• Published 5th Apr 2012
  • 6,525 Views, 627 Comments

The Redemption of Jericho Swain - Ghosted Note

Sequel to League of Discord. The Mane 6 are pulled into Runeterra, and must get home.

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Chapter 19: Poison

The Redemption of Jericho Swain
Chapter 19: Poison

"Singed," declared Twilight, her voice quivering.

Singed turned around, surprised at the intrusion into his work. "Ah, Twilight. Swain told me you'd be coming by with your friends. I must say, you look much different from the last time I saw you." Singed laughed casually, seemingly oblivious to the rage pouring from his conversational partner. "No hard feelings about that business on your world, right? Work is work, after all, and progress doesn't sit around waiting on ethical discussions, does it?"

Twilight's eyes flashed for a moment before dimming to a steady glow as magic began to coalesce around her. "You...," she whispered, her voice cracking slightly, "You don't feel anything, do you? Your heart is as numb as your body. You make these poisons, and then go out and laugh like you're just like everyone else."

Singed rolled his eyes in response, casually walking over to where he had deposited the giant bottle of poisonous gas he was famous for carrying, only to be surprised as he was yanked away from it by Twilight and left floating in the air in front of her.

Her voice escalated to a desperate yell, and her stomach felt like it was tying itself in knots. "You're just an animal! How can you sit there like I'm some friendly acquaintance when not so long ago you were torturing me?!" Twilight took a deep breath, and when she spoke again, it was eerily calm. "You're just an animal. Nothing human is left in you, and you serve no function other than to spread suffering and death. There's only one cure for what you're sick with." A dry, humorless laugh escaped her lips. "What was it Discord said before you started pumping me full of chemicals? Ah, yes, I remember. Now, Mr. Singed, I'd like you to kick and scream as much as you want, because this will only hurt a lot."

With a feral scream, she hurled Singed into the wall, hearing a few sickeningly satisfying crunches as pieces of rubble fell to the floor. Twilight laughed again. "That was actually kinda therapeutic. I admit, I haven't talked to the girls about the nightmares I still have of being in that castle with you and your needles. They really wouldn't understand, so I just brush the subject away when it comes up. I'm not really sure you understand either, but hey, I heard therapists often just function as walls to bounce your feelings off of, and believe me, I have a LOT of feelings."

Singed didn't let out a sound as he pulled himself to his feet, only to barely dive aside in time to dodge a gout of concussive force rocketing towards him from Twilight's palms. This worked to his advantage, though, as dust filled the area, obscuring Twilight's aim. Seeing opportunity, Singed darted to the table full of chemicals he had set aside for his work, and hurriedly grabbed a few select vials before resuming his running. Twilight continued her rampage, sending waves of magic scattered throughout the dust cloud with progressively less restraint, only pausing when she heard the clinking of breaking glass and a whooshing noise as Singed's concoction set the laboratory's shelves ablaze, swiftly filling the room with a black, choking smoke as wood and various alchemical supplies caught fire.

Twilight began coughing and wheezing as the tainted air began to fill her lungs, and her vision darkened for a moment as Singed burst out of cloud of smoke, tackling her to the ground, causing her head to smack roughly against the floor. "I understand that you're my employer's pet project, so I'll try to leave you as unharmed as possible. I must warn you though, some damage will be sustained as I incapacitate you," he commented flatly as he rammed his relatively large fist into Twilight's cheek. Holding her down by her neck, he repeated this process several times until Twilight was at the edge of unconsciousness.

"NO!" yelled Twilight suddenly as an uncontrolled burst of magic radiated from her, flinging Singed backward and creating a clearing in the smoke. As she struggled to her feet, she spoke, her voice thrumming with power. "I will not be beaten by some rabid beast. I am Twilight Sparkle, the Element of Magic and leader of the Elements of Harmony, something that withers and dies around you no matter what world you're on! For the good of everyone, you must be put down." With a strained grunt, Twilight lifted Singed with her magic and began to choke the life out of him. "Die, beast."

The moment was interrupted as the door was opened. "Singed? Twilight? What's going on here, and why is my incredibly expensive laboratory in ruins?" Swain growled as he walked into the room.

Singed shrugged weakly and managed to croak out a single word past Twilight's choke-hold. "Therapy."

"I have a practice arena attached to the gymnasium you could have used without damaging all of this valuable equipment," barked Swain as he activated the vents above where the alchemy station used to stand.

Singed suddenly fell to the ground, unconscious, as Twilight whipped around to face Swain. "You don't care that I was about to kill your henchman, whom you've known for years?"

Swain shrugged. "Worst comes to worst, I'll send him to the necromancy labs at Zaun and they'll reanimate him. He can still do his job as an undead. He'll probably be even tougher for it anyway. Besides, if this man, who has spent years honing his fighting ability against experienced magicians falls to the likes of you, he obviously wasn't fit to live anyway. It's one thing for a schoolteacher to be unfit to fight against someone like you, and it's something entirely different for a seasoned veteran like Singed. You beat him at one of his primary talents, so even with my slightly modified version of the Noxian way of life, you killing him proves he wasn't fit to live."

Twilight was left without words for almost a minute as Singed used a nearby communication screen to call in a maintenance crew, and her rage puttered out. As Swain began to exit the room, she finally regained speech. "You're worse than Singed. I... I don't even know why I was angry at him. I mean, I do, but now that I think about it, he really was just an animal. When an animal is rabid in Equestria, we isolate it and try to make it as comfortable as possible with magic and medicine until it goes. We don't... euthanize it. You, though, are perfectly capable of all of those emotional processes a sociopath like Singed can't manage. You just don't care. I would have been just like you had I killed him..."

Swain stopped walking and turned back to Twilight, snorting in derision. "My dear, you are nothing like me. Your rage was like kicking a table because it gave you a splinter once. You're as weak and flimsy as you've just shown your values to be, your willpower dropped just as quickly with the right stimulus. The only time I ever pursued vengeance was against a man whose death would have helped me anyway, and I gave that up when it became clear that it was taking too much investment to be practical. The crown prince of Demacia knows about the deal I once made with the Void, but now that I have been healed, that information is worthless, and so I have shuffled my vendetta against him away. No, you're nothing like me. You leave bits and pieces of yourself scattered wherever you go, with so many different directions that all of your vast magical power and the intelligence you so love to flaunt really mean nothing. I am a focused being. I have one objective, and all parts of myself are rivers flowing towards it. Noxus will be strong, and it will be mine. The key difference between you and me, Twilight Sparkle, is that I am a player, moving towards the endgame, while you are a piece, to be used and forgotten when nobody else at the board has a purpose for you." With that, Swain turned away and began walking, leaving Twilight to her thoughts.

- - - -

Nasus stood in front of the sole survivor of his encounter with the cultists, who was openly weeping and begging in front of him. "Do you truly think that one such as yourself could ever have a place in Malzahar's new world, assuming the Void simply didn't wipe out their Runeterran allies afterward? You are nothing more than fodder to a demented, twisted mind. You have a chance to live, though. Your overly zealous brethren died for their faith in one who had no faith in them. Shall you suffer the same fate? We shall see. I will ask, and you will answer."