• Published 5th Jun 2014
  • 904 Views, 48 Comments

Dishonored: Revenge is Magic - Derpyforever

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Chapter 6: Brothers of a Feather

Chapter 6: Brothers of a Feather

The next day, I was down in the courtyard shooting some bottles with my pistol as I waited for Twilight’s call. Being Celestia’s fiancé was a shock to me, but I tried not to show that I wasn’t this world’s Derpyforever, acting like I knew what was going on when really, I was just lucking out on my knowledge of the game.

Speaking of which, I tried to use my knowledge to foresee what will happen next, but the strangest thing happen; it wouldn’t allow me. I can clearly see my surrounding’s, and each moment I live triggers my memory of the game, but only to the current moment. Like yesterday, I remember that two glasses where in the game but only when Rarity told me of Shining’s plan to poison Sweetie Belle; or how ponies’ distrust of me made me question where the rest of the Loyalsix’s loyalty lies, but I can’t tell if and when somepony will betray me. It’s almost like my mind is half Dishonored Derpyforever, and have real world Derpyforever… You guys are surely confused by that, and I myself don’t even know how that works, but it just does.

I shot the last bottle, and while it shattered under the impact, I thought about the ring that now hangs from my neck.

I put on… well, Dishonored Derpy put it on, and now it acts like a reason to kill Blueblood. I guess my Dishonored side wants revenge on him… but will me real side follow throu-…

“Derpy,” a voice behind me interrupted.

I turned around to see it was Twilight as I asked, “Did you find Pinkie?”

“We did, but before you go off, I need a favor to ask of you.”

“What is it?”

“Our housekeepers have been spooked by noise in the Canterlot sewage,” Twilight replied, “Probably just a Trotter, poor fella, once they hit that phase of the plague, there is no turning back. However, we’d like for you to check it out, just to make sure it isn’t some nosey Watch getting too close.”

“Alright,” I nodded.

“Thank you. Here’s the key to the hatch leading underground.”

I took the key and walked across the courtyard and open the hatch. Once inside, I followed the metal flooring out of a brick tunnel and into the Canterlot Caves. One way was blocked off so I headed in the other direction following the sewage upstream. It wasn’t long before I started hearing a pony shuffling. I was pretty sure it was a Trotter, but just to be safe, I moved quietly as I peeked around the corner.

I was correct as I saw two ponies with fly buzzing all around them. The ponies had blood all over their chest and some coming out of their eyes… but what was really peculiar about them was they didn’t move like normal ponies. They moved both feet instead of one at a time, giving them sort of a jerking limp movement every time they stepped. I walked out from behind the corner as they both looked at me. We stared at each other for a moment before they made loud moaning sounds and started to move towards me.

I automatically pulled out my crossbow and fired a sleep bolt at one of them, reloaded, then fired at the other. They both fell down as the flies flew off. I was about to turn around and leave until something caught my eye. One of the Trotters was holding a Moon Shard!

I approached him and tapped him with my hoof, only to get a small moan in response. I crouched down next to him and slowly pulled out the Shard as the moans continued. Once the Shard was fully out, I put it in my pouch with the other one and got up to come muzzle to muzzle with another Trotter. It tried to grab me as I held it back. It threw up on me as I pushed it off, but the vile stung terribly as I wiped some off of my face and the Trotter got up. I was about to pull out my crossbow again until something bit me on my hoof, causing me to drop it. I looked down and saw that the flies were biting me as I tried to shoo them away. They went back to flying around the Trotter as he limped towards me. It tried to grab me again, so I had no choice but to extend my sword and slash at it. It fell to the ground… along with the decapitated head as it rolled around.

I was breathing heavily as I watch the flies leave their host and dispatch amongst the air and up the sewage tunnel.

I looked back at the dead Trotter as I caught my breath, then picked up my crossbow and headed for the surface.


Upon reaching the top, I met Rarity waiting at the hatch.

“You went down there all by yourself,” Rarity gaped.

I nodded as I dust off some of the Trotter vile off of my cloak

“You are the bravest stallion I have ever met,” she beamed, “by the way, I know it’s not much, but I found this in the black market the other day and thought you would like it… you know, sort of a thank you for saving my sister.”

“Thank you,” I smiled as I took the small, boxed object.

“You’re quite welcome,” she replied, “but thank you for bringing my sister home.”

