• Published 1st Nov 2011
  • 13,089 Views, 951 Comments

Stories in Stone, Luna's Royal Guard. - TDR

The Gardens of Canterlot contain more than their fair share of stories. And more creatures than just Discord.

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Gemstone in the Rough part 3 [7]

Stories in Stone
Luna's Royal Guard

Gemstone in the rough.

Part 3

The next weeks passed in a blur. He met 'Silver' at the tavern, they ate and went out to visit some of the cities nightlife. Most often however they simply walked and talked. He had taken Bleu's advice after that second night and brought a bouquet of violets for her. The reaction of joy and her smile was more than enough for him to consider getting the little dragon a pile of gemstones next time he saw her.

While she still kept to herself who she really was their conversations broadened to cover everything from their pasts to politics. He got to the point where he could tell if she was avoiding talking about something, though aside from being Platinum and some of her old colt friends she didn't seem to be holding anything back. He knew why on the former, and suspected she had her own issues with past love interests same as he did, so he didn't press the latter. Though she liked to tease him a bit too much about his.

“So getting off the topic of my previous love life......”Jer'rahd grumbles.

“But its so interesting, sorta tragic too though, it does give new understanding to why you told her to go buck herself. Besides, I told you about my tragic love life.” Silver smirks.

“Kissing a colt you kinda liked in magic kindergarten barely counts as a tragic love life. Neither does avoiding most other contact to focus on your career. That thing you let slip about Proudmore is more fitting for tragic pasts.”

“I really don't want to bring that up. The whole situation was a mistake any way. “ She mutters her whole tone changing.

Jer'rahd winces not expecting her mood to change that quickly. “That’s fine, but since bad subjects seem to be the topic for now, shall we switch to something else bad then? Like how you met Bleu?”

“That’s a bad subject?” Silver questions clearly not sure if he was serious or not.

“With as much as you talk about her disasters, it sounds like it.” he states with a grin.

She smiles at that, and once again seeing her smile he decided to press it to bring out more than a brief smirk.

“I took the entrance exam for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns when I was a little filly. The test to gain entry is to hatch a dragons egg. Well it's more complex than that, it's more a test to see how you go about trying to hatch the egg more than actually hatching it, but anyway. Most of the eggs they use are left over from the Dragon war, captured in raids or found after key members of the opposition were killed. Celestia could not bring herself to to kill the unborn,who had no say in what their parents did. She had them gathered from all over the formerly occupied territories and brought to Canterlot. “

Jer'rahd listens not having heard this particular back story, though he did know the bit about eggs being gathered after the war.

“It seems that dragon eggs are like rocks in that they last nearly forever, they won't hatch unless exposed to a certain level of raw magic, usually a dragons breath or the like. I'm not sure who managed to hatch the first one, but the hatched dragonlings will imprint on whoever hatched them like a surrogate parent. There's a bunch of political nonsense involved between the Dragon Nation and Equestria involving the eggs and a dragonling can leave it's partner at any time to return to the dragon lands. Most tend to stay around until their partner dies before they leave, in accordance with the politics any unpartnered dragon is usually shipped out immediately. I'm not sure what made the Princess decide to use the eggs as a entry exam but I don't profess to know how she thinks.”

“I've met them both and I don't think either of them think on the same level as we do.” Jer'rahd interjects.

“I met Princess Celestia and I do agree. Any way if a unicorn couldn't get them to hatch there was no harm done either way, which worked out for me because no matter what I did I couldn't get the egg to hatch. I had already been marked as a failure when I swore I saw the egg move. I was only nine at the time and loved books on nature, I recalled reading about how sometimes baby birds had trouble hatching and needed their parents to help them out of the egg or they would die before they were born. When I saw the egg twitch again I did not even hesitate running over and smacking my hooves onto the shell as hard as I could. “

“I doubt that went over well.”

“The term international incident was tossed around quite a bit afterward,” Silver sighs.” I was yanked away before i could hit it again, but I managed to punch a hole in it. After a moment a little claw could be seen tearing at the shell until the hole opened for a tiny blue lizard head to pop out and yawn at me staring up at me as I floated in the magic that had yanked me away from the egg.”

“That's one way to hatch an egg.” Jer'rahd chuckles.

“True , but not the correct way, I wasn't accepted into the school. Even so Bleu had already imprinted on me and princess Celestia wasn't going to try and separate us. We practically grew up together like sisters. She used to make the cutest little churring sounds before she learned to talk, once she could however.. well you saw how she is. Mouth goes off like a hummingbird, she rarely shuts up. The Princess suggested that her mother had been the dragon forces Air Commander Starscream. Evidently the nonstop chatter is a family thing her mother was guilty of too.”

Jer'rahd had listened, watching her as they walked. Regardless of how ill she spoke of the little dragon Silver always had a smile on her face when she talked about Bleu.

“Really? Starscream? My grandfather told me about her, she had a massive count of ponies killed, but she was honorable to a fault. Refusing to attack civilians and not attacking any one who was not ready for a fight.”Jer'rahd comments.

“That's what I was told. She was supposedly like that until she was slain.” Silver nods. “ Why do you know about her? I didn't think they taught draconic history in the Guard.”

“My grandfather was a veteran of that war. He claimed his unit was the one to take her down in the end. My sword might have actually been one of the ones used to do so. I rather hope Bleu is not the vengeful type.” Jer'rahd mutters glancing back at his blade.

“She might hold a grudge here and there, but i wouldn't worry about this Jer'rahd. Bleu would more likely try and eat the gem in the hilt than anything else. She doesn't have any interest in a mother than she never met and died a long time before she was even born. I found out for myself about Starscream because I was curious, Bleu doesn't care. It's a little sad she doesn't know or care about what family she might have had as a dragon, but she seems quite content despite that. I suppose dragons are left to fend for themselves after they hatch.”

“I couldn't tell you anything about dragon society. The few times I talked with her she used a rather vulgar dialect.”

