• Published 6th Jun 2014
  • 2,642 Views, 18 Comments

The Calling Night - Derpator

Rarity has been under stress recently from overworking, and Pinkie Pie has noticed. Wanting to make her friend happy again, she suggests taking a break from her constant work. Her solution is easy: A girls night out.

  • ...

Chapter 4 - Drunken antics

Why didn’t I do this sooner?

Rarity’s drunken thoughts dominated her feeble mind. How many had she had? Rows upon row of empty shot glasses laid flat down on the table. Were half of them hers? She couldn’t tell. But she loved it regardless.

Pinkie Pie had a small slur to her voice, a little sway in her movements. Rarity did as well, but not as much. She might have been more of a heavy drinker, or Pinkie Pie might have slipped a few sneaky drinks behind her.

That wasn’t important to her anyway. She was having way too much fun to care about something as collective as that. Topics deviated quickly, often on the bridge of romance, or just general teasing. Many things had been discussed, but Rarity lost track of a few.

Even the time, of which she was unsure of. How long had they been drinking? Night had fully fallen on the town, only evidencing her that it had gotten late. The bar was a little less crowded, but the many ponies inhabiting the scene were mostly drunk, or what Rarity might say, “Off their face.”

A lot of ponies had left too. It wasn’t a full up as it was when the two mares first arrived. It wasn’t particularly a good or bad thing, given how no ponies really came over to them. Many turned their heads when they heard obnoxious giggling sessions, but that was it.

Rarity felt free, high on her social life with Pinkie Pie.

She had loosened up long ago, Pinkie Pie’s initial plan gone off without a hitch. They came across their small acts of recklessness, such as Pinkie Pie accidentally slipping over and banging into another mare, but nothing bad happened.

The staff came by often and took the empty glasses, just like with other customers. That only added to Rarity’s confusion of how much she had. She ultimately decided to just pay Pinkie Pie half of whatever they spent. She lost track of payment ages ago.

“So then,” Pinkie Pie said, swishing her drink on the table, “He told me that I shouldn’t ever mix the two together, otherwise it might go BOOM!” A few traces of liquor splashed off her glass when she shouted and emphasised her point.

Rarity guffawed, joined shortly by Pinkie Pie. “Really? Mr Cake said that?”

“Yeah,” Pinkie replied after her small laughing session. “He’s really kind for helping me out a lot.”

“Hmm,” Rarity mumbled, taking a swish of her drink. “He seems like one of the few kind stallions around. I would say it’s because he’s married and has two kids, but it’s still nice to see there aren’t jerks that dominate the town.”

“You mean,” Pinkie Pie said as she got a little closer, “Not like that one guy who wanted me to sleep with him?”

“Exactly!” Rarity exclaimed after she downed a bit more of her drink. “There are some stallions in this world that I... well... would just like to hit, quite honestly.”

Pinkie Pie gasped dramatically at Rarity’s unusual behaviour. “What? You, hitting somepony? I want to see that!”

Rarity held it in for a short while as she stared at Pinkie Pie’s sly grin, until she fully lost it in laughter once more. Pinkie Pie was quick to join her, the two of them often sharing giggling sessions. “No, but seriously,” Rarity repeated after calming down, “Some stallions are just jerks. It’s a rare occurrence that you’d meet a nice one.”

Pinkie Pie nodded in agreement. Memories from her experience came back to her. There was Cranky... though he wasn’t a stallion. He was a donkey, which could have considered pretty much a stallion. After all, mules are the offspring of ponies and donkeys, so why not? It was compatible and reasonable.

Or it might have been the alcohol trying to persuade her of approving it.

“Hey,” Rarity said, realising something. “What about that Cheese Sandwich fellow? Didn’t you have this big crush on him?”

Pinkie sunk low, her pink skin turning a darker shade of the same colour. She felt the flush quickly coming over her, the party pony locked deep in her mind. “I did...” she quietly replied, fiddling with her free hoof.

“So what happened with him?” Rarity asked, inching closer towards Pinkie Pie with a keen interest.

Pinkie Pie couldn’t for the life of her face Rarity as she stared her down. Part of it was because Rarity looked glamorous, while the other was her heated embarrassment. “He uh... he wasn’t interested.”

