• Published 20th May 2014
  • 5,954 Views, 80 Comments

Octavia's Lesson - Detrail

Warning: Contains Diapers, and AB/DL themes. Octavia is left stressed after an incident, and as a result she is ordered to seek the aid of an unlikely mare to get her back to her old self.

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Chapter 10


The bright world outside poured through the cracks of a curtain into a lilac painted room as the gray mare stirred from her sleep. As her tired eyes opened she pulled back her blanket and stepped onto the floor. She walked towards her cello and began to play, a routine that she had repeated day after day without fail. Half-an-hour passed by as she continued to play, as she reached the coda of her piece the door to her room slowly opened.

Through the door walked in a figure of a mare obscured by the light flooding in through the windows. “Good morning.” The mare suddenly froze as she saw the visage in front of her. “OH! I am so sorry. I didn’t know.” She spat out as she turned to look away.

Realizing someone had walked in on her, the gray mare turned towards the door. Octavia noticed the hesitation in the mare’s voice and began to look around the room, however as she found no answer she directed her attention towards herself. Scanning downwards her eyes rested upon the diaper adorning her waist, as she craned her head back she could make out the image of the two bridged eighth-notes adorning the seat of her diaper. “Ah I see, sorry Vinyl it appears I forgot to change.”

“No, no that’s quite alright, but may I ask who is this Vinyl?”

Octavia suddenly looked back in a panic as she glanced a better view of the pony in front of her. Standing there was a much older mare bearing the same gray coat and black mane as herself. It only took a few moments for Octavia to recognize the pony standing in front of her. “O-Oh! G-Good morning mother! I-I just woke up so I guess I am still a little confused. What did I say again?”

Seeing the pensive expression in Octavia’s eyes the mare seemed to relax her questioning. “Don’t worry dear, with tonight being “the night’ it would make sense you’d be a little distracted.” The older mare quietly cleared her throat before she continued. “Umm… I don’t mean to prod, but did you, you know…”

“Oh! N-No, I’m dry.” Octavia responded suddenly being reminded of a sense of embarrassment and shame of being seen by her mother in that state.

“Ah! Well that is wonderful! I am just so happy you’re getting better, and pretty soon you can stop wearing them altogether. Soon things can go back to the way they were.” Octavia’s mother responded cheerfully. “Anyway I won’t bother you, just remember that you need to get ready by 6 o'clock tonight, or you’ll miss your performance.” As the older mare began to leave she hesitated momentarily. “Oh and Octavia dear, please be sure to take that thing off.”

“Don’t worry mother, I will.” Octavia replied.

With that, the older mare left both the room and Octavia behind. Now alone, Octavia placed her cello and bow down, and returned back to her bed. Sitting down, she could feel her dry diaper crinkle under her rear. Sighing deeply she fell backwards, her hooves splaying outwards as she entered a deep state of thought.

What’s going on? I don’t really feel like myself anymore. What was it I said again? “Vinyl” It sounds so familiar but… Why does it feel like I am forgetting something? Octavia began to concentrate on the meaning of that name but her thoughts continued to blur over. Something’s not right, why does it feel like something is missing... Octavia’s eyes grew heavy as she was suddenly overtaken with exhaustion. I guess it wouldn’t hurt if I just… I just… Octavia soon found herself consumed by sleep.

“What are you doing here!?”

The gray mare suddenly found herself in an unfamiliar dark hallway of a familiar home. There in front of her stood two similar doors. Without thinking she began towards the right one door, but as she reached the door something began to bother her, and she let out a long sigh. “What am I doing?” Octavia pulled her hoof back as she realized there was something she was still forgetting. Yet, as she turned away she noticed the other door next to her, the vision of which seemed to sooth her.

Inhaling deeply she felt herself relax, as she began to recall a distant memory; something she felt she had forgotten. She could feel herself smile, as her gaze was locked. She cautiously began to walk towards the other door, only certain that something wonderful stood behind it. Soon a tired wave passed through her as she felt her diaper grow warmer. In that instant she felt herself snap back into reality and now stood in front of that door..

