• Published 1st Nov 2011
  • 13,087 Views, 951 Comments

Stories in Stone, Luna's Royal Guard. - TDR

The Gardens of Canterlot contain more than their fair share of stories. And more creatures than just Discord.

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Landslide [11]

Stories in Stone
Luna's Royal Guard


Twilight chuckled a bit, her magic peeling off the cloak and suit of Mare-do-well, bundling the entire costume up as she stretched. It had been rather good to play the hero for a while, she could see why Rainbow Dash was attracted to the prospect. It was however, no reason to act like The Great and Powerful Trixie, just because you saved someone. The point had been made and the town had been saved. Of course with the short memories most of Ponyville seemed to have, Mare-do-well would be probably be forgotten in a week, if it took that long. Panic attacks, a seemingly ever changing landscape, and constant dangers seemed to pop up all the time. It was amazing the town had lasted this long, even with Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash living here. Twilight's initial belief that all the ponies in this town were crazy had yet to be proven wrong. Rarity had wanted every one to hold onto the costumes, just in case they would be needed again. Twilight didn't think she would ever bother to wear it, at least not as a hero. Though she might as her next Nightmare Night costume.

She was also not quite sure where Pinkie and Spike had run off to. She also had no idea why they suddenly scared that easily. Though with Pinkie it was hard to tell if she was scared or just wanted to run about in a panic for a little while because it was fun.

She shook her head, fluffing her mane back up from being under the hood. Since she was likely going to be alone until the next disaster, perhaps it was time to once again to investigate the blade. Nothing was better after a long day of adventure than some quiet studying. Or in this case some fascinating , if tragic at times, visual trips to the past.

Thanks to the Mare-do -Well nonsense it had been over a week since she had the time to look into the blade and she was long over do at getting back to it. It was more time constraints than dread at this point, though she still had to keep reminding herself that all of them got out fine in the end.

Pulling out the materials and the blade, she paused a moment smirking and putting on the Mare-do-well's hat one more time. She rather enjoyed the hat, perhaps she could ask Rarity to make one for her that was not part of the costume, the color fit her mane rather well. Pulling the hat off and setting it to the side she let her magic flare, feeling pulled into the sword once more.


The blow caught Jer'rahd by surprise, sending him staggering to the side, hooves moving quickly, almost in a dance, as he sought to avoid running into Bleu. He barely pulled it off before gravity caught him and he toppled over regardless crashing into the dirt. He pushed himself back up to his hooves quickly watching the other Guards tackle and pile onto his attacker, pinning the blue earth pony to the ground.

Jer'rahd whipped his head, working his mouth as he made sure his jaw still worked. Starfall was hiding her face under a hoof, Rhede was trying hard not to laugh, Velkorn looked concerned that he might be hurt, Princess Luna simply watched as unreadable as ever, and Bleu had barely noticed, though she had good reason.

Bleu traced the name carved into the Obelisk, her claw dragging lightly over a single name etched in the monument. A single name in a list of two hundred and forty three Guards and civilians, all victims of Dullahan's attackers. The stone stood in the center of the keep, carved out of a chunk of the broken wall and situated right where the front of the stage had been. Barely two steps from where the last performance of Platinum had been.

“You gonna do that again solider?” Jer'rahd grunts ears flattening.

“No sir.”

“Let him up.”Jer'rahd grumbles

“I am sorry sir. I had no idea he was going to do something like that.” A dark blue pegasus mare stammers.

“It's alright, Commander Buttercup just let him up. What's your name solider?”

The other Guards backed off letting the nearly crushed earth pony back up to his hooves his gaze meeting Jer'rahd's with out the slightest hint of fear of what his actions had caused.

“Sergeant Talbain sir.....”the earth pony mutters.

“Good hit there, let me guess you were one of the Guard who tried to stop me last time I was here?” Jer'rahd asks.

“Got it in one sir.”

“Figure that since I pissed you off enough knocking around you and your buddies you'd have a go next time you saw me? Tartarus with the consequences and all that?” Jer'rahd asks.

“Pretty much sir.”

“Well your lucky I think I deserved it, or there likely would be hell to pay for that hit. Granted I have no intent on stopping what your superior here might do to you, and if any one else wants to take a swing it better be because they want to see the cute nurse in the medical wing. Cause that’s where they will end up. You understand Sergeant?”

“Perfectly Sir.” Talbain stammers thinking this might not have been the best idea after all.

“Good, got it out of your system? Now get out of my sight.” Jer'rahd snarls.

“Yes sir.”

The stallion offers a brief salute before being escorted away by a few of the other Guards. He glances back down to Bleu who simply smirks shaking her head, her attention still on the monument.

“Seems you make new friends every where you go Jer.”Rhede chuckles.

“Seemed to hurt quite a bit, should I go back to get my kit?” Velkorn asks.

“No I'm fine Velkorn. Been hit worse, just surprised is all.” Jer'rahd grumbles.

“I gather that was one of the ones you knocked around? Big no no to hit a superior officer.”Starfall comments.

“I got a 'get out of brig free card' once or twice for practically the same thing. Least I could do for him, might ease any tensions I cause for being around here. Half of them think I am some sort of hero the other half are sure I am some sort of monster. Besides there’s not a lake in range that I could fling him into.” Jer'rahd chuckles recalling Celestia's methods of punishment.

“You and your companion here did kill the largest dragon most any one has seen and left it in the middle of the courtyard, before after and during taking care of a host of half dragons and trolls. “ Buttercup explains. You then proceeded to mop the floor with at least three squads of uninjured reinforcement troops, while wounded and carrying a injured dragonling. It took Princess Luna to finally bring you down. You are a monster..... sir.”

“I am aware of what I did Commander. I am also well aware of what I have left to do. I … we, just needed to see this. I am glad there is something standing here to remember those that fell. If I had not felt the need to look at this, that little altercation would have never happened.” Jer'rahd sighs.

“Understandable sir. I have all the information for the trip to the Darklands. Do you mind telling me who your companions are however. I recognize Air Commander Starfall and Bleu Scale, but not the others. Sir. This isn't exactly unclassified.”

“This is Ambassador Rhede Pelt, former Zebra Queen Velkorn, and a student of Princess Luna herself. Professor Imbrium.” Jer'rahd grumbles at the last.

