• Published 26th May 2014
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Big Sis Scootaloo - Never2muchpinkie

Scootaloo's all grown up. Having completed her journey she takes some time just to be part of her adoptive family and watch her little sister grow.

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Chapter 12: Aftermath

In the morning I woke up feeling well-rested. Scootieloo hadn’t come to wake me up, so I trusted she had slept through the night too.

I went to her room and her bed was empty. I headed to the kitchen and I saw her sitting there eating breakfast just like yesterday. “Morning!” I said.

Scootieloo turned to me with a calm smile. “Morning, Rosie!”

That was all I needed to see and hear. She was fine. I didn’t need to ask if she was alright. I greeted Mom and Dad too and went to eat my breakfast. When I was done eating I went to grab my stuff for school.

I took out my scooter, then I hesitated. After what happened yesterday I wasn’t sure I should take it with me again. After debating with myself for a few minutes I was still unsure what to do. I wanted to continue practicing with Rock Climber during recess, and since the two of us were going to have lessons today I thought we could just go right to my house after school.

“What’s the holdup, kid?” I heard Scootieloo ask as she came into my room.

I made my decision then. I put it back in the closet. After what happened yesterday I was sure Midnight Dream and Heavy Downpour would probably want revenge.

“What are you doing, Rosie?”

I turned to Scootieloo. “I don’t want to break my promise again. It got stolen yesterday, and I don’t want to take that chance.”

Scootieloo gave me a warm smile. “I’m touched, Rosie. Really. I’m glad you’re so committed to keeping your word. However, you should still take it with you. I’m taking you to school again. And after school you can just stay in a more populated area of town. If you never take it out because you’re afraid of something happening to it then what was the point of taking it in the first place?”

“I… I guess you’re right, but… but what if it gets stolen again?”

She gave me a sideways grin. “Then I’ll get it back.”

I didn’t ask for more details. “Soooooo… yesterday, you didn’t care about the scooter at all when you came to save me?”

“Not at all. When I was told you were knocked off your scooter and had it stolen the first thing I thought was that I wasn’t going to let them get away with hurting you. Of course I wasn’t going to just let them keep the scooter. It meant too much to leave it behind, but if things had gone a little differently and it looked like I was going to be overpowered I would have grabbed you and ran.

"Like I said yesterday, and many times before, this vehicle has been with me for many years. It’s been my partner through thick and thin, from back when I was still weak and pathetic. But in the end it’s just a board and a few pieces of metal stuck together to allow you to get around quicker, and do tricks and stunts if you’re so inclined. It doesn’t have feelings, doesn’t feel pain when pieces of it break, or have a mind of its own. You do, Rose.

"I would sooner destroy it completely or give it away myself than allow harm to come to you. You are far more important than the memories of the past, because if I lost you then you’d just become a memory. And that would just be too sad.

“So, to give a complete answer to your question, you and that scooter are both extremely important to me, but if it had to come down to one or the other I would choose you every time. There is absolutely no contest. None! At all. Whatsoever.

“Did that answer satisfy you, Rosie?”

“Yep!” I said happily. “However, I’m still gonna take care of it the best way I know how.”

“Good. Now let’s go before you’re late.”

“Hey, Scootieloo?” I started as I followed her out of my room with my scooter.

“Yeah, Sis?”

“Do you think we could see Rainbow Dash today?”

“Hmmm? Why her?”

“I just want to thank her for being so helpful to you. And since you told me how great a flier she is I figured she could help in my flying lessons… if she wants to, that is.”

“Well… I guess I could work that. I also need to see her to let her know that I’m doing better today. I’ll give her a quick visit after school to see if she’s available. For now, though, we better hurry before you’re late. You don’t want to be late on your second day. It doesn’t look good.”

“Right!” I nodded. “Let’s hurry.”

The trip to school was a lot better than yesterday, since I knew Scootieloo had gotten over her troubles. Since I wasn’t worried about her the two of us went a lot faster. When we arrived I gave her a hug and went inside. I put my scooter in its spot by Miss Cheerilee’s desk and went to my seat.

