• Published 26th May 2014
  • 454 Views, 11 Comments

Octavia's Greatest Moment - Purpleblackkiwi

Octavia finally has a chance to shine and show what she's made of at the Grand Galloping Gala, however Octavia may have mistaken the start of her career with the end of her career.

  • ...

Chapter 3: Someone else's Strength

Author's Note:

Chapter 3
sorry a bit late. School is not to kind.

Vinyl walked back to Octavia's room down the same west wing hall. However this time a new confidence within her. She had a large grin on her face and a small skip to her step. She even had put the time to put her headphones on, something she hasn't done since the fire.While walking down the hall Vinyl felt a small tingle in her left pocket. She took off her headphones to reach for the source of the strange sensation. She pulled out her cellphone and flipped open the case to see who the caller was that had ruined her dubstep.
The caller ID read "Stupid TV Station"
Vinyl let out a groan and walked out of the hospital to take the call. She answered to a rather nervous voice.

"Is this DJ Pon3? I'm sorry for calling again but we would like-." said a man on the other end. The tremble in his voice screamed of inexperience and nervousness

"I already gave you guys an answer numbskull! I said no!" Vinyl yelled into the phone when realizing she had attracted the attention of nearby patrons

"Well y-yes we know that, bu-but we would really like for you to reconsider you answer. We would really like to interview Octavia and yourself for an upcoming news story."

"Beat it! I don't want to give an interview over something the world can pretend is important to them!" Vinyl yelled.

"No that's not-" The man attempted to say before vinyl tapped her phone to hang up on him.

She then walked back into the hospital to return to Octavia's room.

When Vinyl walked in to the room she noticed the TV screen now playing the afternoon news, a reporter sat at a counter holding papers of his latest story, next to the news reporter was an image of the Canterlot palace ablaze.
Vinyl winced at the image, even if the it was only an image to Vinyl it brought back horrible memories.
However the caption of the news report seem to show the opposite of what mood filled the small room.

"Hope after the fire: Canterlot Palace already recovering from terrible fire." in small letters slide across the screen.

"Following the events of terrible fire May 10th, things are already starting to look up not a week later. construction workers
and volunteers work tirelessly to rebuild the great castle working around the clock. Relief funds have come in all across Equestria
funding the effort. We have a reporters on scene at two locations where the struggle continues."

The TV changed to show a view of a women reporter standing outside of a burned palace, she was wearing a red dress holding a mic in hand which held the logo of the news station.

"Good Afternoon Equestria, here behind me you see the site of the rebuild. The most damaged rooms where the ballroom and kitchen, and so that's where most of the construction is working on."

The TV changed again to show workers and volunteers working within rooms that seem beyond repair. If captions hadn't appeared on the bottom you couldn't even tell whether or not it was the ballroom or kitchen they where working on. Destroyed furniture littered the corners of the room,
glass scattered on the floor next walls that would probably have held windows. Octavia took notice of the glass , she could remember the heat that came off the flames as she attempted to smash the same glass that was littered on the floor.

"With the citizens of Equestria sending out their concerns in the form of bits, the rebuild is well on its way." Finished the reporter.

"Now we have one more story to show you involving this terrible tragedy, a fight on a home front a little closer to home."

The camera changed to the front of Canterlot hospital. Octavia and Vinyls eyes both shot wide. Vinyl ran up to the window to see a man dressed in a blue suit standing in front of the entrance with a mic in hand. Vinyls head darted back to the TV to reporter.

"Good afternoon Equestria, I'm standing live in front of Canterlot hospital. A week ago this Hospital was the battle ground of many people who where caught in the fire. Since this was the closest hospital most of the victims where taken here for care."

The two heard footsteps out their door. Vinyl rushed to the window in the door to look at who the coming people where. She saw a man holding a rather large camera taking a video of the hall and rooms the reporter following. Vinyl watched the two continue to walk until reaching the front of their room.

The man stood as he spoke words into the camera, to the thousands that where probably watching. Octavia and Vinyls gaze went back to the TV to hear what he was saying.

