• Published 9th Jun 2014
  • 3,493 Views, 74 Comments

The Daydreamer's Nightmare - Foals Errand

Celestia is having a horrible recurring nightmare. She knows that this dream is ridiculous and irrational. She knows she can trust Luna, there must be someway to rid herself of the dream. There just has to be a way!

  • ...

Looking Back (Edit)

There were a precious few things that made Celestia happy. Now, this wasn’t to say that the smile she usually wore was fake; far from it, but it was a smile of contentedness. Few ponies had actually seen Celestia happy. Twilight often made Celestia happy with her inquisitiveness, and her dear niece, Cadance, made Celestia happy with her joyful attitude.

Celestia smiled as Luna searched diligently for a forgotten and hidden bookcase. Luna’s tongue was poked just slightly through her lips. She had promised Celestia that she had a rough idea where she had put the book they needed.

Happiness. The thing that made Celestia the most happy, more than Twilight or Cadance, was having Luna back. The real Luna whom she remembered. The Luna who was always looking to expand her knowledge, the Luna who hated the word ‘no’ and encouraged ponies to rework their ideas instead. If only ponies would have asked her. The Luna Celestia remembered loved the night sky, and would spend much of her waking hours designing ways to make it even more beautiful, only for her ears to fall when she realized no pony was awake to see it.

She clenched her teeth as her thoughts turned towards a thousand years ago, when she had joined her little sister as she decorated the night sky for the first few centuries. It was so beautiful, and each night Luna added something different. A new star, a meteor shower, once she had even created a rainbow that was only visible at night...

She’d always watch; a wing over Luna’s back, and an empty promise escaping her lips.

“Don’t worry Luna, they’ll see it next time.” I didn’t even vary what I said! Always the same promise. Next time the ponies will see; next time the ponies will be awake; next time they’ll give a damn about you! She looked at the dust covered floor, Then what happened, huh? Celestia, don’t you dare just blame the other ponies!

Celestia shut her eyes, trying to escape the truth to run away from it… again. She couldn’t, though. Not anymore. It had started slowly, such things, no, such betrayals always did. A missed night here and there, Luna would never notice, right? Just feign exhaustion after setting the sun, put a few spells on her bedroom door that would alert her to Luna’s presence, and she’d pretend to sleep. Pretend to ignore the gentleness of a blanket being placed over her and a soft nuzzle to her cheek. Pretend to ignore the soft voice in her ear...

Sweet dreams, Tia, I’ll protect you tonight.

Celestia cringed. One thousand years, no... More than one thousand years, yet she still remembered those words. Then, once Luna had left, Celestia would get back up and go back to whatever it was she had been doing. She’d see Luna at breakfast, she’d remind herself Luna doesn’t understand how stressful ruling the day is, while all that Luna has to worry about is the silent night.

So many times I could have fixed things! I could have given her duties that were normally part of the day! We could have split the paperwork, I could have sent more cases to her night court!

She hadn’t, the few missed nights soon turned into every night. Luna smiling at her during dinner, her eyes full of hope, asking Celestia to watch the night with her. Oh, the beauty she had planned! And what did you do? You didn’t care! Not once did you go to watch her night with her… N-not once.

Slowly Celestia had noticed a change in Luna. She stopped asking Celestia to join her every night, instead trying once a week, then once a month. Then one evening she simply stopped asking, altogether. Luna’s ears had been plastered to her head and she had looked up at Celestia a few times. She had even opened her mouth as if to say something, but thought better of it. Once dinner had concluded, Luna had simply left their private parlor, her ethereal tail tucked between her legs and her head pointed towards the ground. Celestia could have stopped her. She could have spoken up! She… she could have asked to watch the night with Luna. I could have been a big sister! I could have cared!

Celestia had dreams about that night, that was the night she saw as the beginning of the end. The dream always started the same way, with the same silent dinner, and Luna getting up to leave. If Celestia was lucky, it would be a good night and she could take control of her body. She’d ask Luna to come back, she’d ask if she could watch the night. Sometimes she’d invite Luna to join her for the day. One time, right before Luna had returned from the moon, Celestia had burst into tears and offered Luna anything not to leave. She’d even offered the day itself. Usually though, the dream would be a nightmare and Celestia would be stuck within her unmoving body, screaming and crying and fighting to get control. Fighting to tell Luna how much she loved her…

Fighting to tell her how sorry she was.

Celestia hated those dreams. She had never asked, and she never would, but she would always wonder if it had been like that for Luna, too. Screaming and crying until she was hoarse, trying to take back her body from Nightmare Moon? Had Luna been aware for her banishment? Was she tortured, or was she simply allowed to sleep? Sleep and dream of the good times? Celestia hoped it was the later. She feared it was the former.

