• Published 20th May 2014
  • 5,954 Views, 80 Comments

Octavia's Lesson - Detrail

Warning: Contains Diapers, and AB/DL themes. Octavia is left stressed after an incident, and as a result she is ordered to seek the aid of an unlikely mare to get her back to her old self.

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Chapter 8

A cold sopping wetness soaked the world; caught in the middle of it all, a lone grey mare. Her mind ceased functioning, sunk hopelessly.

“What in tarnation!?”

For a brief moment, the circuitry of her mind clicked back into position. She tried to see the grey world once again, but now that same world was lit by bright orange. Her mind, unable to comprehend, started to unwind once again. Before the final disconnection, a concerned voice rung out.

“Let’s get you back to the barn.”


The mare did not dream that night, neither of a sweet sugar-coated visage of desire, nor of the dark feverish nightmares she grew accustomed to. For her, no sweetness could be found, and no nightmare could come close to the one of her waking world. So, for now, she found comfort in the blankness of her mind. She was safe from the world, from the beauty of what she almost tricked herself into accepting. She continued in this limbo until lucidity once more returned.

“Meh serar ead!” Octavia incoherently slurred out, her eyes opening. She pulled up onto her forehooves and took in her surroundings. She observed the saturated red and browns, and a very distinct smell. Octavia quickly surmised that she was in a barn. The plausibility of her conclusion quickly rose as she felt the texture of prickly straw around her. Before Octavia could continue her sluggish intake of information, a loud voice bellowed behind her.

“Good to see yer awake. Sleep well?” The enthusiastic voice shook any remaining doubt from her head.

The sudden change in the serenity of the room caused Octavia’s heart to race. She turned around and was greeted by the smiling face of an orange mare. Still groggy, Octavia squinted in an attempt to focus momentarily. “Uh, hello there. Could you please tell me what is going on?”

The orange mare let out a hearty laugh. “Maybe you should be the one telling me, then I can tell ya how you got in my barn. Fair?”

Octavia weakly shook her head. “I was walking somewhere. I was unsure where I was, and then woke up here.”

The orange mare looked back with a puzzled expression. “I guess somepony in your condition wouldn’t have the best of recollection.”

Octavia nodded, still trying to collect her thoughts.

“This morning I was clearing out the east field. The storm took out a lot’a branches. That’s when I found ya’ sleeping against one of our trees.” The mare let out another hearty laugh. “You must have been real tired. You were soaked when I found ya’. Somehow you managed to sleep through it all.”

Octavia feared what she meant. “S-soaked!?” Octavia could barely force out the words. Considering the state she was found in, it could only mean one thing.

“Yup! That was one heck of a storm last night. I’m surprised a city pony like you slept through it all.”

Octavia swelled with relief. Right, if the rain was bad enough to soak my mane and coat so thoroughly then the rain would have washed my… problem away. Octavia’s attention turned back to the orange mare.

“Any who, my name is Applejack and this is Sweet Apple Acres, home of the best apples in all of Equestria! And, for you, the second worst Ponyville inn. Better than that Lake-Lily inn, they have bats hiding in their rafters!” Applejack bolstered, with overwhelming enthusiasm. “Anyway, where were you headed off so late at night?”

“Oh! Ah, yes, sorry,” Octavia stood up, slowly brushing the clinging hay off, and straightening a slightly damp bowtie. “My name is Octavia Melody, and thank you very much for helping me. As for where I was going… uh…” Octavia placed her hoof on her head trying to think. A few moments of rubbing her temples later, memories of the previous night came rushing back. Recalling what had transpired, Octavia stood still and remained mute.

Noticing Octavia’s silence, Applejack figured she should say something. “Hey, don’t worry over it. How ‘bout we get you something to eat?”

Applejack’s concerned voiced jarred Octavia back to the world around her. “N-no, I am sorry Applejack. I remember. I decided to go visit this pegasus mare, Fluttershy, that I had met a few days ago. It was very dark and I was exhausted so I ended up falling over. I barely managed to bring myself up to a tree before I passed out.”

Applejack smiled. “Well it’s a good thing you didn’t make it.”

Octavia looked back at her, visible confused. “Why is that, exactly?”

Applejack let out a chuckle. “Fluttershy’s cottage is in the opposite direction from where you were headed. Fact is, if you kept going the way you were, you’d’ve end up in the Everfree Forest. That would’ve been trouble.”

