• Published 26th May 2014
  • 1,635 Views, 52 Comments

Halo: PARALLEL - Secondchancer

Sequel to my story HALO: EQUESTRIA, Shade a UNSC Spartan follow him as he learns the ins and outs of a new world and a new timline

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Chapter 5

(Fleur )

Walking back to her room Fleur couldn't get Shade out of her head yes he was about her age, he was tall, strong, generous, and seemed quite intelligent but he had this sense of danger around him. Opening the door to her room she saw Twilight sitting on the bed reading a book looking up she smiled "Hey Fleur I figured you would want to catch up a little before bed."

"Sounds wonderful Twilight lets do that." Fleur said walking up to her friend and falling onto the bed wincing a little as her face touch the bed remember what Shade said "The bruise will be gone but that doesn't mean the area will be healed it'll still be a bit tender' sighing she mumbled "I should of listened to him."

"Listened to who ?"

"Huh oh Shade I got into a confrontation and he helped with a couple of bruises I had and gave me some good advice."

"Wait bruises, Fleur what happened ?" Twilight said getting closer to her friend grunting Fleur remember the so called 'talk' "Well Blueblood got a bit angry when I blew him off about dating him and before things could go bad Shade showed up and scared the dick off."

"What ! why didn't you tell me or the princ-" Twilight was silenced by a finger being place over her mouth and a stern look "To tell you the truth he scares me and I worry what he would do to retaliate if I-I did this."

"But Fleur you-"

"I know.........could we discuss something else PLEASE ?"

"Sure so how is the business going ?"

"Good good couldn't be better dearie how about you how is this coltfriend of yours ?"

"Oh he is wonderful but before I continue do you have anypony your interested in ?"

"N-n-not at the m--moment." Fleur stuttered

(Later that night)

*KNOCK**KNOCK* Shaking herself awake Fleur swung her legs over the edge of the bed "Who is it ?" she mumbled loud enough for the pony to here "Its shade I came to check up on you." she heard from the other side blushing she looked down at herself dressed in a slightly revealing night gown 'What if he likes this ?"

'What if he thinks i'm some easy fluezy ?" Fleur thought back to herself

'Well he is a gentlecolt why would he think that about you.'

'True but he didn't really seem interested.'

'Well how about we see if this interest him.' the more perverted side thought nodding slightly Fleur edged the door open "Shade what did-" she stopped standing on the other side of the door wasn't Shade but Blueblood jumping forward he jammed a syringe into her arm injecting a clear liquid. Turning to run Fleur tripped over her own feet trying to crawl away at this point she felt a strong grip on the back of her neck "Now now Fleur why are you trying to run." Blue blood said smiling hungrily down at her picking her up he threw her onto the bed landing Fleur desperately tried to move failing miserably "Now I think your wondering 'why can't I move' well let me answer that for you I injected you with some manticore poison now a lethal dose would kill anypony but-" pausing he looked over the mares body licking his lips "-in small amounts it can paralyze somepony and remain aware of there surroundings and now i'm going to rock your- GCK !!"

Looking behind him Blueblood saw Shade with a murderous look in his eyes along with two other guards looking down he saw a knife jutting out of his lower spine. Falling to the ground Blueblood was forced to stare up at the demon as it stare back unblinking and in a monotone voice it said "Get her to the infirmary I have something to discuss with Blueblood."

"Y-y-yes S-s-sir." the closest guard said carefully scooping up the mare turning to the demon whispered something that Blueblood couldn't here. After a few moments Blueblood heard the door close walking forward the demon bent down snarling it said "You my boy are gonna EVER regret coming in here."


Fleur woke up gasping she jumped up and looked around she was in the infirmary after recalling last nights events she shuddered and fell back into bed 'If Shade hadn't been there I-I-I-I -' her thoughts were interrupted by a hand running through her mane gently turning she saw Shade with a slightly tired look in his eyes smiling he said "Hey saw that you woke up are you-" he was cut off by the mare grabbing him and bringing him into a bone crushing hug tears streaming down her face. Looking down at the mare he adjusted himself to be a little more comfortable moving her onto his lap he did what he saw his father do at him when they would watch a movie running his hands through her mane he whispered "Don't worry about cause every little thing will be alright-" feeling her shaking he began to sing the bob marley song more until she calmed down to the end looking down he smiled and said "So are you alright ?"

"*hiccup* Yes I-I-I think i'll be fine thank you for staying with me." Fleur said looking up at him with red puffy eyes looking deep into Shades deep indigo eyes she moved forward reaching out. Staring down at Fleur Shade didn't know what compelled his body to move forward but doing so he turned his head to the right slightly as he saw Fleur move hers to the left as they made contact the world seemed to stop everything around them fell out of sight all that remained was the two and what they felt for each other.

Puling away the two panted slightly looking around Shade saw that no one had walked in sighing he said "So Fleur what does this mean was that a thank you or-"

"Tomorrow night around 7:30 we'll have dinner and that'll be our first date this right here was just a trial run." she said all business like ears flattening against his skull Shade mumbled "Yes ma'm."

"Don't be flustered now as comfortable as I am I would like you to leave so I may change." nodding Shade picked the mare up off him and moved her to the right careful as not to accidently dislodge the gown and Fleurs 'goods' so to speak fall out "I'll be going........and I look forward to our date." Shade said turning he left the room

Placing a silencing spell on the room around her Fleur shouted "YES !!!"