She could feel her body strain as she began to concentrate, and soon the muscles around her eyes began to contract locking them wide open. She could feel her wet diaper still taped to herself, and her mind drifting towards its importance. No! This time, this time I-I won’t let you suffer alone. This strange thought began to surge through her mind. Although unsure of its importance she, with all the strength she could muster, turned the door knob.

Octavia began to hyperventilate as she pushed the door wide open. Her mind began to thrash and ache, as she began to contemplate what was inside. The horror of what might happen once she opened it and what awaited her. As the door opened, what stared back at her was what looked like an abandoned nursery, now decrepit and in ruins. A rotten crib, a broken changing table, a cracked mirror, toys strewn about and torn, and in the center of it all was a pony collapsed onto the floor.

The feelings deep inside of her to save whatever stood in that room surged within her, and Octavia quickly rushed into the room only to be blinded by the moonlight that poured in through the windows. Soon the light began to wane and Octavia was finally able to see only to realize that the figure had vanished. Octavia slowly made her way to the center of the room

Where did she go? Octavia began to look around but found nothing in the ruined nursery. I didn’t make it in time. For a moment the regret began to eat at her. Was I too late? Ultimately the regret began to weigh down on her enough to force her to the floor. I wasn’t able to save her and now she’s gone.

As Octavia continued to lay there she looked into the damaged mirror. Seeing herself in it, she was met with a horrifying realization.

The pony she had wanted to save was still lying there on the floor.

“Come on, please wake up.”

“Wait!” Octavia exclaimed as she found her once dark surroundings were replaced with the dulcet colors of the setting sun pouring through her window. As she regained her senses she began to remember where she was. Right… I am here now… I’m home… The gray mare sighed as she nestled further into her bed as the warm air streamed around her she felt herself lost in a state of emptiness. No thoughts emanated from her head, but the serenity of the moment rushed in cooling her; sufficed by the moment she adjusted her hoof. As she did this a crinkle emanated from her waist shattering her calm. The time!

Octavia quickly shot up and hopped off her bed, she instinctively pressed her hoof against the front of her diaper but was left surprised by what she found. Dry… Maybe this whole thing has ended and I am back to normal... Left with an odd sensation of longing she sighed and quickly tore the diaper off. Well I have to get ready fast, I can’t miss this. Octavia soon felt a wave of nausea consume her. Wait, what’s going on… The world around her began to spin and for a moment everything became dark.


“Ms. Melody... Ms. Melody… OCTAVIA MELODY!” A loud voice boomed out quickly, raising the gray mare.

“AH! Yes! Yes, I am ready.” Octavia quickly responded, yet still dazed. Eventually the world settled on a thick inky blackness that soon permeated the young mare’s mind. In an attempt to make sense of this new world the mare’s brain, almost like a sponge, began to lap away at the blackness, sucking it clean from the world granting it color and shape. Soon the mare’s lucidity began to return, as the world became clearer, and she could finally make out the world around her for what it was.

“Very good, you are on in 5.”

It’s alright... I won’t leave until you’re okay. So please just sleep...”

Octavia could feel a buzzing in the back of her head trying to get attention. She looked around for the source of the voice but was unable to find it. Before she could spend long, her time to move to the stage had come. Within a few moments, thoughts of that voice now passed as Octavia stood on the stage with a curtain blocking her view of the audience. Looking around, she could see her cello and bow. Everything was ready and she knew exactly where she was. Soon she would play her part, and nothing would change.

The announcer began to call out to the audience. “And now introducing the final performance of the night, Octavia Melody.”

As the curtain pulled up, Octavia was presented with the blank faces that were the audience. They remained seated and waited for her to play. This time she could hear a voice in the back of her mind call out to her that she needed to play in order to not leave the crowd disappointed. Octavia reached for her cello and gazed deeply at the crowd and at the cello in front of her, as a dull aching in her chest assaulted her.

Right… I remember this now… Octavia’s mind began to wander as she began to piece together what was unfolding before her. This was a scene she had seen before, each and every time she had seen this visage it always ended in her failure.

“I’m so sorry…”

“No.” She stated decisively.

Suddenly Octavia placed her cello onto her back, as she did this the crowd began to gasp in shock and boo at her. The voice in her head began to question her motives, but she paid it no mind. “Sorry everypony, but I’ve made up my mind.” Octavia felt herself smiling for the first time in what felt like an eternity to her.

