• Published 14th May 2014
  • 2,043 Views, 31 Comments

Good Bye My Dear Sweetie Belle - Masked_Frenchman

A one shot story, meaning one chapter. During the pony zombie apocalypse Rarity is in a difficult situation. Low on food, low on ammo, and her friends have passed on from life. She has no choice but to put an end to this hellish nightmare for good!

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Sleep Well, Sweetie Belle

Good Bye My Dear Sweetie Belle

Rarity took a look outside, bad idea. Dozens of the undead walked aimlessly around her front door. Their rotten flesh peeling away from their bodies and their eyes white and gone with life yet still walked along the roads of Equestria. One day everything was fine with the rays of sun light beaming down from the sky onto Ponyville. Then ponies should up with bite marks, explaining that they were attacked along the roads to the peaceful town, then everything went straight to hell. Ponies being attacked, friends turning against one another, Celestia and Luna disappearing, the guards trying desperately to hold of the hoard but each outpost fell one by one by them. They didn’t need rest, they didn’t feel pain and were no longer the friends they once knew, still wearing their faces like an evil mask. Rarity backed away from the curtain, tears welling up in her eyes. She glanced at her kitchen to see dozens of empty cans, empty boxes of ammunition, a few boxes of explosives she looted from a guard outpost, a small can of gasoline, and a single bottle of water half full. She knew it was only a matter of time before she would die of hunger or thirst.

She sighed heavily, slowly turning to the couch. Her no longer cared for mane laid in a mess to her sides. Dirt, sweat, and blood was mixed in with her purple mane that draped down to the sides of her head. She stared lifelessly at her trusted pistol with the clip detached. She had fend them off for so long with this weapon. It never failed her as long as she feed it well. She had to kill three of her friends with this very weapon. One bullet was left in the magazine, hollow point. She slid the clip in the gun and pulled it back, hearing the satisfying click that sounded of to let her know that it was now armed and ready for her use. She put it in her holster and walked around the house.

It felt like years since the virus broke out, although it has only been a few months. It only took a few weeks for the deadly curse to spread all over Equestria. Not even Cloudsdale was spared from it’s wrath. One by one the cities fell by the army of the dead, screams filled the air for days, gun shots faded over time as the survivors were cut down. Twilight was so close to find a cure, but they broke down her door and tore her apart, along with Spike. Rarity shook her head to scatter the memory’s of her having to shoot him when he returned, his scales peeled away in certain sections and his eyes snow white. A single tear dropped to the gun from her eyes.

“I miss you all so much,” Rarity whispered to herself, gazing upon a picture with her and all of her friends. She looked away from the cheerful picture frame and started walking to the stairs. “I have to do this, or else I will never be able to look at them in the eyes again!” She glanced outside and saw the last of her friends who still walked among the dead, Applejack. She held her gaze at her form. A single bite mark on her back from her brother who she was forced to kill to try to protect Applebloom. She sighed dreadfully and continued walking up the stairs. Applejack kept some of her strength when she ‘died’, making her fearsome. She knew if Applejack saw her, she could tear down the wall to get to her.

Rarity made her way upstairs slowly and quietly, walking to her room. She cracked the door open to see four blankets over four bodies, stained red. She walked in briefly, grabbing a machete by the side of her bed with her blue aura and levitated it to her side, tying it in place. She closed the door and kept walking down the hallway. Her steps became heavier and heavier until she came to a stop before the last door down the hallway, slowly turning her head to it. Two weeks it has been since this door last opened, two weeks. She knew what had to happen but dreaded every second it took to do it. She took a deep, heavy breath and grabbed the door knob with her blue aura but froze.

“It must be done Rarity, you must!” With another deep breath she undid all three locks and cracked it open, slowly pushing it open. It creaked loudly as it slowly opened to reveal a dark room with little to no light. In the very back of the room, Rarity could see Sweetie Belle staring out of her window, her back to Rarity. Her mane was a mess like Rarity’s, containing dirt, grime, and blood, just like her fur. Rarity smiled as big and as kind of a smile she could, her eyes watering up already.

