• Published 26th May 2014
  • 328 Views, 0 Comments

The Tome of the Clichéd - SomeponyYouKnow

The Tome of the Clichéd is a book so powerful that it can alter the very fabric of reality. What happens when it is unearthed and used? Read to find out.

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In the beginning there was nothing, then there was Faust. Faust used her divine powers to create the universe and everything in it. She made the stars and the galaxies, and in those galaxies she put planets.

Some of the planets were nothing other than barren rocks floating through the void. But some of them she made special, every once in a while she would bestow life to one of these planets but again and again it eventually died out.

So Faust decided that in order for a world to prosper and grow it would need a bigger push. So Faust picked a planet and set to work, she made the seas and the mountains, the clouds and the sky and lastly she made two great lights to watch over her creation. One for the day and one for the night.

After she had crafted her Eden she set to work making its inhabitants. To watch over the skies she made the Pegasi, to watch over the fields and the animals she made the Earth Ponies, and to keep the balance of the world in check she made the Unicorns.

Having expended much of her energy making the Eden Faust rested. Over the millennia of her slumber the size of the three inhabitants tribes grew. Eventually there was not enough food and other resources to go around and the ponies began to squabble with one another. The squabbles quickly turned violent and they eventually grew into full scale wars over the little resources they had left.

The chaos that was brewing between them started to gather, slowly at first and then faster and faster as more battles were fought. Chaos magic was all but a mystery to the ponies who had lived in harmony for millennia. But that would soon change.

After four long years of bloody fighting, the chaos that had gathered took on a physical form. The form that the chaos magic took called itself Discord, Master of Chaos.

After Discord appeared he was quick to start pestering the ponies, his goal was to cause as much struggle between the tribes as he could in hopes that it would make them resent one another even more. The more they squabbled the more powerful he became.

Discord did a whole bunch of unimaginably cruel things, he would sabotage food caravans and supply trains and then make it look like one of the other tribes did it. He would use his magic and manipulate the minds of ponies into attacking ponies they had once been friends with. He would even spread rumours and lies to sow distrust and hatred between ponies of the same tribes. Eventually none of them knew who they could really trust.

As resources got scarcer the ponies got more and more desperate. They fought even more than they had before and the battles were claiming more and more lives, sometimes even catching civilian populations in the fighting. Eventually there were no more resources to fight over, and the ponies prepared themselves for the end.

But this had been part of Discords plan all along, he approached the leaders of the three tribes and made them a deal. He would use his magic to give them resources such as food and coal to burn if they all swore allegiance to him. Knowing that it was the only way to save their respective races they reluctantly agreed.

Over the next three millennia Discord ruled over the ponies in an eternal state of unhappiness and unrest. Discord controlled every aspect of their lives and they prayed to whatever higher powers were out there to save them from this misery.

In her deep slumber Faust slept, but the near constant praying of her children awoke her. She looked out over her creation and saw the chaos that Discord had reaped. She saw the ponies she had made, and how they begged for release from their agony.

So Faust gave a large portion of her godly powers to two champions made from the two great lights she had made eons before. She combined the strengths and virtues of each of her races and put them into these two beings. They would have the strength of the Unicorns magic, the power of the Earth Ponies muscles and the ability to fly like the Pegasi.

She called the two of them Celestia and Luna and bestowed their new powers upon them. Knowing that even then they may not be able to stop Discord she gave them an even greater weapon. She poured the rest of her divine strength into six gems of unimaginable power which she called the Elements of Harmony.

After giving this final gift to Celestia and Luna she bade them farewell and good luck and disappeared back into her slumber knowing full well she may never awake again. After their creator had gone, Celestia and Luna descended to the Eden and battled Discord.

The battle was long and hard, and Luna and Celestia were hard pressed to win. They were reluctant to use the Elements at first knowing the power they contained. But as the battle raged on they knew they may not have a choice.

Discord was more powerful than they had previously imagined, he had gained much more power over millennia of ruling the ponies. He confronted them at every turn, never seeming to tire, and launching spell after spell of powerful chaos magic. It eventually got to the point where Celestia and Luna knew if they didn’t use the Elements then all would be lost.

Gathering up the Elements in her aura, with her sister giving her strength. Celestia cast the spell and brought the elements to life. The amount of power that was pouring through their bodies was almost too much for the pair to handle. But the pushed on as the Elements worked their magic on Discord.

Discord put up a solid resistance at first but his strength was quickly fading against the full force of the Harmony magic. Knowing that defeat would quickly be upon him Discord decided to try something desperate. Using every last bit of his chaos magic he created a tome, and in that tome he poured his remaining powers. After he had finished his defences were quickly overrun by the force of the elements and he was defeated. The physical form of the chaos magic that was once Discord quickly dissipated leaving behind the tome.

Celestia approached the tome not knowing exactly what it was, but when she prodded it with her hoof she was nearly thrown back by the sheer force of the chaos magic. Realizing that Discord had sealed much of his essence in it, she decided to try to destroy it with the elements.

After trying multiple times she realized that for some reason it was immune to the powers of the Elements. So she did the only thing she could do, she sealed it away in the depths of the earth with many powerful enchantments. Hoping that nopony would ever happen upon its location, she set out to free the ponies that had been ensnared by Discord.

The ponies she freed looked unto her like a god, and demanded that she and her sister became the new rulers of the land. The Sisters willingly accepted knowing that if any threat ever reared it’s head that they would be prepared to protect the ponies.

So for the next millennia the princesses ruled what had come to be known as Equestria in harmony. But the tome still sat there in the bowels of Eden, hoping that one day somepony would unearth it and once again unleash it’s chaos upon the earth.

Author's Note:

An attempt at writing something, if you like it feel free to support it. If you didn't tell me what you didn't like and how I can improve it.

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