• Published 9th Jun 2014
  • 3,493 Views, 74 Comments

The Daydreamer's Nightmare - Foals Errand

Celestia is having a horrible recurring nightmare. She knows that this dream is ridiculous and irrational. She knows she can trust Luna, there must be someway to rid herself of the dream. There just has to be a way!

  • ...

Celestia's Night

Celestia heard a moan as she came to. It was a soft moan, as if to complain about having to wake up early. This was not a moan of pain. She felt her eyes try to twitch open as she heard it again. There was something familiar about the moan she was hearing, she realized, as her mind woke up slowly from her impromptu nap. Let’s see, the voice is feminine, definitely that of a mare, and if I didn’t know any better, I’d think that I was the one-

Her eyes jolted open to see Celestia smiling gently at her, her head at an angle as to look Luna in the eyes. “Are you alright?”

“I-I, Luna?” She asked licking her lips, “Luna, is it really you?” She lifted her head from her forehooves slowly.

“Yes, ‘Tia, it’s me. You didn’t answer me, though; are you alright?”

Celestia considered the question for a few moments as she looked at her now dark blue fur. “I- yes... I’m alright, Lulu, just give me a few moments. Can you tell me exactly what that spell did? I’m really curious. I know it changed our bodies, obviously, but...” She shrugged, hoping that Luna would fill in the rest.

Luna smiled; it was odd for Celestia to see her little sister’s smile on her own muzzle. She blinked and stared. Luna’s mischievous smile had changed to the gentle one Celestia was known for. W-was that supposed to happen? A side effect of the spell, I guess…

“Of course, ‘Tia. I discovered this spell in an old book many ages ago... years even, before my fall to the Nightmare. It can only be used with two ponies who truly care for each other. It is meant to assist in healing the soul. Had you still hated or feared me, then I doubt the spell would have worked as well as it did.” Luna swallowed hard, “Or even at all.”

Celestia pushed herself up to a sitting position, the large wing draped around her back still forming a hug, just as it had been before she performed the spell. Though before the spell she had been the one forming the hug, she was content to be snuggled. “What do you mean?” Celestia had to admit that she felt more than a mild curiosity about this body switching spell. The large wing lifted from her back and she let out a small sigh under her breath. I hope Luna and I can hug each other more often.

She looked up at Luna who stood with her eyes closed, her multi-hued mane blowing softly in the solar wind. She folded her wings up against her barrel. Celestia felt her mouth turn dry at the sight before her, be she forced herself to stand beside her sibling. Though she felt shaky on her hooves, she pushed it back and opted to lay her head against Luna’s broad white chest, nuzzling it softly.

“‘Tia, what are you doing?” Luna asked with a soft chuckle.

“Don’t you know it’s the job of the older sibling to comfort the younger when she’s upset?” Celestia glanced up to look into Luna’s visible magenta eye.

“Then I should be the one comforting you, shouldn’t I, Luna?”

Celestia felt her heart pound within her chest. That’s right, this is real. For all intents and purposes, I am Luna. “Can you please tell me how the spell works, Luna?”

Luna grinned. “Maybe, if you call me ‘Tia,’ I’ll consider it. After all, little sister, think of how many ponies would be confused if little Luna called her big sister Celestia, ‘Luna.’”

Celestia considered as her tail flicked back and forth. Luna has a point, If either of us were to slip, it would be game over. Worse, they may believe that the Nightmare was back and had tricked me... Alright, Tia. From this moment on, until you are back in your own body, you are Luna. Not Celestia pretending to be Luna, just Luna.

‘Luna’ nodded up at her older sister. “You’re right, Lu-‘Tia. Now will you tell me how the spell works? Please?”

‘Celestia’ lifted an eyebrow in surprise. She hadn’t expected Ce-Luna to agree so quickly to calling her ‘Tia. ‘Tia really is one-hundred percent on board with this, isn’t she? She smiled at the thought, closing the large blue book with her right fore hoof. “The spell works by switching the very souls of the participants of the spell. However, this does not always include the caster. As I said earlier, Lulu.” ‘Celestia’ couldn’t help but sneak in the foal nickname ‘Tia had given her. Let’s see how well you like being called Lulu, Tia. “The participants have to care for each other. If the caster does not have any such feelings for the pony the spell is being used upon, his or her soul will not be touched by the switching magic.”

