• Published 4th Jun 2014
  • 6,547 Views, 186 Comments

Kamen Rider/MLP: Battle For Equestria - KnightBrony

The Neo-Heisei Riders are summoned to Equestria to stop Chrysalis and Foundation X from destroying Equestria. Will they succeed? Only one way to find out.

  • ...

Chapter 9: Counterattack

Chapter 9


Twilight Sparkle and the Kamen Riders lay strapped onto metal slabs aboard the Exodus. Chrysalis, Retsu, and the corrupted former Elements looked upon them with smug looks on their faces.

“Now this is quite a sight. A Princess of Equestria defeated, the Elements of Harmony under my control, and your little champions defeated,” Chrysalis said as she held Twilight's face in her hoof.

“Oh but I'm not satisfied with just that. Once my armies raze Canterlot, I'll set my sights for that pink bitch Cadence and her Crystal Empire,” Chrysalis said. This caused Twilight to struggle against her bonds. She tried to cast a spell but the magic inhibitor on her horn prevented her from doing so.

“Oh, what's the matter? Did you think I forgot about little Cadence? Oh no, I'll destroy her in good time. And once I've done that, I'll make this whole wretched world bow to me as their new queen,” Chrysalis said as she turned into her Kaijin form and gripped Twilight by the neck.

“Oh but that's not all. We have something special planned for you and the rest of your Princess friends,” Chrysalis said licking Twilight's face.

“Leave her alone you damn bug!” Kouta said as he and the other Riders struggled against their restraints. Chrysalis released Twilight and looked over the Riders.

“Ah yes, you lot. We have something special in mind for you,” Chrysalis said with an evil chuckle.

“And what would that be?” Haruto said.

“I'm so glad you asked Rider,” Retsu said as he started walking in between the different tables.

“I'll be rather blunt with you Riders, I've always found the Kaijin and you Riders fascinating,” Retsu said.

“Really now?” Shotaro said.

“Oh yes. Trying to figure out all of your technology and powers, the biology and science behind it all. It's a scientist's greatest dream,” Retsu said with an almost happy look on his face.

“You're insane,” Shotaro said.

“You'll find that all advancement takes a little bit of insanity. But enough of that, now to tell you what is to become of you lot,” Retsu said as he walked over to the corrupted Elements.

“Well we're all ears you bastard,” Shotaro said. Retsu chuckled at this.

“It's so funny to see how you Riders consider yourselves above people like myself and the Kaijin. If not for the Kaijin, you lot would not even have your powers, isn't that right?” Retsu said.

The Riders were silent. They all had come to the revelation at one point or another that it was because of the very evil they fought that they had gained their powers for good.

“When I learned of this, a thought occurred to me. What if I could find a way to make a Kaijin/Rider hybrid? Not something as mundane as the Riders created by Shocker, but something greater. A true blending of monster and hero,” Retsu said as he turned to the Riders.

“And you my friends will be the first in this new line of monster,” Retsu said as he began laughing maniacally.

The Riders struggled against their restraints, wanting nothing more than to punch Retsu.

“You're insane! You're worse than those bastards at Yggdrasil,” Kouta said.

“I've found that insanity merely helps one see things from a wider point of view,” Retsu said.

Chrysalis turned back into her normal formed and walked towards the door.

“Come now Retsu, Let's leave the Riders and little Twilight to stew in their misery for a while longer,” Chrysalis said in a smug tone.

“Agreed Chrysalis. Besides, I need to get the equipment ready for the experiment,” Retsu said as he, Chrysalis, and the corrupted Elements left the room.

Once they were gone, tears began streaming down Twilight's face as she whimpered.

“Don't cry Twilight, we'll get out of this,” Shotaro said trying to comfort the weeping alicorn.

“What's....what's the point? There's no way we can beat Chrysalis and her Kaijin. Besides, I can't bring myself to fight my....my...” Twilight said as the tears started coming down in a torrent.

Gentaro struggled against his restraints, shaking the table he was strapped to.

“Unforgivable! I'll beat those bastards into pulp. Nobody makes a girl cry while Kisaragi Gentaro's around!” Gentaro growled.

“Gentaro, calm down! There's no use wasting your anger struggling,” Eiji said. The nomad's words made Gentaro calm down somewhat, although he still struggled against his bonds.

“Everyone, I know we're in a tight spot right now, but have faith. I'm sure someone will come rescue us,” Eiji said. The Riders were silent for a few moments, letting Eiji's words sink in.

