• Published 26th May 2014
  • 1,634 Views, 52 Comments

Halo: PARALLEL - Secondchancer

Sequel to my story HALO: EQUESTRIA, Shade a UNSC Spartan follow him as he learns the ins and outs of a new world and a new timline

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Chapter 1

Shade pushed the grate up and over enough for him to stick the camera through moving it around he counted three guards ground level, four guards on the cat walks, and a engineer plus two guards next to the nuke. Moving the camera around more he noticed crates of various sizes scattered around the hangar zooming in on a crate he read "UNSC PROPERTY SLIP SPACE ENGINE DANGER" grunting he sent the video to the awaiting ship far away from the complex.

Shade got a green light smiling he pulled the camera back and moved the grate back in place pulling out two silenced sub machine guns he began to move through the ducts until he reach one that place him behind a small stack of crates. Pushing the grate up and out of his way Shade jumped through the opening easily thanks to his MJOLNIR armor landing he pressed his back against the crates and began to move looking around the corner he waited till the two guards on the cat walk were next to each other. CLUNK looking up Shade saw a guard above him 'Don't look down.' Shade thought reaching into his breast pocket he pulled out a pack of cigarettes patting his pockets the man looked for his light aiming his guns Shade waited for him to do something........he looked down opening his mouth to scream Shade fired ten bullets ripped through his body blood spraying everywhere "HEY WHAT WAS THAT !!!" Shade heard a guard yell whipping around the corner Shade began to shoot the guards.

He took some damage but not much making his way over to the nuke he began to look over the schematics trying to figure out a way to diffuse it."Damn only if Solar was here she was always better at this." Shade muttered missing the engineer he had shot moving toward a shot gun reaching out he gripped the handle pulling it toward him. Shade pressed a few buttons and cut a wire "WARNING WARNING NUCLEAR BOMB HAS BEEN ARMED" Shade heard over intercoms "TEE MINUS 4 MINUTES TILL DETONATION."

"Shit need to-" Shade was cut off by the booming of a shot gun catching him in the shoulder slamming into the panel the panel sparked and smoked landing on his stomach he forced hims self over firing three shots at the engineer two shots hit him in the head the third missed Shade didn't know where it went. The bullet zipped past the mans head pinging off a metal poll it went straight to the Slip space engine ripping into the crate and damaging the controls causing it to jump start. Pulling himself up Shade began to try and diffuse the nuke furiously looking around for a different panel or some way to take out the arming device *BZZZZZZZZ* turning he saw a bluish purple light coming from the crate that the engine was in "Dammit its almost like I'm 1337"

(Location Ponyville)

Walking through the streets Twilight was talking to Applejack and Rarity about the recent activities they had been doing. Applejacks farm had gotten a new crop of apples from Eurasian area that her parents had sent them and they had been growing quite well, Rarity had just gotten a contract to make Nightmare Moons dress (by request of the newest princess), and Twilight was looking in the fluctuations of the magic around Ponyville. "Girls from the reading I'm getting its gonna be something coming here ?"

"You mean like Nightmare Moon before her reformation ?" Rarity asked adjusting her light purple shirt and dusting off her white jeans

"No when she was coming there were signs weeks before that happened these happened suddenly......and from what the i can guess this being will be coming soon."

"How soon do yah think ?" Applejack ask before Twilight could answer a deafening explosion ripped through the quiet night air of Ponyville then a black hole opened up 300 hundred feet in front of the three friends fire spewed from the hole along with high pitched winds "Twi is this it ?"

"I-i-i don't know but we need to close it Rarity-" Twilight was cut off by a loud screaming voice and a large figure flying through the hole skipping across the ground and into a shop looking at the figure the two girls shook it off and concentrated on the portal creating a dome around it sealing in the fire and gale force winds "AJ go see what that thing was." nodding she ran over to the shop.

Because of the commotion most of Ponyville took to the streets seeing the two unicorns holding the fire and wing at bay for a few more second before the portal collapsed into itself with a *WHUMP* huffing they dropped the spell. AJ walked through the rumble of the shop entrance hearing Pens Worth crying out about his shop and asking Twilight and Rarity what happened making her way through the ruble she found the figure clad in black armor from the build she could guess it was a pony but after that she didn't have a clue what it could be. Walking closer she notice that part of the 'helmet' had a grey reflective surface with cuts and scorch marks on it looking around she found a stick picking the stick up she began to poke the figure in the head.

(Shades POV)

'A one in a billion fucking chance and i get 1337's luck.' Shade thought as he regained consciousness sighing he heard a *THUNCK* *THUNCK* sound resonation through the helmet. Felling his head move slightly he could only guess somepony or somebody was poking him. Turning his head he saw Applejack poking him grunting he began to stand up she jumped back holding the stick like a bat and swinging grabbing it and ripping it from her grip he tried to talk but realized the external communicator that allowed him to speak clearly through the helmet was damaged. Grunting he dropped the sticks and held out his hands he stood a god meter and a half taller than her which he found odd he motioned that he meant no harm but she back away out of fear and ran out of the store towards her friends. Trying to follow her Shade grunted in pain looking at his shoulder he saw blood trickling down his arm and a lot 'How long was i in that portal i feel dizzy' Shade thought 'I need to find mom.' slowly making his way toward the exit he was met with the entire town.

Smiling he saw his mom ignoring the frightened look he stumbled forward falling to a knee he looked up and realized that was his mom but wasn't she didn't have the grey streaks in her mane on her hand the wedding ring she had gotten from his dad wasn't there and she was small and petite in size. Grunting he reach up with his good arm he pressed a button on the side of his helmet causing it to loosing with a hiss pulling it off he spoke "My name is Shade I'm a spartan of the UNSC........sorry about the-" Shade fell to the ground with a clunk causing a slight crack to form.

(Twilight POV)

Twilight moved close to the pony he was big his fur was black and his hair was purple with a few grey streaks before he had passed out she noticed his purple eyes. As she got closer she noticed that his right arm was injured turning she yelled "Somepony call the hospital we need an ambulance !" nodding a dark grey pegasus pulled out a cell phone and began to call them. Walking up behind the mare Rarity said "My word Twilight he looks slightly like you in the mane color and from earlier he has your eyes."

"I guess but we need to figure out how to get this stuff off him and then we can worry about how he got here and who he is." nodding Rarity began to scan him along with Twilight in the distance they heard the ambulance coming. "Found something !" Twilight quickly using her magic she click a few different switches causing the armor to hiss before segments popped off him or folded up slightly. Running over the EMTs began pulling the stallion out or trying it took all three of them and the tow unicorns just to move him out of the armor.

"I don't know what this guy has been eating but he needs to lay off." a grey stallion said wiping his hand together nodding the newest recruit said "Well maybe he has heavy bone density or something."

"Maybe newbie come on lets check him out." a dark brown stalling said walking over to the other the recruit looked up and saw a small spider on his partners shoulder "Um.......you have a spider on your shoulder."

"WAAAAAAAAAAH GET OFF KILL IT KILL IT !!!!" he screamed jumping around and wiping his shoulders off both EMT stared at him and chuckled "You will never live this down."