• Published 4th Apr 2012
  • 4,992 Views, 172 Comments

Fallout Equestria: Dark Shores - SwimmingEagle

A Waterworld-esk Fallout Equestria Story, featuring Seaponies!

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Any Port In A Storm

Chapter 4 Any Port In a Storm

The sky was clear, not a single cloud could be found. The wind rushed through the pegasus’s wings. Circling above the sea, Smiling brightly in his uniform. He began to sing.

“Again, today I’ll go soaring through the sky!

My Enemies, I dish ‘em up in a stir fry!

Gracious goddess of light, watches from up above!

At dinner time I always show the cook some looove~!” Just as he finished a beeping in his ear drew his attention.

“Ensign Cake! The Zebra Empire is attacking the HMS Celestia! We need Captain Equestria” The voice screamed. The pegasus nodded audibly. He pulled out a button and pressed it.

“Soul-lar Reactor Activate!” he yelled as he was consumed in a blinding light. The pegasus was now enveloped in a gloriously shining armor with the flag of Equestria emblazoned on his chest and back.

“For Truth! Justice! And the Equestrian way!” He yelled as he dive bombed toward the Zebra Battleship. Smashing onto the deck. Several snarling zebras advanced on Captain Equestria.


The zebras fell down in dramatic fashion after being assaulted in unarmed combat. Captain Equestria looked around assessing his surroundings heroically.

“Ahh, Captain Equestria! So good to come to your doom!” a Zebra officer announced.
“Legate Laudanum!” Captain Equestria gasped.

“The Same! Are you prepared to die for your pitiful country?” the Legate taunted.

“I’ll die for my country any day but you won’t get the satisfaction!” The Captain retorted. The Legate laughed as his right eye opened to reveal a glowing laser. A glowing ball of hard light appeared before the Captain. The blasts of energy from the two opponents collide with a burst of light.

Who will come out on top! Find out in the next issue of Captain Equestria!

*Do your part children and recycle cans and paper like this issue for the war effort! Every little bit counts!*

*This comic is produced by the Ministry of Morale and edited by the Ministry of Image.*

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“Well that sucks!” I heard Éclair announcing after putting away the comic book. “Gettin’ right to where the good part is and jus’ they end it on ya!”

“It’s called a cliffhanger, Éclair” I said. “Comics always do that to you to get you to buy the next one.” Éclair was pouting. She was right though. The way they ended the first issue sucked. Now if they had done a movie adaptation, then they’d have to wrap up the climax. Then just lead to the foreshadowing of the next two potential sequels. Providing it does well enough in the box office.

“Any luck on that radio?” I asked Sorbet. She had been fiddling with the radio and both of their PipBucks ever since that broadcast went through a couple hours ago.

“Spotty, even after I boosted our reception with my PipBuck. Can’t keep the signal long enough to get anything good.” She twisted some knobs for a few moments. The static buzz of the radio would give way to a couple notes from a song then cut out again. “Honestly, I’m surprised DJ-PON3’s station can even reach out here. Broadcasting from Tenpony Tower, which is miles from the coast I might add, all the way out here.”

“So who is this DJ-PON3 anyway?” I asked. I was surprised anypony even listened to the radio, let alone run a radio station.

“Somepony who in addition to playing decent music, does news reports on the happenings all across Equestria. How he does it I’m not sure, but if his signal can reach out here then maybe I can keep tabs on Stable City”, she said aloud. ‘And the rest of Equestria’ I thought to myself.

“That, and there is only so much arguing about story structure one pony can take.” She said through her teeth as she continued fiddling with the radio. One of the corners of her mouth started to curl up ever so slightly. Smug little…

“Hey! I see lights!” Éclair pointed excitedly. I turned my head in that direction. A smallish dot to the north-east of us was immediately visible. A glint of light would blink in regular intervals. Something was signaling us.