“What!” Rarity yelled out in surprise. “Not interested? Pinkie, you’re a wonderful mare! Any stallion would be happy and lucky to have you!”

Pinkie Pie’s blush grew enormously, Rarity’s compliment driving her self-esteem through the roof. She didn’t like bragging or inflating her appearance, but Rarity had a tone that set things in the right direction every time. She envied her for that. “He just wasn’t,” she sheepishly admitted, her face looking a little glum. It was likely a bad memory.

Pinkie Pie washed her negative emotions aware by taking a massive swig of her drink. With a satisfied gulp after swallowing, she turned to Rarity with her returning smile. “Enough about me. What about you and that Trenderhoof fellow?”

Rarity’s eyes widened, almost to the level of dinner plates. She played with her lips and her teeth a bit, not really fond of the truth, just like Pinkie was with Cheese Sandwich. “Same... he wasn’t interested.”

“Aww,” Pinkie groaned, feeling sympathy for Rarity right away.

“He said... that earth ponies were more his ‘style’. He didn’t mean to sound so insulting or rude, but he prefers the ethics and naturism of earth ponies. He has a lot of respect for them.”

“That explains Applejack,” Pinkie Pie finished for her.

Rarity nodded her head to confirm the implication. She made a little snort. “There was another mare he read in the papers that he became interested in actually. And she was—“

Pinkie Pie quirked her eyebrow at how Rarity froze up, not carrying on with her sentence. “Oh...” she nervously continued, “I guess I forgot to mention it.”

“Huh? Mention what?” Pinkie Pie asked curiously, getting closer.

Rarity darted her eyes left and right, trying not to make eye contact with Pinkie Pie. “This mare... was Maud.”

“Maud?!” Pinkie blurted out without thinking.

Rarity flinched at the sudden outburst. She should have expected that, but even in her drunken state, she couldn’t have prepared thoroughly for it.

“Hmm,” Pinkie Pie mumbled as she loosened her body up. “Wonder why she never told me.”

“I’m not sure if she knows herself,” Rarity suggested, remembering Maud’s bland attitude. She could have likely been hit across the face with a toad and she wouldn’t react. Trenderhoof’s advances likely wouldn’t have caught on. But the idea of Maud in an actual relationship...

“Good for her,” Pinkie Pie cheeringly said after a few seconds. “She needs somepony to help her loosen up. She’s so stressed out at the moment.” She sighed.

Rarity raised her eyebrow in a puzzled manner. Maud? Stressed out? How the hay was that possible?

“Well anyway,” Rarity said, waving her hoof in the air to change the subject. “I think I can safely say that there are some stallions in this world that aren’t even worth the time or effort. They’re all so rude.”

Pinkie Pie didn’t say anything, but she knew what Rarity meant. She agreed with her to a certain degree, being more open-minded to stallion behaviour. They weren’t all what Rarity was disguising them as, but she did have a point. Sometimes, she had thoughts about something else. The mare right next to her.

“Sometimes,” Pinkie Pie softy said as she touched Rarity’s hoof with her own, “I’ve felt something else.”

Rarity didn’t fight her hoof away from Pinkie Pie’s, rather welcoming it. She wanted to hold it, intoxicated as she was. It might have been the alcohol making her warm up, or it might have been Pinkie Pie’s shining eyes. They gleamed like the moonlight did on a cold Winter’s night. She admired those cerulean orbs.

But Rarity had a thought of what Pinkie Pie was talking about. She think she knew what it was. “You mean... going the other way?”

Rarity would have expected Pinkie Pie to retract her hoof instantly and scold her for even thinking such a preposterous notion. Being into mares? Pinkie Pie might have frowned on that, or even spit, depending on her views. But it was a risk Rarity was willing to take.

Because she’s had those same exact feelings too. And since Pinkie Pie didn’t remove her hoof, even touch Rarity’s more, in only heightened her immediate sensation.

“Yeah...” Pinkie trailed off, looking down with a frown. “But what would ponies think of me?”

We could find out if you’d like Pinkie.

Rarity knew the thought came from the alcohol, but the more she repeated it, the more she liked it. Sometimes, she felt like being different herself. It’s true a mare with another mare in a relationship would be a vast difference, and Ponyville didn’t have any, but it was her decision, as well as Pinkie’s.