She could remember the last time she had seen Luna smile. It had surprised Celestia to see Luna awake during the day. And to find she was requesting an appointment, just like a peasant? Celestia had only felt annoyance when the guards had announced her little sister.

“Presenting Her Royal Highness, Luna Nocturne: Diarch of the Night.”

Celestia watched as her little sister walked into the silent throne room. Many of the ponies within had never even seen the younger princess, some even believing her to be a myth. Yet here she was, smaller then Princess Celestia and with an imperfect coat. The night Princess had a blotched coat, not pure like the elder sister. Celestia could hear the whispers coming from the nobles, and she knew Luna could as well. Celestia watched Luna’s ears twitched in what she suspected to be irritation. After all, Luna’s hearing was as good as Celestia’s. Celestia watched to see if the whispers would cause Luna to stop or even turn around, yet it seemed her little sister was not to be deterred. Luna approached the throne, stopping ten feet in front of it and inclined her head in respect to Celestia. Celestia simply watched, not bothering to respond in kind.

“What is the matter, Princess Luna? We art very busy with court and thou should be asleep in yonder tower.”

Luna hesitated a moment, gathering her thoughts, then looked at her elder sister who was sitting proudly in her large gold throne, her multi-hued mane flowing in an invisible wind while Luna’s lay limply upon her neck. Her ear twitched as she heard another whisper, this time comparing their manes.

“Luna must be of dirty blood for her mane to exist as hair and not magic as Celestia’s.”

Luna withheld a snort… barely. “Good morrow to you, mine elder sister. Aye, we should be at rest, but we have a petition to present to you.”

Celestia restrained from lifting an eyebrow at the fact that her sister... no, her co-regent was approaching her as a peasant would. Hmm, this petition must be important to her. “Speak then, Princess Luna Nocturne.”

“As my dearest elder sister well knows, in a fortnight I shall be celebrating the time of my birth. And, as it is to be my coming of age, I would like to request a gala of celebration to take place upon the setting of the sun. May there be dancing, music and merriment to celebrate my becoming a mare. May our citizens celebrate their night diarch coming into her own!” Luna finished her petition with a nervous look, which marred her otherwise beautiful face.

Celestia kept her face neutral, but internally she was panicking. A fortnight? Luna’s date of birth is only a fortnight away? Do I not have anything special planned for mine sister’s wondrous coming of age? Slowly, to Celestia’s horror, she realized there was nothing planned. Yes, a gala! Celestia would handle it herself, she would plan everything, it would be perfect. The nobles would be there for Luna, show Luna love…

Like she always desires. Think, Celestia, when was the last time you spent any time with thy younger sister… I-it could not have been that long ago. It… it was the meteor shower! Luna had been so proud. We watched it together my wing upon her back how long ago was that oh harmony it couldn’t have been that long ago.

Slowly, the coldness of reality crept into Celestia’s mind.

It was five winters ago… Oh, no, no, I must be remembering wrong. Th-that must simply be the last large event. Yes, of course there have been other times, like break- No, I have been skipping breakfast to get to my duties earlier. Certainly there was supper! In fact, I know. The image of her sister miserably leaving the parlor flashed to the front of Celestia’s mind.

...Three winters, it has been three winters since I have seen mine sister. Mine sister! My closest friend! She is right. Not a one shows her love, not even me!

Celestia swallowed the lump in her throat as tears threatened to flow from her eyes in sobs. How she wished to spring from her accursed throne, to take Luna into into her embrace, to cry, to hold her, to apologize, to offer her anything to see her smile. Oh, Harmony, how long had it been since she had seen Luna smile! How she loved her smile and her laugh. How long…

Oh, Harmony! Oh, Sun and Moon, I cannot even remember the last time I heard her laugh! The Element of Laughter not laughing. How could I doubt her, the Element of Honesty… Celestia saw Luna begin to lose the little confidence she had as she listened to the quiet whispers from the nobles. How Celestia wished to dismiss them all to take the day off, to play in the garden with Luna...

Yes! That will be mine gift to her, I will finish all my work for the next month. A vacation. A full fortnight, just her and I, and we will rebuild our bond. If the ponies cannot see her as the goddess she is, even after this, then Luna and I will leave! Hold on Luna, just a little longer.

“Thy petition is just and fair, mine younger sister. The Eventide Gala will be held in one fortnight, upon the setting of the sun.”

Luna looked up, her blue eyes lighting up with hope and love as her lips wavered into a smile. Oh Sun, her smile... How could I have gone so long without seeing it? How was it I lived day to day… Oh, Luna.

“I thank you, mine elder sister. Good day to thee.” With a incline of her head, Luna turned and walked from the throne room, joy once again apparent in her movements.

