• Published 6th Apr 2012
  • 3,117 Views, 51 Comments

Code name: My little ponies - 8-bit Bacon

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Operation: B.O.O.K

Operation: B.O.O.K

"Book Offer Otherworldly Knowledge"

It was a sunny, beautiful day at Ponyville. Twilight Sparkle, accompanied by Spike, looks up in the sky thinking that Rainbow Dash and the weather control team had done another outstanding job on clearing the cloudy sky.

“Oh, this will be a perfect day to go to Rarity! She might go jewel hunting and I, her knight in shining armor, will help her!” Spike exclaimed with claw pointing upwards.

Twilight chuckled and asked, “Have you done all the chores at the library, Spike?”

“Of course, I wouldn’t be called your #1 assistant if I haven’t done any of the chores, right?” he replied with a smug.

“Ok, then you’re free to go to Rarity, but be sure to come back home early.”

“Don’t worry about it Twilight!” Spike said and took off with a seemingly love-struck run.
Twilight chuckled while looking at the love-struck baby dragon walking towards the Carousel Boutique. Out of nowhere, a pink pony materializes seemingly out of thin air.

“HI TWILIGHT! Good morning to you!”

Startled, the purple pony replied, “Oh, it’s you Pinkie. And good morning to you too.”

“Isn’t this great! Dash did a wonderful job on clearing the skies,” the pink pony said as she bounced gleefully around Twilight.

Then she paused for a second. “Oh I know, this calls for a celebration!” and returned back to her bouncing with more fervor. All of a sudden, Pinkie’s tail started to twitch.

"Oh! It's my tail! It's my tail! It's a-twitch a-twitchin'! And you know what that means! The twitchin' means my Pinkie Sense is telling me that stuff's going to start falling!" she said as she and Twilight looked up to the sky. Twilight instinctively ducked for cover against the stuff that was going to fall, but to no avail. It still landed on her head with a loud thud.

“OW!!” she shouted in pain, while rubbing her head, trying to soothe the pain. She stands up, looking for the stuff that fell on her head.

“Are you okay Twilight?” said Pinkie with a concerned look on her face.

“Yes, I’m fine Pinkie,” she replied. “So, another flowerpot fell on my head again, huh?”
Pinkie Pie shakes her head in disagreement, then she showed Twilight the thing that fell on her head. To Twilight’s amazement, it was neither a flowerpot nor a dumbbell. It was a book.

“So that book is the one that fell on my head?” she asked Pinkie Pie.

“Yup, I was expecting a flowerpot or dumbbell to fall, but not a book,” she replied with a mischievous smile. “BUT, I never expect a book to fall. At least you got a book for free!” she continued while giving the book to Twilight Sparkle. “Well I got to go; I’ll be preparing another party for the job well done by Dashie and the weather control team. See ya later Twilight, and I expect you to come to the party.”

“Yes, see you later Pinkie, and I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” She smiled and nodded. Satisfied, Pinkie started bouncing to the direction of Sugarcube Corner to prepare for the party. Twilight, with her friend gone, started trotting to her library with her newfound book.


Twilight was thinking about the book while walking towards the library. It had a maroon color with a dark blue spine, and it looked like it has seen better days in its current condition. It had strange-looking marking, which looked like a language she hadn’t seen before.

Thinking about it made her feel curious and a little bit excited. She instantly galloped towards the library. Once inside, she used her magic to put the groceries she bought earlier and quickly put it aside on the table. She took out the book with her mouth and put it on the table. She then got her first good look at it and noticed that it had a strange marking which covered almost the whole cover of the book.

“This book is certainly not from Equestria,” she said with a curious look. With her magic, she took a ton of books on Language and Literature off the shelves to see if there was a record about this language, but to no avail.

“I guess opening this book is the only way to know if it’s Equestria-made or not,” Twilight said with excitement.

She was about to open it using her hooves, but she hesitated.

“The book is old, probably older than me. If I use my hooves to read it, I might rip a page while turning it.”

“Wait Twilight, you’re a unicorn and unicorns have magic. Oh, all this excitement makes me forget that I use magic to read!” She giggled at what happened, and then used her magic to flip the pages of the book.