The gray unicorn glances back at the black pelted blue haired unicorn, who nods in response to her name being said. Jer'rahd was some what disgusted to be honest, the disguise was lame, there was no other word for it. Her coat color had changed a little to solid black, from a nearly black purple, her hair no longer looked like it was made of magic but it still fluttered on it's own at times. Princess Luna wore a blanket and saddle bags over her wings and of all things a simple pair of glasses. Her armor, body size, stature, and cutie mark had not been changed at all. She looked just like herself with black fur instead of purpley blue or what ever that color was.

The worst part was it worked, no pony seemed to know who she was. The first few times Jer'rahd just thought they were playing along, but entire groups of ponies they had met during their stop overs on the way to the wall did not recognize her. A few were even bold enough to hit on her until a glare from himself or Starfall ran them off. Of course Rhede was not helping, often he wandered off with some mare that caught his eye and needed to be dragged back to the group. Usually Velkorn did it as she seemed more than happy to ruin his flirting attempts. He understood why the Princess did not want to be known to heading off with such a small group, but at the same time it was driving him mad how no pony was seeing through this lame disguise?

“She trust worthy?” Buttercup leans in and whispers causing Jer'rahd to flatten his ears that even the normally sharp pegasus was fooled by the disguise.

“Princess Luna would not have sent her along if she was not Commander.” Jer'rahd sighs. “If I didn't say it already, congratulations on your promotion.”

“ If you say so sir, and thank you.” Buttercup nods. “ This way then I have the map room already set up.”

The Ready room in the keep had been rebuilt after it was destroyed in the battle. The new place was more like an auditorium with seating for nearly a hundred ponies. The idea was that Callahan might be used as a forward base if Equestria was attacked again. The added space would be for the officers to easily be addressed in mass.

The raised front of the room had all the maps and documents spread out over several tables. Unfortunately at first glance every single one of them seemed to be for completely different places until one noticed that the mountains and the wall were present on every map. Jer'rahd sighed at that remembering his crash course in how the Darklands shifted and changed randomly as befitting it's former master. There were even some claims from the dragons that the force that attacked was one lost in the Darklands from the first war given that time itself didn't seem to flow properly there. No one believed it in the slightest mind you particularly with the information gleaned from Claymore, but some draconic ambassadors were pushing for that to be the truth.

Nothing seemed to be of any use to them until Buttercup moved a bookcase aside and pulled free a section of the wall with her wings revealing a safe. She opened it rather quickly pulling out a simple rolled parchment, setting it on the table and unrolling it.

“You have no idea how hard it was for us to acquire and contain this thing.” the pegasus mutters as Jer'rahd moves closer to look down at it.

Etched across the top of the map was a interesting script, spelling out.'The power to save them all.' The rest of the map was little more than a well detailed starting point and directions to follow to get to the X at the maps end. The colors and images on the map around the line shifted but the small details around the line remained fixed.

“What the buck? Boss, what is this ?” Bleu grumbles.

“The map is showing you what it is you want to see, what you most want to find. No matter how unrealistic.” Buttercup comments. “It's telling me about a wealth of knowledge about the Discordian creatures.”

“Well now that would be a nice bit of thing to find, dare I ask what you seek Jer?” Rhede chuckles.

“Right now an Ice pack. Jaw's gonna be sore for a bit.”Jer'rahd mutters.

“I want to get this over with quick Boss this whole place is bothering me, the map now too.” The dragonling sulks glancing to the map with a small shudder.

Jer'rahd didn't need to wonder what sort of perversion the map was telling his friend about. And he expected Bleu saw something about Platinum, judging by her tone. Starfall's expression was the same she adopted when some one mentioned her husband, so it likely had something to do with that. Velkorn and the Princess expressions however were both unreadable.

“How did you find this map Commander?” Luna asks

“One of the Guards going through Claymore's stuff found it. He brought it to me claiming it said the location of Claymore's meetings with his support from the dragons. It was different to me and I recognized what it was. Any one else who saw it saw something else and there were a number of attempts to steal it made.”

“Rather simple find then.” Starfall comments.

“These maps were not designed to be hard to find. The only reason they are so rare now is due to most of them being found and destroyed. That one still exists at all is worrying, particularly after all this time. They are tickets that allow travel through the Darklands. It should lead you right to Discord's Castle, where ever it is.”

“Where ever it is?” Bleu asks.

“The landscape in the Darklands has very few static structures or land marks. The Castle of Discord has been spotted just about every where, at one point it was seen not a mile from the wall before it was gone again. With the map you should be able to find it, not so much as that the map will guide you to where it is, but more that where it is will move the path you are on to where it will be.”

“She is correct. These maps are quite powerful keys to access the keep . Artifacts that Discord made on a whim when he was seeking allies, or playthings.” Luna states.

“Perfect then we have everything we need once we load up on supplies. I want to waste no time heading out of here. No offense on your command Buttercup, but we have to many bad memories of this place to stay for longer than necessary.” Jer'rahd states gesturing with his head to the small sulking dragon on his back.

“Completely understandable sir. For what its worth I feel for both your losses.” Buttercup nods.

“Thank you, though I get that a great deal.” Jer'rahd pauses ears flattening a little. “Did you actually manage to get a good spot for the show? “

“I had the second best in the house sir.” she smirks,” A bit lumpy but warm.”

Her soft smirk said volumes.

“Mind if I ask what that seats name is? I gather it made it through intact?”

“I do mind sir. Might get complicated. But yes it did.”

“Understood. Enjoy yourself Commander, likely more trouble coming.” Jer'rahd nods.

“We will Sir, good hunting out there.” Buttercup salutes.

“Thank you Commander.”


The giant claw came crashing down destroying the ground that he had been standing on. Jer'rahd threw himself to the side as the rock and dirt rained down on the shield he tossed up. Rolling
to his hooves he took off again before the creature could strike again.

The beast looked like a turtle, a giant turtle, a giant turtle that could hold a fair sized town and some fields on its back. His shields barely slowed down the blows and this thing was fast, far faster than it should have been, it was supposed to be a bucking turtle, or tortoise, whatever. Luna, Starfall, and Bleu had taken to the air blasting at the creatures armored head and neck jabbing at any soft spots they could. So far, aside from a bit of blood and some singe marks nothing seemed to phase the thing.

Luna had called it a Tank, then listed off some meaning that he missed most of thanks to the creatures cries, cries that sounded exactly like a tiny kitten meowing. It was horribly distracting. Its whole body was covered in thick spiked armor that nothing seemed to be able to get through. Starfall had taken to attacking the softer skin near where its legs and neck came from under the shell. While clearly wounding it and splattering the ground with the thick blue icor of it's blood, that smelled strongly of oranges, it did little other than piss the creature off.