“Éclair, can you flash your PipBuck’s lamp feature thing a couple of times?” I asked her. She nodded and lifted her PipBuck up. She pressed the light button on the device on and off at about once every half a second. The glinting in the distance stopped.

“Sorbet? Get ready; Somepony wants to talk to us.”

“Get ready for what exactly?” She asked raising an eyebrow.

“Well if they start to get unruly then well… Shoot ‘em.” I answered, thinking of the best wording

“Shoot ‘em?” that eyebrow was going to stretch to back of her head if she wasn’t careful.

“Politely” I elaborated. She smirked and loaded the Zebra 9mm. Éclair rustled up anything that looked valuable and stashed it in the lockboxes. I stood and watched the other vessel approach.

The boat that approached looked like it was expensive at some point. A personal yacht, probably enough room on board for maybe two ponies, three if one slept on deck. The word ‘PRINCESS’ was stenciled on the bow. Its sail was legitimately designed to be a sail. Our Mighty Poseidon had it beat in deck space, but comparing a yacht to a flatbed is like comparing oranges to bananas.

Atop the nose stood its captain and noticeable only resident. A pony wrapped head to fetlock in belted leather. A slight reflection of goggles hid the pony’s eyes. The only part not obscured of was a blond tuft of their mane and tail. The pony tilted its head back slightly at the sight of me.

“Well then, I’m glad you stayed your course to indulge an old mare” The pony said. I couldn’t see any real signs of age in her posture or in what little I could see of her face but she sounded like she’d been around the waves a lot longer than me.

“Glad to find a pony not trying to kill me right off the cuff” I spoke up. The leather bound mare cocked her head to the side. “Found an abandoned cargo ship a bit ago, A group of malcontents decided the place would be easier to scavenge with us dead. Can’t say I blame them too much, we already got the good stuff.” I told my story, but she seemed to be staring past me. Or through me. Or… in me. I could feel her eyes practically dissecting me.

“Well then, to the winner go the spoils.” She remarked. I couldn’t tell if she was congratulating me or judging me. “It’s certainly strange to see any of your kind out this far away from the Storm Wall.” She stated finally.

“Yeah, we tend to keep to ourselves.” I replied. “Anyways, did you have a reason to pull us over?”

“Reasons, everyone wants a reason to do things these days.” She said whimsically. “But if I had to say I had one, then it would be to give some friendly advice.”

“That advice being?” I asked

“The weather is going to turn sour in a couple of hours. Unless you have a deep sea anchor or are skilled enough to sail a storm, I suggest that your find someplace to go to port.” She said plainly.

“How can you tell? The clouds look the same kind of half grey as they always do.” Éclair asked looking up at the sky.

“The smell of ozone.” The mare replied. “Sail these waters long enough and you’ll notice the signs. First you smell ozone, then the wind picks up, and finally the clouds turn a dark green. That’s how you tell a thunderstorm is coming.”

“Nice little tid bit, but that leads into a little problem.” Sorbet added to the conversation. The leather bound mare looked at her, scanning her with an extraordinarily intense gaze. she was clicking the roof of her mouth as she did.

“There are a couple of sand bars east of here, but judging from your impression of a mummy, you’ll need a settlement. Head north east from here a mile or two, and you’ll get to Steam Town", She said to us. "They have a little beacon lit all day and night. I just came from there.I doubt you’ll miss it.” I looked northeast. Finally, some civilization. Took us long enough. I made for the mast began to unfurl the sail.

“One more piece of advice, seapony.” She started. I stopped to turn to her. “You have encountered this, but your kind is rare enough to be considered a drunken bar story. Ponies who see you may think of you as a mutant before a pony.”

“Thanks for the information, if that storm is coming like you say it will, then we had best get going.” I said, nodding. I was truly thankful for the info, but something about her rubbed me the wrong way.

“Good luck on your travels and such.” She waved as she headed back to he own sail. “Before I go, I didn’t catch your names.”

“I’m Riptide, this is Sorbet and Éclair.” I pointed to each of us as I answered. “yours?”