“Well we have spent a lot of time around soldiers in the ESO. She picks up anything dirty she can and repeats it like a parrot.... wait...you talked to her a few times? More than that first night?” Silver questions stopping in mid stride.” When did she ….. oh no she came back the second night too didn't she I knew she was faking being asleep when I got back. Ugh,what did she even say?”

“I'm not supposed to tell you.” Jer'rahd chuckles.

“Tell me or I will kick you.” Silver threatens.

“OK, OK, but only because I am against physical violence..” Jer'rahd agrees smiling and ignoring Silvers snort of disbelief.”She didn't say anything of any real importance, aside from a rather colorful description of things that might happen if I upset you.”

“Threats now... delightful. I can't believe her.”Silver growls. “Finally manage meet some pony and she...... never mind.”

“ Didn't you just threaten me too?” Jer'rahd chuckles.

“Yes, well. She doesn't pick everything up from soldiers.”

“So it would seem. Still I'm not going to let one small dragon making threats deter me. I've been enjoying this time immensely.”Jer'rahd admits.

She stopped a bit of red touching her cheeks. He stops a few paces ahead looking back to her.

“Something wrong Silver?”

“It has been a great time Jer'rahd and we both have to head out to the wall soon.” She frowns her ears flattening.” I feel a bad for hiding something from you.”

“Oh? Well I didn't expect to get your every little secret in this short of time.”

“Yeah well, this ones kinda big and likely has a chance of really screwing things up. Do you mind? If I tell you that is? I kinda have to eventually , but … I mean...”

“So long as it doesn’t turn out to be that you're really a stallion, some how related to me, or Princess Celestia in disguise playing some sort of prank, I think I'll be fine.” Jer'rahd admits .

“What, wait she really does that? I had heard she liked pranks, but wouldn't something like this be a little over board for her?” Silver asks completely derailed.

“Well, there was one point she changed a stallion noble into a mare for a few days. Nothing serious happened and it was a laugh afterword, but a great embarrassment to him and his wife for a few days. Of course the noble had started that particular battle of the prank war. Seems he changed the Princesses' coat shampoo with one that was used for dyeing manes.”

“Oh? You were there for that? I remember hearing that she went around bright pink for about a week. I didn't think some one would prank the princess though.”

“Neither did any one else, but evidently the two had been having a prank war for a good many years, the shampoo was payback for something else, but I am not sure what. It happened right after my last bit of officer training before I was shipped out. I got to see the results first hoof and she was definitely pink.”Jer'rahd chuckles. “Though we are off subject now.”

“Oh right, and no, its none of those....maybe its better to just show you.”Silver admits.

She glanced around not seeing any other pony within sight in the park they had wandered into. Their walk having taken them off the normal path and closer to the small duck pond in the parks center. Luna's moon hovered over head, lighting the park much more brightly than the gas lanterns along the walkways and the soft light bathed Silver in it's radiance.

Silver exhaled softly as he watched her horn start to glow softly. The silver magical glow around her horn remained the same coloration though her mane grew much longer changing to a pure silver coloration instead of the darker purple. Her lavender coat quickly darkened turning a shiny onyx color, her cutie mark itself changing from the stars to a white octave cleft symbol. Her tail remained braided though the silver coloration of it seemed to mirror and reflect the colors of the string woven into it giving her tail a more colored look than the rest of her.

Jer'rahd's jaw dropped at the sight. While he had figured out who she was, to see her change, and then to see what she really looked like, brought about much the same reaction as when he first met her in disguise. The rumors of her challenging the Princesses in her beauty were in no way shape or form an exaggeration. It was only vaguely remembering Princess Luna's graceful, if murderous dance, that kept the scale from tipping to out right beating them both to nothing.

“Well that’s actually the expression I expected to see.”Silver, now Platinum chuckles.

She reaches over pushing his jaw up lightly with a hoof closing it. The action brought to his attention how close she was to him, as well as the lightness of her touch.

“Can you blame me for the surprise? To find out the gorgeous mare, who seemed to like my attention, was hiding the fact she was a even more gorgeous mare, who still seems to like me for some reason.” Jer'rahd finally manages to say.

“ I showed up to talk to you because you seemed to be in the same situation I was in. Made famous for doing something and not really liking the things that came with that fame.” Platinum sighs. “ Can you blame me for the caution?”

“It's really is not the same sort of fame. I was made famous for killing some pony. You are famous for bringing joy to ponies with your voice.”Jer'rahd mutters.

“And yet your actions have proven to be a far better thing for everyone than any song I could ever write. You ended a war, and saved countless ponies and zebras from dieing because of it. All I do is sing.”:She sighs.

“And how many have you inspired to take up music? How many war weary ponies have you inspired to continue to fight making them believe their actions can bring about a better Equestria for everyone.
I might have missed your previous concerts with the ESO, but the troops still talk about them. I knew a few who hummed your songs while they hid in a hole they dug in the ground to keep from getting blasted by artillery. They remember you in the worst of times, reminding themselves that outside the blood shed and battle there are still beautiful things. All I did was manage a final blow in just one conflict. Your voice has kept many more ponies from losing hope in dark times. ”

Her jade eyes watched him watering a little as she smiled again. A small smirk crossing his face as well at her reaction.

“Very pretty speech there Jer'rahd. I almost thought you might have rehearsed that one.”

“I have maybe, just a few times, practice makes perfect and all. It does not mean it is any less true. Thank you for showing me your secret. So what do I do, keep calling you Silver, or should I call you Platinum?”

“Platinum is my real name, any way don't get too comfortable. You're not off the hook yet. I shared mine time for yours.”

“My what? Wait a moment I didn’t agree to share anything.”

She pouted a bit that smile leaving her face again and the puppy dog look she gave him had him caving in instantly.

“Alright, what do you want now?” Jer'rahd sighs cursing the lack of resistance.

“Your horrid little secret, every pony seems to have one, so whats yours Jer?”

He blinks shivering a bit, why was it that the shorted name his friend had called him for years sounded so intimate coming from her.