I nodded again as I headed on my way, but not before hearing a girly squeal from Rarity.

“She does know she probably doesn’t have a shot with you,” Sweetie Belle, who was leaning up on the wall next to the door leading inside Joe’s Donuts, “but yet, she continues to try and win your affection… I still can’t believe she decided to completely ignore the thing around your neck.”

I frowned as I put the necklace under my cloak, “I’d rather you not bring that up.”

“I understand,” Sweetie nodded as she saw my hurt.

I smiled back, letting her know that it was alright, and went inside to meet with Twilight.

“Ah, so you dealt with the problem,” Twilight smiled, “good, but now comes the real task. The black book tells us that Pinkie is being held near the military district at a place called the Golden Opalescence...” (I tried really hard not to bust out laughing) “But that’s not all. There are two ponies, linked to Queen Chrysalis, who will be there as well; we need you to eliminate them.”

“Alright,” I nodded, “who are they.”

“They are the Flim-Flam Brothers.”

“Alright, I’ll take them out, but Pinkie is my main priority.”

“I understand,” Twilight nodded, “Rainbow will take you there, and may our enemies’ heads fall without you taking a scratch.”

After getting some supplies from Rarity, paying this time, I was about to meet up with Rainbow Dash in the courtyard, but before I could reach her, Applejack stepped in the way.

“You need something, Applejack,” I asked.

“Well… Ah know you have to kill the brothers, but… Ah just thought you’d should know that they are technically family, no matter how annoying they are. Ah’m not asking you to not kill them, but ah just ask that you will at least take that into consideration.

“I will,” I replied.

“Thank you,” Applejack said then let me meet up with Rainbow Dash.

“You ready,” She asked.

“Yep,” I replied, putting the Assassin mask on.

“Then let’s go.”


Rainbow Dash dropped me off at the same spot under the bridge, warning me that security has been tighten by Queen Chrysalis. After the little stunt I pulled, more of the Watch has been dispatched throughout the military district and more defenses have been put up.

“Stay clear of those Watch Towers,” Rainbow said pointing to a giant, metal structure with a spotlight on it. It was in front of the entrance to the bridge, firing highly explosive incendiary arrows at a few Trotters that wondered into the open.

“Will do,” I replied as Rainbow set me down.

“Good luck, and may our enemies’ head’s fall without you taking a scratch.”

After leaving Rainbow at her little campout, I climb my way back up to the bridge. After making sure I was out of sight, I looked around at the two perpendicular roads.

The road was now guarded by the tower, so I had to be careful to stay out of its light as I snuck around, and the additional guards were no help either. I had tried to make a break for the wall of slime’s, the one that blocked off to the next area, power supply and shut it off, but gave up after a too close call, almost getting stuck between a Changeling and a Spotlight. I had thought about disabling the tower, but couldn’t see a way for me to get up there without being spotted. So I was left with no choice but to go down the alley way… again.


Taking the same air duct path as last time, I made my way down the alley and through the broken down streets. It was pretty quiet … too quiet. Not a single Parasprite buzzed nor did a single Trotter moan… It almost seem like it was a…

“Trap,” I sighed as I almost came in contact with a very thin string that only a trained eye could see.

I knew what this was, and my suspicions were confirmed as I saw an incendiary bolt launcher camouflaged to look like garbage.

I took a few steps back and then sprinted straight at the string, sliding underneath before touching it. I dusted myself and smirked at my cunning move only to look up and see a muscular pony looking down at me… smiling.

“Well look at who we have here! Why it’s Derpy, paying the Ponytail gang a visit… sorry about the ‘welcome matt’,” Bulk Biceps grinned, gesturing at the set trap.

Before Bulk Biceps helped me sneak inside the High Overseer building, him and I made an alliance… we may have had our ‘differences’ in the past, what me killing about half of his gang trying to protect Celestia, but with both of us having the same goal, we decided to at least temporarily bury the hatchet.

“No problem,” I nodded, “but warn me next time before something blows my hooves off.”

“Sure thing,” Biceps laughed, “so what brings you to our side of the District?”

“Got a couple of targets to take out,” I replied.

“I see… got a plan?”

“You know me Biceps, I like to wing it.”

“That may have worked out for you in the past, but this time is different,” Biceps replied, a little more solemn, “The Flim-Flam brothers have been given protection farther than Shining had. It’s not going to be easy getting in and out, much less killing them.”