“Eiji is right,” Haruto said, craning his head to try and look at everyone.

“We can't give up hope now. If we give up hope, then they win. Besides, we still have our trump card,” Haruto said.

“That's right. Phillip's out there somewhere. And if I know him, he's coming up with a plan to bust us out,” Shotaro said.

Suddenly, alarms started to blare around the ship. Everyone looked around in confusion.

“What's that?” Kouta said.

“If I had to guess, probably Phillip's plan,” Shotaro said.

Chrysalis walked out onto the deck of the Exodus. Floating in the air in front of the ship was none other than Princess Celestia, sans any armor or her royal attire. Chrysalis smiled at the Solar Princess.

“Well well well, what brings the great and powerful Celestia to my humble ship,” Chrysalis said in a snarky tone.

“Oh nothing, just your surrender,” Celestia said. Chrysalis burst out laughing at this. After a few moments, she calmed down and looked Celestia in the eyes.

“Oh that's quite funny Celestia, but you should be the one surrendering. I've captured your Riders and little Twilight, made your Elements my slaves, and decimated your city. You haven't even brought your army with you. How do you expect t-” Chrysalis said before she was suddenly punched into the air. Before she could even respond, she was juggled even higher into the air before falling back down onto the deck of the ship.

Chrysalis spit out blood as she looked around.

“What in Tartarus was that!?” Chrysalis yelled. She looked to see that Celestia was still floating where she had been.

Chrysalis lunged at the Solar Princess. However, she passed right through her. Stunned, she looked back to see the image of Celestia disappearing.

“You still have so much to learn about me Chrysalis,” Celestia said appearing above the Changeling Queen.

“How!?” Chrysalis growled.

“How do you think I gained my position as Princess?” Celestia said as her eyes began to glow a bright white. Fire and energy surged around her, creating enough heat to start melting parts of the deck.

“I am the incarnate of the sun, bringer of life and light, but also bringer of fire and destruction. The only reason you defeated me the last two times we've fought was because I didn't want my ponies to get hurt,” Celestia said as her mane and tail became pure white flame. Celestia's transformation caused some of the Kaijin and changelings to cower in fear.

“But my ponies are not here right now. Now I can show you just how dangerous I truly am Queen of the Insects,” Celestia said, her voice booming and ethereal. A few of the Kaijin tried to rush Celestia, but they burst into flames as soon as they got close to her. Chrysalis turned into her Kaijin form and pointed her staff at Celestia.

“I told you I would show you the fury of a thousand suns,” Celestia said as Chrysalis charged her. Celestia charged Chrysalis as well, the two colliding in a burst of fire and dark energy.

Underneath the Exodus, the Xtreme Memory burst through a small grate and made it's way into the lower levels of the ship. When it was sure it was alone, the Xtreme Memory let loose a stream of data which formed into Phillip. Phillip looked around for a moment before pulling a piece of parchment with a large circle on it out of his pocket. He had the Xtreme Memory blast it with a bit of energy, lighting it on fire. He set the parchment on the ground as it burned with green fire. Once the parchment was fully burned away, the smoke began to form into a new shape. After a few moments, the smoke dissipated to reveal Spike. He shook himself a few times before looking up at Phillip.

“Well that was certainly a new experience,” Spike said dusting himself off.

“Indeed, but we'll have to focus on that later. Right now we need to find Twilight and the others,” Phillip said as he, Spike, and the Xtreme Memory headed towards a door. They slowly opened the door, making sure no Kaijin or Foundation members were around. When they were sure it was clear, they made their way down the hallway.

“Are you sure this is gonna work?” Spike said.

“Absolutely not. But, this is our only option so we'll have to make it work,” Phillip said. The ship rocked to the side, likely from an explosion.

“I imagine that would be Celestia,” Phillip said. Spike looked towards what he guessed was the front of the ship with a worried expression. Phillip placed a hand on the young drake's shoulder.

“I know you're worried about her Spike, but we must press on,” Phillip said. Spike hesitated for a moment before nodding. As the two crept through the hallways, they peered into the open doorways of the various rooms they passed. Many of the rooms were empty.

“Where is everybody?” Spike asked.

“If I had to guess, dealing with Celestia,” Phillip said.

