• Published 26th May 2014
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Big Sis Scootaloo - Never2muchpinkie

Scootaloo's all grown up. Having completed her journey she takes some time just to be part of her adoptive family and watch her little sister grow.

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Chapter 15: Training continues.

Today is the best day ever! It took a whole lot of practice and experimentation, but today I finally flew! It took me two months since our training started, but I did it! I had been doing all my homework for wing training and watched Scootieloo and Rainbow Dash a lot, and the day finally came when I unfurled my wings, jumped into the air, flapped hard, and… I flew. I didn’t hit the ground. I stayed in the air and managed to fly a few hundred feet before I lost control and landed back on my hooves. I was so proud of myself! So was Rainbow Dash and Scootieloo and Rock Climber. It had been a lot of work, but I had finally done it!

They took me out to Sugarcube Corner to celebrate and I was so unbelievably happy nothing could take the smile off my face. I know I was getting way ahead of myself but I began picturing myself saving a little kid just like Scootieloo had done for me. After all, what better way did I have to repay her for what she had done than to take my lessons to heart and use what I learned to help others?

Sun Glimmer didn’t have a formal teacher like us, but she read a lot of books on the subject and visited the circus a bunch to learn more about being an acrobat.

Rock Climber was really getting along in his flight training. He gave it his all to impress Rainbow Dash just like I did for Scootieloo. He listened to Scootieloo and worked hard with her, but it was obvious he was putting more priority into flying.

Honey Drop was the biggest surprise of all. Following her lessons with Twilight she started acting a little differently. When we went to the park to practice I could see her constantly sitting by herself, her face always straining as she tried to force herself into the flow of magic within her body. At first she could only pick up small things like a stick or a pencil, but eventually she could lift up a pony.

She was really trying hard to improve because she didn’t want to let us down. She was determined to be there for us if she needed to, and she didn’t want it to be just a lucky accident that unlocked her full magic power. She wanted to be able to do it all the time. She carried herself differently. She looked a little more confident. When I talked to her about her lessons she said that me and Rock Climber were right. Twilight was just a pony like the rest of us, and she was really nice and patient.

School was also going good. The four of us were all but inseparable when it came to class assignments. We would sit at a park bench and do our homework together before starting our lessons. I never would have imagined that life could be this amazing. It was all I ever could have dreamed.

In our third month we had a little bit of an issue. While all of us were practicing Thunder Storm came up on his scooter. He was all alone and looked annoyed. “Yo, Rock Climber. Mom wants you home right now. Says there’s something important. Let’s go.”

I felt irritated at him for showing up, considering he had never apologized for what he had done. All the same, I wasn’t about to start an argument in front of everyone. Being that he was here I guessed that his grounding was over. I personally felt it should have been longer.

Rock Climber barely acknowledged his brother. “Why should I believe you? Now that you’re finally allowed out again you suddenly show up and want me to go alone with you somewhere? I don’t trust you. If Mom really wants me to go home I’ll go with Scootaloo or Rainbow Dash.” Anger began creeping into his voice. “After all, they’re not the ones who tried to push me into being a criminal like you. THEY have treated me right and showed me how much fun life could be. Unlike YOU! You’re just a selfish brat who cared more about your friends than your own brother. THEY’RE my real siblings! So you can just get out of here!”

Thunder Storm looked furious. “You little creep!” My heart skipped a beat as he took a threatening step toward Rock Climber.

That was all it took though. In an instant both Rainbow Dash and Scootieloo flew in front of Rock Climber, glaring at Thunder Storm. “Don’t even try it!” said Scootieloo.

“That’s right. You’re not laying a hoof on my little brother,” said Rainbow Dash.

Despite the tenseness of the situation I could see a faint smile and a blush come to Rock Climber’s face because of Rainbow’s words.

Thunder Storm had a sour look on his face. Apparently even he was smart enough to know he couldn’t beat the two of them. With a growl he rushed off.

Rainbow Dash picked up Rock Climber, flying a few feet into the air as she spun him around. “ALLLL-RIGHT!” she said loudly. “Now that’s what I’m talking about. Way to stand up for yourself, kid! I’m proud of you!”