“Ponies call me Ghost. Can’t imagine why though…” she mused aloud. Our vessels separated. I brought The Poseidon around to the northeast. As soon I knew that Ghost was out of ear shot I spoke up.

“That pony was weird as fu-” I began shaking my head.

“Children are present.” Sorbet bopped the back of my head. It kinda stung.

“He was just gonna say fuck mum, twernt nuthin bad.” Éclair protested my case. She got spanked for her trouble.

--- --- --- --- --- --- ---

When an enigmatic pony sails in from the distance and gives you advice, you take it. Because a soon as we saw the beacon’s light, it started raining like Celestia had a nasty break up with a childhood sweet heart. Seriously there were objects thrown about and plenty of name calling. And the rain was pretty bad too.

The wind was blowing against us so I had to drag the boat towards what I now know is Steam Town. The water was getting shallower as I drew closer to three Steamboats moored on a sandbar. Small gouts of steam jetted from converted engines. Rickety walkways from each of the boats connected to random levels of each of them. Other boats, parked next to sand bars and walkways, sat while the rain pelted their decks.

I found a free Sandbar that we could park next to and dragged The Poseidon to it. The water sloshed up against me as I lifted myself back onto deck. Sorbet and Éclair were under the leaf and canvas roof of the sleeping area, trying to stay dry. I still can’t figure out the appeal of dryness but to each one’s own. I turned to the others and relayed the plan.

“Okay, lock up and cover the stuff we don’t want to trade. I’d rather not have somepony dash with our supplies while we’re away.” I ordered. The two nodded and start stashing some of the essentials into the lock boxes. I dragged out the rifles we snatched off the cargo ship. I could probably trade these with somepony. I also grabbed the bag of bits we had collected. Strapping the rifles to my back, I made my way off our ship to the ramp up to the town.

“First stop is the clinic, pain killers and a sunny disposition won’t heal those wounds.” I stated as I started walking that way. Sorbet stopped suddenly.

“Maybe we should do something about your appearance.” Sorbet stated.

“What’s wrong with my appearance?” I asked. Did I have something in my hair? Shut up and get it out!

“Seapony. Rare. Mutant. Xenophobia.” Sorbet punctuated. Oh that.

“Well, grab one of the blankets. Outta sight, outta mind.” I responded. She pulled one of the spare blankets from our ship and tossed it to me. Wrapping the short end around my neck, I fashioned an impromptu cloak. Sorbet limped around me, inspecting the disguise.

“Well, it looks like your dragging your flank everywhere. Think you can fix that?” she asked. I don’t even have a flank; the lack of one may be off-putting to some. I thought for a moment. I hiked up my tail as far as I could. A twinge in my pelvic region buzzed in my brain.

“Eh, that’ll do.” Sorbet said. Oh, this was going to be bad. Everything was getting pinched as I waddled my tail to simulate hind legs. The sooner I had a chance to ‘sit’ the better. Two ponies approached us. They wore slightly heavy barding and had submachine guns pointed in our general direction. Fighting the instinct to get into a defensive stance, I stood there as they approached us.

“State your business in Steam Town.” The taller of the two spoke up. I put up my stern ‘don’t want any trouble face.’

“My companion here has been severely wounded and needs medical attention.” I gestured, inwardly struggling to keep my balance, towards Sorbet. The guards immediately turned their attention to the coug- I mean bandaged middle aged mare. They also completely forgot about me and rushed to her aid. I took this moment to plop dow- oh sweet Celestia that felt better…

“We’ll take you Doc Stitch. Just hang on.” The shorter guard said, escorting her further. I grunted as I ‘stood’ back up to follow them. Éclair by my side was giggling at some joke I didn’t know.

The area between the three steam boats was a garden partially submerged in water. I saw some basics like maize and wheat. A singular apple tree was in the center. The fruit itself was pretty pitiful compared to the pictures I saw, but I’ve never had an apple before so I couldn’t say.

