• Published 21st May 2014
  • 2,439 Views, 10 Comments

Series 1) Daring Do and the Alicorn Secret Saga - AlmanacP

This is the Alicorn Secret Saga,. A set of Daring Do books that make up the first series of a 3 part massive adventure.

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6) Daring Do and the Legend of the Alicorn's Horn

Author's Note:

This is the 6th instalment to the Alicorn Secret Saga.

Thing's get darker, questions are answered and some are asked, and Daring Do must break a royal decree to save Equestria. How will she make it out of this one?

I hope you like this instalment of Daring Do. And if you like it, tell me what you think, and even if you don't, let me know anyway. Can't improve unless I know where I go wrong. ^-^

Daring Do and the Legend of the Alicorn’s Horn

Diane Daring Danger Do was a golden furred mare with a passion for archaeology and adventure. Renown across Equestria as one of the most prominent figures in the archaeology scene, and right now, she was one very confused young lady.

Daring Do sat with a sigh, looking around herself she wasn’t really sure what to do. She knew where she needed to go, but how would you walk up to a princess and tell her ‘hey, Miss Ruler-Of-All-Equestria, hope you don’t mind, but I’ve been collecting your stuff that you hid away a thousand years ago, and I think it was from your mother the ancient Queen, and hey, I might need to find this last piece of the puzzle which is supposedly some kind of horn. And if my suspicions are correct, it might be the horn of your mother, ya know...from her BONES!’

Because that would go down fantastically!

She sighed and laid back on her bed.

Daring Do faced dangers on every adventure; she faced horrors and possible loss of life, the fate of Equestria often resting on her shoulders. Her mentor, from whom she had always drawn strength, had betrayed her.
She only really had one friend left and she really needed to see him.
Climbing out of her dorm and heading down and out into the campus, she headed for the cafeteria. She knew where he’d be. He was always there.

He went in and sure enough, there he was.

Caffeine Remus Kick, or just Caffeine Kick as he preferred to be called, was a proper sort of pony. He was an intelligent unicorn, working as a substitute for many teachers at Clopsdale Academy in almost every subject. He was very formal to most ponies, but Daring Do had been his friend since day one of the Academy so they had something of a casual rapport.
He was also the best coffee maker on campus!

She approached him from behind. “I need a-“

“Double Espresso Latte with chocolate sprinkles.” He cut in, finishing her sentence. He turned to meet her eyes and smiled, handing her a readymade cup. “For you,” he said, smiling.

She smiled and graciously accepted the cup before sitting down at a table. He sat down on the opposite side from her. The buzz of the cafeteria around them seemed to be drowned out by the silence that ensued between them. It wasn’t an awkward silence, it was more, expectant. The kind of silence that would be followed by a much needed vent of conversation, but for now was simply settling, and acclimating to the atmosphere.

When the silence had gone on a little too long, Caffeine Kick cleared his throat and looked at her expectantly.

“Sorry.” She said with a sigh, breaking the silence that began only moments ago, but seemed to last hours. Daring Do leaned back, stared at the ceiling and let out a long, frustrated groan as she wondered where to begin.
She told him everything; The Sapphire Statue, the Griffon’s Goblet, The Golden Key. When it came to Bravely Blue, the great Daring Do almost broke into tears. She hadn’t let it affect her, hadn’t let herself feel the stress and the worry of everything that had happened, bottling it away. But she felt it now. The emotions weld up before she could really stop them. Bravely Blue had almost been a second mother to her. She had been everything Daring Do had needed. More than a friend, a rock, stability in a world that often seemed far too big for her to carry.

Daring Do was afraid. With every word she felt her eyes moisten and her lip tremble a little more, she tried to hold her composure, but soon she couldn’t manage any longer.

Daring Do spent half an hour against Caffeine Kick’s shoulder, crying into his jacket.

When she looked up, the cafeteria had cleared itself and they were alone.

“S-sorry.” She said, still choked and hiccupping slightly.

He chuckled and handed her a tissue.

“Wow, the great Daring Do, crying. Never thought I’d see it, Diane.”

She glared. “Tell anyone, I’ll kill you, Remus.”

He looked down at her, sadness in his eyes and softly he chuckled, hoofing over a tissue.

“I’ll have you know I rather like my middle name. Better than ‘Danger’ anyway.” He grinned.
Daring Do just laughed and shook her head. “No it’s not. Remus, really? Were your parents cruel?” She smirked and laughed loudly, feeling a little better from the light teasing. He just chuckled pleasantly before looking back at her with a soft sigh, the humour leaving his eyes, as a look of contemplation spread across his refined features.