‘Luna’ chewed her lip. “So the only difference now is that we have switched our souls?” Her sister gave a simple nod. “B-but I have all my memories... Shouldn’t I have yours in tha-” She was interrupted by ‘Celestia’s’ joyful laugh.

“I’m sorry, Luna, I don’t mean to laugh like that.” She giggled a few more times before nuzzling ‘Luna’s’ small head. “That isn’t how memories work. Yes, if you were to search, in all likelihood you would be able to find many of my memories inside your brain. However, no pony has been able to figure out where we store the many many memories within the brain.” She considered cocking her head, “And that is simply because they are not willing to accept that the soul is a pony’s self; their love, their joy, their memories, and yes, even their hate and fear.”

‘Luna’ stood there looking down at her hooves, thinking about what she had just been told. Her ear twitched in mild irritation, but she could find no fault in what ‘Celestia’ was telling her. “I think I understand.” She looked up at Celestia’s concerned face with a nervous smile. “It makes sense, now that I think about it, Lu-Tia?”

‘Celestia’ nodded. “It’s alright, just try to keep the slip-ups minimal in occurrence.” She glanced out the window and saw that the sun was hanging just over the horizon. “The day is almost done. Are you ready for the night?”

‘Luna’ snorted; what a foolish question. She was the Princess of the Day. With how stress-filled it was on average, the night could be no worse.

‘Celestia’ looked at the younger in what one could almost call veiled sadness. “Very well, let’s return to Canterlot and I will set the sun.” She spread her large wings and leapt into the air.

‘Luna’ watched in awe as ‘Celestia’ soared into the sky, the setting sun dancing upon her white coat. She looks like a god… some majestic being who is simply gracing us with her presence. Is that how I appear to my ponies? Something bigger than life?

The observation caused the feeling of cold slag deep within her belly. She shook it off as well as she could before spreading her own wings and leaping after ‘Celestia,’ flapping to gain speed.

Okay, this feels odd, and yet at the same moment it feels exactly right. ‘Luna’ considered the fact that the sensation of feeling wrong was slowly beginning to leave her. She doubted she could have held onto it even if she had desired to. She was beginning to feel comfortable and right, and that feeling was growing by the second. She caught up with ‘Celestia,’ who was hovering in the air.

“How are you feeling?” she asked, concern evident in her tone.

‘Luna’ considered the question as she hovered next to ‘Celestia.’ When she had first woken up she had only felt uneasy to the point of almost being ill. That feeling had passed quickly, and now she felt… “I feel fine, Tia. I don’t know how else to explain it other than I feel comfortable and right.”

‘Celestia’ released the breath she hadn’t realized she was holding. “Good, I was worried that with us both being alicorns that the spell may not have been able to finish.”

‘Luna’ cocked her head. “Finish? You mean the fact that my soul is in your body wasn’t finished enough?”

‘Celestia’ considered the best way to explain what she meant from the spell finishing. I guess I should have mentioned how the spell has a delay effect... Oh, Tia, it’s been so long since I used this spell, I hope I’m remembering everything right.

“Well... to put it simply, Luna, there is the main process of the spell which is when our souls were gently removed and replaced. But that isn’t the end of the spell; it can’t be. The place where the soul resides in your body, it is easiest to compare it to a puzzle with a missing piece. For the soul to fit it has to match the open space in the puzzle, or no matter how much you turn it or push on it the soul will not fit correctly, so the spell has to carefully reshape our souls to fit where the missing piece should go. It takes several minutes to an hour for the spell to finish, so there are no mistakes and the souls are not damaged.”

‘Luna’s’ eyes widened in understanding. “So that feeling of comfort and, well, being in the right form, is from my soul being accepted as part of your puzzle?”

“Exactly, Luna!” ‘Celestia’ blinked as ‘Luna’s’ ears fell against her head. “What is it? What’s worrying you?”

“I was thinking, Tia, what would happen if the soul became too comfortable within its new puzzle?”