“I’ve decided that… I want to play, but not here. Sorry everypony, but I am late to my performance.” Octavia began to walk off the stage as the sound of her hoof steps continued to echo across the room. Somehow knowing where to go she continued the rightmost side of the stage. Without even opening her eyes once Octavia reached the edge of the stage and proceeded to put out her hoof. With a clink it connected to a metal doorknob. Octavia turned the handle, allowing the door to open with a creak, and stepped through the doorway.

As the door began to close behind her, Octavia could hear the sound of roaring applause and cheering behind her, causing her to turn back. Gazing back, she could see the same blank faced ponies now clapping their hooves together congratulating her. The sound filled Octavia with a sense of determination that she had finally made the right choice as she gazed back at the audience.

However, for a brief moment something caught her eye. In the center of it all, the one applauding and cheering the most enthusiastically in the crowd was a strange dark blue mare that lacked the same blank features of those surrounding her. She was certain it was a pony she had seen somewhere before. Before she could dwell on the matter the door closed tight never to be open again, and she dismissed the thought. Octavia closed her eyes and turned back in order to continue on her path without delay.

As Octavia opened her eyes she was met with the surreal dreary world around her. Abandoning the once bright and colorful stage, Octavia was met with a world composed for miles upon miles of only pure blackness. Turning back around, Octavia noticed that there was no evidence of that door, nor the stage behind her. Gazing out at the black sky engulfing the black ground, Octavia began to walk out further.

After what felt like several hours had passed, Octavia began to grow tired, her cello feeling as if it had gained a prodigious quantity of weight. In an illogical attempt to make sense of how far she had walked in this uniform world Octavia turned around. Looking back at the infinite blackness Octavia gave up, and turned her head back in the direction she was walking only to be surprised by a bright figure standing in front of her.

The strange glowing white figure of a mare, far larger than she was, stood in front of her surprising Octavia. Before she could say anything a strange streak caught Octavia’s eye as she noticed it was falling towards her, causing her to jump away. As she hit the ground she could feel the world around her shake, she turned around to face what fell.

Octavia’s eyes grew wide as she gazed at the object in front of her, as the blackness cracked a blinding white where it stood. Embedded into the ground in front of her was her cello bow, only a moment ago threatening to pierce her. While its face did not change, Octavia understood that the figure in front of her was enraged and wanted her gone. Octavia knew the being in front of her was the only thing in the world that mattered. One that was easily able to destroy her, yet she simply stood. Something that should frighten her, yet it didn’t. Gazing deeply into the creature, Octavia knew what she needed to do.

Octavia took her cello off her back and firmly planted it into the ground, now using the cello to maintain her balance Octavia stood up, and finally with her free hoof she reached down and pulled the bow out from the ground. Octavia quickly adjusted her footing and positioned her hoof and bow onto the strings.

Locking eyes with the glowing creature in front of her Octavia spoke. “I am sorry. I kept you waiting for such a long time, but I think I’m ready now.” Octavia felt herself relax as she spoke those words and she began to reflexively laugh. “I’ve done so many things recently, met so many ponies, and learned a lot of things.” Octavia smiled as she closed her eyes. “I’d like to share them with you.” Octavia began to play.

Octavia was unsure of what music came off her cello’s strings as she allowed her hooves to move in the fashion they found fitting, her mind remained fixated on the thing in front of her. I’m sorry. I know I am late, but I hope you can forgive me. Through her thoughts she could hear several sour notes jumping off her cello, seeming to answer her question. Even if you don’t, I hope you understand, because... Octavia could feel her hooves resetting as she shifted into the next movement. I want you to know how proud I am of you, no matter what you did, or what you will do, I will never hate you.

As she continued to play her mind began to drift. Her home, her parents, her childhood, the university, her current home, her friend. All of these thoughts continued to pass her by as she reached the crescendo of her song. As the notes began to recede, those thoughts began to flow out leaving her mind peaceful and clear. She continued to play trying her best to convey her feelings. While I may not be sure of what could have been, I am at the very least sure that I am happy to be the pony that I am.

