• Published 21st May 2014
  • 9,176 Views, 21 Comments

Working Efficiently - scribe-feather

The Apple family use diapers to avoid leaving work for bathroom breaks. (Contains diapers)

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Working Efficiently

Author's Note:


DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of adult baby fiction. Do not continue reading if you do not approve of diapers or diaper usage. If you do not like it or are under legal age, please do not keep reading.

Please do not redistribute, alter, repost this story or anything else I write on this site or some place else without my permission.



To better explain how this story came about, it's worth mentioning that some of my stories require a bit of 'development' before manifesting into an actual story. Sometimes it'll be a couple loose paragraphs that I add onto little by little until they become part of a story. Than I mold these fragments to create an actual story with a steady story line. This story is one of those stories. Now we have an adult baby themed story with no sexual themes to it.

If you liked it, please give it a thumbs up, its the only way I'll be able to see if you enjoyed it!
If you have ideas to continue the story, please leave a comment or send me a message!


This Story Contains:
Diapers (Heavy)
Diaper Usage - Wet (Heavy)
Adult Baby Themes (Medium)
Baby Paraphernalia (Light)
Diaper Usage - Mess (Light)
Informality (Light)
Regression - Mental (Light)

Working Efficiently
By Scribe Feather

Evening feel on Sweet Apple Acres as the ponies who lived there still worked hard. They didn't want to waste good sunlight while it hung in the sky.

Among the quiet silence that existed in the deep parts of the apple orchard were two of the main working ponies, Applejack and her brother Big Macintosh. With expert hooves and unspoken synergy, the two ponies worked hard at gathering apples for today. Few words were spoken between the two and the only sounds that could be heard were grunts, impact between wood and hoof, and a quiet plastic crinkling.

The trees were shaken of all it's apples, the fruits gathered into shallow baskets, and than stacked neatly inside the back of a wagon. The same process they've been doing all day. Which was always the same way they've always done it.

A metallic ringing could be heard cutting through the leaves. Applejack's ears twitched as they perked up at the sound. "Dinner's ready," Applejack relayed the message to her brother who nodded in acknowledgement. Time to head in.

The last of the baskets were gathered into the back of the wagon before it creaked forward, being pulled by Big Macintosh. The strong stallion didn't seem all that phased by the heavy thing, but was happy the day was finally drawing to a close. He could finally get back to the house, relax, and change.

As her brother unloaded the last wagon load, Applejack made her way to the farmhouse where her little sister, Applebloom was already waiting. "Tell Granny I'll be at the table in a bit. I gotta change first." Applejack said to Applebloom before heading upstairs, yellow diaper swaying with each step.

Applebloom didn't seem all that phased by the otherwise strange garment her older sister was wearing. She simply nodded to the other pony and went into the kitchen where Granny Smith was hard at work setting the table of home cooked food.

Diapers weren't embarrassing for the hard working earth pony. Why would they be? Wearing diapers just meant less bathroom breaks which freed up more time to get work it. More work, better income and the family was better off, so what was the problem?

Applejack didn't feel like she needed to hide her diapers while she worked in the orchards. Whenever she needed to pee, she would just go and not worry about changing until mid day when lunch was served at the farm house. She'd have to go in anyway so that wasn't a problem. After lunch and a change, she'd slap on another diaper and continue till dinner time. It was an efficient process.

Big Macintosh had adopted Applejack's work style as well. Both ponies were able to work to the best of their abilities out in the orchards without leaving the other with the work until they returned. Big Macintosh would need a change as well, having soaked his diaper through and through during their trip back home.

After unclipping the harness of the apple wagon, Big Macintosh tested his sagging diaper with a hoof. The yellow garment squished loudly underneath his touch, causing his hoof to sink in a bit. Eyup, definitely in need of a change, he was such a little colt to wet his diaper like that. After wiping a bit of sweat off his brow, the stallion started toward the farm house.