They shouldn’t’ be shunned for having a different view. It was personal preference, and Rarity... Rarity wanted Pinkie Pie.

“It’s your choice Pinkie,” she assured the anxious mare, patting the hoof with her own. “Besides, you’re so known around Ponyville that they’d be crazy not to think it bad. Nopony will stop showing up at your parties if you’re interested in mares.”


Rarity’s heart fluttered under the look of gratitude of Pinkie Pie. She was sweet. “I’ve often thought life with a mare would be so much better than waiting for the right stallion.”

“Me too!” Pinkie agreed without second thinking. “I mean, I’m not as sophisticated or elegant as you are Rarity, but mares are the best! And when I’m with my best friends who are all mares too, it makes me truly happy!”

“Oh come on, I’m not that sophisticated. There are plenty of times I’ve lowered myself as a unicorn, as well as mare.”

“Say what you believe,” Pinkie Pie argued. She leant forward and playfully tapped Rarity’s muzzle with her hoof. “I think you’re cute anyway.”

Rarity felt the blush wave riding through her. Compliment after compliment, and yet, none of them failed from their estimated goal. Were they intentional? She liked to think so. Pinkie Pie was nothing but a charming, beautiful mare. A mare she wouldn’t live day to day without. But if only she knew that for herself...

Rarity sighed, clocking the thoughts around in her brain. She scanned the bar scene briefly. It was late, and she knew it well. Experience had taught her that. “Pinkie, why don’t we head on home?”

Pinkie Pie’s eyebrows changed in height. Rarity took immediate action, waving her hoof around. “Oh no no, it’s not because I’m not having fun. It’s just... it’s rather late.”

“Well why didn’t you say so silly?” Pinkie shook her head at Rarity’s awkward behaviour. “Let’s go.”

Rarity nodded, finishing off what was left of her drink. She lifted it up to her mouth, only to find a single drop dribbling down the glass. She drank it all, and when she glanced at Pinkie Pie’s, that one was empty too. She couldn’t help smiling. But she was still clueless as to how many she had.

Not that it mattered anyway. She had fun, and that was the important thing. Pinkie Pie had succeeded in her task. Through putting up with yelling, or dismissive behaviour, she had indeed, gotten the fashionista out of her home and out to the bar. And she loved that fact.

When she rose up from the booth, she stumbled a little. The alcohol caught up with her, putting a little sway in her movement. “Whoa,” she exclaimed as she jigged a little. She soon found balance in the hooves of Pinkie Pie, who had graciously stopped her from tipping over. She was wasted as well, also portraying a little body flexing. Their bodies walked side by side, but they both ended up swerving either left or right every now and then. Each time would result in a small giggle, from either or both parties.

The pair exited the bar and found themselves in a dark Ponyville with the stars overhead. It was beautiful from first look, the bright light illuminating the sky. In their drunken minds, they couldn’t stop themselves from staring up in awe at the mystical views.

A small gust floated past the pair, carrying the cold air with it. Pinkie Pie’s body shuddered right away. “It’s a bit nippy...”

Rarity concurred. It was cold, a little chilly. But she knew what she wanted to do. With no doubt in her mind, she lifted her hoof to wrap around Pinkie. With it, she tugged on it, drawing Pinkie Pie next to her, their barrels touching.

“Thanks Rarity!” the party pony said, grateful for the extra heat. It even made her feel flushed a little.

“It’s no problem at all,” Rarity said dismissively. “Now come on, to the Boutique!” They took a few staggered steps before stopping again. “Or did you want me to escort you to Sugarcube Corner?”

“Escort?” Pinkie asked with a sly smile, raising her eyebrow. “I’m just fine Miss Rarity. I am... not that drunk honestly.” She hiccupped, causing Rarity to chuckle.

“Come on, you can stay at the Boutique if you want.”

“Really?” Pinkie asked, her eyes full of hope. She wasn’t banking on Rarity inviting her over, or even predicting it in the first place. But now that she was... she didn’t know how to react. She loved slumber parties, only this was a drunken slumber party with the best mare she knew in the whole world.

“If it’s okay with the Cakes that is,” Rarity reinstated. “I don’t want to be held responsible for any potential foalnappings.”

