• Published 6th Jun 2014
  • 2,642 Views, 18 Comments

The Calling Night - Derpator

Rarity has been under stress recently from overworking, and Pinkie Pie has noticed. Wanting to make her friend happy again, she suggests taking a break from her constant work. Her solution is easy: A girls night out.

  • ...

Chapter 1 - Under stress

Another groan. Another sign of incoming fury.

Rarity's mane was absolutely ruined; hairs were stuck out, some dirt was locked in it and she hadn’t washed it in who-knew-when. Her job was too important to take the endless effort it would take to clean it.

There was previously another failure in the one dress she had been working on for weeks. It was still a few weeks away from its deadline, but she wanted it done and completed plenty of time beforehand. The bin nearby her workstation was covered to the brim with scrunched up paper, draft after draft becoming nothing more than piles of scrap. She just couldn’t perfect it to her client’s request, no matter what she tried.

But that was her downfall. With overworking and clocking herself too much, she only put herself in more of a bad situation. The more failures she perceived, the more stressed out she got, leading to more failures, which only increased that stress and tension. It was an endless rotation, only getting worse as time went on. She was almost a walking time bomb, ready to blow up at anypony who would dare interfere.

Sweetie Belle offered to help at some point, but the only result from that was a yelling at. She didn’t mean to direct her rage at her little sister, or even push her away for that matter, but it was too late to take it back. Her work remained the most important thing to her.

Her muzzle and mouth were scrunched up, attempting to perfect a tiny detail on the dress. It required the utmost care and precision with the threading of the needle. A drip of sweat rolled down her face, the two items levitating in front of her from her magic. The needle throbbed in the air, twitching from the magic Rarity was giving it. Furrowing her brow, she got nearer towards the two objects, narrowing her eyesight, ready to thread the needle through.

She winced as soon as the needle made contact with the fabric, before piercing through a small hole it created, carrying the thread behind it. As soon as it went through, she dropped the magical grasp on the two items and analysed the detail on her desk. She had to check for the slightest mistake. She frantically pulled the fabric over into many angles for observation. She sighed a graceful sigh when the hole she had pierced was in perfect alignment with the others.

“Sixteen down, five hundred and eighty four to go...” she said to herself, before groaning and planting her head in her hooves when that number really hit her. But no matter what, she will persevere, for the sake of her client, and for the sake of herself.

She prepared to lift up the fabric again, ready to puncture another hole, when the doorbell rang. She perked up immediately from the merrily chime. “Sweetie Belle!” she called out throughout her house as politely as she could, “Could you get that?”

She waited patiently for a few seconds, hoping to hear hoofsteps of her little sister or the door being answered, but nothing came. She let a small amount of time pass again, but the same result happened, except for another ring of her chime. “Sweetie Belle!” she called out again, much more violently, “Answer the door!”

Still time went pass that nothing happened, and she only grew more frustrated every second. In her current situation, she was quick to blame Sweetie Belle and her poor hearing abilities. “Honestly!” she started complaining, finally moving from her workspace. “What is wrong with that filly?”

She finally left her workroom, her hooves treading on the floor with great force as Rarity made her way towards the stairs. Along the way, Sweetie Belle’s door was wide open, sharing the contents to Rarity, messy as it was. She would have stormed in there and told her sister to clean it up immediately, but she was faced with bigger problems.

“Where is she?” Rarity asked herself, descending the stairs to the foyer. “And why didn’t she tell me she was going out?”

As Rarity made her way towards the bottom of the stairs, the chiming bell went off again. “Alright!” she shouted to nopony, the voice loud enough to send a shiver down anyone’s spine.

She had reached the foyer, and was making her way over towards the front door. The foyer looked fine, something which the dragging Rarity changed with her unclean looks. She marched her way over towards the door, when the bell rang once more. “Sweet Celestia hold on already!” she bellowed, certain that the pony behind the door could hear her. She really wasn’t in the mood.

She took no trouble in showing off her frustration by swinging the door wide open with her magic, ready to give a mouthful to whatever pony had come by with a likely worthless request. Inside of the Boutique stood Rarity, gritting her teeth and looking like a disgrace.

Outside of the Boutique stood Pinkie Pie, beaming her smile as she always does. “Hi Rarity!” she said with a charm, not at all affected by Rarity’s dirty look. Her hoof was an inch away from the doorbell, which she pressed a few times afterwards, giggling shortly afterwards. “That’s a nice sound by the way!”

Rarity’s unamused look didn‘t change, but she was fully aware it was Pinkie Pie on her doorstep. “Hello Pinkie...” she grumpily started off with. “What brings you here?”

Pinkie Pie heard the question, but she decided to press the doorbell a few more times, giggling with each one. “Would you please!” Rarity hastily shouted, before trying to get rid of her negative attitude, “...stop that?”

“Sure!” Pinkie Pie replied with, completely blank.

Rarity stared blankly at the constant smiling Pinkie Pie at her door, not speaking a word. She internally groaned, knowing that it was wasting precious time. “Pinkie, if you don’t want anything then—“

“Would you like your massage now?” Pinkie gracefully asked.