Celestia allowed the smallest smile to grace her lips as she was already planning their vacation. “Send in the next petition!” She ordered to the guard manning the door. For the next several days Celestia focused her full attention on finishing her work and planning for the Eventide Gala. Often she would have paperwork and designs for Eventide side-by-side. It was going to be perfect. A gala for her beautiful little sister and a celebration of the night. She had even found several pegasi soldiers willing to do an acrobatic show in the night sky. The sky all over Equestria would be clear during the event. The invitations were being written and delivered as she crossed every item off of her checklist.

Let me see... I have the hall ready, it will be decorated with the colors of night and Luna’s cutie mark. The catering will include the finest of delicacies from all over Equestria, I have had Luna secretly fitted for a dress of utmost beauty. A quartet of musicians have been booked and already paid. Yes, everything is going to plan, now to compress mine meetings into the next week. At the end of the night, when she is full of good food and cheer, I will give her my gift! I will spend the entirety of the Eventide Gala by her side. I will… I will be a sister. With that final thought, a single tear rolled down her cheek. “Hold on Luna, it’s almost time.”

The night of the Eventide Gala Celestia waited at the top of the stairs for Luna to appear, Celestia’s gold regalia was shined to glimmer in the moonlight, but that was all she was wearing. This was Luna’s night; it was her time to shine. After a few moments of waiting she heard a small clearing of a throat. Celestia turned to see Luna standing next to her with a nervous smile on her lips. She was dressed in the beautiful gown Celestia had gotten commissioned. It was made from the finest of imported silks, much of it dyed black with strips of midnight blue and studded with the most pristine of diamonds. It truly appeared as if the night sky was wrapped around Luna’s very self.

“Thou startled me, little sister, you are growing better and more confident with using the night to move.” Celestia smiled proudly as Luna blushed at the compliment. “Do you like the gown I had made for your special night?”

Luna nodded a smile gracing her lips. “Aye, I found it hung up upon awakening an hour ago. I-is it a gift from thee?”

Celestia nodded. “It is, and I am thankful for thy praise. Forth this night you and I will be side by side.” She lifted a hoof and ran it through Luna’s silky blue hair “At some point this night thy hair will become magic itself signifying your becoming a mare I will not miss this moment for anything nor anypony.”

Luna beamed up at Celestia and nuzzled her head against her hoof. “I thank thee. We art ready to enter!”

Celestia nodded to the two guards standing outside the double-door entrance to the ball room. Their horns lit with their magic aura and the doors were opened to reveal the decorated hall.

Even before they entered the room Celestia’s heart had already begun to sink. The banners which decorated the hall were gold and red with Celestia’s cutie mark; not dark blue and silver with Luna’s.

She felt Luna pause. Please don’t leave, Luna. I’m sorry the decorations are wrong, please stay! Let me fix it, let me try. Celestia aimed her magic at the banners, transforming them to celebrate Luna and the night, and the golden table tops replaced with silver. A mural of dawn replaced with a beautiful starry night. “Honored guests, we art not certain why the decor of the Eventide Gala was so off, but we hath fixed it! Tis’ a celebration of our dear younger sister, the Diarch of the Night, Princess Luna! Join us in wishing her a happy coming of age!”

Celestia frowned at herself when the crowd stomped their hooves in applause which reached her sensitive ears, but smiled at Luna. “Why don’t you mingle with thy subjects while I get us some mead?”

Luna licked her lips at the thought of the sweet beverage and nodded eagerly before slowly walking up to a group of mares near her physical age.

Celestia went to the refreshments table to get the mead for the both of them in two beautiful goblets. “Princess Celestia, good evening to thee! May we speak with thee?” Celestia looked up to see a group of nobles, a rather large group, which seemed to be surrounding her.

“Aye, just promise to speak quickly, we have promised our sister to stay by her side the whole night.”

This was to be the worst mistake that Celestia had ever made, as the nobles began demanding answers to simple questions which they easily could have answered for themselves. Some questions being so foolish as to even be unanswerable, and each and every time Celestia tried to politely excuse herself they simply ignored her.

Unable to take it anymore, Celestia found a hole and pushed herself through, holding the now-warm goblets of mead in her magic. “Luna?” She called, her eyes scanning the crowd for any sign of her little sister’s dress or light blue mane. “Luna?!” she finally called, her heart sinking, unable to spot her anywhere in the hall. She quickly went to one of the guards, still hopefully holding the mead. “Sir guard, perchance dost thou knowest the current whereabouts of mine sister?”

The solar guard saluted Celestia. “Yes, Princess Celestia! Princess Luna left the hall at a full gallop some time ago.”

