• Published 8th Sep 2012
  • 9,952 Views, 510 Comments

Born to Chaos and Nightmares - Thorax

The child of Nightmare Moon and Discord, what more do you want?

  • ...

Episode 9: Not Dead

Author's Note:

Finally got my internet back have a chapter I wrote 2 weeks ago and sort of edited it.

“Now can anyone tell me what happens when chaotic magic is overpowered by harmonious magic?” Twilight Sparkle asked as she circled the class room.

“My Dad becomes a hat rack?” Lucid answered with a giggle

“Now Lucid” Twilight began preparing to scold the young Draconequus but quickly found herself pausing “That’s actually surprisingly quite accurate. However, from a scientific viewpoint when the two forces of magic meet the more powerful magic overpowers the first.” The purple Alicorn paused as she summoned several diagrams.

“Ms. Sparkle what’s that?” a young unicorn filly asked as she pointed to one of the diagrams

“Well Terra, this diagram shows the results of chaotic magic overpowering harmonious magic, the end result is both magics becoming unstable and detonating. In a reverse scenario harmonious magic will encase the chaotic magic resulting in both becoming stable and inert.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen the first result” Pleasant Dreams stated flatly as she stood in the classroom doorway

“Oh good Nightmar- I’m mean Princess Dreams has decided to grace our class with a visit.”

“Now, now Twilight” Pleasant began as she approached the purple Alicorn. “You’ve turned me to stone and or blown me up several times, I don’t think we need to be so formal.” She finished with a devious grin as she turned to face Twilight’s class who were now whispering amongst themselves. Both Twilight and Pleasant were able to make out the odd mention of blowing up a Princess.

“Thank you Nightmare” Twilight hissed as quietly as she could “I can’t wait for all the parents hearing how Ms. Sparkle tried to assassinate the Princess.”

“Always a pleasure Sparkle” Pleasant whispered back

“So what brings you here this fine day?” Twilight asked trying to regain her composure as her students continued to talk amongst themselves.

“Oh, I came to pick up Lucid, I thought she’d be done by now.” Pleasant stated with an awkward chuckle “Apparently I was wrong, also weird question but did Lucid happen to bring several Changelings with her to school”

“Oh them?” Twilight asked with a hint of annoyance “Two of them were sent to the office for fighting, another one of them snuck out during lunch break and third is over there.” She finished speaking as she pointed towards the Changeling at the back of the class who was currently frantically waving a hoof in the air.

“Ms. Twilight! Ms. Twilight!” the Changeling shouted as he waved a hoof in the air

“Yes Thorax” the Alicorn sighed

“Can I go to the washroom?” Thorax asked as he lowered a hoof

“I don’t” Twilight answered with a grin that showed the true evil all teachers have buried deep within them. “Can you?” she asked

Thorax sighed “May I go to the washroom?”

Twilight nodded a yes and both she and Nightmare watched as the Changeling quickly galloped out of the room, sadly he went in the wrong direction and after several seconds he passed the door again going at twice the speed.

“And you think I’m evil.” Pleasant chuckled

“You are evil and now you wasted the rest of my student’s precious learning time.” Twilight spoke as she pointed toward the clock that now read 3:15PM “I guess, you and Lucid a free to go.”

“Awesome!” Lucid shouted as she bolted from her desk and out the door as she ran to grab her hat and gloves for the walk back to the castle. The two silently watched from the Class room window as Lucid bolted from the school and out into the snowy streets of Canterlot city. After several seconds of waiting they watched as Lucid quickly bolted back into the school and eventually the class room.

“Mom come oooooon” Lucid whined as she pointed towards the door. “Dad’s going to eat all the good snacks without me.”

“For a bunch of Immortal beings you’re all pretty immature.” Twilight scoffed

“First off, you’re just figuring that out now? And secondly just think, in a couple thousand years you might get the stick out of your butt and have some fun once in a while.” Pleasant finished speaking with a laugh as she bolted out of the classroom, picking her daughter up on the way out the door.

“Ms. Sparkle?” A Unicorn colt asked as he approached his teacher

“Yes Iron Bull?” Twilight answered doing her best hide her annoyance with their previous guest.

“Who put a stick up your butt?” the colt asked completely oblivious to what Pleasant had actually meant.