Not this again, Rarity immediately thought, sighing. Pinkie Pie had been coming over to the Boutique every few days, asking if she wanted a massage and generously offering one. Every time, she was turned down, with a reminding comment that Rarity wasn’t under stress and didn’t need it.

It seems Pinkie Pie didn’t believe Rarity on that. Every visit had resulted in her getting yelled at by Rarity, but she wasn’t even fazed by it. She claimed that it would help her to relax, but Rarity didn’t have time to relax. She had to finish her dress, and Pinkie Pie’s constant visits only kept her from that.

But she couldn’t deny that the small visits from Pinkie Pie took something away. It was nice to see a friend every now and then, even though she hid it. She had effectively pushed her friends away, even from their requesting to help, claiming it was too important. They understood her situation, but one of them kept at it.

How Pinkie Pie never felt insulted or gave up from the bashing, Rarity would never know. She admired her courage to come by her house often, only to be screamed at and the door shut on her. She didn’t mean to push Pinkie Pie away, but she was really in a tough spot, and Pinkie Pie only felt like an obstacle from reaching her goal.

“Pinkie,” Rarity finally said, putting on her best cheery voice. “I told you, I’m fine. I don’t need a massage thank you very much.”

Pinkie Pie shook her head, keeping her bubbly appearance. “Nope! Not this time!”

Rarity raised an eyebrow. That was certainly new to her. “What?” She took a moment, before shaking her head. “Look, I’m rather busy right now, so could you come back some other time?”

Rarity went to close the door with her magic, but Pinkie Pie stopped it half-way. “Can’t I just come in?” she pleaded. “I’m worried about you.”

Rarity took a moment, before groaning again. “Fine.” She let Pinkie Pie bounce her way inside her house, before slamming the door shut behind her.

Pinkie Pie proceeded to bounce her way all across the foyer, taking in the nicely kept house. It all looked nice and tidy, except for Rarity, who looked miserable.

“Would you like something?” Rarity asked, half-heartedly, making her way past the pink pony. She almost reached the steps, before turning back towards Pinkie Pie, irritated.

“You know what I want” Pinkie replied with no trouble, motioning towards a red couch.

Rarity rubbed her forehead with her hoof, trailing it down across her face afterwards. “I’ve already told you Pinkie, I appreciate the offer, but I’d rather not. I’m incredibly busy.”

Pinkie Pie ignored the protest, jumping in front of Rarity and dragging her towards the couch. “Come on, I Pinkie Promise this’ll be good!”

Rarity attempted to escape Pinkie Pie’s grasp, grunting all the while, but it was too strong. Pretty soon, she found herself thrown onto the couch face down on the soft material. She tried to wriggle off it straight away, but Pinkie Pie kept her down on it with her hooves. “Pinkie!” she shouted. “Let me go this instant!”

Pinkie Pie didn’t answer, but kept Rarity pushed onto the couch in her constant struggles. Her hooves flailed wildly, something Pinkie Pie managed to dodge. Rarity was putting a lot of energy in just trying to squirm free, and Pinkie Pie could tell it was all negative energy. She was doing this all for Rarity’s benefit.

Rarity stopped after a while, tuckered out from her escape attempts. She faced her defeat, planting her head square on the couch. “Why are you doing this?” she asked, putting in very little effort, wanting to go back to work.

Pinkie Pie took a seat beside Rarity and began to brush her hoof behind the unicorn’s neck. “I’m worried. We all are.”

Rarity deliberately turned her head away from Pinkie Pie. “I told you, I’m fine,” she stated.

It was a lie, and even Rarity knew it. She wouldn’t admit it though, as she remained focused on her job. It needed to be done, and nopony else would be able to do it. The client requesting it asked for specific stitch work, something only Rarity could provide. There wasn’t a chance any of her friends could do it; they would unfortunately mess it up as much as she didn’t want to say.

Pinkie Pie trailed her hoof past Rarity’s neck, approaching her spine. Her barrel was heavily inflating and deflating from the major struggle she went through a short while ago, but the activity was already softening. “How are you feeling?” Pinkie asked.

Rarity took in one large inhale. “Fine...”

Pinkie Pie rubbed her hooves together, before pressing them down Rarity’s back. The unicorn flinched from the sudden pressure, even jerking a tiny bit. “Ow!” she cried out, not expecting the weight of the hooves.

“Sorry,” Pinkie Pie apologised, rubbing the back of her head.

“It’s ok... let’s just get this over with...”

That was all Pinkie Pie needed to hear, as she put down her hooves along Rarity’s back, less pressure this time. Rarity’s skin felt rough, her coat a wreck, likely due to the stress. She was wondering if Rarity even showered since she began her work.

Pinkie Pie tenderly pressed into Rarity’s dorsal, caressing the skin carefully. She gyrated her hooves ever so slightly, making sure not to press too hard. She looked at Rarity, whose head was planted fully on the couch. She smiled, knowing that her massage was already being well received.

Rarity felt like she was in another place. Her eyes wandered into somewhere other than the Boutique, as the hooves along her back eased her gently. She couldn’t deny the fact that Pinkie Pie’s hooves left a great mark along her, soft as they were.