“What you propose I do then?”

“Well, I might be able to help you… of course, for a price.”

“Name it.”

“You see, I have had my eye on a certain bit vault, but can’t get inside. I need the combination and that is only known by Sapphire Shores. She will be at the Golden Opal and I need you to get it from her, doesn’t matter how… In return, I’ll silence the brothers for good.”

“How you plan to do it.”

“I promise I won’t kill ‘em,” Biceps said, making me remember what Applejack told me, “but they own apple farms all over Equestria… terrible apple farms, forcing ponies to work in terrible conditions… What I plan to do is to cut their tongues out, shave their heads, and send them off into one of their farms, making them see what it’s like on the other side… Now if that’s not a deal, Bulk Biceps doesn’t know what is.”

I thought about it then said, “Alright Biceps, you got yourself a deal.”


Biceps and I traveled by rooftop to the Golden Opal. When it came into sight, we saw many of the Watch guarding the outside.

“That is probably the best entrance,” Biceps said, pointing to an open window on the top floor.

“Alright Biceps, follow me.”

I led Biceps across multiple roofs and hid by a billboard sign as we neared the building. I peeked around and saw a Changeling standing on a balcony, right underneath the windows. I pulled out my crossbow and aimed at him, but couldn’t get a clear shot.

“Stay here,” I whispered to Biceps, getting a nod in response.

I slipped out of the bill board and onto an air duct in the shadows. I followed it and got closer and closer to the balcony. I blinked on it and behind the Changeling who remained unaware of my presence. I slowly approached the back side of him, getting closer and closer. I could hear his breathing as I held mine, until… I grabbed him around the mouth and neck. At first he struggled, but then his flailing stopped and he became still. I let go of him and he slumped to the ground, unconscious.

“Good job,” Biceps said as his little wings slowly carried him over to me, “Although, I prefer the old ways.”

“Some things never change,” I chuckled.

“No they don’t,” Biceps grinned, “Come on.”

After helping Biceps up, I climb up to the ledge and slowly open the window and peeked inside. Seeing nopony, we slipped inside and stood on a ledge that was short of the ceiling.

“Sapphire will be in the back. She’s head here and likes to give herself a rush around this time.”

“What kind of rush,” I asked as we snuck across the ledge.

“Don’t know,” Biceps replied.

We continued to sneak across the ledge and open panels to come across a big room with some of the Watch and griffons everywhere… there were only female griffons though and they were doing some ‘exotic’ dancing for the Watch.

“Ugh, I always hated this place,” I whispered as we snuck across the ledge.

“How can you not like it,” Biceps smirked, “it’s a great way to ‘relieve’ some stress.”

“I never had a taste for this kind of life,” I replied.

We made it across the room and dropped down from the ledge while everypony was busy. We slipped inside the double doors at the end and into a round room with a chair in the center.

“Is that you,” a voice asked from the chair.

We looked at the chair and saw Sapphire Shores blindfolded and bounded to the chair, which was hooked up to some kind of machine.

“Is that you,” she asked again. We looked at each other for a second, not knowing what to say until she said, “Wait, what am I asking that for, of course it’s you.”

We both approached Sapphire as she continued, “Well, today I’m feeling extra guilty, so I don’t want you to hold anything back… let see, tonight’s safe word will be… Friendship… well, what are you waiting for, go on. Pull the lever.”

I looked at the machine the chair was hooked up to and saw a big lever with a red handle. I looked at Biceps, only getting a shrug from him, and then back at the lever. Hesitantly, I did what I was told and pulled the lever.

The moment I pulled it, a green beam went between the three rods then shot a Sapphire as a green glow came around her… She yelled, but almost like a whoop, as if she was enjoying it… Afterwards, the glow faded and Sapphire stopped yelling and was breathing hard.

“Whoa,” she said, “I deserved that, and you know why? I cheated the Flim-Flam Brothers. Yes that’s right, took half of their bits right underneath there muzzle… do it again.”

I pulled the lever again and the same thing happen, but when it was done Sapphire yelled out something different.

“Friendship! Friendship!... Ah, I think that should be enough for today. You can now untie me.”

I was about to oblige until I realized this was the perfect way to get the combination out of Sapphire.

“What are you waiting for? Untie me this instant.”

“Not until you give us the combination,” I said.