“So about your problem; how do you propose we handle such a feat? You need to get to Canterlot, and you require an audience with royalty, the Princesses no less. Hardly an easy thing to accomplish.”
The golden mare nodded. “That’s why I came to you.” She said softly. “I know you have contacts. Please?” She said, looking up at him from his shoulder.

Daring Do had always been such a strong mare, always independent. Caffeine Kick sighed at the now helpless look in her eyes.

“Fine, I’ll see what I can do.”


Daring Do had no idea what strings Caffeine Kick had pulled, but the next morning she found a royal invitation slipped under her hotel room door, requesting the honour of her company in Canterlot Palace. With her bags packed as she climbed upon the train that would take her to Canterlot. She had to admit this, he may seem pompous, but he was the best friend she could hope for right now.

Daring sat by the window, watching the world go by, contemplating everything.
She was a brash mare, cocky and full of bravado. For the last two days Daring had become a shell of her former self, the world had taken its toll. Her mentor against her, the world at stake, and this mare was sat on a plum coloured train, embarking on a journey that would bring her to the halls of the Palace, before the most powerful mares in Equestria, both in magic, and in influence. She was both excited, and terrified in equal measure.

The ride from Clopsdale took several hours. She passed the time reading through her notes and diagrams of the other pieces like the Sapphire Statue. In an effort to keep them safe, she’d stashed them in a personal safe she had back at the Academy.
They should be safe there…she hoped.

By the time that she reached Canterlot, Daring Do had become so exhausted she’d fallen asleep, only to be awoken by a kind member of the strain staff so she didn’t miss her stop. Embarking off the train she looked around her.

Canterlot was new for her. Of course she’d been here before, but only once as a filly, and looking around the place now she saw the towering buildings and the quaint poshness of the city that kind of made her want to gag. She received several bad looks from some of the snobbish mares and stallions of Canterlot as she walked the streets in her ripped shirt and tattered saddlebags, but she didn’t care for them, she had bigger issues.

Like meeting a princess!

Daring had been recommended to wear something formal. Instead she had decided on her usual adventuring gear. They would simply need to accept her as she was. Besides, if she was allowed to go into the ancient tombs of the Alicorn Royalty, she had no doubt that it wouldn’t be as simple as approaching a sarcophagus.
Nothing in Daring’s life was ever that simple.

The steps to the palace were kept by Royal Guards, their lances blocking her as she approached. She produced the invitation and the guards gave her a dubious look before letting her through.

The great palace was shining with pearly whites and gold’s, with a few midnight blues. She suspected that they blues were a new addition due to the recent return of Princess Luna.

As she approached the main hall, she heard a muffled voice within. She opened the large ornate door before her and walked in slowly, the sound of a stallion reached her ears.

“My Princess, I MUST be allowed to go in pursuit. Crimes have been committed and will continue to be committed until he is brought in for justice.” The stallion speaking was a white and blue maned grey stallion donned in the ornate, gold armour of the Royal Guard. He was large, strong, and large wings adorned his back.

The princess above him looked regal on her throne. Her waving mane streaked with all the colours of the sky, blew behind her in beautiful majesty, looking all the makings of a ruler.

Though with a mane like that, Daring felt her own grey-scale one might be in need of a wash.

“You may go then, and bring him to justice by whatever means you see fit, so that he may answer for his crimes.” She said firmly. Her eyes seemed hard, which made Daring Do gulp slightly. She had never met royalty before, but Her Grace gave her the impression of somepony that could be surprisingly stern when she needed to be.

The stallion bowed and turned sharply, walking past Daring Do. Their eyes met for a brief moment before he continued and went out the door.

After the heavy doors creaked to a close, it suddenly dawned on Daring that she was now alone with the princess.
Daring Do and Princess Celestia.

AND Princess Luna!

Daring Do felt guilty for not noticing the second mare on a cushion beside the great throne, while not sitting on a throne of her own, she was every bit as beautiful and regal as her sister.

Looking around herself as she approached, Daring Do took a moment to look around. The main hall was breath-taking in its beauty. The windows were stained glass depicting key moments in Equestrian history, many of which Daring Do could name, but some of them she struggled to recognise. They refracted the light into a kaleidoscope of colours that touched the ground in sparkling hues that looked like sparkling stars shining despite the day.