‘Celestia’ cocked her head in consideration as she looked at her little sister. Finally, she sighed. “Well, there isn’t much research that I know of, Luna. I found this spell in a book written even before Equestria itself was founded. I do know that it’s usually only used for a twenty-four hour period before the counter spell is used.” She nuzzled the dark blue figure hovering beside her. “You need not worry, ‘Tia… I promise the spell is safe.”

‘Luna’ nodded with a smile. “I trust you, Luna.” She glanced up at Canterlot. “We really need to get back there so you can set the sun. Are you ready?”

‘Celestia’ flexed her forelegs subconsciously. “Y-yeah, I’m ready, ‘Tia! I really am!” This is my chance to really help heal things between ‘Tia and myself. I’ll lower the sun now, and when it’s time I’ll bring the dawn! That should rid Tia of that horrible nightmare. After all, what reason would Nightmare Moon ever have to raise the sun?

‘Luna’ smiled. “I know you can do it. Just remember that after you’ve set the sun you need to go to bed and try to sleep.” ‘Luna’ seemed to gaze at nothing and everything at the same time. “For tonight, your night is my domain, little sister.”

With that said, both sisters flew back to Canterlot hoping that they had not been spotted leaving or coming home. It was quickly apparent, however, that even if they had been spotted, the Solar Guard was willing to ignore it since they had returned safely. Just an oddity of the two sisters bonding.

‘Celestia’ glanced over at ‘Luna’ as they stood on the balcony next to each other with a shaky smile. ‘Luna’ nodded her head gently and smiled. ‘Celestia’ folded her wings against her body and took a deep breath, then she slowly she lit up her horn, focusing her magic on cradling the sun. Once she was certain of her hold, she slowly moved her head until her horn was pressed against the stone floor of the balcony. She nervously closed her eyes for a moment before allowing her magic to fade.

“D-did I do it, Luna?”

“Well done, Tia.” ‘Luna’s’ soft voice whispered in her ear as she nuzzled her cheek. “My turn.”

‘Luna,’ unlike ‘Celestia,’ began with her horn pressed against the stone floor. Relax, ‘Tia. You aren’t Celestia, you are Luna. You aren’t taking the moon from Luna, you are Luna. Tonight, it’s your moon. Just breathe... This is right... breathe, just breathe.

‘Luna’s’ horn lit with her magic much as ‘Celestia's’ had, but while ‘Celestia’ had cradled the sun in a motherly embrace to put it to bed, the moon needed to be roused. Her magic built up under the moon, and with a rapid head movement the moon burst into the sky as if it had jumped up. ‘Luna’ surveyed the sky before opening her wings wide and giving a single powerful flap. Stars danced into the sky, twinkling merrily. She felt a wing draped upon her back.

“Wonderful job with the stars, Luna. The star-gazers will certainly appreciate them this fine night.”

‘Luna’ looked up to see Celestia gazing at the night. She swallowed the bitterness in her throat. I should be saying that, I should be out here every night with her, er, my wing around her back. We could stargaze together, just lay here on our backs like we did when we were fillies, and if some pony didn’t like it, well then buck them! I am not going to lose you again, not now, not ever!

‘Celestia’ tried to hide a small yawn but was unable to fool ‘Luna.’ “It’s time for you to go to bed, ‘Tia. Don’t be worried, I will be fine! Equestria will still be whole when you wake.”

‘Celestia’ laughed and gave ‘Luna’ a final nuzzle. “I think you are right. Yo-my body is very exhausted, day court must have been worse than you were willing to admit. Goodnight, baby sister.” Without another word, ‘Celestia’ headed for her sleep quarters.

‘Luna’ sighed, looking over the city as ponies started heading inside already, not a one of them glancing upwards at the beauty she had brought. “Good night, big Sis.”

After a few moments of watching the star filled night sky, ‘Luna’ sighed and turned to go inside. She watched as the yawning solar guards were being replaced with wide-awake thestrals. ‘Luna’ nodded her head to them as she walked past them. ‘Luna’ had never really been very close to the Lunar guard; they seemed to distrust her from the moment Luna had returned from the moon, but they seemed to be good ponies and very devout to her sister. Well, to me, at least for tonight, maybe I can get them to open up about why they distrust me. It’s worth a shot.