“What are you talking about? Who are you?”

I pulled the lever again as Sapphire let out an agonizing scream, once it was finished, she was panting hard.

“I said Friendship! Who the buck are you?! What do you want?!”

“We want the combination to your bit vault,” Biceps replied.”

“Of course, 629… now let me go!”

“Not yet,” Biceps grinned as I looked at him. He pushed me aside and pulled the lever once again followed by another yell.

“What the buck are you doing,” I exclaimed as the machine and screaming stop.

“Having a little fun,” Biceps smirked, “You use to love doing this before you became a guard… in my opinion you just became soft.”

“Whatever,” I huffed, “Anyways, I got you the combination, now hold your end.”

“Oh, it’s already done.”

“What are you…”

I was cut off by a scream from the big room. I looked at Biceps as he gave me a smug grin, “I take that back, it’s happening right now… See you.”

Biceps left the room as I couldn’t help but smile. Biceps always loved his job… a little too much.


Leaving Sapphire in the round room, I went out into the big room to see the Watch all beat up and griffons hiding in terror. Biceps kept his promise about not killing anypony, but I couldn’t help but feel he’s going to enjoy what he has in store for the Flim-Flam brothers.

Seeing that everypony was helpless to even try and stop me, I walked across the room instead of trying to sneak across the ledge. Some saw me and tried to attack me, but every time one got up, they would fall in pain from all their cuts and bruises.

“Sorry guys,” I chuckled, “you picked the wrong side.”

“No, you did,” said a dignified voice that was edge into my mind.

“Blueblood,” I growled as I saw him standing at the other side of the room.

“The one and only,” he sneered, “but I don’t think you understand why I’m here.”

I only glared at him as he pointed at the mark on my hoof.

“Obviously, Luna has paid you a visit,” he said, then showed me his hoof, “and you know she has for me. We have been granted powers beyond our imagination… why must they be wasted on our hatred when we can join forces and rule all of Equestria. Think about it Derpy.”

“You ask me to join you? The day before what could have been the greatest day of my life,” I snarled.

“Ah yes, you and Auntie’s wedding was tomorrow wasn’t it,” he smirked, “and boy what a wedding that would have been too. I almost feel sorry I had to put a stop to it… almost.”

“You were already on thin ice, Blueblood, and you’re pushing it even farther.”

“I’m afraid you have it all wrong, Derpy. For I don’t believe you are properly ready to even face me in combat.”

“Oh really.”

“Well, you couldn’t even stop me from killing Celestia… and she calls you her love,” Blueblood said.

“Now you done it,” I exclaimed, charging at Blueblood.

Blueblood stood completely still as I extended my sword. The moment I was in reach, I swung my sword only to hit the ground.

“What the…”

“Surprise,” Blueblood said behind me. I turned around to see him flick his marked hoof causing a big wind blast to send me into the wall.

I got up as Blueblood appeared in front of me. He had his sword drawn and was ready to strike, but I instantly blocked it with mine and pushed him off balance. I tried to counter only to yet again be thrown back by a wind blast.

“You’re no challenge,” Blueblood declared as he and I got up, “Until next time.”

With that, Blueblood disappeared in a flurry of black particles.

What the buck was that! I just lost… to Blueblood!


I slowly limped around the hallways with every step hurting my bones. After my short duel with Blueblood, my body was left very sore. I was still in shock that he clearly had the upper hoof and could have killed me on the spot. I was thinking about it so much that I tripped on my way up the stairs in the back of the building. I let out a grunt in pain as I got back up. When I got back up, I saw a picture of Queen Chrysalis grinning down at me.

“What did he have so special,” I yelled, “He’s bucking Blueblood! He’s a selfish, cheap coward who wouldn’t survive a single day in battle.”

The picture continued to stare down at me and I sighed, “But he has powers. He has supernatural powers that greatly surpass mine… I need more Moon-AGH.”

I gasped and fell to the ground as one of my bruises hurt. I slowly got up and realized I dropped a couple of things… a clear capsule that was filled with a red elixir Fluttershy gave me, and the box Rarity gave me.

I took the elixir and open it as I poured it into my mouth. The moment I swallowed, I couldn’t feel my pain anymore and my strength came back.

“Thank you, Fluttershy,” I smiled as I stretched out what soreness was left, then looked at the little box. I shrugged and opened it, and to my surprise, a Moon Shard was inside it.

