• Published 4th Apr 2012
  • 4,992 Views, 172 Comments

Fallout Equestria: Dark Shores - SwimmingEagle

A Waterworld-esk Fallout Equestria Story, featuring Seaponies!

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Director's Cut

Chapter 8: Director’s Cut

A popping sound caught my ear. My eyes fluttered open. Moss hung from the cave ceiling. Shadows flickered to and fro. Warm dry air pushed at me from my right side while cool water licked at my left. A bonfire made from driftwood burned.

“Poseidon smiles upon you brother. I was afraid you wouldn’t wake.” A male voice made itself known to me from my left. My body stiff and numb, I managed to rotate my head towards my prospective benefactor. A brown coated Seapony treaded water in a pool next to me. Fins swayed where forelegs would be. He was a Deep One, the seapony equivalent of a Pegasus.

“Riptide of the Reef Dwellers thanks you brother.”

“Jetsam of the Bottom Feeders” He gestured to himself, “it was nothing. We are all one family after all.”

“Family or not, I still thank you.” I replied. He smiled and accepted my thanks.

“Your companions led me to you.” He informed me. My eyes shot wide. The explosion.

“They’re alive!” I jerked upward. Nerves exploded in my abdomen. I lay back down swiftly.

“Stay still, brother. You’re gravely injured.” He lurched toward me. I looked back down towards my center. A large chunk of wood had ripped its way into my guts. A meaty rope protruded from the hole.

“You don’t say,” I grimaced. “I know I’m a bit blood thirsty but they didn’t have to put a stake in me.” I tried not to laugh at my own joke. My intestines were hanging out and a spear sized splinter was stuck in my gut, laughing uses your abs, put those three together and you get pain.

“That was in terrible taste,” My attendant responded, “At the risk of sounding stupid, how do you feel?”

“It’s not that bad really,” I said looking over the wound. He had bandaged it around the splinter and the intestine was not stuffed back in or tied down. If he did, it might have gotten twisted and cut off circulation which would mean removal. I’d rather not amputate my guts and smell tomorrow’s bathroom break. “I’m not bleeding, and you did your bandages right. I’m figuring I still got another twelve hours to forty eight hours left to live. I trust you sent for help?”

“I sent my Sister to the nearest village about three hours ago to collect a shaman.” He nodded with his reply.

“I am a shaman.” I replied.

“I know, you wear the braids. But even shamans need shamans from time to time.” He responded sagely.

“True. So where am I?” I asked.

“You’re in one of our havens” he answered. I tilted my head to the side. His eyes furrowed then relaxed, “The Reef still doesn’t travel much I figure.”

“We’re comfortable where we are.” I nodded.

“The havens are like… motels. They are places that are devoid of contact from our land dwelling cousins. You’ve no doubt seen their cruelty.” Jetsam responded.

“You can say that again.” I smirked. Safe houses would a more appropriate term but I didn’t want to steal his thunder. I lay there for a moment feeling like I forgot something- oh yeah. “Where exactly are my companions?”

“On the island above us.”

“So we’re underwater right now?” The room started going dim.

“Air pocket.” He responded

“Oh cool, you know I think I’m gonna pass out for a few moments. Could you wake me up when the shaman gets here? Or I start dying?” I requested. I didn’t get to hear his response. A torrent of water shot up from the corner of the cave.

“Speak of the devil and she shall arrive.” A voice croaked. It was old, rusty even. A wrinkly mint green deep one moved toward me. Braided hair almost touched my face as she loomed over me.

“Hi Auntie M.” I greeted her. Merry Marigold, she was pretty much my second foster mom. She took care of me during the few times I was outside of the Reef.

“Goodness Riptide, what happened to you? Did Kelpie beat you up again?” She voiced her concern, her mouth turned upward.

“Auntie, I don’t know what’s worse that your suggesting Kelpie would do this, or that he even could seeing as he joined up with the Spotted Sharks years ago”

“Oh don’t deny an old mare her teasing, So your finally a Shaman now? Or is Hollow Bones still dragging her hooves.”

“She won’t quit as long as she is alive.” I chuckled, wincing.

“Hrmm, I can’t banter with you when your guts are hanging out of you.” She leaned in and sniffed my abdomen, “You’ll end up laughing yourself to death. Let’s get you sewed up before you go septic.” A second jet of water burst from the corner of the cave. A Bright blue mare covered in bags and boxes dragged herself onto the cave floor panting. Auntie M turned to her with a scowl on her face.

“What took you so long, Flotsam? We have a life at stake.” She chided. The aged shaman procured a vial from the overburdened mare, holding it over my mouth.

