• Published 21st May 2014
  • 1,808 Views, 15 Comments

This is an Order: Lust - PurplePolymath

A month has gone by since Trixie agreed to become Twilight's obsession in exchange for her immortality. Not too long ago Twilight forgave Trixie once before, but can she now forgive herself, or will the sun continue to cast an eclipse over her e

  • ...

The Bookworm & The Butler

The alicorn lie in her princess-sized canopy, the veils that line the immense décor sparkled with the light of the coming dawn. Her cerulean sheets and matching cushions all shift in frenzy as her nightmares of late never did let her slumber still.

Three knocks sound against her chamber’s door, the door creaking open shortly after. The latest help had arrived, Trixie herself in her mandatory attire. She stepped with the same perfect posture she’d gained since the day she’d been reborn.

In one hoof she housed a silver tray, outfit with a streaming pot and saucer with a cup fit only for tea laying face-down; the queer cup itself was deep purple with a rosebud bloomed at the center, it’s edges trimmed in gold and it’s handle resembled a rose’s helpless stem as its thorns had been plucked. The second hoof, a small wash cloth draped over it, as she’d learned some time ago that Twilight rarely tend to drool in her sleep.

All was placed gently upon the miniature table that sat at the royal’s bedside. Trixie simply gazed upon the princess without the slightest bit of concern. In a matter of seconds she turned her attention from the crazed mare, the very one choking herself and crushing her own lungs as she writhe in pain.

Trixie took the cup in one hoof and the streaming pot in the other. She began pouring the liquid, the cup’s level descending as the pot slowly ascend with every passing second, it came as a calm waterfall, the formal separation made certain she hadn’t spilled or splashed a single drop.

She kept a pleasant smirk as she took pride in her work and proper technique, as any true butler would. The cup was set atop the saucer and only the pot found itself upon the silver tray again. The unicorn lift the tray from the table and once again found her eyes to her keeper, the color in her face had changed, Twilight now grasping for air as she’d continue to clench at her own throat.

Trixie couldn’t help but smile at the display, her muzzle curved as a shadow cast from the smile she’d stolen.

Her eyes seem to glow a violent, violet color there were known for. “It would seem you’re crueler than Trixie realized,” Trixie grinned through her teeth, “perhaps you wish to deny her of her own dreams? Or perhaps…”

Trixie placed the cloth onto the tray and turned from the deity who lie on her deathbed. She walked to the door, a shadow still accenting her expression as she reach for the door’s handle.

“T-Trixie s-stop,” Twilight squeaked with her fleeting breaths.

“You just like to see Trixie worry,” she sighed.

The servant had gained more than she’d ever dreamed once she acquired the fractions of herself the goddess had graciously given. One of her newfound gifts, a favorite, was the ability to move most anything instantaneously, the teleportation spell.

She raised the tray held in her grasp and with a single shimmer, her horn sent it and its contents back to the kitchen. In the blink of an eye the same feat brought her to the other’s bed. Now Trixie’s lower half lie atop the struggling dreamer. “Oh Sparkle, it’s time to watch your beloved sunrise,” she spoke with a sing-song tone, as she flicked the mare’s temple with the heel of her hoof.

The impact stilled the slumbering strangler, her attempts at her own life put to rest as her hooves fall against the soft sheets as she gasp for air. Slowly the princess rose from her cushion, the half that wasn’t held down at least. She rubbed her aching temple, blinking the rust from her eyes until she caught vision of her smiling partner.

Twilight grabbed hold of her butler’s collar, and forced the two together, their muzzles part together as their eyes shut without a word, it was what she desired after all.


Trixie had soon begun to find it a bit troublesome to breathe. As she lift the curtains from her eyes, she witnessed another embrace underneath, hooves clinching, gnawing at her throat even as their lips persist.

Still, she was without worry, she just watched the act, refusing to take action just yet. She was losing more color as she count the seconds. Nine… ten… eleven…

The fear she kept during her past life was dead and buried. She no longer saw despair in death, in the time she’d spent serving Twilight she’d found something much, much worse.

“T-Trixie stop,” the princess spoke again, her breath bated even when nopony was bothering her throat in that instance.

And Trixie sighed once more, a bit disappointed she’d reached twenty and her own face had already turned purple. She broke the kiss, saliva set free, sown like a spider’s silken webs from the sudden sever of moisture and warmth, its fragile trail tearing apart the same.

The same hoof and heel was forcibly struck against Twilight’s temple, although this time… quite harshly. Twilight’s risen half was jolt backward atop the cushion. Her grip failing almost immediately, eyes shot open as she pulled herself up again, so utterly surprised that she recoiled having her aid so close to her without warning.

“T-Trixie! Were you-I… I had another nightmare.” Twilight’s head hung with her ears, as she exhaled her shame, now unable to look the other in the eye.

