• Published 4th Jun 2014
  • 6,547 Views, 186 Comments

Kamen Rider/MLP: Battle For Equestria - KnightBrony

The Neo-Heisei Riders are summoned to Equestria to stop Chrysalis and Foundation X from destroying Equestria. Will they succeed? Only one way to find out.

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Chapter 7: The Battle Begins Part 2

Chapter 7

The Battle Begins Part 2

“HENSHIN!” the Riders yelled as they all transformed, roaring as they fought their respective old foe. Celestia, Twilight, Luna, Shining Armor, and the soldiers watched as the Rider's battled.

W had transformed into HeatMetal, and was using the Metal Shaft to block the sword strikes from Nazca. Nazca was striking with surprising speed from W's earlier encounter with the Dopant.

How is Nazca this quick? He's not even reached Level 2 yet,” Shotaro said as he ducked out of the way of a slash.

I don't know Shotaro,” Phillip said. Nazca disappeared in a burst of speed, only to appear behind them and slash W across the back.

Hah! You fools can't even begin to match my speed,” Nazca said as he grabbed W before growing wings and flying upwards, W struggling against Nazca's bonds.

OOO fought with Mezool, trying his best to strike the Greeed. However, Mezool kept blocking his attacks and striking him in turn with blasts of high pressure water. Mezool laughed at OOO.

What's the matter Rider? Getting tired?” Mezool said in a haughty tone. OOO grunted as he kept up his attacks. Mezool laughed as she leaped onto a building.

Why don't we make this fight a little more interesting,” Mezool said as she produced several Cell Medals before breaking them in half. From the broken medals came several Trash Yummies.

Mezool jumped down towards the middle of the group of Yummies, pointing a finger towards OOO.

Go my little Yummies, make mama proud,” Mezool said as the Yummies slowly began to swarm OOO.

Fourze fought with Gemini atop a building. Fourze had activated his Launcher module and Gatling modules but was having difficulty hitting her as she kept bouncing around.

“Grr! Stay still!” Fourze yelled as he kept firing bullets and missiles. Gemini managed to evade all of these attacks as she landed on top of a chimney.

Let me think about that, hmmm.....nope!” She said as she produced her playing cards and threw them at Fourze, the cards exploding on impact. Fourze breathed heavily as he looked at the Horoscope.

“Okay, try this!” Fourze said as he produced his Elek switch, placing it in his belt and activating it.


Fourze's armor crackled with electricity as his armor changed from white to gold and his weapon Billy the Rod appeared in his right hand. Once the transformation had ceased, he put one of the plugs on his weapon into a slot. The weapon crackled with power as Fourze used his jet pack to propel himself forward, managing to strike Gemini, electricity crackling across the Horoscope's body.

Instead of howling in pain, Gemini only laughed, which unnerved Fourze.

That looks like fun. Let me try that,” Gemini said as she produced a Horoscope switch. She pressed the switch, the constellation for Virgo shining as the Horoscope transformed into Virgo. The Horoscope pointed it's staff at Fourze, firing off a few energy bursts which caused the Rider to fall off the building and landing on a cart, shattering it in the process.

Ugh, I hate when they change like that,” Fourze groaned. He quickly came back to his senses as Virgo descended on him, firing off more energy bursts.

Wizard, in his Water form, was not fairing much better as Medusa struck him with her staff. Wizard huffed as Medusa chuckled at him.

I was wrong, you've gotten sloppy mage,” Medusa said as she continued to laugh at Wizard. Wizard propped himself up with his WizarSwordGun.

Perhaps I should've taken Rinko's advice and changed my all donut diet,” Wizard said.

Really though my dear Wizard, I would've thought you would fare better than this. I guess you're nothing without your little cheer squad around,” Medusa said as she proceeded to ensnare Wizard in her snake hair tendrils. Wizard struggled in her grasp, trying to escape.