Sun Glimmer and Honey Drop were there, but I didn’t see Rock Climber yet. I apologized to them for yelling at them yesterday when they had had no idea what was going on. They forgave me, and then Sun Glimmer asked if I had gotten a new scooter or if we had recovered the one that had been stolen. Just as I began to tell her the door opened again.

Rock Climber came rushing in, panting as he went and sat down in his spot next to me. “Oh, man!” he said. “Just in time. I thought for sure I was going to be late.” He turned to me. “Hey, Rose.”

I went to greet him back, but Sun Glimmer said angrily, “You’ve got a lot of nerve after what you did yesterday. I’m going to get you expelled!” She raised her hoof and shook it, saying loudly, “Miss Cheerilee! Miss Cheerilee!”

Rock Climber looked desperately at me.

“Yes, Sun Glimmer?” she said.

“Rock Climber-”

I quickly reached over, laughing nervously as I pulled her hoof down. “It’s nothing! We got it!” Turning to Sun Glimmer I whispered, “Knock it off!”

“Well, alright then,” Miss Cheerilee responded.

Sun Glimmer gave me an odd look. “Why are you protecting him?”

“Yeah!” said Honey Drop. “He knocked you off your scooter and stole it.”

Getting off Sun Glimmer I said, “Because he made it up to me. I don’t have time to tell you everything before class starts, but he’s a dear friend. Yesterday he protected me and tried to save me from those guys when I went to get my scooter back. And afterward he apologized and explained a lot of things to me about why he acted the way he did. So don’t be too mad at him.”

I could see the both of them didn’t look convinced, but they didn’t look quite as mad as before. “Fine, then,” said Sun Glimmer, crossing her hooves. “I’ll wait until I get an explanation later, but if I don’t like it I’m gonna tell the teacher all about what you did and make sure you get in big trouble. Fair enough?”

Rock Climber nodded. So did I.

During recess the four of us went off away from the other kids. There the two of us gave Sun Glimmer and Honey Drop the whole story of what had happened yesterday. Rock Climber brought himself to tears again as he talked. As his emotions began taking hold I could see Sun Glimmer lose her glare. Honey Drop had seemed uncertain, but when she saw Sun Glimmer looking bad for Rock Climber’s story she too looked sympathetic.

When he was finished he said, “I know I did a lot of wrong things. I feel terrible over it. But I want to start over. Scootaloo really is a great role model. When she heard my story she didn’t yell at me or try to make me feel worse. She told me a story from her past, of when she also let fame and popularity go far enough to her head that she began ignoring her feelings too to hold onto it.

"Just like with me it eventually caught up to her, and then she resolved to make things right and not do what she had done anymore. She forgave herself and moved on. She inspired me, and reminded me what an older sibling is supposed to be like.

“I’m grateful for her advice. She told me that once I acknowledged that I was doing the wrong thing and told our parents about what we had been up to that that’s when I finally did the right thing. She warned me that my brother was probably going to try all that he could to make me feel guilty over what I had done. I’m glad I had the warning. Thunder Storm glared at me all night. Every time I walked in the same room as him he wouldn’t take his eyes off me. I thought for sure he was going to jump over at me and beat me up. I was so scared.

“When it was nighttime and I was getting ready for bed he came to my door. He called me so many mean names and said so many hurtful things.” His eyes became unfocused as the memory came to him. “He said I was a traitor and a jerk and a lot of curses I don’t feel like repeating. He said he didn’t consider us brothers anymore and not to ever ask him for anything ever again. He said that if I was on fire and he had the only water around for miles he wouldn’t put me out.” He sniffed, tears beginning to brim around his eyes.

“By the time he was done I was feeling lower than I had ever felt in my life. I began wishing I hadn’t spoken up. I felt like the most terrible pony in the world. All the excuses and lies I had told myself came back. Just when I felt I was about to lose it…”

He stopped talking, looking up at the sky as a breeze ruffled his mane, “That’s when I heard Scootaloo’s words. She had warned me that he was likely going to attack me emotionally as payback because he was so mad. But she told me I should hold onto the reasons I had spoken up in the first place and I shouldn’t feel I had done the wrong thing, because I may have saved my brother’s life.”