“Sweetie Belle, darling. It’s me, Rarity!” Rarity called over. Sweetie Belle’s ears twitched to the sound of Rarity’s voice. She slowly turned towards her with a snarl. Sweetie belle’s eyes were lost with life, a bite mark on her left arm and her shoulder, saliva dripped from her mouth. Rarity kneeled down and lifted her arms towards her. “Come here, darling. Come to your big sister!” She held her kind gaze towards her with a heart warming smile across her lips. The little zombie filly glared at her, rearing back as if to pounce. “That’s it, Sweetie, come here,” The filly growled at her, jumping off the window sill and charged at her, growling the whole time. Rarity held her position until she was in arms reach. She grabbed her quickly and forced her head past her shoulder, holding her in place.

“Shhhh, it’s ok. Calm down Sweetie, it’s ok,” The zombified Sweetie Belle snarled and cried out in anger as it fought against Rarity’s embrace but was held firmly, unable to move her head. Rarity stroked the creature’s mane, whispering softly to her. “Please Sweetie, don’t be scared. I’m here now, I’m sorry I left you up here all alone with no one to keep you company, but I am here now,” The dead filly scruggled further, snarling and growling at her, trying to escape her grasp. Rarity nuzzled into her, putting her kindly while keeping her arm locked in place.

“I need you to help me, Sweetie Belle, I need you to give a message to your friends and mine. Can you do that for me, darling?” Rarity pleaded to the creature. She got growls and snapping sounds in return from it’s jaw trying to bite her, squirming in her arms. “Please be at ease, my dear little sister, it’s all about to end. I just have one last thing that needs to be done, and I can’t do it alone,” The Sweetie Belle imitation continued it’s futile struggle against her, getting close to biting off her ear.

“I know, my dear, I know. You are hungry, but your hunger is about to come to an end, I promise, just please wait a moment longer,” The Sweetie Belle zombie flailed her arms around to try to loosen her grip, her expression frozen of anger and pain. “Tell your friends that I am sorry I failed them. Tell them that I am happy that they are now in a much better place. When you see my friends, tell them I tried my best to save them, and that I am sorry I let them die,” Tears rolled down her cheeks but her smile held strong. She patted it’s head in sympathy and continued to nuzzle against it’s neck.

“Tell them that their bodies will never hurt anyone ever again, I promise! Tell them that I miss them so much, ever so much, and that I can not wait to see them again. Tell them I did my very best and that they will be put to rest. They will be able to sleep now, I will make sure of it. When you see Applejack, Spike, Fluttershy, and Twilight, tell them I am sorry for killing them, that I had no choice,”

Rarity cried more, tears flowing out of her eyes freely. sobbing softly into her undead little sister. “Tell them it’s all over, we can finally get out of this nightmare. Tell them that I’m sorry for everything. I’m sorry I ran, I’m sorry that I let them die, I’m sorry I let your friends die, I’m sorry for hiding and crying while my friends were out there fighting them off, I’m sorry I let Ponyville get over run, I’m so sorry for everything!” She cried harder now, shaking a little bit. She felt the monster she was holding slowly stopping her struggling, although still twitched every now and then.

“Tell them I will be joining them soon, I have just one last thing to do before I meet you all there,” Rarity levitated the gun out of it’s holster, aiming it at the little zombie’s head. She hesitated, slowly taking the gun off safety. She rubbed the small zombie and kissed her cheek, still holding her still.

“I’ll be with you shortly, Sweetie Belle. Make sure to save me a place in the afterlife. I love you so dearly. I wish we had more time to spend with you. I never did spend much time with you before all of this happened, and I regret it every single day now. Maybe once we leave this place, we can truly be together,” She held her smile the whole time, gently stroking it’s mane softly with love and care. She closed her eyes and whispered into it’s ear. “I love you,” She gulped down hard, focusing her magic to squeeze the trigger. She felt the creature stop struggling and actually held onto Rarity. Her eyes opened wide in shock as she felt a gentle embrace from the creature that wore her little sister’s face. “Sweetie-”

“Rarity’s grip released it slightly and the zombie took the chance and bit into her shoulder. Rarity flinched at the pain, trying hard not to scream. She reformed her smile and patted her head. “It’s ok, Sweetie Belle, I know you don’t mean it. Goodbye, my dear sister,” She closed her eyes, tears raining down from her cheeks. She held her zombie sister and kissed her shoulder, it’s teeth latched into her shoulder. She nuzzled it one last time and gripped her magic around the trigger. BANG!!