Pinkie Pie giggled. “They told me before I headed out that they’d be fine if I didn’t show up. They only asked me to check in tomorrow to make sure everything was fine, but they’re okay with me not going back.”

“Well in that case...”

“Sleepover?” Pinkie asked, her irises budging from excitement alone.

“Sleepover,” Rarity confirmed, increasing the pace a bit.

“Woo!” Pinkie shouted.

Rarity was quick to hiss at Pinkie Pie to lower her volume. “Pinkie, it’s late, and the whole town can hear your hollering.”

“Sorry,” Pinkie quietly apologised in a cute voice. The way she tucked her body in a bit was adorable too.

Rarity rolled her eyes. “It’s alright. Let’s just get there in one piece.”

“One piece?” Pinkie Pie shot Rarity a sly grin. “Why not race?” Before Rarity could react, Pinkie Pie broke from their sideways hug and dashed away in a brisk walk.

Rarity watched as Pinkie Pie slanted all over the path, almost falling over too many times she could count. She sped up herself, deciding to take part in Pinkie’s crazy scheme, or game as she saw it. A little game after a few drinks couldn’t hurt.

The chase went on for a few minutes. They ran through a lot of Ponyville, though they may have gone backwards sometimes. Rarity didn’t pay attention. She was too busy having fun with Pinkie Pie to care. A few lights came on from some houses. She hid whenever she saw them standing out, a sneaky way to hide herself. She didn’t want to be known as the one who caused a disturbance, and it only made it more fun in the end.

They got exhausted from their bantering. Creeping up towards the front of the Boutique, Rarity and Pinkie Pie’s exhaled could be heard from many feet away. They weren’t hiding their panting, their need for exuberant breath.

Rarity turned back as Pinkie Pie wheezed a little. She wasn’t in any harm, but the party pony was tuckered out. In her field of vision, something else stood out. Another city far away.

It was Canterlot, and the few lights that shone from it were visible. The waterfalls that fell from its inner surroundings looked stunning, at least from Rarity’s distance. She couldn’t make it all out, but it was a beautiful city. She hadn’t really seen the mountainous city in the basking glow of the moonlight. She wasn’t a star gazer, or attended night-time activities in general.

“Hmm,” she mumbled, a thought quickly coming to her. It wasn’t a pretty thought.

“What’s... wrong?” Pinkie asked, checking out what Rarity was staring at.

“My client... she’s up there.”

Pinkie Pie rotated her view between Rarity and Canterlot a few times. “You mean the one you’re making that dress for?”

“Yeah,” Rarity said sternly, her look of happiness transpiring to a frown. “Wonder what she’s doing. Probably lounging out in her all-expensive one-of-a-kind suite.”

“Maybe you should give her a taste of her own medicine. Does she not know how hard you’ve been working?”

Rarity snorted in response. “Don’t be daft. I don’t think she cares how the dress is done, just that it’s done on time.”

Pinkie Pie lifted hoof up to her chin. It took her a few attempts because of the swaying. “Why don’t you ask her? Let’s send her a letter.”

Rarity’s eyes widened in shock. “A letter? No, no, I couldn’t possibly do that... could I?”

Pinkie Pie clapped her forelegs together, almost falling over in the process. “Well sure! We shouldn’t write it though, because then the wording will be baaaad!” She gasped when she came up with the brightest idea imaginable. “Why don’t we ask Twilight? Spike could send it by that fancy magicky thing that he does.”

The grin reappeared on Rarity. “Sounds good.”

“Then let’s go!” Pinkie Pie, in an ecstatic attitude, grabbed Rarity’s hoof with her own and zoomed her across Ponyville at a blinding speed. The unicorn was almost sick from the turbulence. It was jarring, the giant step in speed crossing her mind.

Pinkie Pie knocked on the library door with haste. She wanted to help out Rarity pronto.

Rarity on the other hand, almost had the contents of her stomach creeping up on her. Clearing her mind, she pushed it back down drudgingly. She didn’t want a spillage; much less spew everywhere, particularly by Twilight’s home.

A grumble came from the other side of the door as it swung open, revealing a purple alicorn. Twilight didn’t look happy at first, but it shifted a bit when she spotted the inquirers at her humble home. Her eyes had small, visible bags underneath them. She hadn’t been asleep, likely another late night up. She wouldn’t ever learn.

