• Published 19th May 2014
  • 2,401 Views, 130 Comments

Of Cellos, Bubbles, and Moonbeams - Eyvind

Octavia is a quiet pony. She never had many friends. She never thought she would need any. But then why is she so happy when she meets Ditzy Doo?

  • ...

Chapter 3

Ditzy and Octavia reached the lake around one. The sun was still high above their heads as ponies played and relaxed all around them, taking advantage of the warm summer afternoon. Octavia had managed to convince Ditzy Doo that she was entirely capable of walking on her own. Ditzy had obliged and released her, though she seemed rather glum about it. She cheered up dramatically, however, as she did a little hop-skip-glide over the lake, landing with a large sploosh. She emerged moments later, squirting a jet of water from her mouth into the air.

Octavia chuckled, walking to the water's edge at a more dignified pace. "Alright, Ditzy!" she called out to her. "You dragged me out here! Now teach me, oh wise one!"

Ditzy waded towards her until she could stand in the shallows. "I can't teach you from over there, silly! You gotta get in with me!"

Octavia's smile faltered as she took a step backwards, her heart beat rising slightly. "I'm fine right here," she said. "I, uh, don't really like getting my mane wet."

"Come on, Octavia. It's only water," Ditzy said from the lake's shallows, the waves barely reaching up to lap at her tummy. She emphasized the point with a flap of her wings, the spray creating a miniature rainbow above her head that vanished after a moment.

Octavia wasn't convinced. She sat on the beach, looking at the water with trepidation. "But we just ate..."

"So? I'll save you if you get a cramp," Ditzy replied without any hint of sarcasm. "Just jump in!"

Octavia still hesitated, searching for some excuse to save her from having to enter the lake. "But it isn't that warm today..."

"The weather's super nice, and the water's just right." Ditzy cocked her head and looked at her with sad puppy-dog eyes. "What's wrong, Octavia? Don't you wanna go swimming with me?"

"Of course I do!" Octavia immediately reassured her. "It's just that..."

"Just that what?"

"I... um... Idon'tknowhowtoswim..." Octavia mumbled embarrassedly.

"Huh? What was that?" Ditzy asked, taking a step towards the shore as she strained her ears.

"Idon'tknowhowtoswim," She mumbled again, only slightly louder.

"Still can't hear you," Ditzy said as she took another step.

"I don't know how to swim!" Octavia blurted out loudly. The ponies around her stopped doing what they were doing as they stared at her strangely. A couple of them began to laugh. Octavia's cheeks burned intensely from all of the attention. Sweet Celestia, it's like I'm trying to push Ditzy away. She has to think I'm a loser now, right?

Ditzy flapped her wings and took flight, but instead of flying away, or flying towards her, she instead flew towards a young stallion and mare who had been building a sand castle but were now laughing at Octavia instead. She hovered in front of the pair, beating her wings furiously and spraying them with water in the process.

"Hey, what's so funny? I bet you can't play the cello like that mare can! So what if she can't swim? She's got more talent in one hoof than the both of you combined!"

Perhaps it was because she was soaking wet, or maybe it was because of those mismatched eyes glaring at them so angrily, but the couple backed down from Ditzy's challenge. They said a quiet word to each other before abandoning their castle and moving further down the beach. Ditzy watched them go, her glare shooting daggers at their backs.

Octavia couldn't believe what she had just witnessed. Ditzy Doo had just defended her, going so far as to confront complete strangers, all in the name of her honor. No pony had ever done anything half as kind for her before. She didn't understand how Ditzy could be so nice to her.

Ditzy returned to Octavia after she was sure the couple was gone, the little bounce in her step hiding any indication of the anger she had just shown towards them. "Some ponies just have no manners, huh?" she said with a smile.

"Ditzy, that was... Thank you."

"Well I wasn't just going to let anypony laugh at you--"

"No, that's not what I meant," Octavia said with a shake of her head. "I meant thank you... for being my friend."

Ditzy's smile widened until it covered her whole face, the joy it showed at her words matching the joy Octavia felt inside. "Let's teach you how to swim!" she said. "Then I can teach you how to have fun!"

Octavia nodded. "Deal."

~ ~ ~

Swimming didn't come as naturally to Octavia as music theory, but she was still a fast learner. After she had gotten over her fear of the water (with the constant encouragement of her "teacher"), It only took an hour before she was dog-paddling in the shallows. Another hour and they were swimming circles around each other as they played Mareco Polo.

