• Published 5th Apr 2012
  • 6,525 Views, 627 Comments

The Redemption of Jericho Swain - Ghosted Note

Sequel to League of Discord. The Mane 6 are pulled into Runeterra, and must get home.

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Chapter 22: Corrupt

The Redemption of Jericho Swain
Chapter 22: Corrupt

"Woah," said Rainbow Dash as Twilight finished her explanation, "That's heavy."

"That sound terribly stressful, dear," affirmed Rarity, hugging Twilight. "I don't blame you at all for losing your temper. With so much going on non-stop, none of us have had much time to deal with all of the emotional consequences of recent events, and you've been through more than any of us."

"I don't see what the big deal is," said Riven with a shrug. "You would have been ridding the world of Singed, the man whose research was responsible for the deaths of countless Noxians and Ionians, among which were all of my comrades. Adding to that, he tortured you and was intending to kill you. If it weren't for the fact that we need Swain's cooperation, I'd say to go back and finish the job."

Rainbow Dash scowled at Riven. "Riven, I understand things are different here, and that this place is dangerous, but none of us have ever had to kill before outside of that fake death that the League has. Murder happens like once in century or two back home, Killing is a big deal to us. Show some sensitivity."

Rarity nodded. "As odd as it is to hear Rainbow Dash pleading for tact, I must agree. What Twilight just went through was horrific, even traumatizing by Equestrian standards. The last thing she needs is to hear someone treating it like it's nothing."

"It's okay girls. I don't mind," said Twilight quietly. "That street goes both ways. She's only acting the way she knows. I think I could say the same for Singed and Swain, even. I really should have talked to all of you sooner. Some of the responsibility does fall on me for not trusting all of you with this. I mean, you're all my best friends, but I didn't trust you enough to help me. I was just scared. Everything's been happening so fast. We've been fighting non-stop for so long now. I was afraid that you'd think this place was changing me, and that you wouldn't want to be my friends anymore." She chuckled quietly before taking a brief sip from the cup of tea in her hands. "I guess all of this is just proof that this has changed me."

"Of course it's changed you, Twilight," Pinkie replied comfortingly. "Everything changes us. I mean, if I didn't change any when stuff happened to me, all of my parties would be the exact same as they were when I was a little filly! And they aren't! I've added more streamers and expanded my balloon color palette, and-" Pinkie continued trying to speak for a moment before realizing that Applejack's hand was in front of her mouth.

"We get the point, sugarcube," she said, before turning back to Twilight, "Ah understand what you're trying to say, Twilight, but it almost sounds like you're trying to say that you're no different from Singed or Swain. The fact that we're even talking about this says otherwise. Ah'll be honest with you. Ah don't think that there's any excusing trying to kill Singed when he's not attacking you. It ain't our place to dispense that kind of justice, and the moment we start thinking that, it opens up some very dark paths. That bein' said, it sounds like you've punished yourself plenty for this, and Ah don't think Singed is gonna hold a grudge. There's nothing more to gain from beating yourself up about it. You made the mistake. You owned up to it. You learned from it. Now, let it go."

Twilight nodded. "Yeah, I... Wait, where did Fluttershy go? She's been silent this entire time."

Rarity frowned, but otherwise kept her composure as she responded carefully. "Oh, the story was probably too much for her nerves. She's probably in her room calming down. You all know how she gets. If you all don't mind, though , I'll go check on her to make sure." After a chorus of assents, Rarity got up, and knocked on Fluttershy's door, bringing the beginnings of a soundproofing spell to bear when she was sure nobody else was watching.

- - - -

Swain put down his quill, and set a sealed envelope on the freshly drawn rune, letting the magic transport it away to his contact in Zaun. His bird had been watching silently since it had returned from its latest hunting trip, though how it got in and out of the compound was a mystery that Swain did not possess the temerity to pursue. The silence was not to last, though, and Swain soon felt the bird's thoughts pierce his own. 'You show discomfort.'

Swain let out a long sigh before regarding his companion. "This isn't my way. I understand the logic behind showing some weakness to garner trust, but I have always avoided it for its long term consequences. I am not comfortable with this."

'Necessity rarely brings comfort,' the bird retorted. 'You always hesitate before true risk. Not everything has guaranteed rewards, but the scent of immortality is strong in the air. Pursue it or don't. Your hesitation breeds more risk.'

"You're right, as usual," replied Swain, nodding wearily. "Care can't be forsaken, though. There are too many variables that cannot be controlled here."

The bird looked at him almost as if it wished it could move its beak into a sneer. 'No different than when we first met, except a lack of spine now. You weren't opposed to showing yourself if it meant getting your way. Getting old and scared?'

Swain let out a barking, gravelly laugh. "Not a chance. If anything, you're the one showing your age. You've only gotten snippier over the years. Didn't know the ageless could get crotchety."

'Forgive me for not having much patience with flighty little power-mongers and their scheming. Things are simpler in the Void. Find worlds with potential. Nurture them. Consume them.'

"You make it sound so much better, and yet here you are, beside me," said Swain, rolling his eyes.

The bird shrugged its wings. 'Simple, but repetitive. Boring. Not sustainable in the long term either. Fails to replenish consumed worlds. Individual agents can find plenty to sustain themselves. A horde cannot.'

Swain raised an eyebrow. "You sound like Nightmare."

'His cover is sensible. Back to business, though. What is our next course of action?'

Swain paused for a moment to think. "Nasus's airship will stop by here, we'll be joining him as he returns to the Instutute. Malzahar won't attack while we're there, but we won't be able to make much progress from there either, not while Malzahar is unable to move against us. We need him to think he has a way to press the attack. I doubt we'll get another opening like we did this time, and it'd be foolish to rely upon that anyway. The best thing, I think, is to give the illusion of vulnerability to the aliens, and use it to strike at Malzahar's cultists. If we can whittle away at his power base, we can make him more desperate. Desperate people make mistakes. The end goal is to force Malzahar himself to engage us outside of the safety of the Institute of War. Likely if that happens, we'll have to face the Void creatures that have already manifested here as well."

'Is it wise to tempt a madman?' inquired the bird.

"You said it yourself. No more hesitation."

- - - -

"No... Twilight, my beloved student," Celestia said softly as the vision faded, a multitude of alien voices echoing her, "I have failed you again. Since you first moved to Ponyville, your life has been nothing but dealing with an unending tide of my failures. You returned my sister to me when my blindness let her fall. You saw through the disguise of the changeling queen when I could not. You enabled the fall of King Sombra while I was safe in my throne room. Now, I am forced to watch your corruption by that worm, Swain, and the filthy world that he calls home, powerless to help you without aid.

"I am not without aid, though!" Celestia let out a hollow laugh as she glanced to where Discord was bound and writhing in agony. "We have harnessed the power of chaos itself to work towards your rescue, and even my dearest sister and several of our loyal subjects shall unknowingly contribute. Only one thing bars our triumph now, and I pray that catalyst finds its place soon. I will save you, Twilight Sparkle... If I am too late though, I shall give you the next best mercy. Rest assured I shall not condemn you to the pain of living corrupted in a world of purity, my student. I shall save you, or I shall end your suffering."

Author's Note:

This one was hard to write. Also, looking for anyone interested in prereading. See blog for details.