A tall mare approached ‘Luna’ and saluted. She was dressed in the normal Lunar Guard armor except that her helmet with was silver, rather than the normal lavender. ‘Luna’ blinked. This was an important guard, but for the life of her she couldn’t remember why.

Captain of guard… Night Blade…

‘Luna’ cocked her head. Where did that come from?

“Princess Luna, are you alright? You appear very distracted, my liege.”

‘Luna’ shook her head, clearing it. “I apologize, Captain. My mind was elsewhere.” She gave what she hoped was a reassuring smile. The mare looked uncertain but gave a nod.

“Of course, my liege. We should proceed to the throne room post-haste, Night Court is due to begin within the next five minutes.” She began walking quickly towards the throne room, which had been transformed to fit the night court. Celestia’s cutie mark and gold color had vanished to be replaced with the crescent moon and dark blue of Luna’s night. ‘Luna’ followed behind pausing in front of the double doors. Alright, so you’ve never seen how the Night Court operates... It can’t be much different than how the Day court does… can it?

“Her Highness, Princess Luna, Diarch of the Night, approaches!”

‘Luna’ was startled at the announcement and calmed her heart upon noticing the crier, who had announced her presence to the mostly empty throne room. Huh… I would have thought there would be more ponies here... At very least Luna’s personal assistant should be here, ready to assist.

No assistant.

‘Luna’ paused mid-step. There was that voice again. Maybe it’s Luna’s brain. She said if I searched I’d be able to locate some of her memories… yes, that must be it. She sat upon the large throne and frowned. Luna really should have her own throne, I feel like a filly playing pretend sitting in this thing... ‘Luna’ nodded towards her guard captain once she was settled.

Night Blade spread her wings. “All ponies having business before this the illustrious court of her Highness, Princess Luna, Diarch of the Night, step forward and be heard!”

‘Luna’ watched the double doors and waited for the ponies to enter.

‘Luna’ had been sitting straight, waiting for a pony seeking a petition for at least an hour. She let out a almost inaudible sigh. How long of a waiting list do I have for the Day Court? There have been ponies waiting for weeks! Why have I never sent any of them to Luna’s Night Court? What is wrong with me!

Fear, distrust...

‘Luna’ froze, there was that voice again. She had been certain it had in fact been Luna’s mind whispering to her, but this? Is that really what Luna thinks? That I don’t send ponies to her because I fear or distrust her? She shifted, trying not to look uncomfortable. Once we switch back I am having a new throne built for Luna my poor sister, having to sit in mine all the time. This is a diarchy, not a monarchy!

“Are there any scheduled petitions for tonight?” ‘Luna’ asked. After a few moments the unicorn stenographer’s head had begun listing. She jolted up and lifted a large book within her aura.

“I’m afraid not, Your Highness.”

“Ahem, Your Highness.” A very neatly groomed and dressed unicorn stepped forward. “I beg your indulgence over my tardiness. I would wish to petition, Your Highness.”

‘Luna’ sat up straighter, keeping her face neutral, but inside she was eager to see what type of petitions Luna saw. “Of course, step forward and introduce yourself?

The unicorn stopped ten feet in front of the throne and bowed. “I am the Barron Hightower, Your Highness.”

‘Luna’ nodded. “You may rise and state your petition, Barron.”

He did so and cleared his throat. “I do not know whether you are aware of certain… interests… who are attempting to mine in the vicinity of Clearwater Lake. Frankly the damage done by conventional mining can be catastrophic to their surrounding environments. While it would be simple to ask for an injunction against this operation, it misses the underlying point that this will not be the last such ill-advised venture of this type. Further, imagine if we had to rely on being able to petition Princess Celestia’s court. Though I am certain she would see the gravity of these situations, Her Highness’s calendar is backed up for weeks! Too long for expedient action, I am afraid.”

‘Luna’ frowned, much of his petition so far had been an excuse about why he had not petitioned the Day court. These are the cases Luna gets? Oh Luna… I’m so very sorry, I will fix this!