Give up ring bearing mage. You might as well fall into despair now,” Medusa said as she began to crush Wizard in her grasp. Wizard yelled, trying to escape. Thankfully, he managed to flip his belt to the side as he placed his right hand on the belt.


Wizard's body turned into a liquid form as he escaped Medusa's grasp and grabbed her in choke hold.

Sorry, falling into despair isn't in my job description,” Wizard said as Medusa flung him off and they began their fight anew.

Sparks flew off of Gaim's armor as Demushu slashed him across the chest. Gaim, despite his injury, was still holding his own against the Overlord.

Why is an Overlord working with Foundation X? And since when were you guys able to speak our language?” Kouta said. Although his experiences with the Overlords usually led to him getting beaten and hurt, he always remembered them speaking their own language and not working with humans despite his efforts. Demushu responded by striking Gaim with his weapon, although Gaim managed to block this attack with his Musou Saber.

Silence ape! You need know nothing,” Demushu said as he pushed Gaim's sword to the side, whirled around, and kicked Gaim so hard he went through a building wall.

As Gaim wheezed on the ground from the impact, he thought for a moment.

I don't remember this one being so powerful,” Gaim thought before Demushu reappeared.

As the Riders were losing ground, Twilight turned to the Princesses.

“Isn't there anything we can do to help them?” Twilight asked. Princess Celestia looked at her with a distressed look on her face.

“I don't know Twilight. These Kaijin are stronger than other ones we have faced before. I don't think even the Riders could be a match for them,” Celestia said. Just as she said that, the Riders were knocked in front of them, groaning form their injuries as the Kaijin approached.

Give up you pathetic Riders. You can't even begin to fathom what Foundation X or our Mistress have in store for you,” Medusa said as she laughed at the Riders, the other Kaijin generals joining her.

The Riders looked at each other, downtrodden.

Come on guys, we've got to think of something,” Gaim said.

I'm all ears orange boy,” Wizard said. As the Kaijin readied for an attack, suddenly they were hit with a blast of purple energy. The Kaijin and Riders looked to see Twilight Sparkle standing tall, her horn blazing with purple energy and her armor glinting in the sunlight.

Well well, what have we here? The rookie Princess thinks she can stand up to us?” Medusa said. Twilight advanced to where she was standing in front of the Riders. The Riders, Celestia, Luna, Spike, and Shining Armor watched with worry and curiosity.

“I may be a rookie Princess, but I'm no rookie when it comes to fighting evil monsters. I helped purge Princess Luna of the Nightmare, I helped stop the embodiment of chaos itself. You may be powerful, but I'm just as strong. I am Twilight Serena Sparkle, Princess of Equestria, former student of Princess Celestia, the Element of Magic, and I will not stand idly by and watch you destroy the lives of my subjects. So prepare yourselves, because I'm going to stop you no matter what!” Twilight said as she readied herself into a fighting stance, her nostrils flaring

The Kaijin merely laughed at her words. Twilight was perturbed by this, but stood strong

A fine speech Princess. Now how about you back up all that big talk,” Nazca said as he flew at Twilight his sword raised. Twilight readied herself for the Kaijin's attack, but as Nazca's sword fell, suddenly explosions racked his body. Twilight looked to see that Wizard had shot at Nazca with his WizarSwordGun. As he lowered his weapon, he looked at Twilight.

You're stronger than I first thought Twilight,” Wizard said as he and the other Riders stood up.

“Twilight's right! These guys may be tough, but we've faced worse,” Fourze said. The Riders walked towards Twilight, standing at her side. She looked at them, a smile upon her face.

“Well said Twilight,” Celestia said as she, Luna, Spike, and Shining Armor joined the line, their army rallying behind them. Shining Armor looked at his sister, a proud look on his face.

“On your command Princess,” Shining Armor said. Twilight smiled at him before turning her attention to the Kaijin, a fierce look on her face. The Kaijin look troubled at this, but still stood strong.