“What do you mean?” asked Honey Drop. “How would that save his life? He wasn’t in any danger.”

“My brother changed to fit in. When he told me that I could hang out with him if I kept quiet about what they had been doing I changed to fit in too. Little by little my guilt faded while we were doing their version of 'fun.' Scootaloo feels that if my brother had gotten to the point where he could tie up and spit on a defenseless filly then maybe he would keep getting worse and worse until he would be completely gone, because no one was doing anything to stop him.

"She said it was a brave and heroic action that I did, and I shouldn’t forget that.” The despair on his face vanished as he grinned. He let out a breath. “She pointed out that this may not save him if he’s determined to hold onto his friends and popularity, but I hope he will return back to the way he used to be. If I can do it then why can’t he?”

I considered Rock Climber my friend. For his sake I really did hope that Thunder Storm would learn a lesson from his punishment. I didn’t dare go over to his house so long as he was still angry. I don’t know if I wanted to forgive him, but I didn’t think I would ever forgive Rock Climber either until he came to apologize. I didn’t know right now what I would do if he did apologize. Scaring me was one thing, but spitting in my mane was just DIS-GUST-ING!

Oh, well. It would probably we a while before it happened anyway. At least Sun Glimmer and Honey Drop forgave Rock Climber and our friendship circle was back intact.

After school Rock Climber said he had to go check in with his parents and he’d meet me at the park later. I rode my scooter home as fast as I could, making sure to look out for Midnight Dream or Heavy Downpour. Thankfully I got home without any trouble.

Scootieloo was home when I got there. “About time!” she said impatiently. “I’ve been waiting for you. Are you ready?”

“I just walked in the door. Give me a few minutes.”

“I know, I know! It’s just that after all the craziness of yesterday I’m eager to get out there and exercise.”

I laughed. “I know that feeling. Rock Climber said he’s gonna be there later. He just wants to tell his parents where he’s going.”

Setting down my bag I ran over to her and gave her a big hug. “I’m so proud of you, Scootieloo.”

“For what?”

“For being a hero to whoever you can. You should have heard Rock Climber talking about you today. He told us about what you said when you dropped him off at his house. His brother did give him a really hard time that night, but when he remembered how you called him a brave hero he didn’t let his brother’s words get to him.”

“I see. Well, that’s great. It’ll take some time for things to change. For now all I can do is try to replace what Rock Climber lost from Thunder Storms irresponsible choices. All I can give is advice and love. That’s what I got from my two teachers. So now that I have it it’s time to pass it on to the next generation that will come after us. Who knows? Maybe you and Rock Climber will be the next heroes of Ponyville and save everyone with your talents.”

“I doubt it. I can barely fly or ride a scooter. I don’t think I’ll ever be as amazing as you.” I let out a sigh.

“Rosie, you need to listen to me more. If you really think I’m that amazing then why don’t you take my words seriously?”

“What do you mean?”

“Think about what I told you yesterday. I used to be just a loser. My wings were all but useless because of my stunted wing. At that point I never thought I would ever be anything special, or that Rainbow Dash would ever want our relationship to be more than casual acquaintances. But Rainbow Dash adopted me as her sister, and I wound up saving you.

“We all start out weak little fillies and colts. But after learning from our teachers we grow up, get stronger, and fulfill our destinies. You’ll do it too. You just need to BELIEVE!” She placed a hoof on my chest. “It doesn’t matter how much I believe in you or praise you if you don’t believe it yourself.”

I smiled. “Thank you, Scootieloo. You’re right. I’ll try really, really hard so I don’t let you down.”

I said a quick hello to Mom and Dad as I went and threw my stuff in my room, and then I left with Scootieloo as we rode off to the park.

When we got there I saw someone waiting for us. It was Rainbow Dash. “There you two are!” she said. “I’ve been going bored out of my mind waiting for you guys.”

“Rose had school,” Scootieloo responded. “I had to wait for her to get home.”

“Is that right?” She looked over at me. “Hey there, squirt. Scootaloo said you wanted to talk to me.”