“Princess Celestia did” Twilight answered flatly “Let me give you some advice kid, if a Princess ever asks you to be their personal student, you say no. No matter what they offer or how much they ask, say no.” she sighed as she began packing her papers.

Outside of the school Pleasant and Lucid were finally on their way home, it had taken them a couple minutes to gather Lucid’s “Personal Guard” from around the School.

Twitch and Mandible had received a suspension from a school they had never actually attended. Both of them had been repeatedly reminded that their parents would be informed; neither was quite sure how that was going to work.

Thorax was found hiding in the school’s Cafeteria under the foolish hope that everyone might just forget about him and he could live his life in peace within that one room.

Finally they found Grub hiding out behind a set of bleachers apparently trying to befriend “The Cool Kids” apparently being a cool kid required you to touch poison joke. Grub was now bright pink. Don’t do Poison Joke kids; you’ll end up pink or sounding like a dude.

The four Changelings silently followed along as they did their best to stay warm in their snow gear as they marched along behind their most recent leaders. Three of them doing their best not to giggle at their now pink friend’s situation.

“So what did I miss today Mom?” Lucid asked as she walked through the snowy streets with her mother.

“Sombra and Celestia started a game of chess this morning and when I left they were still playing. Luna and your father were planning to mess with them but that didn’t turn out to well. I always forget that Sombra has such high military training, for someone so calm he can really kick some flank.” Pleasant finished speaking as both her and Lucid laughed at the image of kind and innocent Sombra land a beat down on Discord and Luna, they both knew he had gone easy on both of them.

“And Chrysalis and her Changelings have been getting themselves settled in still, last time I checked on them they were converting the east wing of the castle into a make-shift hive.”

A couple minutes later the group found themselves back within the warm walls of Canterlot Castle and had made their way to where both Sombra and Celestia continued their game of Chess. As far as Pleasant could tell after a day long battle both sides were running out of solders, but it appeared Sombra still held some advantage.

“I take your Queen in two moves and your King one move after that.” Celestia stated smugly as earlier fears of defeat finally gave way to a sense approaching victory.

“But my dear, there’s a slight probably with your plan.” Sombra spoke as he kept the same calm and happy look he had worn since they began their match. “I take your King in two moves.” Sombra finished with a smile as turned to face the new arrivals. “Hello Lucid, hello Pleasant.” He spoke with an added wave.

“How goes the war Uncle?” Lucid asked as she threw her gloves aside and approached the table.

“Celestia has put up quite the battle, it’s commendable but in the end she lost too many men in the opening battle. Now the war is coming to an end and your dear aunt hopes to postpone the finale” Sombra stated with a sly grin as he turned back to face Celestia.

“How?” Celestia asked her face filled with frantic fear and confusion as she tried to figure out Sombra’s plan, but no matter how she looked at it Sombra couldn’t win. “You’re bluffing…” Celestia tried to argue

“He’s not” Pleasant and Lucid answered in unison causing and remaining hope in Celestia to quickly crumble as not one, but three agreed she had lost the long battle. No matter what in the end she would lose and it only left her with a single option.

“I surrender” the Sun Goddess stated mournfully

“Shame” Sombra stated as he looked up at Celestia “You would have won in three moves.” He finished with a laugh as a torrent of green flame covered engulfed him leaving Chrysalis in his place.

“Son of a” Celestia and Pleasant mouthed in Unison as they stared at the Changeling Queen.

“If I had known it was this easy to trick you into surrender I could have taken Equestria hundreds of years ago.” Chrysalis laughed as she continued to stare at their stunned expressions “I can’t believe none of you caught on either.”

“I did!” Lucid shouted as she waved a talon in the air. “Uncle Sombra doesn’t know how to play Chess; he is really good at Checkers though.”

“Well at least someone pays attention.” Chrysalis spoke as she patted the small Draconequus on the head. I switched out with Sombra after the second move when you went to “deal” with Discord. Sombra is currently helping Nibbles and Luna with some science experiments, in fact.” Chrysalis paused as she looked at the clock. “We should be do for the results any momen-“ Chrysalis was cut off as the expected explosion ripped through the castle.

“Oh good” Pleasant and Celestia spoke in unison once again.

After a couple seconds Luna, Sombra and Nibbles came rushing into the room followed by a trail of smoke.

“Okay” Luna wheezed as she tried to catch her breath. “Probably a little too much of everything.”