“I can’t have you squirming while I sew you up. This will make you not feel it.” She said. The bubbly green liquid simmered. My eyebrow rose of its own accord.

“Quit lying Auntie, it’s unbecoming.”

“Suit yourself. You won’t feel it till after.” The liquid slid into my mouth, like molasses. Warm waves rushed down my body. I felt myself filling up. You know when you go under water and your ears start to hurt. Same thing only five times worse. All over. My skin burned. The nerves in my brain started twisting together. A soundless scream echoed in the cave. Then nothing.

--- --- --- --- --- ---

The Dreamless Sleep Potion. In medical terms it’s a paralytic that dulls all five senses and leaves the victim in a proto comatose state, preventing rapid eye movement. Layman’s terms, your asleep but can’t dream, until a chemical cancels it out.

That’s the theory anyways, but I did dream. I think. It was probably a memory playing back in my head. It was the fight at the freight ship. Everything was happening again. The shooting, Sorbet getting head shots, the grenade, the chainsaw. Then I was reliving the fight with that Gamma freak. The bullets curving and twisting around cover. Telekinesis doesn’t do that. Theoretically, it can but the main issue with that was he wasn’t a unicorn.

Then his blasphemy against Lord Poseidon. It didn’t hit me then, but hindsight is twenty-twenty. He knew about him. And if you know about Poseidon you know about seaponies. He wanted Sorbet’s PipBuck. Not both their PipBucks, just Sorbet’s. Things didn’t add up. I was missing variables.

--- --- --- --- ---

I woke up with four ponies dog piling me. I was screaming and Auntie M was on the ground, with blood on her lip. I do believe this means I tend to toss and turn at night. It took a good ten minutes for me to stop convulsing. Another five to stop screaming.

“Auntie, what the hell did you mix with Dreamless Sleep?”

“Oh, nothing much, some cannabis, holly, some Hydra-”

“You pumped me full of Hydra!? Auntie, you know there is such a thing as the Hippocratic Oath!”

“That’s for doctors, not shamans. Besides, I was told to put your fins back under you as quick as possible. I did so.”

“Then it’s a damn good thing I didn’t have a fractured bone somewhere. Then I’d have a bone fragment floating around in me, cutting who knows how much tissue.”

“Which is why I used it. Honestly Riptide it’s like you think I don’t know what I’m doing.”

“Just let me vent Auntie, it keeps my mind off it. You took away the hurt but left the pain.”

“Sorry sweetie, you have a lot of chemicals in you right now. Giving you a painkiller now would mess up you insides.”

“I’ll manage; just don’t move me just yet.” A small little figure moved up to Auntie M. Little Éclair was looking up and down me with the damnedest expression.

“He’s gon’ be alright? Right? I mean his innnads were tore up real good. And even ‘ellounds don’t even howl that loud.” She was looking at my injury, or rather the bald patch of new skin where it was. I started laughing, and for once this evening it didn’t hurt. As much.

“Please to kill me you have to cut off my head, put a stake through my heart, burn my body and scatter my ashes at a crossroads. For further instructions consult Bram Stallion” Listed off. She cocked her head to the side… kids today; don’t even know what a vampire is.

Okay, that’s one lady accounted for. I looked around to find Sorbet standing off to the side, sporting another bandage across her leg. She was looking off in the distance

“Are you going to be fine?” I asked. She jumped slightly, like when you wake someone up.

“Yeah, yeah. Just… yeah.” She murmured. It didn’t sound fine.

“You sure?”

“Yeah, I was just staring off into space.”

“If you say so. Since you’re not preoccupied. You mind helping me understand something?”

“Sure, what do need help with?”

“Back at the barge, what exactly freaked you out so much? What did he want that you absolutely couldn’t give?” I looked at her square in her drooping eyes. Her head drifted over to Éclair.

“Éclair, do me a favor. I need run an inventory of our loot.” Sorbet told her daughter.

“Nuh uh! You’re talking about goodies. I’m staying for this.”


“I’m adult enough for any conversation. I know every curse word from A to Zed.” Éclair pounded her chest.

“A fact I graciously save your behind from a good spanking. You’ll be able to listen to secret conversations after your first heat. ” Sorbet stomped her hoof to the ground. My face scrunched up. That’s an odd stipulation on for an age limit. However it seemed to have the desired effect. Éclair dragged her hooves towards the end of the cave towards a trapdoor to the ceiling. I turned to her, raising my eyebrow.