The two then walked by a room filled with all manner of different scientific equipment. Phillip walked into this room and started examining the equipment. On a few of the screens he saw images of Gaia Memories, Core Medals, Astro Switches, Wizard Rings, and Lock Seeds. He also saw diagrams of human and equine anatomy.

“This must be where they study our powers,” Phillip said as he stopped to study the diagrams for the different Rider Item. Each one had a description of the abilities of each Item, the different Kaijin associated with them, and ways to manufacture a Kaijin.

“They've really done their research,” Phillip said as he looked over a diagram for the Core Medals.

“Phillip, look!” Spike said. Phillip looked over at Spike to see that he had found the Rider Belts. Phillip quickly went over and gathered the Double Driver, while Spike put the other Drivers and their Rider Items in a small bag he had on him.

“Good work Spike, now we just have to find Twilight and the others. Do you think you can track their scent?” Phillip said. Spike nodded and began to sniff the air.

“Yeah. It's a bit weak, but I can find them,” Spike said as he took in the other Rider's scents form the Drivers.

“Good, let's get going then,” Phillip said.

“Not gonna happen Rider scum,” a voice said. Spike and Phillip looked to see that two Foundation X members were standing in the doorway along with two Kaijin.

“Well, this is awkward,” Phillip said.

“Surrender Rider. We know that you can't beat us without your other half,” one of the members said.

“Spike, when I give the word you take the Drivers and run,” Phillip whispered.

“But what about you?” Spike asked.

“I'll be fine. You just focus on finding the others,” Phillip said as he reached behind his back.

“Surrender!” the other Foundation member said. Phillip responded by pulling out the Lost Driver and placing it on his waist. He then produced his Cyclone Memory.

“Surrender isn't really my style,” Phillip said as he activated his Memory.


Phillip placed the Memory into his belt and placed his left hand in front of his face.

“Stop him!” one of the Foundation members yelled at the Kaijin.

“Henshin!” Phillip said as he pushed the right half of the belt over and activated his transformation. Wind suddenly engulfed the lab as Phillip's armor formed around him. When his transformation ceased, Phillip turned toward Spike. Phillip was now encased in green armor very much the same as the normal appearance of W. The scarf around Phillip's neck was now much longer.

“Spike, go!” Phillip said. Spike nodded as he quickly raced past the Foundation members and the Kaijin. They tried to stop him, but were met with a gust of wind from Phillip. He then proceeded to kick the Foundation members and the Kaijin.

“You didn't forget about me did you?” Phillip said as he knocked one of the Foundation members unconscious. He then turned to the two Kaijin.

“Now, count up your crimes,” Phillip said as he charged the Kaijin.

Spike ran as fast as his legs would take him. He had to duck into corridors occasionally as changelings and kaijin ran past. After a while, he managed to pick up on where Twilight's scent was the strongest. Unfortunately, that place was behind a heavy iron door with an electronic lock.

Spike saw this and his first instinct was to breath fire to try and melt the door. Unfortunately, the door didn't even look like it had gotten even a tiny bit warm. Spike kicked the door in frustration.

“This is not good. How am I supposed to break this door?” Spike said.

“Perhaps we could be of some help,” he suddenly heard someone say behind him. He whirled around and found himself face to face with the corrupted Elements and Retsu. Spike backed away in fear of the Foundation X member and his former friends. Spike stared at them defiantly despite his legs shaking.

“I-I'm not scared of you,” Spike said. Retsu smiled at this.

“Is that so?” he said as the Elements transformed into their Kaijin forms.

“Too bad,” he said.

Twilight and the Riders were shocked and startled when they saw the metal door break open and a figure fly through the air and hit a console, breaking it in the process.

“What the hell?” Shotaro said as they tried to see who had hit the console. Their eyes went wide when they saw that it was a now bleeding and groaning Spike. They also noticed the bag that held their Drivers had spilled over the floor.

“Spike!” Twilight yelled in agony, struggling against her restraints hard enough to draw blood.

Retsu and the corrupted Elements stepped through the door, Demushu/Applejack going over and picking up Spike's limp body by the throat.

“Such a pity when the weak try to stand against the strong,” Retsu said.

“Let him go! Let him go right now!” Twilight yelled as she continued to struggle against her restraints.

Retsu saw this and snapped his fingers again.

“One of you shut her up. He screaming is getting annoying,” Retsu said as Mezool/Fluttershy walked over to Twilight.

“I'll kill you! I'll turn you int- AGH!” she yelled as she was cut off by Mezool/Fluttershy's electric shocks. Spike saw this and struggled against Demushu/Applejack.