“It's going to take a lot more than pretty words to beat us fools,” Medusa said as she snapped her fingers. Behind them, a small army of lesser Kaijin appeared.

Twilight's horn blazed to life as she triumphantly yelled “ATTACK!!!”

The two armies charged toward each other as the Riders faced off with the General Kaijin. However, this time they were not alone. Twilight teamed up with Gaim, Shining teamed up with Wizard, Luna teamed up with Fourze, Spike teamed up with OOO, and Celestia teamed up with W.

Celestia and W fought with Nazca. The Dopant tried to outmatch them with his speed. However, the Dopant was no match for Celestia. Everywhere he went, Celestia was waiting.

Grr, how are you so fast!?” he said as he swung his sword at her. A smirk appeared on Celestia's face as she disappeared, only to reappear behind Nazca, kicking him through a building.

“I'm the Princess of the sun. If I wish, I can move at the speed of light,” Celestia said as W walked up to her.

If you could do that, why haven't you done it before?” W asked. Celestia whispered to the two-in-one Rider.

“You ever tried moving at light speed before, it's not easy. I can only do it on special occasions, like fighting monsters for example,” she said. W thought for a moment before nodding.

I suppose that makes sense,” W said. They turned to see that Nazca had dug himself out of the rubble.

No one outclasses me in speed,” Nazca said as he flew at the two.

Well, guess we'll just have to prove him wrong won't we Princess,” W said.

“Indeed,” Celestia said, her horn shining as she and W charged Nazca.

Spike and OOO fought back to back against the Trash Yummies Mezool had summoned. OOO was ripping away at them with his claws while Spike kept spitting fire. All the while, Mezool watched.

Hm, impressive, the young dragon shows promise,” Mezool said. She jumped down to where Spike was and grabbed the young dragon, holding him upside down.

Perhaps I'll ask the mistress if I can keep you around as a pet,” Mezool said as she ran a finger under Spike's chin. Spike responded by breathing fire in her face, causing Mezool to drop Spike.

“I'm nobodies pet!” Spike said as he shot another blast of fire at the Kaijin. However this time his attack was blocked by a gout of water.

You'll pay for that you insolent brat,” Mezool said as the Yummies began to converge on Spike.


Mezool turned to where the sound had come from, but was met with a blinding, searing light. Sparks flew off her body as she felt something slash her. Once her vision was restored, she saw that OOO had transformed into the LaToraTa combo, Spike cradled in his arms. She also saw that many of her Yummies had been destroyed. OOO set Spike down as he looked at Mezool.

Damn you OOO! I'll get you for that!” Mezool said.

Try it Mezool,” OOO said as he raised his claws and ran at Mezool. Spike looked on with awe.

“So cool!” Spike thought before he remembered he was in a battle. He sprayed fire at the enemy Kaijin, trying his best to stay near OOO.

Fourze and Luna were having trouble fighting Gemini. The Kaijin kept switching between different Horoscopes forms. Fourze looked at Luna, both of them trying to think of a plan.

“Any ideas Princess?” Gentarou asked. Luna shook her head.

“We are afraid not. This Kaijin fights with such an erratic style. We can't read her moves,” Luna said. Fourze contemplated this for a moment before perking up.

“Wait, that's it! We're spending too much time trying to figure out her style. We just need to fight however we feel like,” Fourze said. Luna considered this for a moment before she nodded in agreement.

“It's worth a shot,” Luna said. As she said that, a few playing cards flew at the two, exploding in front of them. They looked to see that Gemini was bouncing on her feet, laughing at the two.

Come on, is that the best you two-” Gemini said before she was cut off by a blast of dark blue magic coming towards her. The blast hit Gemini and threw her into a wall. Gemini stood up shakily, only to see Fourze standing before her, now in Magnet States.

No fair! You didn't let me finish my speech!” Gemini said in a huff.

You wanna know what else isn't fair?” Fourze said.