“Why would I tell you something like that?”

“Well I would think all secrets being out in the open now might help the relation ship along.” Platinum smirks.

“Aside from the fact you seem to have found a way to get me to do what you want with a look? If you must know, I believe I am the anti dancer. I am so horrid at it I believe time runs backwards just to stop me before I start.”

“You cannot be that bad. Granted, I have yet to meet a stallion who was good at dancing, though come on what else you have hiding? That secrets lame.”

“ No ,I am serious I am likely the only pony alive to have tripped over his own tail when it was cut short.”

“OK, that might be a bit bad. I can teach you. If you want. Might take a while though.”

“I most certainly will not mind the extra time together.”

“That still doesn't count though.“

“Dang. That's the best I have.”

“Oh come on, here I am showing who I really am and you can't give me any sort of counter to it or even anything close to the value of that surprise.”Platinum chuckles though she perks her ears glaring at him suddenly. “Come to think of it aside from the initial reaction you don't seem that surprised or shocked. Bleu didn't tell you did she?”


“Are you lying?”



She pokes him lightly in the side as they start walking again, though they quickly stop as he nearly walks into a tree for the third time. He was focusing more on her than where he was going.

“Fine. Dark secret...... right ….. well this ones some what weak too I guess.”

“Tell me....”

“Fine, still surprised the media didn't find out, small advantage to having no known living relatives i suppose. I'm a half horn.”

“Seems it's all there.”

He blinks noting her gaze on his horn and chuckles ignoring the other dirty thoughts he had from that comment, he spent too much time with Rhede.

“Guess that sort of insult is mainly used in Canterlot then, I haven't heard it since I was a kid any way. It means only one of my parents was a unicorn. My father was an earth pony and due to the mixed parentage my magic is sort of limited.”

“Oh how limited?“

“Two spells and I have not been able to learn any others, no matter what I do.”

“Mm, well that is something, I have heard the slur of half wing, but not half horn.”

“Might have just been something ponies thought up to try and insult me.”

“Well Canterlot is full of nobles. I have found them to be rather stuck up and looking for any way to make them feel better about themselves. Your parents didn't have any problems with it?”

“Dad was never there and my mother died when I was a foal. Never met mom's parents. I was raised by my grandfather for the most part. And then by Rhede's family after my grandfather passed and my father was killed.”

“Wow, I’m sorry to hear that. It is a rather tragic upbringing.”

“Not really, I was only with Rhede's family a few years before we joined the Guard. I don't remember my mother or grandmother, and my grandfather doted on me more than a army of family. Dad said grandpa was the one who actually named me.” Jer'rahd shrugs.”

“I still feel bad for you even with all the time passed. I would love to hear more about your grandfather seems you have great respect for him.”Platinum comments.

“How did this turn from dark secrets to family ?”

“Because I want to know all I can about you and I have ways of making stallions tell me everything I want to know.”

She bats her eyelashes the effect making him feel like his heart skipped a beat, also it made him hit a lamp post this time.

“And that is one reason why I do hate to cut this short, but we both need to be ready to leave in the morning and I still have to round up any of my squad still missing.” Jer'rahd admits.

“Well after the show, I would be happy to show you how to dance, though you are supposed to be my personal guard for the trip to the wall and while there. Maybe I will have a chance to show you on the way back. We will need a guard then too.” Platinum smiles.

“I look forward to it.”

She leans forward planting a light kiss on his cheek blushing deeply as she changes back into the purple mare trotting off rapidly leaving him standing there in a bit of shock.

“See you tomorrow Jer. Get some sleep, its a long run.”

“Have a good night Platinum.” He responds turning to head back to the barracks once she was out of sight after he hit another tree.


The trip back to the wall took longer than expected, or at least it felt like it. Being this close to Platinum and not able to really speak to her felt like torture at this point. Even at the few breaks she was still swarmed by some of the ESO workers and he had his own duties to take care of so they couldn't do much more than offer a glance to each other here and there.

There were a few points where he had expected something. A gathering of ponies near the road who were doing their best to look casual, sighs of a previous ambush , likely of bandits in other places, hydra tracks, but nothing bothered the caravan. Probably due to the faces most of the Guards made, coming back after so long on break they were all looking for trouble and something to vent their annoyance of going back to work on.

On schedule they arrived back at the wall and made their way to Dullahan.

In his absence a large stage had been build against the black jade of the wall at the back of the keep.

Once every one was secure inside the walls Jer'rahd went t make his report only to find the only pony in charge of Dullahan was a rookie Lieutenant, General Mustang had gone back to Canterlot along with some of the remaining 42nd that had come with them initially, and Colonel Claymore was on a long patrol investigating something on the far end of the wall and wouldn't be back for a while.

Jer'rahd briefly wondered if the two events were related,but a note Mustang left for him gave orders to stick with the ESO group for the time being, something Jer'rahd was more than happy to do. He left the lieutenant in charge of the keep for the most part. According to is log he planned to be back before the show, Jer'rahd was not looking forward to that , but it meant the command was pretty much his until then.

With the help of Sergeant Buttercup, and the lieutenant, he managed to keep everything running smoothly for the ESO and 8th legion troops for the next several days.

While moving about the court yard during an inspection, a sudden weight dropped onto his back from above. His ears flattened and his blade was drawn before most ponies could blink, a shield raised almost as quickly to protect his head, his back armor could protect him for the second he needed to remove his attacker.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, easy there captain cutty just me, the friendly little dragon.” shouts a voice as he feels the weight shift back wards away from the shield.

“You should not drop in like that.” Jer'rahd mutters.

He glances back dropping the shield and slipping the blade back into its sheath. As the yellow dragonling stretches a bit resting on his armored back.

“I've been told that before. So then busy? Seems like you're busy, perfect time to bug yah I think, So you in charge of the place now too, nice.” Bleu states settling on his back.

“I'm not even gonna ask how you keep so up to date on information. Did you need something Bleu? I do have a bit of work to do still. Shouldn't you be assisting with the set up?”