Applejack found the diapers rather...Exhilarating. With the amount of physical labor her family did in a day, the idle mind of Applejack was able to drift off in thought a lot. She had hours of repeated labor out in the fields to dwell on a lot of thoughts and diapers were always something that popped up.

She could remember many years ago before she could buck a tree, she never wore diapers. It was strange to think at one point of her life she actually didn't wear them! Once she was able to work out in the fields with her brother, diapers became a bigger part in her life. But those years between being a foal and the years she started working out in the fields were always an interesting thing to think about.

Nowadays the mare couldn't imagine being able to hold it long enough to make it back to the house to pee. Over time her bladder had shrunk until it could barely hold much. Not that it really mattered, anytime she needed to go she would just use her diapers. She could hold it...Just not for very long.

She walked into the bathroom and closed the door for some privacy. A sink hugged the left wall as well as enough counter space to hold tooth paste tubes and a cup with everypony's toothbrushes. The toilet sat next to it, again reminding Applejack of those strange years when she didn't wear diapers. A cool breeze wafted through the cracked window across from the door as Applejack opened up the nearby closet revealing a couple packs of adult diapers. All plain white, but varying in three sizes for the main working ponies.

Diapers were kept in the bathroom for easy access. Applejack wondered why they couldn't just keep a pack or two in their own rooms so diaper changes wouldn't tie up the bathroom, but Granny Smith insisted. The elder pony claimed that bathroom related things should stay in the bathroom, including diapers.

Applejack untaped the well used diaper and allowed it to drop onto the floor with a moist 'smack'. She climbed into the shower to get rid of the smell of sweat and urine from a day out on the farm. Just a quick shower was enough to get the heavy scents off of the pony. She dried off afterwards, taped up the used diaper into a tight ball and tossed it into the diaper pail where it joined a few other used diapers from days before.

Meanwhile, Applebloom trotted into the dining room where Granny Smith was busy gathering dishes and Big Macintosh was helping her set the table for the four ponies. Strangely enough, Big Macintosh was still wearing his soaked work diaper. The garment sagged between his legs and squished as the big stallion moved about the table, placing cloth napkins and plates at the four sides of the table.

It might have been because Applejack was in the bathroom, but Applebloom had always noticed the stallion's hesitation when it came to changing out of his diapers after a day's work. He was in no real rush like Applejack when they came back for dinner and would often float around for a bit before changing out of it. She wondered if he enjoyed the feel of a wet diaper.

On the off chance that Applebloom worked with the other ponies on the farm, she had diapers to wear that wouldn't slip off her after taking two steps. She didn't enjoy the diapers because of how boring they looked with their plain ol' white design, if you could call it that. She had asked Granny Smith if she could get something cuter...But she'd only get white.

However, because she spent more time with her friends and school than she did out in the fields, she had the strongest bladder on the farm. Although, compared to her barely continent older siblings, strongest bladder wasn't a hard title to hold.

Cleaned up, Applejack returned to the kitchen where Big Macintosh was already seated, his thick yellow diaper still secured around his waist. "Ain'tchya gonna change?"

"Ya, after dinner. Guess I forgot." The big stallion did his best to shrug it off as his cheeks blushed a little.

"Well dun forget too much, diapers stink after awhile."

"Alright you two, no mer diaper talk," Granny Smith jumped into the conversation, bringing a plate of food to the table. "It's time to eat."

Applejack nodded and joined the family at the table, gathering pieces of food for her own plate as the dishes went around. Dinner went along as usual. Everypony ate their fill of warm, home cooked food that greatly contrasted the brisk night air outside.

Unbeknownst to everypony else, Big Macintosh was have quite a lot of fun in his diapers. He had to hold back any playful laughs or childish giggles as he made every excuse to move about in his seat. Every slight movement caused his diaper to squish against the wooden chair and crinkle loudly.