“And thank you, Rarity,” I chuckled, taking the Shard and Heart out. I didn’t even take the moment to ask what to I can upgrade, I just spontaneously said, “Windblast.”

The Shard in my hoof disappeared as well as the two in my pouch. After the surge went through me, I looked back at the picture on the wall. I flicked my hoof and humongous blast of wind blew it into the air. As I extended my sword and stabbed right through the picture’s chest, I let a grin come across my face.

“Look out Blueblood and Chrysi,” I said, “I’m coming for…”


I was interrupted by the sound of a voice down the hall. I retracted my sword and let the picture fall to the ground as I walked down the hallway lined up with doors on my right side.

“Hello… who’s there,” it asked again.

This time, I heard it behind me as I skidded to a halt. I walk back down and came across the second door from the staircase.

I slowly opened the door and saw a drunken griffon passed out on the ground. I shook my head and closed the door again. I was about to give up until the voice called again.

“Is somepony there?”

It was in the room next to the griffon’s one. I slowly open the door to see a mostly empty room. There was a couch inside facing away from the door. I walked inside and closed the door behind me, then slowly approached the couch. I stopped in the middle of the room and listened for the voice. I waited for a few minutes until it called again, “Please tell me if you’re there.”

All of a sudden, a rush of joy went through my body as I recognized who it was.

“Pinkie,” I said.

The little foal slowly looked over the couch and then automatically went back behind it.

“Who are you,” she demanded.

“Pinkie,” I called, going around the couch to see her try and get away from me.

“I said who are you.”

“It’s me Pinkie,” I smiled taking off the mask, “It’s DF.”

“D… F,” she slowly repeated, staring at my face like a stranger before a smile came across her face, “DF!”

She ran at me and jumped in my open hooves as I gave her a hug. A tear rolled down my cheek as she cried on my shoulder. I was so happy to see her again, after so long. After a few minutes, I let her go and wiped a few tears from her eyes.

“They told me you died,” she sobbed, “I thought I’d never see you again.”

“Hey,” I kindly smiled, “I told you I would never let you down… Besides, it was my turn anyways, so I believe I’m 2 for 0.”

Pinkie laughed as I gave her one more hug then put her on my back. I put my mask back on and carried Pinkie out of the room, but when I got out into the hallway, I heard voices below us, causing me to stop.

“Who is it,” Pinkie whispered.

I used dark vision to see a bunch of Ponies and Changelings on the floor below us, but they weren’t wearing Watch uniforms. In fact, they were wearing masks.

“Overseers,” I sighed as I ended dark vision, “Do you know a way out of here, Pinkie?”

“Well, there is a back entrance at the bottom of the staircase,” she replied.

“That should do,” I said, “but try and keep quiet.”

Pinkie nodded as she pretended to zip her lips.

I slowly crept down the wooden staircase, cringing every time I stepped on a squeaky board. It took me a few minutes just to get down to the next floor, then even longer to the next one. I would constantly use dark vision to keep an eye on the Overseers in the building, and got scared when some almost came to the staircase. Fortunately, I was able to get Pinkie and myself down the stairs and onto the bottom floor without any trouble… of course, everypony luck runs out sooner or later…

Pinkie was right, there was a door next to the staircase, and we went out into the streets. I carried Pinkie through the litter as she looked around.

“Oh my,” She said, “this place…it’s terrible.”

“Things have gone down since you’ve been missing, but it’s not your fault,” I reassured, “Things wouldn’t have gotten so bad if it wasn’t for Chrysi.”

“Did all of this happen after mommy died?”

“Yes, and I’m really sorry I couldn’t save her Pinkie,” I mournfully apologized.

“It’s alright,” she smiled, “You can only do so much… I miss her though.”

“I miss her too.”

“She was such a wonderful mommy,” she continued, but her smile was fading, “she loved me so much and cared for me in my time of need. She’d always call me her cupcake princess… and when we lost… I don’t have anypony!”

Pinkie began to cry loudly as I took her off of my back and tried to comfort her.

“It’s ok, Pinkie,” I said, stroking her head, “let it out.”

“I thought losing my daddy was hard enough,” Pinkie sobbed, “Now I don’t have a mommy either!”

“I know I know,” I soothingly said.

“I just want her back,” she yelled.

