• Published 21st May 2014
  • 2,439 Views, 10 Comments

Series 1) Daring Do and the Alicorn Secret Saga - AlmanacP

This is the Alicorn Secret Saga,. A set of Daring Do books that make up the first series of a 3 part massive adventure.

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5) Daring Do and the Tri-Lock Bangle

Author's Note:

This is the 5th instalment of the Alicorn Secret Saga

I hope you enjoy this book, and if you do, tell me what you think. And if you do like it, let me know, and if you don't, tell me anyway. I don't know how to improve unless I know where I go wrong. ^-^

Daring Do and the Tri-Lock Bangle

With her head buried in a book, Daring Do remembered why she hated studying so much.

So much reading!

And it wasn’t even about interesting stuff, like adventures or even a little romance…ANYTHING would be better than volume after volume of information and history.

But, she had found out some interesting things, sadly they didn’t give any answers, simply raised more questions. Several books gave accounts of Black Griffons, the ancient giants of their race that were said to be servants of an ancient Queen.
Queen Serra.

There were several extracts which gave reference to a Queen, but only one that referenced her by name.

Queen Serra ruled Equestria before Princess Celestia had even been born and no matter how much Daring looked, not a single other reference was found that could give her more information; just that single name. It was then that something clicked in Daring’s mind. She ran out of the library, through the university and back to her office. She went to the glass cabinet; unlocked it and pulled out the amulet. Faring turned it over curiously. There in the back was a single word in ancient Equestrian.

Taking out a book, she began her work on translating it. Her skills weren’t very good in this area sadly. She was capable of course, just not nearly as masterful as some. Daring sadly still required the use of reference books for translation so in the end it took over half an hour to figure out what the word meant.

This amulet had belonged to her.

Bringing out the book with the reference, next to the name Serra was a picture of a lightning bolt. She turned to the silver goblet that she had found in the ancient caves. Memories of that dangerous Black Griffon still haunted her dreams sometimes, and the scratch that was now forever engraved into her pith helmet was a constant reminder of the danger’s she had faced. Looking over the goblet she found imbedded on its side was a purple amethyst lightning bolt.

They were all connected.

Daring Do pulled out the poem and began to read, nodding her head. They were all linked; every single item on the list had once belonged to this Queen Serra.

If Professor A B Ravenhoof was correct, then the next item on the list to hunt down would be the Bangle.

“A bangle locked and sealed in thrice,

Follow the wit of the lonely mice.” She read to herself. Looked like she had another adventure ahead of her! Daring Do grabbed her pith helmet, her hoof running gently over the scarred front, her eyes narrowed in determination and fitted it on top of her head.

Despite lots of research, Daring Do had to admit that she had no idea where to begin, but amongst the confusion was a thought that might be able to help her, a though that might grow into the beginnings of a plan.

Ahuizotl had a habit of waiting for Daring Do to retrieve items, only to snatch them back. All of the gritty, dirty work of getting by traps and the perils of the old tombs he seemed to leave for Daring Do to brave and venture through. But this time, she’d do it their way. They had Bravely Blue, and that mare would undoubtedly want to find the treasure herself, and Ahuizotl would need to go with her. So if Daring tracked them down, she might well be able to find this bangle too. Using Ahuizotl’s own tactics against him for once had the mare’s smirk widening eagerly.

Daring Do left the university grounds and took to the sky. The breeze flew through her wings and she took a deep breath of the fresh air as she soared. Sailing towards the other end of town where she landed in the park.

“Where is he?” she asked herself, scanning the tree line until her eyes fell upon a purple stallion. He had long blond hair that slightly covered his shifty red eyes. His plot was marked with a speeding cloud cutie-mark. His name was Swiftcall.

Swiftcall was employed by her once in a while when it came to information, both in delivering it to her and gathering it. It was often said the Pegasus knew more than he let on, and that he was actually the enemy of quite a few notorious groups in Manehatten, but they couldn’t touch him because of what he knew. Most would say such rumours were probably false, but Daring Do had known Swiftcall for a few years now. She knew better.

He was a small stallion, and a little awkward at times…but he was smart.

She approached, waved a wing at him casually. He looked startled and backed away, obviously a little skittish. She sighed and kept moving towards him.

“Don’t bother, I know that look, I’m not saying anything, it’s not worth it...just...just leave it alone, Diane.” He said rapidly, turning away.