“Approach, my little pony.” Celestia’s voice rang out.

Daring Do jumped slightly in response. She approached and looked up, finding a surprising gentleness in the Princess’s eyes.

One of them anyway.

Despite the hardness Daring had seen before, Celestia now looked down with gentleness in her eyes, much unlike her younger sister whose eyes only flickered with curiosity and sternness. She didn’t know who would be easiest to convince, Celestia, or Luna.
The golden mare couldn’t help but feel rather awkward in the presence of royalty as she looked up. Reaching up she removed her pith helmet respectfully and looked between the sisters.

“I received word that you wished for an audience with us. I was assured it was of the utmost importance.” Celestia said; while her eyes were kind, Daring noticed her voice was challenging.

She had to say this right.

“I need to see your mother’s tomb.” She said hurriedly before biting her lip.

Luna gasped and glared down at the little pony, fire in her eyes. Celestia’s kindness had vanished leaving a horrified expression. She seemed to control herself though, her brow furrowing as she looked at Daring with a judging gaze.
Well, that certainly WASN’T the right way to have said it!

“Please explain yourself.” Celestia stiffly demanded, her stern voice booming around the room. The Canterlot voice was something that was often used as a display of power in the old days, but these days the princesses were rumoured to use it anger. Which didn’t bode well for Daring in this case.

Daring Do shuffled her hoof nervously on the ground before she opened her mouth, and she began to ramble, trying to talk away the awkward situation she just put herself into.

“I found the other pieces. I know about the Sapphire Statue and the Golden Key and the Goblet, and I even have that bangle and stuff, ya know the stuff that your mother Serra gave you. Well I kinda need to get into her tomb to try and take her horn from her bones. But I don’t want to just steal it, ya see there are these bad ponies coming to steal it and I need to get it before they do.” She said before smiling, her mouth turning into a grin with a light squee.

A silence descended around them, she’d never felt so miniscule in her life. Talking had never really been her strong suit.


It was Luna that spoke, but her sister didn’t challenge it. He feared that Celestia had simply chosen not to answer. He couldn’t blame her. Daring Do looked between them, Luna was glaring at her angrily, and Celestia’s face held a warning that Daring did not want to challenge.

She sighed and nodded, walking out and leaving the palace.

That couldn’t have gone much worse. Well, she supposed it could’ve, she could have been thrown in a dungeon.

Well, Daring may not have been able to explain it properly, but she knew that even without permission she had to get that horn!
If she didn’t, the whole of Equestria was in danger!

The problem was Daring Do had no idea where the Royal Tombs actually were.


The sound came from an alleyway nearby between two buildings. A stallion stood within the shadows, his fur so dark Daring Do could barely tell he was there at all.

“Come here.” He whispered. “I can help you find the tomb.”

Daring Do’s eyes widened. How had this stallion known that’s what she was after, how on Equis did he know that she actually needed his help, and how did he know where the tomb was?

Countless questions ran through her mind but she approached anyway. She stayed in the light though, she knew better than to step into the darkness with a stallion she didn’t know. She wasn’t a sillyfilly.

“I know how to get you into the tomb, Daring Do. Would you like my help?” He asked. His voice seemed calm, charming, and even hypnotising. He had a way of pronouncing his words that made her feel almost at ease. Like she could trust him.

“Yeah, how do you know me? And how did you know that’s what I was after?” She asked curiously.

“I know many things, and I have many eyes and ears.” He said cryptically. “And one of those eyes has seen you, and one of those ears had heard your need. Do you still wish to save Equestria by obtaining the horn?”

Daring Do nodded nervously. At this point she was going to need all the help she could get.

“Come with me.” He turned and leapt, wings erupting from the darkness, large and dark and soon he was flapping up into the sky.

“Wait up!” She called out, unfurling her own wings and taking to the sky. She smiled a little at the feeling of the breeze in her feathers, and focused on following this mysterious stallion.

They flew for an hour, away from the palace. She had heard tales that the tomb was under the palace, so why they were heading away from it? Daring Do had no clue.

“Hey, why are we heading away from the palace?” She called out, flying next to the dark maned stallion. The Pegasus had dark purple fur and a purple and black mane. He turned to her and smiled.

“The tomb is under the palace for sure, but the only way to get in is through the palace cellars, and that is too hard. We will use the back door.”

Daring Do cocked her head at the words. There was a back door?