As she landed I could see him blushing even more, looking quite pleased with himself. “T-thank you, Rainbow Dash. I… I’ve kinda been wanting to say that to him for a while. I guess I just needed to be around the bravest ponies around to get the courage up to say it.” He looked at the ground again. “For a few days after the first day of school I really wondered whether I had done the right thing in telling our parents what we had been doing. Even though I had been feeling sick to my stomach thinking about all the wrong things I had been doing I ignored those feelings to spend time with him. He was so furious I thought for sure he was going to beat me up in the middle of the night so I made sure to lock my door.

“He got grounded for three months, and our parents put him on community service duty. Also, they forbid him from hanging out with those two guys anymore. They went to the school and kicked up a big fuss and all three of them got expelled for a short time. It didn’t stay that way since they hadn’t really been doing anything bad at the school itself, only in town.

“As for me… my parents considered my guilt punishment enough. They said that because he had been setting a bad example of how to behave it was only natural what I had done. I felt so terrible about what had been going on I was a wreck as I was telling them about it. I just couldn’t live with that weight over me anymore. I’m sure you remember, Rose and Scootaloo. After my parents finished scolding my brother I asked to come visit your house so I could apologize to you for what happened, and they let me. I felt so terrible I said that I didn’t feel I should be loved anymore and that I was just a terrible pony overall.”

He closed his eyes as he lifted his head, taking in a deep breath as a breeze ruffled his mane. When he opened his eyes he looked calm again. “I don’t have any doubts any longer. My brother may hate my guts, but I don’t even care anymore. I have two older sisters now who taught me what being an older sibling is really about. They don’t make you do bad things to get to spend time with them. They have time for you and give it without any conditions. They compliment you and raise you up and make you feel like you’re special and the most important thing in the world. They have tons and tons of love and care and concern whenever it’s needed.

"I don’t know if my brother is ever going to get it, but it doesn’t really matter to me. I’d rather spend my time with the two ponies who want to teach me about doing the right thing, instead of spending time with three ponies that only saw me as a tool to be used for getting out of trouble.

“Thank you! Thank you. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. I love the both of you so much for everything you did for me.”

I felt so happy that he was so happy. At first I had been a bit jealous of sharing my sister with someone else, but not anymore. If it hadn’t been for Scootieloo taking him under her wing, and then Rainbow Dash on top of it, he might have still been doing the same old things. He would have continued breaking things and stealing things, his heart burning in shame all the while.

I saw Rainbow Dash smiling, a few tears running down her face. “You’re welcome… Rock Climber.” I was a bit surprised. She hadn’t called him a kid. Even with Scootieloo she usually didn’t address her by name. I guess when things were serious she stopped with the nicknames and just called other ponies by name.

Scootieloo walked up to him, giving him a hug. “You’re welcome, Rock Climber. It’s been an honor teaching you. You’re a hard worker and you learn quickly. And having someone to compete against has given Rosie a lot of inspiration to do her best too. You keep her on her hooves, and help her push herself.”

“That’s right!” I said. “You’re doing great! So who cares what he says?”

“Come on, kid,” said Rainbow Dash, wiping her face. “I’ll take you home. And if he gives you any trouble… you know who to call.”

Rock Climber laughed as he nodded. “Yep!”

When we had finished our fourth month of training the gap in our skills was bigger than ever. More and more it seemed like our rivalry was destined to be like Scootieloo’s and Rainbow’s. I was getting better at flying and staying in the air, but I still preferred to stay on the ground and just ride my scooter. Don’t get me wrong. I did enjoy flying, and I was glad I was learning the skill, but scootering was just more for me.

On the other hoof it was the exact opposite for Rock Climber. He was constantly flying around whenever he got the chance. He hung on every word of advice from Rainbow Dash about dealing with weather conditions, or improving endurance, or whatever else she went on about. Like me he didn’t slack when it came to his training with Scootieloo, but his heart was obviously more set on flying.