Grabbing his wing she pulled him back to face her.

“My name is Daring, you know that, use it.” She said firmly. “Now, where is he?”
Swiftcall turned away.

“How could I know? I don’t know anything.” He said rapidly, too rapidly in Daring’s opinion.

Daring Do walked up to him, stared him right in the eye and smirked. “You’re lying.” She said firmly. “Come on, spill.”

The stallion sighed.

“Fine. There’s a rumour that they’ve been seen in Prance, the Alps.” He said before backing away. “Can I go now?”

At Daring’s nod he flew away rapidly. She wondered why he hadn’t just told her in the first place, why he had tried to hide it. But then he’d always been a bit shifty.

But now it was time for adventure!

Prance, she had never been to Prance, and if there was one thing this mare loved more than anything. It was new places, and new adventures.

Taking to the air again, Daring Do headed east towards Prance. It was going to be a long flight, she could go to the carriageport and get a lift, but she didn’t want to use official means of transportation. That might alert Ahuizotl and Bravely Blue that she was there, and right now. Stealth was her ally.

She spent some time gathering supplies and plotting her course for the long trip, heading off when she felt she was ready. When she felt she was ready, Daring Do found herself looking up into the sky, breathing in deeply before her wings spread and she soared upwards. This was going to be a long flight.

Daring Do had been flying for days. It was a six day journey and by day three she was utterly exhausted. But she knew that Bravely Blue and Ahuizotl had an early start ahead of her, and she had to catch up to them before they got away. As she flew, she occupied her mind with thoughts of the items she had discovered, the goblet, the statue and the others. The name Serra seemed to have some significance behind it and was seemingly attached to each item. She had been a queen, and a queen of Equestria usually meant Alicorn. But she had very little knowledge of any Alicorns other than Celestia and her recently returned sister, Luna.

But perhaps that was the key. Maybe she ought to speak to these princesses, but she wasn’t so bold as to approach royalty just for a chat. She was pretty sure there was a law against that kind of thing.

Prance came into view some days later after a few rest stops. She landed gratefully, got herself a bed in a hotel and some sleep. She awoke feeling refreshed the next morning and promptly set about her business.

Talking to the locals revealed that there had been some sightings of Ahuizotl in the low lying mountain regions of the Alps. It wasn’t that hard, there weren’t many of his species around and he tended to stand out.

She began heading for the snowy peaks in the distance.

The Alps were huge, covering a colossal amount of ground. Daring had no idea how she was going to find Ahuizotl and Bravely Blue without a stroke of luck but she knew she had to try. There was a nagging feeling in the back of her mind that everything that was happening was very dangerous and much larger than herself.

Daring Do got closer to the summit of the mountain. The cold wind bristled up her fur. She had dressed herself in a warm coat and scarf, but even that couldn’t get rid of the bone chilling cold that burrowed to her marrow. She got to the base of the mountain and began flying around, paying attention to the snow. It wasn’t snowing and hadn’t recently, so tracks would be easy to spot. And sure enough she found some. Hoof and claw prints burrowed deep into the snow heading up a part of the mountainside. Grinning, Daring Do began to follow the footprints. She was sure that they were of Ahuizotl and Bravely Blue.

As Daring Do followed the tracks, a small trail seemed to show itself, which she followed. Landing on the stone and snow she began to trot, flying in this weather was making her wings freeze and she needed the warmth. She slipped her wings into the wing-sheaths of her jacket and trotted up.

After about an hour or so she was tired and cold. Her body was almost frozen as she climbed up and over a particularly steep ledge, looking over the edge she saw a cave and smiled. Thankfully the tracks lead into the dark recesses and hopefully it’d be warmer in there.

Daring headed for the cave entrance and began to enter. The pitch darkness engulfed her and she slowed her walk to a careful step so she didn’t run into anything.

As she got deeper her eyes widened as a dim glow shone in the distance. Heading towards it, she turned the corner eagerly before halting, wide eyed and backing up slowly in caution.

An Ursa Major and Ursa Minor lay sleeping, cuddled close together in the large opened cavern.

Their bearlike starry features cast a dull blue and silvery glow over the rocky walls of the cave that was quite beautiful. They were also temperamental creatures; intelligent, but also dangerous.

Daring Do was not up for tangling with such a creature. She began to turn around to head out of the cave when she noticed something through the Ursas translucent bodies. She carefully and quietly trotted to the side to get a better look, only to find a passage behind them. She sighed. No doubt that was where she had to go.