“I do too,” I said, “but it’s not possible… hey, at least you still got me, and I got you.”

“Yeah,” Pinkie sniffled, whipping a couple of tears, “I still got you… and you know what, I think I can finally call you my… Trotter!”

I turned around and saw a Trotter limping towards us. I pulled out my crossbow with a readied sleep dart until another came out… then another, and another, and another and… it just kept going until there were dozens of Trotters in the streets, all coming for us.

“Well, Pinkie, this seems like the appropriate time to…RUN!”

I threw Pinkie on my back and I ran down the streets with the Trotters closing in on us. I tried running down side alleys, zig-zagging through the corners, and even going through buildings, but I couldn’t shake them, they kept chasing us through the streets. I kept running, with Pinkie tightly holding on, and saw the Watch Tower in the distance… our only hope.

I ran up an alley way and came across the two perpendicular streets in front of the bridge. I heard the Trotters getting closer and closer behind us, and when they came out of the alley, I bolted for the tower.

Instantly, the noise attracted the Watch patrolling and they took formation as I led the Trotters right to them. The tower was facing the other direction, so I kept running at the Watch. Then the tower slowly began to turn to us as the distance between us and the

Watch was getting smaller by the second.

“Almost there,” I said as the tower’s spotlight made it to the bridge and continued to turn.

The Watch was great in numbers as they all had swords drawn and braced to take on the hoard of Trotter heading straight for them.

The distance got shorter and shorter as I kept my focus on the bridge.

Hundreds of yards became few, as well as feet, and then inches until… I used my powers to blink to the bridge just before colliding with the Watch and the tower was facing the Trotters, triggering it.

However, I didn’t take the time to watch the fight, just instantly shot down the stairs and to Rainbow Dash’s camp.

“What the hay is going on up there,” She asked as we could hear the explosions from the Tower and moans from the Trotters.

“Long story,” I replied.

“DF did incredible things that I can’t even begin to describe,” Pinkie exclaimed.

“I’m not surprised,” Rainbow smiled, “and you must be Princess Pinkamena Diana Pie.”

“I prefer to be called Pinkie,” Pinkie replied.

“Uh, sorry to interrupt,” I said, “but we don’t have time for formal introductions. We need to get out of here before the Watch or Trotters find us.”

“Right,” Rainbow said, “Climb up.”

Pinkie got on Rainbow’s back while Rainbow picked me up with her hooves and we left the light of explosions fade into the horizon.


“So how fast can you fly?”

“Faster than…”

“Is it hard to see when flying?”

“No, it’s pretty…”

“When you’re flying, is it true your ears ring?”


“Have you ever done the legendary sonic rainboom? How does your mane stay in place at this speed? How come you leave a trail of colors when you fly? Do your insides feel like mush? Have you ever…”

Pinkie was shooting Rainbow Dash with questions faster than Rainbow could fly herself. As Pinkie kept asking questions, Rainbow bent down to whisper, “How did you put up with this?”

“It took me a few months to get used to it,” I replied, “and even longer to keep up… But until then, I just rolled with it.”

“How come they’re called Flea Markets when they don’t actually sell fleas?”

Rainbow just looked at her, then back down at me. I shrugged and said, “Just roll with it.”

“So Pinkie,” Rainbow said before she could ask another question, “What do you like to do for fun?”

“Normally DF and I hang out since I don’t have any other friends who are or act my age.”

“Hey,” I exclaimed in protest.

“You don’t have any friends,” Rainbow asked.

“Not unless you count the one you’re carrying.”

“Well that needs to change,” Rainbow smiled, “There are two fillies named Applebloom and Scootaloo who are about your age. You should meet them when we get back.”

(Yeah, I know it’s a little strange Sweetie Belle was older yet the other two remained themselves, but by now, I’m pretty use to the strange world… I mean, what Pinkie Pie is about to say didn’t surprise me, even though it’s completely unlike her.)

“I don’t really like meeting new ponies,” Pinkie replied.

“Well, you seemed fine when meeting me,” Rainbow said.

“You’re an older pony though. I’m used to meeting ponies like you when I would tag along for important meetings.”

“What’s the difference? I mean, you’re a filly, they’re a filly, just act like yourself and be nice.”

“And if you need help remembering how to be well-mannered, just think what Rainbow would do, and then do the exact opposite,” I joked.

Rainbow glared down at me and let go of me for a second before grabbing me again, causing me to yelp.