The unicorn brought a kind hoof to her ruler’s chin, smiling at the others sorrow. “Trixie knows the exact one you were having, Luna didn’t come because it wasn’t a nightmare, it’s an old dream of mine born on the night we first met. Not that she would have come even if it were a nightmare, you told her to leave all things concerning you to me, remember?” Trixie scoffed, “That flattering confidence of yours just might have you killed one day,” her tone held an unusual sense of glee and gratitude.

“How can something that painful ever be a good dream?” Twilight finally raised her head and stared into those violet eyes.

“Even after you witnessed the truth, there are just some things you wouldn’t understand. In Trixie’s dreams you are her, you couldn’t help but have our lips in a knot, the same as your hooves couldn’t help but do the same around your own neck. Trixie’s obsession leaves her wanting all of you, happiness and suffering, but only Trixie can permit you suffering, she wouldn’t dare allow another due to her appropriate obsession for you.”

Twilight glared at Trixie, beginning to pout as she fold her forehooves in a huff. “But if I ordered you to I could have you show me what I don’t understand.”

Trixie furrowed a brow at the alicorn, her expression softened with the reminder, at times she forget the one she pledged her life to wasn’t a complete waste of talent.

“Trixie tends to forget you earned your position, nopony alive can conjure a thousand spells from memory alone. And yes, spell four twenty-seven would allow you further entrance into Trixie’s mind for a short while. But, Trixie’s knows you won’t, immortals don’t like endings. All the mystery and questioning on a magnitude you never cared to answer before. Do you really want to deny yourself the smile you’ll see once you begin to understand?”

“My smile was stolen remember? And you just want to get revenge on me for sending her to kill you,” Twilight tore her head from the other’s hoof, “I didn’t know she’d go after you, you know.”

“Trixie knows she only received the smile you gained as royalty, the student’s smile is still present within you. Besides, Trixie has lost her illustrious smile as well, I wonder who was fortunate enough to have stolen it? Trixie imagines their lives are much better, for now.”

Trixie vanished in a burst of light, appearing at the edge of the royal’s bedside, mindfully brushing any cease that dare to come to her attire. Her eyes fell ajar, as her smile returned, her focus turning back to the one whose trust she hadn’t fully gained.

“It has been a month since Trixie became yours, and her intentions have yet to change, not entirely,” she kneel, her three tails carelessly falling to the floor. “Since the night you humiliated Trixie she has wished to humiliate you. To see your throat collapsing within her grasp. Only now, she desires to humiliate you in a different fashion, one both will enjoy. What was left of her bitterness withered after our duel and perished the night she was put to rest,” Trixie took a deep breath and exhaled, “Trixie is where she feels she belongs, as she is… ever-obsessed in you.”

The deity blushed as she showed an old smile once thought lost, she firmly grasp the folds of her bed sheets, her legs shuffling slowly. “I… are the invitations ready?”

This was her attempt at changing the subject, not once had she found a book to teach her how to handle their obsession with one another verbally, she usually relied on the next best thing.

Trixie nod. “Yes Sparkle, your invitations to perish will be sent in the royal sealed envelopes you instructed… though Trixie feels it odd coming from you. And to your friends no less.”

Twilight kept her smile as she giggled at the others uncertainty. “I know my friends better than anypony else Trixie, I’m sure they’ll all understand. I only worry that one of them will disagree…”

Trixie furrowed a brow. “Ah yes, the fashionista as she refers to herself, Trixie imagines the thought of royalty alone is enough to make her refuse…” Trixie caught Twilight’s concerned eye.

“You know you’ve been forbidden, don’t you?”

Trixie stood from her knee, gesturing a dismissive hoof. “Yes, yes, Trixie knows not to offend or harm your friends.

Especially not the one who took Trixie’s life… But Trixie wonders, has she always been so… clever?”

“I’m afraid so, although it took me awhile to see the truth as well. She saved Ponyville single-hooved from two catastrophes even when her own friends did nothing but doubt her,” Twilight looked to her right, the dawn slowly beginning to rise over the horizon.

The two watched in silence, the sun’s light becoming more frequent.

“… Trixie, what’s on my schedule for today?” she kept eyes to the rising sphere.

Trixie smirk, another show of her pride in the duties she upheld. Her horn sparkled and the royal parcel appeared in her grasp within seconds. She unfurled it and spoke, “You’ve a clear day ahead of you your majesty, all you have is a visitor, a bother of a sister you’ve always been so fond of”

Twilight groaned, Trixie always did tend to taunt her when she least expect it, the princess loathed being regarded as royalty by those she kept close. Currently her vision of Trixie was obscured by the list, but she could sense the expression hidden behind it.

“Also Sparkle, it’s almost time for you to bow to me, the dawn is nearing its death,” she sent the parcel back to wherever it’d been perched upon.

Twilight looked to the mirror, the one that sat atop her elegant dresser, it was positioned so she would awaken every day and see the very pony she still rarely believed had become a princess. Only now she saw the very princess and an alluring azure gem beside her, the one who in fact happened to be the only pony not in the small portrait upon the dresser that displayed her closest companions…

She snatched her butler’s collar. “… Make me understand, this obsession of ours. That, is an order.”
Trixie met her indigo eye, along with the one Twilight sheltered behind her mane, now visible for all the world to see within the sun’s glow.

