeling - ParadoxPony

Narris is a changeling living in ponyville. She will learn the paths of pony life with the help of her fiends.

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Ask. 2

I turned to face them. The first thing I noticed about the two standing in front of me is that they were both of earth pony origin. The pink one had a nasty smile on her face while her companion, a gray mare, was just glaring at us. I was about to inquire on their names when another voice graced my ear.

Narris, whatever you do, don't do anything brash to the [profane word] with the tiara on her butt. Or her tacky lacky. Ooh, that rhymed!

I winced. "Who said that?"

The pink one began a girlish laugh. "So you are a blank flank and deaf? Wow girls! Nice choice in friends! what a looser!...I guess she'll fit right in."

Her friend chuckled at the seemingly funny joke. I didn't get it. Was I supposed to laugh too? Was this some pony joke? The others weren't laughing. I decided it would be better to keep silent. But still... Where did that voice come from? I remember the words, don't do anything brash and, tiara on her butt. It sounded like a hive broadcast, the way the Queen would communicate with the other members of the hive. I leaned to one side and caught a glance at both their flanks, one had a silver spoon imprinted on it and the other a crowny thingy. that must be the one the voice spoke of. The pink one.

I felt three hooves pull me toward them and saw as three ponies stepped in to block the path between me and the snickering two.

"Leave her alone Diamond Tiara!" Scootaloo said, raising a roof in the air.

"Yah! She aint dun nut'n to yall!"


The two fillies looked at at other, a pleased smile upon each face, and walked away.

"Sorry bout that Narris. Those two are just big meanies!"

"Her name is Diamond Tiara?" I asked.

Sweety Belle looked at me with an odd expression. "Um...Yah. But I think Brat one and Brat two would be more fitting."

I laughed after seeing that the others were.

I sat at my desk, trying to pay attention to what Ms. Cheerilee was saying, but my eyes drifted elsewhere, around the room at all the strange objects, each filly's and foal's face. But there was one face I kept coming back to...

A loud bell rang out and I almost lost form. The kids around me began to file out and I fallowed, all the while thinking of two things, the voice...And the face. We walked until arriving at an exit where we continued on out into some sort of play place. My heard turned in a million directions. It was all so colorful and new compared to the shades of black and gray at the hive. I walked around until satisfied that I had seen everything. The three girls I had met showed me around and, more often than not, how to use everything. It was odd, they acted like I was the weird one for not knowing. My favorite had to be the swing. Up- down -up- down. I loved it.

after the day ended, and a very awkward lunch, I left, still looking for that face in the crowd.

Calm. Relaxed. At total ease. I let the words mother had told me sink in. Though the pond water around me began to wake from their slumber, I remained still. Completely focused...

So narris how old are you?

quick question, (i'm not sure if i missed this information or not) what is Narris's age?


"Oh! Come on!"

I shook the water out of my mane and coat.

"Who's there!?"

So narris how old are you?The voice repeated.


I listened for more but the voice had stopped. Great.

"Look...Um...Mister voice? Are you still there?"

do all changelings have blue eyes, or some have green ones instead?

Dear Narris....
What DO you look like in your new form?

"Well," I began. I didn't see any harm in that question. "Males have blue eyes and females have light green or yellow. Red and purple are other rare colors though. And as for what I look like? I have these weird pony eyes. They are blue...Also, my fur is dark blue. this mane thing is black, but with blue stripes. And then there are my wings. But....Why are you asking me this? Who are you?"

The voice was silent once more and for the better. It was getting weird.

A crack to my left could be heard and I froze. A pony, a mare, came from he bushes and stared right at me. Still in soul form, I launched at her, pinning her to the grass.

"Wa-wa-what d-do you w-want?! I-i'll give you any-"

It was too late. I ignited my horn and held it to her, feeding through my magic. When I was done, I switched to my disguise, which I had found out to have a dark blue coat and blue and black scruffy mane. One more light from my horn and she had forgotten the whole thing.

The mare got up, looked at me, and shook her head.

"Oh, i'm sorry! I didn't see you there! Would you kindly direct me to town?"

I pointed a hoof back to the bushes from where she had come.

"Many thanks!" She said, leaving with a happy trot.

What had I done? It all just happened so fast. One moment there was that voice and the next... I let myself fall back to soul form and the voice came back to me.

Narris, how does love taste?

I puzzled at the question.

"well, I don't know about taste, but it just kinda feels...Fuzzy and heavy, like having a blanket on or instantly gaining 10 pounds."

I rubbed my wings against my sides. I haven't tasted love in forever. It felt so good!

Narris, why are you a filthy leech monster, and what do you plan to do about it?

I winced.

"I am not a-...I mean, I am certainly not a monster...i just...don't know what happened."

I let my head rest upon my hooves. What if mother or Scenta were to have seen me?

'Ey Narris, what is your opinion on Moustaches?:moustache:

"You're chiding right? Did you see that? what I just did?...It looks fine...."

Diamond Tiara sat in her personal, indoor pool awaiting her butler to return with a fresh glass of lemonade, extra sugar. That was when she heard it. A voice, unrecognizable to her, formed in the air.


Her eyes shrank to the size of pin heads.

"What did you call me!?"

A calm walk through the woods calmed my nerves easily, but to so easily as that face. I wish I could meet them! I lay my saddlebag on the table, snatching a strawberry from it as I did so. I wish I knew where all these voices were coming from. It drove me crazy not to know. I watch as Scenta happily trots into the room, a stack of papers held in her magical, green aurora.

"What you got there sis?" I asked.

She turned as if startled, then continued to smile on. "Homework."

A whistle formed from her lips as she left, still holding up her work as if proud of it. I rolled my eyes. This was just like her. I didn't realize just how much I missed my little sister's smile.

Narris, can Changelings feed from other emotions, or is love the only one?

"Is that your name? Lightning?" there was no reply.

"Well, Lightning, yes it is, but my kind used to feed on hate and fear. Those were the good days, but then Luna was banished and Discord, turned to stone. Not much fear after that, so the queen found a spell to change our appetite."

Just curious, is Zecora a changeling, or is she their adoptive mother?

So narris, how did you and your sister come to live with Zecora? Complications with the hive or what?

"Oh..That. Well. The queen produces over half of changeling offspring, I was one of them, and as for my father, he was taken in battle..." A hole formed in the pit of my stomach. "Zecora took us in. She found us in soul form by her hut."

I listened for more but the voice went silent.

How long have I been walking? The trees loomed over me like a shadow. I recognized this place! I put my ear to the ground, sure enough, I could hear it buzzing. Before I even had the chance to run, the hive was on me. Why was I running anyway? They followed me through thickets and in between trees. I couldn't loose them as the buzzing became ever clearer. I screamed but no noise came out. The words just didn't come. I felt a hoof grab mine and pull me into a darkness. Then all was quiet.

He was brown was an even darker brown mane. He smiled, and to even my surprise, I smiled back.

"got you in the nick of time?"

"Thank you! But...Who are you?"

His smile instantly changed to a look of sadness or worry.

"Why would you go and ask a thing like that?"

My vision blurred and the buzzing returned. The next thing I new there was blackness...

I switched on my bedside lamp...It was just a dream... In the bed across from mine, my sister lay, snoring loudly. A changeling's snore does sound like buzzing.

I carefully got out of bed and went into the living room. The sun was already up but I still had another hour or so before school started, so I went back to the pond only to find mother there. I could already tell, it was going to be a long day!