“Nah, the performers don't do much before the show. Gets a little boring, so I tend to go out and hang with some of the troops before hand. Platinum tends to practice and sleep a lot before a show. Though she was watching you gallop the whole trip back. Sweat soaked and well muscled form running along side the carriage, at ease with the movement, like a majestic beast of the wild..... She's probably clopping to that.” Bleu comments with a wave of her claw.

Several of the other Guard had paused to watch Jer'rahd and the dragon as they passed, at this comment they were treated to their commander stumbling suddenly and nearly crashing into a wall.

“Is there a point to this? besides tormenting me I mean?” Jer'rahd growls.

“Yeah, boss lady is crushing on you hard firm flank, figured you might wanna know. What exactly did you do that last night in the city?”

“Talked.”Jer'rahd grumbles.

“Riiiight, I need more to go on than that if I'm gonna plan for a wedding.”

“We have only known each other a few weeks Bleu. Marriage has not been considered yet.”

“Nope, at least not until I just put that idea into your pointy little head, now its gonna be stuck there, forever!” Bleu rants

“What are you talking about.....”Jer'rahd begins to say before picturing Platinum in a wedding dress suddenly and slapping his face with a hoof.”.... buck it lizard......”

“Bwahahahahaha, mine is an evil laugh.” Bleu cackles.

“I might be thinking about the idea now, but I figure we need more time together first, I don't want to seem desperate to the most courted mare in Equestria. The media would have a field day.”

“Yeah well you better hurry, there’s a massive line formed to snatch up the bosses' dainty hooves in holy matrimony.”

“She seems to know what she likes. I shall endeavor to make sure that stays me.”

“That’s a clever pony, go for it, sweep her off her hooves like some dime store trashy novel.”

“Please don't call me that, every time someone calls me a clever pony I wind up going through hell.” Jer'rahd grumbles.

“So kinda like if some one says, they have a bad feeling about this?Or what could possibly go wrong?” Bleu asks goading him.

“You really are trying to jinx me Bleu. I really cannot think of any other reason for this line of talk.”

The dragonling spent most of the day riding around on his back, tossing out snide comments, insults or quips to him, or any one else who would listen. She left him alone for a few moments, to participate in a insult fight with one group of guard ponies. Usually she managed to either embarrass them or leave them stumped as how to respond. It always ended with a raucous round of laughter though, with even her target joining in on it. Jer'rahd often thought he had slipped away during the contests though she always found him again. He figured if he and Platinum became serious he would be stuck with her, though despite her banter he was enjoying Bleu's company, so it likely wouldn't be that bad.

“I am amazed at how well you seem to bring smiles to ponies faces Bleu .” Jer'rahd comments.

“Its a gift. I've seen what a laugh can do. It can transform unbearable tears into something bearable, even hopeful. That’s why I've taken more of a comedic route than what the boss does. Her singing works miracles. But laughter can do works of wonder on its own.”

“That was deeper than anything you've said since I've met you”

“Meh, I've got many layers, wanna take a couple licks and see how many it takes to get to the center?”

“And back to normal just like that.”Jer'rahd sighs at the blatant innuendo.


The last few days before the show had more than a few issues for Jer'rahd. There had been no word from the General and the Colonel had only returned to post the list of soldiers who had duty on the walls during the show. It was a little odd really, not only was he civil to the point of actually being polite to Jer'rahd, but he left as soon as the list was posted with a small number of officers and a couple of other troops. He mentioned off hoof that he intended to be back in time for the show, but gave no other reasoning or explanation as to what he was doing.

Jer'rahd made a note to inform the general of his odd behavior. He took note of the list as well, the wall was reduced to a skeleton crew, mostly officers from Claymore's little circle. Either the General had managed to get something on him, or perhaps he really was this nice to his troops and Jer'rahd only saw him at a bad time. In truth Bleu's suggestion that he finally just got laid made more sense than anything else Jer'rahd had come up with.

Bleu had spent most of the time hanging around with Jer'rahd , either tormenting him our using him as a impromptu stage to joke with the other troops. Every so often she just talked about Platinum or bothered him with specific questions. He had the idea some of these were from Platinum herself who had spent the last few days in a bit of practice or what ever it was she was doing. He had seen her a number of times , though with his duties and her own preparation the interactions had been brief.

“So wait, if you do marry her, and shes like a sister to me, will that make you like a brother? Cause I always wanted a brother to tease. Though then it will be sort of a weird incest thing and your foals will likely be earth ponies in drab colors with long faces and no cutie marks. Or weird blue cyclops ponies.” Bleu rambles half stretched on Jer'rahd's back, her tail thudding against his side as she ponders at random.

“For the last time Bleu. I have made the offer to continue to try and see each other after the concert. At best another date, date , not a date to get hitched.” Jer'rahd sighs.

“Well its a start, you two are too slow.”

“it's only been a few weeks now Bleu , I still barely know her and for half that time she was another pony.”

“Yeah, yeah. You can't tell me you're not thinking about her when you're not near her. She's the same way All you talk about is each other when I’m around. I'd find it sickeningly sweet if I wasn't trying to egg it on as much as I could.”

“That's because you keep bringing Platinum into the conversations. I get the feeling she threw you out of her carriage because you kept bringing me up. Probably more than once.”

“Not always, sometimes I just randomly say things and your mind goes to that happy place. Also sometimes I leave before she throws me out so I can come bother you and since I'm a guest you can't get rid of me as easily. Any way, you should see her when shes wet she looks even better, go walk in the rain next time. Trust me on this.”

“Well, you were right about the flowers.” Jer'rahd grumbles picturing Platinum with a wet mane briefly only to have Bleu poke him in the back of the head with her wing.

“HA!! SEE, right there. Still thinking about her.”

“You are having way to much fun with this Bleu”

“You bet your gray pelt I am. You should have seen her blush on the trip here haha.” Looking out watching yer firm flank running along side the cart, she got da vapors HAHAHAHA.”