Octavia was shocked. Vinyl warned her about that place and the dangers that lurked there. She couldn’t image what would have happened if she ended up there, lost overnight. All because of what had happened yesterday. Octavia gritted her teeth.

Sensing the hostility in the other mare, Applejack walked up next to her. “Hey, don’t fret. You’re alright now! I’m hungry, you coming along?”

Octavia was alerted to the burning in her abdomen. “I-I’d rather not impose. You have already helped me so much.” Having just met the mare, Octavia felt a bit uneasy, but her need to eat was getting the better of her. At the same time, her wet and clammy state was starting to eat away at her.

“Think nothin’ of it,” Applejack stated, smiling. Octavia was still looking away uncomfortable. Looking back at the damp, and still somewhat hay covered mare, she realized what was wrong and let out a stifled laugh. “The showers up there on the second floor, but ya better hurry before your food gets cold.”

Octavia blushed, embarrassed by how kind this stranger had been to her. “T-thank you very much, again. I am sorry if-” Octavia stopped, realizing the orange mare had disappeared.

“Granny Smith is almost done, so ya better hurry before my sis and her friends make it back or there won’t be any lunch left.” Applejack called back to her from outside the barn.

Octavia scrambled to get the remaining straw off before she headed into the Apple’s home. Passing by Applejack, she thanked her again and hurried up the stairs.

Applejack returned to the kitchen. An elderly green mare mixing several bowls, and placing several items to the table for lunch.

She finished transferring the last of her pies from the oven and approached Applejack. “How is the deary doing?”

“She’s alright, just went up to wash up before lunch.” Applejack Picked up the pies to put on the windowsill. “Hey granny, where is Apple Bloom?”

Granny Smith thought for a moment. “Oh! Yer sister is off with her friends, something about a cartwash-er something. Says she won’t be back ‘till late.”

Applejack sighed. “And Big Mac got held up on account of the accident.” Moving to the table, Applejack smiled. “Well, least the table won’t be so empty with our new guest!” Granny Smith sat down with Applejack and waited for their guest. After a few minutes, Octavia returned downstairs.

“I was about ready to start without you. Sit down and dig in!,” Applejack called out enthusiastically.

Octavia blushed and sat at the table, filled with pies and deserts of many varieties.

Applejack, already digging in, stopped for a moment. “You sure as heck picked a great day to get lost. My sis is off with her friends so we ended up with plenty to go ‘round.”

Octavia nodded and ate with the Apple Family. The majority of their meal’s conversation was Applejack and Granny Smith chatting up a storm as Octavia sat by, feeling like a stranger for the first time since she left Canterlot.

“So, deary.” Octavia stopped as she heard Applejack’s grandmother begin to speak. “Yer such a pretty young filly, reminds me of myself at your age. Could you tell me what’s yer name?”

Octavia cleared her throat, slightly embarrassed by the kind compliment. “T-thank you so much Mrs-” Before she could finish, she was cut off by the elderly mare’s laugh.

“Oh, don't bother yourself none. Call me granny, everypony else does.” Granny Smith replied, cheerfully.

“Alright, granny.” Octavia blushed. “My name is Ta-” Octavia froze. Her heart began to race as bitter memories began to slosh back and forth in her mind.

Granny Smith looked back confused. “Err… what was that dear? These ears ain’t what they used to be.”

The gray mare sunk into her seat. “Octavia... M-my name is Octavia Melody. Thank you once again for graciously taking me into you home.” The words poured out methodically, with great care to ensure sincerity without compromising formality. “If there is anything I could do you repay your kindness please let me know.” Her mind began to go numb. What am I doing, this is no different than with her. I just need to make sure I return their favor and I’ll have to head back to Canterlot. But do I really want to go back? I guess in the end it really doesn't matter where you are. Ponies are the same all over. Octavia sat there and didn’t eat for the rest of the meal, even refusing desert when offered.

As Octavia stood up to put her plate away, Applejack called out to her. “So Octavia, where are you headed?”

Putting her plate in the sink, she turned back to face her host. “I guess I am heading back home to Canterlot, so I will be going to the train station.”

Applejack looked at her alarmed. “Ya might not wanna do that.”

Octavia looked puzzled, “Why not?”

“Well, the train is out of commission, on account of that storm knocking over the trees and making it dern near impassable,” Applejack sighed. “That’s actually why my brother is going to be late heading back.”