Since we were progressing pretty well Rainbow Dash suggested that we have a race to really get the adrenaline pumping and see who had the bigger drive in their training. I think it was a matter of pride for her. Basically, both she and Scootieloo had a “favorite student.” So beyond our race I think she was trying to prove who was the better coach as well. Since I was so dedicated to my scooter riding and not as much on flying it was more like I was only being trained by Scootieloo. It was the same for Rock Climber. He put more of his focus on flying, so Rainbow was the one he spent more time with.

The thought of a race was exciting. I couldn’t wait. Following Rainbows explanation she plotted out the course for us. It was going to be one big lap that circled most of the park. Once she was done showing us she landed back on the ground and said, “Now… don’t forget the most important thing. HAVE FUN!”

Scootieloo walked up next to her and said, “That’s right. Do your best, push to your utmost, DON’T CHEAT, and give it your all. But, as Rainbow says, the goal is not the win. It’s about having a blast while doing it. You were there for my race, Rosie, so you know what I’m talking about.”

I nodded. I turned to Rock Climber and said, “Rainbow Dash challenged Scootieloo to a race after the dragon attack. When the race started Rainbow Dash quit shortly after it began.”

“NO WAY!” he replied. “I can’t see that.”

“Scootieloo was being a big sourpuss. She was looking so angry and impatient that she wasn’t even getting any enjoyment out of her first big race, and with her biggest rival to boot. She only cared about winning, and so she wasn’t having any fun.

"Rainbow Dash quit to force Scootieloo to see that that wasn’t how a race should be and to shock her out of her bad feelings. It took a little time, but Scootieloo got the message, and after spending a little time with her family and doing her breathing exercises the race began again, and this time she had a blast. She did all sorts of tricks and I think it was the most amazing race I’ve ever seen. It was very, very close, but Scootieloo won by a hair.”

“Awww,” Rock Climber said disappointedly. “You LOST?”

“It was bad luck on her part,” said Scootieloo. “When I launched my scooter to do a trick she descended at the same time. Having to dodge out of the way cost her a few precious seconds that allowed me to win. The thing is… Rainbow Dash could have very easily won the race from the beginning. She isn’t just bragging when she says she’s the fastest around. Her sonic rainboom attests to that.

"However, as we pointed out, the goal of the race wasn’t simply to win. As Rainbow put it anyone can win at anything because we all have different talents. A true athlete doesn’t strive to simply win, but to win with style and give your audience a show to remember. So every time one of us got the lead we’d begin showing off our moves for the benefit of our watchers.

“That’s why we’re saying not to focus so much on winning. After all…” I saw her gave a cocky smirk toward Rainbow Dash. “It’s going to take at least three races before Rainbow takes the lead on me.”

“Three?” she responded. “Have you forgotten how to count? It’s only two, and that’s because I let you have the victory. If I had kept going you would have gotten hurt.”

“Did you forget? You quit the race the first time around, making me the victor. Then I went and beat you in the race the second time around. That makes two wins for me!”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes narrowed. “Oh, please! Are you that desperate you have to use some verbal trickery to get a second win? You know I only did that for your benefit. I could have won the whole race easily with the way you were acting.”

“Yeah… but you didn’t!”

The two of them kept exchanging verbal taunts at each other, and I began getting a little nervous. I said to Rock Climber, “I don’t know if I want to try and race anymore. If this is the way they’re acting now one of them is going to get really upset at whoever loses.”

“Yeah, I know,” he responded. “What if they really start fighting and beat each other up? Maybe we should just have a race by ourselves.”

I heard the sound of two voices laughing, coming from Scootie and Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash said, “We heard that. You don’t have to worry so much. Whoever wins we’ll still be sisters and friends.”

“That’s right,” said Scootieloo. “We’re just engaging in some friendly trash talking to psyche ourselves up. After all, we were your trainers, so your performance here is also a reflection on our skills at teaching. We’re not actually mad at each other.” She put a hoof around Rainbow Dash, and Dash did the same to her. They sure seemed like they were telling the truth, so I didn’t feel nervous anymore.

My first race. I had been working really hard for this. I was ready!