“Hey Twilight!” Pinkie said with excitement, glad to be seeing another friend.

Twilight raised an eyebrow, sniffing the air. “Hello Pinkie Pie. And Rarity.” She paused for a few seconds. “Have you been drinking?”

“Just a teensy-weensy bit,” Pinkie pleaded, putting on her best pouting face to plead innocence.

Twilight rolled her eyes before stepping aside. “Come on in then,” she said with little enthusiasm.

Pinkie Pie acted as predicted: she charged her way into the open library, almost falling over at the same time.

Rarity attempted her best at a walk that showed she was grateful for the open invitation, but came off more as a staggered limp. She gave Twilight a sheepish smile as she passed her. “We didn’t wake you did we?” she asked as she stood next to Pinkie Pie. The pink mare closed the distance between them, wrapping her hoof around Rarity. Rarity did not react, at least negatively.

“No...” Twilight quietly replied, closing the door with her magic. “But I was about to head off to bed. Do you know how late it is?”

“Of course!” Pinkie proclaimed. “We’ve had a girls night out! Of course it’s late!”

Twilight pursed a portion of her lip, giving Rarity a look that showed something along the lines of, “Is this true?”

Rarity nodded, giggling in the process. Pinkie Pie followed suit right afterwards.

“So... why are you here then?” Twilight asked. She had a gut feeling that it wasn’t pretty. Two of her friends coming to her house after a hefty night of drinking? She didn’t like it.

“We were wondering...” Rarity mumbled.

“If you could write a letter to Rarity’s client asking for an extension,” Pinkie finished off. Rarity gave her a curious look, like she was contemplating the request to what Pinkie Pie said. She simply shrugged it off afterwards, satisfied it was plentiful.

“Really?” Twilight wondered. “Why?”

“Because Rarity’s been under so much pressure and she could really do with an extension and please Twilight why won’t you send a letter so she doesn’t have to be so grumpy all the time and I want her to be happy,” Pinkie Pie replied all in one go. She gasped right afterwards.

Twilight blinked her eyes before sighing. “Fine.” She activated her horn. Magical auras surrounded a piece of parchment, along with a quill. They hovered in the air as she faced the pair. “So, what am I writing precisely?”

Rarity grinned. “How about—“

“You can take your dress and stick it up your backside,” Pinkie Pie interrupted. Her ‘assistance for words’ resulted in a bare silence. Rarity was actually thinking that was a legitimate sentence to send. It was down to earth and to the point. A simple message, but conveying so much.

“I don’t think so,” Twilight replied blankly. She shook her head and sighed. “So let me get the basis of this. You wish to write a letter requesting an extension for this dress, correct?”

Rarity nodded.

“Okay then,” Twilight said, already coming up with words in her mind. What was the best way to write something like that? She could complete the request and send the letter, but there was the case of two plastered mares in her house. If she offered her input and read it out aloud, they would likely just joke about it or rub it off. In the end, she’d be doing the letter by her lonesome anyway.

Coming to her final conclusion, Twilight said in a soothing manner, “How about I write it and get back to you when I receive a reply? Let me fill in the gaps and details. Would you mind?” She finished off her tempting offer with a beaming smile.

Rarity shrugged. She was fine with that. “Not at all. Just... don’t be too provocative, okay? This is a top client, and this can mean big things for business if she endorses my product.”

Twilight’s eye twitched slightly. She had heard about the situation from Rarity before back in her stressed out phase, always yelling at her. She left her alone like requested, but she didn’t know just how important this client was. It made her a little situation. Rarity’s line of work was on the line. She’d have to be as professional as possible. “Ok,” she replied with a whimper.

“Great! Let’s go!” Pinkie cheered, already on a move for the front door. Twilight opened it accordingly, the pink pony leaving the treehouse.

“Thank you Twilight,” Rarity chimed before trotting in an awkward manner, leaving Twilight to her troubles. She was grateful for the help, without a doubt. It was a bit of a load off her back. A potential extension for her work would assist enormously.

And to think, if she hadn’t even gone on the night out, she wouldn’t have bumped—or knocked—on Twilight’s door. Another point for Pinkie Pie in the mental tally. It was huge enough as it was, but another wouldn’t be in vain.

