• Published 19th May 2014
  • 2,401 Views, 130 Comments

Of Cellos, Bubbles, and Moonbeams - Eyvind

Octavia is a quiet pony. She never had many friends. She never thought she would need any. But then why is she so happy when she meets Ditzy Doo?

  • ...

Chapter 5

Octavia felt light headed as she sat there and looked at the party invitation in her hooves. This letter said flat-out that Ditzy and her were in a romantic relationship, and there were tons more like it, all probably already in the hooves of every resident in Ponyville. She should have realized this was coming when Pinkie Pie had offered to write all the invitations herself.

Octavia wanted to fix this terrible and embracing mix up as soon as possible. She really, really wanted to fix it. But she hadn't slept in nearly thirty-six hours. When faced with the choice of either going back to Pinkie Pie and telling her of her mistake or heading inside and going to bed, the answer was obvious.

I'll go over there first thing in the morning and get this whole mess sorted out before the party starts she thought as she dragged herself through the front door. After trudging down the hall, she entered her bedroom and immediately threw herself on the mattress. She barely had time to remove her bow tie before sleep overtook her.

~ ~ ~

Octavia's sleep that night was a jumble of fragmented dreams that came and went. It were as though she were wading through a thick fog, only catching glimpses of the visions her subconscious decided to show her.

One of them was very pleasant. She sat on the same beach as the other day, Ditzy Doo pressed up against her side as they watched the sunset. She could feel the warmth of the sun on her fur, but the only warmth that held her attention was coming from the mare beside her. If there were such a thing as heaven, she was sure this was it.

The beach soon melted away and was replaced by a grand theater. Octavia stood center stage. She was playing her cello, performing for a packed house. Butterflies began to do aerial stunts in her stomach as she looked out across the audience, seeing all their stoic faces and criticizing eyes. Her gaze fell on the front row and the butterflies suddenly vanished. There, sitting right in front of her, was Ditzy, giving her an encouraging smile that filled her heart with happiness.

It only lasted a moment, though.

As that dream began to dissolve, it was replaced by a much darker one. Octavia found herself inside Sugar Cube Corner during the party. Ditzy sat in the middle of the crowded room, crying as everypony pointed and laughed at her, calling her Derpy. Octavia instantly tried to run to her side, tried to call out her name, but Ditzy only got further away from her, Octavia's words never reaching her ears. Tears began falling down her own face as she realized how helpless she was. The ground suddenly gave way beneath her hooves, and she fell into darkness, the last terrible image of Ditzy's agony burned into her mind.


~ ~ ~

Octavia awoke suddenly on the floor in a tangle of sheets, her entire side aching after the short fall from her bed. She didn't move right away. Her mind, body, and eyes were all taking their sweet time adjusting to her new wakeful state. She hugged the sheets to her, the memory of that last terrible nightmare causing her to shiver. She didn't believe in fate or premonitions, but she found herself worrying about the party all the same. What if they did tease Ditzy? What if she really couldn't do anything?

Those and many other depressing thoughts bounced around in her head for a few minutes until she finally decided to wake up. With a yawn and a stretch she stood, glancing at the clock on her night stand. Ten o'clock. She was surprised to realize she had slept for nearly fourteen hours.

That only gives me five hours until the party, she thought to herself. I need to talk to Pinkie before then.

With her goal set, Octavia quickly showered, brushed, ate, put on her bow tie, and ran out the door. She was pleased to find that her confidence today was unusually high. Perhaps it was that she had a clear purpose, or maybe it was just the frosted mini-hays she had eaten for breakfast. Either way, Octavia felt she could handle anything the day threw at her.

~ ~ ~

Octavia entered Sugar Cube corner at a normal pace, not timidly stopping to look around as she had the previous two times. The store was closed today in preparation for the party. How Pinkie had managed to get permission for that was beyond her.

The pony in question stood on a ladder next to the wall furthest from her, hanging streamers from the ceiling. "Pinkie Pie," Octavia called to her.

"Hi, Octy!" Pinkie greeted her happily. "Wanna help me decorate? We gotta make sure everything looks super-duper! Your day-iversary only happens once, you know!"

"That's actually kinda what I wanted to talk to you about."

Pinkie Pie heard the seriousness in her tone. She stopped hanging streamers and turned to look at her from the top of the ladder. "Is something wrong, Octy?"

"Well, not really wrong... but you know those invitations that you sent out?"

Pinkie nodded enthusiastically with a smile.

"And how they said it was me and Ditzy's day-iversary?

She nodded again.

"In the middle of a giant heart?"

Pinkie Pie tilted her head, waiting for the bad part.

"Well..." Octavia had hoped that Pinkie would realize her mistake without forcing her to say it blatantly, but it seemed she had no such luck. "Me and Ditzy, we're... w-we aren't together l-like... like that..." Octavia couldn't look Pinkie in the eye as her face became unbearably hot. Why it made her so uncomfortable to tell Pinkie the truth was beyond her.