“So this is what you were hiding?” This was the first time Trixie had witnessed the alicorn’s other eye since she’d become a servant, this was also the first time since her rebirth that she’d been truly startled. But… she’d never been so flattered, so willing to give her body and soul all at once to another creature that wasn’t her. Her current mind knew no consequence she wouldn’t endure to entice whatever appetite her mistress carried.

She brought a firm hoof to Twilight’s reddened cheeks and gave into the goddess’ enchanting gravity entirely, her mane was freed from its band, spilling upon the authority’s flawless form, shielding both from the sun’s approaching light.

Trixie gave a familiar smile, one Twilight knew better than any other ever could as she felt herself sheltered under her butler’s swelling heat, Trixie’s skin now draped over her as she passed under the sheets to meet her embrace.

Their minds drift away as their muzzles attract one to the other until they consumed the air that kept them apart. Lips part as a greeting and tongues danced hand in hand as dawn fell into to morning.

“…. I still don’t understand.”

“Well of course you wouldn’t Twilight, that was only phase one of countless others to come. Besides, what do you expect to learn just becoming a beautifully mattered mess resting so contently under Trixie’s chin?”

Phases, as in…?” Twilight nuzzled against the other, she was content enough to only question key elements.

Nothing like the first I assure, each one designed to help us answer the question we ponder most. Mind you, it’s too late to take back an order once it is received.”

Twilight stared up at her butler with furrowed brow, “What’s the question that you can’t answer, the one you question more than any other?”

Trixie smiled at her curious little keeper, she was so clever, always asking the right questions. She brushed a hoof through the alicorn’s ravished mane. “Why, which of us is fit to be princess, and who’s just an overpaid actress,” she left a kiss upon the deity’s forehead.

Twilight couldn’t help but smirk, that air of arrogance was annoying at times, but it was still one of Trixie’s most charming traits in her eyes. “But I thought Trixie liked her place?”

“She does, but it shouldn’t mean she doesn’t deserve better. In fact Trixie could—” Twilight silenced the mare with a single kiss.

The stunned mare could only blink in disbelief, before she huffed. “That won’t work forever you know.”

Twilight nod with glee, “You’re right, it’ll only work for as long as you’re alive,” she smiled as she sigh in a state of bliss. The strong scent of the afterglow still smeared against her fur, every breath reminding her of the body she shared her own with not long ago.

She nuzzled the other’s neck as she basked in her small victory over the silent unicorn.

Twilight nibbled the same spot, a slight urge she’d never held until now, “I suppose we both deserve better, a proper butler would never let my tea turn to such a distasteful temperature. If you want me to forgive you, you know exactly what to do.”

With a sigh the unicorn vanished from the warm bed, the uniform she’d discarded earlier did the same. In a matter of ten minutes three knocks sound at the door and entrance was allowed. As Trixie arrived she found Twilight sitting at the edge of the mattress, she shut her eyes as she approach. She housed the same silver tray, steaming pot and cup atop a saucer; all polished and now presented before the princess as she bowed to her server to avoid any broken promises. Trixie poured a cup of what Twilight once called paradise.

Twilight took saucer and cup from the tray, her horn’s will taking the cup mid-air and bringing it to her muzzle as she sips with refined delight. Once Trixie witnessed Trixie’s contentment she placed the tray down and walked to the princess’ rather large and to her, unnecessarily gaudy closet. Every hangar and wire housed the same royal dress and gown she was known for.

Trixie took the closest one, each one was just as regal as any other. She returned to her position, at her highness’ feet, beside the two that leaned over the bed. Trixie’s horn glow and an aquamarine shade shimmer over Twilight much to her surprise.

“Number Two-hundred and ninety,” she smirked, “You still reeked of satisfaction, such a scent isn’t fit for one engaged to meet with a royal this day. You’ll be given your regular bath in the garden when time is permitted.”

“I… suppose so,” Twilight took the final sip of her tea. She was a bit disappointed the scent was gone, though she would never admit it.

Trixie took saucer and cup into her hooves, setting them to silver tray that sat upon the small table beside the bedpost, the day’s eloquent attire shimmering next to her.

Twilight raised her forehooves and closed her eyes as Trixie took the dress and fit it to her coat. She tenderly fastened buttons and fluffed every frill as Twilight sat perfectly still, stealing glances whenever the other wasn’t looking.

Trixie left her side at the edge of the bed, she’d left to pull out the middle of the three drawers that made Twilight’s dresser and acquired a simple brown brush. Her eyes caught glimpse of the picture, but she paid the tired portrait no mind at all. Whenever she looked to it she saw the visage of her mistress with longing eyes, Trixie at times caught her staring at the old thing. The moment framed was a time when she were without wings and surrounded by an abundance friendly smiles.