“Twilight...” Spike said weakly. Retsu looked Spike in the eye.

“You and your little resistance are starting to give me a headache,” Retsu said as he turned back to Twilight.

“Perhaps an example will serve to prevent any further rebellion. Greeed, kill her,” Retsu said as Mezool/Fluttershy put more voltage into her shocks, causing Twilight to convulse and scream.

“Twilight!” the Riders and Spike yelled as they watched their friend suffer. Twilight's screams steadily became weaker until finally they ceased completely, the purple alicorn going limp.

Mezool/Fluttershy stopped her shocks, looking at Twilight with pity.

“Such a shame, I was hoping to play with her a bit more,” she said with a mocking laugh. The Riders struggled against their restraints, staring daggers at Retsu. Spike had tears rolling down his agonized face.

“Twilight!!” Spike yelled in a distraught voice. Spike managed to wriggle free from Demushu/Applejack's grip and ran up to Twilight's limp form, trying desperately to shake her awake.

“Twilight, come on, wake up!” Spike said in a desperate voice. Twilight did not move. Spike backed away from her body, fear and despair present on his face.

“No...it can't be,” Spike said. Retsu laughed at Spike's pain, walking over to the grieving drake.

“I'm afraid it is little dragon. Your precious Twilight is no more. But don't worry, you'll see her again. Although, maybe not quite as you remember her,” Retsu said as he brushed his hand across Twilight's mane.

He quickly learned this was not a good idea when Spike leaped up and bit into Retsu's hand like a rabid dog. Retsu screamed as he managed to pry Spike off of his hand. He backed towards the kaijin, their weapons pointed at Spike.

“You insolent lizard! I'll have you skinned for that!” Retsu said as he tried to bandage his bleeding hand.

Spike stood up slowly, a small gash now on his head. He hung his head as he stood to his full height, a faint purple glow surrounding him. When he brought his head up, Spike's eyes looked very different. They had turned from their usual green into a blood red color. His irises were now distinctly reptilian, looking like two thin slits. There was also a dangerous, predatory, almost hungry look in his eyes.

Before anyone could say anything, Spike opened his mouth and let loose a deafening roar, the aura around him now almost blinding.

Spike soon began rapidly growing in size. His tail grew longer, the spines along it and the rest of Spike's body sharpening and growing into sword-like points. His claws grew longer and sharper, as did his fangs, which now glistened with saliva and blood. A pair of wings also began to emerge from his back, oozing and dripping as they extended to their full length. When he finally stopped growing, now standing a good eight feet tall, Spike looked like a creature of pure death and malice.

Retsu and the corrupted Elements looked at the new Spike warily, not daring to move for fear of what he might do.

They soon found out when Spike spread his wings and let out an ear shattering roar and a gout of flame. When he finally stopped, he turned his sights on Retsu, his nostrils spewing smoke.

“Spike...kill!” he screamed as he lunged at the scientist. The corrupted Elements stood in his way. Demushu/Applejack tried to hold Spike back with her immense strength, grappling with the now feral Spike before being lifted up and thrown against a console, which exploded.

This caused the restraints on the Riders and Twilight to come loose. Shotaro immediately went to check on Twilight while the rest went for their Drivers, putting them on.


The Riders minus Shotaro all transformed, their armor forming around them. When they were done, they readied their weapons.

Retsu saw this and cursed. Unfortunately, the Kaijin were still preoccupied with Spike.

Gemini created a twin of itself, which flew at Spike and latched onto him, quickly exploding. When the smoke cleared, Spike stood unfazed, spewing a gout of fire in rage at Gemini/Pinkie Pie.

“What is this...thing?” Gemini/Pinkie Pie asked.

“Whatever it is kill it already!” Nazca/Rainbow Dash said. Spike responded to that by extending his claws and lunging at the Kaijin, slashing it with his razor sharp claws before spinning around and slamming it to the ground with his massive tail.

“Spike kill! Spike kill you all!” he snarled as he lunged at Retsu, only to be ensnared by Rarity/Medusa and sent flying through the ceiling.

“After it!” Retsu said as the rest of the corrupted Elements went after the monstrous Spike while he fled.

“Hey, come back!” Gaim said as he began to chase after Retsu.