"Here we stand in front of Octavia Philharmonica's room. The talented cellist was injured in the accident, however she's fighting hard until she can pick up her cello again. After the break we are going to get a first hand interview from the musician."

To the surprise of both females the man walked into the room with mic still held to his chest. The two nearly knocked Vinyl down entering the room and the two stood at Octavia's bed.

"So do you know what you're going to say." Said the man to Octavia looking a little to excited for this story.

"I-I'm no prepared." stuttered a nervous and rather shocked Octavia
"Did you not get the message?" Said the man with a now confused look on his face.

Vinyl intervened between the two. "We did however we refused the interview. No matter how many times your channel asked." Vinyl said getting in between the reporter and Octavia.

The reporter looked back at Octavia. "Please Mrs. Philharmonica we beg of you to do the interview. The world would like to know the story that scars and bruised won't stop Equestria. About how no matter what happens this won't bring Equstria down." The reporter said with a gleam in his eyes. As if explaining the moral of a story.

"Tavi you don't have to say buck to this guy." Vinyl said no in an angry tone. Vinyl stared the man down until it seemed like he was about to back down.

Octavia broke the silence in the room "Its okay Vinyl."

Vinyl quickly spun back to look at Octavia who was looking down, looking as if she wasn't very confident in the idea.
"But Octavia you don't-" Vinyl started before she was cut off.

"He's right vinyl. People in Equestria need to believe that they are stronger than this." Octavia said still looking down at the floor. She didn't seem to believe a word she said.

"Great! We're on in half a minute." the reporter said before turning to face the camera.

Vinyl quickly went up to Octavia before having to leave her side.
"Are you sure about this?" She said in a concerned voice.

"Someone has to look strong in times of need." Replied Octavia in a stern face.
the reporter started

"Welcome back Equestria. If you're just joining us, I have the lovely Octavia Philharmonica with me here today. She is going to tell us about her recovery in the hospital."

It never occurred to Vinyl about all the rejections she had responded too. On top of asking for an interview they kept asking for was the extent of her injuries.
"He doesn't know she can't play." She thought to herself cursing herself that she let this go on.

"Octavia please tell us how you felt that night of the fire?" Said the reporter as he directed the mic to Octavia urging her to speak

"Well it was quite a frightful that night but I made it through." Octavia started to speak showing absolutely no sign that anything was wrong.

Vinyl hated watching this. Octavia was using her tone she used at fancy parties, when she toasted with wealthy people while suffering day to day. In Octavia's line of work and the people she worked with she had to keep an image to be successful.

"what had happened to you that night?" The reporter asked.

"Oh just some cuts and bruises. Nothing that won't go away. Luckily I got out before the fire got to out of hand." replied Octavia waving off the question about her injuries with her good arm.

"When do you think you'll pick up your cello again?" The reporter asked

"I know you where the rising star of Equestria."

Vinyl saw something no one else could see but from her position and her years of knowing Octavia she could see the slight changes.

The slight tremble of her right hand. Sweat beginning to form oh her forehead. "She can't keep this up." Her facade was breaking on camera.

Octavia froze at the question. She at that moment imagined her cello. She imagined raising her bow and taking it across her strings to only hear a terrible sour notes. Without a left arm to press on the strings, how could she play. Her lips began to tremble attempting to form a word, yet no words came from her mouth. The reporter seemed oblivious to her struggle. not attempting to let her avoid the question.

What could she say. That she'll be ready by next week, next month, next year. She had lied already about the extent of her injuries, and had lied about her own strength. The hope and strength that everyone, how could the world so idly believe such an accident wont have lasting effects. She didn't have hope or the strength, everyone else seemed to be feeling. Everyone was willing to just believe in lies as long as they could believe in their own strength. The conclusion was that she was done. Octavia Philharmonica career gone up in smoke, and it seemed like that world didn't care as long as they had their fill of her music and their comfort.

"Why." The word resounded in her head. She did what she thought was right, she put all of herself into this. Doing all she could for her career no matter her struggle with finances, sacrificing sleep and health. Where did it all lead her too.
a single tear began to fall even with Octavia's best attempt to hide it. No matter how much of her time she gave the world, the sad truth was that the world never cared about her well being.