The group had barely left sight of the The Great Wall when they came across this creature. The supposed safe path had led right up to a large patch of clear land with a hill in the middle of it. Said hill got up as they entered the clearing, mewing cutely and attacking ferociously. Rhede and Velkorn seemed to have been its first targets though a few slashes at its eyes with his blade and Jer'rahd became the new target of choice. It had seemed like a good idea at the time to allow Rhede and Velkorn to get out of the way, but now he had a very large and very angry turtle, or tortoise, trying to kill him.

The idea that Discord had made these things, named them Tanks, and made more than one, was downright scary. The only reason that this thing had not managed to take them out yet was due to the groups fliers distracting it and that Jer'rahd was just faster than it was, barely. If he had not already been keeping his tail short this thing would have given it a military cut any way.

He had serious doubts to Commander Buttercup's claim that the maps showed a safe path.

He glanced up as the creatures head snapped at Starfall, the pegasus losing a few tail hairs to it's over sized beak. Nothing this big should have been fast enough to even come close to touching Starfall. He whirled his blade up, magic arching the sword at the Tank's exposed eye now that he had a clear shot. Blinding it would either drive it off, or make it angrier. Only one way to find out which though.

The armored eyelid shut tight suddenly, his grandfathers blade impacting the scaled lid and shattering. His eyes widen as the metal rained down like tears from the creatures eye. The sudden shock of the loss of the blade distracting him enough that he didn't have time to dodge as the creatures maw opened and snapping down on the surprised unicorn.

“JER'RAHD!!!” screamed out Starfall.


Twilight screams.

The purple unicorn falling back to the ground thrashing clutching her head as her horn sparks and flickers sending blasts of multicolored light everywhere smashing into book cases and punching holes in the libraries walls and floor as the glow around her horn grows brighter

The light engulfs the room, her brain feeling on fire from the spells foci sundering. From outside the entire library tree seemed to shudder as beams of light poured out of every window and made new ones with the stronger arcs of energy.

“....so then I said, 'Oatmeal, are you crazy!?'” pinkie explains as Spike snorts in laughter.

“Oh wow that story never gets old..... hey whats with all the lights?” Spike comments looking up at the brilliantly glowing library.

“Its coming from the library … TWILIGHT!!” Pinkie gasps

The pink pony grabbed the dragonling, flipping him up onto her back and charged towards the flickering building. She had barely made it to the door when her ear twitched and hoof itched warning her to jump aside as the door suddenly exploded outward along with all the buildings windows, and a few more chunks of the tree itself. The energy flared once more and then died away with a soft crackling sound.

Darting into the hole that was once the door, Pinkie and Spike were greeted by the remains of a charred library. Some of the books were still on fire and the sword was buried in the side of the wall with most of the tables contents scattered about it.

“Twilight!? Twilight!?! Twi......lights?” Spike calls out freezing in place at the sight before him.

“Owie.... hey who licked me?”
“Hmm, I do taste like grape.”

A piled placement of perplexed, pouty, and pissed pretty purple ponies was plastered ponderously against the prorated and peeled parlor portal. None of them seemed to be hurt although, they all had a faint glow of another color around their horns and eyes.

A sudden flare and scream of rage from the bottom of the pile sent the others flying in a burst of red energy. The Twilight from the bottom of the pile stood there panting, eyes and horn flaring red energy, her hair whipping about her head with the flow of power, before she screams out another few curses and charged suddenly through the nearest wall. The groan from the great tree as yet another hole was punched through it made Spike and Pinkie wince expecting the whole place to come down atop of them.

Another Twilight, her horn flaring green pulled on the Mare-do-Well costume along with a somewhat singed hat before giving chase.

“Worry not, citizen! I shall stop her!!! AWAY!!” the green one shouted.

This one promptly took off out of the room chasing the still screaming red Twilight.

One of the others rises to her hooves from where she was flung whipping her head a bit and sauntering over to wards the two slack jawed observers. Her hair fell far longer than Twilight's should have nearly brushing her hooves. Her flank swayed as she walked eyes half closed, tiny pinpricks of pupils seeming to bore into both Pinkie and Spike as she regarded them moving closer.

“Twilight whats going on... wash”Spike asks, then yelps.

Spike falls back onto his rump as Twilight pushes him aside with a brief flicker of pinkish magic. The touch oddly feeling more like a brief caress than a shove.

“Sorry Spikey, you're a little young for me, although....” the pink twilight murmurs.

Twilight suddenly turns to the surprised Pinkie Pie one foreleg wrapping over the back of her neck as she kisses the pink mare deeply. A trickle of blood oozes from Spike's nose as his eyes widen. Twilight breaks the kiss a moment later, dropping a gibbering Pinkie Pie to the floor, the party ponies eyes swirling.

“Mmm pity.... she tasted sweet,like candy. I suppose that was too much for her. Ahh well I am sure there’s more fun to be had out there. Don't bother waiting up Spike...” the sultry twilight chuckled.

Twilight saunters out past the stunned Pinkie Pie and the quite freaked out spike her tail lifted flicking lightly over her own rump.

“Oh no, ponies might get hurt from this. I'm sorry about that Spike, Pinkie. I will try to get make sure she does not do any damage.”

Another Twilight darts out almost daintily, her horn glowing a soft white as she follows the red one as well.

“Wha, what, What is going on here?!?!” Spike shouts.

One of the remaining Twilights picks herself up. Her short hair framing her face and a pair of glasses rested on her nose as she regarded Spike and the rest of the destroyed house. Her magic flares, purple energy arching over the room putting out fires and repairing the damage done to the library.

“At the current time I am unaware of the situation of theoretical flux to have caused this incident, but rest assured Spike this situation will be resolved. It should be little more trouble than to trace the flow of the ley lines and scrolls script back to the error to uncover the reasoning behind it. In any event with the current variants of myself causing unknown havoc in the township it would be best to inform the Princess of the situation and request aid.”

“What?”Spike asks.

The glasses wearing Twilight presses a hoof to her face and sighs.

“Spike take a letter. Dear Princess Celestia. Help. One sixth of your faithful student Twilight Sparkle.”

“Oh got it.” Spike admits.

He quickly gathers the scroll and quill jotting down the note and sending it off. AppleJack, , and Rainbow Dash all arrive at nearly the same time getting briefly stuck in the doorway.

“What happened to Pinkie Pie?” Dash asks.
“What in tarnations going on with all those lights?” AppleJack questions.
“Not to be rude. but will you all move!” Rarity shouts shoving the others through the door before composing herself and walking in herself.

“How did you all get here so fast?”Spike asks.

