• Published 5th Jun 2014
  • 901 Views, 48 Comments

Dishonored: Revenge is Magic - Derpyforever

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Chapter 3: Meeting the Loyalsix

Chapter 3: Meeting the Loyalsix

Six months have past since I was blamed for Blueblood's crime. I was sentence to be executed today and how I knew was the radio. After Celestia died and Pinkie Pie went supposedly missing, Queen Chrysalis was next to take control. She was a relentless ruler, she enforced strict rules that everypony had to follow or be killed on the spot, she set up Changeling magic powered machinery that, unless your a Changeling, you can be killed by. She did little for the Parasprite plague, for since her kind were bugs, they were unaffected. She also set up speakers that, like I mentioned before, would update the citizens of Canterlot or remind them of the strict rules.

My gear belt was taken away from me, not that it had anything in it besides the Heart and a few bits maybe, and my sword, and as a cruel joke, put both in front of my cell just out of reach. I was put in a cell in a blocked off part of the Canterlot caves. It's mostly Changeling who would guard the area, but I've noticed some were ponies as well. Probably thought they could escape the troubles of the outside in the refuge of Chrysalis's tyranny, but I've also taken notice of one particular mare... she never showed her face to me and was normally cloaked, so I couldn't use my cutie mark knowledge to figure out who it was, but she would always bring me my food... then just stood there while I ate. One day I asked her why she just stood there, but only continued to stare, as if judging me in some way, so I just let it go and continue to eat.

The day of my execution, the same mare brought me food, and as always, stood and watched while I ate. I was given a bowl of soup, which was much different from the flavorless muck I usually received, and a role of bread with a glass of punch on the side.

"So I guess my best meal is my last," I joked, trying to get the mare to talk, but failed. I shook my head and when back to my meal and started to eat. I ate my soup, then started to nibble on my roll. I looked up and saw the mare was gone. I got up, walked to the door of my cell, and stuck my head through the bars to see that nopony was in my hallway.

I shrugged and bit into the bread to bite down on something hard. I oshocked and peeled off what I could of the bread to find the handle of a key. I was shocked again and looked around, thinking this was some kind of joke. Seeing that nopony was around to laugh or play a rim shot, I took the key in my mouth. I stuck my head through the bars again and put the key into my cell door lock. I turned it and opened my door.

"Well how nice of it for them to leave my gear at my door," I chuckled, and put the belt around me while wrapping my sword handle around my hoof.

I silently walked to the end of the hallway and peeked around the corner to see a couple of Changeling guards talking.

"Zzzo what do you think Jack," one said, "do you think the Parazzzpritezzz might come after uzzz once they're through with the poniezzz?"

"I doubt it," Jack replied, "we're bugzzz remember? They won't lay a wing on uzzz."

"But I heard they're attacking uzzz now... what wazzz that noizzze?"

A sound was made by somepony I couldn't see down the hallway at the cross section they were standing at. Alarmed, they went to go check on the noise.

I headed down the hallway perpendicular to the one they went to come to a door with sign that said, 'onto Canterlot Caves.'

I opened the door and headed out of the prison area.


I closed the door behind me and looked around. This part of the caves was different from the prison area. It had more of a sewer like structure with a river of garbage and nasty water splitting two sides. I walked on one side and followed the sewage.

I followed it until I made it to an area that was walled off up until a certain point on top. I was about to open the door until I heared a faint buzz. I looked through the key hole and saw a bunch of different colored Parasprites flying around. I looked around and remember by ability. I looked up and blinked to the top of the wall. On top was a ceiling made out of bars, so it allowed me to looked down and see the Parasprites.

They must of known I was there for they bunched up into a little group and followed me as I quietly walked across the top. I was about to jump down on the other side until I heard another pair of voices.

"You sure it's this is the way," one asked, it didn't buzz so I knew it was a pony.

"Yeah, we just head through this door and we'll be able to sneak into the castle," another replied.