She followed the Pegasus. Without his smooth words in her ears she was starting to feel uneasy. It was never a good idea to trust strangers, but she could hardly turn back now. The fate of Equestria could hang in the balance, and she had no options, but this strange stallion was offering her one. The least she could do was give it a shot.

They flew for twenty minutes until they finally reached the edge of Canterlot. Below them was a large courtyard made from large white marble slabs and decorated with silver railings, the edge of which looked out over the entire Equestrian kingdom. The cobbles below were stylised with the sun cutie-mark of Princess Celestia. Further below them, the currents of the beautiful Canterlot River washed over the edge in an endless waterfall. The strange pony flew over the edge and Daring followed curiously. We flew down to the mouth of the waterfall.

Daring looked to her new companion she was following, wondering what was going on. He simply smirked and drove head first into the waterfall’s mouth and disappeared in a splash. Daring Do’s mouth dropped open as she watched.
“What the-?”
She approached the waterfall and took a deep breath. She pushed through into the opening, the water pummelling heavily down at her fur before she pushed through the other side. Daring Do looked around once through, shocked at the sight before her.

“A secret passage, hidden here all this time?”

The waterfall erupted from only the top of the tunnel, the ground inside, while a little damp, was rather wide and very long. It seemed it was split into two tunnels, one that spewed the water out hiding the other from view below it. She looked around and turned to try and find the stallion that had brought her here.

But, he was gone!

The place was dark. Refracted light shone through the water that covered the entrance, sending beautiful colours across the tunnel, but the Pegasus was nowhere to be seen. She didn’t even manage to get his name, Daring Do realised with a sigh.
Daring Do sighed to herself. She pulled her pith helmet off to try and rinse the water off, her hoof gently sliding over the scratch on its surface. The scratch caused by the griffon.

Replacing the helmet upon her head, she headed off down the tunnel. She noticed it seemed to be following the piping of the Canterlot River. So she was directly under it, and if her memory served her correctly, the river ran all the way back to the palace.
Daring Do began to walk down the tunnel; her hooves clopping on the damp stone floor, echoing loudly around her. It looked like it had been cut out of the rock, not unlike the cave tunnels that she had went through at Eldarodeo.

Daring reached the end of the tunnel; it turned both left and right, a T junction. She remembered this is where the river split in the market district, and circled the main square, so it shouldn’t matter which route she took, they met each other at the end.

She turned left and entered the darkness. Without the light from the waterfall entrance, it was extremely dark down here. She reached into her saddlebag and pulled out a torch, striking it against the wall did nothing as it failed to light, causing her to grumble in annoyance. It seemed the stone was too damp to spark. She sighed and sat down, holding the torch in her back hooves, she pulled out of her saddlebag a flint and sparker and lashed them together. The sparks ignited the torch and she smiled triumphantly, stood up and continued moving, her way now illuminated by the flame of the burning torch. The flame barely penetrated the darkness, the constant drip of the river above in the tunnel, made the place dark and eerie. A light chill ran down the mare’s spine, and had the foreboding feeling that everything that had happened was simply too easy.

She froze at the sound, looking about her for the source. Looking down she gulped, noticing what had happened. She’d stepped on a hooftrap. The stone had slipped into the ground and there was the sound of stone grinding on stone behind her. Daring turned slowly, her ears folding back as her eyes widened.

A massive boulder was suddenly crashing towards her towards her. She yelped and turned tail, galloping away from the rolling rock. She moved as fast as her legs could carry her, galloping through the tunnel as the carriage sized boulder rolled ever closer to her. As she screamed through the tunnel underneath the marketplace in under nine seconds flat, almost slamming into the wall as she turned a corner, she slammed to a halt. Before her was an immense pit, full of sharpened stakes!

There was very little air current down in the tunnel, flying would be difficult, but with the boulder rumbling ever closer, she had no other choice. Stashing the burning torch between her teeth, she ran head first at the pit of spikey death, leaping with all her might as she reached the edge. Her wings spread to aid her in the length of her jump, the golden furred mare smiled as she saw the edge getting closer and closer. But suddenly she began to lose altitude. She looked down, and to her horror, all she saw was an inky black abyss. There was an even deeper pit and the spikes were simply lining the edges. The icy, cold air below her was causing a pressure drop; she couldn’t maintain altitude in air of this density.
Suddenly she was falling.