“Whole buncha swirly lights coming from tha center of town? That's practically a signal that Twi's doing something that she'll need help with.” Applejack admits. “ Now what's going on here?”

This set off another round of rapid fire questions from the others to Spike, and the purple Twilight, who ignored most of the comments.

“Please be silent this is a library and I am attempting to figure out what issue has occurred now. The only conclusion that can be made is too much unstable energy entering into the spell itself which offered too much feed back when the foci was sundered.” the glasses wearing Twilight shouts.

“What?”Rarity questions
“Huh?” Rainbow Dash asks.
“Ummm.” Applejack mutters.

“She said she put too much power into a spell, that spell had a mistake in it and it exploded when the sword broke.....mmmm yup definitely grape...” Pinkie sits up licking her lips.

“Pinkie Pie! Are you alright?” Spike asks.

“Yeah just a little stunned, I didn't expect Twilight to do that! Nor did I expect her to be that good at it... what HAS she been studying lately?” Pinkie Pie comments.

“How many are there then darling?” Rarity asks Spike.

“Six.” Pinkie answers.

“Well two are here where did the others go?” Applejack asks.

“Not sure I kinda got knocked out by one of them....” Pinkie admits. “ But what a way to go.”

“Look guys I just sent a letter to the Princess we should be OK once she gets here. And when she does she can take that blade back with her.” Spike growls.

“Spikey what do you mean?” Rarity asks.

“Ever since it got here Twilight's gone from mopey to depressed to angry and back again and now this. This study is dangerous and needs to stop.”Spike grumbles

“I might only be one sixth of myself Spike, but I am able to inform you that such an endeavor on your part will not be well received at best and outright dismissed at worst. Too much time and effort has been put into it to cease the examination now.” the purple Twilight adds.

“Like buck you will.......”Spike growls.

“Spike can we maybe wait until after we fix her to have this conversation?” Rainbow Dash suggests.

“Alright..”Spike grumbles. “ But we WILL be having it.”

A knock at the door draws their attention as a guard pegasus glances inside the door, the group sees a few others outside some of the other holes in the walls. The Guard nods and steps back allowing Princess Celestia to enter the room. The gathered ponies bow save the Twilight curled in the corner with a muted blue glow around her and the one too focused on the spell to notice the princess.

“Twilight...oh... two Twilight Sparkles? What is going on here?” Princess Celestia asks.

“Botched spell, hilarious side effects, the usual around here.” Pinkie shrugs.

“And ya wonder why the insurance is so high in Ponyville.” Applejack sighs figuring her premiums would go up again.

“Spike, what spell was Twilight casting?” Princess Celestia asks.

“That scry spell you sent along with the sword, of which take that stuff back with you, before we have more than six Twilights to deal with.”Spike rants.

“Calm down Spike. What were the six doing?”Princess Celestia placates.

“Well that one over there seems more egg headed than Twilight usually is. The one in the corner has yet to stop crying and whimpering. One of them broke through the wall and started trashing everything in sight. One of them went after the screaming one putting on the Mare-do-well suit as she went. Another chased after her and was acting like Fluttershy. The last one...... well the last one knocked Pinkie Pie out with a kiss.”Spike lists.

“I've had better but not many.” Pinkie Pie admits.

“The myriad of factor splits are simply overbearing versions of Umbrage, despondence, brilliance, dauntless, commiserative, and wanton.” the purple Twilight explains.

“Do what?” Rainbow Dash asks.
“Come again?” Rarity questions.
“What?” Pinkie Pie ponders
“Excuse me?” Princess Celestia queries.
“Not this again.” Spike grumbles.

“Okay nipping this one in tha bud before we git another long winded answer, she means we got a Twi-rage, Twi-emo, Twi-brain, Twi-brave, Twi-shy, and Twi-Lust?” Applejack points out.

“That was the answer I provided.” the purple Twilight nods. “though not in such base terminology.”

The group of them looked a bit nervous a moment trying to figure out what to do next when the sudden shout of the purple Twi-brain, has all eyes turned to her.

“I have it, three lines of theramagic code in the scroll were set as either breakers to compensate for the emotional toll the scroll would have on the viewers magic. All three burned out at once thus opening the viewer up to the negative feed back of the foci's sundering. The replication and reversal of the spell failure is quite basic. Easily replicated providing all of me have been brought back here.”

“What?” Rainbow Dash asks.

“She said she can fix it if we get all of her back here.”Spike explains.

“Alright, Rainbow Dash, AppleJack, Rarity, my guards, and I shall go attempt to find them all. At least Twi-rage will be easy enough to find. Pinkie you and Spike stay here to make sure Twi-Brain has all she needs and that the other one does not go any where.” Princess Celestia commands.

“Yes Princess” Spike salutes.
“Okie doki Loki.” Pinkie cheers


The small group steps out of the tree home to find not a Guard in sight. Celestia's chariot was there and several piles of armor that were once on the Guards, but the stallions themselves were gone.

“Oh dear this does not seem to bode well.” Princess Celestia comments.

An explosion from the center of town sends a pillar of flame skyward along with a scream of anguish before several more explosions follow.

“Well at least we ken find one of um.” Applejack sighs.

“I am sure when she is back together Twilight is going to be mortified.” Princess Celestia admits.

“Well, if the Twilight we left is correct this may be the fault of my scroll. Provided we can deal with this situation in a timely manner repairing the damage should not be an issue.” Princess Celestia admits.

The group easily found Twi-rage. The incomprehensible screaming and explosions leading them right too her. They watched the ranting bundle of rage plow into the side of a building ramming through the wall with her horn, the small shop suddenly detonating in a shower of quills and ink.

“Oh dear, I do remember that Twilight was a little annoyed that her order for quills had been delayed again but I did not think it was this bad.” Rarity sighs. “Though the sofa he tried to sell her was rather tacky.”

“Well at least its keep'n the construction ponies employed.”Applejack groans

“Is it just me guys or is there less running and screaming than usually happens?” Rainbow Dash asks.

“You're correct Rainbow Dash, aside from the explosions it is rather quiet out here.” Rarity ponders

“HEY!! There's the other one, I got her guys you deal with this one.” Rainbow Dash shouts.

“Careful Rainbow.” AppleJack calls.

Rainbow dash takes off after the Twilight garbed as Mare-Do-Well, the Twi-brave running off away from the smoke and ruins. Twi-rage charges into a restaurant smashing the insides as the Princess and others look on.

“I will be able to suppress her power if I can get close enough but that will be all. She is putting out a great deal of energy, more than I expected a sixth of her to have access to.” Princess Celestia states.

