• Published 2nd Aug 2016
  • 5,978 Views, 356 Comments

Along Came A Spider - Onomonopia

He failed once in his world, so can he redeem himself in another?

  • ...


The last time that Otto had come to the university he had been planning to break into it to discover what secrets that it held. Yet this time he found the doors open to him and the others, with no need for the usual sneaking or destruction that he would have caused in the past back when he was for more dangerous. Though even as he walked through the glass doors and passed the scanners, he wouldn't put it past himself if he decided to break into it at a future time.

"Ah Coco, it is so nice to see you again," said a massive stallion the size of Stonewall with a silver mane and a cutie mark that was an A+. Coco extended a hoof to him and he practically crushed her hoof with his when he shook her hoof. "I didn't think that I would be seeing you again so soon! Seems like just the other day that you were nothing more than a scared little freshpony in a big sea."

"And I have you and the other teachers to thank for getting me through it," she replied with a pained smile as she shook her hoof out, trying to regain feeling in her limb. She then turned to Otto and Stonewall, the former who had a look of bafflement upon his face. "Oh, let me introduce you. This is Top Score. He was one of the teachers that taught me back when I went here."

"Hold on a moment. You said that this was the premiere school for the most intelligent and scientifically gifted ponies in all of the world. Why in the blazing hell would a dress maker go here?" Otto asked, unable to figure out how the pieces fight together.

"Well, there was a time I wanted to have a career in science, but I settled on fashion when I found I had more fun with it," Coco said with a small giggle, which was quickly overshadowed by the bellowing laughter that erupted from the teacher. He clapped her on the shoulder with such force that her knees nearly buckled.

"I told Coco that if she ever wanted to relieve old memories she just needed to walk in and find me! So what you brings you in here after three years of avoiding us like the plague?" Top Score asked.

"Actually, I'm not here for myself. I'm here because my friend, Doctor Otto Octavius, wished to see the science and technology that we have," Coco explained and a moment later the teacher swung around to face Otto. Otto's spider sense blared but before he could act the teacher reached an arm around his shoulder and pulled him to his side.

"A doctor you say? Medical or science?"


"I see. So what school did you get your doctorate from?" the teacher asked with no concern for Otto's personal space and Otto had to force himself not to fling the fool off of him. Otto took a moment to think over his answer, figuring that the ponies would have no idea the school. But then he remembered the name of his city and he decided that the risk of a similar name they could look into wasn't worth it.

"I doubt you would have heard of it. I didn't get it in Equestria," Otto stated, knowing that the teacher would most likely think him a fraud. 'Even though I only got my doctorate under Peter's name, I still earned it. And no amount of disbelief can take that away from me. One of my few accomplishments I'm proud of.'

"Well, perhaps I haven't. After all, there are so many schools in this world. But a pony of science you said, right Coco? Well then, come with me!"

With no choice aside from violence, Otto was dragged down the halls of the colossal college, past rooms filled with science and wonder that Otto could only glance at. Coco and Stonewall struggled to keep up with the two before Top Score kicked open the doors to the science wing, finally releasing Otto and letting the pony crash to the floor.

"Welcome to the science wing!" Top Score exclaimed and Otto pulled himself off of the floor, looking around through the windows to see what all the fuss was about. All around him were ponies hard at work, each of them working on some kind of invention or creation of theirs. A group was working on a machine that could pick things up and move them around, while another was creating a propulsion system that ran on magic instead of fuel. Similar designs were all around him, but Otto didn't see any of the ponies working on anything that would aid him.

"May I look around at some of their projects? I wish...to marvel at the creations of the next generation?" Otto asked the teacher, who waved the pony on with a large smile. Otto nodded to him and moved into one of the rooms, ignoring the safety warning that hung overhead. He pushed open the door and strutted into the room with the mechanical limb, ignoring the fools that yelled at him to get out. Otto glanced around quickly at their notes and blueprints before he snarled, not finding anything of interest.

He then glanced over at the ponies, who were giving him less than friendly stares, before he walked over to their machine and tore open a panel on the side. He heard them exclaim and knew that in a moment they would be upon him, but with his intellect and spider speed he was rapidly able to change and adjust some of the wires, fixing the faulty systems.

He felt hooves grabbed at his arms, but he backed out on his own and pushed their limbs off of him. He then snatched the control panel from the grasp of one of the students and began to move the arm. All eyes in the room aside from his widened when they saw that the arm moved with far more speed and efficiency than it had before.

"I fixed the wiring and the mechanisms that you three so sloppily mixed up," Otto said to them as he hoofed the controller back to the students, who could stare at the pony with slacked jaws. "Feel free to examine the machine and see what I did, so that you may learn from my knowledge."

"Um, sure...how did you do that?" one of them asked. Otto's response was to smile at them knowingly before he walked out of the room, leaving the three dumbstruck before they all tried to look inside the panel to see how he had done it.

"Did...you find what you were looking for?" Coco asked when Otto walked out of the room. He sighed and shook his head before glancing towards another one of the rooms. He repeated the same procedure three more times, walking on the ponies and going over their things before helping them with their inventions. But after the third time when he got the propulsion system online and got one of the ponies flying around the room did Otto emerge and finally speak to the others.

"They do not have what I am looking for here," Otto said to the others with a bitter shake of his head. "Are you sure these are all the inventions that you currently have on hand? Perhaps there is another that is away or a teacher that has a project of their own?"

"Sorry Mr. Octvaius, but these are all the ones we have...the only ponies that would have more scientific projects then ours are the ones at Celestia's special school," Top Score clarified for Otto, who shook his head with a sigh at the ponies words.

