• Published 21st Jun 2014
  • 2,750 Views, 37 Comments

My Little X Fairy Tail - BlackJack23

What happens when 4 of the most powerful wizards in the Fairy Tail guild are sent to a new world with new body's now can they find a way to get home or will they be pony's forever

  • ...

New home, new experience

Most of Ponyville had been rebuilt in the few days that followed the hydra attack and after the events at Appalosa, the princesses had granted the members of Fairy Tail to set up a guild hall in ponyville, after a long apology for all the mindless destruction they caused, but they had said yes so it was time to make a new home in ponyland.

As they looked around the seventh building the housing pony had show them that day two thoughts occered, one ponies work dame fast, and two this place was perfect.

"As you can see it has two floors, the second being completely reidential, working bathroom and, as this used to be a restaurant, it has a full working bar and kitchen," said Real Estate, introducing the four strange ponies, and one talking cat, to yet another building.

"As you can see it has taken some damage, due to recent events, but the general structure has held up nicely," she continued patting a beam with her hoof, causing a lump of wood to fall down.

"Yep, this is perfect," said Erza Turing to the rest of the group, "well it looks like we have our guild hall."

"Well alright," said Gray.

"You know with a little work, this place could look just like the guild back home," replied Lucy.

"I don't like it," said Natsu sitting in the doorway.

"Comeone Natsu, what's the matter," said Happy flying next to him.

"I don't like change."

"Incase you haven't noticed we are ponies, I would call that a bigger change than a new home, so suck it up," said Erza staring him down.

"Sorry about him," she said, returning to the sales pony, "we'll take it."

"Perfect," squeaked Real Estate, "now there's a very affordable payment scheme, specifically to help non working ponies, however this adds just a little more to the price, then there's overheads, loan fees and this building is owner controlled by Filthy Rich so..." She trailed off as Erza handed her a piece of paper.

"By royal decree of princess Celestia, Luna and Twilight, any available property, as so disiered by the Fairy Tail guild, is to be handed over to said individuals apon presentation of this letter, covering all building and renovation costs at true value, any complaints can be pesendet to any of the princesses at a later date." Real Estate read aloud.

Apon finishing the letter, a now sour expression on her face, Real Estate handed over the keys and left with a "tist" slamming the door behind her.

"What was her prob...eeep," said Lucy as another bit of roof fell in front of her.

"First things first, let's get this place fixed before it falls over," said Gray.

"Hay everypony, how's it going," said Twilight as her and her friends stood watching the ponies work.

"Not bad, not bad," said Lucy greeting the group with a glum expression.

"What's the matter sugarcube, if y'all need help with anything, don't hesitant to ask," said Applejack.

"Actually we could use a hand," said Erza joining them.

"A what?" the group asked puzzled.

"Never mind... Any help will be appreciated, if fact..."

"HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO USE THESE IF I CAN'T HOLD THEM?!!!!!!" Yelled Natsu slamming his hoof into the tool box.

"It ok Natsu, I'll just... Ah... Ah... Ow," said Happy picking out hammer, before fumbling backwards, hitting himself in the head.

"...Can you show us how ponies build anything, when they can't grip, anything?" Asked Erza, a look of defeat on her face as she looked at what was now her greatest enemy, the tool box.

"Ok don't worry..." said Twilight, Lighting up her horn, "I'll have this placed fixed in no time,"

Quickly Twilight set to work, using her magic to replace several of the old wood pillers, before nailing them into place, the others could only watch in awe as she quickly replaced the first set of pillars, leaving the four to only wonder what they where doing wrong.

"That was so cool, how'd you do that?" asked Natsu and Happy.

"Oh it nothing just a spell I know," said Twilight, blushing at there praise.

"Marvellous work darling, now that just leaves the decor, I reckon I could make some absolutely fabulous decorations for..." Rarity began but was swiftly cut off by a energetic pink blur yelling...

"THE PARTY!!!!!"

"Pinky Pie darling, what are you talking ab..."

"Well since there new here, I need to throw them a welcome-to-Equestria party and since they saved ponyville from that hydra they need a thanks-for-saving-ponyville-from-a-monster party, oh and since the three days they've been here, I haven't thrown them a party, so they also need a sorry-for-not-throwing-you-a-party party, that's three parties in one, now that's a tall order even for me," She finished with a huge smile.

"Well... Er... You know... Er... Pinky, if you need help I'd..." said Fluttershy nervously before being grabbed round the neck by Pinky.

"Oh thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou, ok we're going to need balloons, ribbons and no party is a party without cake," said Pinky, as she ran off, still holding Fluttershy round the neck.