Dismissing any further thought she returned to the noble’s side, setting down beside her and taking matted mane, still three shades of heaven, within her hoof. She gathered the thick, vibrant strands, parting them with the brush’s bristles until they all align with sheen in order. Trixie gently caressed the strands exactly forty-seven times as per requested until the mane began to effortlessly spill through her grasp like water, it’d finally returned to its former glory.

The alicorn couldn’t help but blush as the unicorn suddenly invade her personal space, now close enough to steal her breath, Trixie only gave the final stroke of the brush to accent the bang that had become more shield than mere style.

“You know Trixie, somepony could think the opposite if they saw my eye. At first glance, it might appear as though I follow you,”

Twilight pat her bang. She sighed as Trixie took her tail in hoof and committed to the same act. “The very thing that separates you from everypony else, what makes you special… it's gone. Your backside is bare, I didn’t know I’d stolen it from you until today.” Twilight’s head hung in shame.

Trixie remained without a word, focused solely on her routine task.

“There’s no reason you shouldn’t be upset with me, perhaps I don’t understand… because you only pretend to be content with me? Perhaps if I—” Trixie dictate the other’s lips with a single touch.

Perhaps if you let the past die as you did Trixie, you’d comprehend sooner?” Trixie smiled.

She let go of the other’s tail and guide a delicate hoof to the goddess’ cheek. Her expression casting a shadow over the two as it fell lower, her hoof descending with every sentence.

“It’s no wonder you favor that silly flower. You’re nothing more than a rambling rose, your suspicions bloom in the sunlight.

Whenever I catch sight of you, you turn blood red and your hesitant stems entangle us before your eyes ever could. You just can’t wait, till I pluck another petal… can you?”

Twilight gulped, the servant breathing down the back of her neck was liable to get the better of her if said hoof wasn’t brought to a halt. It was only a simple order, one Twilight wasn’t sure she wanted to give.

“What makes Trixie so great and powerful still remains, only now she is even greater, a mark can only do as the mare commands. And besides, you gave Trixie a new life, yet even with Trixie’s thoughts you can’t trust yourself. You’re a tragedy waiting to happen and Trixie feels you’re worth the wait.”Twilight quickly stood from the bed, examining her tail to make certain all was in order, and to avoid the same endeavor that took place during dawn.

Trixie only chuckled at the others frantic expression, the same as its bearer, it never got old.

Out of thin air, a scroll appeared and it landed in the lap of the butler. She chuckled ever still as she revealed its contents. Twilight now curious, she couldn’t quite place it, but she could have sworn she smelled a familiar air of brimstone. That and she hadn’t heard a shimmer.

“Cadence will be arriving shortly, we should begin making our way to the audience chamber.”
The princess furrowed a brow as she inhaled the scent though her sensitive little snout. “Trixie, where did that scroll come from?”

“From your dear pet of course, he’ll do anything to be of use to you. He’s certainly one who won’t be outdone by yours truly,” Trixie’s tongue was laced in sarcasm, “when I asked for his service he gladly accepted, as this is the one feat Trixie cannot perform with such distance.”

“Spike isn’t a pet Trixie. And… you went to see him?”

“That I did Sparkle, and he’s perfectly fine, a bit whiny, as Trixie imagines he usually is. I requested Cadance arrive there first to give you more time to prepare, considering how unwise it is to leave you chance of being unpunctual or tardy in any case. Trixie has seen your unsettling memories, I was fortunate this get-together was planned days in advance.”

“I’d never been tardy before Trixie… it was terrifying.”

“Trixie understands, which is exactly why preparations were set. Now go, Trixie will arrive with your crown soon.” The unicorn had risen from the bed and began pushing the royal toward the door.

“But I—” and Trixie vanished once Twilight met the immense doors. The princess simply gave in and walked through the halls, greeted by her fluttering guards who had seemingly adopted her stance of venturing on two legs, some better than others of course.

Every guard greeted her presence by giving courtesy and she returned the sentiment as best she could as she made her make her way to the chamber.

“Twilight, it’s so good to see you,” Cadance exclaimed with glee as she hugged her fellow royal sister.

Her illuminating guards and crystal chariot had arrived with her not long ago. Twilight had indeed been fortunate Trixie thought ahead. The two sat upon Celestia’s massive canopy, this throne was three times the size of Twilight’s, meaning the two had no issue setting their haunches to a single seat.

Cadance told the other of her husband’s whereabouts, and how he sent his regards to his precious, adorable sibling. Shining Armor had come the week before, the two took turns visiting, one always stayed to see to the jeweled kingdom while the other sought out their favorite sibling.

“Sooo, what’s this I hear about you having a servant of all things? Honestly Twilight I never took you for the type,” Cadance’s head tilt as she tap a pensive hoof against her chin.

“You know about that? Who told you?” Twilight gasped. She couldn’t imagine many who could get the information to her, seeing as she’d managed to meet her brother at the library and keep her former secret safe.