"Thank you for your time then," Otto said before he headed for the door, with the look of a broken pony upon his face. Coco thanked her teacher and raced off after him, while Stonewall followed the both of them at a much slower pace.

"What's the matter, Otto? What were you looking for?" Coco asked.

"No. Sadly I was unable to find what I was searching for," Otto said in a quiet voice, one that Coco had never heard the Doctor use before. He two of them reached the entrance to the building, where Otto stopped for a moment and glanced up at the sky. "I wish to go home, Coco. Back to where I am from."

"Then why don't you?" Coco asked. "You don't have to stay here if you don't want to. Go home. We can manage without you."

"...no, my dear. I am not wanted at home anymore. No one where I am from wants me there any more," Otto said with a small shake of his head, before he lifted it once more with a look of strength upon his features. "That is the past. There are other thoughts upon my mind. Such as shopping."

Coco was completely surprised by the sudden change in attitude before she had to sprint after the stallion, who had suddenly began to walk away with a speed that made Coco walk quickly just to match his stride. "S-shopping? Why would you suddenly want to go shopping?"

"Because there are things that I need," Otto stated in a matter of fact tone as he slowed down slightly so that Coco could catch her breath. "Please lead me to the nearest store which sells...items."

Coco didn't know how to respond to his request, but not wanting to let Otto down she thought of all the nearest stores that sold odd items. The two of them ran across what felt to be the entire city as Coco lead him to store after store, each of them with stranger items than the last. At nearly all of them all Otto did was look around at the supplies before leaving. But in the last store Otto seemed to have found what he was looking for and Coco had to help him pay for some of the material that he had bought.

"What did you buy in there?" Coco asked with some confusion once the two of them walked out of the store, with Otto having the bag slung over his shoulder. "Come on Otto, I've been in my share of science classes yet even I have no idea what you're going to make with that batch of whatever."

"Let me just say that I have bought it for...a pet project," Otto replied, causing Coco to roll her eyes.

"Scrap metal, pieces of wire, strange fluids, and an assortment of other things. Are you trying to make a giant robot or something?"

"Do not be ridiculous, giant robots are a waste of time. They are far too large a target and their structural weak points are far too easy to exploit," Otto snapped back with an annoyed tone, adding another question to the growing list of questions that Coco had about Otto. "But no, I am not seeking to create a giant robot. I am...taking advantage of my third chance, as you said."

Coco was once again forced to raise an eyebrow at the choice of Otto's wording, but as her boutique came into view she decided to save the questions for a later day and walked towards the door. Yet the moment she placed a hoof upon the handle of the door Otto grabbed hold of her and yanked her back with such force that she was ripped from her hooves.

"What are you doing?!" she half screamed at Otto, but the moment she looked at his face she found a look of sheer concentration and caution. He let her go and motioned for her to stay there, before he walked forward with strength and ripped the door off of its hinges. He raced into the building and glanced around in every direction, eyes narrowed as he prepared himself for assault.

Yet as he walked into the main room where Coco and Stonewall had done all of their work did Otto finally find the reason why his sense had alerted him. He hears Coco enter the building after him a moment later and he had to fight very hard to keep from turning around when she entered the room. He heard her fall to her knees and a moment later he heard her muffled sobs.

The room was completely ripped to pieces, with the shreds of what had once been Coco's pride and joy scattered in pieces. Her designs were missing from the table where they had been laying the previous day and Otto also saw that whoever had done this had destroyed all other outfits she had been working on for good measure. Otto finally gave into temptation and glanced behind him at Coco, who was hiding her face in her hooves so that Otto wouldn't see her cry.

"Whoever did this did it while we were out," the voice of Stonewall said, causing Otto to turn to find the stallion already shifting around some of the material. "Some of the hoofprints are still fresh. Doesn't make a like of difference, though. These horseshoes are the most popular currently, so hundreds of thousands could be wearing them for all we know."

"They would have had to do it...while we were at the university," Otto realized with a bitter taste forming in his mouth. "But Sapphire Shores asked for her dresses in three weeks, correct? Then we still have time to-"

"That's not how this business works, Otto. Sapphire hired Coco because she wanted her to make a dress that would be one of a kind. Whoever did this was after those dresses. And odds are they'll have them at the same fashion show that Sapphire is attending."

"Then we will know who took them and we can capture them for their insolence," Otto snarled with such venom that Stonewall was taken aback.

"We could, but it's our word against theirs. And they have the designs now as well as the actual outfits. They might not even use this design. They might improve upon it," Stonewall tried to reason with Otto, but unbeknownst to the stallion Otto was already seeing red. "There is nothing we can do for the time being. Right now we need to call Coco down and-"

"There is nothing you can do because you are a damned idiot!" Otto bellowed at Stonewall before spinning on his hooves and practically sprinting towards his room. 'How dare someone steal the hard work of Coco! There is nothing I can stand more than an idiot who feels smart by stealing the works of those superior to them!'

Otto kicked open the door to his room and grabbed the bag from under his bed, whipping out the spider suit and donning it in a few moments. He hadn't had taken time to repair the damage from the previous fight, but that would have to wait. For there was vengeance the be exacted and Otto did not like to sit around and wait. He took out two spare web cartridges from his belt and placed them into the shooters before he shot out of the window, shooting a line of webbing to a building as he started to swing.

'And on the top of a very short list of suspects is Cherry Bomb. Let us see how much pain it takes before she confesses!'