"Ok," said Lucy "well I guess I could go into town and get a few things to furnish this place,"

"I'd be happy to show ya round town, I'll help ya find what y'all need," said AppleJack, putting a foreleg round her neck.

"Right then, that just leaves these t..." Erza stared, before...

"FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST!!!!!" yelled Natsu slamming his fist into one of the pillars.

"ICE MAKE HAMMER!!!!!" Gray yelled as a giant hammer of ice crashed into another pillar.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU TWO THINK YOUR DOING!!!!" Erza screamed as the two pillars crashed down around everypony.

"Well we saw twilight use her magic so..."

"...We thought we'd use ours,"

"You two, I swear I'm gunna..." Before she could finish, Erza felt a tap on her shoulder.

"You know I could use a hand with the decoration for the hall, if you want I could take Gray with me, seeing as he's the creative one and all," offered Rarity, smiling nervously, element of generosity she may be, but after seeing what these ponies can do she was more than a little worried.

"Perfect, thank you," said Erza, grabbing Gray, and shoving both him and Rarity out the door, "now that just leaves..."

"Allright, I'll hit the next one harder," said Natsu jumping into the air, hoof ablaze, bearing down on the next beam before being snatched out of the air by Twilight's magic.

"What to do with him," pondered Twilight "I know, Rainbow Dash" as she turned to her friend who was now sneaking out the door.

"Who me, I don't know Twilight, I mean, I'm a little behind on weather duty and you know, the sky's don't clear themselves so..."

"Perfect, take him with you, up there the only thing he can destroy is the clouds," Twilight said hastily throwing Natsu out the door, sending Ranbow Dash with him.

"Hay Natsu, wait up," yelled Happy Following them out the door.

"So, shall we get started," as Twilight grabbed some tools and set to work.

"Wow, so as alicorns we have the traits of all three pony races, heighten to an incredible level,"

"More or less, that's why alicorns are so few and the ponies who are, are seen as princesses, with each being embodying a different magic,"

Twilight explained to Erza as they worked, she had so many questions and, as always, Twilight was happy to help out a new friend.

"So how many alicorns are there,"

"Four including me, five now with you, I still don't understand how you became an alicorn, you must be somepony incredibly powerful where you come from,"

"Well I wouldn't say that, yes I'm strong, but without Fairy Tail, I wouldn't have anyone to stand beside and fight for,"

"Anypony, you mean,"

"Sorry, still getting use to the language, and the wings, and the horn, and well everything really,"

"You know I've got some books on alicorns, if you like you'd be welcome to borrow them, they might help you gain insight into the alicorn race,"

"That would be most helpful, thank you Twilight," she said pulling her into a hug, banging her head against her chest plate.

"No problem," said Twilight, rubbing her head as she walked over to her saddle bags.

"Ok, I've got alicorn physiology and alicorns a brief history," at this she lifted two old books into the air and dropped them in Erza's lap, "they make great light reading, I remember first time I became princess I read all these books on alicorns, governing and even a copy of ruling Equestria for dummies, for me thou it was the physical changes that got me the most, the wings, the new strength, it was just such a shock at first, but after I got these books it really help me understand my new body and new..."

"Er Twilight..." said Erza, cutting Twilight off.

"Yes Erza,"


"What, but how, what how," she said grabbing Erza by the collar

"Easy there Twilight," Erza replied calmly.

"But how did you read thouse books so fast, I read every day and even I'm not that fast,"

"Here," Erza offered her a set of reading glasses, "gale-force reading glasses, try them on,"

With Twilight now wearing the glasses, she picked up the book and began to skim over each word getting faster and faster until she was just flicking through the pages yet it was as if every word was being magically transferred into her mind.

"Wow," she exclaimed, "these are amazing and these are common in you world,"

"Sold in almost every magic shop in the country,"

"Do you think I could keep a pair?" She asked bashfully.

"I don't see why not,"

"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, with this I could read all the books in the libury in no time," Twilight gleefully bounced around Erza, leaving her to wonder if she had just started something dangerous.

"Gray darling, could you pass me that that fabric over there please," said Rarity, focusing intensely on her sewing machine.

"This one," said Gray, pulling out a roll of gold fabric.

"Ah perfect, with this I should have the last of the decorations done in no time," Rarity said happily as she worked.

"So, tell me about yourself Gray,"

"What do you want to know?"

"Well, your magic, just how did you create all those ice blocks,"

"I'm a ice maker wizard," he said smiling as he pointed his horn to the ground, letting out a icy blast, creating a cascade of ice that quickly took the form of a pony wearing a rather fancy dress, looking around Rarity saw that it was the same as a dress one of her mannequins where wearing, then she realised, he had perfectly replicated the mannequin and the dress it was wearing, right down to the last detail, out of crystal blue ice.