The duo reached the Boutique in record time. They didn’t charge their way through the town, but they were a little desperate to get out of the chilly air. Rarity was perfectly happy to accommodate Pinkie Pie for the night, though her spare room was her work room. But she didn’t mind sharing a bed...

The thought made her blush, even in the cold night air. She had sleepovers before, sharing bed at often intervals. But for some reason, sharing it with Pinkie Pie got to her. Pinkie Pie was beautiful and witty. She was a charming mare. She was lucky to know her.

But she felt like she wanted to get to know more. The more open-minded Pinkie. The Pinkie who would remain calm in any given situation, or would throw a party at the drop of a hat. It was attractive to her; much different than with any stallion. Pinkie Pie was a bright light in her time of clouded darkness. A candle to a flame.

A perfect mare in her integrity.

She wanted her... more than she let on or realised.

Arriving at the Boutique for the second time in the night, she mumbled some words. She had to concentrate—which was a little difficult given her current stature—hard to open the door. Grunting, she activated her magic. A blue aura formed around her horn, as well as the door lock. With the sound of a click, the door remained motionless. Pinkie Pie gave her a puzzled look.

Rarity felt a little recoil of a tiny headache from the magical conjuring. She had always been told that performing magic under the influence was a bad idea. Luckily, the spell she used for only a low level spell. And if that only gave her a tiny sketch of pain, she dreaded to think what higher level magic would end up costing. It didn’t sound pretty no matter how hard she thought about it.

Pinkie Pie nudged the door open with her hoof. It creaked open as the hinges squeaked. Pinkie skipped inside, Rarity following behind her.

Rarity sighed when she closed the door behind her, making sure to lock it with her magic again. It was only a short haze again, but if it meant security, it meant everything. At first glance around the foyer, nothing was out of place or broken. Her bag was still located on the worktop. Without a doubt, she marched over to it.

She looked inside the bag, spotting a huge amount of bits inside it. The letter she left hadn’t moved from its location, but it did have the word, “Ok,” underneath her writing. She presumed Sweetie Belle was in, as well as knowledgeable about the bit situation. Where was that filly anyway?

Pinkie Pie crept up behind Rarity, drawing her in for a one-sided hug. She wrapped her hooves around Rarity, the unicorn quick to accept it, and even embrace it. Her body shifted slightly at the warm hooves coiled around her. She leant her head down, planting a warm kiss on Pinkie’s hoof. There was no retraction or conversation from Pinkie’s part. She nuzzled into the hoof affectionately.

I... I want this...

She knew she did. There wasn’t a doubt. Alcohol flowed through her system, but she was keen on the fact. She knew she wanted Pinkie Pie, for at least tonight. She wanted her to stay.

“Pinkie,” she said after a few minutes of silence, “It’s more comfortable in my bedroom.”

Pinkie Pie didn’t need to be told twice. She removed her hooves from Rarity, taking a few steps towards the stairs. She stared at the unicorn with every inch of movement, taking in the lovely features of Rarity. She was a gem, just like her cutie mark presented.

Rarity’s bedroom was in sight. At the apex of the stairs, a door opened up. Both of the mares turned their attention to the young filly that walked through it. Rarity noticed from first look, that Sweetie Belle’s room was spotless. She had cleaned up sometime during her night out. The filly looked exhausted.

“Sweetie Belle!” she shouted full of excitement, partly because of what she had seen, and partly because of her current drunken phase.

Sweetie Belle went cold at her name call. She was afraid Rarity was going to have another go at her. She froze up, feeling tense. She gulped as her older sister walked over to her. She wore an obedient smile, but was it taunting her? Was it a sick ploy? She winced.

Rarity grabbed Sweetie Belle with her hooves, before bringing her in for a close hug. Her body touched and rubbed against her little sister’s as she felt the skin, and the fur, of Sweetie Belle. How could she have been so mean earlier? To lash out at her one and only sister? She had tremendous guilt, but she wasn’t the only one who required an apology. “Oh Sweetie, I’m so sorry,” she said.