“Just do that Princess I can hog tie her faster than she knows.” Applejack grins.

“I do know a stun spell for unruly customers that might work, but I am afraid that may be all the help I can be.” Rarity pouts.

“Well better'n nothing.” AJ sighs.

“It is worth a try then.” Princess Celestia admits. “Let's deal with this quickly before any more of the town is damaged.”

Celestia's horn glows brightly, lighting up the area in a cool white light. Twi-rage, rather than calming at all flings herself at the group of them screaming something about apple bucking and dresses, though her crimson magic bounced ineffectively off the golden glow from the Princess of the Sun.

Apple Jack waste no time lassoing the rampaging Twi-rage, although the purple pony bucked and whipped about making it difficult for Applejack to reel her in. Rarity finally ran up to the red tinged mare, her horn glowing brightly as a small spark of energy left it and smacked Twi rage in the back of the head.

The effect seemed to give the rampaging mare only a brief pause, prompting Rarity to fire another burst, then two more before the red light on Ti-rage's horn finally dimmed and the pony collapsed. She was followed soon after by a panting Rarity who managed to land on a red couch that had not been there a moment before. Apple Jack finishes tying up Twi-rage adding a gag about her muzzle as well.

“Well that was easier than I thought.” Applejack nods.

“Speak for yourself Apple jack I am completely spent. I do not have near the power level of Twilight.” Rarity fans herself with a hoof.

“Ah ain't no caster, but yah only used tha spell four times an that was enough tah knock yah out?” Applejack grumbles.

“You both did well, but we have three more to find.” Princess Celestia interrupts.

“Well Rainbow Dash will likely get the one she saw, what I wanna know is, where is every pony?” Applejack snorts.

“Oh, hello Princess Celestia, Applejack, Rarity, and Twilight, whats going on here? Is every pony alright? What happened to Twilight? Why is she all tied up? Oh dear why is half the town on fire. Did I miss something? Meep.... It's not a dragon is it?” A soft voice calls from behind them.

“Fluttershy! Perfect we need another pair of wings sugar cube, have you seen Twilight?!” Applejack smiles.

“Isn’t she tied up right there?” Fluttershy points out.

“Errrr other than this one.” Applejack corrects.

“Well, um. She did show up at my cottage. She was floating with her just about every foal and elder from town. She asked me to take care of them until things calmed down in town but she had something else to do. She seemed sad as if she had been crying over something. She seemed a bit less sure of herself than usual as well. Luckily most of the little ones were asleep already, and a few of the elders were willing to watch them while I went to find out what was going on. Umm, what IS going on?” Fluttershy monologues.

“Twilight brought the youngins tah Fluttershy's, OK that musta been Twi-shy.". Fluttershy you help Rarity bring Twi-rage here back to the library, we got tah find the other ones. She can explain what we know on tha way.” Applejack suggests.

“I have no idea what you are talking about, but OK if you say so.”Fluttershy agrees.

“Long story darling and when we finally get told all of it I will love to hear it.” Rarity sighs hopping to her hooves the couch some how gone already.

“Come on Princess, lets see if we can find out what happened to the rest of tha town.” Applejack comments. “ Ah mean , if that's alright with yah.”

“Of course Applejack , lead on.” Princess Celestia smiles.


Rainbow Dash tore after the dashing Twi-hero, the costumed pony making a bee line for the Everfree forest. At the very edge the green Twilight paused looking up at the sky blue Pegasus chasing her and slapped her rump with a hoof, before leaping into the woods leaving a tracer of green magic behind her.

“Oh she did not just dare me to follow her.” Rainbow Dash growls.

Rainbow tears off into the woods after the unicorn, accepting the challenge.


Applejack and Princess Celestia moved further into town before Applejack paused sniffing the air a little .

“What is that smell? Kinda smells like Big Mac after he comes back from one 'o those weekend city trips of his.” Applejack snorts.

Princess Celestia, glances back at her before sniffing the air herself, a sly grin crosses her muzzle her pupils shrinking to little more than dots. Her grin widens a bit more before she shakes it off. AppleJack shudders the look the Princess had for a moment, a shudder running along her spine.

“I believe I know what the smell is Applejack, I am also sure we have found Twi-lust.“ Princess Celestia comments looking at the town hall building before them.

Applejack flinches a little as that creepy smile returns, before the pair of them move up to the structure. Applejack lifts her head , her ears perking under her hat as she hears some rather odd noises coming from the structure before them.

“AppleJack perhaps it would be best if you head back. At the very lest to check on how the others are doing. This might be a bit of a mess, I should be able to handle it with out any trouble however. I believe Twi-lust may have cast a variation of the spell Twilight used on her Smarty Pants doll. I don't want you to get caught up in that.”

“Nothing doing Princess. I ain't going back and leaving you alone ta deal with this sorta thing. Side's so long as I don't look at the doll I should be OK right?” Applejack comments having an uneasy feeling the Princess was looking at her flank.

“I doubt the spell was on a doll this time, but the effects seem to be strained now so you might not be affected any way. Still if you insist on accompanying me, do not say I did not warn you.” Princess Celestia smiles moving forward and pushing open the door to the town hall with her magic.

“What the hay is that supposed to mean prin........BUCKING HAY!!!”Applejack yelps at the scene inside the building.

The glow from Princess Celestia's horn lit up the large main room quite easily, the smell hit Applejack before the doors were even fully open , but the room was full of bodies. Shifting and writhing with soft moans and panted gasps. In the middle of the auditorium a pink glow could be seen from under the mass.

“Is, is this the whole town?!?!” Applejack gasps.

“Well, well, this is a interesting side of her to see. I haven't let myself enjoy anything like this in a few thousand years. It used to be a bit of a hobby back in the early days of Canterlot. While I never participated as often as my mentor I did enjoy it. A little more control wouldn't hurt her though. Oh and there are my Guards as well, how convenient.” Princess Celestia smirks again.

“What are you talkin about!!?” Applejack stammers.

“Don't worry Applejack, I have a few spells for just this sort of thing. A memory erase, a common cure for most diseases, and a morning after spell. No sense in doubling Ponyville's population come spring.”

“Why the hay would you need those sort of spells for.. … oh, Oh! OH CRAP.” Applejack's eyes widen as everything finally comes together in her head, her face turning as red as her cutiemark.

The doors slam shut behind them. The pink glow from the mass increasing as Twi-Lust slips free of the orgy, her coat and mane plastered to her form as she approaches the circle of light cast by the Princess's horn.