“Celestia informed me the day before, she said the two of you seemed awfully close," she gave that smile, the one Twilight had grown so fond of as a filly; the one that shown a sense of compassion unlike any other.

“W-Well, we aren’t that close,” Twilight averted her gaze and shy ears away from her sister.

Cadence nuzzled her company. “Oh come now, Twilight, you can be honest with me, I can already tell without a doubt that this helper of yours means quite a lot to you,” she grinned with every word.

Twilight in the midst of conversation had forgotten Trixie claimed she would arrive with her crown soon. The unicorn herself had already arrived in the throne’s chamber by the time Cadance ended her sisterly assault. Trixie’s steps grew in volume as she approached the throne, treading upon two legs with the unparalleled balance she felt befitting of her savior as she travel the red carpet. The two finally caught wind of her once their giggling ceased.

She came upon the foot of the pretentious throne, and Twilight stood from her seat. The shining sun, the two silhouetting in its radiance, and as day present itself, she kept her promise once more; bowing to the bearer of her crown. The butler stepped forward, committing to duty as she took the symbol of power from the cushion she carried. She kneel before the goddess, her three tails gently touching earth. A kiss was placed to the crown’s crest and set upon its rightful place.

Cadance watched on, stunned by such a queer display, but more so left speechless due to what she could feel. It was the first time she sensed this presence within Twilight herself. And Trixie was just another matter entirely… another entity on the inside.

Twilight lift her head and with a smile she gestured to her cherished guest. “Trixie, I’d like you to meet Princess Cadance.”

“It’s a pleasure,” the unicorn spoke to the other’s company with the utmost respect and pose that was expected of her.

Cadance giggled in response. “I see Twilight has you taking to that silly walk as well, I only told her it might put less strain on her heart if she adopted the technique. I didn’t think she’d take it so seriously… and please, no need to be so formal,” Cadance gestured a dismissive hoof in her slight embarrassment. “I’m sure Twilight’s told you all about me, I don’t need any special treatment, just be your honest self.”

“Cadance, I don’t think—”

“You wish Trixie to be honest, understood,” Trixie grinned. “To be blunt, of all the noble equine you are the only one Trixie never thought to hold any power. What exactly, do you preside over that gives you worth aside from your wings?”

Cadance found similar amusement in this as well, she’d known this could have happened from the moment Trixie arrived, as she’d heard stories of the traveling showmare before.

She spoke politely, ever formal as she struck a gentle hoof to her chest. “I rule over the Crystal Empire, everypony there is a jewel that’s priceless, precious to me and I’d gladly give my life just to save one. For you see... I’m the princess of love, rather I preside over all matters of the heart, mortality itself. I can hear every word it speaks, feel every emotion. I can cage lies and set free the truth. I can heal a heart that’s been broken or nearly on the brink, and, I am even able to tell how many beats a heart has left.”

“It sounds as though you’d make a better physician than a princess, a cardiologist to be precise,” Trixie smiled, “Cadaence the cardiologist, it does have a ring to it.”

Cadance kept her smile as she sighed, though it grew more menacing as the seconds pass. “Ah Twilight, I didn’t know your maid could be so cheery in her condition.

“Trixie is a butler not a maid. And she is as healthy as a horse, she had a full physical just this morning.

“Trixie!” Twilight recoiled with rosy cheeks, she couldn’t believe how confidently Trixie insinuate such… things. But since taking on those thoughts that day, she’d come to understand innuendos a bit more.

“You know butler I’m surprised Twilight is still alive with you around.”

“Trixie is as well, alas she is a paragon of all she attempts. Though, if you’re surprised, then perhaps you can hear Trixie’s heart and its intentions.”

“...That I can, I can also tell your heart has stopped once before, and I can see a war waging within you…” Cadence's expression had turned to one of concern. “It’s almost as if you possess two. One: full of hatred, the other, so plagued by bliss it's gone blind. Your heart will be torn apart if you don’t find a way to quiet one side soon… Your heart only has—”

“Trixie has no need to know how big a number she has left, all she needs from you is to tell Twilight that Trixie has no intention of ruining her and… how Trixie holds concern for her… ignorance from time to time.”

The unicorn took the velvety cushion and turned her back to both deities. “Twilight and I shared memories once, only dreams even now. So Trixie knows she can trust you to stay by her side while she sends the invitations. Also, Trixie won’t need her heart for much longer, another has promised her their own. Farewell to you both.” The unicorn fled from the room in a burst of light

“Trixie wait!” Twilight shout though the massive corridor, gaining looks from the throne’s present guards, as she reached out she only find she’d grasped the scent left behind; the very smell she’d learned and grown fond of during the past month.

Twilight carelessly fell back into the seat of the throne, Cadence embraced the saddened mare, softly petting her mane. “I never imagined you’d fall for someone like her, one with no end in sight, your heart is screaming… calling out to another. To one that’s undoubtedly heard it loud and clear… yet it won’t listen to any other. Twilight... Trixie has no intention of killing you, I’ve honestly never seen anything so strange. She holds a fraction of hatred for you, true. However with her, one emotion cannot come without the other, thankfully it isn’t too late,” she wiped Twilight’s wet eyes.