Jer'rahd had no idea what that meant but he was getting used to that with Bleu. He went over the patrol schedule again and checked up on the progress of the rest of the event preparations. He really wasn't supposed to be here and some how he had the post of Dullahan keep just given to him. He did his best to try and make sure things ran smoothly and didn't change terribly much in the day to day of running things, though he was accepted rather quickly. It seemed Claymore was not well liked, particularly by the mares in the base. He did what he could to keep himself busy. As much as he was looking forward to the show, he could not yet bring himself to relax. At the very least the busier he kept himself the faster the time would go.

Bleu had left him before he did a last check of the stage before the show started .The dragonling suggested he come see Platinum before the show, or else. She darted off when he agreed, honestly he had never seen her practice so he wasn't sure what Bleu was going to do.

The stage itself was little more than a large raised platform just shy of ten apples high, extra gear and supplies were tucked under the stage and the colors of the Equestrian Princesses, White and gold, and midnight blue and silver hung every where. Nearly everything was adorned with either Luna's Crescent, Celestia's Sun, or the logo of the ESO, which was little more than the three letters stylized in white on a blue background.

At the back of the stage a great curtain was drawn that hid most of the main wall and counted as the back stage for any acts and crew to move unnoticed. He looked over the relatively compact court yard knowing this place was going to be packed a number of ponies from other outposts along the wall were coming in as well.

Right at the front of the stage a few small boxes were being sex up with a bench and enough room for a couple of ponies to sit without getting stomped on by the crowd that would be around them. He moved up curiously to take a look at them and was told by a worker they were officer boxes. He smiled a little at that.

With the General gone to Canterlot and only the off hoof comment that the Colonel would return some time for the show he might get one of the boxes all to himself. He had never been more thrilled with a officer perk than he was at that moment.

With only an hour or so until the seating began he went to the section of living quarters given to the ESO, dodging rushing workers on his way to Platinum's room. He glanced down the hall to see a number of performers trying to get in some last moment rehearsing. The returned his look, though he had been there often enough that most of them knew him on sight and if they hadn't seen him before they probably had heard Bleu talking about him.

He paused at the door, considering a moment whether he should leave her be or not. Finally he sighed and knocked lightly on the door with a hoof.

A yelp and a crash sounded from inside, the sound making him wince as the door was flung open, showing a half dressed Platinum looking a bit annoyed until she saw who it was.

“Wha?who!?.. Oh, Jer'rahd, something wrong?” the onyx furred mare asked

“No, just came to wish you luck.”Jer'rahd smiles blinking as Platinum winces a little.

“What? No, no, no, the term is break a leg.”

“Why would I want to wish that? I've broken my leg before, it's not a pleasant experience.“ Jer'rahd admits as Platinum face hooves.

“Its just a stage expression, but....... oh never mind. I suppose I will have to explain stage terms another time, along with the dancing. I’ve got a lot left to do still, but luckily I'm going to be the last performer tonight, despite how hard it is to follow Bleu sometimes.”

She smiles, suddenly darting forward kissing him briefly, her lips lingering a little more than the short peck she had given him before. Her horn brushed lightly against his sending a visible shudder though them both. She pulls back a obviously reluctantly, looking down laughing at the stunned expression on his face.

“ Bweaah?!” Jer'rahd asks, sorta.

“I figured I could steal a kiss for luck to offset everything else. Though sooner or later You might need to get used to being kissed. At least enough for coherent speech afterword.” Platinum explains blushing a little.

“Feel free to steal as many of those as you like. If you need the luck or not.” Jer'rahd finally manages.

“I think I will take you up on that, but for now I need to finish getting ready.”

“Right, I will be waiting for your singing. Front row at that.” he grins.

She smirks ducking back inside. Jer'rahd exhales a little the smile still on his face tough that flashes away briefly as he turns and winds up face to face with a group of Guards, a number of stage hooves, some other performers and even some civilians who were allowed to attend the show. He blinks as they stare at him turning a bit redder than he already was.

“Whats the matter, never seen a Major wish someone good luck before?!” he snaps at the gawking Guards

“Depends Sir. Which answer will get us a invite to the wedding?” one of the Guards asks with a grin.

“I am going to skin that dragon.....” Jer'rahd grumbles as the group breaks into laughter.


Making his way through the crowd later on had more than a few of the other Guards laughing offering congratulations and speculations on things best not discussed. He might have yelled at some of them but he still felt as if he was floating from the kiss and could not bring himself to do much more than walk to the boxes set aside for the officers. The courtyard was packed, the battlements and the main buildings roof had flocks of pegasi perched on them. A few unicorns dotted their ranks as well having
levitated themselves up there and one parapet neat the stage held a small group of earth ponies that had some how stolen one of the better vantage points from the fliers.

Several ponies had their heads out of windows watching as well though most of the crowd was bunched around the stage with only a few standing back where there might be a bit more breathing room.

Jer'rahd felt like he had been swimming upstream trying to get through the crowd of ponies to the officers box, granted he could have ordered some of them aside and out of his way, but with the general raucous of the crowd he doubted he would be heard. Besides he was in too good of a mood to try and spoil some one elses by chewing them out .

There was still no sign of the Colonel and it was not likely he was going to get past the crowd to make it to his box now. Jer'rahd managed a sigh, forcing himself to relax, the other boxes were still empty , but he doubted the crowd would let them stay clear the whole show once they figured out that Claymore and General Mustang were not going to be here.

There was still security with a number of ponies from the surrounding villages coming in as well for the show. He had assigned the logistics of crowd control to Sergeant Buttercup. The pegasus was less than thrilled at having to work, but being a pegasus she could get around and direct traffic a little better than he or the Lieutenant could, plus she was one of the few here he trusted of any notable rank. Besides once the show started she was free to sit where she wanted any way, He told her that if she could not find a seat she could have one of the boxes unless the Colonel showed up. She declined claiming to have stallion somewhere holding a spot for her.