The other ponies didn't pay much mind to it and carried on with whatever conversation they were having. Big Macintosh tried to defuse their suspicions even more by talking a bit as well. Talking about the harvest and when the red delicious apples were going to be ripe made him feel like a big boy and that made the diaper around his waist feel covertly naughty.

Dinner concluded later that night and Applebloom started with the dishes. It was her turn to do them tonight and she wanted to get them over with as soon as possible.

Big Macintosh got up from his seat, only to be greeted with a faint cloud of stale urine wafting from his diaper.

He wasn't the only one to catch wind of his wet diaper as Applejack loudly sniffed the air. "Best get changed right away, Big Mac. Don't wanna break out in a rash."

"Y-yea...I was...Gonna do that right now," The stallion answered back. Guess the fun was over...It was time to change.

"Think I'm gonna turn in early," Applejack commented with a yawn.

Applejack stood up as well, following close behind as Big Macintosh climbed the steps to the second floor. The incline caused him to waddle a bit to cope with the extra padding between his legs.

As the two ponies reached the bathroom, Applejack gave Big Mac's diaper butt a quick pat. "Night!"

The big stallion gasped a little as his diaper was touched. What was just an innocent action to Applejack, as innocent as a hoof bump, the stallion held back playful smiles as the pat reminded him how wet he was. "U-uhm G-g'night!"

Applejack trotted the rest of the way down the hallway, slipping into her bedroom and closing the door behind her.

For a moment, Big Macintosh wondered why Applejack didn't put on a nighttime diaper like she usually did. Their shrunken bladders always had difficulty making it through the entire night and both of them would often find themselves waking up to pee. To avoid accidents and to help them get a full night's sleep, Granny Smith had bought them thick nighttime diapers. She never gave the two ponies nightly checks to make sure they were wearing their diapers like one would do with a toddler, so it was just a strong suggestion that they wore the diapers.

Big Macintosh couldn't be more willing! He jumped on any opportunity he could get away with wearing a diaper. He wore a nighttime diaper just about every night.

Few months back, he found that his bladder was strong enough to at least get through most of the night, graciously waking him up when he needed to go instead of wetting the bed. He knew very well he didn't actually NEED night time protection, but he willingly wet his diapers when he felt he had a bladder full of urine.

Was Applejack's bladder that strong as well? He shrugged off the thought and entered the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

Applejack felt pretty confident tonight and felt brave enough to go to bed without a diaper. She couldn't stand the idea of sleeping in a pee soaked diaper for hours on end.

The last couple weeks were...Questionably regular. She stayed dry most nights and would wake up just in time to control her bladder after it leaked a little. So far, she had been able to keep it under control and a secret from the rest of the family.

She made sure to take the necessary steps of prevention before going to bed. She avoided drinking any liquids a couple hours before bed and used the bathroom beforehand. The mare hopped into her bed and wrapped up in the warm blankets to combat the cool night. Her nightly routine was made so much quicker without the need to put on a diaper.

After only a few minutes of closing her eyes, Applejack's tired body decided it was time to sleep. The day's work had tired out the working pony and she quickly fell asleep.

Meanwhile Big Macintosh hugged the door with an ear, listening to the noises coming from the hallway. Everything sounded quiet and Applejack's door didn't sound like it was opening any time soon.

Now he had the bathroom all to himself. It was time for a some 'little' playtime. He couldn't believe he was doing this! The toilet was right there. Five feet away! He could make it...If he tried.

"I'm a big boy and I gotta make poopies in the big boy potty." The buff stallion smiled to himself as he took a few playful steps toward the 'big boy potty'. Suddenly he stopped in his tracks and squatted. His eyes closed as his tail flagged up as if a beacon to advertise what he was doing.

The diaper crinkled to life as it bulged and sagged behind the strong stallion. His mess pushed out the padding, smoothing out any wrinkles before it gathered around the middle of his diaper, mixing with the soaked, yellow padding.

"M-mmmmph...You little poopy foal..." Big Macintosh mumbled to himself, circling a hoof around the bulge in the back. "Guess we'll have to try to potty train you tomorrow."