Too late… to fix.

“Therefore, I petition Your Highness to establish a commission to evaluate and vet mining activities in Equestria.”

Is he serious? He is! How dare he! “Forgive me, Baron High Tower, but have you discussed any of this with my co-regent?”

“As I have mentioned; your serene Highness, Princess Celestia’s docket is…”

‘Luna’ held up a hoof. “Forgive me, I did not request you to repeat yourself. I simply was curious if you had discussed any part with my Sister, such as the mining certification? Stenographer, can you get me the records to this mining project?”

“Certainly, Your Highness.”

“Forgive me, Your Highness,” Hightower offered. “I did not mean to be obtuse. The truth is that I personally have not spoken of this to Her Highness.”

‘Luna’ nodded once, showing she was still listening as she took the several scrolls within her magical aura, and to her horror saw every scroll had been signed off by Princess Luna. ‘Luna’ blanched. Okay, ‘Tia, stay calm. It can’t be as bad as it looks. She signed off on the mining company, the permission to purchase the land from the original owners at 25% of what it was worth. Everything was signed by Luna! Breath, just breath! Read through what it says.

‘Luna’ carefully looked over the way each contract was written. She felt a migraine coming on. Alright, Luna. I’m not angry, these contracts were written in such a way. If only we were awake together more… if I had just sat down with Luna and asked her about her court. Alright, ‘Tia, you have two choices. One: you could declare Luna not in her right mind and everything she signed would be rendered moot, but if I do that it’ll take years to get her reinstated as my co-regent. Option two: I take the power back. These ponies, whether working together or separately, they’ve taken five, six-two percent of the crown’s power from us in the last two years.

Trust… no trust…

Yes, trust! I will always trust Luna! I will fix this! ‘Luna’ turned back to the baron. “I grant your petition. However, you will make an appointment with my elder sister and she will choose the ponies that will make up the committee.”

The stallion sputtered for a moment, then swallowed hard and bowed. “Of course, Your Highness. Thank you.” He walked out with far less swagger then he had displayed upon entering.

‘Luna’ rubbed under her horn. “Captain, are there any other ponies waiting or nearby who may wish for an audience?”

Captain Night Blade took a look outside before shaking her head. “No, my liege, there is no pony other than the cleaning staff.”

‘Luna’ nodded. One petitioner who was trying to swindle power from the crown... Not only was he trying to swindle power, he was succeeding! That has me very worried.


“Stenographer? Please see that every file that has been completed during the night court is sent to my office. I’d like to look them over.”

The unicorn blinked. “Your office, my liege? I was not aware that you had one.”

Luna doesn’t have an office? Why doesn’t Luna have an office? I mean, where does she do her… paper… wor… right, what paperwork? I do it all myself.

Everything… trust.

“Princess Celestia’s office, I mean, she is letting me use her’s while my own office is being set up. A few weeks at most.”

The stenographer nodded after a few moments of consideration. “They will be there waiting for you, Princess.”

“And with that I declare Night Court closed. If anypony needs me I will be in Celestia’s office.” ‘Luna’ got up from the throne as her guards bowed. She trotted out into the hallway and took a deep breath. Oh, Luna…

No trust… again…

‘Luna’s’ ear twitched. It was that voice again, it kept whispering doubts to her. I thought it was Luna’s mind, though now I am unsure. She set her muzzle; she would get to the bottom of this.

The door to Celestia’s office was opened by one of the guards--‘Luna’ wasn’t sure which one--and winced mentally. She was certain that if he had been a solar guard, not only would she have known his name but whether or not he was married or had foals. It hurt how distant she felt to Luna’s guard. ‘Luna’ nodded her head to him and sat behind Celestia’s desk. She had to add a few more cushions but eventually she was both comfortable and able to see the paperwork she needed to get to. ‘Luna’ cracked her neck. Alright, ‘Tia, let’s see just how bad Luna is being played...

As ‘Luna’ looked through the scrolls the news got worse and worse. After a few hours she placed her head in her hooves and let out such an ancient curse that a translation did not exist for it. Twenty-four point three-two percent! They have tricked Luna over two years to give them twenty-four point three-two percent of the Crown’s power. This is a Nightmare!