What?” Gemini said. Fourze pulled the lever on his belt, causing the N&S Magnet Cannon to form in front of him.

This,” Fourze said as he pressed the button on the N Magnet Switch, .


RIDER ELECTROMAGNETIC BOMBER!!!” Fourze yelled as he fired at Gemini, sending her flying through a group of Kaijin and into another building. Luna landed next to Fourze.

“Well done Sir Fourze, although we would appreciate if you could try to keep collateral damage to a minimum,” Luna chided. Fourze bowed in apology.

Sorry,” he said. Suddenly, the two heard a rumbling coming from where Gemini had landed. Gemini was surrounded in a dark pink aura and she was chuckling maniacally. She walked towards the two, swaying from side to side.

Fine then. You two wanna play dirty?” Gemini said. Suddenly, the dark pink aura produced a second Gemini.

Let's play dirty,” the two Geminis said in unison. They charged at Gentarou and Luna. In their hands instead of playing cards they held multiple daggers.

“Art thou ready for Round 2 Sir Fourze?” Luna said. Fourze nodded.

LET'S GO!!” Fourze yelled as he and Luna each took on a Gemini.

Wizard and Shining Armor were relentless in their assault on Medusa. Wizard kept firing shots from his WizarSwordGun while Shining Armor kept getting in strikes with his sword and his magic.

I was right mage! You're nothing without someone backing you up!” Medusa said as she shot a tentacle in Wizard's direction. However, these tentacles were quickly sliced apart by Shining Armor's sword.

“Maybe she's right Rider, maybe you're just not up to snuff,” Shining said in a snarky tone. Wizard growled at this. He replaced the ring on his left hand with his Flame Dragon ring.

How's this for up to snuff?” Wizard said as he flipped his belt and placed his ringed hand over it.


A magic circle passed through Wizard, a psectral dragon moving around him as his armor changed from black to red. His armor also gained more ornamentation along his chest, shoulders, and helmet, making him appear more dragon like. Wizard placed a ring on his right hand, but instead of flipping his belt he opened the Hand Author on his WizarSwordGun and placed his ringed hand over it.


Suddenly a second WizarSwordGun appeared in Wizard's opposite hand, this one also in gun mode. Wizard spun around as he dual fired shots at Medusa, causing the Phantom to stagger. Wizard twirled his guns in his hands and looked at Shining Armor.

Well?” he said. Shining Armor snorted.

“Show off,” Shining Armor said as he and Wizard got themselves into a fighting stance upon seeing Medusa charging towards them.

Gaim and Twilight fought fiercely against Demushu. Twilight was using her magic to guard herself and Gaim against the Overlord's attacks while Gaim battered him with slashes and bullets.

The Overlord staggered for a moment, seething with rage.

Damn you! I'll end you both, ape and pony alike!” Demushu said as he slammed his sword into the ground, causing plants form Helheim to appear and try to attack the two. Gaim, thinking quickly, replaced his Rider Indicator on his belt with the Genesis Core. He produced his Lemon Energy Lockseed, clicking it open.


The Orange Lockseed flipped closed and unlocked from the belt. Gaim placed the Lemon Energy in the Genesis Core, locking both Lockseeds into place and slicing them open.


Gaim's armor flew off his body, mixing with the Lemon Energy armor to form his Jimber Arms armor. As the armor flew, it protected Gaim and Twilight from the Helheim vines. Once the armor landed on Gaim's shoulder's it unfolded into the Jimber Lemon Arms. Gaim's armor now looked much more encompassing and cumbersome, with thicker chest armor and large pauldrons. As the Sonic Arrow appeared in Gaim's right hand, he pulled the string back and fired a shot at Demushu, destroying the vines and causing sparks to fly off of the Overlord. Twilight walked up to Gaim.

“How many different forms do you Riders have?” Twilight asked. Gaim thought for a moment before shrugging.