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, causing him to almost topple over on himself in surprise.

"Mac? You in there? Hurry up! I gotta go!" It was Applebloom's voice.

Big Mac silently swore as he kicked himself for his stupidity. Had he forgotten that OTHER PONIES used this bathroom?! He'd kick himself in the butt for the mistake, but that'd only remind him of the dirty deed he just committed in the bathroom.

"I-I'm almost done, give me a sec," he answered back in a bit of a rush. That'd buy him a couple more minutes to figure out what he would do.

He looked around the room for alternatives. The toilet? The stinky mess that clung to his rump told him it was a little late for that. The window? Was he seriously considering jumping out of the bathroom window because of a poopy diaper? What if he changed real quick? Again, that plan was shot down. Applebloom wasn't one who liked to wait for the bathroom. And even if he did change, where would he put the messy diaper? He wasn't suppose to be pooping in his diapers!

"Come ON, Big Mac!" Applebloom whined as she banged on the door some more. "You've bin in there long enough! I need ta go!"

"H-hang on!" Big Mac called out in a more panicked tone.

The shower! He could hide in the shower! Applebloom wouldn't be able to see him through the opaque shower curtain!

The stallion jumped into the bathtub as quickly as his diapered rump would let him and quickly pulled the shower curtains shut. He started the water and moved away from the stream to avoid any unnecessary diaper soaking.

Just as he managed to catch his breath after the risky stunt, Big Macintosh could hear the door opening. Applebloom walked into the bathroom and sniffed loudly a couple times. "Eww! Mac! Least you could do is open a window for crying out loud!" Applebloom trotted over to the bathroom window and opened it wide, quickly letting in a fresh, cool breeze into the room.

The little filly silently went about her business while Big Mac was stuck pressed up against a shower wall. He stayed hidden behind the shower curtain while also hugging the back corner, away from the loud stream of water that rained down.

Finally there was a flush, shortly followed Applebloom washing her hooves, and than the door closed again, leaving Big Mac alone with his poopy diaper.

Big Macintosh remained silent as he hugged the tiled wall. His ears strained for any sound or sign of activity to be safe. The water hissed over him as he waited.

After a good five minutes of strained silence, Big Mac peaked out from the shower curtain. He looked around for any sign of life. He turned off the water and slowly opened the curtain, taking careful and slow steps out of the tub. He crepted farther away from his hiding place until he was in the middle of the bathroom, diaper sagging between his legs and his tense legs shaking. He let out a big sigh. It was a close one, but he made it.

He took off the diaper, taped it up tightly in a ball and opened up the diaper pail. A strong, ammonia stench stabbed the air as the diaper pail's lid was removed. Five diapers of both his and Applejacks were already inside, each equally soaked and yellow. If he didn't want to get caught, he'd have to hide the diaper deep inside the pail. And that would mean he'd have to pick up the old ones.

Craning his neck away from the stench, the stallion reached in and grabbed each diaper one by one, making as little physical contact with them as possible. Ironically the diapers he cringed to touch now were probably a product of his infantile playtime back when they were freshly used.

The brown diaper was buried and the old diapers were replaced. As he clipped the pail's lid back on, Big Macintosh let out a big sigh. Suddenly a cool, wet sensation on his flank was felt as the nightly air cooled a gooey substance that clung to his butt. He stifled a gasp when he remembered, his butt was still dirty!

Once again, he hopped into the shower, desperately trying to get rid of the brown mess that clung to his butt as quickly as possible. The water only momentarily turned brown before it all drained out of the tub, leaving a clean red rump for Big Mac to lather up with soap.

The water, once again, was turned off only this time Big Macintosh climbed out and dried off with the yellow fluffy towels that hung nearby. Once again, he ran through his mental checklist. He got away with his 'adventures' as far as he could tell.