By the time the sun was beginning to set, the two mares were sitting on the beach waiting for their coats to dry. Octavia lay normally, facing the west as the sky began to turn orange, while Ditzy lay on her back, using Octavia for a pillow as she gazed up at the clouds. The other ponies were beginning to depart as the day came to a close, leaving them to relax in their mutually-comfortable silence.

"Hey, Tavi?" Ditzy said after a good length of time. Octavia started slightly, surprised by the use of a nickname. The only ponies who had ever called her Tavi were her parents. She felt it was something special, something only shared between the ponies closest to her. It was odd then, she decided, that it felt totally natural for Ditzy to use it.

"Yeah, Ditzy?"

"I had a lot of fun today."

Octavia smiled warmly. "Me too."

"You wanna do this again sometime?" Octavia could feel Ditzy's head shift on her side as she turned to ask.


They both grew quiet once more, each reflecting on the days events and how lucky they were to call the other friend. The peace didn't last for long, however, as a mare's voice suddenly called out.


Octavia looked to her right as Ditzy poked her head over her to see who was shouting as well. A bouncing pink mass of energy was hopping towards them along the lake's edge. The pony sported a huge smile and wore Ditzy's hat and mailbag that she had left at Sugar Cube Corner.

Octavia tilted her head in confusion. "What's a Derpy?"

"Oh, uh, she's looking for me," Ditzy said somewhat miserably.

Octavia switched her confused look from the pink mare to her friend, but wasn't able to ask any more before the bouncing pony reached them.

"Hi, Derpy! You forgot all your mail thingies at the store again!"

Ditzy flew over and retrieved the items. She tried to hide the new sadness she suddenly felt with a smile, but she didn't do a very good job of it. "Oh, thanks Pinkie. Sorry about that..."

Wait, this was the Pinkie Pie Applejack was talking about earlier? Octavia desperately hoped she wasn't as friendly as the salespony.

"That's the third time this week," Pinkie laughed, snapping Octavia from her thoughts. "Your such a silly filly!"

Pinkie turned her attention to Octavia then, much to her dread. "Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie!" she announced enthusiastically. "Who are you?"

Octavia opened her mouth to reply, but Pinkie quickly cut her off with a sharp gasp. "Are you the one Dashie told me about?!" She was about to ask what a Dashie was when Pinkie cut her off once more. "Oooooooh, you're such a lucky ducky!" Pinkie giggled. "You two are so cute together!"

Octavia was far from an expert on social interactions, but from her understanding, "together" was a term reserved for ponies that were dating. But, again, before Octavia could ask what she meant, Pinkie gasped. "I gotta get back to Sugar Cube Corner! It's the Cakes date night and I~I'm watching the twins!" she said in a sing-song voice. She trotted in place excitedly before turning and bounding back the way she came. "Bye Derpy!" she called over her shoulder.

They watched her disappear from view before sighing in unison. Somehow that pony had managed to drain Octavia of all her energy when she hadn't even put a word in edgewise. She looked at Ditzy. The Pegasus had landed and now sat on her haunches, clutching her mailbag and hat to her chest, sadness shadowing her features as she stared at the ground.

Octavia frowned, Ditzy's sadness becoming her sadness. "Ditzy?" she asked worriedly. "What's wrong?"

Ditzy sighed into her mailbag, muffling her words. "I'm such a feather-head."

"What?! No, you're not!" Octavia immediately asserted.

Ditzy obviously didn't feel the same way. "You heard her, Tavi. That's the third time this week I've forgotten my stuff at her store. That's the reason that everpony calls me Derpy..."

Octavia didn't know what to say. This was the first time that she had seen Ditzy depressed, and it tore at her heart like a rusty nail.

"Ditzy... I... I mean..."

Ditzy took off with slow, heavy wing beats, still clutching her bag like a safety blanket. "I'll see you tomorrow, Tavi."

Octavia wanted to say something, anything to help her, but she couldn't find the words. After everything Ditzy had done to help her, she could do nothing but watch silently as her only friend flew off into the darkening evening. She continued to stare at her diminishing figure until it was finally lost from sight.

A single tear rolled down her cheek as she finally managed to speak. "Ditzy..."