Nightmare… is it?

‘Luna’ felt her fur stand on end. That voice again, she was certain now that it was not Luna’s mind; it sounded too cold, far too cold. She had to know who was speaking to her. Luna had explained how she entered the dreamscape when they were both fillies. While Celestia was able to do it she was nowhere near as gifted at it as Luna. This time though, she was Luna, and she was going to get to the bottom of this.

After a moment’s hesitation ‘Luna’ spread the cushions on the floor and got comfortable. She closed her eyes and slowed her breathing until she felt almost weightless. Her eyelids twitched once or twice but she ignored them. Finally, her eyes opened on their own accord, glowing a pure white.

Celestia blinked as she looked around. All around her was a great expanse of the black starry sky. “Where am I? Why does this place look so familiar?”

Well, well, well... it seems I was correct; you aren’t dear wittle Woona. I thought you were doing too well at guarding yourself from me, but then again, you always were the stronger sister weren’t you, Celestia Invictus?

Celestia narrowed her eyes, searching for where the voice was coming from. She trotted towards the direction she thought she had heard the chilling voice. Her hooves kicked up a white dust cloud as she increased speed until she was galloping.

Well, I should have known it would not take you long to find me, Celestia. You are much smarter than Woona, after all.

Celestia swallowed hard at the image before her. A tall jet-black alicorn lay comfortably on the ground. A dark blue helm was set next to her, as she seemed to be asleep. Celestia took a hesitant, and she hated to admit, shaky step forward. At the sound of her hoof on the ground, the black alicorn’s eye snapped open, revealing reptilian slits. She stretched and let out a yawn, exposing a mouth of sharp teeth.

Well hello, Sister. It has been some time since we’ve seen you in the flesh. She smiled, looking around the dust covered landscape and shrugged. Such as it is, that is. So sister, what are you doing here in my prison? I didn’t realize my jailer allowed visitation.

Celestia set her muzzle, not certain how this could be happening. “I am not your sister, Nightmare Moon, you stole Luna from me!”

Nightmare Moon got to her hooves and cracked her neck. There, that is a bit better... not so stiff. She took a step towards Celestia with a grin. Took Woona from you? Is that what she has been telling you, Celestia? Is it really? Huh, my jailer is scared, weak, and a liar.

Celestia held her position and struggled to keep her shaking hidden. “I know who you are, Nightmare Moon. You took Luna when she was weak!”

Celestia’s ears fell as the Nightmare began to laugh as if she had just heard the funniest joke ever. As Nightmare took a step forward, there was the sound of metal rattling. Celestia blanched, seeing that Nightmare was chained by her left hind leg to the very ground. “This is the moon, isn’t it?”

Nightmare snorted. How very observant of you, Celestia! Well, yes and no. This is wittle Woona’s mind. Looks alot like the moon, doesn’t it? Oh… Oh my, she never told you, did she?

“Told me? Told me what, Nightmare?” Celestia felt a chill even though there was no sign of a breeze.

I never stole wittle Woona, Celestia. I am Luna, and I’ll always be here. She licked the tip of Celestia’s nose and laughed.

“Princess Luna? Princess Luna, your sister sent us to find you!”

‘Luna’ groaned as she opened her eyes to see Silverbelle of the Solar Guard standing over her. “Find me, whatever for?”

The mare hesitated but gulped. “Well, Princess, y-you are ten minutes late lowering the moon. The whole guard is looking for you.”

Late! I’m late lowering the moon? Ugh, I can only imagine what Luna is thinking… That vision... What was that I needed to figure it out? Maybe sleep will help… Yes, sleep. “Is my sister in our normal place?”

“Yes, Your Highness, but I believe she is getting worried!” The unicorn back-pedaled quickly. “I mean, about you n-not about lowering the moon!”

“I understood what you meant.” With a final glance at the terrified mare, ‘Luna’ allowed herself a snort. “Well, come on, let us go to my sister so that I may perform my final duty this night.”

If this is how the guard still treats Luna…

Author's Note:

Next is Luna's day.