• Published 27th May 2014
  • 7,247 Views, 175 Comments

Flying Forward - Tofu-Monstrosity

In the sequel to "Falling Backwards" Twilight Sparkle finds herself raising a filly Rainbow Dash. Hilarity and motherhood lessons ensue. However, there's danger lurking on the horizion for the Elements of Harmony.

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If You Give a Pegasus a Bath

Twilight was happy for one thing. Sleeping with a filly in her bed was way easier than a full-grown mare. Now, the hoof that had rammed into her back over night was smaller and didn’t have as much force behind it. Twilight rolled out of bed, her mane an absolute mess as she stretched getting ready for her morning. She looked in her bed, seeing a tuft of rainbow mane sticking out from the covers, she smiled. Dashie was cute when she wasn’t being a terror. Twilight shook her head, using her magic to straighten her mane.

Twilight walked downstairs where Spike was customarily making breakfast just like she predicted. “Morning Twilight.” He smiled as he saw her. “Sleep well?”

“Better than I have been these past few weeks.” Twilight responded, taking a seat at the kitchen table, levitating over her teapot and a cup. Spike chuckled a bit as he served up some waffles. “What’s on the agenda today?” He asked before sitting down to his plate of steamy, syrupy waffles.

“I…” Twilight stopped stirring her tea and looked at Spike. “I’m not sure…” She bit her lower lip. “What am I supposed to do?” She asked him. Spike shrugged in response his mouth full of waffle. “There’s no manual on this is there?” She asked after he swallowed.

“Nope. You gotta figure this out on your own Twilight.” He said as he poured more syrup over his waffles. Twilight groaned in frustration. “Celestia thinks you can do it.” He tried to get her to feel better.

“That’s just it Spike! Celestia wanted to institutionalize her! I just wouldn’t let it happen.” As Twilight sipped her tea she saw Spike looking past her and over her shoulder. She turned around to see the small cyan filly standing there, her coveted yellow blanket draped over her back. Twilight’s eyes widened, wondering how long she had been standing there and much Rainbow Dash heard or even understood of what she had said.

“Mommy, what’s inta-too-shion-alize?” Rainbow Dash sounded out the word she didn’t understand. Twilight was at a loss for words, thankfully Spike stepped in.

“It’s a place where some ponies go to…relax…” He tried to explain to her.

“Ok!” Rainbow Dash took that as an acceptable answer and took a seat at the table. “Waffles?” She asked, seeing Spike’s plate.

“One plate of waffles coming right up!” Spike smiled and served her up a plate, pouring plenty of syrup on them. Rainbow Dash did not hesitate to throw her face into the sticky plate to munch the waffles. Twilight just continued to sip her tea, watching the pegasus sloppily eat and get syrup all over her face and down her front.

“Well I guess a bath is on the agenda…” Twilight muttered mostly to herself, but Rainbow Dash’s ears perked and she looked at the alicorn.

“No!” Rainbow Dash protested with a mouth full of waffle. Spike could tell a tantrum was about to flare up as he put his plate in the sink to wash.

“You need a bath, you’re all sticky.” Twilight stated.

“No!” Rainbow Dash snapped back at Twilight. The alicorn was taken aback. “I don’t wanna baff!” Rainbow Dash screamed so her voice cracked. Spike threw his claws over his sensitive ears and Twilight’s glare hardened.

“Dashie you need a bath.” Twilight kept her voice level, trying to beat out the pegasus in a clash of wits.

“Baff’s are gross! No baff!” Rainbow Dash crossed her arms. Twilight groaned as this was going to be harder than she thought.

“I’m not arguing Rainbow Dash.” Twilight stated. Rainbow Dash stuck her tongue out at Twilight. The older mare gasped in shock. “That’s it.” She growled. “You’re not going outside today until you get a bath!” Now it was Rainbow Dash’s turn to gasp.

“Dat’s not fair!” She whined.

“Too bad.” Twilight stood her ground. Spike looked between the two ponies and retreated upstairs.

“No! Mommy you so mean and unfair and it not fair and you mean and you can’t do that and I wanna go outside and play but you won’t let me cuz of you stupid baffs and soap and I don’t like it!!!” Rainbow Dash whined.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “I guess I’m the mean one…” She said sarcastically, if only Rainbow Dash realized how much Twilight had done for her these past few weeks.

“You are!” She complained. “I don't want you as my mommy!” She screamed. Twilight blinked, her breath feeling like it was taken away and she was stabbed in her chest as she heard Rainbow Dash’s hurtful words. Her eyes started to sting with the oncoming tears.

Spike, who had been reading comic books trying to tune out the argument, heard that loud and clear. He stood at the top of the stairs and bit his lip. That wasn’t good. He knew he had to step in. He raced down the steps as fast as his little feet would carry him. Twilight and Rainbow were in a stare-off, one having to look up at the other. Spike stepped up to Rainbow and tried to push her away.

“C’mon Rainbow, we’re going to head upstairs.” He pushed the little filly a few inches but her hooves dug into the wood floor trying to resist.