Once every pony was settled in, the lights over the stage dimmed and a hush fell over the crowd. An older mare in a suit trotted out from the blue and white curtains, her red mane brilliantly striking against the dull orange coloration of her coat and the bright blue suit she wore. She glanced down nodding to Jer'rahd in the box with a wide smirk before noting most of the other boxes were empty with a hint of disappointment. That was gone in a flash as she looks out at the crowd with a wide smile on her face. She then went on a rather short speech thanking the Guard for their service and hoping that they enjoyed the show. She explained the performers would hang around for a bit after the show signing autographs if they wanted, as well as the location of the emergency exits and a few other random tidbits of ESO history.

Jer'rahd really didn't envy the mare, most of those here wanted a show, not a lesson, though she evidently knew this and kept everything brief.

When the speech ended the front of the stage exploded in a puff of multi colored smoke and fireworks signaling the first act.

The first act was a group of unicorn magicians, preforming slight of hoof tricks and a few illusions such as cutting a mare in half. Most of the audience seemed more interested in the mage's mare assistants than the actual show. No one really thought much of the act at all, after all unicorns did magic, this wasn't that special. That was until the end of the act, when, with a great flare for the dramatic, all three bowed and then pulled off their fake horns with a hoof. The crowd all stared in shock as the trio of earth ponies tossed the horns in the air where they turned into doves that flew off before the three of them exploded into multi colored smoke and vanished off the stage, ending the act. It took a moment for the shock to wear off before the the crowd roared with applause.

The next act immediately brought out a loud groan from Jer'rahd, he ducked his head sinking down into the box, realizing why the announcer had smiled at him. He had been set up, likely by Bleu, okay definitely by Bleu.

The next act was a play, one that detailed his exploits in the Zebra lands. He visibly winced to the righteous laughter of the entire base once they realized what the play was.

Apparently some pony had gotten the idea to do a heavily erroneous, and rather racy version of the events that had made him famous. There were ponies dressed as zebras, a great deal of over the top action, bit store novel dialog, props falling all about, bad puns, jokes about various plot holes in the story, usually resulting with someones rump getting slapped, and a musical number in the middle entitled 'Thrust your sword for Equestria'.

He swore outright to never let Velkorn see the dance number about the zebra medical code. The bit finally ended with a giant wooden zebra representing the warlord, being pushed over by the pony representing him, who took a wood saw to cut off its head. The acting was so bad it was good, the singing was so good that even with as bad as the song was it was still funny. Embarrassment aside the disaster was a great success. After the last line, the Stallion playing him moved to the end of the stage shouting and waving the wood saw.

“Some of you might believe that this story is false, but we swear to you is nothing but Trollestia's honest truth. But if it is not, than I am sure this pony here will be more than happy to come up on stage and correct me?”

He waved the saw pointing it directly at Jer'rahd who put a hoof over his face feeling the entire Keep looking at him as several spotlights focused on him.

“Close enough.” Jer'rahd muttered.

“Excellent,You all see he admits it happened this way. This is a lucky stallion right here my friends, he saved Equestria and has some how managed to woo one of the starlets in this very show. Truly an amazing stallion indeed.” The actor continues taking off the blond wig and bowing while giving it a flourish as if it was a hat. “So a last question for you sir, the crew indeed wishes to know and its likely something every pony here has been asking themselves all day.”

“What's that ?” Jer'rahd asks already seeing where this was going , but unable to figure out how to escape it.

“When's the wedding?” the actor smirks.

“I have need of making a blue dragon skin rug first.” Jer'rahd growls.

The pony danced back to the riotous laughter as the entire troupe bowed again and darted off stage. Jer'rahd wondered if he changed colors to bright red with all the catcalls and cheers he was suddenly getting in the intermission. Thankfully that was short lived as the spot lights moved off him and lit up the sunset tinged sky. A quintuplet of pegasus ripped across the air over head, trailing smoke, fire, and some sort of glowing streamers as they ripped through the sky. They flew missing each other by inches, buzzing the crowd at high speeds, and weaving among the watch towers. The show was quite impressive, though Jer'rahd was a little under whelmed. Of course that likely was to having witnessed and been in several sonic rain booms. That set the bar for flying acts rather high for him.

The lights went back to the stage after one last maneuver that left a glowing yellow sun fluttering in the sky the magic sparklers falling down onto the stage and onto a rather large umbrella being held by a Little Blue Dragon in a top hat who rested in the middle of the stage. She closed up the umbrella wielding it like a cane and to tap dance spinning the cane for a moment before she tossed the umbrella aside and reached up grabbing the top hat and yanking it down over her head, the dragonling vanishing into the silk hat which fell with a light thud onto the wooden stage.

The silk top hat remained still a moment before suddenly bouncing crazily about the stage and finally exploding in a shower of confetti and lightning, leaving a pony sized blue dragon, with a wide grin on her face and a silver amulet of some kind about her neck standing in the middle of the chaos.

“Goooooooooooood evening Royal Guard! Are you enjoying yourself so far?” Bleu screams out her voice amplified by the amulet.

A loud chorus of yes echoed in the courtyard as the dragon blinked looking out at the crowd.

“What was that ?”


“Still can't hear you, oh wait, hold on.” Bleu comments.

Bleu tilted her head to right slapping the left side of her head, a burst of confetti shooting out of her ear before she did the same to the other side and a couple of doves flew free.

“OK try it now.”


The dragon tumbled back wards over her self before standing back up on her hind legs tail holding her up right as she fanned her wings .

“Alrighty then, good to hear it. I am always impressed with you Guard types, a buddy of mine said that you never forget your friends. He said an old squad member of his was in a financial bind, so he decided to help him out. The squaddie told him he'd never forget his kindness. And he didn't. He's in a bind again and he just came looking for him. “

This brought a few laughs. Enough for Bleu to tap the amulet.
“Is this thing on? Tough crowd I suppose, but then you all have to be. I’ve seen some bad situations in my travels. I met one pony who got his whole left side blown off in a fight. He's alright now.”

