• Published 25th May 2014
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Detective Pinkie Pie - TheCrimsonDM

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The Prankster

Detective Pinkie Pie in
The Prankster
Written by TheCrimsonDm

In a basement somewhere in ponyville two mares sat tied together by a rope, binding them to a couple of chairs. These two mares were none other than Detective Pinkie Pie and her loyal assistant Rainbow Dash. Rainbow dash kicked her hind legs uselessly at the uncomfortable position her wings were in only to further agitate them. Pinkie had been in thinking ever since they had gotten into the basement, about how to defeat the person who had captured them, but Rainbow Dash’s constant kicking was distracting her.

Bringing up her cheerful happy voice she spoke to her uncomfortable friend, “Rainbow Dash.”

A little agitated Rainbow Dash replied, “yeah, Pinkie.”

“Would you stop kicking for a moment, I am thinking and it’s kinda hard when you keep kicking like that,” Pinkie asked kindly.

“Well SORRY for disturbing your train of thought. Maybe if Somepony hadn’t gotten us trapped in the first place I wouldn’t have to be so uncomfortable,” She replied sarcastically.

Pinkie Pie decided it would be best for Rainbow to just continue kicking her legs uselessly; it would be a good stress reliever for her. Sitting there Pinkie thought back to how this day all started, when Twilight asked her to track down a criminal and prevent a crime…


It was an early morning by the time Twilight Sparkle had come up with a way to cheer up Pinkie; who had been depressed for a few days since nopony could make her last party. Twilight could hardly stand to see her friend so sad and lonely, and when she went to Pinkie with a crime to solve it was such a wonderful thing to see the joy spread across Pinkie’s face.

Twilight had heard of a pegasus pony that was planning on playing a wicked prank that day somewhere in the markets, it was market day so a lot ponies would be affected. Unfortunately she did not know what the prank was going to be or where exactly, but she knew it would be a bad one and who better to catch a prankster then the master of all pranks Pinkie Pie.

It was almost noon when Pinkie Pie showed up at the market to meet Twilight and she brought a blue coated rainbow mane pegasus with her, Rainbow Dash. Twilight was thrown off to see Rainbow Dash there but she still managed to say, “hi girls, how are you two doing today?”

Rainbow Dash pointed a hoof to her chest and answered, “why me, I am doing awesome.”

Pinkie Pie wearing her classic detective’s hat said, “yep Detective Pinkie Pie and her trusty assistant Rainbow Dash are at your service.”

Twilight face hoofed when she heard this and thought; of course she would bring Rainbow Dash. Looking up at the two she decided to just go with the flow and bring the two up to speed. She closed her eyes cleared her throat and began to explain the situation. “We have received news of prankster pony that is going to unleash a wicked prank here in the markets today, if we don’t stop them then there will be chaos. It is up too you…two to stop this pony. This prank won’t be like the nice funny ones you girls play on ponies; this prank is meant to hurt. We are dealing with a bully here and the only evidence we have is that it’s a pegasus doing the prank. Do you think you can stop this?”

Taking the bubble pipe out and putting it in her mouth Detective Pinkie knew exactly what to do. “Don’t worry dear, Twilight. We will stop this Prankster, and I know our first move. We need to look for clues.”

Pinkie Pie looked at her assistant who then nodded and said, “yeah we will stop them, I mean you have me working on this case right. There is no way they will win.”

Both Pinkie Pie and Twilight giggled a little as Rainbow Dash said this, which made her a little embarrassed, but she quickly joined in the laughter as well. After that though the search was on as Pinkie and Rainbow left to search for clues.


A half hour or so later the two ponies found a clue in the market district, they stood in front of a set of muddy hoof prints that lead to a locker that had been broken into. They asked around and learned the locker belonged to an orange earth pony that had a short bright red mane. This stallion was named Short Fuse and he worked at the fireworks stand.

“So,” began Pinkie’s investigation, “your locker was broken into”?

“Yeah and it burns me really bad to know they took my stuff,” he replied.

Rainbow poked at the locker and asked, “what did you keep in here”?

It didn’t take more than a second for Him to answer. “I kept some Fireworks in there and not the kid stuff either, the real good, Big Exploding Fiery Volcano, ones”

“I have figured out who done did do the bad deed, and how they did done do it,” Pinkie announced all of a sudden.

Before anypony could react to this she began to march in circles around Short Fuse and began explaining her discovery. “ So you, mr.Fuse thought that the other markets were taking away from your business, so you wanted to make things even stevens. At first you wanted to get the big exploding fire volcano fireworks from your locker but you lost your key. That’s when you used a crow bar to break into it and from there you could begin your plan for destroying all of EQUESTRIA.