Octavia was in shock. “H-how long did they say it would take to get the trains up and running?”

“Hmm… well they said it could take the whole week, but they're usually pretty good about getting it done sooner.” Applejack could see the gray mare swallow hard.

Octavia slumped to ground, her mind racing with what she could do, or where she could go. In the depths of her despair the visage of that white mare flashed in her head. No, I can’t go there, no matter what happens. All seemed lost until she heard Applejack’s voice cut through the misery surrounding her thoughts.

“Ya know, if ya got no place to go, you’re welcomed to stay here with us! Least we don’t got bats.” Looking up, Octavia could see the smiling face of Applejack and Granny Smith. Before she could even respond, Applejack continued. “Listen, you're far away from your home and everypony can tell something happened.” Octavia turned away hearing this. “Ya don't need to tell us what’s wrong, but stay here until you can head back home.” Applejack lowered herself so she was eyelevel with the gray mare. “And we ain’t taking ‘no’ for an answer!”

Octavia was stuck, and had nowhere left to go. Standing up, she nodded weakly, causing them to smile.

Granny Smith started up the stairs surprisingly quickly. “I’ll get the guest room set-up.”

Applejack picked up her hat off the table. “Make yourself at home, I just need to take care of a bit of work and I’ll be right back.” Before Applejack could leave, Octavia called out.

“Wait!” Octavia looked down, embarrassed by how bad she felt for taking advantage of ponies that she had never met before. “Thank you, but I really don’t want to impose. You have already done so much for me, this is a bit much.”

Applejack was startled by her guest’s frankness, “R-really it’s fine. Don’t worry about it.”

“I insist, let me repay you!” Octavia shot back, adamantly.

Applejack sighed, knowing she couldn’t change the mare’s mind. She thought for a second what she should do. “Hmmm… Alright, if you're sure. I need to harvest some of the varieties on the East field. After the storm, we had I could use the help. Get yourself ready, we head out now.”

Octavia smiled, “Thank you, I am ready to help immediately.”

As she left, Octavia was, for a brief moment, forced to soak in her thoughts. The one thought burning in her mind, the driving force of why she wanted to help, lacked any altruistic qualities. I refuse to ever be in debt to another pony ever again. As quickly as this thought flashed into her mind it vanished. She swiftly made her way out back to repay her host.


It took Octavia a few seconds to catch up to Applejack, who was happy to see the city pony so eager to get to work. “It ain’t gonna be easy work.”

Octavia nodded her head. “I’ll do my best.”

“Well, alright then!” Applejack answered. She picked up several empty baskets, each a bushel in capacity, and placed them on her back. She motioned Octavia to pick up the rest, which she did with ease. “Now follow me. Oh! And watch out for any branches or mud.”

“Sure, but may I ask what are we using the baskets for?” Octavia replied.

Applejack chuckled at the question. “Apples. This being, ya know, an apple orchard.”

Octavia realized how stupid her question may have sounded. “O-oh right, I am just a little dizzy. Sorry.” Octavia quickly apologized.

Applejack wondered if something else was wrong. As they passed through the fields, the same feeling began to eat away at her. Eventually Applejack enquired. “Hey. I know you didn't want to talk about it earlier, but why were you out last night, anyway?” Octavia's pace slowed down, worrying Applejack that she made the wrong decision to ask. “Hey, listen. It’s okay if you don’t wanna talk about it, don’t think nothin’ about it.”

Octavia shook her head. She didn’t want to tell her, but after everything the orange mare had done, it was hard for her to refuse. “It’s not that, just…” Octavia sighed harshly. “Is it alright if I could tell you later?”

Applejack smiled, happy that the gray mare was opening up a little. “Sure thing!”

The two of them traveled for a few minutes until arriving at a large section of the orchard. The apples here were visibly redder than the other sections. The sight left Octavia awestruck; she had never seen anything so vast during all her time in Canterlot.

Noticing how engrossed Octavia was, Applejack couldn’t help but smile with pride over how great her harvest came out. “Yep, it sure is beautiful, but we need to get them all picked by nightfall.” Octavia agreed, and the two set up to clear out the orchard.