“Oh this will be fun.” Princess Celestia chuckles looking down at the fraction of her student before her.

The pink tinted mare nearly purrs.“Hello,Princess, Apple Jack. So tell me Apple Jack, do you taste like apples?”

“GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!” screams Applejack.


“So that is what has been going on then? “Fluttershy asks.

“As near as we can tell Fluttershy. It's all that bucking swords fault. The moment we get Twilight fixed I plan to throw that thing in Froggy Bottom Bog.” Spike growls.

“You will do no such thing Spike, this item is far to important to my research. The erroneous casting came from a unexpected flux in the aura. The spell has been repaired so such a event will not happen again.” Twi-brain adds in.

”It's dangerous, you've been depressed, angry, stressed, and now this. Are you going to keep going until this thing kills you?” Spike shouts.

“You do not quite understand the implications of this weapon Spike.” Twi- Brain counters.

“She is right Spike, five lives might depend on what she finds with this research.”Fluttershy adds in.

“What? Well, what about her life Fluttershy? Shes doing a really good job of bucking that up right now. Besides why should I even listen to you your just Twi-brain, you'd probably study anything no mater what. It's not like you have yet to display any sort of anything but Twilight's logic.”Spike rants.

“It does not make it any less true Spike. Besides if she says she has it fixed....well.” Fluttershy comments.

“Indeed, do calm down Spike, you do seem a bit panic stricken. It will be all right. It is not as if Ponyville is new to this sort of chaos.” Rarity sighs.

“Rarity we only have three of the six Twilight's. One of them took you, the Princess, and Applejack to stop and it still put you down for the count. Half the town is at Fluttershy's the other half is missing. Rainbow Dash, Apple Jack, and the Princess have been gone for a couple hours now as well. Calming down is not something I can do right now.”Spike rants.

The door bursts open and a very haggered waterlogged and muddy Rainbow Dash storms in. Her tail and flanks are lightly scorched, there are the remains of what might have been a birds nest in her mane, and she has a small rope bound treasure chest resting on her back. She shrugs the chest off and collapses over it with a groan.

“I am not a happy pony.”Rainbow Dash whines.

“Rainbow !! Are you alright!?!”Spike asks.

“No, not at all Spike. Do you know where I have been? For the past three hours I have been tearing through the Everfree Forest, at night, chasing a pony with absolutely no sense of self preservation. She charged into hydra dens. Bounced over falling rocks. Exploded a dragon cave with the dragon still in it, taunted a Ursa major, and ran off with every bit of treasure that was not nailed down from at least three different ruins I didn't even know existed!” The pegasus rants. “ She did all that and still managed to stay just far enough ahead of me that the monsters mistook me for the one stealing their stuff!”

“Wait where is she?” Spike questions.

“I got lucky, she ran through a patch of Poison Joke and got shrunk down. I managed to grab her while she was trying to fight a squirrel for his winter storage of nuts.” Rainbow Dash chuckles.

Rainbow Dash kicks the box lightly, a tiny Twilight voice is heard yelling from the inside about being bored and how she would have won against the squirrel if Rainbow Dash had not interfered.

“Interesting rapid onset of chaotic pollen, induced a sped effect in in the split spell matrix. I may need to compensate to allow for the extra variable.” Twi-brain rambles.

“What?”Rainbow Dash asks.

“I don't even care!” Spike flails.

“Well that's all but two.” Rarity points out.

“Umm, hey Spike, why is Pinkie Pie crying?” Rainbow Dash asks.

“Ughh, shes been talking to Emo-Twi most of the night, talk about depressing. And Twi-Brain has been putting stuff together non stop. I figure by now shes caught up with everything Twilight's been studying for a few years. Likely she would have tried the sword too, but I won't let her near it. Rarities knocking herself out keeping Twi Rage sedated and no pony has seen the other two.” Spike shouts. “ At least she fixed the damage to the library.”

“Well that is not entirely untrue Spike. We have found one more of them at least.” a voice calls from the front door

“Princess Celestia, AppleJack!!” Spike calls.

The Princess wanders in with a skipping trot, a passed out Twilight draped across her back, a rather large grin on her face, and Applejack's hat on her head.

“What happened.”Rarity asks

“Well this particular Twilight was under the impression she could beat me in one of my old….hobbies. Seems she wore out long before I did.” Princess Celestia smirks.

“I need a bath.... for a month.......never clean....” Applejack shudders.

Applejack limps in after Celestia doing her best to keep away from the Princess, her mane standing out at all angles.

“Umm, what was that AppleJack?”Rainbow Dash asks.

“Never you mind... “Applejack mutters.

"Oh don't start she never even touched you." Princess Celestia scoffs. "Pity you might have liked it."

The Princess tosses her head, flipping the hat up in the air letting it drop back onto the earth ponies head. A brief flash of light bursts from under it as it makes contact with Applejack. The orange pony staggers a moment and shifts looking around confused.

“How in Tarnation did we get back here Princess? And why do I feel like I just did the running of the leaves twice?” Applejack asks.

“Best not to ask. Let us just say you enjoyed yourself far more than I expected particularly that Twi-lust was correct about the taste, I suppose it might have something to do with your diet.“ Celestia giggles .” Rainbow Dash you are a lucky one.”

“What?” Rainbow Dash asks.

“What!? No, no, yah know what, never mind I dun wanna know. I still feel unclean for some reason.” Applejack shudders.

“At any rate my Guards are escorting ponies back to their homes now that everyone is awake if a bit confused. The foals can be sent home when you are able Fluttershy.”Princess Celestia comments.

“I regret to interrupt, but the spell I have prepared to repair this error still requires the sixth part of me that is still missing. It is at least fortuitous that this shall not be happening again with the safety measures put into place on the spell now as well as everything else. Pity I might soon no longer be apart from these lesser gland fueled persona’s, but it is necessary in order to properly study to have distractions of sorts, there is still so much left I could have accomplished had I been given more time apart.” Twi- Brain rants.

“What?” Most of the group asks.

“She fixed the spell, but needs the last Twilight to get everyone back together. All of them are needed for her to be her. Also she liked being apart cause she feels smarter. And she supposedly fixed the problem with the sword thingy.” Pinkie Pie chimes in.

“Oh, thanks Pinkie.” Spike adds trying not to look at the still whimpering pink pony.” So where did the last one go?”

Before any one can answer a flash of bluish light fills the room as Luna teleporting in with a blue tinged and whimpering Twi-shy at her hooves, cowering under the Moon Goddess's glare.