As many as it takes I suppose,” he said. Before Twilight could face-hoof, Demushu regained his footing. He roared at the two as dark red light formed around him.

I'll crush you lesser beings under my feet,” Demushu said. Gaim readied his Sonic Arrow and Twilight's horn began to glow. Soon, they both fired their shots at the Overlord, wracking the area with explosions.

Soon, the battle began to die down. Surprisingly, the Royal Guards were able to fend off the lesser Kaijin, even managing to destroy some alongside the Riders.

Eventually, all that remained was the General Kaijin. They were battered and injured from their battles. Before them stood the Riders, Twilight, the Princesses, Spike, and Shining Armor.

I think it's time we finished this,” Gaim said. The other Riders nodded as they prepared their final attacks.

“You might want to rethink that course of action foolish Riders,” a voice said. Everyone looked up to see Chrysalis standing atop a building, Retsu and a few Kaijin by her side.

“Chrysalis!” Shining Armor growled. Chrysalis chuckled.

“Yes Shining Armor, it is I. So good to see you again,” she said in a mocking tone.

“The feeling isn't mutual you cockroach,” Shining Armor said seething with anger.

“Come now Shining Armor, is that any way to speak to an ex-fiance?” she said.

Shining Armor gritted his teeth “You were never my fiance witch! You brainwashed me and used me like a cheap toy!” Shining Armor said, trying his best to keep his anger in check.

“Ah, happy memories,” Chrysalis said. Shining Armor looked like he wanted to rip the Changeling Queen's head off. He was about to charge at her before Celestia placed a wing in front of him.

“Stand down Captain Armor,” Celestia said in a commanding tone. Shining Armor reluctantly complied.

“Give up Chrysalis! We've decimated your army and defeated your Generals. Surrender now and we may consider sparing you and the rest of Foundation X,” Celestia said. All this did was cause Chrysalis to laugh hysterically.

Between laughs, Chrysalis managed to say “You seriously think you've won? HA! Not even close. Retsu, why don't you explain it to them,” Chrysalis said. Retsu pushed his glasses up and stepped forward.

“Gladly. Tell me Kamen Riders, aren't you the least bit curious how we were able to bring back your past enemies?” Retsu said. The Riders all looked at each other with concern and confusion.

We'll admit we're curious, but what should it matter? We're just gonna crush them anyway!” Fourze said, the other Riders nodding in agreement.

“You may want to rethink that course of action,” Retsu said. Everyone looked at each other confused.

“And why is that?” Twilight asked. Retsu laughed, which unsettled everyone, even Chrysalis.

“Perhaps it would be better to show you first hand,” Retsu said as he snapped his fingers. The Kaijin generals suddenly stood straight up and formed a straight line.

“Kaijin, show them the true power of Foundation X,” Retsu said.

Yes Master,” they all said. Suddenly, all of them began to glow as they shed their Kaijin forms to reveal their true appearances. When they did, everyone stood their shocked.

“It can't be,” Celestia said.

“Those vile monsters,” Luna said.

“No, this can't be possible,” Spike said, shaking his head.

“Damn you Chrysalis,” Shining Armor.

Twilight looked at the true appearance of the Kaijin, falling to the ground, unable to believe her eyes.

“No,” she said weakly, a single tear trailing her face.

She looked to see that the General Kaijin were none other than..........


Author's Note:

Hey everyone, BladeSpark here with a new chapter of Battle for Equestria. Now before any of you start writing angry comments about the cliffhanger, I have one thing to say............I'm the author and I can do what I want. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!

Nah, I'm just kidding. Worry not, all will be revealed in time. And much quicker this time as I now have a better schedule of keeping my writing in order. I am in college at the moment, and I will need time to work on my homework and crap. But regardless, I will start working on these chapters more frequently as I find time.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed the chapter, and as always, stay awesome. BladeSpark, signing out.

(P.S., How are you all enjoying Drive thus far? I personally really like it thus far.)