Blood splattered onto the wall behind them. The little undead sister’s grip instantly faded and let Rarity go. She gently let go and laid it down on the ground, patting it on the head. ”There you go, sleep well. I shall be with you all shortly. Goodbye, my dear Sweetie Belle,” She kissed it’s head and looked over at her shoulder. It appeared it didn’t bite down too hard, but still bleed pretty badly. She wrapped it up in some cloth and sighed deeply, still shedding some of her tears. She heard the front door being clawed and hit from down stairs. She knew that they would hear the gunshot, ready to break down her door. She walked downstairs, tossing her gun aside. She knew it was no longer useful. She came down and grabbed the can of gasoline with her magic aura and started pouring a small trail of it from the living room to the boxes of explosives.

“To think I managed to save some of them. This will be a good performance indeed. I believe even Rainbow Dash would be impressed. Now hopefully I caught-” There was a loud bang on the door barricade, the wood cracked a little from the impact. Rarity finished up and threw the can over to the explosives. “Looks like she noticed,” With a sigh she turned over to the door, levitating her machete, leveling it and facing it at the door.

Another loud bang was heard, this time making an opening through the barricade but not big enough for something to get through. A couple windows shattered, a few dark hooves hanging out of them. Rarity pulled out a box of matches and pulled one out, getting ready. “Come on, Applejack. It’s rude to keep a lady waiting!” The door burst open, pieces of wood flew around the room, revealing the zombified Applejack, her eyes were white with a hint of green, teeth red from her kills and patches of blood all over her, mostly around her mouth.

“Hello, Applejack. Are you ready to go home?” It snarled at her and got ready to charge. Rarity’s eyes watered up one last time, igniting the match. The Applejack zombie launched forward, charging right at Rarity with it’s mouth open. She threw the match to the side, missing the gas trail but the fire was building. She slashed at the attacker but missed, making a small cut across it’s cheek. It hit her at full force, pinning her down on the floor. She came down and bit her shoulder, the same spot her sister bit, making her scream. She tried to push her off but failed to do so, she was too strong. She levitated the machete over the zombie and stabbed it in the back of the head. It was hard but she managed to stick it, making the undead Applejack fall over lifelessly. The other zombies were slowly walking in, coming for Rarity.

“This. . . . is good bye. . . . Ponyville,” The match caught onto the gas and shot forth to the kitchen, swarming the boxes with fire. Rarity looked over with a small smile and turned back to the hoard. Getting her machete ready she charged at them, shouting out a battle cry. She brought her machete down upon one, decapitating it. When she prepared another swing, the explosives ignited and exploded.

The house blew up, taking everything in it and near it. The explosion was loud and deafening, obliterating everything in a two block radius. The shock wave shook the earth and knocked back any zombies heading towards her house. Once the smoke was cleared, nothing was left of the house. Only a crater remained of the home. In front of the house a picture frame remained, cracked and partially burnt, but was firmly in tact. The picture was that of Sweetie Belle and Rarity, smiling over at the camera. Sweetie Belle was smiling up at her sister with a wide smile, Rarity holding Sweetie Belle with a loving arm. They were now gone from the world of nightmares that use to be their home. They and their friends could now be together, no longer having to worry. Now. . . they were home, now. . . . they finally found piece.

Author's Note:

As I said, this was a one shot thing, first time trying it. I have been stuck on my freelance story that I decided to write a quick one shot story, hoping to stir the gears in my head, so far not so good but I'll get there. I hope it wasn't too bad, I know I know, not my best work but it's just a little thing for now while I try to figure this out, been stuck for a few days now. Not trying to whore myself around, just explaining myself. I hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter/story as much as I enjoyed writing it. I hope to see you in the future stories ahead! Have a good morning/day/evening. As always, bye bye for now :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 31 )

This reminds me of TWD, specifically The Governor and Penny. Great story, I loved it c: :heart:

