• Published 20th May 2014
  • 1,435 Views, 158 Comments

Ask a changeling - ParadoxPony

Narris is a changeling living in ponyville. She will learn the paths of pony life with the help of her fiends.

  • ...

Ask. 3


"Sweet girl, what are you doing out here? Is it a nightmare that you fear?"

Mother was smiling which could only mean one thing, she didn't need me to answer for that question.

"Um," I rubbed the back of my neck, "yah, I guess so."

Mother walked to my side and put a warm hoof to my shoulder.

"Do you plan on sitting here like a fool? Go on my girl! Get ready for school!"

The way she said it didn't leave me with a good feeling, but I obeyed. Once in the hut I could see Scenta already at work in the kitchen, eating love from our pet, and brushing out her long, perfect mane....Long and perfect. I ran a hoof through my mane. It was long...but her's had to be twice as long as mine! I scowled behind the few locks that covered my face.

I like you're mane narris

"Oh?!...Thank you..."

a small smile crossed my face. Okay, maybe I wasn't perfect but this pony voicy thingy saw my mane and thought-....

"Hey!? You can see me?!"

A certain pink mare held the binoculars to her nose, watching a certain hut intently, that was until a certain voice interrupted.

Oh geeze.
Pinkie Pie, we've got another leak in the quadphase plumbing system, could you be a dear and check it out? It looks minor for now, but the filters are out and it's affected two or three sinks.

"Already on it." she said with a voice tone more serious than usual.

"Plot device....activated..."

I walked to school that day and, to my surprise, got there early. But not early enough to rid myself a few minutes of Diamond Tiara. Lucky for me, her friend was not with her.

"What are you doing here blank flank?"

"My name is Narris, not blank flank." I said calmly. " And I just came here to...to..toooooooo...-''

It was that face...Those dark brown eyes...the dark mane and cream colored fur...

I must not have noticed I was staring- or "ooing"on like an idiot- because Diamond Tiara burst out laughing.

"Wait, wait wait! You think that you, you a blank flank, have a chance at even getting a special somepony? Give me a brake! Wait till Silver Spoon hears about this! why, I bet-"

I wasn't listening what she was saying, because for a moment, for the smallest, most important moment in my life, his eyes met mine. Just for a moment, but the most wonderful moment of my life.

A hoof waved in front of me and broke my trance.

"Are you even listening to me?!"

"Huh? Wah? Oh, right, I'm listening."

I sat down and looked at the ground, showing her I was listening.

"Ha! Your so easy!''

She went on to talk about how stupid I was for a few more minutes and then got bored. She pulled a brush from her saddle bag and got busy on her mane.

"You know, "she said after finishing. "i am a very important pony! You should consider yourself lucky to bask in my presence. In fact, I thing you owe me! What did you bring for lunch?'

"Lunch?" I repeated.

"Yah Narry."



"I didn't bring anything for lunch mam." I said.

"You must be a poor pony! What do you eat anyway? Dirt! You look like you do!"

I was about to inform her that I did not eat dirt for that would not be very healthy when Scootalo, Sweety Belle and Apple Bloom came to my side.

"Who do yuh think yall are talk'n to her like that!?" Apple Bloom said.

I smiled. "She's a very important pony."

Scootaloo groaned. "What are you doing!?"

"Basking in her presence like she asked."I stated simply.

"Diamond!" The three chanted in unison.

''Look Narris, you don't have to be so nice to that bully."

I raised an eyebrow. The three groaned in unison then pulled me to my desk and told me simply not to speak to her. I obeyed.

Hive broadcasting? huh...sounds quite unique really, what else can the Hive do? if you don't mind me asking of course!
-Midderp :derpytongue2:

"Huh!? Oh, it's just you again... You mean you didn't know we could do that? Well, forget it because we can't...not anymore. The queen is too weak now to do anything. But members of the same hive can, if they have a lot of power that is. It's sorta like a telepathic, short ranged telephone."

The foal to my right gave me an odd stare, then moved himself a few steps further from me. That was normal, right? Afer a few classes, the early wake up that morning was getting to me. My eyes drooped and my head bobbed every few minutes. Each second passed slower than the next until-


I found myself trapped in the void once more by the buzzing sounds of the hive, drowning out all other noises of the forest. All other noises, but his. He wasn't that cute stallion at my school, no this voice was his voice. I just wish I knew who he was. I concentrated on his voice only. I had to see him...Just once more. There was something about him....Something...

" Narris! I-..Come...And then..."

It was impossible to hear him above the buzzing wings and buzzing voices. Than one of them grabbed at me, pinning me to their body and-....Hugging me?

My first instinct was to run, to get away, but then this warm feeling came over me, like feeding on love, but this was better. The thing held me in its embrace for what seemed to be an eternity. And I loved it!

...I hadn't noticed the buzz go down until it spoke to me, or should I say he spoke to me. I recognized his soft, warm voice instantly. He saved me again. I wanted to say something, to tell him how thankful I felt, but my mouth seemed to be glued shut.I looked up at him, i had to know if he was real. My eyes were met with his.

"Hey." He said softly.

I don't know what it is, but he looked, just a tiny bit, older.

"Hey." Is all I managed to say.