Pinkie Pie suddenly leaped from the top of the ladder, landing face-first on the ground. She popped back onto her hooves a moment later no worse for wear. "Ooooooh, I gotchya! So it's like that, huh?"

Octavia breathed a sigh of relief, glad to have resolved the mix up so quickly. "So now that you know how it is, you're going to clear this up with all the ponies you invited, right?"

"Yeppers! I'll fill all of them in, no worries!" she assured her with a grin.

"Thanks, Pinkie," Octavia said, returning her smile. "Now lets finish putting these streamers up, shall we?"

~ ~ ~

Within the next few hours, Pinkie Pie and Octavia transformed the inside of the restaurant into Party Central, complete with games, punch, balloons, and cake. The two of them sat at one of the tables for a moment to admire their work.

"Do you think Ditzy will like it?" Octavia asked with a worried frown. She had done all of this to see her friend smile, after all.

"What do you think?" Pinkie replied as she helped herself to the punch bowl.

Octavia thought for a few moments before speaking. "I think she will."

Pinkie handed her a cup of the pink drink, smiling warmly at her. "Then she'll like it."

Octavia took the refreshment gratefully, her spirit lifted by Pinkie's words. She chuckled quietly as she stared at the punch in her hooves.

"What's the joke?" Pinkie asked curiously.

"It's not really a joke, it's just... all of this?" Octavia gestured to the room at large. "If somepony had told me a week ago that I'd be planning a surprise party for my best friend, I would have told them they were nuts."

Pinkie giggled at that. "What's nuts about doing something nice for somepony you care about?"

Octavia smiled. "Nothing. Nothing at all."

Pinkie hopped up onto her hooves. "That's right, silly. Now hurry up and finish that punch. It's almost time for you to go get the guest of honor!"

~ ~ ~

Octavia approached the building that Pinkie had told her about. Apparently, it was the Ponyville Post Office, and Ditzy should have been getting off work any moment. She took a deep breath, steeling her nerves. She entered the Post Office a tad more timidly than she had at Sugar Cube Corner earlier. Another one of those annoying bells above the door alerted everypony to her presence. She swore she would someday see all of those bells destroyed.


Octavia was ripped out of her thought process and into the air as Ditzy wrapped her hooves around her and brought her into a bone-crushing hug. "I'm so sorry I flew off the other day like that! I was just kinda sad, but then I said I'd see you tomorrow, but then I didn't see you all day, and I thought you might be mad at me, but then I remembered you're so kind and you wouldn't be mad, but I was still kinda mad at myself, and I--"

"Ditzy!" Octavia shouted to stop the flood of words.

Ditzy fell silent, but still clung to Octavia tightly as they hovered a foot off the ground. The other ponies in the Post Office were all watching them by this point, but she didn't care; Ditzy thought she was mad at her, and that's all that mattered.

Octavia gently returned Ditzy's hug. "Ditzy, listen to me." Her words were as soft and gentle as her embrace. "I'm not mad at you. Not at all. If anything I'm mad at myself for not saying anything before you flew away. I didn't know you were hurting so much." Octavia felt Ditzy's tear land on her cheek. "I came here to say I'm sorry, and to make it up to you. Will you go on a walk with me?"

Ditzy sniffled as she set them both down. "Ok," she said shakily, a small smile brushing her lips. The two left the Post Office as the onlookers went back to their own lives.

They were quiet on their way to Sugar Cube Corner. Octavia thought that Ditzy would have been a bit more talkative, but as Ditzy pressed herself to her side, she decided words were overrated.

They reached the pink candy-coated building all too quickly. Ditzy looked up and realized where they were heading for the first time. "What are we doing here?"

"I, uh... thought you might like a muffin," Octavia improvised quickly. The smile that those words put on her friend's face caused her to laugh out loud. "Come on, Ditzy."

They made their way up to the door, opened it, and...

"SURPRISE!!!" shouted dozens of ponies in unison.

Ditzy and Octavia both gasped, though for slightly different reasons. Ditzy's gasp was caused by a mixture of surprise and happiness. Octavia's gasp was caused by surprise and dread. All the decorations she and Pinkie Pie had put up earlier-- the balloons, the streamers, the party hats, all of it-- had been replaced. The streamers were now white and pink. The balloons were all shaped like hearts. Even the punch had little strawberry hearts floating in it. She didn't even want to see the cake.

Pinkie slid in next to her. "Surprise!" she yelled again. Ditzy was too enraptured with the beauty of it all to reply, and Octavia was just at a loss for words. "Do you like it? Huh? Huh? Huh? I filled in all the party guests, just like you said!" She slipped a party hat onto Octavia's head. She was still too stunned to resist. "Happy Your-Now-Officially-Together-Minute-iversary Party!"