“Honestly though if you don't like the joke, don’t worry another one will be along soon.”

“Traveling with the ESO I’ve watched you Guards go on leave. You spend the first six days sowing your wild oats and the last day praying to Celestia for crop failure.”

“Two stallions walk into a bar, you figure one of them would have ducked.”

The jokes brought more than a few laughs as did the occasional tumble as she all but bounced around the stage never staying in one place or talking to any one side for long. She fired them off just as fast as she could the first joke barely ending before she was off on another one.

“Two dragons were eating a clown, one turns to the other and asks,
Does this taste funny to you?”

“A earth pony takes his dog to the vet and says,
"My dog's cross-eyed, is there anything you can do for him? "
"Well," says the vet, "Let's have a look at him."
So he picks the dog up and examines his eyes, then checks his teeth.
Finally, he says "I'm going to have to put him down."
"What? Because he's cross-eyed? "
"No, because he's really heavy."

After about twenty minutes of jabs at things or swift jokes she finally exhales and smirks as she steps back with a bow.

“OK our next little skit was supposed to be just fifteen minutes of me throwing pies at Colonel Claymore, but since he decided not to show we decided to do it on Equestria's second favorite past time after making foals, hoof ball.”
She bows tumbling off stage a moment before the unicorn that had been playing Jer'rahd walks on stage dressed in a Canterlot Royals managers uniform and Bleu walks back in wearing a reporter outfit and a Scarlet Sox's hat.
“So Jake I heard you got a job as coach for the Canterlot royals.” Bleu asks.
“Look Jake, if you're the coach, you must know all the players.”
“I certainly do.”
“Well you know I've never met the ponies. So you'll have to tell me their names, and then I'll know who's playing on the team.
“Oh, I'll tell you their names, but you know it seems to me that lately they give these ball players peculiar names.”
“You mean funny names?”
“Strange names, pet names...like Dizzy Dean...”
“His brother Daffy.”
"Daffy Dean”
“And their cousin from Prance.”
“ Prance?”
“Goofè Dean. Any way lets see the list of players here, Who's on first, What's on second, I Don't Know is on third...”
“That's what I want to find out.”
“I say Who's on first, What's on second, I Don't Know's on third.”
“Are you the manager?”
“You gonna be the coach too?”
“ And you don't know the fellows' names Jake?'
“Well I should.”
“Well then who's on first?”
“I mean the pony's name.”
“The pony on first.”
'The first base pony.”
“The pony playing...”
“Who is on first!”
“I'm asking YOU who's on first.”
“That's the ponies name.”
“That's who's name?”
“Well go ahead and tell me.”
“That's it.”
“That's who?”
“Look,Jake you gotta first base pony?”
“Who's playing first?”
“That's right.”
“When you pay off the first base pony every month, who gets the money?”
“Every bit of it.”
“All I'm trying to find out is the pony's name on first base.”
“The pony that gets...”
“That's it.”
“Who gets the bits...”
“He does, every bit. Sometimes his wife comes down and collects it.”
“Who's wife?”
“What's wrong with that Bleu?”
“Look, all I wanna know is when you sign up the first base pony, how does he sign his name Jake?”
“The pony.”
“How does he sign...”
“That's how he signs it.”
“All I'm trying to find out is what's the pony's name on first base Jake.”
“No. What is on second base.”
“I'm not asking you who's on second.”
“Who's on first.”
“One base at a time!”
“Well, don't change the players around.”
“I'm not changing nobody!”
“Take it easy, buddy.”
“I'm only asking you, who's the pony on first base?”
“That's right.”
“All right.”
“What's the pony's name on first base Jake?”
“No. What is on second.”
“I'm not asking you who's on second.”
“Who's on first.”
“I don't know.”
“He's on third, we're not talking about him.”
“Now how did I get on third base?”
“Why you mentioned his name.”
“If I mentioned the third base pony's name, who did I say is playing third?”
“No. Who's playing first.”
“What's on first?”
“What's on second.”
“I don't know.”
“He's on third.”
“There I go, back on third again!”
“Would you just stay on third base and don't go off it Jake.”
“All right, what do you want to know?”
“Now who's playing third base?”
“Why do you insist on putting Who on third base?”
“What am I putting on third.”
“No. What is on second.”
“You don't want who on second?”
“Who is on first.”
“I don't know”.
Both of them suddenly yell out Third base to sudden riotous laughter.
“Look, you gotta outfield Jake?”
“The left fielder's name?”
“I just thought I'd ask you.”
“Well, I just thought I'd tell ya.”
“Then tell me who's playing left field.”
“Who's playing first.”
“I'm not... stay out of the infield! I want to know what's the pony's name in left field?”
“No, What is on second.”
“I'm not asking you who's on second.”
“Who's on first!”
“I don't know.”
“Third base!”
“The left fielder's name Jake?”
“Oh, he's center field.”
“Look, You gotta pitcher on this team Jake?”
“The pitcher's name?”
“You don't want to tell me today?”
“I'm telling you now.”
“Then go ahead.”
“What time?”
“What time what?”
“What time tomorrow are you gonna tell me who's pitching?”
“Now listen. Who is not pitching.”
“I'll break your leg, you say who's on first! I want to know what's the pitcher's name?”
“What's on second.”
“I don't know.”
“Third base!”
“Gotta a catcher?”
“The catcher's name?”
“Today, and tomorrow's pitching.”
“Now you've got it.”
“All we got is a couple of days on the team.”
“You know I'm a catcher too Jake.”
“So they tell me.”
“I get behind the plate to do some fancy catching, Tomorrow's pitching on my team and a heavy hitter gets up. Now the heavy hitter bunts the ball. When he bunts the ball, me, being a good catcher, I'm gonna throw the pony out at first base. So I pick up the ball and throw it to who?”
“Now that's the first thing you've said right.”
“I don't even know what I'm talking about!”
“That's all you have to do Bleu.”
“Is to throw the ball to first base.”
“Now who's got it?”
“Look Jake, if I throw the ball to first base, somebody's gotta get it. Now who has it?”
“So I pick up the ball and I throw it to Naturally.”
“No you don't, you throw the ball to Who.”
“That's different.”
“That's what I said.”
“You're not saying it...”
“I throw the ball to Naturally.”
“You throw it to Who.”
“That's it.”
“That's what I said!”
“You ask me.”
“I throw the ball to who?”
“Now you ask me.”
“You throw the ball to Who?”
“That's it.”
“Same as you! Same as YOU! I throw the ball to who. Whoever it is drops the ball and the pony runs to second. Who picks up the ball and throws it to What. What throws it to I Don't Know. I Don't Know throws it back to Tomorrow, Triple play. Another pony gets up and hits a long fly ball to Because. Why? I don't know! He's on third and I don't give a darn!”
“I said I don't give a darn!”
“Oh, that's our shortstop.”