The song continued to flow as she felt her mind assaulted by a sudden feeling of anxiety, as thoughts of what may come began to fill her head. As she entered the coda of her piece she could feel the same regret that continued to burden her, failing herself and those around her. The notes that poured off her cello were disharmonious, yet that didn’t stop her from playing. Somewhere along the line I think I began to change without noticing it. While I don’t know what may come of tomorrow, I want you to know I am done hiding from it. Soon that disharmony began to fade leaving behind a melody that sounded alien, yet filled the mare with a deep love for how beautifully it sounded. I want you to know that I’ve come to love the mare I am, and I want you to know that no matter what the future may bring I will always love you, my dear little Tavi...

As Octavia finished her piece she opened her eyes and returned to gaze at the being made of light in front of her. Octavia suddenly noticed her vision grew blurry and wet. Wondering if her emotion may have gotten the better of her Octavia looked away and began to rub her eyes, yet found them dry. Surprised that the tears were not her own she looked back up only the find the being of light had vanished. Now in its place was a little gray pony curled up into a ball.

Octavia slowly approached and realized the little gray filly was crying in front of her. Octavia smiled as she looked down at the pony in front of her. “I’m sorry if that song wasn’t the one you wanted to hear.” The little filly in front of her continued to sob as Octavia turned and sat down next to her on the pitch black floor. Octavia sighed as she continued to gaze out into the pitch black world around her surprised by a strange sense of comfort and familiarity it brought her.

“I know it doesn’t mean much, but I am sorry.” The little pony next to her only seemed to cry louder as Octavia apologized. Octavia smiled as she looked down at the little filly. “You’ve grown up so much, I am proud of how big you’ve gotten. The same can’t be said about me.”

The little filly’s wailing seemed to subside into a sob as she heard Octavia words. Octavia gazed down bearing witness at the filly, as she sat next to her. Reflected in her was her gray coat, her black mane, her light purple eyes, and her own mixed feelings of sadness.

Octavia smiled warmly as she wrapped her hooves around the little pony. “I’m sorry you had to do it all on your own.” Letting go of herself Octavia sighed deeply. “I can’t make you do it for me, I think it’s about time I started growing up.”

The little pony looked up at her surprised and was suddenly filled with sadness. Tears began to well up as she desperately tried to wipe them away. The tiny filly nodded her head as she stood up and began to walk into the black void away from Octavia. The little filly continued to walk away, her head hanging low, putting more distance between herself and the older mare.

“Little Tavi, where do you think you’re going?” Octavia called out.

The little gray filly froze and turned back. Her eyes, still filled with tears, were overcome with surprise as she gazed back at the smiling Octavia.

“This might be a little selfish of me, but I don’t think I can manage it on my own. Even right now thinking about it, it’s actually really scary.” Octavia stopped speaking and stood silently as she looked at the little filly in front of her.

Her large trusting eyes, her unkempt mane, and her small self, so fragile, yet... Octavia soon found herself filled with determination. Filled with a desire to protect the little filly standing before her, and wanting nothing more than to make sure she didn’t have a reason to cry again, Octavia spoke up.

“Little Tavi, this is a request from a mare that hasn’t grown up to the most grown up filly she has ever met. I want to try, but I don’t want to fail. I want to change, but I don’t want to lose who I am. I want to grow up, but…” Tavi stopped speaking again, her face slowly became flush as she smiled. “I want you to stay with me and help me figure it all out.” Octavia replied heartfelt. “I want to at least try growing up, and I want us to do it together. That is, if it’s okay with you.”

Tears streamed down the little filly’s face as she began to gallop back. As she reached Octavia she placed her head against her coat and continued to cry, causing the older filly to embrace her as she waited for her to calm down. Several minutes passed as the little mare slowly cried herself out and was calm. She pulled herself away from Octavia and looked up at her, her face still wet, eyes slightly red, and a smile on her face.

Octavia looked down at the little filly, seeing her smiling face filled her with a sense of peace she had not felt in a long time. “You know you really are quite cute when you’re happy, promise me you’ll never lose that.”

The little filly’s face became red as she looked down bashfully. “Promise.”