He taped on a fresh nighttime diaper, purposely going heavy on the baby powder. The nighttime diaper was almost twice as thick as the day time diapers he usually wore. He wished he could wear these things all the time, but it was hard to explain to the rest why he needed to. "Because I want to be a big baby and use diapers" wasn't the ideal answer.

He waddled to his bedroom, a soft scent of baby powder following him, and closed the door behind him. With his diaper crinkling loudly, he waddled over to the closet with the same jittery excitement that came with filling his diapers.

A small box was pulled out from behind a few other boxes and opened. The cardboard box contained only one item, a large pair of foal pajamas. These pajamas were big enough for the tall stallion and was made of a wonderfully fine and soft fabric. He imagined it was what clouds felt like. A starry pattern, made up of crescent moons and stars, covered the dark blue pajamas.

Big Macintosh slipped into the plush pair of pajamas, feeling the warm material encompass his entire body. The clothing hugged close to his diaper, keeping it secure around his waist. He zipped the pajamas up, closing the warmth around him. He squirmed happily as he felt the pajamas rub against his body with each slight action. He smiled big as he felt so little.

Big Macintosh hopped into his bed, pulling out the Smarty Pants doll he cleverly hid under his pillow. The raggedy looking plushie made the perfect sleeping buddy when Big Mac decided to dress in his foal pajamas. He gave the doll a big hug before curling up in a ball. He sighed happily before drifting off to sleep, diaper crinkling ever so quietly.

Comments ( 21 )

That was adorable

Awww! How cute Big Mac in a pair of hoofed pajamas and a big thick diaper:eeyup:

J'adore on!
I look forward to more, seems like an interesting story set-up, so many directions this could go.

4427171 Even the strongest of stallions can look adorable if he tries. :heart:

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, causing him to almost topple over on himself in surprise.

Good thing he didn't, would've made things even worse than they already were. :pinkiesick:

Aww! Big Mac is so cute like this!:pinkiehappy:
Misty Berry

Comment posted by SuperPinkBrony12 deleted May 22nd, 2014


Bic McIntosh's love of the Smarty Pants doll in the show hints that he's probably a bit of an adult foal.

Wearing diapers just meant less bathroom breaks which freed up more time to get work it. More work, better income and the family was better off, so what was the problem?

Sorry for using logic, but I'm afraid it's not the best option. First, diapers cost a lot. Second, heavy work means sweat and sweat means rash.

Peeing and pooping right on the ground is a much better idea. First, it's absolutely free. Second, it fertilizes the soil.


Damned sibblings always pissin me off

The toilet? The stinky mess that clung to his rump told him it was a little late for that.

Not to mention Apple Bloom would probably notice when she goes to do her business. And if not, well she'd still be flushing a diaper.

mostly about Big Mac but nice lil short story. I totally heard Applebloom's voice when she entered the bathroom.:applecry::eeyup:

4658833 Aaaaand fixed.

The occasional human world slip up like that is merely a result of a parallel universe slipping through the cracks.

:eeyup: I'm big Mac, and I approve this message.


Comment posted by dust shine deleted Sep 9th, 2015
Comment posted by JediWaffles deleted Jun 6th, 2015

4658833 ahem... -is a griffon-


Wouldn't a Griffon have claws...? Not hands...?

7016607 wow, I wrote that back when I had my old username,
Also both are applicable

After reading the description I hoped Big Mac would be the one enjoying diapers. I'm so glad it turned out to be the case.

Also, I can relate to this because almost the same thing happened to me where I had to hurriedly hide in the shower wearing a wet and messy diaper when one of my roommates unexpectedly came home...

Ironically, he would probably have shat himself if the door had been locked. He even apologized for stinking up the bathroom...

We definitely need more adult foal fics of Big Mac. I just feel he's perfect for the role: a big, tough-looking guy who's actually a huge softie and just wants some TLC. With the big brother role of the family, stress from taking care of family as well as the farm is bound to occur. I'm sure the poor stallion misses his care-free days...

interesting story, I'll admit

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