"My word that is simply marvellous, it's perfect, this would make a great addition to the front of my shop," said Rarity, attempting to pick up the ice sculpture in her magic, only for the soft magical glow around it to quickly dissipate, "that's strange, I can't lift it."

"It looks as if our magics cancel each other out,"

"Oh, such a shame, however will I display such a masterpiece now,"

"Why don't I make more out front,"

"That's a splendid idea but I couldn't ask you to do that for me,"

"Hay it's no problem really, after all your helping us so, gotta repay the favour," as Gray said this Rarity couldn't help but appreciate his generosity, as well as admire his helpfulness, giving him one last look, as he walked out to the front of the shop, she muttered...

"Perhaps Fairy Tail has my knight in frozen armor,"

"Wait a minute, so what ya saying is that ya can use those keys to call on that, cow-thing whenever ya like," asked Applejack.

"Pretty much," replied Lucy, "and it's not just him ether, I've got a bunch of different spirits that can do some pretty amazing things,"

The two had spent the best part of the day shopping, with AppleJack giving Lucy a guided tour of the town, showing her all the shops in town and helping her pick out her goods and the two where now heading for the hall.

"It's a good thing ya had that note from the princess, or else ya'd have to work like crazy to get this much stuff," said Applejack, gesturing to the cart full of furniture and supplies the two now pulled between them.

"Well considering we don't know much about this place, getting work would be real hassle," Lucy replied, before looking round at the other ponies around town letting out a sigh.

"Something wrong sugarcube,"

"Wh, oh it's nothing, it's just, don't get me wrong I know I've only just gotten use to being a pony and all but, I guess compared to other ponies, Pegasus and unicorns I mean, I guess, I just feel kind of useless,"

"Hay now, ya'll listen here ok, being an earth pony ain't nothing to be ashamed of, just because we can't fly or do magic doesn't make us any less then ponies who can, yer we have to work harder then them sometimes, but that just make us stronger and makes our cutie marks more special,"

"Thanks Applejack," Lucy said smiling, but that smile was short lived, as the whole time they where talking, they where unaware that the dangerously full cart they where pulling was beginning to creek, meaning it was only a matter of time before...


The entire cart was crushed under the wight of stuff, sending sofas and bottles rolling all over the place.

"Aww horse apples," exclaimed Applejack, stomping her hoof, "how we gunna get this lot over to the guild hall,"

"Got it," said Lucy pulling out a golden key, "open gate of the maiden, Virgo,"

At this a soft gold light enveloped the ground and a white coated, pink maned pony came bursting out, spinning into the air before landing in front of the two, she was wearing a French maids outfit, with a set of shackles around her forelegs and the cutie mark of the virgo star constilation on her flank.

"Greetings princess, do I require punishment," asked Virgo.

"Please stop asking me that," said Lucy, clearly sick of that question, "hay, how come your a pony,"

"After Taurus returned to the spirit world, he quickly told all the others about your new pony look, so I'd thought you might like me to take one as well,"

"So everyone knows," panicked Lucy thinking about how her spirits would be laughing at her, especially Aquarius, "next time I see that perverted cow I'm gunna..."

"Excuse me princess, but is there a reason you summoned me,"

"Wh, oh right, could you give us a.. Well hoof and get this stuff over to the new guild hall over there," she said pointing in the halls direction.

"As you wish princess," said Virgo before vanishing into the ground taking the furniture and supplies with her, much to the surprise do Applejack.

"Lucy are all ya key friends so... Strange?" Applejack asked nerviously.

"No, no, Virgo's just... Actually, there all pretty strange," Lucy glumly answered, "ok, well, we best be getting back to the g..."

Given no time to finish, both Lucy and Applejack where swept off their feet as fiery, multi-coloured shock wave few overhead.

"Natsu, wait up," yelled Happy, struggling to keep up with his now fast flying friend.

"Come on little buddy, this is a race," Natsu yelled back, flapping his wings harder and increasing the fames on his hoves, giving him a burst of speed.

"Your never gunna catch the fastest flyer in Equestria," Rainbow dash taunted, flying just ahead of Natsu.

After finishing up the weather duty, Natsu and Rainbow had gotten into an argument, manly due to Rainbow bragging, and the two had decided, with some persuasion from Happy, to race around Ponyville.

Reacting to the taunt, Natsu flapped harder and harder, fire billowing out around him, as he pushed himself ahead of Rainbow Dash, however Rainbow was quick to respond, blowing a raspberry in his direction before dashing ahead.