Octavia smiled, happy to hear her voice. “You know you might be happier if you weren’t alone.” Suddenly Octavia looked as if she remembered something important. “You know I recently managed to make a friend. Then I made her sad, and left her crying.” Octavia let out a long sigh. “You know I bet she’s going to have a few choice words for me, actually now that I think about it, she's probably going to kick me out and now I’ll have to consider a new career.” Octavia continued to list more of the repercussions she was soon going to face, but through it all continued to smile happily. “But you know, for some reason I can’t wait to see her again, because… because…” Octavia looked away wistfully.

The little filly looked up surprised as her eyes grew wide. “You miss her!” The little filly stated as she hopped up excitedly.

Before Octavia could respond the world of black soon found itself momentarily flooded with light, before the darkness returned. Recovering from the disorienting waves, Octavia’s mind came to the painful conclusion. “OH! I… I’m dreaming?” The sudden shift caused her to realize what exactly was going on. But I already knew that, didn’t I...

As she looked around she couldn’t find the little filly. She desperately scanned the dark landscape, but the world of light once again leached into the darkness and shades of pink, white, blue, and brown seeped in momentarily before the dark washed over it. I guess I’m waking up now. A sudden sadness began to well up inside her. I wasn’t even able to say goodbye… That little filly… Once again her mind became awash with the waking world; she knew wherever she was it was warm and soft yet her regret still lingered as she came to terms with leaving the dream.

“Bye Bye Tavi!!!” Somewhere in the recesses of her head she could hear those words calling out to her.

Quickly turning around, for one brief moment Octavia was greeted by the visage of two ponies. Two small fillies excitedly waving back at her one bearing a light gray coat, the other a white coat. As soon as she could register what it was that she saw, the darkness vanished and the light swiftly replaced it trapping Octavia in a momentary monochrome twilight. For that instant Octavia became awash with a sensation of serenity for the first time in a very long time.

The bright world greeted the gray mare as she was brought back to consciousness, yet it was not as it should have been. As her eyes began to focus she took in her surroundings. The soft lavender blanket adorned with musical notes, the lilac colored walls, and the soft baby blue carpeting separated from her by an arrangement of white bars. Still drowsy Octavia squinted as she attempted to focus realizing that it was her that was encased in a gated fortress surrounded by soft and warm objects. Scanning quickly with her head she saw all the things she has seen once before, empty foal bottles, an army of soft plushies, a changing table, and last of all as her head reached the end of its arc she saw a white figure with a saddened and concerned look, a face she had come to memorize over the past few weeks, and as of late had longed to see once again. Her friend, Vinyl Scratch.

“Octavia! Thank Celestia you woke up!.” Vinyl exclaimed, sounding very worried.

Octavia didn’t respond. She still continued to blink harshly, in an attempt to keep a grip on her consciousness.

Vinyl looked away upset. “I know this all looks bad, but you have to believe me!” Her ears fell down as she slowly began to accept what she felt was inevitable. “If there is anything I could do, anything I could say… Please…”

Octavia continued to rub her eyes and let off a long yawn as she stretched her hooves out. “Oh! Good morning Vinyl. You wouldn’t happen to know how I ended up here would you?”

Vinyl looked back at the gray mare surprised. “Ah! Umm… G-Good morning Octavia.” Vinyl seemed nervous as she spoke. “I-I found you collapsed at the door to my um… room this morning. I didn’t know if you were okay so I just laid you down into my um… here...” Vinyl continued acting very uncomfortable. “I-I don’t know what happened, but are you okay?”

“I see…” Octavia bundled herself up in the lavender blanket as she sat herself up and shifted herself over so she could sit in the crib with her back against the railings.

“O-Octavia?” Vinyl replied cautiously.

Octavia continued to remain seated as her eyes slowly drifted across the room silently.

Vinyl looked away upset. “Octavia I’m sorry I hid those letters from you. I-I thought maybe I could help you the way I thought you needed…” Vinyl looked hurt as she continued to speak. “I spent my whole life wanting to meet someone else that felt the way I do. Please give me another chance I’ll tell you everything just please don’t leave me alone aga-”

Before Vinyl could finish her sentence, she felt the warm embrace of two hooves wrapped around her. “I want to say that I really wish I knew, but it was probably for the best.” Octavia smiled as she looked back at Vinyl. “Sorry for what I did, I was wrong.”