She elicited a tiny moan from the massage. She hadn’t had one in weeks. She cancelled her spa appointments with Fluttershy as her work kept her more occupied, so she was a little out of touch. But Pinkie Pie’s hooves felt just like Lotus’s and Aloe’s. Both of them always worked wonders to ease the tension in her muscles, every session leaving her wanting more. But after so long without one, Pinkie Pie of all ponies was the one to replicate that same feeling.

Even though she was under a lot of stress, she couldn’t deny the pleasure she was experiencing. She calmed her breathing, easing the tension inside her, as Pinkie Pie’s fragile hooves rapidly removed any traces of negative behaviour, stabilising herself mentally.

Fluttershy had come once to ask Rarity about the cancellations regarding the spa, finding out the truth about the overload of work on the same visit. She offered her assistance, being a bit skilled as a dress maker herself, but Rarity shunned even her. Fluttershy understood the predicament overall, but the words ushered still hurt her.

Poor Fluttershy, Rarity mused, frowning. She didn’t mean what she said; it was all because of the work. She sometimes really hated having a busy schedule, and she couldn’t even comprehend how Twilight kept herself organised all the time. She knew an apology was in order for Fluttershy at some point though.

Pinkie Pie gingerly worked her way along Rarity’s lower dorsal, not a single complaint coming her way. Rarity was lying still, breathing ever so slowly, almost looking asleep. Pinkie Pie knew her stress relief massage was working wonders on her friend, and she hoped that just maybe she’d take a break once in a while.

Pinkie Pie finished her work with one final delicate stroke across Rarity’s spine. She removed her hooves soon afterwards, Rarity remaining still. “How was that?” Pinkie softly asked, leaning in a bit.

“...Amazing,” Rarity replied with after a few seconds of silence, almost too quiet. “Are you a masseuse?”

Pinkie Pie giggled. “Sorry.”

Rarity gasped as she forced herself up from her lying down position. The sensation in her back was what she severely needed. “Thank you Pinkie.”

Pinkie Pie only maintained her bright smile. “Unfortunately though,” Rarity continued, “I still have work to do. This was nice, but I must resume my progress.”

Pinkie Pie’s smile turned to a frown instantly. “No you don’t,” she stated boldly.

“I’m afraid I do Pinkie,” Rarity replied, rising onto her hooves. “But I won’t forget this.”

“You deserve a break,” Pinkie Pie said, placing a hoof on Rarity’s tender shoulder.

Rarity chuckled slightly, still maintaining her positive side from the massage. “Believe me, this was the break I needed. But I must get back to work.”

Pinkie Pie violently shook her head. “Nuh-uh! You’re not going back to work!”

Rarity took a step back from the sudden outburst. “I’m... not?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Nope!” Pinkie Pie responded, stomping a hoof on the ground. “You’re going to take the rest of the day off!”

Rarity’s eyes widened just at the realisation. “The day? No! I can’t do that!” She raised a hoof to her mouth, just thinking of how far back the lack of work would send her, horrifying just by itself.

Pinkie Pie picked up Rarity’s hoof and lowered it. “You’ve been working yourself too hard. You’re going to have a rest.”


Pinkie Pie shook her head again. “No buts! You need this.”

Rarity looked towards the stairs, her last hope for continuing on with her work within her grasp. A part of her wanted to charge up the stairs and carry on with her dress, but knowing Pinkie Pie, and from the generous massage she just received, she couldn’t bring herself to do it.

Pinkie Pie was right. She had been working too hard. Maybe she could have a break. Turning back towards Pinkie Pie, she presented a smile the pink pony would be proud of. “Ok Pinkie, you win. Maybe I should take a break.”

Pinkie Pie’s grin grew, even showing off her teeth. “That's the spirit! I know the perfect way to do so!”

Rarity cocked an eyebrow. “Oh?”

“Girls night out!” Pinkie Pie screamed, throwing her hooves in the air to add to the effect.

“G-Girls night out...?” Rarity asked, stammering.

“Yeah! Just you and me!”

Rarity reached behind and rubbed the back of her head with a hoof. “I-I don’t know... I’m not that much of a drinker...”

Pinkie Pie leaned forward, a bit too close for comfort. “Well neither am I! That’s why it’ll be fun!”

“Hmm,” Rarity thought to herself, hard. She had only drunk a bit at some social events or parties with her friends. She’s been intoxicated before, but never in a terrible state. She could certainly do with some relaxation though, and alcohol would definitely help in that department. Spending a good number of hours with a friend couldn’t be bad either. “Ok!” she gleefully stated, furrowing her brow, fully content on her decision.

Pinkie Pie gasped, before closing the gap and hugging Rarity, who was just a quick to return it. “This is going to be great!” She broke the hug, still looking into Rarity’s eyes. “I’ll come back later. You should get ready.”

Before Rarity could say anything, Pinkie Pie sped off, most likely going through some last-minute changes and preparations. She turned and looked up to the clock that was hung on the wall, revealing that it was only the middle of the afternoon. She had hours to get ready.

“No reason a lady can’t properly prepare herself...” she sang to herself, trotting upstairs.