Just as she was about to speak about to say another hopeless lie she heard a rather large and exasperated yawn.
Vinyl was walking up to her stretching her arms above her head. Octavia lifted her head looking at the DJ. She looked for her ruby eyes to see she had put on her signature purple glasses on. She had walked up the reporter and put her arm around him blocking the view of Octavia from the camera.

"HEY This is DJ-Pon3! coming to you from Octavia whats-her-face's room doing a pretty boring interview." She said in her usual DJ voice. over flowing with confidence and character.

"What are you doing Vinyl?" Octavia thought wondering whether or not vinyl was still in her right mind.

"I have no idea when this chick will be able to play her wooden box again, buuuuut if you're interested in some killer beats! Come down to CLUB PON3. Next week we're gonna have a relief fundraiser for those stuck in this crummy hospital and those workers who may need an extra drink here and there. Your's truly will be playing all night, until we raise enough money!" Vinyl said with her arm still around the now shocked reporter. And finishing her statement she flashed her signature hand signal at the camera while sticking her tongue out.
Octavia almost laughed at the now DJ-Pon3 making a fool out of the reporter who was trying to get a word in while she was talking.

"Now get out of here blue suit, that's all I'm saying for today." Vinyl said as she tossed the reporter into the camera man who stumbled out of the room.

The reporter landed on his bottom and quickly turned to face the room. "But wait I haven't even finished my interv-" The reporter never got to finish as Vinyl shut the door on his face, but not before throwing a signed picture of herself at him which covered his face.

As soon as Vinyl shut the door she quickly hide under the door hoping to stay out of sight for a minute.
The two in the room waited in silence looking at the TV until the two left and the TV showed the next news story. Vinyl peeked out the door window to see that the two had gone.

Octavia and Vinyl looked at each other. Vinyl still wearing her signature glasses and Octavia with her mouth hanging open. A quick silence between the two before both of them burst into laughter.
Vinyl fell to her knees holding her stomach trying to contain her laughter. Octavia held her hand to her mouth and laughed until tears formed around her eyes. The two kept laughing until occasionally stopping then seeing the state of each other started to laugh again. Neither of them believing what just happened.

Octavia was the first to get a hold of her laughter to speak. "My DJ-Pon3 what a character you are." Octavia said still holding her hand to her mouth.

Vinyl sat up on the floor crossed legged containing her laughter and lifting her glasses to wipe a tear. "Well Mrs. Whats-her-face I felt like you could use a character in that boring interview."

"Excuse me." Octavia said while putting her hand on her chest in the way most proper people usually did. "But I was having a wonderful conversation with blue suit." Octavia said with a pompous voice.

"Why didn't you tell me you where having a fundraiser next week at your club Vinyl?" Octavia asked.

"Weeeelllll." The DJ started with her hand rubbing the back of her head.

"I kinda don't." Vinyl said while slight blushing.

"Vinyl!" Octavia said through a smile.

"But apparently I now I do, better get working on those plans." Vinyl continued.

Octavia laughed at her friends once again crazy stunts and Vinyl laughed along seeing her friend happy again in a long time. After a moment of catching their breaths the two looked into each others eyes.
Vinyl looked up into Octavia's eyes and Octavia looked down from her bed into Vinyls .

"Why in the world did you do that?" Octavia asked.

"I saw you freeze during that interview." Vinyl replied.

Octavia hung her head low knowing all to well what she was talking about.
"I couldn't answer him. I couldn't stay strong. How is it that the world just leaves you behind like yesterdays newspaper." Octavia said in a sad tone.

"Hey." Vinyl called to Octavia in a understanding tone as she stood to walk to Octavia laying a hand on her shoulder

"No one can stay strong forever. And I think its time we forget about the world. This isn't their problem." Vinyl said in a soft tone.

"Oh come here you rebel." Octavia said as she went to give vinyl a hug.

In that sweet still moment Vinyl felt her role completed. She had become Octavia's strength and her world to replace the world.