Her hooves lashed out and just managed to grasp the edge! Daring Do hung there, a flaming torch in her maw, trying to pull herself up in time as the giant boulder rushed towards the gap, ready to crush her into a pit of spikes. She pulled herself up just in time and rolled, the fiery torch snuffing out on a wet patch on the floor as she rolled, just as the loud rumble of the boulder fell and lodged itself into the pit, effectively blocking the tunnel forever. Well, she wasn’t getting out that way now. She had no choice but to continue.

Daring Do pulled out the flint again and lashed them together in an attempt to relight her torch, but no matter what she did; it now refused to light as the tip had become soaked.

“Just great.” She grumbled to herself, wrapping the wet tip in a towel she stuffed it into her bag. Looking ahead of her, the adventurous mare a dim glow at the end of the tunnel, she walked towards it and turned the corner, to locate the source of this mysterious colourful light. Her eyes widened. The entire room shone with crystals, there were the same starry crystals as she’d seen in the griffon’s cave of Eldarodeo.

She smiled at their presence as they were comforting after all the darkness. Apart from the crystals imbedded in the walls, the chamber before her seemed completely empty apart from a tunnel towards the end.

Daring Do was not such a sillyfilly as to attempt running through. There was no doubt in her mind that this place was also booby-trapped.

Daring Do took a single step into the tunnel, moving carefully and paying strict attention to everything around her, but…it seemed nothing was happening. She cocked her head and took a few more steps in. There didn’t seem to be any traps at all. This, strangely, is what worried the mare the most.

No traps? There had to be one, she just wasn’t seeing it.

She began to trot, trot towards the opening, her ears poised, her eyes darting around suspiciously, waiting, just in case. Suddenly the doors slammed closed at both ends of the room, sealing her in, leaving her in almost complete darkness. As the dark settled she looked around, listening carefully, the soft glittering of the crystals in the wall making it seem almost like a night sky was around her, but none of the glittering light could dispel the dark that hung around her forebodingly.

Daring Do looked around. There was a movement in the dark; something was in here with her. She could see it pass in front of the glittering stars a few times, but she couldn’t tell exactly where it was, or what it was. Something was suddenly behind her! She could feel it. Her body reacting without her mind playing a part, she dived forward as something struck the ground right where she’d been, shattering stone and flinging dust and rocks into the air. She looked back at the cracked ground, hoping to catch a glimpse of what wielded such raw power, but whatever had done it had already slinked back into the shadows. The golden mare looked around. She couldn’t tell where it was or where it was coming from, but maybe she could hear it. Closing her eyes she concentrated, slowing her breathing, trying to focus. There was something there. A shuffle, a light step, a single movement of air that gently caressed her wing…HER WING! Something was to the right of her and in pure instinct she dived to the left, raw power smashed into the ground again, even more viciously than the first. She turned and turned to face her adversary, it had crept out of the gloom to face her, Daring’s stomach lurched as it dawned on her.

It was a pony, a dead pony. Long dead by the look of it.

A zombie!

The shambling corpse was mummified, its skin shrunken to the bone and its eyes were nothing but blank sockets filled with an eerie blue glow.

It had been a Pegasus in life, its large wings now reduced to the remains of skin and feathers clinging to whatever bones remained. Silver armour that still gleamed, reflecting the sparkles from the crystals, hung from its form, its design not unlike that of a royal guard. The helmet of which was emblazoned with the lightning symbol on the front of the goblet, the symbol of Serra. This had been one of her royal guard. But what magic was strong enough to give life to the dead?!

That was a question best left for later as the zombie approached her. In its mouth it held a flail, a vicious piece of antiquated weaponry, liable to do a lot of nasty stuff if it hit her.

When Daring Do’s stomach stopped roiling, she simply smirked; she knew she could out pace this glowing guard with her wings tied behind her back!

With a hollow growl, the zombie cocked its head and swing, the strike would have been devastating if it connected, but Daring was too quick. She ducked under the swing and dove at the walking corpse; it collapsed under her with a sickening. Her hoof smashed down and its head burst into century old dust, a wisp of blue spiritual magic spraying out and floating through the ceiling.

Daring Do breathed a sigh of relief.

Heading to the door she looked it over and smiled when she saw what looked to be a keyhole in the shape of a lightning bolt. Before she left, Daring Do had made a caste of the goblet, just in case something like this was found. She dropped her saddlebag and began looking through it. A sudden ‘crack!’ echoed around the room, she turned and her eyes widened as there, in the dull light of the crystals, hooves burst out of the ground and rotting remains of ponies began to crawl out of the ground and walls, the dull blue glow in their eye sockets littering the darkness as their numbers increased!

