• Published 2nd Aug 2016
  • 5,978 Views, 356 Comments

Along Came A Spider - Onomonopia

He failed once in his world, so can he redeem himself in another?

  • ...


Spiderman swung from building to building as fast as his arms could carry him, but to his increasing frustration he found that he was making no process in catching the rock monster that still held Coco. Roaring at the beast to make sure that it knew he was following, Spiderman leapt up onto the rooftop and shot two strands of webbing at the monster.

But to his horror the monster spun around and held out Coco in front of the webbing, causing Spiderman to yank on the strands and redirect them to a new target. He roared once more as he released the webbing and took to the air, lunging right at the area he knew the monster was going to be going to. But even though he calculated the path of the stone monster perfectly, the creature changed its course at the last second and left Spiderman to hurl himself off of the building.

He shot out two strands of webbing to stop his descent, but when he managed to swing his way back onto the rooftops he found that the monster had already gotten much further ahead than Otto would have believed possible in such short time.

'It looks like its heading for that bridge,' Spiderman realized as he calculated the path of the stone monster in his head, knowing that there was only one place it could go if it followed along its path. 'If it gets across there it will enter a part of the city that I'm not familiar with. I need to put an end to this now!'

Realizing that he was too far behind the monster to catch up to it from behind, but he did figure out that if he swung to the bridge at the moment he would cut off the monster there. Deciding to take the risk, and figuring that the monster still wanted to kill him, Spiderman hurled himself off of the side of the building and swung his way over to the bridge. He shots out two strands of webbing to nearby buildings and pulled them tight before releasing his grip, slingshotting himself out over the bay and to where the bridge was.

"Miss ME?!" Spiderman bellowed as he took perfect aim at the creature, who had just stepped foot onto the bridge. The monster looked up just in time to be tackled by the Spiderman, sending the both of them crashing across the concrete. Ponies around them cried out in horror as Spiderman pushed himself back up to his hooves with an aching body, knowing that he might have broken a few bones with his impact.

"In fact, no!" Spiderman lifted his head in time to see the back of the fist that backhanded him onto the bridge. He cried out in pain as he slammed into one of the carriages that was parked, shattering the wood with the force of his impact. But knowing that the monster still held Coco within its grasp force Spiderman to roar through the pain as he leapt off of the carriage and picked it up with his spider strength, hurling the carriage towards the monster. The beast smirked at Spiderman before it lifted its hand to use Coco as a shield, but Spiderman had been waiting for it to do that.

"My turn!" Spiderman informed the monster as he shot a strand of webbing around its leg and pulled with all of his might, yanking the monster off of its feet and moving Coco out of the way of the carriage. Spiderman heard the monster roar as the carriage shattered on its body, giving Spiderman the opening he needed to lung at the monster and drive a hoof into the side of its head.

"You will pay for touching her with your life!" Spiderman promised the monster as he cracked both rocks and his hooves with the force of his punches, each blow warping the face of the creature that had dared to take Coco. A flash of green erupted from the monsters chest and a second later Spiderman found himself flat on his back and staring up at the sky.

"No. She will pay with her life," the rock monster promised Spiderman in reply as it leapt onto one of the supports of the bridges and began to climb, while Spiderman rose back up and looked to where the monster was taking her.

"This is feeling...all too familiar," Spiderman snarled with some fear rising in his chest before he shot out a strand of webbing near the top of the bridge, pulling on the web with all of his might to yank him up to where the monster was climbing. Spiderman hurled a kick at the creature as he passed by, yet the monster deflected his blow with a punch that sent Spiderman to the very top of the bridge. He landed with a roar of pain on the top of the bridge, where he was joined by the rock monster a moment later.

"Let her go, you damned monster. This is between you and me," Spiderman said, though he knew that his words would be lost on the monster.

"Yes it is. But you are a hero, and thus as long as I have her I have the advantage," the rock monster pointed out before it shifted Coco to the arm that was the farthest away from Spiderman. "Of course, you are welcome to try and take her-"

Before the monster could finish its sentence Spiderman shot a strand of webbing into the face of the monster, blinding it momentarily and giving Spiderman his chance. The Spider hurled himself at the stone creature and threw a wicked right into its jaw, snapping its head to the side and sending bits of pebbles flying in all directions. He then vaulted over the head of the creature and grabbed hold of Coco, snapping off the monsters fingers to break her free.