Twilight buried herself against her sister. “I just want her to get along with somepony, is that too much to ask? For us to all be together, just once?”

Cadence turned a worried brow to her younger sister-in-law. “The truth of the matter Twilight, is that the unicorn serving you now is almost maddeningly…”

Trixie hadn’t received the opportunity to test her new abilities fully, she’d always been catering to a sovereign’s curiosity since the moment she’d been give life anew, but now a small chance had presented itself.

She found herself atop the castle’s roof, the clouds were in reach given the current elevation. She held the six sealed, lavender envelopes tucked within her raven coat’s pocket, all bear the mark of the princess’ talent, the same magical emblem stamped beside a single question. However one alone also kept the mark of Luna beside her savior.

The winds blew against the butler’s attire, her mane and trio of tails at the mercy of the breeze as she looked to the sun that always seemed to stare daggers at her. With a single breath she step forward, and fell from the large structure.

Gravity coming to her aid rather quickly, pulling her toward the beautiful scenery below of crashing water that fell aside a jagged cliff, the butler let body be forced down, her legs colliding along the slope of the cliff as they dig themselves deeper.

It wasn't before her balance was found, and her legs were embedded into the unsoiled earth as they dig through rock without the slightest tearing of skin, the momentum she gained from the fall was more than she expected as she tread the rubble like snow. She felt entranced by the experience as she saw the world steadily racing toward her at such swift speeds. Even a mere fraction of an alicorn’s skin was truly something.

The wind rushed against every bristle of her coat as the falls’ water plummet only a few feet away; it was awe inspiring. A single knee bent, and once again Trixie took to the air as she tore herself from the cliff in an instant, it felt as if she were flying as she sailed through the sky, it wasn't long before she land upon the massive body of water that ran from the majestic falls that formed the castle’s moat and lead to the river.

Her speed alone kept her afloat as she travel against the coursing water as if it were frozen, she could skate figures if she wished, it was wondrous. She effortlessly ride the sea, her every step causing rifts and waves. Both her forehooves tied to her spine as she gracefully glide toward her destination, with an expression that match a foal enjoying time well spent with a dear friend.

Soon she caught sight and sound of the familiar ambiance and residents. The unicorn leap several feet into the air landing upon a nameless abode with a single step, she repeated the same feat until she’d arrived at the scheduled homes, the first three homes: Applejack’s, Rarity’s, and Fluttershy’s, in no particular order as she was just silently enjoying her surreal experience.

The envelopes were left at the foot of their door, and three knocks sound to beckon them to their respective welcome mats, before she promptly disappeared. Another spell Trixie had learned--though she was almost certain it was useless before, but now she found it was quite capable at getting her to Rainbow Dash’s cloud home in the sky. Her hooves now standing on the cotton pastures without sinking.

"Trixie would be caught dead again before she’d let anypony see her with those ridiculous kaleidoscope wings," she sigh as she push off the cloud descending toward her next destination. The visage alone, of Twilight's past memory, was embarrassing enough as her cheeks burn brighter with every fluttery flap she imagined.

Her last stop was literally coated in sugar, it was queer to know that one could receive such harsh treatment in such a happy place.

I’d give anything to have her at my side, but somepony like her wouldn’t be caught be dead working in the castle, even if I begged her... Twilight’s words haunted Trixie’s ears.

“To think all it took was a single thought to have my life forfeit, taken by the biggest idiot Trixie has ever known no less,” Trixie sighed as she stared at the door. “You truly know no limit when friends aren’t smiling at the sight of you, you turned your own sorrow against rationality, sanity itself.”

Trixie could still hear that insipid giggling as she look at the worn-out welcome mat, the laughter that rang before her life end.

“You forged her sorrow into a weapon in pursuit of her selfish wishes, and that was all it took to have Trixie stuck down. Straight-maned and straight to the point, you never stopped smiling for Trixie… Trixie just may thank you one day, returning the same visage and sentiment as well.”

The unicorn swallowed her fire, there was another she’d planned to save her fury for. She knocked three times and she vanished.

Given the time it took, she hoped the others would have given their answer as the letters made certain to suggest an immediate response, luckily all had reciprocated. Trixie wondered if they’d chosen the cliché or the cowardly route, sadly she was ordered not to peek at a single one. Pinkie Pie was the last to have her own retrieved from the mailbox.

Unfortunately Trixie had taken longer than she’d hoped, rather the five themselves had taken so long to answer a simple life or death letter. The sun was already starting to descend in the distance.

Trixie arrived at the castle just as the earth had swallowed the sun beneath the horizon. Her magic bringing her to Twilight’s section of the castle, to her surprise she could cover a greater distance than she first believed.

