• Published 27th May 2014
  • 7,247 Views, 175 Comments

Flying Forward - Tofu-Monstrosity

In the sequel to "Falling Backwards" Twilight Sparkle finds herself raising a filly Rainbow Dash. Hilarity and motherhood lessons ensue. However, there's danger lurking on the horizion for the Elements of Harmony.

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Long Live the King

It got late, and the King of Griffonstone was nice enough to give the search party a few rooms for the night. They were all currently huddled together for warmth in Twilight’s room, as the heat of the castle had been turned off due to unpaid bills.

“Alright, so here’s what we know. Gilda has Dashie, and she’s held up somewhere in the mountains up north.” Twilight stated. “All we have to do is go up there, blast apart everything, capture Gilda, rescue Dashie, and we’ll be on our way!” The rest of them stared at Twilight, a hint of fear in their faces.

“I don’t think that’s going to work.” Rarity stated, officially believing that Twilight was completely off her rocker.

“What do you mean? Of course it will!” Twilight’s mane was frazzled and her eyes were far off and distant, as if she was looking through them instead of at them. Pinkie Pie knew that look, and it scared her.

“Twilight, get a hold of yourself!” Applejack snapped. Twilight shifted her gaze to look at Applejack. It sent chills down the earth pony’s spine.

“Don’t tell me to get a hold of myself! My daughter has been kidnapped by a rebel faction group, and I’m supposed to sit back and do nothing!” Twilight yelled, standing up on her hooves. She started pacing back and forth. “I bet they’re not feeding her right, she is a picky eater. They don’t have her blanket so she obviously can’t sleep.”

“Uhhhh Twilight…” Applejack tried to interject into Twilight’s ramblings.

“If she can’t sleep that can really wear on her mental state.” Twilight continued. “Fatigue is a silent killer.”

“Twilight.” Spike tried to tell her something but again, she continued.

“If she can’t sleep and doesn’t get good food she’ll be grumpy and I don’t think anyone is properly equipped to handle one of her temper tantrums. Well, I am of course. Which is why I need to find her!”

“Twilight!” Rarity yelled, which got the Alicorn’s attention. Twilight turned to look at them, fear was painted all over their faces.

The mare sighed. “I was pacing wasn’t I?” She asked them. Spike snorted.

“Yeah you were.” He chuckled, trying to make light of the intense situation. Pinkie Pie just sighed and shook her head.

“It doesn’t help to dwell on possibilities that may or may not happen.” Fluttershy muttered in a moment of silence.

“She’s right Twilight.” Applejack sided with the pegasus. “We need ta focus on how to get Dashie back”

“How?!” Twilight asked, tears welling in her eyes as she bit her bottom lip to keep it from trembling. She couldn’t keep her legs from quivering beneath her. “For once in my life I don’t know what to do!” It took all of her strength to keep herself from collapsing on to the floor out of exhaustion. She wobbled from side to side. Fluttershy ran up and provided support for her friend.

“You should rest.” She suggested. “We should all rest.” She looked to the rest of the girls who caught on.

“Yeah I’m getting tired as well.” Rarity did her best impression of a yawn.

“Right, gotta get some good shut eye if we’re gonna save Dashie.” Applejack smiled confidently.

“I’m not tired…” Spike chirped as he saw his friends leave the room. Fluttershy glared at him, telling him to quiet down.

“Thanks girls.” Twilight sighed with a smile as she got up to close the door. She slowly closed it until it clicked, then she just stood there. Spike didn’t say anything as he walked closer to her and hugged her leg.

“We’ll find her Twilight.” He tried to comfort her as he felt drops of water fall on his head. He looked up to see Twilight crying.

“Thanks Spike.” Twilight’s voice trembled as she hugged him close before turning in for the night.


She hummed to herself. It was the only thing that she could do to pass the time. It was the song that her mommy would sing to her on nights she was having trouble sleeping. She couldn’t remember the words, but she knew the tune and it was something about twinkling stars. She liked the song because she wanted to see the stars that the song talked about.

She didn’t want to hear the yelling outside from the dark room. The griffon with the raspy voice from before who said she knew her was yelling louder than the others.

Rainbow Dash yawned. “Mommy…” She muttered before falling asleep for the night.


A rapid knocking on the door woke her from her sleep. Groggily, she opened her eyes as the knocking continued. “I’m coming…” Twilight muttered as she lazily got out of bed and shuffled to the door. It had been several nights since she actually slept peacefully. Last night was no relief to her tossing and turning. She opened the door to her room to see Rarity, who still had her eye mask pulled up on her face, and her slippers on. She looked like she had been running, as her mane was out of place and windblown. “Rarity? What time is it?” Twilight shook her head trying to wake up.

“Never mind that.” Rarity’s voice was strained. “Twilight. The king is dead.”

Twilight Sparkle immediately woke up when she heard this. “What?” She asked. The white unicorn nodded.