The monster ripped the webbing off of its face and roared as it swung at the Spiderman, but his efforts were futile as the Spiderman leapt over the hands of the creature and landed on the other side of the peak of the bridge. Spiderman gently set Coco down behind him before turning to the monster, who was able to see the hatred burning through the mask of the Spiderman.

"Well would you look at that. Now you've lost the only thing that prevented me from tearing you to pieces," Spiderman said in a tone so calm that it made the rock monster attempt to swallow down his fears. Spiderman then roared as he hurled himself at the rock monster, slamming a hoof into its face and nearly caving in the monsters head. It swung at Spiderman in desperation, but with his spider sense Spiderman knocked the fist out of the way before driving his own into the face of the monster.

"Today you die!" Spiderman roared as he drove fist after fist into the creatures face, causing a green liquid to leak from its face. He cocked back with all of his might in full preparation to punch the monsters head off, but before he could something kicked Spiderman in the side of the head and nearly sent him flying over the edge of the tower. His adhesive abilities prevented him from being flung off, but even as he pulled himself back up his eyes widened beneath the mask when he saw who had joined them.

"So it seems that I was right and you are the Spiderman, Otto," the creature said with a sinister snicker before it glanced over at its rock monster, who was no longer moving. "And I see that you've managed to dispose of my most precious creation in the process. You truly do not disappoint."

"And you are truly foolish to come here without any more of your failed attempts at being a god," Spiderman roared in reply as he flipped himself onto the bridge and threw a kick at the masked face of the satyr. But the Beast reached up with a hand and caught Spiderman's kick, giving him just enough time to widen his eyes before he was swung into the top of the tower.

Spiderman reached back and stopped himself with his forehooves before he kicked out of the Beasts grasp. He leapt into the air and performed a spin kick that was supposed to crack the Beasts ribs, but once again the satyr leapt back with a speed that nearly matched Spiderman. Spiderman roared as he landed and shot two strands of webbing at the satyr, but with speed that even Spiderman had trouble keeping up with the Beast grabbed the webbing out of the air and twirled once. The webbing twirled around and wrapped itself around Spiderman, who glanced down at his entanglement before another kick sent him flying off the edge of the tower.

Spiderman struggled against his bonds with all of his might, breaking free of his bonds...right before he slammed back first into the concrete below. He screamed in pain as he felt both the concrete and his bones break from the impact. He lay in the crater that he had made seething with pain, his eyes watering up with tears as the pain tore through him.

Ponies circled around him to see if he was alright, one of them being a doctor knelt down next to him and tried to examine him. But through the pain Spiderman glanced at the tower that he had been thrown off of, his eyes widening in horror when he saw the Beast dangling her over the edge. With a weak roar of fury he pushed himself back up, ignoring the pleas of the doctor for him to stay down.

Spiderman took aim at the base of the bridges tower and fired his webbing, ignoring the beep that came from the shooter to let him know after the next two shots he was out. He pulled himself to the top of the tower once more, using all of his mental energy to repress the pain that threatened to consume him. He swung around underneath of the tower and looped back around to the top, where he saw that the Beasts back was turned towards him. Spiderman released his grip and hurled himself towards the Beast with leg outstretched. But as if he had a spider sense of his own the Beast leapt out of the way and caused Spiderman to crash into the top of the tower.

"How? You had no idea that I was coming?!" Spiderman roared at the Beast, barely able to see the smile on the creatures face from under its mask.

"Why, the same way that I am able to deal with you so easily. With your powers," the Beast informed Spiderman, who snarled in reply. "It was easy, really. All I need was a small sample of blood from you and then I was able to replicate what gave you such incredible power. I will admit, that warning that you get every time you are in danger is very helpful."

"There is no way that you would be able to get my blood! My spider sense would warn me any time that you would-grah!" Spiderman snarled as he slapped the back of his neck, having felt something bite into his skin. He glanced up to see what looked like a tiny mosquito fly back over to the Beast, where it landed in the outstretched hand of the satyr.

"Your sense only works when something either has intent to harm you or is any danger to you," the Beast said with a smile as he gently petted the mosquito. "But this little guy here is just doing what comes naturally to him. Drinking blood...or leaving a little something behind. Completely natural."