She witnessed her ruler doing the very thing she loathed most of all, gazing at the sun with those eyes of hers. She grit her teeth as she kneel behind the golden throne fit for the petite goddess, a single hoof to her spine.

“Forgive Trixie for her rudeness, but she has yet to ever see either eye of yours so intently focused on anything other than the sun you seem to praise without question. Staring directly at the sun is bad for both your eyes, mortal or no. You can’t rule the world blind, might Trixie suggest you better your time with a book instead?”

Twilight said nothing as the night fall upon Equestria and the moon took its respected place as the stars shone down through the glass upon the fated duo.

“…I’ve read every book in this castle’s library, even before you were brought here. Now, all I have left is a little blue book; I’m beginning to believe it’s my new favorite genre, it’s so much more than a mystery. An original hardback, first edition, every page pulls at my strings, truth be told I've only made it past the first chapter.”

Trixie looked up to the throne, “And here Trixie thought she was to become a butler, not a book.”

“Cadence left a few hours ago… she left me to reflect on everything I’d learned today. I’m not even sure I can write a letter to the princess about this,” Twilight sighed, “Celestia and Luna will be returning from Saddle-Arabia tomorrow and I may have to lie and them both, say I’ve learned nothing new… I doubt I can do it.”

Trixie furrowed a brow toward the crown, perhaps her earlier exchange with Cadence had caused her to spill more truth than she should.

“Did you deliver the letters?”

“Yes Sparkle, five accounted for and signed with answer from what Trixie could tell. There was a matter of the sixth one, I imagine it’ll go to waste.”

“You didn’t look inside the envelopes did you Trixie?”

“Of course not, Trixie is bond to obey her obsession," she grinned toward the alicorn who still didn’t seem to fully trust her. The thought alone gave the mare a shiver, a smirk unfurling as she thought of how much cruel fun she’d continue to have should such mistrust persist.

“Those letters were only for my closest friends, that I love without a hint of doubt. It seems I wasn’t wrong to have a sixth one after all,” Twilight took a deep breath and expelled every ounce of hesitation that she’d kept since the unicorn arrived. “I know what I promised, but I want this all to end once and for all. I can’t stand not knowing.”

Twilight stood from her throne and turned to face her servant, determination rage within her eyes and desperation burning in her lungs. “Trixie, this is an order: Open your envelope, give me your answer here and now!”

It seems I may have been wrong about the two sisters, just this once, Trixie mused to herself. She presented the smirk she’d stolen and even night allowed a shadow upon her expression.

Lips purse as her smile wrench even more as she matched eyes with her savior, she’d had never seen this look in her eyes before, both without the slightest hint of fear.

“Yes, my mistress.”

Trixie stood from her knee as reached a hoof to her side, pulling the only sealed enveloped left from her pocket and broke its seal with a hesitant hoof. Her eyes read the question, however she hadn’t read it aloud with conviction as it was a thought she’d dismissed the moment she agreed to uphold her new life till: the day she never die.

Still, an order was what it will be, and so… she read the question aloud.

“Do you regret your life enough that you’d abandon it and become a royal for all eternity, forever at the beck and call or others, or do you find that the life you lived has left you full and satisfied enough that you’d allow me sleep to beside you in eternity instead?”

Author's Note:

A certain someone made a very good point to say that I hadn't incorporated Cadance and her dominion, That was my goal here, aside from furthering the fable of course. The next story will most likely be the last one, and it will also be roughly twice the length of this one as it will cater to Celestia :trollestia: before reaching its conclusion.

I hope you enjoyed the tale, and as always, any critique is welcome. :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 15 )

Ooh. . . Me likey.

I love the concept, it's very new and exciting. Now that more has been revealed I feel that it has raised more questions than answers. What is the true nature of the bond that they had made while Trixie was at death's door or to put it poetically, the twilight before her night of eternal sleep. I know that they are bound to each other and that this bond goes both ways, with Trixie being Twilight's servant, her lover, and companion; while Twilight having her "smile" taken by Trixie, having given her talent, knowledge, and power to her, not to mention the promise of bowing to Trixie every day and night. With this I can say in full confidence that Trixie will be by Twilight's side forever, but what vexes me is what happened to Twilight's eye and Cutiemark. Another thing is the mystery of the two hearts that reside within Trixie, and which heart will live forever with Twilight and which one will die; is it the one of hatred or love? Given the nature of this bond things cannot possibly be so clear cut and simple, there has to be more to it than that.

Also that letter in the end was unexpected, it seems to me that Twilight is afraid of her immortality. I can't wait to read the next story and see Trixie's answer.

p.s. I totally saw Pinkie killing Trixie. . . okay maybe not, but it was a coin-toss between her and Rainbow Dash.