“Kouta, forget about him for right now. We have a bigger problem,” OOO said as the Riders looked over to Twilight, who was unconscious. Fourze had activated his Medical Switch and was trying his best to heal her. Twilight's fur and mane were singed from the electric shocks and she twitched occasionally.

“That bastard,” Shotaro swore as he held Twilight's hoof.

“What in the hell was that? Since when could that little dragon do all that?” Wizard asked.

“I don't know, but in any case we need to stop him. He could end up hurting himself, or Twilight's friends” OOO said as he knelt next to Twilight.

“How is she Gentarou?” Shotaro asked. Fourze hung his head.

“She's alive, but barely. The Medical Switch can only do so much. She needs a real doctor,” Fourze said, hanging his head like he had failed.

“Don't worry Gentarou, help is on the way,” the group heard a voice say. They turned to see Phillip standing in the doorway, looking a bit out of breath.

“Phillip!” Shotaro said as he ran to his partner, helping to support him. Shotaro couldn't help but smile at his partner.

“Let me guess, you've got a plan?” he said. Phillip nodded.

“Yes, but we need to stall Chrysalis and the Kaijin a little longer,” Phillip said.

The Riders looked towards Twilight, seeing her barely breathing with the help of the Medical Switch. The ship shook from the battle happening outside.

OOO was the one to finally speak up.

“Gentarou, you and Phillip stay with Twilight. We'll take care of the Kaijin,” OOO said. The other Riders nodded their agreement.

“What about Spike?” Wizard asked. OOO went silent for a few moments before finally speaking up.

“We'll do everything we can to keep him out of the fighting. But, if he becomes a danger we will have to fight him,” OOO said. The Riders went silent, none of them liking the prospect of fighting someone as young as Spike.

“It's the only way we can keep him safe,” OOO said.

“We know. Doesn't mean we have to like it,” Gaim said as he and the other Riders began making their way topside.

“Shotaro, take this,” Phillip said tossing him the Lost Driver. Shotaro caught the Driver and smiled.

“Thanks partner. You sure this plan of yours will work?” he said. Phillip nodded.

“No doubt,” Phillip said. Shotaro smiled at his partner.

“All right Phillip, I believe in you. Be safe,” Shotaro said as she strapped on his Driver and ran to catch up with the others. When he was gone, Phillip let out a sigh and looked down.

“Discord better hurry up. Or else we're all doomed,” Phillip thought as he and Fourze picked up Twilight and carried her out of the lab.

Meanwhile, in the Castle of the Two Pony Sisters

Shining Armor and Princess Luna stood at opposite ends of an intricate magical circle. Candles of black flame burned around the edges of the circle as Discord finished drawing a sigil in the center.

“You're sure this is going to work Discord?” Shining Armor asked. Discord ate the piece of chalk he was using and floated over to Shining Armor.

“Of course I'm sure Shiny. While it is true my knowledge of arcane magic is a tiny bit rusty and reworking a spell this powerful is tricky business, I am totally confident this will work,” Discord said with a toothy smile. Shining gave him a deadpan look in return.

“That is so reassuring,” Shining Armor said in a monotone voice. Luna stamped her hoof on the ground to quiet the two of them.

“Cease your talking. Time is short and we must work quickly,” Luna said. The Princess was wearing her full battle armor, ready for the coming battle.

“Quite right Princess. Let's begin,” Discord said.

Luna and Shining Armor's horns started to glow as they began chanting. In the center of the circle, Discord looked at the two, a rare look of nervousness upon his face.

Soon, a large black and blue portal opened up in front of him. He smiled at Luna and Shining Armor as he walked towards the portal.

“Wish me luck,” he said as he stepped into the portal.

“I'm sure gonna need it,” Discord thought as he became enveloped by the dark mass of the portal and disappeared from Shining Armor and Luna's view.

What do Discord and Phillip have planned for our heroes?
Will our heroes be able to protect Spike from himself?
Will they be able to stop Chrysalis and her evil plans?
Find out next time, on Battle for Equestria!!
Same pony story, likely different pony time!

Author's Note:

Yes, dear readers, your not so reliable author is back with a new chapter of Battle for Equestria. Now as some of you may have noticed it's been a while since the last update.

I'm not even gonna try and make any excuses to anyone here, so if you want to know what's been going on with me the past year, here's a link to my blog post about the subject.


With that, I hope you all enjoyed the latest chapter.

As always, stay beautiful, stay nerdy, and stay happy.

This is BladeSpark, signing out.