I thought for a second as I looked through the bars and saw the other door of the room I snuck across the top of was opening. I was about to warn them, but I just held it back as the door was fully opened. I saw a red and blue pony walk in and scream as the Parasprites ignore me for a second and flew at them... then the screams stopped as the Parasprites focused back on me by regrouping right underneath me, leaving behind the skeletal remains of two ponies. It took me all of my will power not to throw up, but was able not to.

Luckily, the ponies closed the door behind them, or I would have been next, so I jumped off the top of the room and continued on the sewage path.


I continued to walk until I finally saw light near the end. I ran out to come across a sewage outlet near a cliff side. I climbed up to see buildings and a street that was blocked off by a towering wall of metal. In the street was a building called Joe's Donuts, and not seeing any form of life outside, I open the door.

"Ah, Derpyforever," an orange pony said after I closed the door behind me, "We've been waiting for you. We actually thought for a second you didn't make it out of the caves."

I looked at the pony for a second, then realized who was talking to me... Applejack! The fanboy inside me wanted to faint from actually meeting her, but thankfully, I was able to sustain composure.

"What is this place," I asked.

"It used to be my favorite restaurant," another voice said from a booth on my right, "but now it's our place of hiding."

I looked to my right and saw Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity all sitting in a booth drinking apple cider. They all looked a little tired and scratched up, but other than that, they seemed to be in pretty good shape.

"Ok, now I want some answers," I said, "what is going on and why am I here?"

"We are a small group known as the Loyalsix. Rainbow Dash is an excellent flyer and she can get you anywhere without being detected. Fluttershy makes elixir that can heal you so don't be afraid to go to her when you're injured, Rarity is our mechanical genius and can make anything from scratch, for a price of course, and Applejack is our inside mare, can gain the trust of anypony and find out what we need to know," Twilight replied, "we all know you didn't really kill the princess, and we are prepared to take down Chrysalis and find Pinkie."

"Pinkie's still alive?"

"Yes and we need you to find her... But you seem beat. We'll talk in the morning, I have had a room made for you in the attic. Your welcome to sleep or talk to the others around, Goodnight Derpy."

"Goodnight," I replied, as I headed out a door in the back of the old restaurant and up a staircase.

The whole building was turned into a refuge area for anypony needing a home. Some of the ponies looked at me with a distrustful look, probably believing I was the one who killed the Celestia, and some where nicer, wishing me a goodnight. I walked up the staircase until I found the attic and, like Twilight said, there was a bed waiting for me. I took off my belt and sword and put it onto the bedside next to me.

I looked at the ceiling as I laid in bed, thinking that this all unreal. I'm in Equestria with the mane six, minus Pinkie, and this whole deal is crossed over with Dishonored... well that's a lot to take in... I just hope Pinkie's alright. No point on thinking about it now, might as well get some sleep...


I opened my eyes to the same purple space as before. I got up and looked around as Luna appeared from a black mass yet again.

"So your journey begins," she said, "you must find Pinkie, end Blueblood and Chrysalis's tyranny, but in order to do that, you'll need to strength your skills and abilities. "

"How will I do that," I asked.

"You will need to find Moon Shards. The Heart will guide you to them. You may ask the Heart if you have found enough for increasing your abilities, and it will tell you what you can do... here try it out," Luna said, giving me a small stone that had Luna's crescent moon cutie mark on it.

I pulled out the Heart and asked it what can I upgrade. It replied with dark vision, or vitality.

"Good," Luna replied, "now say vitality."

"Vitality," I repeated, then Moon Shard disappeared as I felt something surge through me... I felt, stronger... like I can't be harmed as easily.

"You are stronger now," Luna explained, "Which will help you destroy your enemies... I'll be watching you as you continue on your path, studying your decisions."

"Will I ever see you again?"

"I have many shrines placed throughout Equestria, if you find one, you may talk to me... You must go for now, you have a mission to accomplish."

"Wait! what am I..."

I wasn't able to finish as I was woken up from Twilight at the crack of dawn.

"Get up Derpy, you've got a Shining Armor to eliminate. "

(To Be Continued...)