"Damn it," said Natsu, before looking over to see his little buddy struggling to keep up, so lifting him onto his back with a smile, "ready to show these ponies what a fairy tail wizard can do,"

"Aye sir,"

At this point Rainbow had a considerable lead on Natsu and Happy, not enough to make her slow down but, enough to merit a glance over her shoulder, only to be met with...

"Out of the way, this is Happy's max speed," Natsu yelled in a blur, as he and Happy roared past her. Not willing to be beaten Rainbow double timed it to catch up, and soon was flying neck and neck with Natsu and Happy.

"Natsu I can't hold on," yelled Happy over the roar of the wind.

"Just a little more good buddy, we almost got her," He replied.


"HAPPY!!!!" yelled Natsu, as his friend was torn away, exhausted, now plummeting towards the ground. Quickly turning into a nose dive Natsu hurtled after him, flames billowing off his wings and hoofs in desperation to save his friend, then he felt the presents of a familiar pony, Rainbow Dash had abandoned her efforts of winning to help him save his friend.

As the two plummeted towards the ground Natsu began to shake, his wings missing beats, as his flight patten became distorted, just before he joined Happy in a deadly free fall, Rainbow grabbed his hoofs, locking the two together tightly, looking towards her they locked eye, fire burning within them, as well as around them, as a vapour cone began to form, just as they caught up with Happy, they caught him in there interlocked hoofs and...


All of ponyville, and most of Equestria, was treated to the first Fire Dragon Rain Boom, as a wave of mulit coloured fire shot all over the town, tuning the sky into a blaze of mulit coloured light.

As Rainbow looked back at the coloured fiery trail behind them, a overwhelming sence of pride ran through her, but as she looked at the smiling face of the pony locked in her hoofs, holding a cat between them, a whole new feeling came over her, one she had never felt before.

That night only one thing could be heard across all of ponyville, the roaring music and overwhelming cheers coming from the new guild hall of the Equestrian branch of Fairy Tail, however the rabble soon went quiet as Mayor Mare took the stage outside the hall ready to make a speech.

"It is with great pride that we, the citizens of ponyville, welcome our new friends from another world and unveil the newest addition to our town, the Fairy Tail guild, Equestria branch," said Mayor Mare as the five guild mates took there place on the stage, before a rope was pulled and the hall name and banner where unveiled.

The large wooden plaque, that once held the restaurant name, had been replaced with the words 'Fairy Tail Equestria' in big scripted letters and a large red banner rolled down, obviously made by Rarity, which had the image of a rearing pony in white fabric, with the Fairy Tail guild mark as it's cutie mark in gold.

Everyone stood in quiet awe of the new building and of the strange ponies that would be its owners, all accept an excitable Pinky Pie who had snuck her way on to the stage and announced...

"Ok everypony, let's PARTY!!!!!!" And with that the party rumbled on.

Author's Note:

Couple things to get in here:

One, sorry about the lateness trying to work on picking up the pace.

Two, keep commenting, loving the feedback so far.

Three, I am still my own editor so sorry for any mistakes.

That's it, hope you enjoyed it, expect more soon.

Comments ( 14 )

crap. there's no romance tag. well that sucks.

KO please you'll continue this story it's an awesome combination of both shows.

Ko please say the next chapter is coming soon cause I like this story and it's awesomeness.:rainbowdetermined2::pinkiehappy:

4581192 KO is the next chapter coming hopefully to see some actions.

Ok first I did not expect this to be this popular it really was just a past time but I am getting back to it, so to all you who want the next chapter its coming I promise.

"Hay it's no problem really, after all your helping us so, gotta repay the favour," as Gray said this Rarity couldn't help but appreciate his generosity, as well as admire his helpfulness, giving him one last look, as he walked out to the front of the shop, she muttered...

"Perhaps Fairy Tail has my knight in frozen armor,"

I can practically see Juvia saying to herself "I sense a rival for my beloveds affection!" in a creepy tone. If Juvia finds her way to Equestria, Rarity is going to have some very rainy days ahead.

6497175 KO PLEASE say the next chapter is coming soon. :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::rainbowdetermined2::rainbowdetermined2:

Natsu x Rainbow dash top couple. Hope new chapter comes soon.

6497175 Natsu/Dash kids name Pyro Spectrum, if its a boy. Aurora Dragneel if its a girl.

Can't wait to read more!

I love it and can't wait for more

Awesome! Loving this so far, and the Unison Raideith Rainbow and Natsu ruled! Juvia will not be happy with Rarity trying to get her Gray-sama!

I absolutely love it! And I love the ships that are starting to form Gray x Rarity and Natsu x Rainbow Dash.
Please come out with more!:heart:

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