• Published 21st May 2014
  • 2,060 Views, 12 Comments

Twilight and the Ponypets - Kichi

Twilight decided to do a short travel to the past, but she ended very bad as she find herself as a changelling

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"Are you sure about this Twilight? I mean, last time you tried to go back to the past, it didn’t work like you wanted." Said Applejack looking worried

"It's true dear, are you sure you can handle this? " Said Rarity who looked worried as well.

"Don’t worry girls, i'll be back before you could say Twilight Sparkle, I lost everything when Tirek destroyed the Golden Oaks Library, things that were very important to me, like the photo we took when I came to Ponyville the first time, or the replies I received each time I sent a friendship report to Princess Celestia. Those items were very important to me because they represented the memories and times we all cherished together, that is why I want to do this, when I put the objects somewhere safe I will return here" Twilight Said looking around at her friends as she steps over to where the three Princesses were waiting.

Princess Celestia sat in front of Twilight with all her majesty, on Twilight’s right was Princess Luna and on the left was Princess Cadence, and Discord moved around behind Twilight, ready to help Twilight in repentance of his betrayal to both Twilight and her friends, it was hard to persuade the Princesses to give Twilight their powers again. They were indebted to Twilight for saving Equestria from the evil Tirek, and they knew that this was something important for Twilight, that was the reason they decided to help her in her mission to go into the past.

"Are you ready, my faithful student? " Asked Princess Celestia as her white horn begin to glow.

"Yes... Im ready" Answered Twilight as her horn begins to glow as she prepared to cast the spell.

It was not like it was the first time she had tried to go to the past, when she was a unicorn she tried to give herself a warning in the past, but that had not ended how she would have wished, maybe because the short time and the inexperience she had herself.

This time was going to be different though, this time she was an Alicorn, she had the experience of traveling to the past, and has the help of the Princesses and Discord, this time she could not fail, she was sure this time would be different. Had she known what this simple act was going to unleash, she probably would have stopped right then and there, however with a lack of knowledge and her current path visible before her she begins feeding more magic into her horn making it glow brighter and brighter along side the energy flowing from the horns of her fellow princesses, The light begins to fall, enveloping Twilight as she begins to rise in the air, it was then that Discord fingers snapped and the horns glow at the maximum in the same moment and Twilight disappeared in a blinding multicolored flash.

And that was how Twilights problems began, she just wanted to make a short travel, to make sure that the important things for Twilight, second only to her friends, were safe. But like many other times, magic sometimes does something unexpected, after all if magic is friendship, then like the friendship it was very mysterious and also unexplainable and a short travel become a long journey as suddenly Twilight awoke in her room in canterlot, sensing something strange, as if something were off, not only around her but also her body.

She just didn’t feel right, that was sure, she felt her wings but they felt different and the first clue was when she looked down and found the black hooves with holes inside, that was not a good sign. ‘Something must have gone wrong.’ Twilight winced, ‘very very wrong.’ She was not sure what happened , all she knew was that she was now a changeling, she forced herself to be calm when suddenly thousands of voice begin to talk inside of her head, almost all saying the same thing, the message was a little hard to understand as the phrase was repeated too many times, but mainly they were saying the same, and Twilight managed to decipher what they had said, and that was something strange.

"The Princess is worried by something…” “Is she okay?...” “She need help?...” “Can we help with something?" Mostly the same, the voices were worried for their Princesses and Twilight could hear it as if she had a radio inside her head, something strange if not to say that it was very unpleasant, she looked around but there was no one in the library, not even her number one assistant Spike, nor any of her friends.

"Did I go too far? No, that doesn't explain this." Twilight muttered to herself, it was hard to think having thoughts inside your head that were not your own, it was at that thought when suddenly they silenced themselves for a couple of seconds.

"At least..." Twilight began to say when suddenly the voices begin to speak again within Twilight’s thoughts completely setting her on edge.

"Go too far?...” “The Princess go anywhere?..." The mental voices begin to speak again in full volume, until finally Twilight could not hold her frustration any more.

"Silence! Be quiet so I can think for a moment." Twilight screeched, suddenly the voices went silent, leaving Twilight to herself.

The clarity from the Isolation allowed Twilight time to clear her thoughts and begin planning on what she was going to do,’first I need to see what has changed and what happened’ As these thoughts ran through her head, she prepared to take her first step when suddenly a white coated filly appeared at the door. At first glance, Twilight thought the young pink haired unicorn filly looked very cute, it reminded her somewhat of Sweetie Bell, her friend Rarity’s little sister. But when the little pony entered the library and sat down in front of Twilight, and looked up to her as if waiting for something, upon closer examination of the filly Twilight was surprised.

On either side of the filly were small wings, something that Twilight didn’t notice the first time yet as the filly came closer Twilight saw them. A horn and wings, the filly was a small alicorn. She did not have a Cutie Mark though, maybe because she was too young, however if Twilight didn’t know any better she would think that the young filly before her was Princess Celestia.

"Celestia?" Asked Twilight a look of shock and confusion covering her face as she gazed upon the young alicorn filly.

‘Impossible, this can’t be her… Even if she has the same looks she can’t be Celestia, she’s too young, then again… how am I a changeling, This is soo confusing.’ Twilight rambled internally as the White filly spoke up upon recognition of her name.

"Yes? How can this PonyPet serve you, her majesty Princess Twilight of the Changelings." Was the young alicorn response, the one answer Twilight could not have predicted.

Author's Note:

Well, this story was in the first time a idea to help in another story to someone, but because it did not fit the tastes, i decided to edit the story and change it, at first it was supossed to be minimal changes, but i decided to mainly redo it.

Also i need to say sorry for my bad spelling in the story, even after i use a couple of spellchecking online corrector. I first posted a prologue and i post the chapter 1 when i can.

I have also ready something for the next chapter, but i accept suggestion, about the questions, some of them could be answered as the fic go on


Edited and Cleaned by Xaldon Ajide, Next chapter is already created but is waiting to be Cleaned.