Moving over the tangle of massive limbs that was the Ursas bodies, she edged closer to the passage. Upon entering it she breathed a sigh of relief, stepping forward she stepped on something that lowered into the ground, making a loud cracking sound. Her ears stood on end and her body clenched in fright, turning on the spot slowly she eyed the Ursas, praying that they didn’t wake. A snort from the Ursa Major made her meep slightly, but thankfully the being seemed to stay asleep. Breathing out in relief Daring Do tipped her pith helmet respectfully to the sleeping Ursa and turned back to the passage, she took a single step forward, her weight leaving the stone that had lodged into the ground.

The floor below her gave way and she was falling. Yelping out loudly she felt the breath pushed out of her when she landed on a solid surface. Suddenly she was sliding down and realised it was curved like a massive slide in an amusement park, although it should have been thrilling, she had a feeling this wasn’t built to provide entertainment. Squealing as she span round loop-the-loops and corkscrews, her stomach tossed and turned, threatening to bring up her breakfast as she was lifted up and the slide came to an end. The mare was flung off into the darkness and then she was in free-fall. Her wings batted heavily against the wind and she finally began to slow.

When she finally stopped falling she was left panting and shaking. Her eyes opened and Daring Do meeped as the point of a spike was inches from her face. The floor of this massive hole was covered in spikes and bones. Evidently this had been a trap, one that had gotten the best of many a pony in the past; if all the bones were to be believed, anyway. Looking around, Daring Do spotted a passageway to her right. Not wanting to spend any more time around sharp pointy things, she flew into it and rested on the cold stone ground, sighing.

That wasn’t the kind of excitement she usually enjoyed. Adventure was one thing, near impalement was another. But then again, these old temples did seem to like their spikes.

Daring Do shook herself and sighed, looking down the corridor, she glared at a dim light that hung in the distance, showing this particular passage seemed quite long.

With a light smirk touching the corners of her mouth, as she pulled the brim of her hat down and began walking.
More aware of where she was stepping now, she felt a small touch of something near her hoof and made herself stop. Looking down there was the slightest glimmer and shine of a hair-thin thread of silver string.
A trap.

She narrowed her eyes and stepped over the wire, ducking below another one, she turned and raised her flank, her hind legs gently climbing over one at her rear. The adventurous mare had to jump the next and land in a duck to avoid setting off another right above her head. She grinned when she finally left them behind, turning to head back down the remainder of the passage, her stomach dropped and she froze. Her right hoof had just snapped a wire she hadn’t seen.

Daring Do dived and galloped for the end, not giving herself time to think about what kind of trap she might have just set off. The walls began to shake with a low rumbling. Daring Do looked around as she galloped as fast as she could; the echoing of her hooves on the ground was as loud in her ears as her own pounding heart was in her chest. As she pushed for the end of the passage, she began to notice that the passage was getting narrower. The walls were closing in!

Her eyes widened and she put on a burst of speed, trying to get as far as she could. At the very last second Daring Do dived and just managed to get through the end of the passage, her tail getting caught in the stone caused her to stop and fall to the ground with a pained yelp. She looked back and sighed, the tip of her tail trapped in the closed walls. Pulling herself free with a firm tug she looked at her tail, pouting at the frayed and damaged tips. That was going to take some fixing when she got out of here. Not that she was a very vain mare, but even an adventurous mare like herself had some level of self-consciousness in her looks. Sighing to herself she studied her surroundings, finding the room she was in to be curious at first, tedious at second.

The floor was similar to what she’d found in Circles Bay and the Sapphire Temple. The walls were bronzed and crumbling but the floor was ornately designed with a cross sectioned pattern revealing many stone slabs decorated with animal designs. She didn’t even think about it. This one seemed almost identical to the first one she’d found, complete with many pictures of rats. She chuckled and stepped on the first one, as there were so many rats on this one, she figured that unlike the first time, this was going to be easy. But then again, not having a broken wing this time probably would help.

Stepping onto the first slab it sank in, she yelped and pulled back as arrows and darts suddenly struck the slab and struck the stone powerfully. Her eyes were wide, her breath laboured and her body shaking in both shock and fear.