4390979 What does TWD stand for? :rainbowhuh:

4390987 The Walking Dead

4390991 Oh, I haven't seen it, wait so does that mean there is zombies who can break down walls?! :pinkiehappy:


4391024 How do you extend the sound of a 'T'? I've been trying it and it sounds like I'm cold :rainbowlaugh: still I might have to try out the series then, thanks. I'm guessing it's safe to assume their is no ponies in it? :derpytongue2:

4391048 Yeah, it's human based.
It's like

4391106 What does TUH stand for?

4391116 No, that's how you extend a T, with a "TUH" :twilightsmile:

4391157 So when you say it, it sounds like "SO WATCH OUTUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHH" :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh:

4391183 Hahaha, I like you, I'm glad you enjoyed my one shot chapter, and thank you for commenting, a shame no one else will comment but this was fun, gave me a good laugh! :rainbowlaugh: :pinkiehappy: :twilightsmile:

i couldve sworn ive seen this before and then there was an epilogue but i dont remember if it was here or fan fiction

okay i was wrong i was thinking of another story that had a similar idea to this, i found it

4391856 Yea I checked it out, simular but not the same

Very sad story, but at the same time, very nicely done. :pinkiesad2:

4569975 It was a one shot story. I wrote it simply to get my creative gears turning, and it worked. Thank you for the kind compliment though :twilightsmile: but if you wish to see my better work, read either Button Mash and Sweetie Belle love or Pony of Death, they are my real working I am on at the moment :pinkiehappy:

4569987 I will give them a look see. :scootangel:

I was all like, " Wow, grim ending. " and, " Great story! "

I burst into tears. Rarity lasted a pretty good time if I say so myself. This was a beautiful story in my eyes, and makes me want to start my story that I have been procrastinating to begin

5848722 Oh, why thank you. This was just a little 'eh' kinda of thing. I was stuck on a story and I couldn't write anything for it, so I made this in hopes to get the gears churning, think that maybe someone will like it. I put absolutely no effort in it (as you might have been able to tell :rainbowlaugh: ) and didn't spend a lot of time on it. Thank you for enjoying it though, I am very happy to hear that :twilightsmile:

5848817 you are sooooo nice!!!:pinkiehappy::raritystarry:

5849161 Hahaha, well I wouldn't say that exactly :twilightblush: but thank you! :ajsmug: I follow the old ways of life: Treat others the way you wish to be treated. So I am nice to anyone and everyone I meet in person and online. It's still nice to hear it every once in a while, so thank you very much for the compliment, it was very thoughtful of you. I have been having a really crappy day today, so this really cheered me up. Thank you most ever so much for reading my short story, but I can promise you that the others are much better! :twilightsmile:

5849244 no prob! New follower, aka Me, aka Rarity H Discordia:raritywink:

5849577 hahaha, well I truly hope you enjoy my work then. I put a lot of time and energy on them! :twilightsmile:

You should be proud. You succeeded in making me cry. Not many people have done that to me before. Great story though! You earned yourself a follower! :fluttercry::twilightsmile:

This was beautiful ;-;

Holy crap guys! :rainbowderp: I haven't even bothered to look at this story for so long, and it's gotten well over triple the likes and views from the last time I looked at it. Why? I mean for real, why?! :rainbowhuh: It's a short, cheap, one shot with an unoriginal idea and very little effort. I mean thank you guys, for real, I'm so happy you guys like this so much. . . . . . but it's just such crap! :rainbowlaugh: No effort what so ever, I didn't even bother to check it for grammar and such. As I said, it was just to get me thinking again, and some of you actually cried?! I mean no sweat, I cried to My Little Dashie (Who didn't, am I right?) but this? Did this really have the capability to make tears fall with so little effort? No, for real mind explaining it to me? I kinda wanna take down notes for future usage! :pinkiehappy: :twilightsmile:

Man...that really hit me in the gut the first time I read this...:pinkiesad2:...and the way that Rarity was talking to Sweetie Belle and Applejack in order to keep her sanity...that just made it even more painful:fluttercry:.

Rest in Peace Rarity, Sweetie Belle...may you and your friends find Happiness in the Elysian Fields...:ajsleepy:.

Most zombie fics usually ended up being adventure-esque or actiony vibe to it, this one ends being a pretty good tragedy one.

Good job!

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