It started off with Applejack demonstrating apple bucking and how to carry full bushels safely, and how to unload them for transport. Soon, both ponies were working in sync and Octavia was doing well keeping up, surprising Applejack. Their first few trips back were met with silence, but soon enough both mares had opened up. By the 10th trip they were in long dialogues about the places they had seen and what they were planning on doing. Effectively, even if Octavia couldn't realize it, she had managed to make another friend.


The day dragged on and the two were on their last trip back from the orchard. Applejack was left quite pleased with how the day’s work had progressed. “Now, I gotta say you did great for a pony that hasn’t bucked a day in her life! Hmm… you are sure you’ve never done this before?”

Octavia softly laughed, “No, it’s nothing like that.”

“Well then, how does a Canterlot pony such as yourself get strong enough to handle a day of hard work without all that whinin’?” Applejack poked jokingly.

“Well, I am used to carrying heavy instruments. Infact, one of these bushels doesn’t even come close to how much my cello weighs!” Octavia exclaimed triumphantly.

“A chel-what now?” Applejack replied, confused.

“Oh, a cello is a large stringed instrument composed of 4 strings. It is actually part of the violin family and tuned precisely to a flawless Hemola.” Octavia continued to gush about her cello as they continued back to the farm, only stopping when she realized she was probably boring Applejack. “Oh sorry! I didn’t mean to tire you with all that!” Octavia replied apologetically.

“Hahaha, it’s all good. Actually, I got a cousin that plays the fiddle so I know a thing or two about stringed instruments.” Applejack said, allowing Octavia to not feel bad. “Ya know, this is the first time since we met that I heard you excited about something. It must be really special to you.”

Octavia nodded furiously and smiled widest she had done all day, “Yes, my cello is really important to me. Ever since I saw it that day in that music store I knew it had to be mine.” Octavia couldn’t help but chuckle nostalgically. “It used to be so big and so heavy when I was little, but I still feel just as small standing next to it even now.” A wistful look filled Octavia's eyes. “But you know, no matter how good or bad things got it was always with me. We grew up together, and there never will be another instrument in the world I would rather play.” As Octavia finished she could feel the emotions carried by her past flooding her with joy, but as she looked over for some reason Applejack looked almost sad.

“Where is your cello now?” Applejack asked.

"With a friend," Octavia replied, without much thought. As she began to think she soon felt something stir in the back of her mind. Before she could spend the metal effort to analyze the forming thoughts, she was interrupted by Applejack.

“Well, that’s great!” Applejack exclaimed, casually smacking her hoof down on Octavia’s shoulder.

“Whaa!” Octavia exclaimed as she tried to keep from falling over. The act had offset Octavia’s balance. She quickly redistributed her weight to keep the bushel of apples balanced on her back.

“Whoops! Sorry ‘bout that!” Applejack replied apologetically. “It’s just… Now, don’t take this the wrong way, but you don't seem like the type of pony to have a lot of friends. The fact that you’d let em look after your cello, they're probably a really good friend to ya. Ya know with your cello being all special to you and all.” Applejack smiled. “Actually, you were reminding me of this friend I have from Canterlot, but she was more into books, but it’s good to hear you aren’t alone.”

Octavia was about to say something but stopped herself as she thought about what the orange mare said. Hmm… sigh… Well she isn’t wrong. How long have I been alone? Why did it even come to this? Why did I get upset at her? Was what she did worth this? Octavia continued on in silence as she continued to contemplate her past actions.

After a little while Applejack became worried she said something wrong. “Uh, hey, Octavia, are you alright?” As she spoke she could see whatever daze Octavia was in break as her attention turned to her voice. “Sorry if I said something that upset you.”

Realizing she must be worrying Applejack, Octavia quickly shook away the confusion in her head. “Oh no! Sorry I was just caught up in my thoughts, that is all.” Even as she said that she could feel the disingenuousness in her voice, and she could see she wasn't successful in quelling Applejack’s worries. No matter how hard she tried the confusion and anguish lingered in her mind.

“You know,” Applejack started. “If there is something you need to talk about, you can.”

Octavia sighed as she turned away. She desperately wanted to refuse, but the noise eating away at her mind overpowered her sensibilities. “We fought…” Octavia stopped as memories from that night flashed clearly in her head.

Applejack noticed a large pause beginning to form and decided she should try to quickly bridge it. “Well that doesn’t sound so bad! Friends fight all the time. Jus’ a part life.”