Daring Do yanked out the moulding, shoved it into the socket and turned. The door opened up quickly, she dived in and turned, scrabbling on the door frame, looking for some way to close it again, but there was no keyhole this side. She grabbed her saddlebag, flung it onto her shoulder and ran.

Daring Do galloped fast. She knew she could take on a zombie, maybe even two or three, but a whole horde?!
Questions ran through Daring’s mind. Who in Celestia’s name would cast a spell to protect something with an army of zombies? And who was strong enough to cast that spell?

Well the answer was simple, it was Queen Serra. But the biggest question that she didn’t know the answer to was ‘Why?’.
The tunnel opened up into a room with three other tunnels. She had to try and focus on the map of the river. She knew she was close, she remembered that the river split off in three ways. Two that went around and circled the palace and one that went through and under. She had to take the middle!

She crammed the map back into her bag and prayed that she was right. Daring Do ran into the middle tunnel, galloping into the darkness, the clank of armour, scrape of fleshless hooves and the groan of vocal cords long rotted seemed to grow louder no matter how hard she ran! Could zombies even gallop?!
She didn’t look back to find out.

Daring Do was so focused on running; she didn’t see the tripwire until her world suddenly flipped upside down and she was crashing into the ground, skidding down a slope into a dimly lit room. She looked up and around her, the glare and brightness making her unsure of what was going around her, so used to the dark her eyes were almost blinded by the bright light.

She heard the moaning, looked back towards the tunnel. They were closer! They were almost on her! She’d be eaten alive!

A door hidden in the ceiling slammed shut, sealing the tunnel and the creatures behind her, leaving Daring Do to sit there, shaking.

“It is good to see you again, Daring Do.” Said a booming melodic voice behind her.
She glared, shaking her head. It was a voice she knew far too well. Turning her head, she looked up, squinting in the brightness at Ahuizotl. They were in a large cave room, a massive burning chandelier up at the roof, illuminating what seemed to be a large room here within the tunnels.

“Sorry, I can’t say the same.” Daring retorted to his comment as she got to her hooves, dusting herself off. Ahuizotl’s chuckle sounded out and he climbed down from the pedestal rock he had stood himself on.

“Aren’t you going to thank me? I am sure I just saved your life.” He grinned at her, his apelike features smirking down at her, showing off his sharp teeth. His Daring Do grimace slightly.

“Don’t you ever take a bath?” She asked, waving her hoof in front of her to waft away the smell. Ahuizotl glared, obviously not amused.

“How does it feel to not even know what it is you are after Daring Do? Would you like to know?” He asked with a grin, walking past her. He pulled a flaming torch from the wall and brought it over. “Here, snuff out the flame.” He challenged, offering the torch.

Ahuizotl was fast and strong, and he was a skilled fighter, but it was always through luck and his angry mistakes that Daring Do was able to best him in the past. But now he was calm, and in such a small area, rocks and unfamiliar ground, she knew better than to try her chances. Besides, it would be best to see if he’d reveal his plans.

She took the torch and stubbed it into the ground, but the flame continued. She cocked her head and stamped on it, yelping as she burnt herself. She tried blowing on it with her breath and wings, but to no avail. Eventually she pulled out a flask of water and doused the flame, but it suddenly sparked back into life.

“It is called Everflame. It is created by sparking it alight using the Sapphire Stone.”

He reached into her saddlebag before she could stop him and brought out her sodden torch stick she’d failed to light earlier. He brought out the sapphire statue and smirked. Raising the jackal shaped statue to the light from the chandelier, Daring Do watched as the light refracted through the jackal statue into a beam of light that struck the torch, bursting it into flame.

“This flame can never be put out.” He said purred. “It does not grow; it remains controlled, and can never be undone.” He said proudly.

The flame reminded her of the temple from which she’d taken the Sapphire Statue from, the flames there had still been burning even though centuries had passed since anyone had been inside. She had thought they’d been lit by someone else, but with all the traps intact, it was obvious she had been the first to enter in a very long time. All those torches must have been lit with Everfire.

“Each of the items has a power, Daring Do, but I doubt you know why.” Ahuizotl said, turning to her.

Daring Do just glared. “And you are just going to tell me?”

Her words made him chuckle. Ahuizotl turned away from her and began walking around the cave.

“Seven items must entwine,

For magic to steer towards divine.” He began to recite.

“An Amulet old and full of lies,

Another that’s right, which wit divides.