“Oops,” Rainbow smirked, “how impolite of me.”

“Oh, ha-ha,” I flatly replied while Pinkie was snickering.

“What? Can’t take a prank?”

“Just land you multi-colored pest.”

Rainbow Dash flapped down into the center of the Joe’s Donuts’ courtyard where everypony was waiting. When Rainbow set me down, I took off my mask and offered my hoof to Pinkie. She grabbed it and I helped her off of Rainbow.

“Princess Pinkamena...,” Twilight began.

“Pinkie will be fine,” Pinkie said.

“Pinkie, welcome to Joe’s Donuts. You’ll be staying here from now on… would you like to see your room?”

“Ooo, yes mam.”

“Ok then. Fluttershy, would you mind taking Pinkie?”

“Of course,” Fluttershy said, taking Pinkie inside Joe’s Donuts.

“You did good Derpy,” Twilight smiled, “I take it you did both jobs.”

“That I did,” I replied, but saw Applejack standing in the shadows with her hat over her eyes, “Excuse me for a moment.”

“But of course.”

Leaving Twilight to go amongst her business, I walked over to Applejack, who pulled out a flask and took a quick gulp before putting back underneath her hat.

“Ah’d reckon ya did it,” She said.

“Not exactly.”

“What do ya mean?”

“I got Bulk Biceps to send the brothers off to work in one of their apple farms.”

“So ya didn’t kill ‘em?”

“No, but we won’t be hearing from them for a while.”

“Ah see… Well, they were one of the most annoying bunch in our Apple family, so ah wish ya did kill ‘em; but in some ways, ah guess ah should thank ya. At least ah know ya wouldn’t kill my family, so I can feel safe about Applebloom sharing the same house as ya… no offense.”

“None taken.”

“Well ah best be off,” Applejack said, taking the flask out again and giving it to me, “ya want some cider? Ya earned it.”

“Sure,” I said, drinking some of the liquid contained in the flask. After giving it back, Applejack went inside Joe’s Donuts… yet again, leaving me to wonder where her loyalty lies. She didn’t trust me even being in the same building with Applebloom, and I am left to think about what to make of it… there’s no telling who else has an eye on me…

After a few minutes, I went inside to see Pinkie Pie in the corner meeting Fluttershy’s pet rabbit, Angel, who’s anything but.

“He’s so adorable,” Pinkie said, fawning over the tiny bunny.

“I know, but he doesn’t like to be pet by anypony but me,” Fluttershy replied, “so I’d be careful around him if I were you.”


“Well, that concludes our tour,” Fluttershy declared, “Anything else you’d like to know?”


“Alright, but if you need anything, just call.”

Fluttershy left Pinkie Pie at the booth as Angel followed her up the stairs. Pinkie Pie sat in the booth and looked out the window as a few fillies and colts played hide and seek outside.

I watched her for a moment from across the room as Pinkie continued to watch the game before walking over to her booth.

“Is this seat taken,” I asked, slightly startling her.

“Oh, it’s you DF,” Pinkie smiled, “No, it isn’t”

“Well, I guess I’ll sit here then,” I chuckled, taking the seat, “but it seems you would like somepony else here.”

“What are you taking about,” Pinkie said, “Who else could be more fun than DF?”

“Well, it kind of looks like you want to go play with those other fillies and colts.”

“I’d rather stay here.”

“Pinkie, why don’t you like making new friends?”

“It’s just... one time on a royal meeting, a couple of months before daddy became a… before you became our guard, I was told to stay out in the gardens while the grownups talked inside. So I walked around the garden for a while and found a few other royal fillies and colts. They asked me my name and I said Pinkie. They said they wanted me to play a game with them and I said sure. They said that we should play pin the tail on the pony, one of my favorites. They said I could go first, so they put the blind fold on me and spun me around. After they did that, they told me where I needed to go and I followed their directions. They kept telling me to right, left, straight forward and a bunch of other stuff until they said stop. Once I did, I tried to pin the tail, but nothing was in front of me. I asked them if I was in the right place, but I didn’t get a response. I called for them, but it remained quiet. I took my blind fold off and saw I was standing at the edge of the pond, and when I turned around, one of them had snuck up and pushed me into the pond! My dress was completely soaked and my makeup was ruined, after it took mommy so long to fix it up for me; but worst of all was they were laughing at me. They were all pointing and laughing as I tried to get up but kept slipping. After finally getting on my hooves, I ran out of the garden, crying. Mommy and Daddy found me a couple of hours later under a tree and asked me what happened. I told them what happened and they were furious. They got an apology from the parents, but I was too scared to talk to the other royal fillies and colts, so I didn’t get an apology from them.”

