• Published 6th Apr 2012
  • 3,118 Views, 51 Comments

Code name: My little ponies - 8-bit Bacon

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“There is a story some kids tell, about a group of KND fighting Grandfather’s Adult-tyranny was transported into another dimension where no boy would dare enter and magic exists.”
“Some kids say it’s a dawn of a new chapter where the KND can help extra-terrestrial kids battle adult-tyranny”
“Others says it’s only a make believe, there never was a new dimension and there is no Magic”
“But I believe that dimension exists and if I ever find it, I’ll help those kids against adult-tyranny” he paused
Then numbuh 1 puts his shades on and said
“Because we are the Kids Next Door”
“Kids Next Door, BATTLE STATION!!” numbuh 1 shouted as the sector V pedals, changing the position of the moon base which will be used as a weapon against Grandfather.

“I need more power to fire this thing!” shouted numbuh 2 while pedaling a motorcycle.
“Target is coming into range, weeeee” numbuh 3 said excitingly
“uhm hey numbuh 5, what kind of missile are we firing at the earth” numbuh 4 asked in a nervous tone.
“There ain’t any missile left numbuh 4” numbuh 5 replied
“So what the crud are we firing?”
“Us” replied numbuh 1 with a grin.
“What you’ve got to be kid-“numbuh 4 was cut-off by the shout of numbuh 2
“FIRE!!” shouted numbuh 2, which at the same time numbuh 3 stomp the launch button
Back at earth,
Grandfather is in a deadlock fight against numbuh 0, his own son.
“HOW CAN YOU RESIST ME, FOR SO LONG!!” Grandfather said while shouting angrily at numbuh 0
“Its simple dad” he said, writhing in pain while his own father is turning him into a senior citi-zombies
“The book that you’re looking for is at my back pocket”
“WHAT? YOU HAVE THE BOOK?” he said shockingly,
Grandfather grab numbuh 0 left hand and lift him with ease while looking at his back pocket for the book
“GIMME GIMME GIMME” saying while grabbing the book, then he throws numbuh 0 just like a rag doll.
“At last, my victory is COMPLETE!!” he shouted victoriously with wide open arms with his senior citi-zombies cheering for his victory.
“With the destruction of this book, I WILL RULE THE WORLD UNCHALLENGED!!”
“AND NOTHING WILL STOP EVER AGAIN” he said while flinging the book in the air.
“NOT EVEN…” with a sudden change of expression “a gigantic… flaming… moon base?”

Then there was a huge explosion just in front of numbuh 0 who, is seemingly unfazed by the suddenly huge explosion. After the cloud dust was gone, numbuh 0 stood there shocked.
There’s no moon base, no Grandfather, no operatives of the KND moon base nor the sector V.

A/N: this is my first story, so sorry if there are any errors and inconsistencies. just point it out so i can edit it