“Is this explanation particularly raunchy or something?” I asked, she looked at her PipBuck and flipped a few switches. It brightened up slightly.

“No, not really. I need to speak with Riptide alone.” She looked over at the others. The siblings looked at each other and back to Auntie M. She nodded and the others dove into the pool. Auntie smiled and looked at the two of us.

“If he dies let me know.” She mused before leaping into the pool herself. Sorbet fiddled with some dials on her PipBuck, I could see the faintest outline of words in the reflection in her eyes.

“Stable City law 23 A2, Classified information is not to be shared with non-citizens, minors, or personnel without proper clearance and need to know. Under this law, Individuals who have the need to know this information are deemed essential by Echo Seven and above personnel, are granted disclosure thereof.” She cited, going over the words with her eyes as she read them.

“Sorbet what are yo-”

“As Team Chief and Echo Seven of the Summer Sunset Expedition, I hereby grant essential status to Riptide. Riptide, as essential personnel you are sworn to secrecy of all classified information given to you. If you fail to keep this information, you are subject to a court martial. If not in an environment where a court martial is possible, you will receive summary execution. Do you accept these conditions.” She looked my dead in the eye. It was really unnerving. She was dead serious. That said, I wasn’t getting anywhere with conjecture.

“I accept these conditions.” I responded. Sorbet nodded. She held her PipBuck to her mouth.

“Access code: Five, Eight, Two, Three, Miracle.” The screen on her PipBuck hissed and lifted up. She pulled out a silvery metal disk from a hidden compartment. Placing the edge down on the cave floor, she flicked the disk. It spun like a bit. That’s when it happened. It lit up in an orange light. It lifted into the air as it picked up speed. A glob of orange light enveloped it. A cone of light hit the ground.

The world was on the floor. More specifically, a map of it. The ball of light floating above it twisted and moved. A featureless pony formed from it.

“My work, was nearly complete. It was going to end the war, and change the way we lived. But, I just had to take a vacation, see my son for the first time. I had gone home to Equestria thinking I could come back to my work; the war was in a stalemate. Then everything ended. Thaumaturgy was gone.” The figure spoke.

“I tried going from memory, but I had most of it removed. All of my notes were in my laboratory in Summer Sunset Isle. My benefactor, wished that I did so. They have a right to their investment. All I was allowed to remember was where my laboratory was and fragments. All of what I know is in this disc. I know it isn’t much to go on but hear me out.
I know there isn’t much hope out in the ruins of my world. But Thaumaturgy can make life so much better than it is, even better than it was before. You just need to get to my laboratory and finish my work. The result will be reward enough. The life of the world is in your possession. Use it well. End recording.” The light reverted back to a ball. Broken equations and diagrams floated idly in the air. On the map, a blinking spec came to life.

I examined it closer, revealing to be on the main island of Summer Sunset. The equations drifted in front of my eyes.

“So the mission you were on was to recover this mystery pony’s discovery. It supposedly has the potential to change the world. No offense but, that’s cliché as fuck. The next thing you’re going to say to me is that you can’t let it get into the wrong hooves.” Sorbet opened her mouth then immediately shut it. Ding! Score one for Riptide.

“I’ve seen this movie before. Either its evil and needs to be destroyed, or it’s already destroyed or fate is telling us that it’s the journey not the destination that’s important.”

“Riptide, this isn’t a movie. My husband is the top researcher on this project. He’s crunched what numbers he could. He described it as ‘pulling more clout than Celestia on her best day.’ Heck even the name Thaumaturgy translates to ‘Miracle Working.’”

“So what exactly is it?”

“We don’t know, ”

“Look, I’m not going to knock it. Just keep a healthy dosage of skepticism up.”

“Believe me, I already am. But all this being said. Are you still with me?”

“In fact, due to recent events. More invested than ever.” I said. Sorbet’s eyes furrowed.

“How so?”

“Our opposition. The real official looking pony with the helmet back on the barge. The one who wanted you specifically? He said his name was Gamma.”

“Yeah, that guy.”

“Looking at some facts about him we can see what we are up against. First, hired mercenaries. He’s got funding and resources.” I stated.

“He also has some serious tech available to him. Holograms I’ve seen before but not to that scale. Homing bullets? Never seen anything like it.”

“Yeah, now here is where I’m most interested in. Before the barge blew up. He mentioned Poseidon by name. Now we Seaponies are a very private species.”

“Most ponies think you’re a mutant on sight. The whole species thing is still on the down low. Except you and Steam Town.” Sorbet added.

“Yeah, now out of all the ponies that know about my kind. How many know about our religion?”