“Yes, I did.” Propping my scooter against a bench I ran over and gave her a big hug.

“Ummm… what are you doing?”

I looked up at Rainbow Dash, and she looked confused. “Didn’t Scootieloo tell you?”

“Tell me what? She just popped in this morning and said she wanted me to meet you at the park after school because you wanted to tell me something.”

“Oh.” I let her go. “I guess I should explain first.” So I told her about the scooter incident yesterday and how me and Scootieloo got in a fight about her treating me like I was just a weak kid. When I started talking about that I saw Rainbow give Scootieloo a shrewd look.

“I know, Rainbow Dash,” said Scootieloo. “You were right… I admit it. If I had been honest with her from the start like I should have been then this never would have happened. She would have known she could come to me and I would have helped her. That’s why I resolved to do better. I want to start her on flying lessons, just like I used to do. She refused at first, but then I became firm with her and told her I wasn’t giving her a choice. Flying is an essential skill for a pegasus, and it was what allowed me to save her as a baby, so there’s no excuse for her not to learn it.”

A cocky grin on her face, Rainbow Dash said, “Oh, so you’re just passing her off on me to teach her because you still don’t have the backbone to be tough on her?”

“Not at all,” Scootieloo responded. “I just want you to be here to give advice, and to help out a little if necessary. I would consider myself an above-average flier simply because my skills are in athletics instead of a simpler field, but my biggest skill is in scooter-riding. I freely admit you’re still a much better flier than I’ll probably ever be, so you’re simply the best to have as a co-coach."

“Alright, kiddies. I guess I can lend a hoof here and there.”

“Thanks, Rainbow Dash!” I said. I tried to grin as I kept talking, but I’m sure it looked kinda forced as I continued. “Well, I have to be honest. Before Scootieloo told me about what you did for her I didn’t think you were all that special. I mean, I know you could fly really well but I… well… I just thought you were an arrogant show-off. But now I know better. You’re super cool, and you kinda helped save my life. Since you trained Scootieloo and Scootieloo save me, then you are part of the reason I didn’t get hurt. So thank you, Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow Dash laughed. “Arrogant show-off, huh? I guess I can see why you would think that.”

“Well, Rosie,” said Scootieloo, “Rainbow Dash actually could have saved you. She chose to believe that I would succeed instead of swooping in and rescuing you herself. And if you really think about it… that saved me another time. If Rainbow Dash had rescued you then she would have gotten all the credit for it. Then I wouldn’t have begun foal-sitting you, and then when I lost my grandmare I wouldn’t have been able to move in with you guys. That one decision of trust wound up shaping my entire life.”

Rainbow Dash got a thoughtful look on her face. “Huh… I never thought about it that way.”

“You’re right!” I said excitedly. “Because of you trusting in Scootieloo it led to the two of us becoming sisters and family and living together.

“Rainbow Dash?”

“Yeah, squirt?”

Looking up at her I started speaking, but the words caught in my throat. I looked away towards a tree. “Do you think… I mean… can you… can we…”

“Come on, kid. Spit it out. Just say what you want to say.”

“Well… I was just thinking… you and Scootieloo are sisters.”


“And me and Scootieloo are sisters too…”


I finally looked back at her. “Will you be my big sister too?” Rainbow Dash blinked, looking surprised. Before she could say anything I began talking quickly. “I mean, if you’re Scootieloo’s big sister, and she’s my sister too, then doesn’t that mean you should be my sister too? And you’re the one who trained her and made her an amazing pony and helped her find how talented and special she really was and saved her life and helped her save a bunch of other lives. I want to be amazing like Scootieloo, and she wanted to be amazing like you. Now she is. I want that too! I want to be special and help save others too, so I know you can help me.”

Rainbow Dash closed her eyes, a serene look on her face. “Another little sister, huh? You remind me of Scootaloo at that age. You’re hungry for strength and the skills to pursue your dreams. You want to be recognized and esteemed and rise above your current station in life.

“Sisters? Well, why not?” Putting a wing out she placed it around me, and I walked toward her, hugging her again.

I have another sister! I’m so happy!