Vinyl, still stunned, quickly returned the gray mare’s hug, yet remained puzzled by her last statement. “About what?”

“About you…” Octavia let out a deep sigh. “When I saw that letter I thought that you were doing this because you were asked to, and I was afraid you were just lying to me. But last night when I saw all of this I realized I was wrong. We really are the same aren’t we?”

Vinyl sighed as she looked away, unsure of what to say.

“But you know, I never would have guessed something like this was hiding away next door to me. You know it’s really... nice in here.” Octavia paused as she began to blush. “It makes me wish I would never have to leave a place like this.” Octavia paused again as she began to nuzzle the blanket as she sunk deeper into it.

Vinyl smiled as she noted the infantile behavior and let off a quiet chuckle. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Soon Vinyl felt a weight crash down on her shoulder and she quickly looked over to see an exhausted Octavia resting her head.

“Sorry Vinyl, but I think I need a moment, feel free to yell at me when I wake up…” Octavia trailed off as her breathing began to slow down.

Vinyl looked down at the exhausted mare, still clinging to her own lilac blanket. Her unkempt mane and coat made it clear to her that the gray mare had gone through something arduous. As her eyes continued to drift down they quickly crashed into the visage of her diaper. Now swollen and tinted, it had most likely been used during her time out cold on the floor. While this was something Vinyl felt a desire to point out at Octavia’s expense, she knew right now it wouldn’t be appropriate.

As Vinyl began to feel the calmness of the moment overtake her Octavia spoke up. “Oh and Vinyl, please be sure to change soon. Your diaper is absolutely drenched.”

Vinyl could feel her face glow hot, not expecting Octavia to point out the state of her own used diaper. “H-Hey! No fair I didn’t say anything to you!” Her words fell on deaf ears before she knew it her friend had quickly begun snoozing away resting on her shoulder.

Unable to move Vinyl once again sighed. Afraid I was lying to her… Maybe I should just… Vinyl felt her thoughts trail off as she was hit by a wave of drowsiness. Vinyl looked over and could see Octavia now deep in sleep, before she could dwell on this her vision grew dark and she found herself lost to her own exhaustion.

As the two mares lost sight of the waking world, reality continued to move around them. The sky grew bright as the ponies outside went about their day, and as that came to an apex so too did the brightness. Soon the sky around them began to dim as the morning slowly drifted away, and the once endless day that had finally broken for the two snoozing mares.

A long length of time had passed before the white mare began to stir. Ugh… What happened? Unable to recall any dreams or thoughts Vinyl began to recount the blank gaps in her memory. As she slowly became mentally lucid her body began to regain its own senses. Vinyl’s senses were assaulted by a sharp pain in her shoulder, as she felt a sudden weight pressing down on her. “Get off!” Fearing the worst Vinyl shouted as she launched the intruder off. It was at this point Vinyl quickly began to remember the events prior to her nap.


Vinyl was left unable to do anything as she watched her friend get helplessly launched off the crib, before she crashed onto the ground.

It took a few moments for the gray mare to realize what had happened before she looked back up at her assailant.

The room remained quiet until Vinyl decided to speak. “M-Morning Tavi.” Vinyl in all her fortitude was unable to stop herself from smirking at the scene.

Octavia let her mangled body sink back onto the ground in a more comfortable position before letting out a deep sigh. “Good morning Vinyl. It is probably safe to assume I deserved that.”

Vinyl continued to snicker. “Sorry! It’s just... you know… Err… anyway how are you feeling today?” Vinyl spoke hoping to quickly change the conversation.

“Oh I am doing well. Ugh!” Octavia grunted as she dislodged herself from her unflattering position back onto her side; as she made contact she could feel her saturated diaper squish under her. Octavia could vaguely remember the dream she had experienced before she could somewhat remember the determination and drive she had, yet now being here she was once again filled with hesitation.

Octavia sighed sadly as she slowly got back up on her hooves and stood up. “Sorry Vinyl, but I think I need some time alone.”

Vinyl quickly sat up. “Wait! Octavia I still need to tell you something.”