“Scant to none I’d wager.”

“So there is a well-equipped, well-funded, and Blasphemous, Psycho running around, that knows my kind exists and is most likely after a pre-war scientific discovery that is rumored to have world changing capabilities. I can’t have that.”

“So you’re figuring, your figuring is if you stay with me. You’ll run into Gamma.”

“A bit for the smart lady. After I meet with the sonovabitch, I’m I ‘ll see who he works for and if they know about my kind. If so I will engage in aggressive diplomacy.” I wanted to engage in a dramatic blood thirsty grin, but I must have flubbed it. Sorbet started laughing

--- --- --- ---

Fate had given us a clear sky. The morning sun poked it’s self over the horizon and above the barely visible Storm Wall. My main-lander companions seemed content to watch the sun rise. I rolled a barrel of well persevered centuries old barrel of cider to The Poseidon. It tasted foul, but it burnt like petroleum and had a high enough alcohol content to work as an antiseptic.

Thankfully, all the explosion of the barge did to the Poseidon was singe the sails. I floated just fine with in all its makeshift glory. We loaded all the loot we had accumulated. Éclair had done a good job with the inventory taking. Some of this we didn’t even grab. Jetsam and Flotsam picked up from the mercs thinking it was ours.

Aside from the armor I had lifted from that mercenary, I was the runt of the litter in terms of gear get-age. Sorbet had strapped on something called a battle saddle. She said it had something to do with using big guns. Something I didn’t need. She also claimed a sub-machine gun. She said it kicked like a mule.

Little Éclair got her first weapon today. It was a nice little pistol with a tube on it that made it go ‘fwip’ instead of ‘bang’. Seeing as I had upgraded from my shark hide suit, I had Auntie adjust it to fit the little girl. While it was definitely better in terms of protection than her jumpsuit, she claimed it smelled like blood and mildew.

Our vessel beckoned us to our journey. We were less than two days sailing from Summer Sunset Isle. Sorbet was getting anxious about losing time. I shared her sentiments. We keep moving, Gamma has to keep chasing us. He chases us we can meet him on our terms.

A tap on my shoulder brought me out of my thoughts. Auntie M was there, wading on the beach.

“You take care of yourself Riptide. Surface life has given you a killer’s eyes. Don’t let them make you do anything dishonorable.” She regarded me with a soft smile.

“I’ll manage Auntie, thanks for everything.” I replied.

“I know you will, but never the less be careful of yourself.”

“I will. Hey you do me a favor?”


“Send a message to The Reef. I want them to know how I’m doing.” I said. She smiled and nodded before turning into the tide of the ocean. I hurled myself onto the deck of The Poseidon. We de-beached ourselves and we were once again at sea. I heard a faint buzz and a click.

“That was Short Changed Hero, by the local band The Heavy. Now to give you some News waves; This is The Signal’s Current Events at the top of even hour!” The familiar voice of Short Wave came through the radio sounding like he just smoked a bowl.

“Ladies and Gentlecolts, an aquatic guardian is among us.” Oh fuck.

“Scavengers we shocked to find a barge burning and blown to bits. The barge in question was supposedly owned and operated by The Helix Mercenaries. An eye witness account states that this particular detachment had taken to piracy as it had boarded and captured a smaller vessel. A humongous gunfight burst out on it, brah. While the eyewitness, wishing to remain anonymous, claimed that the boarded group fought off the mercs with the aid of mutant. And here’s the good part. ” Oh no man, don’t do it.

“Said mutant matched the exact description of a Seapony. While normally I’d say that someone was hittin’ the chems too hard, had I personally not seen one myself. And if I’m right, this exact ‘Seapony’ had helped clear out and brought The Signal studio online for us all to enjoy.” Short Wave continued. I sank to the deck of the boat.

“So straight from Short Wave himself, say this. Shoo Be Do, mang. Shoo Shoo Be Do.” I lay there motionless. My mouth was open.

“I always knew radio would be the death of me.”
--- --- --- --- ---
No Significant level change.
Quest Perk: Like Lock Ness and Bighoof. You have mythical status, but the average pony will doubt your existence. +5 on speech checks on those who believe your real.
Authors Notes: Sorry for my absence. Military matters and all that. Hopefully I can update semi-regularly every two weeks on Friday.
CALLING ALL ARTISTS: While i consider this writing piece in terms of quality to be on the level of "Guilty Pleasure" i think some fan art is just what this fic needs. If would have some fan art or are in the process of making some. Send me a link. Anything would be awesome for my ego and self centered morale. GET TO DRAWING!!