Sweetie Belle blinked her eyes in response. She knew Rarity was drinking, so was the sudden affection only a result of that? She should have turned angry. She should have thrown Rarity away and stormed off. But she didn’t. She could smell the alcohol coming from Rarity, but she loved the hug she was being treated to. She knew it wasn’t the prime time to talk with Rarity. She broke apart from the hug, turning around and walking back into her room without a word. She shut the door slowly, not making a slamming noise.

“Did I... did that work?” Rarity asked herself. She tried to figure it out, but nothing came to her.

Pinkie Pie acted, placing her hoof on Rarity’s shoulder. She bit her lip with a certain grace. It looked like she was tempting Rarity with her looks alone, and the unicorn could see it. With a glimmer in her eyes, Pinkie Pie pulled Rarity with her towards the bedroom.

Rarity didn’t fight back. Entering her bedroom was a sight for her glorious eyes. Her giant bed was a calling to her.

She turned to Pinkie Pie. “Pinkie, I want to thank you again for tonight. I don’t know where I’d be right now if you hadn’t convinced me to go out with you.”

Pinkie Pie smiled brightly. But she wore something else in her eyes. Rarity couldn’t make it out, but it stood out.

“And... there’s something I want to say—mmph!”

Pinkie Pie cut Rarity off by leaning forward. She touched Rarity’s lips with her own.

Rarity initially stumbled a little backwards from the lip contact, but the first thought that flew through her was that she wanted it to happen. Her eyes lost control of their motor senses as they began to close, her lips putting more effort and energy into the passion she shared with Pinkie Pie. Pinkie’s lips were soft, wearing that same strawberry hint like the aroma she put on earlier. But it also tasted of alcohol and the many fruit varieties of cocktails she had earlier.

Pinkie Pie didn’t hold anything back. She let out what she thought into her kiss, pushing Rarity back with some force. Rarity fell back onto the bed, separating the pair temporarily. Pinkie Pie delved right back in, attacking Rarity’s lips with an onslaught of her own. She may have been drunk, but she wasn’t faking.

Rarity felt euphoric. The alcohol swam through her without trouble, its influence pushing her in the direction to kiss Pinkie Pie. Pinkie’s lips were so... succulent and sweet. Her hoof trailed around Pinkie Pie inadvertently, making itself welcome in the puffy cushion of the pink mane.

A sound was heard as something came out of the mane. The two mares halted putting any energy into the kiss, but they noticed the object. It was the purse that Pinkie kept in her mane. The party pony giggled while Rarity took care of it, picking it up and placing it on a bedside drawer.

They soon went back to their heated moment. Rarity felt her heart flutter as the fire rose within her. She couldn’t stop. She didn’t want to stop. The kissing came out of left field for Pinkie’s part, but she had an inkling that she would have done the same thing given the chance. She wanted to kiss Pinkie Pie, and until now, she never knew how much she did.

Rarity used a brief moment to apply some force, switching their positions, putting her on top. Pinkie Pie didn’t fight it, rather enjoying their little make out session. A mare she was perfectly happy to kiss was the one she was kissing currently. A pony that made her happy.

A big thought came to Rarity. Pinkie Pie meant a lot to her. One of her best friends, but also a pony she could rely on, or always be happy with. Whenever Pinkie Pie was around, she carried a wave of happiness, disguised in the presence of an aura. She loved it when Pinkie was around, and she always brightened her mood no matter the situation. That was the kind of mare, or pony, she had waited for most of her life. Pinkie was the missing piece of the puzzle.

Pinkie Pie... was perfect. The perfect mare for her. She knew it in her heart.

Rarity broke apart from the kiss. She witnessed Pinkie Pie fluttering the cute eyelashes of hers, as well as her sapphires. This was it to her. No more holding back. She was certain of what she wanted.

“Pinkie,” she said softly. A small part of her that she quickly pushed to the back of her brain was telling her to bail and stop. She looked directly into Pinkie Pie’s eyes, and with the confidence she forced herself to push out, and with the integrity of her position, she asked, “Will you be my marefriend?”

Author's Note:

Yes, that was TrenderMaud going on. It's something I feel myself liking the more I see or think about it. But the TrenderMaud going on isn't affecting anything here. It's not going to be expanded upon and it isn't filler. It was used to convey how these two felt towards each other.

A rather nice touch I think.

I also get the feeling that my drunk talk wasn't as good as it could have been. Got to practice this.