“Come quickly.” She spun on her hooves and galloped down the hall. Twilight followed behind her, their hoof-falls echoing through the castle. Celestia’s sun was on the verge of rising and its' rays were just starting to filter into the large hall.

The girls burst into the main chambers of the king’s bedroom where the king lay on the bed. Blood pooled around his chest and head. “He’s really dead…” Twilight muttered as she observed the scene. Applejack turned around and looked at Twilight, her face was stoic.

“The guards tell me an assassin slipped through in the middle of the night.” She explained. Twilight felt her mouth go dry as her mind whirled with what Applejack just said.

“An assassin? Sent by who?” Twilight choked out. “The griffon uprising.” She answered her own question. Fluttershy nodded. “Damnit.” Twilight cursed.

“Princess Twilight.” A griffon guard said from the doorway of the bedchambers. “We have reason to believe that the griffon uprising has plans to overtake the throne. We should get you to safety.”


“Get up.” Light flooded into the dark room and nearly blinded the filly.

“Mommy?” Rainbow Dash squeaked out.

“For the last time I’m not your mother!” Roared the temperamental griffon, as she came into view of the filly. Rainbow Dash scowled at the intruder. “I said, get up.” She stated as she shifted her wing to reveal a set of keys. “We’re moving.” She informed flatly.

“Where?” Rainbow Dash squeaked out, as she saw the griffon place a key in the lock of the cage.

“None of your business where we go.” Gilda snarled as she opened the door of the cage.

Rainbow Dash saw an opening. It was now or never. As the cage door opened there was a slight gap between the towering griffon and the confines of her cell. It was too small for a regular pony to slip through, but a filly could easily pass. With a buzz of her wings Rainbow Dash aimed for the gap and an attempt at freedom.

But Gilda was two steps ahead of her.

What the headstrong filly failed to notice was what Gilda had concealed by her other wing. It was a large stick with some sort of electricity magic imbued in it. The griffon leader swung it and it connected with the filly.

She felt like she was being shocked with the fury of a thousand angry wasps as she fell to the ground. The maniacal laughter of her captor filled the filly’s ears.

“You made that all too easy.” She sneered as Rainbow Dash was rendered immobile. “Honestly, I expected better from the once great Rainbow Dash.” She mocked. The new found light from the open door allowed Rainbow Dash to see her walk to the far wall, and pick something up off of it.

“Of course, when my scouts reported back to me that you had…fallen. I was shocked, really I was.” She continued to talk. “In all honesty, I had been planning this for some time now. Ever since you left me in defense of that stupid little friend group of yours.” Rainbow Dash looked between the rambling griffon and the open doorway. “The Elements of Harmony?” Gilda scoffed, paying more attention to what she was doing, and not to the filly on the floor.

Rainbow Dash noticed this, and mustered all of her strength to move her foreleg. She wedged it between herself and the floor in an attempt to make it closer to the door and potential freedom. She was so focused on her escape attempt that she failed to notice that her captor had stopped talking. An intense pain in her right wing reminded her of that.

Rainbow Dash screamed in pain as she saw Gilda tower over her. Her front paw pinned Rainbow’s wing to the floor. “I’m sorry, did I interrupt something?” She asked rhetorically. Gilda smiled and shifted her weight onto the wing further. The filly screamed out as fiery pain shot into her spine. This only caused the griffon to smile in sadistic glee. “As I was saying.” She emphasized, releasing her grip on Rainbow. “You’re not going anywhere.” Gilda revealed what she had taken off the wall.

Through teary eyes Rainbow Dash could see the black mass come towards her. She winced as Gilda reached around her neck and fastened something around it. As her vision cleared Rainbow could see it was a collar of sorts. Attached to it was a leash that ended around Gilda’s wrist.

“Like it?” Gilda smiled. “I had it specially made for you.” She grinned. “You see Dashie,” she spat the name like venom. “We here in the griffon kingdom don’t have much. You ponies made sure of that. But what we do have is some of the best armor and weapon makers in all of Equestria! This is a special shock collar I had designed to send 10 milliamps of electrical current through your body!” She laughed. Rainbow Dash furrowed her eyebrows, not fully understanding. Gilda sighed.

“I would think hanging around Twilight like you do, would help you understand this.” She rolled her eyes. “It’s best to show you.” Gilda grinned wickedly as she pressed a small button on the wrist of the leash.

Rainbow Dash would rather take the thousand wasp stings compared to this. As soon as the button was pressed, Rainbow Dash’s vision started to go black around the edges. Her body couldn’t do anything but tighten. She couldn’t breathe, she couldn’t think. For the moment that the button was pressed, Rainbow Dash felt the hot searing stings of a dragon’s fire on the tips of her ears and wings.

And all she could hear was the maniacal laughter of her captor.

“That felt good.” Gilda grinned walking out of the room, dragging Rainbow Dash. “Now. Come along. We have some business to attend to.”