Daring Do took a deep breath to compose herself and looked them over. “Okay…so not rats this time.” She sighed before she noticed something strange. These ancient builders seemed very good at duplicating designs. All the animals looked exactly the same as each other, each line matched perfectly between every lion, wolf and all the others. But in this one, only a few of the rats seemed to match. The others seemed different, shorter noses and larger ears and…they weren’t rats!

“Mice.” She said in an un-amused voice. “A bangle locked and sealed in Thrice, Follow the wit of the lonely mice.” She recited aloud. “Well someone should tell whoever built this they suck at drawing mice.” She grumbled irritably.

Well, at least now she was sure she was on the right track. She’d come here looking for Ahuizotl and Bravely Blue and instead stumbled upon the place she needed to be to find the Bangle anyway.

Daring supposed she should consider it a stroke of luck, but a prickle on the back of her neck told her that it was far too easy.
Stepping forward cautiously, she hovered a hoof over the nearest stone depicted what she hoped was a mouse, and then gently applied pressure.

The stone held her weight; she let out a breath of relief and moved to the next one, jumping deftly. This was significantly harder than the first two times. At a distance it was difficult to tell which ones were rats or mice, so she was forced to take her time.
Daring Do was halfway when she made her first mistake. She jumped to a stone she thought was a mouse, only to have the stone slam into the ground. She yelped and jumped away quickly. Suddenly she couldn’t find the mice, and arrows and darts where coming in from every angle.

Daring Do galloped, heading for the door at the end as the stone slab above the huge stone door began to close. Arrows and darts clattered about her and a sharp pain struck her rump as she dived and slid under the door just before it closed.
Daring Do gasped for breath, panting before looking at her rump. In the very centre of her compass cutie-mark was a dart that had red quill feathers on the end. She rolled her eyes, grabbed it with her muzzle and pulled it out with a yelp. She shook herself, got up and took a single step forward before the room began to sway. She tried stepping forward again but her hoof didn’t seem to want to move. Collapsing to the floor she began panting and sweating.

Shaking her head to try and clear the mental fog, Daring Do tried to crawl forward. The room she was in was dark, but in the very centre, something caught her fuzzy gaze.

The room slipped in and out of focus before she finally realised it was a pedestal. On that pedestal was a bangle with three latches. She began to crawl towards it.

Pulling herself slowly to her hooves took an enoemous amount of effort, but Daring Do refused to give up. She reached up, her hoof inches from the bangle before it was suddenly plucked from the pedestal with a clawed paw.

“Did you think you could honestly win, Daring Do?” A deep, growling voice sounded from the darkness. Ahuizotl approached and looked down at her, clutching the Bangle in his claw.

“What is the matter, Daring Do? Are you feeling weak? Are you about to DIE!?” He cackled loudly. “Good. It is a fate better than you deserve.” He shoved a single foot forward and gestured to his leg. The base of which was furless and scarred. “This is what I was left with when you collapsed that temple on us, Daring Do. This is why you will pay.” He glared and raised his claw.

Daring Do’s vision faded as she glared at Ahuizotl, but she noticed something strange, the scar on the apelike creature’s leg was slowly fading...healing.

She cocked her head and widened her eyes. A lashing pain struck down her back, forcing her to yell out in pain as Ahuizotl’s claws struck her. Using the last of her strength, she did the only thing she could think of. She launched up with a single powerful wing-beat and touched her hoof against the bangle. Suddenly it felt as though invigorating energy washed through her. Her back felt fine, her dizziness disappeared and suddenly she was completely aware.

The Bangle had healing powers!

Daring Do purposely dropped on her back and lay still. Ahuizotl dashed back and stared at her, his eyes narrowed. “A last vain attempt I see...but you are too weak, and now you have fallen Daring Do. And as you fall, I shall rise. I shall now control the world!”

“We.” Said a firm voice from the shadows, a blue elder mare stepping into the glow of the oculus in the ceiling. “We shall rule the world you mean.” She said with an eager grin.

Bravely Blue approached the still form of Daring Do, looking down at her smirking. “A shame, you were such a good student.” She said with a mock sigh.

“Better than you’d think.” Daring Do said confidently before she suddenly grasped Bravely Blue’s legs and swept them from under her, pulling the mare onto her back. She yelped in shock, Ahuizotl gasped and Daring Do jumped on top of the pedestal to dive at him. Grasping the Bangle in his paw, she kicked out with her hooves and sent him smashing into a wall.

She carried the bangle in her muzzle and dived back onto the pedestal and jumped up, her wings beating as she tried to head for the oculus in the ceiling, the large hole leading to the outside was perhaps to be her salvation.