At the very first turn of the page, Twilight saw a Doodle.

“Uh-huh, I guess it’s a notebook for young fillies,” she said, chuckling while inspecting the drawing. Upon closer inspection, Twilight noticed that the drawing didn’t include any ponies or known species in their world. The illustration shows six unknown bipedal species, wearing some strange clothing with numbers on it while fighting a somewhat giant shadow which appears to be an enemy. As she turns the pages, more and more illustrations appear. This only served to pique Twilight’s curiosity even more.

There was suddenly a loud knock at the door. “Twilight! Twilight!” It was Spike.
She frantically hid the book out of sight, then ran toward the door to let Spike in.

“What’s the matter Spike?” she asked while laughing nervously.

“The Princess wants to see you and the others,” he said while waving the Royal letter in front of Twilight.


It was nighttime at Equestria, all of the citizens and critters were asleep. Seemingly out of nowhere, the dark silent sky turned flaming red as a giant fireball passed over Ponyville and awakened the peaceful citizens in their slumber. Curious ponies opened their doors and windows to see the giant fireball streaking across the sky, while others are either still asleep or too scared to react to what was happening in their town.

Inside the library, the sound of clopping hooves, papers rustling, and books being dropped onto the floor could be heard. Twilight was running around inside her observatory, writing any information she could get on the mysterious flaming ball.

“Huh…Twi…what…what’s going on?” a groggy voice chirped from behind her. Twilight didn’t even look at him as Spike waddled up to her side while dragging his favorite blanket behind him, sleep still heavy in his eyes.

“Oh hey Spike, you’re up,” said Twilight

“It’s because you’re so noisy in the evening,” he grumbled while he glanced at the clock, “and still not past midnight!”

“I’m sorry Spike, I was just so excited to study this meteor. It’s like nothing that I have ever seen before. It has an odd shape and is somewhat metallic, unless my calculations are wrong,” she said while taking another glance at her calculation table.

“Based on the trajectory of the meteor, I’d say it will land at the far end of the Everfree Fo-”

“TWILIGHT!” roared the little dragon. “Just go and get some sleep, you will leave tomorrow morning to Canterlot. You don’t want to present yourself to the Princess with giant bags under your eyes, right?”

“I guess you’re right Spike. I’m sorry for waking you up.”

“Don’t worry about it. What would you do without your number one assistant?” the dragon boasted.

“Now you go back to bed, I’ll catch up to you once I’m done cleaning up,” she said to Spike, while levitating all the papers and books littered on the floor.

“Okay,” replied the dragon before going back to his bed.

Twilight was done cleaning up the observatory. She took a scroll and a quill out and started her routine checking to see if everything was in place. Content by her work, she put the scroll and quill inside a drawer and started trotting towards her room.

She quietly opened the door and closed it, trying to be careful not to wake up her sleeping assistant. She climbed up the ladder slowly, trying to be as stealthy as possible. Once at the top, she checked to see if Spike was still sleeping soundly.

“Oh Spike, you’re always there for me,” she whispered to herself, while getting into her own bed to get a good night’s rest.

“Good night, Spike,” she muttered, then drifted to sleep.


“SPIKE! I’m leaving! Take care of the library while I’m gone!” Twilight called out to Spike before leaving.

“Twilight! You almost forgot the book that you were reading yesterday!” Then Spike came running down the stairs and passed her the weird book that she was reading.

“Thanks Spike, you really are my number one assistant,” she praised the purple dragon.

With red blush clearly visible on his purple cheeks, he replied “Of course!” then returned back inside the library to start his daily chores.

I wonder if there are any books in the Canterlot Library that could tell me about the origin of this book. Not only that I have access to the library, I can show it to the princesses, since… well they both lived over a thousand years; maybe one of them could tell me about it she thought to herself while making her way to the train station to meet her friends.

A/N: i would like to thank Fragment123 for editing and an unknown brony who proofread it.
as you can see, it's kinda bland since i have a limited diction and a ESL author. if someone wants to help me about my diction, just message me. i would appreciate any help i can get.