“You think?” Nibbles answered as he put out a small patch of flaming fur. “I told you, Chimera spit and Hydra fur doesn’t play nice with each other. He added as he shook some soot from his mane.

“Oh excuse me for thinking that after several thousand years I might know a little more about Science than you.” Luna responded with slight annoyance

“Well seeing as I am a science experiment, and the most deadly one at that, I might know a bit about Science myse-.”

“That was incredible!” Sombra finally spoke up after catching his breath. “There was fire, explosion a Llama and an underground rollercoaster, can we go again?!” He asked enthusiastically as he too put out several large patches of flaming fur.

“Father, I don’t think that’s the wisest course of actio-“ Nibbles was cut off as both Luna and Sombra bolted out of the room most likely in search of another disaster to cause. “You know what; if anyone needs me the Cookie God will be claiming his Snackrifice in the pantry.” Nibbles sighed before trotting off, leaving everyone in awkward silence.

“So where is my Dad?” Lucid asked as she turned to face Celestia and Chrysalis who had already begun another game of Chess while the previous events were going on.

“Oh he said something about getting a snack from the pantry and ran off….” Chrysalis paused before mouthing a silent “Oh” to herself “That poor fool has no idea what’s coming, may the universe show mercy on the fool who gets between the Cookie God and his prize.

The universe did not show Discord any mercy that day, the wrath of the Cookie God was swift and painful, but let it be known that even when faced with assured death Discord never released the double fudge cookies he had claimed for himself and in a way Nibbles respected him for that. Respected him, didn’t spare him of course but he did respect him.

“Hey Lucid sweetie” Pleasant spoke as she looked towards her daughter “Wasn’t the whole reason you wanted to rush home so you could get “The good snacks” as you put it?”

Lucid’s grin from the earlier quickly vanished as she realized not only was her father eating the good stuff Nibbles was on his way to devour it too.

“Aw man” the young Draconequus filly sighed as she fell to the floor in defeat

“Don’t look so glum.” Pleasant spoke as she picked up her daughter. “Do you want to go ride some weird science rollercoasters?”

“Really?!” Lucid shouted in excitement “Auntie Luna says those things are dangerous.”

“Luna’s a party killer.” Pleasant stated flatly as she turned to face the four Changelings that had assumed guard position after their earlier arrival. “You there!” she spoke as she pointed towards the on furthest on the right.

“Yes?” Thorax asked waiting for whatever stupid order he would receive this time.

“Pull the lever!” Pleasant shouted

Thorax was rather stunned and confused when he looked to his right and noticed several levers on the wall. He could have sworn there was nothing there when they had first arrived. He paused for a second as he decided which to pull and eventually just picked a random one.

Everyone watched in stunned amazement as a hole opened up beneath Celestia and Chrysalis as they continued their game of chest and the two plummeted in.

“Wrong leveeeeer!” came the echoed fading shouts of Alicorn and Changeling Queen.

“Wrong lever” Pleasant spoke with a smile “But good results never the less.” She added.

After another second Thorax pulled another lever and watched as another hole opened up and both Pleasant and their new “Queen” vanished into its depths.

“I wonder what the other one does.” Thorax muttered as he looked at the last unpulled lever, deep down inside though he knew it did something stupid and in the end he returned to his bunk with his fellow Changelings for a nice earned rest.

Comments ( 10 )

oh this story always gives me a good laugh and just when i needed it after spraining my ankle

Goddamn the Emperor's New Groove gets me every time :pinkiehappy:

When is the next chapter??? i am in love with this story!!!!! :pinkiesad2: :yay: :heart:

Thorax was found hiding in the school’s Cafeteria under the foolish hope that everyone might just forget about him and he could live his life in peace within that one room.

Silly Thorax, you will never know peace.

“Wrong leveeeeer!” came the echoed fading shouts of Alicorn and Changeling Queen.


I'm guessing the Llama was the Emperor of another kingdom? :duck:

WHEN WILL THERE BE MORE???!!!! its been ages!!! :fluttercry::raritycry::fluttershysad:

Just a tiny couple of questions...

I was thinking that Twilight was a Princess, how is now again a unicorn?

Also, about chapter 10 (Nightmare Night 2) If it's 200 years in the future, Spike is not the size of a house?

Octatuple agent.

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