Celestia felt her throat clench. “H-how long ago, Sir guard?”

“‘Twas an hour or more ago, Your Majesty. ‘Twas the strangest thing, really; her mane seemed to be studded with stars.”

Celestia stared in shock. Stars... no, no! I could not have missed it! I swore to her, I swore! Th-they kept me from her! Again, they keep love from mine sister! The most loyal and honest pony! The most beautiful! Not anymore!

Celestia threw the two goblets at the ground in pure rage, her mane licking the air as wildly as flames. Startled from the smashing of broken china, the quartet stopped playing and the nobles turned to see their benevolent ruler glaring at them, her eyes a glowing white as flames danced upon her coat, her mane and tail white fire. “We have suffered from your cruel indifference for the final time! Thou have run our sister from her own celebration! Thou have kept us from staying by her side! Thou have ruined thy final chance, thou art dismissed, all of thee do not darken the door of this palace again. Now, all of you out, or thou will feel mine flame!

The terrified nobles raced for the doors, galloping away in pure fear, but the solar guards still stood stoically beside the door as Celestia turned and narrowed her eyes at them. Were we not clear, thou art dismissed! Any pony who is not mine sister who enters this palace will be exiled from Equestria, now LEAVE!

Celestia watched as her former guards raced away from the Day Princess, who was crackling with hate. Slowly she crossed the room and poured two more cups of mead, the flames slowly tapering out. After a few moments to compose herself, she slowly walked to the night tower. First thing, we’ll get rid of separate sleeping chambers. We shared a bed before, we shall do so again, holding mine sister in my embrace, smelling the sweet scent of the night itself in her mane. She glanced down to see Luna’s dress on the staircase, it had been ripped. Celestia hoped that Luna had done the ripping. Celestia stopped for a moment at the door to the Night Chamber before knocking. “Luna? It’s me, Tia. Allow me to enter? I have news!”

The door opened, and it was pitch black inside, but Celestia could see a lump curled up in Luna’s bed. “Luna, I have the mead for us. Won’t you come out?”

“Mead? Oh, thou fetched the mead. How wondrous. Thou may leave it on our table and depart.”

“Nay, Luna. I wish to spend time with thee! I am… I am so sorry, Luna, I love thee so much.” Celestia began to smile as the blankets jostled, hoping Luna would rise from them, they would drink some mead and Celestia could tell Luna the good news!

“Love? Dost thou love me truly?” The voice asked with a soft hiss.

The voice made Celestia’s fur stand on end. It was so... cold. It’s just part of her becoming a mare, you will get used to it. “Of course! Mine love for you is as eternal as our lives.”

A few moments passed as dark blue magic took hold of the goblet, then slammed it against the wall. A being rose from the covers, glaring with heavy lidded eyes at Celestia. “We hate thee.”

Those three words marked the end. Sure, it took several months until it culminated in that battle, but-

“Ah ha! I knew it was in one of my hiding spots!” Luna interrupted Celestia’s thoughts, setting a large blue book on the table in front of her.

“You’re sure this is the right book, Lulu?” Celestia asked, cocking her head at the mundane looking book in front of her.

Luna nodded her head, wiggling under Celestia’s large wing. “Mmmhmm I’m sure! Now let’s see... It was on page forty-two.” Luna quickly flipped to the correct page and glanced up at Celestia. “Are you really sure you want to do this, Tia? I’m certain there is another way. If you just give me a few hours to think it th-”

Luna’s words were stopped by a gentle hoof placed to her lips. “I told you already: I’m sure. There doesn’t seem to be much here, though, just a few lines of text.”

Luna nodded “Yes, I had hoped that if no pony could figure out what the spell was used for, they wouldn’t attempt it. Alright, now we need to be touching for this to work, so the embrace we are in is a good start. The most important thing is not to fight the spell; you have to be one-hundred percent willing.”

Celestia nodded, giving Luna a nuzzle as Luna’s horn began to glow. “Ab oculis meis, et a cogitationibus vestris. Disrumpitur vinculum nobis est passus adsurgere. Novas sedes est animus et divident. Cum cognoverint, ut revertantur.”

Celestia closed her eyes as she felt something pull at her chest, it paused, then wavered. No! I cannot allow that fear to stop this, I trust Luna! I love her, I am one-hundred percent willing! A heat filled her chest and forced her eyes open. Her mane was blowing as if she were traveling through a hurricane; something was trying to push her away from Luna. Celestia grunted and held her tighter. I am one-hundred percent certain!

Then, all went dark.

Author's Note:

From your eyes to mine, From my thoughts to yours. The bond which connects us, allow it to soar. Our souls shall part and find new homes. Only to return when they have learned.