“No!” Rainbow Dash protested. “No baff!” Twilight turned her head away from Rainbow Dash to try and hide the fact that she was crying.

“Yes Rainbow.” Spike pushed her to the bottom of the stairs. “I’ll make it fun.”

“ ’S not fun.” Rainbow Dash stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Spike looked to Twilight who had bit her lip and failing to hold back tears that were streaming down her face. She alight her horn and teleported Spike and Rainbow Dash to the bathroom upstairs.


Spike and Rainbow Dash appeared in the upstairs bathroom tub. Spike was used to this kind of transportation and it failed to bother him very much. Rainbow Dash however, wasn’t and due to a weak (and full) stomach she vomited in the tub, hitting Spike’s feet.

“Gross.” He stated, too exhausted to get mad at her. He just turned on the water and started to fill the tub, spraying the vomit down the drain.

“No!” Rainbow Dash screamed once the water started to hit her hooves. She nearly fell over herself to get out of the tub. Spike raised a scaly eyebrow and watched her try to scamper away.

“Rainbow…” Spike started to say as he grabbed a washcloth and wet it. “It’s ok, it’s just water.” He gently pressed the washcloth to her shaking form, her eyes were tightly closed as he placed it on her shoulder and wiped.

Rainbow Dash opened one eye to see that no, in fact water didn’t hurt. “See?” Spike smiled a bit and stepped out of the tub once the water started to cover his feet. “Now, all you have to do is hold still.” Spike smiled, he got out the liquid soap and poured a bit into the water, making bubbles. Rainbow’s face lit up and he laughed. “I knew you would like that.” He winked. Spike then reached for Twilight’s mane and tail shampoo and started rubbing that in.


Downstairs, Twilight sipped her tea at the kitchen table as she stared straight forward. Her mind was a whirlwind of self-doubt. Was she really fit for this? Would Rainbow Dash really hate her for all of this? The soft knock at the door pulled her out of her internal diatribe. Twilight walked to the door with her tea levitated in her magic.

She opened the door to reveal Rarity standing on the other side. “I came as soon as I received your letter dear.” She caught her breath and straightened up. “What’s wrong?” Rarity asked as Twilight stepped aside to let her in the library. Rarity could tell that Twilight had been crying due to her puffy red eyes.

“Rainbow Dash said something to me earlier.” Twilight sighed, walking back to the kitchen and pouring tea for Rarity and refilled her own cup.

“What did she say?” Rarity asked, curious as to what would make Twilight so upset that she called her over on such short notice.

“She said…” Twilight felt hot tears sting her eyes again, “she said that she didn’t want me to be her mother.” She stated as she could hear Rarity audibly gasp.

“Oh dear…” Rarity sipped her tea. “Where is she?”

“Upstairs, Spike is giving her a bath, or trying to anyway.” Twilight responded and she saw Rarity’s brow furrow. “That’s what started the fight. She didn’t want to get a bath and I forced her.” Rarity slowly nodded her head in understanding.

“I see.” Rarity tapped a hoof to her chin and sighed. “Twilight, it sounds like a temper tantrum. Kids do them all the time when they don’t get their way.” She suggested. “I can’t tell you how many times Sweetie Belle told me she didn’t want to be my sister anymore.” Rarity sipped her tea nonchalantly.

“This is…usual?” Twilight asked, astounded. Rarity chuckled a bit.

“Of course.” She assured. “I’m surprised you’ve gotten this far without one.” Suddenly there were a few crashes and the sound of small hoof steps down the stairs. Twilight recognized the sound immediately.

“Mommy!” Rainbow Dash ran up to Twilight, her mane still dripping wet and the previous argument forgotten. “Baffs are awesome!” She squealed, bouncing on her hooves. She then spotted Rarity, “Hi Aunty Wawity!” She nuzzled Rarity and left a wet patch on her coat. Rarity grimaced briefly but smiled and pat Rainbow Dash on the head.

“It’s good to see you too.” She smiled as Twilight looked around.

“Rainbow, where’s Spike?” She asked the filly.

“Upstairs.” Rainbow Dash answered. “Wawity you here to pway?” Rainbow Dash’s eyes lit up with that prospect.

“No dear.” Rarity shook her head and Rainbow Dash’s ears drooped a bit. “I actually need to get going, the shop can’t run itself you know.” She looked up and winked at Twilight. “If you need any help feel free to stop by.” Rarity smiled as she got up to leave.

“Thanks again Rarity.” Twilight felt relieved as she walked Rarity to the door.

“That’s what we’re here for!” Rarity called behind her as she left the library. Twilight shut the door and heard Spike come down the stairs, rubbing a towel over his face.

“Ok, so next time, you’re giving her a bath.” Spike glared at Twilight. It was then that she noticed that Spike was dripping wet.

“What happened to you?” She asked him, Spike just stared at her thinking it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“You try giving that pegasus a bath…” He rolled his eyes as he dried his ears. Twilight chuckled a bit.

Author's Note:

Sometimes inspiration hits me like a freight train. Other times, I'm sitting at my desk at work staring at a blinking cursor. It happens.