I wouldn't call it "new," but thank you all the same. I didn't think you'd read tonight actually.:twilightsheepish:

Though, regarding your questions, Twilight hadn't given her talent, that would be a bit absurd considering her position. The promise itself was merely to entice Trixie even further, as I've always envisioned her to be the type to only yield if another yields to her /ego/ first. And the notion of the eye, if you read closely and connect the two sentences you'll know exactly what's embedded within it. :twilightsmile:

And would you please not give away spoilers, let the others figure it out.~ I'm really glad you enjoyed the story and took the time to comment, on both even, it really lift my spirit this evening. :heart:

this is so WTF....
In a totaly good way

I have to say, that I was only able to read the first section of this story. I am completely and utterly confused.:applejackconfused:


Just to be clear I've no intention of offending you, but, have you read the original story?

Regardless if you have or haven't, thank for taking the time to try and for commenting at the very least. :twilightsmile:

4427779 Yes, I have. If I recall, Trixie was dead (or dying) and Twilight offered Trixie life, and her immortality when it's Trixie's time. In return, Trixie must be Twilight's servant until that time comes. Trixie agrees, but make it clear she wants to avenge her own death. However, for some reason, she can not because Twilight had something to do with it. Does this sum it up?


Pretty much.~ Though, the /actual/ reason was never said, it is stated in this chapter though. May I ask what I part I lost you at? I tend to romanticize many things,(most romantics will) and I've learned its difficult to convey every scene to every caliber of mind seeing as none are the same.

That's my goal, to construct imagery and speech that any comprehend, I'll consider myself a novice until I can. My rambling aside, I'm here to answer any questions and take on all responsibility seeing as you've already read the fable before.


Thank you, I appreciate the sentiment and I'm glad you enjoyed it.
And even better, you left a comment. :twilightsmile:

4427911 You lost me with the whole exchange between Twilight and Trixie in her room. When exactly did Twilight wake up (I thought she woke up as soon as Trixie step in the room.)? What were they talking about? What were these invitations for and why weren't Rarity approve? I'm sorry if this was simple and a lot of other people got it, but I'm just plan lost.:facehoof:


Woah don't apologize, please. Again, its /my/ responsibility as the writer to portray the story in a coherent manner. :twilightblush:

And Twilight was dealing with her dreams,(night terrors) when Trixie first arrived, the second time she arrived she was then fully awake. It's why Trixie had to wake her up in such a /harsh/ way, asleep or awake an order is an order. As for what the two spoke of I feel it best to message you such details to avoid spoilers.

As for the letters, their purpose is revealed in the next/final story. You'll have to wait for that bit.

Heh, I feel I should apologize for you apologizing, it's really weird. And I wouldn't say it was all written and spoken in black and white, simple is a vague definition as is. I'm always open to questions and quite open-minded, ask what you will at anytime. :twilightsmile:

cup fit only tea
...Only.. for tea?

You shift verb tense a bit in the story, are we getting past tense or present tense?

you’re crueler Trixie than realized
...Wait, is Trixie talking to.. herself, calling herself cruel? Or is this just third-pony getting in the way of conjugation?


that head become
...had become?

Trixie dictate the
...'To lay down authoritatively'.... while a creative use of the word, I dooon't think that's a correct usage of it.

awfully close, she gave
Missing closing quotes.

so cherry in

Prooobably alas

though to

bond to obey her obsession, she
bound, needs closing quotes.

...Hm. This one still raises a handful of questions, but at least answers some. Where this is going... eh.
Not sure the story can count as a one-shot if it's three 'chapters'... but it is pretty good. Getting a bit better, still vague. And, well, as above, some editing is suggested.
The ending I can't see as anything but dark, even if only mildly so, but that's the point, isn't it? To keep us engaged enough to want to reach the end. Looking forward to the final chapter, with a high likelihood of thumbs upping all three at the end.

Luna, that's embarrassing, very much so.:facehoof:

A cup fit only for tea, yes, a teacup.~ That

As for present and past tense I instantly knew couldn't deny myself being guilty of such. But there are moments when the past is being described and others when the present is being spoken. Still I know I need to do a better job of moving between the two... or just stick to one.:twilightblush:

Thank you for pointing of the legion of errors you came across. I always feel like a fool when I read what I've written and still find my eyes auto-correcting errors before I can exterminate them. I'm fortunate to have readers like you, that comment on my mistakes which is what I always hope for. :heart:

Luckily you enjoy the story enough to stick around, and... I said the same to myself yesterday about the /one-short/ genre, I don't believe it fits that category at all anymore. The editing has been done, and again thank you.


Hmm, thanks for clearing that piece of info up. *reads story once more*. . .:pinkiegasp:. . .:pinkiecrazy:*commence evil, manic chuckle* Now I get it. So that's what happened. Sorry, but poetry was never my strongest suit. I always found that my mind is able to break down stories and songs rather than poems, which is the general vibe of the writing style in this story.

And you're welcome. There wasn't really much for me to go on with the first story, which is why I didn't really leave such a long comment.

p.s. Sorry for posting spoilers, I'll get right onto that.

Comment posted by DecadantHandshake deleted May 25th, 2014

I see.
So her eye only sees Trixie. Very nice idea.
And good talk with Caddy.

Now to see what her answer is.

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