Octavia continued to walk towards the door. “Sorry Vinyl, but I don’t think I can-”

“Tavi wait!” Vinyl shouted causing Octavia to freeze in her tracts.

Vinyl swiftly jumped off the crib and landed on her hooves. “Listen I know like a lot of things happened, but there are things I need to tell you. I want to be honest, and I need to tell you everything.”

Octavia stood still, and thought over her words carefully. “You didn’t do anything wrong Vinyl, I just need time to think about what happened. I still don’t understand why you think you even owe me that right now.”

Vinyl inhaled deeply. “Because I… I’m afraid... If you… If I let you walk through that door right now, I’m afraid I won’t ever see you again. It sounds strange, but I’m sure you’ll leave and never come back. I don’t want to stand here doing nothing and let that happen. I don’t want to be alone again.”

Octavia’s heart rate increased as she could feel the sadness and fear coming off Vinyl’s words. She quickly turned around wanting more than anything to console the mare baring her feelings for her. “Vinyl I’ll stay please don’t-” Octavia suddenly stopped as Vinyl galloped right past Octavia, her face turned away.

“Great, then you should probably also get changed!” Vinyl responded cheerfully as she gazed at the door to the room. Any signs of sadness or fear seemed to have vanished from her voice. “So how about you use my changing table, I got some pretty good stuff here.”

Octavia was unable to get a look at Vinyl’s face, but was sure that Vinyl didn’t want to be seen. “S-Sure.”

“Great! Now I’ll just let myself out for a bit, give you some privacy.” Vinyl continued to speak as she opened the door. “Just let me know if you need anything.” Vinyl called back as she quickly opened the door and exited the room leaving Octavia dumbfounded.

Octavia was left alone, as her thoughts began to swirl about as she was once again unsure of what to do. She once again looked around the strange and wondrous room around her and then back down at her diaper. Her mind began to fill with feelings of fear as she began to worry that things may never go back to the way they were. As she began to lose herself to the thoughts filling her head she was suddenly snapped back by a sudden noise in the room.

Octavia turned around only to be greeted by Vinyl sticking her head through a crack in the door and using her magic to levitate a diaper over to herself, the crinkling of said diaper giving away her sneaky actions. Vinyl locked eyes with Octavia as she continued to bring the fresh diaper close to her. As the diaper reached her Vinyl flashed a sly smile. “You got ten minutes or I’ll do it for you.” Vinyl levitated the diaper close to her face as she took hold of it with her mouth before promptly stepping back and closing the door.

Octavia now blushing from embarrassment. “You are somehow worse than my mother!” Octavia exclaimed melodramatically before she began to softly laugh to herself, happy to see Vinyl’s face. I really am an idiot, aren’t I? Octavia thought as she wiped the tears that had suddenly appeared from her eyes. Smiling, she walked over to the changing table. She began climbing on top of the soft surface, when she stopped. Thinking for a moment she let out a sigh and lowered herself back to the ground, before she began to rummage through the various items on the changing tables shelves filling the nursery with the sound of crinkling.

Vinyl closed the door behind herself as she quickly turned around, now alone in the hallway she released the diaper into her hoof as she held it close to her body. She exhaled deeply as a choking sensation began to consume her as she could feel her eyes begin to tear up and the pressure in her head rose.

Vinyl could vaguely hear Octavia chastising her for her embarrassing remarks before she could hear the gray mare begin to laugh behind the door.

The sudden response was enough to cool Vinyl as she could feel herself smile and began to wipe the tears out of her eyes. Right! This is no time to get caught up in being upset. It’s time for me to do what I should have done since the beginning… Vinyl once again relaxed as her emotions leveled off.

She felt her determination continue to rise, until she took a step forward and felt her diaper slosh once again reminding her of how uncomfortable her sodden diaper had become. Now I just need to go change my diaper. Vinyl began towards the stairs, but then looked down the hall. Eyeing Octavia’s room, Vinyl quickly got an idea. Octavia probably has some supplies. Vinyl sighed as she once again levitated the clean diaper and walked over to Octavia’s room to go change. This time I refuse to just stand by.

Comments ( 3 )

Wow, I cannot believe this updated. Thanks for coming back to this, one of my fav stories on the site :twilightsmile:

I hope to see more soon :)

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