“You went on long perilous journeys to the farthest volcano’s in the land and set up a big exploding fire volcano firework inside the volcanoes, with your masters degree in fireworkenomics you set up a timer to each one ensuring that they would explode at the same time. With no pony to stop you success was inevitable and that’s why when the fireworks went off they activated a chain of eruptions that destroyed all of EQUESTRIA. You evil monster pony, now you will go to jail for your crimes against ponykind.” Pinkie Pie finished by stomping her hoof into the ground triumphantly.

Both Rainbow Dash and Short fuse stood there motionless mouths gapping wide at what Pinkie Pie had just explained for several long moments before Short Fuse replied, “how…how did you come up with all that”?

Just as Pinkie began to open her mouth to explain further Rainbow Dash stepped in. “Slow down Pinkie, I don’t think he had planed any of that”.

“Oh and how would you know that,” She retorted.

“Uh for one thing Equestria is still here, second the locker was smashed open with a rock, and lastly Short Fuse still has his key on him he never lost it,” Rainbow explained.

“Oh yeah, ha that makes sense,” she replied.

“Let’s follow these muddy hoof prints and see if they lead anywhere,” suggested Rainbow.

“Agreed assistant, that’s a most excellent idea lets follow the real culprit.” With that Detective Pinkie was back on track, so to speak.

While following the hoof prints Rainbow Dash caught a glimpse of a pure black Pegasus with a flowing black mane, and she had muddy hoofs! Chasing after the black Pegasus she dove through the crowds dodging and weaving in between carts and ponies alike. The black mare moved almost as fast as she did, running away galloping through the carts as well. The chase was short lived however as Rainbow turned a corner too quick and slammed face first into a cart, as her body slid down the wall Pinkie caught up to her and asked, “did you find the criminal?”

Rainbow muffled something in response and as unintelligible as it was Pinkie understood perfectly. “I found out where the hoof prints went to lets go and look for clues,” Pinkie said.

Rainbow simple nodded and followed behind her.

The hoof prints came to a cluster of market stalls and the prints seamed to go in every direction, the two ponies were a little confused, and now had no idea where to go however that wouldn’t stop them from trying. They talked to the ponies at the stalls trying to find out about a black Pegasus who might have been around here but all there leads came up empty until they started asking about the fireworks and that’s when some ponies had told them about a donkey who had been running around with muddy hooves carrying some big fireworks, the odd thing was that this donkey had a black fur coat?

While drinking from a juice box Rainbow took a short break allowing Pinkie Pie to continue the search for a little bit. The shelf that she was leaning on gave way a little shocking her and making her drop the juice box. As Rainbow bent down to pick it up she saw a face staring at her from the other side of the shelf, a donkey’s face with pitch black fur his eyes looked mean and before she could react the shelf came falling on top of her knocking her out cold.


When Rainbow Dash awoke she was in someponies basement tied to a chair next to her was Pinkie Pie in the same exact position. Anger quickly took over her as she tried to break free of the ropes only to strain herself with no success. Pinkie Pie just stared at the black Donkey who stood in front of the two smiling a wicked grin.

“So,” began Pinkie Pie, “what is it that you have planned?”

The black donkey stood there for a moment silent before laughing an evil laugh and saying, “it’s very simple pink one, I Pranky the Prankster have set my fireworks to go off at key locations in the town. When they detonate the town will be flooded with sewage and my revenge will be complete.”

Pinkie Pie looked at him very seriously before asking, “what has Ponyville ever done to you?”

Pranky took a moment to think before answering, “it’s not just ponyville, no it’s all ponies everywhere. You all carelessly say degrading things to us like ‘be cool or be mule’. Well I am sick of it, and I am personally mad at ponyville for kicking me out when I was young for pranking ponies.”

Rainbow Dash then asked with a confused tone, “so…is this a personal vendetta against ponyville or what”?

Pranky stood there looking a little confused himself for only a moment before shouting, “NO…MAYBE…it does not matter, you will be here unable to stop me from destroying your home town either way.” With that he walked off up the stairs laughing.

Rainbow looked at Pinkie and vary dissatisfied asked, “well, do you have any plans Detective”?


Now back to the present in which Rainbow Dash is uselessly kicking her legs and Pinkie Pie just now having an idea come to her. All of a sudden Pinkie Pie untied her ropes and jumped out of the chair saying, “I Have IT! I know how to defeat him!”

Rainbow just looks at her dumbfounded not comprehending how she managed to do that, but quickly gives up trying to understand Pinkie Pie or how she does things. After getting untied by her the two get out of the basement and find themselves still inside the markets. After following the muddy hoof prints again they find one of the fireworks fuses reaching out of the sewers and going back towards a statue of a pony.