A jackal found in temples greed,

Where hunters fail but prey succeed.

A golden key to unlock the way,

Within the blue at circles bay.

A goblet holder of the heart,

Great magic’s vessel with talons guard.

A bangle locked and sealed in thrice,

Follow the wit of the lonely mice.

A horn of old from bone remains,

Equestrian colours, the blue complains…” He turned to her and smirked, approaching her slowly.

“The final piece cannot be told,

But found by those of bravely bold.” He said, and Daring’s shocked face brought an arrogant smile to Ahuizotl’s muzzle.

“Once together time stops its song,

As Alicorn secrets to the bearer belong.”


The revelation shocked her, as did the words of the poem. Alicorn secrets? What Alicorn secrets!

“H-How do you know the last parts!?” She demanded angrily.

Ahuizotl simply chuckled. “I have my sources, little pony. And I would hardly share them with you.” His smug expression really ticked her off. How could he just stand there and be like that, how could he be so far ahead of her! How was she losing! Because she WAS indeed losing. Ahuizotl had been ahead of her at every single point, and it was a fact that tasted sour in her mouth.

“Let us review my dear. You hold the goblet, the amulet and the Bangle. I hold the Sapphire Statue, and the Key. I want what you have.” He growled sinisterly.

She shook her head. “I didn’t even bring them with me, I took casts just in case, but I figured I’d find you here. Not like I’m gonna be running towards you holding them in my satchel now, am I?” She said a little smugly.

He nodded. “Oh yes, for sure, but how safe are they at that academy, in that safe in that office?” Daring Do’s blood ran cold. “As we speak Bravely Blue is emptying that safe, and will later deliver to me the remainder of the items I seek.”

Daring Do had failed completely. Ahuizotl was going to get them! But it seemed this final piece, the Alicorn’s Horn, was extremely important to whatever was going on. If she could just get that, she should be able to prevent Ahuizotl from completing whatever it was he wanted to do.

She looked above her at the ceiling. The pipe for the base of the river travelled the length of the ceiling, and a few places looked a little weak. She began to move casually, walking innocently towards the pedestal rocks he had been on. She climbed onto the lowest one.

“I must say, I’m impressed.” She said, shrugging, climbing up onto the second. Ahuizotl’s eyes watched her, wondering what she was doing.

“I did not do all of this to impress you.” He said firmly. She shrugged again, trying to seem casual.

“And why did you do this? You said you were going to tell me what this was all about? What Alicorn secrets?” She asked, trying to keep him talking as she climbed onto the larger rock, gesturing about her as she spoke, subtly surveying her surroundings.

“I suppose you will find out in time.” He said, hinting darkly. “But its power is more than you can comprehend. I will have the world, Daring Do. It WILL be MINE!” He demanded viciously. “I will not be denied.”

Daring Do climbed onto the highest pedestal, looking directly across at the large chandelier.

“Yeah ya will.” She mocked, diving at the chandelier with her wings open.

The hot air surrounding the flame pushed her up; using her tail as she rose, she wrapped it around the edge of the chandelier and flipped it up. It struck the ceiling and cracked into the rock and piping hard, Daring Do smirked as a few drops of water dripped through the cracks.

“And what was that supposed to do, my dear?” He grinned. “Your efforts are futile; you really believe you could stop me with such a stunt? What did you expect?” He asked with a cackle, Daring Do just smirking as the crack began to drip and creak a little. “Did you expect that the chandelier might fall from the ceiling onto me? It was a pathetic mov-oh.” He said as his ears folded back as a loud CRACK erupted through the room.

Water suddenly burst through the crack in the ceiling, rubble splashing down as Ahuizotl squealed in a mareish fashion as the torrent struck him, smashing him back into a wall with a pained yelp.