The thunderous applause was deafening and the pony and dragon took a bow before the first mare came back to announce a small break while the stage was set up for the final act of the show. Despite that not a single pony went any where and the crowd continued on yelling and laughing about what they had seen so far. Jer'rahd remained as well, he had to admit while the last skit was a little long winded watching Bleu get worked up, even if it was only part of the show was amusing, it was pretty clear why Starfall had enjoyed the act. He might have enjoyed it more if it didn't seem to be focused on teasing him, well that and he was far more interested in this last act.

The band slowly gathered and set up, a number of drummers, a small piano and a earth pony mare with a harp as well as a few others. They were all well dressed and positioned themselves at the back of the stage. There were a few instrument checks before every one settled in and the lights dimmed again the dark starlit sky above the only source of light as Princess Luna's moon had not yet risen far above the horizon. One spot light lit up showing a circle of white in the center of the stage.
The crowd went silent,as the light sound of hooves echoed through the keep amplified by magic, a shadowed form approached the light walking gracefully into it and causing Jer'rahd's and most of the other males in the crowd's jaw to drop.

Her silver hair fell in waves down over her shoulders and back, her onyx coat glittering in the light as if she was the night sky filled with stars,the spotlight catching on every bit of glitter in her fur. Her horn glowed with a soft silver light touching a necklace like Bleu's that graced her neck, amplifying her voice. Silver jewelry and gemstones dotted the gauzy gown she wore, her forelegs were graced with green and purple gems dangling from silver threads wrapped around them. She lifts her head amethyst eyes opening slowly, focusing soly on Jer'rahd where he sat in the front row. She smiles softly to him before lifting her gaze some what reluctantly to look out over the rest of the crowd. She shifts her stance tensing a little before she lets out a long held breath preparing to sing.

Twilight yanked her head back suddenly letting the image stop before the mare started her song. This was going to be a song preformed live by a singer from a thousand years ago. This was an opportunity that could not be passed up let alone conveyed in just words on paper. She pranced around in circles at a loss of what to do, her hooves clicking on the wood floor in excitement.

“Spike, SPIKE! take a letter!... Spike!... Spike? Oh crap hes still at Pinkie's “
She darts to her desk grabbing a parchment and ink on her own starting to write.

“Dear Princess Celestia.
I have recently discovered in my study of the sword that a concert by a famous singer from a thousand years ago by the name of Platinum is going to preformed before the weapons bearer. It is my belief that this is a grand opportunity to let ponies every where hear some thing from the past that has been lost to time. The only thing I have ever seen about the pony Platinum in books are a few comments on how wonderful her songs were, but there were never any written down or ever recorded. Unfortunately while I am certain I have a way to record the song into a gemstone, that would only allow unicorns to hear it and I would have to record what I saw as well. This may be a problem if what I am studying is really something you do not wish to get out. Despite that I feel that this is something that should be available for every pony to hear. I have no idea how to make a recording that would allow that, if you know any pony I can contact to help bring this song back to life please let me know.

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle”

The door swings open with a crash as Spike wanders in carrying a box.
“Hey Twilight, Mrs. Cake gave me some goodies to bring home, you want some?” Spike states seeing Twilight standing there.
“Spike, perfect timing. I want you to send a letter to the Princess.”
“OK lemmi just put this down and ...” Spike states setting the box aside before taking the scroll and exhaling green flames over it.“So find anything interesting this time.”
“Yep , Jer'rahd has met Bleu and her partner from the gifted unicorn entrance exam, ” Twilight states
“Wow, they had those a thousand years ago too?”
“Seems so, though Platinum and Jer'rahd look like they might wind up being something together, there’s already talk of marriage.”
“Platinum is Bleu's partner?” Spike asks.
“Yep. With as bloody as some of this story has been, its nice to see something happy happen for once.” Twilight sighs.
“Wait, didn't you say that this Jer'rahd pony had a thing for Princess Luna?”
“That’s what Princess Celestia told me, but there’s been a lot of things that I have found that doesn't really match up with the story she told me in the garden. I asked her about it last time we had tea and she admitted that even she tended to forget exact details at times. Well, that, and a great deal of what was going on at the time she was not even present for, she was only told about it later.”
“ Oh I see.. hurk...BRAAAAAAAP!!!”Twilight blinks as the little dragon burps out the letter shaking his head and catching it before pulling it open to read it.

“My Dearest Twilight
Your idea to record such a singer from the past is commendable. It is always a pleasure to see work towards expanding the scope of the arts. Having been to some of Platinum's concerts myself, it would be delightful to be able to hear her voice again. I enjoy the music of today well enough, but the songs of the past had something about them that many artists seem to lack nowadays. I am certain my sister would love to hear it as well as she was a rather big fan of Platinum back then. As to your recording issue I know just the ponies who can help you transfer it from a crystal.

However now that all of that is said I must warn you. If my memory is correct on which concert you speak of, you might wish to scry it before you record it. It might not wind up being what you think.

Princess Celestia.”

“What does she mean by that Twilight.”Spike asks.
Twilight’s ears flatten as she glances back at the blade.
“I don't know, I thought it was just a concert. How can it not be what I think.”

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