I feel blood rush to my face and the world swirl around me, or what seemed like my world, was spinning out of control....And I loved every second of it.He stroked my wing-like blue mane from my face. I was in soul form, and he...He didn't care? After what seemed like an eternity squished into a second of his gaze, he leaned down, his lips a mere two inches from mine and coming closer. This couldn't be a dream. I wouldn't allow it to be...

Woah woah woah. What was that dream thing all about? Is that the first time this has happened or is this a recurring thing?


I stumbled backward as the stallion holding me lost his grasp at the sudden out burst. I fell from his arms and into a blackness I did not know....


"Huh? What? Where?"

A roar of laughter burst around the room....I had fallen asleep in class, my lips still forming that pursed look.

"Narris," repeated Mrs. Cheerily, "I said, get out your notebooks please." She gave me a deathly stare that only a teacher can do.

The day seemed to slow down every time I looked at the clock. Did't it say 2:59 a few minutes ago? By the time school had ended I was ready to hit the hay- that's a pony thing right?- but not if the CMC had anything to say about it. No sooner had the bell rang was I blindfolded by three giggling fillies and led off to who knows where. I remember the smell of apples, a brief encounter with a tree branch to the face, and being taken up some stairs.


The blind fold was taken off and I had to blink a few time to get used to the light. I was in a fairly small room with a window on every wall with the exception of a door. My attention turned back to my friends, each one with a physically impossible smile on their face.

"Where am I?"

Scootaloo put a hoof over my shoulder. "Welcome to the Cutie Mark Crusaders club house!"

"This is...." I looked at the three, their smiles still visible. How did the do that? "Amazing!"

"Wow! You really think so?"

"Yah!... But, why? I don't understand."

"Narris, we're gunna make yah part of the club. Yah wanna be in our club. Don't yall?"

"Of course I do!"

The minute the words came out of my mouth, the windows were shut and the room went dark. I stumbled around in the dark for a second or two and then a single light shone in front of me. I squinted, then saw Sweety Belle standing behind one of those judge stands a few feet ahead of me. She was wearing a black cape and hood. Scoots stood next to her, pounding a drum to a perfect beat. That is until breaking out into a rhythm of head pounding bangs.

Sweety Belle held a long sheet of paper in front of her and began to read.

"We, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, elect Narris to join us as a sister, friend, ally, buddy, gal-pal, chum of chums...Scootaloo! You said you fixed this!''

"Hey! I've been busy! Besides, you were the one who said 'don't bother with that Scoots! Let's get our cutie mark in sex-ed Scoots! You can get that later Scoots!'"

"Oh, right...Um...." Sweety Belle ran a hoof down the words until stopping a few inches from the bottom. "There it is! Ahem! -And fellow Cutie Mark Crusader! You are solemnly sworn in here this day in witness of your fellow sister, friends...Congrats! Your in!"

With a burst of shiny confetti, a red cape was flung across my back by Apple Bloom.

"Does this mean i'm in?" I asked.

"Well, ya! Now, as a Cutie Mark Crusader, you are henceforth sworn to the total awesomeness of of this clubhouse!'

I looked to the floor, not wanted to meet their eyes.

"What's wrong? Don't yah wanna be a part of our group?"

"Well, ya....It's just...Can I tell you girls something?"

The mood instantly changed in the room and the three sat down in front of me. I took a deep breath.

"...I hear...Voices."

They looked at each other, and then took a few steps away from me.

"Wait! That didn't come out right!...Okay, look, I need you to close your eyes, okay?"

They looked at each other questionably, but subsided. Just to make sure, I waved a hoof in front of each face. So far, so good. With a small burst of light I turned back to soul form, then started a spell on my three friends. Once finished, I changed back to pony form.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now!"

My friends looked around the room expectantly.

"It'll be any time now, I'm sure...oh! Come on voices! Say something!"

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo took another few steps away from me, pulling Sweety Belle along with them.

"Ah'm just gunna go get Aj."

"No! Trust me! I-"

Does she know that we can manipulate her world and control her pretty much or well she learn it if she hears this?

They jumped back in surprise as the voice boomed around the room.

"See! I told you...wait, you guys can do what!?"

Scootaloo began hyperventilating. 'There's a- It's a- I- you?- how did- but, but, but-"

I put a hoof to her mouth.

"Hush! Don't wake the whole farm! Geez!''

"Deep breath Scoots. Okay, you have a lot of explaining to do!"

All eyes turned to me.

"oh...Right. Look, I don't know much myself. It just started happening a few days ago! They just come and go. I swear!"

They smiled.

"It's alright Narris," said Sweety Belle, "we'll help you out!..Wait what did that thing say?!"

Would you like a tasty Love-Flavored Cookie, Narris?

"Why would she want'a love-flavored cookie? That's just weird."

"Um, yah? Why would I? *Cough* yes please *cough.*"

Something small and hard hit the back of my head and I swiftly shove it under my wing.

"what was that?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"A-any wa-ay. Narris, what do these guys do?"

"Well, sometimes they ask me questions, and sometimes they give me advice."

"Okay. what kinda things they ask?"

"Um.. You know, this and that."

Sweety Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo formed a tiny talk-circle, whispering things I couldn't hear. After they seemed content with themselves, they turned back to me, nodded to each other and-


Author's Note:

I know not all you comments were in this chapter, but the ones I missed will be put in the next chapter.

Thanks for reading!