The ramp up to the clinic was murder on my fins. The smell of antiseptic filled my nostrils. Then I saw it. A glorious monument to stallion-hood. The greatest handlebar mustache ever to grace a pony's face. And Doctor Stitch bore it proudly. With a practiced eye he observed Sorbet as she was brought into the room.

“What’s the damage?” he spoke with a rumbly deep voice. The kind you’d expect a hardboiled detective who was back on the case. I moved up next to Sorbet. ‘Let’s hope my movie know how and shamanistic traditions hold up to a professional’ I thought to myself.

“My friend here received several injuries along the spine due to shrapnel from an engine explosion a few days ago. The shrapnel was removed and the bleeding staunched, but medicine was in short supply. We headed here to further her treatment. ” I related past events as professionally as I could manage. The doctor looked me in the eyes.

“How was the bleeding stopped?” he asked levelly.

“Cauterization” I replied. His lips pursed and a slight scowl formed on his face. He closed his eyes, And nodded morosely.

“You were right in bringing her here. I’ll have to put her under for the procedure. ma’am if you would follow me.” Stitch directed Sorbet to the operating table. He brought out a needle and pushed it into the skin between her neck and shoulders. It didn’t take long before she started to nod off. Éclair scooted up next to her and lay down. After that -clunk- she was out cold.

--- --- --- --- --- ---

I was sitting in the tavern, sipping on some locally brewed whiskey. The storm did not want to let up. Every once in a while, a flash of light would make me jump from my seat at the bar. It had been two hours since Sorbet was put under. I’ve sold the rifles we scavenged and the bits. Apparently, bottle caps are currency out here. Makes sense, I doubt you’d find a working mint or press out here in Oceania. I had a haul of 432 caps. Which got whittled down to 200 real quick due to the Operation and some other fees (looking at you purified water). I finished off my glass and walked to the market again.

Since I was good with the essentials, food and water, I started noticing things. For instance the job board. Little odd job requests like obtaining wood for the boilers or removing some rattlemantas nests near the town. One job in particular interested me.

Help the Signal! See Short Wave for details.

Tiny directions were sketched out on the ad stated that Short Wave’s place was nearby. I went upstairs to a slightly lonely bit of the Steamboat. Heavy curtains were closed under a sign reading ‘Short Wave’s Do-dads!’ I drew open the curtains. A sauna of hot air smacked into me. Suddenly I was hungry despite recently eating. I slightly chubby sky blue pony sat there inhaling what I hope was just hookah. His bloodshot eyes glanced at me.

“eeeehyy maaaangn Whaz up?” he said deliberately slow. I coughed slightly as plume of smoke erupted form his mouth and into my face.

“You posted a job offer?” I asked.

“Sweet, maaang. Finally somepony wants to fix the signal.” He replied. He leaned in and brushed off a space on the table. On that open space he put a map. Circled on that map was an area due east from Steam Town.

“You gotta know by now that radio signals around the inner sea region are shit, maang.” Short Wave stated. “Now, I know for a fact that more than a couple ponies are playing sweet tunes over the airwaves. There’s a radio tower here, it’s not active now. If it was, we’d all be listing to some Sweetie Bell right now.” I nodded.

“So what the job is, and I’ll pay for it, is to put power to that station to keep the signals put up around here alive maang!” he announced to the world.

“How much are we talking, bro?” I asked.

“My bro was a prick maang, you aint a prick I can tell that much. but I’d give you, say… three fifty caps, and some trade from the shop here.” He said, looking back down into his hookah. I glanced around. Random curiosities doted what I thought was just a private hangout. I really didn’t need any of- what the shit was that. My senses caught something in a small pile. I walked over and started sifting. I- I started crying. Right then and there. My heart started to pull at my brain.

“Ya okay maang?” Short Wave asked concerned. I looked back grinning ear to ear, wiping tears out of my eyes. My telekinesis lifted up the Super 8 Home Movie kit into his view.

“You have a deal maang.” I told him.

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