Her legs were suddenly caught in a powerful grasp, she yelped in shock, dropping the bangle as she was slammed down into the ground with a thud. She gasped from the force and reached out, grabbing the bangle and rolling away just in time as Ahuizotl’s claws dug harshly into the ground where she had just been. “Give it back! You shall not defeat me Daring Do!” He charged at her, his menacing claws raised for a devastating attack!

She turned and ran towards a wall; he was catching up with her. With an almighty flap of her wings, Daring Do flew up at the wall, kicked off and turned, her hind legs kicking out. She struck Ahuizotl’s face, and sent him sprawling backwards.
Jumping for the oculus she almost reached it when a rope suddenly coiled around her and restricted her wings, she grasped onto the oculus ledge and yelped as she was almost pulled down, struggling to climbed up through the hole as Bravely Blue began to pull her down from below.

“You are not going anywhere!” She shouted menacingly, a vicious grin spread across her old mentor’s muzzle.
Daring Do glared back at her. “Fine!” She dropped the bangle just at the edge and let go of the oculus, she flew down, Bravely Blue widened her eyes and Daring smirked as she hurtled at the mare. Striking her hard, she drove the mare into the ground and against a wall, knocking her unconscious.

This gave Daring the perfect opportunity.

She flew right through the oculus, grabbed the bangle and jumped away just as Ahuizotl’s claws struck at the edge. He climbed through the hole and glared at her menacingly.

“Give me the Bangle, Daring Do.” He said in a low voice, his large form approaching slowly.

Daring Do had often bested the ape-like creature, but he had always been a tough opponent. He was best taken by surprise, a full attack his strength was much greater than hers, and those claws were very deadly.

Daring Do looked around, for anything she could use as a weapon; she barely had time to search before he suddenly charged at her. She yelped and dashed to the side just as his claws struck into the mountainside rock.
The oculus opened up into a small clearing halfway up the mountain, the view was rather breath-taking, not that Daring Do was here for sightseeing.

She looked about her, desperate to figure out what she could do before an idea struck her.

“Hey Ahuizotl, do you like the cold?” She asked with a smirk, her voice calming down from her panic as her plan took form.

He gave her a grin and flexed his claws. “The fur of my body gives me plenty of protection my dear, much more than that of your pony hide.” He said with a glare. “Give me the Bangle.” He said again in a menacing tone.

Daring Do shook her head. “Never.” She suddenly bucked out and struck the mountain rock behind her as hard as she could. There was a deep boom a deafening crack and everything went still.

Ahuizotl just looked at her and laughed, grinning as he gazed down at the mare. “And what were you trying to do?” He asked in a mocking tone. Daring Do simply smirked and pointed above his head. A low rumbling met their ears and Ahuizotl cocked his head gormlessly before looking directly up.


A massive avalanche was suddenly hurtling down from the side of the mountain towards them. With a scream he was pounded with huge blocks of snow and ice, forcing him back down the mountain. Daring Do flew high and watched with a satisfied smile as Ahuizotl was buried beneath the tonnes of snow.

The mare became very aware of the bitter cold biting at her, so she turned and began flying back towards town, needing a hot cup of cocoa.

With a delicious cup of cocoa in hoof -with marshmallows of course-, Daring Do sighed in her hotel room, wondering if she’d ever see Ahuizotl again after this latest bout. She had a strange feeling that she would. Turning over the bangle she gazed over the three catches, a tri-locking system inside that would allow it to attach to a hoof. On the underside was an inscription in ancient Equestrian.
Pulling out her books she began to study, humming as she worked.

Usually this kind of work was boring and tedious, but after the latest events it was a nice change of pace and a pleasant distraction.
When she finally managed to translate it, she cocked her head and leaned back.

Reading the inscription again and again didn’t change what it said, and she couldn’t help but feel almost numb in shock.
The inscription read:

‘To My Beloved Daughters, Celestia and Luna.

For You,


Your Loving Mother, Serra.’

Serra had been the princesses’ mother…the ancient Queen of Equestria.

Daring Do had never been as bold as to approach royalty for a chat -of this she was very adamant. But now it seemed that there was only one place she could go. She could no longer defend Equestria from Ahuizotl and Bravely Blue alone, this was obviously much bigger than herself.

Daring Do was going to Canterlot.

Daring Do was going to visit royalty.