The two race over to the statue and find 4 fuses are set up at the base of the statue and Pranky is spotted heading towards them with the 5th fuse and a lighter. The three see each other and before anypony can react Pranky lights the fuse in his mouth on fire and it races down behind him. Rainbow Dash takes off in low flight past Pranky chasing after the burning fuse while Pinkie is left to take on Pranky by herself.

Pranky charges with the lighter and Pinkie charges as well. The two collide and Pinkie knocks the lighter out of Pranky’s mouth and onto the ground. The two chase after the lighter but Pinkie grabs it first only for Pranky to quickly get to her and kick her aside grabbing the lighter for himself. Pinkie gets up feeling some pain in her side but too late as she sees Pranky reach the fuses.

‘Flick.’ The lighter opens and no flame comes out. Seeing this Pranky tries again, and again, and again, but no matter how many times he tries the lighter just won’t light. That’s when pinkie speaks up, “you know what you need to get for that lighter, a new flint.”

She laughs as she tosses something small to the side. Twilight having watched this whole scene teleports in and puts a barrier around Pranky locking him inside. Rainbow Dash also returns with a broken and burnt fuse in her mouth which she immediately spits out. “Look Twilight we caught the Prankster, and stopped his evil scheme!” Pinkie shouts in joy while hopping.

“You two sure did,” Twilight says to the two of them smiling.

“Come on Assistant, we have a new case to solve. The case of who ate the most cupcakes,” Pinkie Pie says to Rainbow Dash, and the two of them walk off towards the sunset.


After Pranky gets taken away by some guards and the fireworks are found Twilight sits on a bench taking a sip of tea. A black colored Pegasus with a black mane walks up and sits beside her. As the two sit together quietly the black Pegasus becomes covered by a light blue glow and the once black Pegasus transforms into Princess Luna. “So it would seem as though our plan did not work,” Luna states.

“Actually,” Twilight corrects, “it did work, although not exactly as planned. It was a good idea setting up a fake crime for Pinkie to solve, and it would have been impossible without your help. But it turns out that she actually found a real crime in progress and stopped it, and now she’s our happy bouncing Pinkie Pie again.”

Luna smiles and says, “we were glad to assist you Twilight; after all you have done for us how could we say no. Although we did notice there are a lot of mud puddles today, we could not avoid getting our hooves dirty.”

Twilight giggled and apologized before the two noticed a rainbow maned pony walking towards them.

“Hi, Rainbow Dash, did you have a fun day,” Twilight asked?

“Oh hi, Twilight, yeah today was awesome…although I don’t like a few things about it,” she answered ignoring Luna.

“What’s wrong?” Twilight asked concerned.

“Well it’s just that after I got captured by Pranky I figured that Pinkie would be able to escape at least but she actually gave herself up, she said it was part of her plan but I think she just didn’t want to leave me alone,” Rainbow answered.

Twilight let this sink in a moment before replying, “its Pinkie Pie, when has she ever been in actual trouble. She probably did have a plan to escape because despite her random personality she is actually a very intelligent pony.”

Rainbow Dash smiled and looked happy before finally noticing Luna and quickly bowing to her. Luna gave a slight nod and Rainbow stood back up. She stood there quiet for a few moments as if contemplating something and then grinned as she said, “AHA I know why you’re here, and I know what this whole detective thing is about too.”

The two ponies on the bench looked a little worried, and Twilight asked, “whatever could you mean?”

Rainbow just grinned some more before saying, “you guys tricked Pinkie Pie. This whole day was not what you planned was it?”

Twilight sighed and then admitted, “your right, but today was still great and you two saved the town. Just please don’t tell Pinkie Pie.”

Rainbow turned and began walking down the road but looked back one last time to say, “don’t worry I won’t tell her that the real criminal got away, and don’t worry I will find that black pegasus and bring her to justice.” With that said she flew off back to her home in the clouds. Twilight and Luna waited until she was out of ear shot and began laughing.


Inside a small house in Ponyville the world’s most evil super villain trots back and forth in there basement thinking aloud to himself. “How could she know about my plan, I have spent years working on this. Charting the dreaded mountains, making trips deep into dragon territory, and even building an alibi for when I set off the explosives. How could the Pink Detective know of my plan to destroy Equestria. Well no matter now, I will simply find a new scheme and work towards that. One day Equestria will fall and my new kingdom of fire will arise, every pony will hail my name as king. They will know my name as it gets branded into their vary souls, they will know the name Short Fuse!”

The end

Author's Note:

this story takes place during season 3 of mlp, or at lest that was when I had originally written it. it is meant to be a one shot, but hopefully it will inspire you to make some really funny stories about Detective Pinkie Pie

Comments ( 4 )

So I could write a Detective Pinkie story?

I have an idea for one.

yep go ahead and write as many Detective Pinkie stories you want. I just wanted to get the idea out there for people. XD I only ask that you credit me if you use any of my OC's such as Short Fuse.

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