“Wow, I never knew that had happen to you,” I said as Pinkie finished.

“Nopony knows,” she replied, “but that’s why I don’t like making friends.”

“I can see why, and those were terrible ponies, but it doesn’t mean everypony will be like that. You see Pinkie, some ponies, like the ones you said, are rotten and spoiled to the core. They think they are better than everypony, but you are different. You are a kind, funny and very caring filly and any pony is lucky to have you as a friend, like me. I am one of the most luckiest stallions in all of Equestria to have you as a friend, and I would never give you up for anything… but doesn’t mean I won’t share you. Pinkie, you need to go out and make some friends and have fun… You see those two fillies out there?”

Pinkie looked to where I was pointing and shook her head as she watched the two blank flank pegasus and earth pony chasing each other around,

“Those two are Applebloom and Scootaloo,” I said, “I met them yesterday and they are one of the nicest fillies, besides you, that I have ever met. Now, I want you to go talk to them and see if they want to play a game.”

“But what if they are mean to me?”

“If they are mean to you, then just ignore them and walk away, but I’m sure the moment you talk to them, they’ll want to be your friends.”



“Ok,” Pinkie said, taking a deep breath, “I’ll try.”

“That’s the spirit, now go.”

Pinkie nodded, and after giving me a quick hug, she ran outside and approached Applebloom and Scootaloo.

I smiled as I saw Pinkie Pie shyly talk to them, and they smiled back to her, shaking her hoof.

I continued to watch as Pinkie Pie ran off with the two until a throat being cleared startled me.

I looked to see who it was and saw the other five of the Loyalsix looking at me.

“What,” I asked, not liking the smug look on each of their faces.

“Never took ya as the mothering type,” Applejack smirked.

“I am not a mother,” I glared.

“Sure,” Rainbow joined, “And Twilight here isn’t and egghead.”

“Hey,” Twilight exclaimed.

“Just because I care and would do anything to protect Pinkie, doesn’t mean I’m mothering her.”

“That’s the exact definition,” Fluttershy replied, “I should know.”

“Back off you five,” I said, getting out of the booth.

“Or what? You going to rock us to sleep,” Rarity snickered.

“I said back off,” I said as I went up the stairs in the back of the restaurant.

“Don’t forget your apron, mother,” Rainbow teased.

“Ah think the shelves need dusting,” Applejack added.

“I’m fresh out of parenting books, can I borrow yours, Derpy,” Twilight laughed.

“If you’re done mocking me, I need to get some sleep. So if it’s not too much trouble, can you tuck Pinkie into bed for me,” I asked as I entered my attic room.

“Because the mother needs his beauty rest,” Rainbow taunted.

“Because Pinkie is my one and only daughter and only living family member left,” I replied, catching them off guard.

“Oh,” Rainbow looked around uneasily.

“Um,” Fluttershy hid behind her hair

“Yeah,” Applejack tilted her hat down.

“We can,” Rarity rubbed her neck.

“Do that,” Twilight nervously blushed.

“Thank you. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight,” they awkwardly replied as I closed the attic door on the five ashamed mares.

I heard them walk down the stairs as I smiled to myself, took my equipment off, and slipped into bed.

“I don’t mother, Pinkie,” I said as I pulled out two knitting needles and went back to working on my little project, “Oh, did I remember to turn off the stove… yes I di…What the buck!”

(To Be Continued...)

Comments ( 5 )

this sucks i read first chapter half way through no dishonoed plot holes every where gramaticals and putting your self in the story :trixieshiftright: talk abut egotistical

Comment posted by Derpyforever deleted Sep 7th, 2017

7383429 Apologies. I appreciate your support for this story, but I will not continue it. If I ever do come back around to this idea, it will most likely be written with a different plot. This one followed too closely to the actual game and as I reread it, I realized how narcissistic I was with my character. Again, I apologize for any hopes you had for this story to continue, but I regret to tell you that it's a high probability that it will not.

7754075 Oh well... Seems pretty good though

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