“....When we asked you to research for us, we did not mean to act …..... what is going on here?” Luna rants then slowly trails off noticing her sister, the others and a number of other Twilights. “It seems I did miss something here.”

“Ahh, hello sister. Rather good timing on your part. We were just looking for that one.” Princess Celestia chimes in.

“This one? Well, this one had decided to try and free everything in the garden out of sympathy or some such nonsense. I managed to stop her but the grounds staff might have issues with the state of some of the statues now. We had enough trouble with that sort of thing when Discord was freed. Still at least she didn't manage to wake anything too dangerous, but it will set our accounting of the residents back even further.”

“Not particularly gentile were you sister?” Princess Celestia sighs.

“Not with what was freed … or with her. I thought perhaps she was having some sort of break down again so I sought you only to hear word you had come to Ponyville.” Princess Luna snorts.

“You teleported all the way here?” Rarity whines feeling far too weak if Princess Luna was popping in all the way from Canterlot.

“Nay we flew most of the trek. It was rather required after we tossed this one off the mountain top. We only teleported in here rather than listen to this whimper the rest of the flight.” Luna grumbles.

“Yes sister that might have been too much.” Princess Celestia sighs.

“What has happened here?” Luna demands still clearly pissed off.

“It seems my favorite students studious nature, as well as a error on my part to account for the magical strain she might put on the spell, resulted in her getting a little too involved in her work. I expect she had just made it to the part where Jer'rahd's first sword was broken. Unfortunately it seems my spell was focused too much and it split her along with the blade into fragments. Although at this point there seems to have been no real harm done. One aspect of her personality has already fixed it in fact. I do feel rather good. A good bit of stress relief in all this. I suppose I should go repair the town now. I am sure you all can handle this from here.” Celestia chimes, lightly setting the pink tinged Twilight on the floor with the others.

“Of course Princess everything is ready to rejoin us as it were without difficulty.”Twi-brain rants.

“Sister would you mind keeping an eye out on every pony here? Just in case.” Celestia calls back.

“Of course Tia.” Luna states staring at her sister.

Celestia wanders out humming to herself eliciting confused looks from every other pony save Applejack who simply shudders for some reason.

Twi-brain gathers the others in the rooms center casting the spell quickly. There was no real issue, and the casting was simple and surprisingly unflashy. A ball of lavender light expands from Twi Brain's horn encompassing the other five, then shrinking back down to reveal on confused and slightly staggered Twilight Sparkle.

“Twilight? Did it work, is everything back to normal?” Spike demands

“Ow, my head...” Twilight groans.” Did what work Spike? What happened? Why does my mouth taste like apples? Why is every pony here.....and Princess Luna? Whats going on?”

“I will explain it all later Twilight, but first, Princess Luna take that thing back where it came from?”Spike growls

“Excuse us?” Princess Luna asks looking down at the dragonling.

“That stupid sword, its caused all sorts of harm to her since it arrived and now this. It has to go now!” Spike orders getting a rather surprised look from the already irritated Princess.

“Spike... no. I am not finished with it yet...”Twilight protests.

“Twilight, you are finished. I am putting my claw down on this one. Have you seen yourself over the last few months. You've not been the same since you lost it a couple months ago and studying this thing has only made it worse.”Spike rants.

“Umm Spike, you did hear what I said earlier right?”Fluttershy interjects.

“Fluttershy I get she's trying to help some ponies, but if she keeps going like this she won't be in any shape to even help herself.”Spike grumbles. “It's not like it's even her call to make!”

“Spike, I understand your concern, but it is her decision to continue or not. If she wishes to stop we shall not hold that against her. We did not mean to cause any harm with the request I made.” Luna tries to placate though the little dragon had green flame flickering around his teeth.

“Yeah well if you understand it get rid of that thing! She won't listen to me that's it's dangerous and you taking it away from her or me destroying it is the only way that's gonna happen.” Spike growls. “ I'm giving you the chance to take it back before I rip that thing apart.”

“You can't do that Spike.” Luna states.

“Like Buck I can't!”

“No, Spike. We mean literally. It is an artifact forged of metal from a star, a blade that should not have existed, crafted by a dragon and imbued with much of my power. There is no physical way to destroy it.” Luna Explains.

“THEN TAKE IT AWAY!” Spike hollers.

“What the hay is going on what is Spike talking about what happened? The last thing I remember was scrying on the sword and the giant tortoise.”Twilight interrupts.

“It was a turtle Twilight, I remember that fight.”Princess Luna sighs.

“Whatever that's not the point now. What happened?” Twilight asks flinching a little as Luna glares at her.

“Well Twilight to make a long story short, something you were looking at in the image broke and you freaked out and made a bunch of copies of yourself that went about terrorizing the town. Princess Celestia and the smart version of you said it was something to do with your intense focus and a mistake in the spell. So they fixed it and everyone went to have cake.” Pinkie Pie chimes in.

“We ain't going to have no cake Sugar.” Applejack sighs.

“Nuts to that, I had to listen to the most depressing thing, I've ever had to deal with. I'm getting cake!” Pinkie rants.

“Does that even matter? This thing is dangerous, tonight should have proved that beyond anything else.” Spike sighs.

“It is a weapon, it is meant to be dangerous. Though not specificity in this manner.” Princess Luna scoffs.

“While I appreciate the concern Spike, I am not stopping.”Twilight states

“Twilight, but...” Spike growls

“No buts Spike. If there was a mistake in the spell I just have to fix it.” Twilight comments.

“The egg headed you already claimed to have done so.” Rainbow Dash comments. “Well the more egg headed than usual you.”

“Well that should make things easier, Rainbow Dash, Umm what happened to you?” Twilight questions.

“Long story, I need a nap.” Dash grumbles. “ Also you are not to go adventuring ever got it!”


“And what makes you think I am even going to let you go back to studying that after all this Twilight?” Spike growls. “ I might not be able to do anything to the sword , but I can easily screw with your notes and stop you casting anything to scry with.”

“Spike, I already told you ...”Twilight growls back.

“Yeah. I know what you said. And I am willing to take what ever punishment you can dish out when I stop you. So long as you stop getting hurt because of it.”Spike states crossing his arms over his chest.


“Darling he does have a point. Ponyville is no stranger to random acts of destruction from anything and everything. But if this weapon has the potential to cause this much harm on accident, perhaps something else should be done with it?” Rarity points out.

“If I might offer a suggestion?” Princess Luna points out.

“Oh what is it Princess Luna?” Fluttershy asks.