Daring Do stayed in the air. The air pressure should do the job, she just had to wait. The door at the other end of the room was sealed. As the water filled the room, the air pressure should push into the water, making the water push back. The more pressure, the more chance of an escape. Hopefully the door would cave under it and she’d be able to swim her way through the water to her goal. But as the pressure rose Daring realised a flaw in her plan. As the pressure rose, so did the denseness of the air and soon she was finding it hard to stay in the air, panting heavily from the effort of flapping her wings. The room filled up faster as more of the ceiling caved in, suddenly her ears popped and she yelped, falling into the water. The room was running out of air, she was sputtering water, before suddenly there was a rush of current. The door had caved in and the water poured into the tunnel beyond. She yelped as she was pulled under and through the door, trying her best to hold her breath as she was pulled through the tunnel. Rocks scraped at her wings and back, making her gasp under the water and take in gulps of the Canterlot River. Daring Do tried to close her mouth again but as her back struck a rock again hard, she yelped loud and water flowed in down her throat. Daring Do panicked and tried to breathe, feeling her lungs fill with fluid and the world became fuzzy. Suddenly there was a bright light and right on the edge of unconsciousness, a burst of air erupted around her and she gasped and spluttered, bursting out of the water into a much larger chamber, the water flowing down vents carved into the rock about her. The water was now only knee height and she was coughing hard as she shook, whimpering from almost drowning.

Daring Do recovered and simply stood there, her clothes and fur sodden as she shook from the fear and adrenaline. When she felt like she could go on, she looked up and saw what looked to be a sealed door with an inscription on the far wall.
Approaching slowly, she looked over the Ancient Equestrian, but her mind wasn’t up for translating the writing. She saw a keyhole in the shape of a lightning bolt and pulled out her moulding. She unlocked the way, the door’s ear splitting scrape filled the room as they rumbled open.

Inside was a tomb. There was light and stairs at the far end which was likely the main and official entrance. She had used a secret entrance.

Daring Do walked in, closing the door. She looked around the tomb. There were quite a few caskets, tombs of branches of the royal family, including some so ancient and decrepit, she had trouble reading the names, let alone recognising who they were.

Daring Do began walking through the tomb. It seemed to be coloured differently and designed differently the deeper it went. Closer to the stairs were dark obsidian and jewelled blue’s, golden ingrained Ancient Equestrian covering the pillars on either side, but as she reached the deeper areas, the tones turned to lighter sky blue’s, and then vibrant silvers that while majestic and regal, seemed to add an icy temperature to the air. It wasn’t long before Daring found her breath forming in wisps of vapour before her eyes.

Moving deeper she found a particular room, there were others even deeper but she didn’t need to go much further. This was what she had come to find. She knew this because above the arch of the entrance was the same lightning symbol as she had seen now countless times to represent the ancient Queen. She entered the area and descended down some steps to what lay inside. It was a solid silver casket, surrounded by burning torches that were likely Everfire. She walked over and kneeled.

“Your Majesty, Queen Serra,” she began, directing her eyes at the floor. “I know what I’m about to do is wrong, but sometimes I guess you have to do the wrong thing to save what you care about. “If I leave you, they’ll find a way in, they always do. So I have to take it, I have to take it so they can’t, and keep it from them.” She looked up. “I hope you can forgive me for this.”
Daring Do stood up and walked to the casket. It looked solid silver, embroidered with her simple and the depiction of a beautiful sleeping mare of great silver majesty, her mane flowing behind her.

Placing the mould in a lightning shaped keyhole on the engraved side, she turned it. The casket burst with dust and slid open in two parts.

Diane Daring Danger Do looked in, gazing over the remains of the once Queen of Equestria, Serra. Time had stripped her of her flesh and left nothing but a beautiful white skeleton that looked almost as though it were made of silver and marble as it gleamed in the torchlight. Even in death she was majestic.

On her head was her horn, attached to her skull. Daring Do grimaced at this next task, reaching out and pulling it from the skull, there was a slight flash of light but then it was done. She closed the casket and stowed away the horn in her saddlebag. Daring Do sighed, not happy about what she had done, but it was necessary. Turning to make her way out, she re-entered the secret tunnel. She swam, much easier now back into the chamber with the broken ceiling, pulled herself up and swam out of the hole, into the river. Shocked ponies were watching as the river seemed to have whirlpool in it as the water filled the cave below. Daring Do pulled herself out a little further away so as not to attract attention. Sighing softly she felt it would be best if she headed back to the academy.

Daring Do set off, her body wet, and her saddlebag now containing the Alicorn’s Horn.

The Sapphire Statue created Everfire, a flame that never died. The Tri-lock Bangle could heal anything. And the Griffon’s Goblet somehow, had kept a single being alive for hundreds of years. Such powers in themselves were very strong magic. What other secrets would be in store for her? What other discoveries would she make?

And what did the poem mean; that the final piece could only be found by those of bravely bold?

Alicorn secrets, brave and powerful possibilities, Daring Do didn’t know what awaited her in the future. But one thing was certain.

The fate of Equestria truly did hang in the balance, and it was up to Daring Do to save it!