Spiderman felt his blood go cold at the mention of something being injected into his body, but when he glanced at the Beasts side to se Coco laying at his side he knew that he needed to act. He lifted his right arm and shot one of his two shots of webbing at the monster, before racing after the web. The satyr dodged the webbing only to be tackled by Spiderman, nearly sending the both of them off of the edge.

"Ah, this feels so familiar. Almost like the time the pony that created me tried to throw me into a vile of acid to dispose of me," the Beast said with a smirk as Otto tried to hurl him over the edge.

"What do you mean by that? Are you a failed experiment like the rest of these freaks?" Spiderman roared as he wrapped his hooves around the satyr's throat.

"Oh yes, I was my masters pride and joy. I was the only one of his creations that just wouldn't die whenever he thrust me into one of his deathtraps," the Beast reminisced before he felt his grip beginning to slip. "But I'm not a failure. Not unless you count killing your creator and using his science to create my own army. I'm just a being that wants to me than his creator ever was."

"So...that is what you really are," Spiderman said with a snarl as he flashed back for just a moment, losing his grip slightly.

"Hmm, seems that the concoction I made is taking longer than I thought," the Beast said with a smirk as it struggled to keep Spiderman from pushing him over the edge. "So all I need to so is stall for a bit. So what if I up the wager?!" A strand of webbing shot out of the satyrs wrist and grabbed hold of Coco, who he then hurled over the edge of the tower. Spiderman didn't even have time to lung after her before the Beast rolled the both of them off of the top.

'I have to save her!' Spiderman knew as he aimed his last shot of webbing at Coco, taking precise aim at the falling mare. But then his spider sense blared and he looked up to see the Beast about to plunge a needle into his chest. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as Spiderman came to a realization. He only had enough webbing left for one shot. He could use it to save Coco, but then he would be vulnerable to the Beasts next attack. Or he could use it to save himself...

'It is no question. She comes first.'

Spiderman took aim at the mare and fired a large clump of webbing. With Parker's memories he knew that a single strand of webbing would be a death sentence, so instead he fired the clump past her and into the water, where it expanded into a raft of webbing. Coco landed on the webbing and was immediately caught by the webbing, saving her life. At the sight of her safe Spiderman allowed himself to smile...before he roared in pain as the needle was plunged into his chest.

"You are very sick Spiderman. We need to get all of those radiated cells out of your body!" the Beast roared with delight before Spiderman kicked him off of him. He reached out and grabbed the leg of the bridge, sticking to it just as the satyr did the same below him. Spiderman shook his head as his vision began to blur, but a moment later he felt his grip on the side begin to slip.

"Do not worry, the process will be quick! But it will not be painless!" the Beast roared as he leapt up the side of the bridge and struck Spiderman in the face with enough force to shatter his goggles. Spiderman roared in agony as he tried to stagger back, but his adhesive powers failed him and he lost his grip. The Beast grabbed Spiderman as he fell and slammed him head first into the side of the bridge, denting metal with the skull of the scientist.

"You believed me to be a crazed villain seeking world domination," the Beast mocked Spiderman as he punched him in the side of his head, turning Spiderman's vision red beneath the mask. "You believed that my creations of genius were foolish!" The Beast cracked Spiderman's ribs with a blow that nearly knocked him off the bridge once more. Spiderman began to fall before the Beast wrapped two hooves around his neck, dangling Spiderman by his neck.

"And I could almost forgive you for all of those transgressions except for one detail," the Beast whispered into Spiderman's ear, Otto barely conscious enough to hear his words. "You believe that you were superior to me. You thought yourself better. So in a sense, you are the reason for all of this. You just had to say you were superior. And I can't have that.


A demonic smile crossed the face of the Beast as he heard Spiderman's neck break and the body of his foe went limp. With a confident laugh of victory the Beast tossed Spiderman into the waters below, feeling a satisfaction as he watched the Spider sink beneath the surface. He waited five minutes for any sign of the Spider surfacing, but when he never did the Beast let out a cackle of victory.

He then glanced down to see that Coco was still on the raft and he leapt down to her and picked her up into his arms. "Come dear, you have a been a spectator for so much of the show that I would hate for you to miss how it will end. And with these powers, I am now beyond unbeatable. First this city, then the Ambassadors...then all of the world will see the beauty of my monsters."