• Published 21st May 2014
  • 2,060 Views, 12 Comments

Twilight and the Ponypets - Kichi

Twilight decided to do a short travel to the past, but she ended very bad as she find herself as a changelling

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Chapter II

Author's Note:

This chapter is not cleaned so it could be hard to read, even so... I hope is okay... If someone see a problem just tell me. Yes the chapter of before was more long, i'm sorry, maybe later I edit and add some words, but i don't think I add too much

Twilight looked to the little filly, it was only a little commentary, but the little filly just forced itself to forget because she take that as a order, Twilight was surprised, not only because the little Celestia forced itself to forget something because what Twilight say, but because she was not feeling bad.

The normal could be that Twilight feel herself very bad or guilty, Twilight knew she needed to sense like that, but in the inside there was nothing, she was not feeling guilty for some reason and that confused Twilight.

After relaxing a little, Twilight looked to the little Celestia, she was waiting. In the end Twilight take a carriage to Ponyville, followed by the little white alicorn, she was still a little confused but was not going to let herself to stop. The Elements of Harmony waited to be discovered.

Meanwhile she was in the carriage, Twilight have a little time to herself, for some reason the changelings were not talking again so she have time to think a little about what was happening exactly, she was supposed to travel to the past, she prepared the spell and was correct, but this was not the past, at least not the past she remembered.

She begin to think about what happened, how happened and why happened that. She remember the spell, it was correct, she was sure about that, there was no problem, so maybe the problem was not in Twilight or the spell, but in another thing.

Twilight think about that until suddenly she realized it.

“Of course, how could i be too stupid and blind? Discord is the embodiment of chaos, maybe the magic of Discord mixed wrong with the magic of the Princesses, that could be the reason” Exclaimed suddenly Twilight surprising the little filly and the pegasus in the carriage.

“Miss Twilight? Something happen?” Asked the little filly but before she could answer that, some other voice talked

“How do you know about Discord?” That voice was not of the little filly, not from the pegasus or Twilight, it was the changeling queen, Queen Chrysalis the one that asked.

“I read about him in a old book in the library” It was a very big lie, but she was not going to say the true, at least not to the queen of the Changelings

“You lie… We are connected, my daughter and I know you lie to me… I give you another chance to tell me the truth or I force you” Commented Chrysalis in the head of Twilight

“It’s a long history, sorry but is something that is better to save, i'm sorry” Answered in low voice Twilight.

Twilight waited but there was no answer, maybe Chrysalis just accepted that, or maybe there was something else. She was not sure about the reason, even so, she decided to continue the traveling, at least now she have a theory about how she end there, but she did not know about how to return.

Twilight look around, she was now in Sweet Apple Acree, the same Sweet Apple Acree from her memories, it was exactly the same. If she could, she would jump in that same instant to the Apple Trees, but she not have wings, well, she have wings but they were not her real wings, it was very hard to learn about how to fly with the previous one to even learn about the new ones, also if suddenly she returned to be a changelling, even when she was not sure about how to change, Applejack will be scared, and that was not a good thing to meet again one of her best friends so she decided to wait until the carriage landed somewhere near, even so, she wanted too much to meet her again that in the end, she begin to make her horn glow and dissapeared from the carriage with the little Celestia, and appearing in the middle of the farm, just in front of a red stallion that was surprised because suddenly what seemed to be a violet unicorn and a little white filly appeared in front of them.

Twilight looked the red stallion, she recognized it in the same instant. It was Big Mac the big brother of Applejack, one of her best friends, not only was Applejack one of her best friends, she was also the bearer of the element of honesty, one pony that was very obstinate but also one of the bearers of the elements of harmony. The element of honesty.

“Sorry for appearing this suddenly, my name is Twilight Sparkle, student of Princess Celestia and this in my side is…” Twilight stopped and begin to think what to say when suddenly the filly presented itself.

“My name is Tia, I’m the helper of Miss Twilight” Say the little Celestia and Twilight looked to big mac

“Are you okay?” Asked Twilight to Big Mac, it was the brother of Applejack, she did not meet too much Big Mac except the times she was with Applejack or helping her in the farm, the most time she was with him was in the event of the want-it need it spell and the love potion of the crusaders. There was already problems around enough problems in the head and she did not wanted to have more.

“Eeeyep” Answered Big Mac to Twilight

“Emmm… Is there someone called Applejack around here?” Asked Twilight as she try to break the ice a little

“Eeeyep” Was the only answer of Big Mac, she was going to ask about where find her when Big Mac appointed to a direction, and without say nothing Twilight followed by the little white filly to find the orange earth pony heading to a big apple tree and kick the tree so the red fruits dropped.

Twilight stay quiet in silence during a second, and then go near the farm pony
“Errr… You are Applejack, right?” Asked Twilight as she talked with her old friend, in the inside, she wanted or hope that she recognize Twilight, but she know that could not be.

“How’dy!! Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres, the best apple farm from around here… Is there something I can help? Miss...” Asked Applejack as she waited the answer

“Twilight Sparkle… I’m here by order of Princess Celestia to check the Summer Sun Celebration to check and take a sample of the food” Say Twilight, if her attention was not focused in the orange mare, she could look a confusion in the face of the little alicorn.

“Of course… Let me call the family here… Soup's on, everypony!” Shouted Applejack as suddenly a big quantity of ponies appeared, it was not a surprise for Twilight as she still remember how happened like if it was yesterday

After everypony presented herself, Twilight sit in a table followed by the little Celestia and looked all the food, this was not a experience she wanted to redo but even so, as everypony begin to look to Twilight, she was going to begin with a Apple Pie but when she was going to take the first bite the little Celestia asked

“Err… Miss Twilight… Are you sure?” Asked the little white filly.

Twilight was not sure why she asked that until she take the first bite, suddenly she begin to feel like throw up what she was eating..

Twilight begin to feel like throw up, she could not swallow easy and wanted to take it out of her mouth as she wanted to take it out from her mouth as her tongue tasted the little bite, if it could be called tongue at the thing the changellings have. Instead of throwing up in the end she managed to slip it down from her throat and swallow it using all her will, swallowing not only that but also something else that was not even sure about what was it that seemed come from inside her.

Twilight looked around at the look of all the farm ponies around smiling, the only that looked strange was the little filly, as she tried to take another bite of something else to see if maybe it was the pie, she watched as the little filly was going to say something but no sound exit as Twilight take the bite, another time that sensation, it was like try to eat shit, the taste was even worst that cardboard and shit combined but not only that, her body seemed to reject the food, and after the bite something begin to going up from her body to the mouth, Twilight do not wanted to make a scene and as her horn glow, she looked around to the barn that was near, and with a mix of green and lavender glow she dissapeared to appear again inside the barn as she begin to throw up something that seemed a strange goo, it was the same green substance that the changelling used in the Royal Wedding, a little more liquid but the same after all.

She was not sure what happened, it was not possible that the food was poison, it was impossible, she know that all of the Apple family were great in cooking, and they could not mistake all the food, and that was also not a joke. She was not even sure about the reason but the taste was still in her mouth.

“I’m sorry… I... It seems this morning I take something that did not sit well in my stomach, but for what I tasted it seems all the food is great… It could be great to stay here but I need to check other things before the sun is down so I need to leave...” Commented Twilight as she left with the little white filly.in hurry before they could say something.