Octavia harshly shook her head. “No it wasn’t like that. She… she knew something about me, something she wasn’t supposed to know. Then when I asked her about it she lied to me.”

Applejack nodded her head understandingly. “I think I get it. This pony that was really special to you, and your friend. Suddenly they do something to wreck your trust. Now you’re afraid you spent all that time getting to know em’ only for it to hurt you. In the end you left because you didn’t wanna risk getting hurt again, is that right?”

Octavia looked back mouth agape, she stood there stunned at how precise the mare was at determining what was wrong with as little information as she was given. “H-how did you know!?”

“Err… Lucky guess?” Applejack replied, with a smile, and began to laugh, not helping to alleviate Octavia’s shocked state. “I’m only kidding!” Seeing that Octavia still had difficulties figuring out how Applejack came to her conclusion, she began to clarify. “It’s something everypony has to go through at some point or another, sorta like a part of growing up.”

Hearing that put Octavia at ease. There was a silence as the two mares continued to walk back to the farm, before Octavia spoke. “Even yourself?”

Applejack nodded her head. Applejack grew quiet and exhaled. Her breath carried a bitterness that cut through the sweet apple scented air around them. “Eventually you gotta realize that ponies are ponies. They make mistakes and they all got something that matters to ‘em, even if you ain’t what matters to them.”

Hearing this caused Octavia’s head to sink. The gravity of what Applejack said mimicked the same bitter motto she was all too familiar with coming from the city.

“But…” Applejack continued halting the gray mare’s spiral into acceptance. “A good friend is a good friend. Sure they don’t always make sense, but a friend would never do anything to hurt another friend.” Applejack smiled as a wistful look filled her face. “You know, regardless of what those girls do, I don’t think I can find a reason to ever hate ‘em. Even if I was the pony that got hurt… things sure do change, don't they?”

Octavia was left slightly confused by what Applejack was saying. Judging by the expression on her face, Octavia felt that whatever it may have meant it must have been important to her. She continued to walk silently next to the orange mare.

After some time Applejack was swiftly brought back to reality from her own thoughts. “Oh sorry ‘bout that! I must’ve been thinking about something.”

Octavia weakly smiled as Applejack returned back from her thoughts. “Don’t worry about it.”

Applejack frowned, there was something still wrong. “Is there something still bothering you? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.”

“No it’s not that just…” Octavia froze as her head began to hurt. She could remember what happened and understood clearly why she was as upset as she was. “How do you forgive somepony after something like that?”

Applejack nodded. “Well, when somepony breaks your trust, that’s something that’ll take time. Forgiveness is earned, never given.”

“I-I see...” Octavia replied solemnly, she knew what happened last night was horrible mistake. I guess maybe in the end I just want to go back to her. I need to find a way to go back to her… She could feel a stirring anxiety fill her as she began to contemplate the idea of seeking forgiveness. Soon those feelings began to solidify into a wall, preventing her mind from coming up with a solution, leaving her once again lost. “Applejack I just-”

“Pride ain’t something worth getting hurt over, and it ain’t worth losing somepony over.” Applejack swiftly, and sternly, replied.

Octavia was set aback by the orange mare’s blunt response. It was almost like she knew what she was thinking. As she spoke those words Octavia could sense bitterness mixed within.

The two continued in silence until they made it back to the barn. The same desolate silence continued as the two unloaded the last two bushels of apples.

“Hoo-Wee, that's a mighty fine harvest. Great work out there Octavia!” Applejack jubilantly exclaimed, shattering the silence.

“Thank you.” Octavia blankly responded. “Well, now that I finished here, I should be going.” Octavia began to walk away from the orange mare.

“Hold it right there!” The sudden outburst caused Octavia to freeze. “Where do you think you’re headed?”

Octavia calmly turned back to Applejack. “Is there something else I need to do to make it up to you for helping me?”

Hearing that, Applejack let out an exasperated sigh. “Do you have a place you can spend the night at?”

Octavia stood silent for a few moments. She knew there was no place in ponyville she could go, but something from deep inside her mind was screaming at her to leave the farm.

“Listen.” Applejack called out empathetically. “If it’ll make it easier, then how about this. You can stay here as long as you need to, but everyday you’ll help me out in the fields, is that a deal?”

Octavia couldn't help but smile, now no longer worrying about the guilt that would come from imposing.

“Hold on.” Applejack continued. “First there is something I need you to do.”