“If he is dead set against letting you continue and you have no desire to stop perhaps you should at least ease your studies or arrange something that allows him to pull you out of it if you react badly. Such a safety should not be that difficult to create.” Princess Luna suggests.

“Not a bad idea, it would be easy to rig a spell block to cancel the spell.” Twilight mutters to herself.

“I still don't like it.”Spike grumbles.

“Well it is the best you're going to get Spike. I understand your concern, but threatening to destroy an artifact like this even if trying to keep me safe is not going to help me trust you. I don't need to be worried about the blade and you running off. That's not going to make anything safer it's just going to mean that I'd have to lock you out of places I was studying or send you to stay with Mom until you cooled off.”

“If this will be a problem, I will simply put the blade back in the vault.” Princess Luna sighs.

“No, It is fine Princess. We will work something out of this I am sure.” Twilight glares at Spike who returns the look.

“You are determined to do this no matter what I say aren’t you?” Spike growls.

“Yes. I have come to far with it to give up now.”Twilight admits.

“Graah, Princess, one of you guys, some pony, you have to stop her doing this . Its your sword Luna, take it back, next time some pony could really get hurt!” Spike rants

“You already said that once Spike. Besides, it was never my blade and her stubbornness and curiosity is why we allowed her to continue this when I found out what my sister had done. If she ceases then we shall not dwell on that. If she continues, I still wish an answer. Her studies for my sister as well as her role as the bearer of the Element of Magic make her uniquely suited to our query.” Luna admits.

“Fluttershy?”Spike pleads.

“I do admit that it seems dangerous right now, but umm she did say, well one of her said, that it was fixed now, and …. I kind of want to find out how everything happened …. sorry Spike.” Fluttershy mutters.


“Ah know a thing or two about being stubborn. Both of yah are being that right now. But aye got to side with Spike on this one. Not that aye don't trust yah Twilight, but every time you go mucking about with strange magic something happens that doesn't wind up being good. This could have been the worst of it, or there could be something worse that could happen. Aye got no clue either way but better safe than sorry.” Applejack comments.

“Rainbow Dash?” Spike comments.

“Pfft it would be boring in Ponyville if stuff like this didn't happen so often. If it keeps things interesting around here go for it. So long as she actually leaves the house sometimes.” Rainbow Dash states waving her hoof in the air.

“Rarity?”Spike asks.

“Twilight while I do marvel at your skill with magics as well as the studious nature you display. I believe you might have gotten over your head with this one. I must agree with Spike. You have been putting to much into this. I can assure you I speak from experience about perils of over doing yourself with work. I would not dream of suggestion you stop forever, but at least for a while.”

“See three to two the sword goes, Twilight.”Spike states proudly.

“A HEM!!”Pinkie coughs loudly in Spike's ear fin.

“Pinkie? What?” Spike stammers.

“You know as well as I do Spike everyone around here is used to the craziness by now. You also should know better than the rest of us that when Twilight sets her mind on doing something not even Princess Celestia can stop her, or did you forget what brought her to Ponyville in the first place? Better she stay here to look at it where we can keep an eye, or two, or three if we suddenly grow another one, on her. Other wise she's likely to head back to Canterlot on some mad study quest.” Pinkie rants, leaning on spikes head with one foreleg.

“Umm, thanks Pinkie... I think.” twilight notes.

“Graaaahhh, FINE..... Twenty plus kinds of magic and no common sense at all. Alright and I am only doing this because you are not giving me any other choice. Plus it will be a pain in the butt to watch you all the time myself. I am putting down ground rules as well.”

Twilight raises a brow at the little dragon.

“This should be good.”Twilight sighs.

“I am serious. The first one is that if something like this, or even not like this, happens again, that's it you're done. Period. No arguments nothing sword goes back to Luna. The other rule is that you do not mess with that thing unless at least one of us is here with that cut off spell, got it?”Spike grumbles pointing up at Twilight.

“Fine, reasonable enough, unless you have something else to add in there Spike. You want a puppy too?” Twilight snarks.

“Ooh a puppy I have the cutest little pug...”Fluttershy begins.

“Fluttershy dear, no....” rarity sighs.

“Don't push it Twilight.“Spike snaps.

“Fine.... fine.... What exactly happened any way? I don't remember anything past when I saw the sword break. And now I am agreeing to be foal sat before I am able to study it again.” Twilight rants looking around and then up. “ Why is the sword in the wall?”

“I remember when that happened.” Luna admits. “ We all were quite shocked that the blade broke as it did..... that trip also where it all began for me, this is the point that we dread that you would continue to view past. I should go check on my sister. She seems in a bit of a mood, we should make sure she does not do something silly. I am glad that you have worked this out, we shall be awaiting what you think.”

Princess Luna moves to the door glancing out into the night then back at the ponies in the library and the still very annoyed dragonling. She sighs softly having allowed this much exploration into her past, she might as well go fully into the study.

“If you are all to be involved now for the sake of your friend, we suppose I shall ask the same of you that we are of Twilight. I regret that it has come to this. In honesty we would have preferred to keep that part of our life from being known by anyone other than myself and my sister. However with what you all have done for me as well as the powers you possess and Tia's own assignments for you, perhaps you might aid us in bringing a resolution to this last bit of turmoil for me.“

“You want me to let them read it Princess?” Twilight asks.

“Yes, even your assistant, though it seems he likely already is with your transcripts. His stubborn desire to protect you whether you need it or not reminds me of some pony I once knew. “ Luna smiles softly though it was gone just as quickly. “We look foreword to your answers as I still cannot bring myself to come to one of our own. Please explain everything I have asked of you to the rest of them Twilight Sparkle. Good evening to you all.”

Luna steps outside feeling the power flow from her sister as she repairs something. The Moon Princess smiles having a direction to head now though no real rush to go there. She caught the faint strains of Twilight beginning her explanation of the blades story as she knew it. It was not the full story to be sure, but it was enough of a start. Luna oddly felt better about this. Even though she was laying the burden of a decision that should be hers on the current bearers of the Elements of Harmony. She still felt positive that they could help her decide, or force her to decide. At times, she almost simply forgave them just on the desire to no longer be alone anymore, to have friends again. Friends who knew what she had been through and what it was like that long ago. Each time her heart reminded her of what once was, it also reminded her of what was done to her by them, what they would do again whether they wished or not. Even if they did not betray her, she knew what would happen if they were freed, what always happened to the companions of a goddess. She was being selfish now, but like this they would always be there.

Stone could be eternal if well cared for, much like she was. She did not trust herself to decide in the face of her emotions.

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